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The momentum equations in fluid mechanics are a statement of: A) Newton's 1st Law. B) Newton's law of viscosity. C) Newton's 3rd Law. D) Newton's 2nd Law.


The most common type of aircraft and spacecraft construction is: A) Stressed shell B) Monocoque C) Stressed stringer D) Semi-monocoque


When considering momentum equation for a inviscid flow problem, which force can be omitted? A) Viscous force. B) Body force. C) Reaction force. D) Pressure force.


When considering the laminar flow transitioning into a turbulence, we usually examine: A) Reynolds number. B) Mach number. C) Coefficient of viscosity. D) Flow speed.


When wind tunnel testing small models dynamic flow similarity can better be obtained by: A) Cooling and pressurizing the air. B) Heating and pressurizing the air. C) Using low pressure air. D) Using hot air.


Which of following is NOT a similarity parameter? A) Air speed. B) Froude number. C) Prandtl number. D) Reynolds number.


Which of the following is an absolute unit of temperature used in engineering problems. A) Rankine. B) Celsius. C) Centigrade D) Fahrenheit.


Which type of drag is related to the formation of shock waves? A) Wave drag. B) Pressure drag. C) Supersonic drag. D) Mach drag.


The primary purpose of the tail rotor on a single main rotor helicopter is: A) To help roll the helicopter. B) To provide an anti-torque moment. C) To create gyroscopic stability in yaw. D) To help the helicopter reach higher airspeeds.


The principle behind the lift generation of a blimp is: A) Cayley's principle. B) Archimedes' principle. C) Reynolds' principle. D) Bernoulli's principle.


The mass flow rate for the water flowing in a pipe can be expressed as: A) Cross-section Area x Velocity B) Density x Cross-section Area x Velocity C) Density x Cross-section Area D) Density x Velocity


The part of the structure of a wing that carries most of the bending moments is: A) The skin. B) The main spar. C) The stringers D) The ribs.


The person who is often called the "Father of Aeronautics" is: A) Orville Wright. B) George Cayley. C) Leonardo da Vinci. D) Robert Goddard.


The physical interpretation of a cross-product operation between two vectors is a: A) the projection of one vector onto another. B) vector that is perpendicular to the two vectors. C) the magnitude of the vector projections, D) the zero vector.


The principle directly used to determine the airspeed in the test section of a wind tunnel is: A) Momentum equation. B) Bernoulli's equation. C) Archimedes' principle. D) Hydrostatic equation


The probe in the picture below measures: (Elbow under wing with hole only in tip) A) Atmospheric pressure. B) Total pressure. C) Dynamic pressure. D) Static pressure.


The purpose of dihedral on a wing is to: A) Increase pitch stability. B) Increase the lateral stability of the aircraft. C) Decrease the lateral stability of the aircraft. D) Increase yaw stability.


The similarity parameter used to characterize compressibility effect of aerodynamic flows is the: A) Strouhal number. B) Mach number. C) Froude number. D) Reynolds number.


The span of a wing is measured from: A) Along the leading edge of the wing. B) Wing tip to wing tip. C) Leading edge to trailing edge. D) Wing root to tip.


The primary flight controls on an airplane are: A) Elevator, ailerons, and flaps. B) Elevator, flaps, and rudder. C) Elevon, ailerons, and rudder. D) Elevator, ailerons, and rudder.


The use of the Bernoulli equation is restricted to: A) Flows without energy addition. B) Incompressible flows. C) Steady flows. D) Inviscid flows. E) All of the Above F) A & B G) C & D & A


An object of mass M floats in water. What is the volume of water displaced? Assume the density of water is ρ. A) M/ρ B) ρ/M C) ρ•M D) M•ρ^2


"Aerodynamics" is often referred to as: A) The underpinning of atmospheric flight. B) A modern branch of physics. C) Relatively important to flight. D) The unsolved problem.


A conventional altimeter is a/an: A) Pneumatic instrument. B) Thermometer. C) Electrical device. D) GPS.


A flow can usually be considered as incompressible if the local Mach number anywhere in the flow is in the range of: A) Less than 0.3 B) Greater than 0.3 C) Less than 1 D) Greater than 1


A hypersonic flow is one in which the Mach number is: A) greater than 5. B) less than 5. C) greater than 0.3 and less than 1. D) greater than 1 and less than 5.


