ADV5415 Midterm

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The Androgyny makes the behaviors of marketing targets less obvious in the Latino market. Explain / give an example

-Androgyny is the degree to which humans manifest some degree of masculinity and femininity at the same time. -Machismo and Marianismo- tend to exhibit both highly masculine and feminine behaviors -Ex: JC Penny "Soccer is for Girls" Campaign Case Study 6.3 pg 273 -Targeted 18-45 Hispanic females -Piggybacking off of 2014 World Cup -Success where 46% of vievers were Latina -Shows Latina women taking soccer very seriously, demonstrating both feminine and masculine characteristics

Why should you keep 'gender' aspect in mind while calculating subjective culture insights?

-Because of the complexity of androgyny, cannot automatically assume who is the decision maker of the household -Marketers need to understand the the dynamics of male and female relationships within the cultural context and not base judgements off of their own cultures -Traditional roles are ever-evolving, ex: more women are entering the workforce and attaining higher education

What is the difference between biculturalism and assimilation?

-Biculturalism: These consumers combine their cultural repertoires to different degrees; most frequently endorsed by Hispanics; blend of two cultures -Assimilation: abandoning one's first culture in favor of another

Hofstede's cultural values shared by Hispanics

-Collectivism -Masculinity -Power Distance -Uncertainty Avoidance -Short-term orientation -Indulgence

What implications can marketers have about the Latino essence of the Hispanics?

-Consider the Hispanic market in the US is an influential and desirable market because of its magnitude, buying power, geographic concentration, and common worldview. -Explore the subjectivity of the intangible aspects of the Hispanic culture. -Analyze your Hispanic target market from a culture graphic perspective.

Issues with Translations

-Cultural and linguistic literacy is not a priority in business school or most schools for that matter. -Translators typically look for close word equivalents, however equivalence is also subjective. Translation is likely to result in messages that resemble the original but the margin of variation is quite ample. -Example: Agreeable in English should be translated to something like "estar de acuerdo" but is usually translated as "agradable" which actually means pleasant.

Demographic Segmentation

-Demographic segmentation is market segmentation according to age, race, religion, gender, family size, ethnicity, income, and education. - Demographics can be segmented into several markets to help an organization target its consumers more accurately.

Time Perception: Polychronic vs. Monochronic

-Different perceptions of time affect more than just time orientations. It may affect the way we see the world around us and how we process information. - Polychronic: tend to handle multiple tasks at one time; tend not to be on time because they are more concerned with doing multiple things like attending multiple events - Monochronic: are more likely to manage tasks linearly, one thing at a time; emphasize punctuality in their quest to organize their obligations in a sequence.

Linear Segmentation

-Dividing the Hispanics into categories like Spanish-dominant, transitional and English-dominant. -This oversimplified perspective has been widely used and marketers have assumed that all those in one of the larger categories show very similar behaviors, without further exploring the nuances that may differentiate the subgroups.

What is the difference between enculturation, acculturation and assimilation?

-Enculturation: learning of a first culture; depth of enculturation affects how immigrants adjust to the second culture; difficult to erase -Acculturation: process of adopting cultural traits from another group and adding it to yours; happens at varying degrees and within timeframes -Assimilation: replacing your cultural traits with another's

Femininity vs. Masculinity

-Femininity: Emphasizes relationships, concern for others, and quality of life -Masculinity: Focuses on wealth, success, and competition; Most Hispanic countries; example- women in the kitchen and men at the head of the table

Types of Qualitative Research

-Focus Groups -Mini Groups -Dyads and Triads -Ethnographies -In-depth one on one interviews (best for understanding deep emotions and ideas that take a long time to express and understand) -Participant Observation -Immersion

Uncertainty Avoidance

-Hispanic communities tend to have high levels of uncertainty avoidance and thus prefer to be part of a society with strong traditional norms and customs that reduce the amount of uncertainty. -Not big risk takers (like migrating unless they know someone)

Examples of New Hispanic Trends in the Media

-Hispanics more likely to go to the movies than anyone else -Hispanics are early adopters and are most likely to buy new technology such as 3D TVs


-How groups and individuals orient themselves to and deal with this process of culture and change is considered acculturation. - Learning and taking certain aspects of another group's culture as well as your own

Individualism vs. Collectivism

-Individualism: "I" before "WE"; Driven by one's own values and beliefs; Praised by non-Hispanic Anglo Americans -Collectivism: "WE" before "I"; Driven by social norms, duties, and obligations; Emphasis on Harmonious relationships; Hispanic countries

On what basis can we identify Latinos?

