AEMI level I words list

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adv If something almost happens, it does not happen but it is very close to happening. I almost missed the bus.


adv The camera focuses automatically.


adv above or higher than something The sign over the door said "Private, No Entry".


adv after a short period of time I have to leave quite soon.


adv almost not, or only a very small amount I was so tired that I could hardly walk.


adv also Do you know Jason, too?


adv at a slow speed Could you speak more slowly, please?


adv at an earlier time, or on a previous occasion I've never seen her before.


adv at an unknown time in the future We plan to get married someday.


adv at any time Have you ever been skiing?


adv at the present time She's finished her degree and now she teaches English.


adv before now, or before a particular time in the past I've already done my homework.


adv below the surface of something The child was swimming and suddenly started to go under.


adv commonly used in order to make a request more polite, or sometimes to make it stronger or urgent Could I please have some ketchup for my hamburger?


adv completely "Are you still interested in coming to the concert?" "Yes, absolutely!"


adv completely We got totally lost because the map was so old.


adv easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait He spoke to me impatiently.


adv every thing, person, etc. in a group of two or more considered separately There are five leaflets. Please take one of each.


adv fast or in a short time I quickly shut the door.


adv in a lazy way She lifted herself up lazily and walked slowly to the door.


adv in a successful or satisfactory way I thought they played well.


adv in addition She speaks French and also a little Spanish.


adv in addition to someone or something What else would you like to know?


adv in or at a particular place We live in New York because my wife works there.


adv in or into a room, building, container, etc Come inside, it's cold out there.


adv in or to a foreign country I've never been abroad.


adv in the place of someone or something else We went to Ecuador instead of Brazil this year.


adv in the place where you are Does Jane live near here?


adv in the way that most often happens I usually get home at about six o'clock.


adv making a lot of noise She talks very loudly.


adv making little or no noise "Don't worry," she said quietly.


adv many times or regularly I often see her there.


adv more than anyone or anything else The thing I like most in the world is walking by the river in spring.


adv most recent I saw him last night.


adv next, or after something has happened She trained as a teacher and then became a lawyer.


adv not dangerously or likely to cause harm They landed safely.


adv not ever "Have you ever been to Australia?" "No, never."


adv not good for your health, or not strong and well He eats unhealthily.


adv not inside a building They played outside until I called them in for lunch.


adv not inside a building We like to eat outdoors in the summer.


adv not more than a particular size or amount It'll only take a few minutes.


adv not wearing any shoes or socks She ran barefoot through the snow.


adv now or without waiting or thinking about something Come to my office immediately.

once (a month)

adv on one day of the month I visit him once a month.


adv on or to a higher level of a building I went upstairs to bed.


adv on some occasions but not always or often He does cook sometimes, but not very often.


adv on two occasions during a period of seven days I play tennis twice a week after school.


adv once more I'll see you again next week.


adv only He just sits in his chair all day doing nothing.


adv only T put it simply, I've just been too busy to call you back. Sorry!


adv outside a building or room Would you like to wait out here?


adv recently He hasn't been very well lately.


adv the night of this day, or during the night of this day I'm not allowed out tonight because we have school tomorrow.


adv this day, or on this day It's Johanna's birthday today.


adv used before a number or amount to mean approximately I have about $30 in the bank.


adv used to ask about quantity, size, or age How big is the house?


adv used to ask about the place or position of someone or something Where does she live?


adv used to ask at what time something happened or will happen When's your birthday?


adv used to emphasize that you did not expect something to happen because something else makes it surprising I can still taste the pepper in my mouth.


adv used to express approval, willingness, or agreement "Would you like a glass of water?" "Yes, please."


adv used to give a more important reason for something that you are saying I don't like him, but I'll come anyway.


adv used to give the next word or group of words a negative meaning I told you not to do that.


adv used to introduce the last point or idea Finally, I'd like to thank my mother for everything she's done for me.


adv used to mean that something is very likely He's probably on his way.


adv used to say that you wish something was not true or that something had not happened Unfortunately, he lost all his money.


adv used to talk about a time in the past They left the party an hour ago.


adv used when you are saying about something good that happened that prevented a problem Luckily I had some money with me.


adv used when you are saying what is the truth of a situation He didn't actually say anything important.


adv usually, or in most situations She's generally very good, but she been very naughty recently.


adv very much; in a way that is not good He his arm hurt badly; She plays the piano very badly.


adv very or very much She's really nice.