A mass flux in a flow is a A) Density x velocity. B) Density x momentum. C) Momentum x area. D) Area x velocity.


A physical interpretation of a dot product operation between two vectors is: A) the projection of one vector onto another. B) a vector that is perpendicular to two vectors. C) the magnitude of the two vectors. D) the tangential vector.


A shock wave involves an abrupt change in A) All of these answers. B) Pressure in flow. C) Density in flow. D) Temperature flow.


A smooth flow with no mixing between the fluid layers is called a: A) laminar flow. B) likable flow. C) laminae flow. D) luminary flow.


A structures engineer may: A) Select materials and design components for aircraft structures. B) Select engines to power aircraft and spacecraft. C) Research how to reduce wing tip vortices. D) Design avionics and control systems.


A transonic flow over a wing is one that: A) is a subsonic and supersonic over different parts of the wing. B) is entirely subsonic over the wing but almost supersonic. C) is barely supersonic over the entire wing. D) is rarely encountered during commercial airline flights.


Air-launched rockets, such as Pegasus, have an advantage because they are: A) Launched from a conventional airplane. B) Launched with a"strap-on" booster. C) Launched from a solid booster D) Launched from near-earth orbit.


An example of a body force per unit mass is: A) gravitational acceleration. B) pressure force acting on the control surface. C) pressure force acting on the control volume. D) shear stress on the control volume.


As steady flow, by definition, is a flow where at a given point in space: A) the fluid properties do not change with time. B) the fluid properties are fluctuating. C) the fluid properties do not change with space. D) the fluid properties are contiguous.


At high Reynolds number, the boundary layer is generally: A) thinner. B) thicker. C) The thickness is independent with Reynolds number. D) The Mach number should be considered, too.


Consider the flow of hydraulic fluid through a branch circuit of a pipe shown below. Determine a relationship for the flow properties between the inlet and outlet conditions. The density of fluid is a constant. (A: cross-section area; v: flow velocity) (One inlet two outlets) A) V1A1 = V2A2 + V3A3 B) V3A3 = V1A1 + V2A2 C) V2A2 = V1A1 + V3A3 D) V1A1 + V2A2 + V3A3 = 0


Engineering problem solving is often approached by: A) dissecting the problem into smaller and more manageable parts. B) following the principle of effective design. C) trying to solve the problem in totality at first attempt. D) working behind the scenes to make a better outcome.


For flow development in a boundary layer with an incompressible flow, which dimensionless parameter is the most critical one? A) Reynolds number. B) Mach number. C) Coefficient of skin friction. D) All of the choices.


For the regular drones, the aerodynamic efficiency is usually: A) Worse than flight vehicles operating at higher Reynolds number. B) Better than the GA aircraft. C) Better than the commercial airliners. D) The aerodynamic efficiency of those flight machines are not comparable.


Given a steady fluid flow, the mass flow rate into the control volume must be the mass flow rate leaving the control volume. A) Equal to. B) Less than. C) Greater than D) Unequal to.


In hydrostatics, the action of gravity is considered to be a type of: A) Body force. B) Centrifugal force. C) Surface force, D) Inertial force.


In the dimensional analysis of an engineering problem, one main objective is to find: A) Non-dimensional groupings of parameters that explain the physics. B) Non-dimensional parameters of fewer than 4 variables. C) A single parameter that explains the physics. D) Linear independency of the variables of the problem.


In the event of a serious airworthiness issue with an aircraft then the FAA may: A) All of these choices. B) Suspend the certificate of airworthiness. C) Ground the aircraft. D) Issue an airworthiness directive.


In the momentum equation, the source of viscous forces on a fluid could be: A) the velocity gradients in the flow. B) the temperature gradients in the flow. C) the pressure gradients in the flow. D) the turbulent gradients in the flow.


In which situation might air be treated as rarefied gas? A) A near-vacuum environment. B) An ideal gas. C) A gas with low viscosity. D) A gas with high viscosity.


It is the convention that the unit normal vector always points the control volume. A) Outward from B) Inward into C) Parallel to the direction of local velocity regardless of D) Parallel to


Making justifiable assumptions and approximations in engineering problem solving often requires: A) a certain amount of skill and experience. B) a computer model of the problem. C) a BS degree in the appropriate area. D) a need for experiments.