-Label choice as equivalent of identity: Hispanics may identify themselves as Hispanics because of the person asking, the purpose of the question, or the context -Based on emotional attachments: to what degree do you feel an emotional attachment? (me for not being born in PR) -Based on reference group:Reference groups such as leaders, friends, coworkers, etc that may potentially play a key influential role in the consumer decision process need to be identified.

Latino Magnitude

Latino growth has exceeded the expectations of most observers and analysts. There are now about 55 million Hispanics in the US, and those numbers do not even include the Hispanics who live in the US without official documentation. It is estimated that approximately 8.3 million undocumented Hispanics were living in the US by 2011, which would increase the total number of Hispanics in the US above 50 million. These numbers justify any marketing efforts directed to Hispanics.

Monomorphic Leadership

Leaders that specialize on one thing

Mini Groups

Like focus groups, are also design to obtain ideas, insights, "red flags," understand consumer language, perspectives, etc.

Explain 3 reasons why you think the Latinos are a targetable market?

Magnitude Buying Power Geographic Concentration

Give few examples of approaches used to collect data for Hispanic studies

Mail Door-to-Door Telephone Intercepts Online research Mobile text message Geoscape Data mining


Focuses on pleasure vs restraint. Hispanic countries' level of indulgence is regularly higher than levels in the U.S. and Hispanics prefer to indulge in enjoyment and fun.

Geographic Concentration

Geographic concentration is one more of the elements that have made Hispanics a very identifiable and reachable market. California and Texas contain more than 50% of all US Hispanics. Other areas are the metropolitan areas such as New York, Miami, and Chicago. There has been a dispersion toward the center of the country and away from the coasts and southern board, but heavy concentration in specific are likely to persist.

Buying Power

The purchasing power of U.S. Hispanics in 2013 is just under $1.2 trillion. It is estimated that by 2018 the purchasing power of US Hispanics will be $1.6 trillion. These numbers bear out that the spending power of US Hispanics compared with Latin Americans is outstandingly high. This happens because many Hispanics better their standard of living by moving to the United States

Consumer Insights

an interpretation of trends in human behaviors which aims to increase effectiveness of a product or service for the consumer, as well as increase sales for mutual benefit

Polymorphic Leadership

leaders should know about a lot of things


learning of the first culture (learning your own group's culture)


-A brand name is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. -Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand. It is the process of giving a meaning to a specific products by creating and shaping a brand in consumers' minds. It is a strategy designed by companies to help people to quickly identify their products and organization and give them a reason to choose their products over the competition's by clarifying what this particular brand is and is not. -The objective is to attract and retain loyal customers by delivering a product that is always aligned with what the brand promises.

What is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

-A hypothesis by Edward Sapir in 1929 and subsequently developed by Benjamin Whorf, that the structure of a language determines a native speaker's perception and categorization of experience

Acculturation Segmentation

-Acculturating depends on the attitudes of the person, time spent in the host country, and the amount of interaction within the community. -Hispanic Dominant -Bicultural -Assimilated -New Identity

What does Korzenny mean by 'All marketing is Cultural'?

-All consumer behavior is culturally influenced -Example so when they target women with children, they are really addressing a subculture in the US. When they address young people, they are addressing another culture within a culture. When they target middle class homeowners they are not just addressing a demographic they are addressing a culture.

