Advertising Test CHAPTER 8

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According to creativity consultant Roger von Oech, the _____ role in the creative process is to experiment and play with a variety of approaches, looking for an original idea. A. Artist B. Judge C. Warrior D. Explorer E. Researcher


According to creativity consultant Roger von Oech, which role in the creative process has to overcome excuses, idea killers, setbacks, and obstacles to bring a creative concept to realization?A. Warrior B. Judge C. Artist D. Explorer E. Evaluator


An ad encouraging golfers to subscribe to Golf Magazine has the following headline: "Play at the Top of Your Game." In this example, the creative message of the ad was used to A. persuade consumers to subscribe to Golf Magazine B. inform readers that Golf Magazine is available through subscriptions. C. persuade customers to buy multiple copies of Golf Magazine. D. persuade retailers to carry Golf Magazine. E. remind customers that Golf Magazine is the best-selling golf magazine available.


An ad for Asian Sensations' newest product line of snack foods encourages readers to "Thai something new." In this example, word play is used to A. persuade consumers to try an Asian Sensations snack. B. inform customers that Asian Sensations sells nutritious snacks. C. persuade customers to check the website of Asian Sensations. D. persuade retailers to carry more Asian Sensations snack foods. E. remind customers that Asian Sensations has been reformulated.


Another name for a creative strategy is a A. copy platform. B. benefit strategy. C. creative action plan. D. communication strategy. E. marketing support statement.


If negatively originated motives provide the basis for product purchase, then _____ ads will more than likely resonate with the audience. A. informational B. transactional C. psychological D. transformational E. charismatic


In the final step of the creative process, the _____ carries the concept into action. A. Warrior B. Implementer C. Artist D. Judge E. Opponent


One way that copywriters create interest in their ads is to A. use the word "you" frequently .B. write lengthy, technical copy. C. use multimedia components. D. write three-word headlines. E. use actual consumers.


The _____ is the document that serves as the creative team's guide for writing and producing the ad. A. creative strategy B. visual storyboard C. graphic ideation D. message strategy E. speculative presentation


The ad for Absolut vodka has the following headline: "Absolut Envy." The creatives who designed this ad were most likely trying to create _____ for the alcohol with a play on words to imply that you will be the envy of all your friends if you drink Absolut vodka. A. desire B. action C. conviction D. credibility E. comprehension


The term "creatives" refers to the A. people who work in the creative department. B. most important elements of the marketing mix. C. roles played by all of the people within an advertising agency. D. stages of integration between the visual and nonvisual elements of an ad. E. final presentation of an advertising and marketing campaign to the client.


Which of the following is recommended by Bruce Bendinger to improve a Warrior's selling power during a client presentation? A. strategic precision B. savvy solving C. polishing the problem D. rehearsing strategy E. structural psychology


Which of the following statements is most likely true about brainstorming? A. A brainstorming session is often a source of sudden inspiration. B. Brainstorming uses techniques called linking and laddering. C. Brainstorming is performed by the Expressive role. D. Brainstorming involves formally analyzing problems. E. All ideas in a brainstorming session are open to criticism.


A billboard for Target features the Target dog, with his signature eye painted with the Target logo with large text reading "Sit. Stay. Shop." The creative team that designed the ad likely intended the photo and large text to be A. psychosocial consequences. B. attention-getting devices. C. copy platforms. D. credibility-builders. E. action-stimulators.


According to the creative pyramid, the first step in copywriting and art design is to A. create interest. B. attract the prospect's attention. C. make the prospect aware of the product D. make the prospect aware of the brand name. E. create a two-way communications medium.


An ad for a tennis camp shows a background photo of tennis balls on which the camp's dates and locations are printed. Which of the following was most likely responsible for the tennis ball photo? A. the copywriter B. the art director C. the publicity expert D. the layout artist E. the PR representative


An ad for the global TED conferences describes the talks as "Ideas worth spreading." This ad is _____ because it has a positively originated motive. A. transactional B. transformational C. charismatic D. informational E. functional


In a recent video ad for the Squatty Potty, a cartoon unicorn keeps viewers engaged by demonstrating and performing a number of funny gags as a spokesperson explains the product. The unicorn functions to create _____ throughout the ad. A. incentives B. interest C. reversals D. credibility E. connections


In the final step of the creative process, the Warrior would perform all of the following activities except A. carry the concept into action. B. evaluate the practicality of the big idea. C. help the account manager present the campaign to the client. D. turn the agency account team into allies for the client presentation. E. get the big idea approved, produced, and placed in the media.