Reynolds number for jet airplanes are typically in the range of: A) 10^7 to 10^8. B) 10^4 to 10^5. C) 10^11 to 10^12. D) 10^0 to 10^1.


The Hubble Space Telescope was launched by using: A) the Space Shuttle. B) the ISS. C) the Saturn V. D) the Pegasus vehicle.


The appropriate units of fluid density in SI units is A) kg m^-3 B) N m^-3 C) slugs ft^-3 D) N m^-2


The base units of force in the SI system are: A) kg•m/s-2 B) kg/s-2 C) N•m/s-2 D) kg•m/s-1


The discipline of aeroacoustics is closely related to: A) Flight dynamics and control. B) Aerodynamics C) Statics of aircraft structures. D) Avionics.


The dominant mechanism responsible for the viscosity of a gas is: A) Inter-molecular momentum transfer. B) Bonding between the molecules. C) Brownian motion. D) Electron sharing.


The key role of an aeronautical engineer is to: A) Direct and coordinate the design, manufacture, and testing of aircraft and their associated components and systems. B) Make sure that other engineers do their job C) Be prepared to answer questions on demand. D) Always read Aviation Week and Space Technology.


The momentum equation is a equation. A) Vector. B) Integral. C) One-dimensional. D) Scalar.


The momentum equation represents a balance of: A) Forces. B) Rate of change of mass. C) Moment. D) Momentum.


The speed of sound for a gas reflects: A) The compressibility of the gas. B) The surface tension of the gas. C) The elasticity of the gas. D) The viscosity of the gas.


The world's first artificial satellite was: A) The Sputnik-1. B) The Vostok 1. C) The Explorer 1. D) The Mercury-Redstone.


The world's first jet airliner was the: A) De Havilland Comet B) Boeing 707 C) Douglas DC-8 D) Convair Coronado


The world's first jet airliner was the: A) De Havilland Comet B) Douglas DC-8 C) Convair Coronado D) Boeing 707


To calculate the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of a gas with a change in temperature, Sutherland's law is usually used. This law is: A) A semi-empirical curve-fit to the known behavior. B) A version of Boyle's law for constant entropy. C) A theoretical relationship. D) A corollary of the equation of state.


When choosing the repeating variables in the Buckingham Pi method then they: A) May not be unique. B) Are random variables. C) Must always include a length scale. D) Are always unique.


Who can operate a drone under FAR Part 107? A) A pilot with an airman certificate issued by FAA. B) A pilot who has a degree in Aerospace Engineering. C) The drone's owner. D) Any person who has read the manual.


Who was the first to build and test a regeneratively cooled liquid rocket engine? A) James Hart Wyld. B) Robert Goddard. C) Neil Armstrong. D) John Glenn.


Wing flaps and slats are often called: A) High-lift devices. B) Landing configuration devices. C) Low-drag devices. D) High-speed devices.


A Cessna 172 has a chord length of 5 ft and the cruise speed 140 mph (or 205 ft s-1). The scale model in a wind tunnel has a chord length of 2.5 ft. To achieve Reynolds number and Mach number similarity, the airspeed in wind tunnel testing should be set as: A) 280 mph. B) This is impossible to achieve. C) 70 mph. D) 140 mph.


A Cessna 172 has a chord length of 5 ft and the cruise speed 140 mph (or 205 ft s-1). The scale model in a wind tunnel has a chord length of 2.5 ft. To achieve Reynolds number similarity, the airspeed in wind tunnel testing should be set as A) 205 ft s-1 B) 410 ft s-1 C) 820 ft s-1 D) 102.5 ft s-1


A positive pressure gradient in the same direction as the fluid flow will: A) Have no effect on the flow speed. B) Cause the flow to slow down. C) Cause the flow to speed up. D) Cause the flow to slow down only if the fluid is a liquid.


A starting point in solving an engineering problem is: A) looking at possible simplifications. B) the careful statement of the physical problem and a definition of the appropriate boundary conditions. C) trying to figure out what software to use. D) discussing the problem with management.


A wing that has a fuel tank integral to the aircraft's structure is called a: A) Box wing. B) Wet wing. C) Aealed wing. D) Fueled wing.