adv very, or much more than usual She's extremely smart.


adv when it snows a lot, it snows heavily It snowed heavily last night - a foot of snow!


adv with a lot of attention so that you do not make a mistake She drives very carefully.


adv with each other We went shopping together.


adv with no difficulty We found the house easily.


adv yes "Will you drive?" "Yeah, sure."


all the plants, creatures, etc. that exist in the world, which are not made by people Did you study the laws of nature in school?


article one; every or each; used when saying how much of something there is They left the party an hour ago; I need a new car; I run three times a week.


conj despite the fact that I'm looking forward to seeing the film although I have seen it twice before.


conj every time or at any time Whenever I see him he's in a hurry.


conj used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives to introduce a new part of a sentence He said that he'd pick it up later.


conj used to compare two different things or amounts Susannah's car is bigger than mine.


conj used to give a reason for something I called because I needed to talk to you.


conj used to introduce something new that you say, especially something which is different or the opposite from what you have just said I'd drive you there, but I don't have my car.


conj used to join two words or two parts of a sentence tea and coffee


det some but not a lot There were several people in the store.


det used to say that something or someone is connected with or belongs to a person She's the one whose sister won the marathon.

nice to meet you

excl said when you meet someone for the first time Hi, Fred. It's nice to meet you!


excl used at the beginning of a sentence to pause slightly or to express doubt or disagreement Well, let me think. Yes, I can lend you some money.


n "the number of years that someone has lived, or that something has existed


n (of) a pale red color a pink hat


n 12 o'clock at night We went out to look at the stars at midnight.


n The meaning of words, signs, or actions is what they express or represent. Some words have more than one meaning.


n Time is what we measure in minutes, hours, days, etc. He wants to spend more time with his family.


n US spelling of color There are many colors in the rainbow.


n World Wide Web Can you log on to the Web?


n a basic food made by mixing flour and water and then baking it Would you like a slice of bread?


n a big reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers I'm not scared of crocodiles.


n a boat that regularly carries passengers and vehicles across the water a car/passenger ferry


n a book in which you write each day about your personal thoughts and experiences I keep a diary every evening. I've been writing it for seven years now.


n a book or a set of books containing facts about a lot of subjects If you need to know about something, look it up in an encyclopedia.


n a book or piece of writing that you study as part of a course Read the text and answer the questions.


n a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order with their meanings explained or written in another language If you don't know a word, look it up in a dictionary.


n a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom that you wash dishes or your hands, etc in She washed her hands in the sink.


n a bowl that you sit on or stand near when you get rid of waste substances from your body I couldn't get the toilet to flush.


n a boy or man who has the same parents as you I have an older brother.


n a building or group of buildings where large amounts of products are made or put together That factory produces poisonous smoke.


n a building or other structure that is built to make people remember an event in history or a famous person There's a monument to all the people from this village who died in the war .


n a building where people live, usually one family or group They have a big house in the country.


n a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science What is your favorite art museum in the city?

movie theater

n a building where you go to watch films I'll meet you at the movie theater at six o'clock.


n a building with equipment for doing exercises He goes to the gym three times a week.


n a building, room or outside structure with rows of seats, each one higher than the one in front, from which people can watch a performance, movie or another activity. Lincoln Plaza Cinema has five theaters.


n a card with a picture on one side that you send without an envelope Send me a postcard from your vacation.

youth hostel

n a cheap, simple hotel, especially for young people who are traveling around Hotels are too expensive, so I usually stay in a youth hostel when I'm travelling.


n a child or young person school kids

pogo stick

n a children's toy made of a long metal stick with a bar to hold across the top, and a large spring and a bar for your feet at the bottom, used to bounce around on He bounced on his pogo stick until he had a headache.


n a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities Please make a decision. I'm tired of waiting.


n a circular object fixed under a vehicle so that it moves smoothly over the ground The wheels on the cart got stuck and we couldn't push it.


n a coat that you wear when it is raining She left her raincoat on the bus.


n a coin or unit of money with a value of 1/100th of a dollar; ¢ There are one hundred cents in a dollar.


n a cold mixture of vegetables that have not been cooked I made a big salad for lunch.


n a common drug used to reduce pain and fever I had a headache so I took an aspirin and felt much better.

record company

n a company that records and sells music I sent my music to a record company but they didn't like it.


n a competition to find the best team or player in a particular game or sport Our basketball team won the championship last year.


