Advance -Workflow Analyzer

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Certain activity packages such as Excel, Mail, Testing, UI Automation and UI Automation Next will come with their own workflow analyzer rules. These rules will get added automatically when your workflow uses any of these activity packages. A: TRUE B: FALSE


Running workflow analysis is a two step process. The Analyzer runs workflow validation first, and only after it passes, it analyzes the workflow. A: TRUE B: FALSE


As a part of governance policies, organizations can enforce custom rules pertaining to their needs across all projects, in a centralized manner using one of the two ways: A: UiPath Automation Ops: A web-based application available in Automation Cloud, used to create and deploy governance policies. B: File-based Governance: Create a JSON policy file and deploy the file locally, externally, or through Orchestrator.


Select True: A: "Enforce analyzer before run" checks for all the rules with Error action. It allows execution of the workflow only if no errors are found. B: "Enforce analyzer before publish" checks for all the enabled rules regardless of their action and allows publishing only if there are no rule violations with the action Error. C: Both of these options can be enabled by accessing Home > Settings > Design. D: "Enforce analyzer before run" checks for all the enabled rules regardless of their action. It allows execution of the workflow only if no errors are found.


Using the Workflow Analyzer, you can: A: Edit, disable and enable rules from Studio. B: Run validation or validation and analysis at file or project level. C: Manage errors and warnings in the Error List panel. D: Build custom rules using the UiPath.Activities.Api package. E: Integrate workflow analysis with prebuilt and/or custom rules in CI/CD pipeline configurations.


Depending on how the Analyzer is enforced, it checks against the rules and the workflow or the project cannot be run or published if any of the rules have action: A: Info B: Warning C: Error D: Verbose


UiPath.Studio.CommandLine.exe is available in the installation folder: A: For the Windows Installer (.msi) version of Studio, the default path is %LocalAppData%\UiPath\[Studio_version]\ B: For Studio installed using the Community Edition installer (.exe), the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\. UiPath.Studio.CommandLine.exe is available in the installation folder: C: For the Windows Installer (.msi) version of Studio, the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Studio\ D: For Studio installed using the Community Edition installer (.exe), the default path is %LocalAppData%\UiPath\[Studio_version]\.


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