Achieving dynamic flow similarity in a wind tunnel test will generally always require the matching of the: A) Prandtl and Richardson numbers. B) Reynolds and Mach numbers. C) Mach and Froude numbers. D) Struahal number


An example of a surface force in the momentum equation is: A) Gravitational acceleration acting over a control surface. B) Shear stress acting over a control surface. C) Gravitational acceleration acting over a control volume. D) Electromagnetic force acting over a control surface.


Besides being the "first in fight" the Wright brothers were to design and build their own: A) engine. B) All of these choices. C) propeller. D) wind tunnel.


Dynamic flow similarity with a sub-scale model is often difficult in a wind tunnel because: A) it is difficult to match the viscosity of the air. B) it is difficult to match both Reynolds number and Mach number. C) the similarity parameters are intrinsically homogenous. D) it is difficult to match flow speed.


For a flow in which it can be assumed to be incompressible then: A) Density is considered as zero. B) Density is considered as a constant. C) Viscosity is considered as a constant. D) Viscosity is considered as zero.


For an airplane, the density altitude affects: A) The airplane and all of its systems. B) Both the aerodynamic and engine performance. C) Just the aerodynamic performance. D) Just the performance of its engines.


In USC units the standard atmospheric temperature lapse rate is A) -3.57 F/ft B) -3.57 F/1,000 ft C) -3.37 F/mile D) -3.57 F/1,000 miles


In the choice of the repeating variables in the Buckingham Pi method they must: A) Include at least M (mass) and T (time). B) Include all the fundamental (base) dimensions of the problem. C) Include all the derived dimensions of the problem. D) Include at least one base dimension of the problem.


On a basic V-tail design there may be a significant coupling of aircraft responses in: A) Pitch and airspeed. B) Pitch and yaw. C) Yaw and airspeed. D) Roll and yaw.


One of the earliest helicopters to fly free of the ground was designed by: A) Arthur Young B) Jacob Ellehammer. C) Igor Sikorsky D) Frank Piasecki.


Pressure is a property. A) microscopic B) point C) contiguous D) continuous


The airplane shown in the photo below is considered as the first airplane made substantially of metal. It is: A) Ju-62. B) Junkers J-1. C) Spitfire. D) SPAD S.XIII.


The assumption of an inviscid flow is one in which we assume that: A) the viscosity of the flow approaches the Reynolds number limit. B) the flow behaves in such a way that the effects of viscosity can be neglected. C) the viscosity of the flow approaches a constant. D) the flow behaves in such a way that the effects of compressibility can be neglected.


The component to provide the thrust to overcome the weight of the helicopter is usually called: A) All of the choices. B) the main rotor. C) the main propeller. D) the main wing.


The dominant mechanism responsible for the viscosity of a liquid is: A) Electron sharing. B) Molecular bonding. C) Momentum transfer between molecules D) Brownian motion


The equation describing the conservation of mass for a fluid is called: A) the conservation equation. B) the continuity equation. C) the connectivity equation. D) the conservative equation.


The first U.S. astronaut to reach orbit was later also to: A) perform the first spacewalk. B) walk on the surface of the Moon. C) pilot the Space Shuttle. D) visit the ISS.


The first human to orbit the planet earth was: A) John Glenn B) Yuri Gargarin C) Alan Shepard D) Ed White


The holes on the side of fuselage of an airplane measure: A) Total pressure. B) Static pressure. C) Dynamic pressure. D) Pitot pressure.


The load-carrying capability of monocoque types of structures is often limited because of the onset of: A) yield stresses. B) buckling. C) cracking. D) crinkling.


To develop a digital "fly-by-wire" flight control system, as an aerospace engineer you must be familiar with following disciplines EXCEPT: A) Software engineering. B) Materials science. C) Flight dynamics and control. D) Aerodynamics.


To setup the general form of momentum equation, the total forces acting on a fluid are considered to be: A) Body Forces + Pressure Forces + Density Forces B) Body Forces + Pressure Forces + Viscous Forces C) Momentum Forces + Pressure Forces + Viscous Forces D) Body Forces + Hydrostatic Forces + Viscous Forces


Using the steady flow assumption to simplify the continuity equation, we will have: A) The flow is one dimensional. B) Time rate of change of mass inside the control volume is zero. C) All of the choices. D) The density is constant.


What are the components of the wing that pivot downward in the photo? - Back of wing A) Ailerons. B) Flaps. C) Spoilers. D) Slats.