High context vs. Low Context

-Low context: explicit language systems, meanings of words do not depend on the situation. (UK or Germany) -High context (Hispanics): implicit information based on verbal and nonverbal codes that are highly difficult for out-groups to configure. Adding -ito as an ending has more meaning.

How can we segment Hispanics?

-Market segmentation: consumers with common needs or desires -Acculturation segmentation: hispanic dominant, bicultural, assimilated, new identity -Acculturation Segmentation by Life Stage: acculturation with a life stage break down -Two-dimensional Segmentation (cultural affinity by worldview): Spanish to Anglo and Liberal to Conservative dimensions

Define the labels used to identify Hispanics

-Mexican American (Mexicans who also feel American; living in the states probably with citizenship) -Chicano (U.S. citizen of Mexican descent) -New Yoricans (Puerto Rican descendents in NY) -Boricua (Puerto Rican descendent) -Tejano (Mexican American in Texas) -Hisapanic: Spanish speaker of Latin American/Spanish descent -Latino: Descendent of Latin America

How was the Hispanic Industry born?

-Newspaper(El Mississippi in New Orleans)(1800) -Radio (1920s) (Los Madrugadores in California; early morning time slot) -Television (1950s) (KWEX in Texas) - Marketing (Zubi Advertising Agency in Miami in 1976)


-One of the possible outcomes of the acculturation process when individuals do not feel an attachment to their original culture and attribute strong value to the host culture. - Trying to replace the old one culture (yours) with the new one

Hispanics are polychronic

-Polychronism is the nonlinear use of time or doing multiple activities simultaneously as opposed to doing one thing at a time. -Latino consumers expect that the customer service should be polychronic, which means that the customer service rep should be able to handle many tasks and topics at the same time.

Power Distance

-Power distance levels are high across Latin American countries, which indicated that power, opportunity and wealth are difficult to obtain. -"the extent to which less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally"

Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance

-Power distance relates to the amount of inequity that exists between people in a given society accentuating larger differences among social classes -Low levels of power distance indicate that people within that society minimize the differences between citizens rank or status within communities due to power and wealth -Hispanics have a high power distance and the UK and Switzerland have a low power distance -Hispanics have a high Uncertainty Avoidance and the UK and Sweden have a low Uncertainty Avoidance

Research: Quantitative vs Qualitative

-Quantitative: Used to test hypotheses and obtain data that can be generalized to target populations. Can take the form of surveys in multiple modes of administration. -Qualitative:Conducted when the marketer needs to obtain in-depth insights and hypotheses about the nature of the consumer. Aims to answer the question why?


-Represent ranges within dimensions that characterizes culture -We call these molds which shape the way in which members of a culture look at the world "archetypes" - "Genre you assign to your brand, based on symbolism; idea is to anchor your brand with something iconic (something people already have embedded in their brain) - They can be general or universal -Can vary depending on cultural manifestations

Social Influence

-The key to social influence is Identification -Identification is the process by which an individual emulates the thinking patterns, feelings, and actions of another individual who is the model -Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory: learning through observation and modeling. He found that models that are similar to the observer and those models that have aspirational status are more likely to be emulated.

How can we make a Latino focus group work better?

-The moderator/facilitator/cultural interpreter: A facilitative style(style that allows the group to flourish and produce rich insights and information) can be more productive when conducting a group discussion in Hispanics. -Language Considerations: Marketers should not mix levels of language proficiency because the lack of homogeneity may hinder communication. Respondents should have many things in common, such as language ability and preference -Mixing men and women: It depends on the investigation. Understanding the interaction between men and women can be more important than the fears of male domination and so forth -Where to conduct focus groups:Anything that can be done to make the respondents feel at home will result in better research experience. Sometimes it can be in the home of consumers, and other times in professional facilities. -Recruiting participants: Establishing good rapport and trust is fundamental. -Interpreting for observers:Backroom translators or interpreters are a very important element of focus groups conducted in Spanish.

What is the "New Hispanic Identity"?