n a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a narrow top Please could you buy me a bottle of milk?


n a container made of glass that is used for drinking Would you like a glass of juice?


n a continent I saw elephants in Africa.


n a country consisting of a group of islands in southeast Asia Indonesia is a country that is made up of thousands of islands.


n a country consisting of a group of islands near the east coast of Asia Lots of technology comes from Japan.


n a country in Africa Namibia is a country in Southern Africa.


n a country in Africa Nigeria is in west Africa.


n a country in Africa Somalia is a country on the horn of Africa.


n a country in Asia I spent a year traveling around India before I went to college.


n a country in Asia More than 1,000,000,000 people live in China.


n a country in Central America Mateo is from Guatemala.


n a country in Europe Berlin is the biggest city in Germany.


n a country in Europe He's from Poland.


n a country in Europe I've never been to Albania.


n a country in Europe In Spain it's always hot in summer.


n a country in Europe My father is from Ireland.


n a country in Europe Norway is part of Scandinavia.


n a country in Europe The best vacation I ever had was in Greece.


n a country in Europe We spent our last vacation skiing in Austria.


n a country in North America Toronto is the biggest city in Canada.


n a country in South America I went to Peru with my best friend.


n a country in South America Ronaldo is from Brazil


n a country in South America She comes from Ecuador.


n a country in South America She's from Colombia.


n a country on an island in the Caribbean (=a sea between North and South America) We went to Jamaica for our honeymoon.


n a country on an island west of Europe I'd love to visit Iceland.


n a covering for your foot, worn inside your shoe and made of soft material His sock has a hole.


n a device which produces light We put lights on the tree at Christmas.


n a door or other opening which you use to enter a building or place They must have used the back entrance to the building.


n a drawing, painting, or photograph of something or someone to draw/paint a picture


n a famous person Michael Jackson was a music legend.


n a famous person's name, written by that person I just got my favorite actor's autograph.


n a famous singer, actor, sports person, etc She wants to be a film star when she grows up.


n a film We saw a great movie on TV last night.


n a film or television show that gives facts about a real situation or real people We watched a documentary on television.


n a flat, green part of a plant that grows from a stem or branch an oak leaf


n a flying insect that has a yellow and black body and makes honey (a sweet, sticky food) Bees make honey.


n a food that is made from milk, is usually white or yellow, and can be either hard or soft I have a cheese sandwich for lunch every day.


n a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goals We play soccer twice a week.


n a game in which two teams try to win points by throwing a ball through a high net; the large ball used in the game of basketball Michael Jordan is the most famous basketball player in history; A basketball is bigger than a football.


n a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over a net without allowing it to touch the ground I often play volleyball on the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro.


n a game in which you roll a large ball along a wooden track in order to knock down bottle-shaped objects I go bowling every year for my birthday.


n a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of holes using a long, thin stick They spent all day wandering around the golf course.


n a game or activity in which you have to put pieces together or answer questions using skill I love doing word puzzles.


n a game or activity which people do to keep healthy or for enjoyment, often competing against each other I like to play winter sports.

computer game

n a game played on a computer He got a new computer game for his birthday.


n a girl or woman who has the same parents as you I have an older sister.


n a glass object containing a wire which produces light from electricity We need to change the light bulb.


n a group of different things of the same general type We offer a range of different services.


n a group of letters or sounds that mean something, or a single letter or sound that means something "Hund" is the German word for "dog".


n a group of musicians who play modern music together She plays in a band.


n a group of numbers that represents something I can't remember his phone number.


n a group of people or things that you deal with together I've already done one lot of washing.


n a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children Is your family coming to the graduation ceremony?


n a group of people who work together to do something or play a sport together against another group of players I am thinking of joining a baseball team.


n a group of students who have lessons together She's the smartest person in the class.


n a group of words which are often used together and have a particular meaning Complete the phrases with the words in the box.


n a group of words, usually containing a verb, that expresses a complete idea Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.


n a hall (passage) He left his bag in the hallway.


n a hard blue-grey element used in combination with other substances to form a shiny covering on objects They didn't know that there was chromium in the water making them sick.


n a hard hat that protects your head You aren't allowed on your bike without your helmet.


n a hard, round fruit which is white inside and green or red on the outside You should eat an apple a day.


n a hot drink made from dark beans which are made into a powder, or a cup of this drink Italian coffee is very good.


n a hot or cold liquid that you put on food to add flavor I like to make my own sauce when I cook pasta.