What is the hydrostatic paradox? A) Pressure is independent of the type of fluid. B) The pressure is independent of the fluid volume above and dependent only on the height of the fluid above. C) Pressure is independent of gravity. D) Pressure is independent of height of fluid above and depends only on the fluid volume above.


Which area likely shows a Transitional flow? A - Straight B - A Little Shaky C - Really Shaky D - Straight A B C D


Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a multi-stage rocket? A) Weight is decreased as burnt-out stages jettison away. B) Simpler to design and construct. C) Lower stages can be recovered and reused. D) Tailor rocket motor and fuel for different operating conditions.


Which of the following represent a class of aircraft? A) Rotorcraft B) Balloon. C) Airbus A380. D) Glider.


Which organization was formed to replace National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics? A) FAA. B) NASA. C) JPL. D) DARPA.


A "buckling" phenomenon could mostly occur when: A) the skin structure is subjected to high tension stresses. B) using a thicker skin design. C) the skin structure is subjected to high compressive stresses. D) riveting the skin onto longerons and/or stringers.


A U-tube manometer is shown as below. Which relationship between P1 and P2 is correct? Assume that the density of liquid in the tube is ρ. A) P1 = P2 - ρgh B) P1 = P2 C) P1 = P2 + ρgh D) P1 = P2 + ρgV


A differential element of mass in a control volume can be represented by: (Note that 𝜌: is the density of the mass V: the volume of the control volume, and 𝐴: the area of a control surface. A) 𝜌V𝑑V B) 𝜌V C) 𝜌𝑑V D) 𝜌𝑑A


A flight dynamics and control engineer must be particularly well-versed in: A) Materials sciences. B) Structural dynamics. C) Aerodynamics. D) Aeroelasticity.


A pre-requisite for dynamic similarity in two engineering problems is: A) Flow similarity. B) Inertial similarity. C) Geometric similarity. D) Structural similarity.


An astronautical engineer may: A) Design a general aviation airplane. B) Design all types of airbreathing engines. C) Design a new hybrid rocket engines. D) Design the wings of new airplanes.


Consider a velocity field V→=V→(x,y,z) , the divergence of V→ is a: A) Vector quantity. B) Scalar and vector. C) Scalar quantity. D) Either scalar or vector.


Dynamic pressure is a pressure defined as: A) 1/2 x velocity squared. B) flow density x velocity squared. C) 1/2 x flow density x velocity squared. D) 1/2 x flow density x velocity.


Everyone subscribes to the use of the ISA because: A) They have to by regulation. B) They may be fined if they do not. C) It allows a uniform and consistent standard to be applied. D) Everyone has an ethical responsibility to.


For airfoils A and B the flow conditions: A is thinner than B A) Are aerodynamically similar. B) Are geometrically similar. C) Cannot be dynamically similar. D) Are always similar.


How comprehensive and how detailed the model needs to be depends on: A) the level of expertise of the engineer. B) the need to get the right answers. C) the type of problem that is encountered. D) how difficult you want to make it.


Multi-disciplinary design is: A) High levels of technical discipline are used for design. B) When engineering disciplines are kept separate. C) When technical disciplines are tightly integrated to design a product. D) Used only when the design doesn't work.


Net pressure forces arise on the control volume because of: A) Different momentum flux at control surfaces. B) Different flow velocities at control surfaces. C) Pressure gradients inherent to the flow field. D) Different mass flow rates at control surfaces.


Primary load carrying members of a I-beam like wing spar are called: A) longerons. B) stringers. C) caps. D) webs.


Read the example discussed in Lesson 10.10. When the Kollsman window on an altimeter is set to the local sea level pressure 30.07 inch of Hg, the reading of 8,700 ft the pilot read on the altimeter is A) Pressure altitude. B) Density altitude. C) Altitude relative to MSL. D) Altitude relative to the ground.


The Karman line is an approximate altitude that indicates the: A) edge of the stratosphere. B) edge of hyperspace. C) edge of space. D) edge of the thermosphere.


The Laplace operator is: A) To find the gradient of the vector field. B) To find the divergence of the vector field. C) A second-order differential operator. D) A first-order differential operator.


The conservation of energy is a statement of: A) The third law of thermodynamics. B) The Bernoulli's equation. C) The first law of thermodynamics. D) The second law of thermodynamics.