-The process of culture shock, personal characteristics and experiences that make Latinos in the US different from those in Latin America. -There is now pride associated with being Latino in the US

Competitive Advantage

A condition or circumstance that puts a company in a favorable or superior business position by offering consumers greater value, either by means of lowering prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifies higher prices.

What is positioning?

-To successfully position brands in the US Hispanic Market you must tap into the emotional benefits -Positioning is meant to give products a competitive advantage

What is a touchpoint approach?

-Touchpoint approach: Packaging and product adaptation - Brands leave their mark in different places, channels, and contexts. These constitute the points of touch or contact. The Hispanic marketing industry in the US has grown and evolved in ways that were not anticipated just a few years ago. The industry has several interrelated components in helping brands create points of touch or contact with Hispanics

Most Common Quantitative Studies Done with Hispanics

-Usage and Attitude -Awareness, Usage, and Attitude -Includes product and advertising awareness -Understanding where a product stands compared to competitors -Tracking -Concentrates on following consumer behavior overtime to find changes in awareness, attitudes and purchase -Evaluates the effectiveness of a marketing program

Impact of Cultural Values

-Values: deeper internal guides that mediate between the person and the world and emerge in the social context. -Values guide the evaluation and choice of behaviors and have a hierarchy in people's minds -Think of Hofstede's cultural values: -Individualism vs. Collectivism -Masculinity vs. Femininity -High vs. Low Power Distance -Uncertainty Avoidance -Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation -Indulgence Vs. Restraint. -Values change as people confront a new culture


-a subset of multiculturalism, is the individual's new identity. -Elements of both cultures start to blend, so that a new identity develops that is different from the original cultures.


-the degree to which individuals who engage in communication perceive they share common attitudes, values, aspirations, and beliefs (tendency of people to have non-negative ties with people who are similar in significant ways) -It tends to perpetuate a culture over time until the network opens up to other groups.


-the family and the group are more important than the individual for the Hispanics. -Put the "we" before the "I"


Consumers who have largely forgotten their Hispanic roots.


Countries that are high on masculinity have an emphasis on values such as success, competition and wealth. Most hispanic countries rank high in Masculinity. Males dominate a significant portion of the society.


Ethnographic interviews are commonly used by anthropologists, and consist of observing and recording aspects of everyday life as they occur, including the symbolic interaction that takes place among humans

Short term orientation

Hispanic societies expect immediate rewards from their work and they lack long-term commitment. The view that destiny is controlled by God drive Hispanics to enjoy life in the moment because they believe the future is not in their hands.

Hispanic time perception

Hispanics are less likely to concentrate on being on time, as they try to tend to multiple events.

Hispanic Dominant

Hispanics who are culturally and linguistically defined by their Hispanic origin

What are the implications of Geographic dispersion of the Hispanics?

In the last 15 years, Hispanics' geographic dispersion have opened new targetable markets in new areas. Geographic Concentration Along the coast/southern border: California, Texas, Florida, New York


Involve two individuals or units regarded as a pair. Dyads are used when we believe that we should benefit from the synergy of a conversation and discussion.

What do you think about the implications of homogeneity and diversity of the Hispanics?

Recognize that despite differences among Hispanics, there is a significant core of homogeneity within the heterogeneity of Hispanic consumers. Latinos and Hispanics' share similar core values, beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions. Cultures overlap and diffuse but no two cultures are identical, when marketing treat them each as their own identity.

Multi-Dimensional Segmentation

The variables are grouped separately -Example: general market versus organics low or high respondance to media usage; tv, radio, website, etc.


These consumers combine their cultural repertoires to different degrees, LARGEST acculturation segment

New Identity

These individuals' identity is forged by the influence of being Latino in the US rather than by being traditionally Latino or Anglo oriented. * Bicultural in a different way.

Cultural Segmentation

Understanding consumer behavior in the context of social traditions, attitudes and behaviors embedded in the community to which they belong.

Geographic Segmentation

When a business divides its market on the basis of geography. Such as by city, county, state, region, (like the West Coast), country, or international region, (like Asia).


a concept or idea that elicits desired responses about a brand or product from customers when communicated

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