The creative in the role of the _____ would most likely state that a full-page ad for free checking accounts in The Wall Street Journal is a waste of resources for a community bank. A. Artist B. Judge C. Mediator D. Warrior E. Liaison


What is the last step in developing an advertising strategy? A. determining the key components of the advertising mix B. delivering the creative strategy to the creative department C. developing a message strategy that meets the client's needs D. evaluating how well the strategy supports the marketing plan E. conducting a budget allocation based on local and industry standards


When designing the new ad campaign for Glad ForceFlex garbage bags, one of the creatives asked, "What if we showed how strong the material in the bags is by showing it catching a charging rhinoceros?" Which of the following techniques for manipulating and transforming ideas was most likely used in this example? A. compare B. imagine C. reverse D. connect E. parody


Which of the following would most likely increase a reader's perception that a product being advertised has a high degree of quality? A. using bright colors B. including a pie chart C. using a clever metaphor D. including interesting artwork E. using a black-and-white photo


Who is ultimately responsible for the final form an ad takes? A. the graphic designer B. the creative director C. the media planner D. the art director E. the PR representative


A magazine ad for United Airlines shows a flight map overlaid on a photo of Manhattan with one of the lines arcing into a smile. The ad reads "NYC friendly. Fly the friendly skies." The phrase "Fly the friendly skies" is meant to stimulate A. awareness. B. conviction. C. action. D. credibility. E. comprehension.


According to creativity consultant Roger von Oech, which role in the creative process strives to evaluate the results of experimentation and decide which approach is most practical? A. Warrior B. Evaluator C. Judge D. Explorer E. Artist


An ad for Asian Sensations newest product line of snack foods encourages readers to "Thai something new." The creatives who designed this ad intended its headline to be a(n) A. psychosocial consequence. B. copy platform. C. attention-getting device. D. credibility-builder. E. action-stimulator.


An ad for Google uses colorful explanatory charts, colorful images, and tables to depict mobile usage percentages for websites. These elements inform potential ad purchasers of the numbers of clicks on ads from mobile phones. This ad uses _____ to persuade potential customers to try mobile advertising through Google. A. reinforcement B. value-based thinking C. infographics D. brand perception E. the creative wheel


An ad for Toshiba office equipment illustrates the problems of corporate espionage with an ad that shows a copier just after it has stolen a women's pocketbook. The woman is screaming, and the copier is rolling away with the purse. The comparison of a purse snatcher to corporate espionage is an example of how _____ can be used in advertising. A. selective perception B. memory files C. creativity D. sarcasm E. reinforcement


Globetrotter needed to create an ad that showed its sleeping bags would keep customers warm and happy wherever they went. It was up to the art director to create a mental picture that captured the concept and presented it in a bold way before any copy or art could be created. She _____ an idea for the ad by playing on how closely the sleeping bags resembled happy seals taking a nap on a beach. A. researched B. free associated C. conceptualized D. positioned E. defended


Great ads have certain characteristics in common, which can be placed into two dimensions of greatness, which are A. metaphors and similes. B. emotional and rational appeals. C. audience resonance and strategic relevance. D. perceptual barriers and complete information. E. informational and transformational dimensions.


In order to spread awareness about its ride-sharing service, Uber ran a social media ad campaign with a slogan meant to reach out to both riders and drivers: "What's your destination? Get there. The day belongs to you." The ad suggests that people driving cars could have more flexibility in their work schedules, while people ordering rides could have faster rides and more personal, helpful drivers. The ad is _____ because it offers a service that consumers may not have known existed. A. transactional B. psychological C. informational D. transformational E. charismatic


In trying to break into the Canadian market, Target had to develop new and inspired ads that appealed to Canadians. Which of the following processes could Target's art director and lead copywriter have used to find inspiration? A. idea swiping B. lateral thinking C. brainstorming D. collaborating research E. critical examination


The role of the _____ would be to tell the creatives that their idea of using a world championship rodeo bull rider to promote an insurance plan is not a good idea and will probably open the agency and its client to a great deal of ridicule. A. Artist B. Evaluator C. Judge D. Liaison E. Warrior


Which of the following is a step-by-step procedure used to discover original ideas and reorganize existing concepts in new ways? A. creative aggregation B. intuitive procedure C. creative process D. innovative promotional process E. ideation methodology


Who is most likely responsible for writing the words for a billboard ad for a new line of Asics running shoes for women? A. the layout artist B. the creative director C. the copywriter D. the graphic designer E. the art director


According to Roger von Oech, Explorers should believe that good information is available and that they have the skills to find and use the information. Which term best describes this concept? A. big idea B. visualization C. transformation D. insight outlook E. free association


According to creativity consultant Roger von Oech, the _____ role in the creative process is to search for new information and pay attention to unusual patterns. A. Artist B. Judge C. Warrior D. Explorer E. Researcher


According to creativity consultant Roger von Oech, which of the following is not a strategy typically used by a good Artist to manipulate and transform concepts? A. connect B. imagine C. reverse D. summarize E. eliminate


An ad funded by American Beef Producers shows what looks like a deep canyon with the sides made of thick filets, the greenery made of heads of broccoli, and the river made of gravy. Which of the following techniques for manipulating and transforming ideas was most likely used in this example? A. eliminate B. adapt C. reverse D. connect E. parody


Art direction is the A. integration of the efforts of the copywriter and the artist. B. execution of the step-by-step process outlined in the creative brief. C. whole presentation, including all visual, verbal, and aural elements. D. process of managing the visual presentation of the ad. E. technique for transforming concepts into verbal and nonverbal ad components.