The density of a fluid is a quantity. A) discrete B) contiguous C) scalar D) vector


The drag on a 2-dimensional airfoil can be determined by measuring its wake velocity distribution. This method is primarily based on: A) Energy equation. B) Continuity equation. C) Momentum and continuity equations. D) Bernoulli's equation.


The first regeneratively cooled liquid rocket engine was designed and built by: A) Wernher von Braun. B) Clarence Johnson. C) James Hart Wyld. D) Robert Goddard.


The kinematic viscosity is the ratio of: dynamic viscosity to temperature. density to dynamic viscosity. A) density to dynamic viscosity. B) dynamic viscosity to temperature. C) dynamic viscosity to density. D) dynamic viscosity to pressure.


The magnitude of a vector is found using: A) The inverse tangent. B) The sine and cosine. C) The Pythagorean theorem. D) Vector multiplication.


The most significant advantage of the sandwich type of airframe construction is that it is: A) easy to manufacture. B) All of these choices. C) stiff and lightweight. D) easy to repair.


The organization responsible for regulating commercial space operations in the US is: A) FAI B) FAR C) FAA D) SpaceX


The parameter "power" in terms of base units in the USC system is: A) ft•lb/s^-2 B) lb•ft^2/s^-2 C) ft•lb/s^-1 D) hp


The significance of the Wright bother's flights at Kitty Hawk in 1903 was: A) It was the first biplane to fly. B) It was first airplane to fly. C) It was first airplane to take off and land successfully under its own power. D) It was the first to use a canard wing design.


To estimate the buoyancy force on a hot-air balloon, we could use the formula F=ρgV. In this equation, the density is: A) The density of air in the envelope of balloon. B) The density of air at MSL condition. C) The density of air at the ambient conditions. D) The density of helium.


Use Fig. 10.1 and 10.2 to study different regions inside the atmosphere. The up LIMIT of the ISA for aeronautical use is the: A) tropotherm B) tropopress. C) tropopause. D) stratopause.


We can make the assumption of a steady flow when: A) all the parameters that describe the flow fluctuate with time. B) all the parameters that describe the flow are inversely related with time. C) all of the parameters that describe the flow are invariant with time. D) all the parameters that describe the flow are interdependent with time.


We can often reduce the apparent complexity the general form of the conservation equations by: A) making just a few assumptions. B) making just three assumptions. C) making justifiable assumptions. D) making lots of assumptions.


What are the primary purposes of longerons used in the construction of wings? A) To carry shear loads. B) To carry torsional loads. C) To handle compressive and tensile loads. D) To deter aeroelastic phenomenon such as flutter or buffet.


What is an ideal flow? A) Ideal flow can be a compressible flow. B) Ideal flow can be a turbulent flow. C) Ideal flow is an invisid flow. D) Ideal flow is a viscous flow.


What is the type of aircraft shown in this photo? - Helicopter with Propulsion A) Rotorcraft B) Tiltrotor C) Gyroplane D) Helicopter


When dealing with liquids, it icommon to define specific gravity (SG) of a liquid as: A) The density of a liquid relative to the density of air. B) The density of air relative to the density of the liquid. C) The density of a liquid relative to the density of water. D) The density of water relative to the density of the liquid.


When using Eulerian approach, the control volume will: A) Change its size with time. B) Move randomly in space. C) Be fixed in space. D) Move with the flow.


Which area likely shows a turbulent flow? A - Straight B - A Little Shaky C - Really Shaky D - Straight A B C D


Which of the following is the equation of state used by aerospace engineers to calculate gas density? Given that ρ : the density; R : the specific gas constant, R¯ : the universal gas constant, T : the temperature, v : the specific volume, n : the number of moles of gas present in the system. A) p=vR¯T B) p=nR¯T C) p=ρRT D) pv=nRT


Which of the following represent the general form of the substantial derivative ? A) DV/Dt=∂V/∂t+V∇∙V B) DV/Dt=u∂V/∂xi+v∂V/∂yj+w∂V/∂zk C) DVDt=∂V/∂t+V∙∇V D) DV/Dt=u∂V/∂x+v∂V/∂y+w∂V/∂z


Which of the following represents a category of aircraft? A) Single-engine land. B) Helicopter C) Rotorcraft D) Ballon


Which of the following represents the gradient of the scalar field A? A) ∇∙A=∂A/∂xi+∂A/∂yj+∂A/∂zk B) ∇A=∂A/∂x+∂A/∂y+∂A/∂z C) ∇A=∂A/∂xi+∂A/∂yj+∂A/∂zk D) ∇∙A=∂A/∂x+∂A/∂y+∂A/∂z


Which statement below is one main purpose of dimensional analysis? A) To create dimensional groups. B) To form a reduced-order model. C) To reduce the number of dependencies. D) To calculate Reynolds number and Mach number.


Wing spars are usually made as an I-beam cross-section because: A) it is the strongest. B) it is the most robust. C) it has good strength as well as stiffness to weight ratio. D) it is the lightest.


You are 50 miles from Cape Canaveral and you are watching a SpaceX launch. You will first hear the sound of the rocket launch about how many seconds later? A) 150 B) 290 C) 250 D) 200


A Cessna 172 has a chord length of 5 ft and the cruise speed 140 mph (or 205 ft s-1). The scale model in a wind tunnel has a chord length of 2.5 ft. To achieve Mach number similarity, the airspeed in wind tunnel testing should be set as A) 102.5 ft s-1 B) 410 ft s-1 C) 840 ft s-1 D) 205 ft s-1


A pitot tube measures: A) Atmospheric pressure. B) Static pressure. C) Dynamic pressure. D) Total Pressure


A pressure gradient reflects a change in pressure with respect to: A) volume. B) force. C) gravity. D) direction.


A pressure transducer is a solid state device that relates pressure to voltage using a: A) LabView script. B) MatLab script. C) Wheatstone bridge. D) Formal calibration.


An example of an airplane certification test that is best done on the ground is a: A) airspeed calibration test. B) wing bend test. C) stall test. D) flutter test.


By definition, a slug of mass is equal to: A) 1 lb⋅ft2 B) 1lb⋅1ft/s2. C) 1 lb⋅ft D) lb/ft/s^2


Can the dependent variable be used as a repeating variable in the Buckingham Pi method? A) Yes. They must always be included. B) It depends on the base quantities of the dependent variables. C) Yes. But at most one dependent variable should be included. D) No. They cannot be the repeating variables.


Density altitude can be determined: A) Directly read from an altimeter. B) By using pressure altitude and the local temperature at the ground. C) By using pressure altitude alone. D) By using pressure altitude and the local temperature at the same altitude.


Experience in aerodynamic problem solving is gained by: A) Having a degree in fluid mechanics. B) Solving at least 100 problems correctly. C) Doing enough problems to be considered skilled enough, D) Repeated problem solving with verifiable outcomes.


From perspective of a molecular model then the temperature of a gas is related to the: A) Average potential energy of its molecules. B) Average translational energy of its molecules. C) Average rotational energy of its molecules. D) Average kinetic energy of its molecules.


Giving water flow passing a converging-diverging nozzle as below, the Bernoulli's equation can be written as: (Through a Venturi constant height) A) p1 + ½ρ1V1^2 = p2 + ½ρ2V2^2 + ρ2gx B) p1 + ½ρ1V1^2 + ρ1gx = p2 + ½ρ2V2^2 C) p1 + ½ρ1V1^2 + ρ1gx = p2 + ½ρ2V2^2 + ρ2gx D) p1 + ½ρ1V1^2 = p2 + ½ρ2V2^2


Hydrostatic equation: dp/dh=−ρg Temperature lapse rate: T=T0−βh Ideal gas law: p=ρRT These equations can be combined into which of the following ODE that governs the pressure variation with height? A) dp/dh=−p/(R(T0−Bh)) B) dp/dh=−ρg/(T0−Bh) C) dp/dh=−ρ/(R(T0−Bh)) D) dp/dh=−pg/(R(T0−Bh))


In USC units then standard value of density at ISA MSL is: A) 0.002378 lb/ft^3 B) 0.02378 slugs/ft^3 C) 0.0002378 slug/ft^3 D) 0.002378 slugs/ft^3


In a dimensional analysis problem the explicit form can be written as y = f(x1, x2, x3, x4). How many dimensionless parameters can be derived if there are 3 fundamental dimensions? A) 3 B) 1 C) 4 D) 2


In aerodynamics, the curl of a velocity field can be interpreted as: A) Viscosity. B) Gradient field. C) Divergence. D) Vorticity.