Creatives serving in the role of _____ will most likely benefit from brainstorming. A. Intuitives B. Creators C. Mediators D. Explorers E. Collaborators


Procter & Gamble and Leo Burnett use three components in their creative strategies. They are A. creative definition, creative execution, and creative implementation. B. informational, transactional, and transformational dimensions. C. verbal, nonverbal, and technical dimensions. D. objective, support, and tone statements. E. copy, illustrations, and layout.


The _____ component of the message strategy would include budgets, scheduling limitations, and mandatories. A. creative definition B. informational C. transactional D. technical E. transformational


The two general categories of theories of thinking are A. divergent and convergent. B. functional and hierarchical. C. creative and technical. D. fact-based and value-based. E. transformational and transactional.


Which of the following is the fundamental building block for the creative pyramid? A. credibility B. comprehension C. interest D. attention E. desire


Which of the following would be likely to be included in a creative strategy? A. definition of the target audience B. objective of the advertising C. the brand's personality D. budget procedures E. key benefits


An Electrolux commercial features talk-show host Kelly Ripa juggling a busy schedule that includes cooking a meal, washing clothes, and cleaning dishes using Electrolux appliances. Which aspect of the creative pyramid is the advertiser most likely seeking to establish by using Kelly Ripa in the ad? A. action B. awareness C. conviction D. comprehension E. credibility


An ad for Fila USA showed a praying mantis sprinting away from his murderous mate along a tree branch. Which of the following techniques for manipulating and transforming ideas was most likely used in this example? A. compare B. imagine C. reverse D. connect E. parody


An ad for Shiny Toothpaste states, "Nine out of ten dentists recommend Shiny Toothpaste to their patients. Why don't you give it a try?" This ad would be more likely to appeal to _____ than to _____ thinkers. A. functional; hierarchical B. value-based; fact-based C. transformational; transactional D. transactional; transformational E. fact-based; value-based


Any ad for Samsonite luggage must contain its slogan—"Life's a Journey"—and the Samsonite logo. These required ad elements are referred to as A. visual enhancers. B. requisite features. C. ad perquisites. D. ad stipulations. E. mandatories.


Creativity helps advertising _____ by creating new myths and heroes, like the Energizer Bunny, the Jolly Green Giant, and the Geico gecko. A. explore B. judge C. narrate D. adapt E. persuade


In the creative process, the big idea A. joins the product benefit with the consumer desire in a recognizable, familiar way. B. helps the audience to ignore the ad if it does not apply to them. C. is rarely expressed through a combination of art and copy. D. describes the direction the message should take. E. is defined as a bold, creative initiative.


Which term refers to a simple explanation of the overall creative approach to be used by the ad campaign? A. marketing platform B. action plan C. tactics D. logistics E. message strategy


_____ thinkers tend to be linear thinkers and make decisions based on hard data. A. Value-based B. Transformational-based C. Transactional-based D. Objectivity-based E. Fact-based


T/F: A regional magazine ad for Target lists the local stores in the area served by the magazine. This part of the ad would be classified as a support statement.


T/F: As a group, the people who work in the creative department are generally referred to as the ad agency.


T/F: Creative blocking tends to occur when people in the agency start thinking like value-based thinkers.


T/F: In advertising, it is important for the creative who plays the role of the Hunter to look in new and uncommon places for information.


T/F: In most ad agencies, the people who first conceptualize the target markets, strategy, and budget process are the members of the creative team.


T/F: Most ads, whether they are informational or transformational, do resonate with their audiences.


T/F: People who are value-based thinkers can also be described as linear thinkers.


T/F: The creative strategy identifies how the ad will be executed.


T/F: The first task for Explorers is the long and sometimes tedious process of reviewing all the information they gathered when they played the Warrior role.


T/F: The two commonalities of great ads are the ability to break through consumer perceptual barriers and the ability to create "top-of-mind" awareness.


T/F: When the agency presents the ad concept, the client assumes the role of the Warrior.


T/F: While the conceptualization step is important, the visualization step is the most important step in creating the advertisement.


T/F: A bold, creative initiative that builds on the strategy, joins the product benefit with consumer desire in a fresh, involving way, brings the subject to life, and makes the audience stop, look, and listen is called the big idea.


T/F: A creative brief is a synonym for a creative strategy or a copy platform.


T/F: In print media, colorful charts and tables have been shown to raise readers' perception of quality.


T/F: In radio, catchy phrases or sound effects are used to trigger interest in an ad.


T/F: Negatively originated purchase motives provide the foundation for many informational ads.


T/F: Strategy is at the root of all great creative work.


T/F: The attention step is important to triggering a print ad's boom factor and may be accomplished with large headlines, dynamic visuals, or vibrant colors.


T/F: The creative pyramid serves as a model to help creative teams convert the advertising strategy and the big idea into the actual physical ad or commercial.


T/F: The creative strategy addresses the most important issues to be considered in the development of an ad or campaign.


T/F: The creative who evaluates the results of experimentation and decides which approach is most practical is called the Judge.


T/F: The creative who takes on the role of Explorer will most likely study the market, the product, and the competition.


T/F: Value-based thinkers are typically better able to embrace change than fact-based thinkers.


T/F: Visual cues and metaphors can be used to help an ad inform consumers.


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