In dimensional analysis, the units of angular measurement is: A) L B) degree C) T D) 1


In the atmosphere the speed of sound: A) Stays mostly the same. B) Depends on the Mach number. C) Increases with altitude. D) Decreases with altitude.


In the upper atmosphere oxygen, helium, and hydrogen gases settle out into: A) Karman layers. B) Inert layers. C) Van Allen belts surrounding the planet. D) shell-like layers surrounding the planet.


Pascal's law states that: A) The pressure force at a point is not the same in all directions. B) The density a point is the same in all directions. C) The buoyancy is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced. D) The pressure at a point is the same in all directions.


Systems engineers are generally: A) At the start of their careers. B) Only focused on avionics and systems. C) More concerned about structures than aerodynamics. D) Experienced and well-rounded, multi-disciplinary engineers.


The Archimedes principle can be used to: A) Estimate the upthrust force on a blimp. B) Estimate the buoyancy force on a floating ship. C) Estimate the buoyancy force on a submarine under the water surface. D) All of the choices.


The EASA is the: A) The ICAO airworthiness authority. B) British airworthiness authority. C) French airworthiness authority. D) European airworthiness authority.


The FARs are: A) Federal Aircraft Rules. B) Federal Airspace Regulations. C) Federal Aircraft Regulations. D) Federal Aviation Regulations.


The approach of picking a few equations and hoping that they will apply is called: A) a random approach. B) a stochastic approach. C) a Monte Carlo approach. D) an ad hoc approach.


The energy per unit mass consists of contributions from: A) Internal energy, external energy, kinetic energy. B) External energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy. C) Internal energy, kinetic energy, and gravitational energy. D) Internal energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy.


The first person to walk on the surface of the moon was: A) Alan Shepard. B) Neil Anderson. C) Buzz Aldrin. D) Neil Armstrong.


The ideal wing planform for a supersonic aircraft is: A) A rectangular shape. B) A hyperbolic shape. C) An elliptic shape. D) A delta shape.


The magnitude of the surface unit normal vector n→ is A) Depends on the surface integral result. B) 0 C) -1 D) 1


The modeling approach that considers a flow such that it contains the same group of fluid molecules is called: A) the Eulerian approach. B) the Boltzmann approach. C) the Reynolds approach. D) the Lagrangian approach.


The role of the ICAO is to: A) Certify aircraft for international use. B) Ensure airworthiness compliance throughout the world. C) To provide overarching airworthiness authority. D) Set civil aviation standards and policy.


The speed of sound in a gas is proportional to: A) The square root of density. B) The square root of flow speed. C) The square root of pressure. D) The square root of absolute temperature.


The three physical conservation principles are called: A) Conservation of mass, pressure, and energy. B) Conservation of density, momentum and energy. C) Conservation of mass, pressure and velocity. D) Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy.


The types of forces involved in the study of hydrostatics are: A) Buoyancy forces and gravity forces. B) Shear forces and body forces. C) Surface forces and atmospheric forces. D) Surface forces and body forces.


The world's first supersonic aircraft was powered by a: A) turboprop engine. B) turbofan engine. C) turbojet engine. D) rocket engine.


What is the structure highlighted in red in the wing structure shown in the picture? - Main lateral support A) Longeron B) Rib C) Stringer D) Spar


Which adjective below is a descriptor of turbulent flows? A) Inviscid. B) Steady. C) Deterministic. D) Stochastic.


Which component of the rocket may be reusable? A) The all stages of aFalcon 9 rocket. B) The auxiliary solid rocket boosters. C) The Delta IV rockets. D) The first stage of a Falcon 9 rocket.


Which of following classification is correct? A) A quadcopter UAV under the category of Rotorcraft. B) All of these statements are correct. C) A military UH-60 Black Hawk under the category of Rotorcraft. D) A EC135 helicopter under the category of Rotorcraft.


Which program has successfully landed astronauts on the Moon? A) the Gemini program. B) the Mercury program. C) the Vostok program. D) the Apollo program.


The purpose of sweep on a wing is to: Note: there may be multiple answers to this question. A) Reduce skin friction drag. B) Reduce all forms of drag. C) Reduce wave drag. D) Delay the onset of compressibility effects. E) All of the Above F) B & A G) C & D


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