bed and breakfast

n a house where you pay to sleep in a room and have food in the morning We stayed in a really nice bed and breakfast.


n a human being You're the only person I know here.


n a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again This could be the trip of your lifetime.


n a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold Could you put the milk back in the fridge?


n a large container that uses electricity to keep food cold I put the groceries in the refrigerator.


n a large fish with very sharp teeth My friend Kevin was bitten by a shark last week!


n a large shop that sells food, drink, products for the home, etc We buy all our food at the supermarket.


n a large wild cat that has yellow fur with black lines on it I want a tiger, but my parents say I can have a cat.


n a large, black and white sea bird that swims and cannot fly Penguins are my favorite birds.


n a large, comfortable seat for more than one person We sit on the sofa to watch TV.


n a large, flat surface where a film or an image is shown There was a screen in the front of the classroom.


n a large, printed picture or notice that you put on a wall, in order to decorate a place or to advertise something He made a poster about Nelson Mandela for his school exhibition.


n a large, strong dog that is used to pull heavy things across snow The husky pulled the sled across the snow.


n a large, strong, wild animal with thick fur Bears are very strong animals.

polar bear

n a large, white bear that lives in the North Pole (=most northern part of the Earth) Polar bears look nice, but if you get too close to one, it will eat you!


n a light shoe that has a top made of cloth and a bottom made of rubber, worn esp for sports. He wore sneakers to play basketball.


n a light, narrow boat, usually for one person, which you move using a stick "I like your canoe!" "It's not a canoe, it's a kayak!"


n a liquid or an amount of liquid that you drink Can I buy you a drink?


n a living thing that grows in the soil or water and has leaves and roots, especially one that is smaller than a tree I have some beautiful plants in my garden.


n a long visit to a place away from where you live, for pleasure We had a wonderful vacation on an island in the Pacific.


n a long, narrow area of ground for people to walk along There's a path at the end of our road which leads us into the woods.


n a long, thin creature with no legs that slides along the ground There are lots of very dangerous snakes in Australia. They can kill you.


n a long, thin mark She has lines round her eyes from smiling a lot.


n a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground My horse likes eating carrots.


n a long, thin piece of plastic which is used to store sound, pictures, or information, or a plastic box containing it We used to listen to music on tape.


n a long, thin vehicle which travels along metal tracks and carries people or goods The train arrives at 2:45.


n a long, thin, flat piece of wood I had trouble staying on the board because it was so windy.


n a long, yellow fruit which is white inside Most bananas come from South America or the Caribbean.


n a machine controlled by a computer, which can move and do other things that people can do They have a robot that cleans their house.

washing machine

n a machine that washes clothes Our washing machine is broken, so all my clothes are dirty.


n a man What a nice guy!


n a man or boy who someone is having a romantic relationship with I have a new boyfriend.


n a man who is a member of the police (=organization that makes people obey the law) There is a lot of crime, so we need more policemen.


n a mark made by a foot or shoe They followed our footprints in the snow and found where we were hiding.


n a meal that you eat in the middle of the day Let's have lunch and then go to the tennis club.


n a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course; a meeting in which someone is asked questions for a newspaper article, television show, etc Michael Jackson didn't usually give interviews.


n a member of an army My brother wants to be a soldier but my parents are very worried.


n a message sent electronically I send my best friend an email every day.


n a metal circle given as a prize in a competition or given to someone who has been very brave She got a bronze medal for swimming.


n a mixture of different people or things He plays a combination of rock and blues.


n a model that looks like a person or animal, usually made from stone or metal We have a statue of Cupid in our garden.


n a motorbike He rides his motorcycle to work every day.


n a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.


n a pain in one of your teeth I had dreadful toothache so I went to the dentist.


n a part of the inside of a building, which is separated from other parts by walls, floors, and ceilings a hotel room


n a particular day of the month or year What date is your birthday?


n a path by the side of a road that people walk on You aren't allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk.


n a pattern of sounds that is made by playing instruments or singing, or a recording of this I love listening to music.


n a perfect place or situation We live in a tropical paradise.


n a period of 100 years, especially used in giving dates My grandfather planted that tree more than a century ago.


n a period of 12 months, or 365 or 366 days, especially from January 1st to December 31st We spent a year traveling around America.


n a period of 24 hours I'm only working four days this week.


n a period of seven days last week/next week


n a period of ten years He has lived here for over a decade.


n a period of time equal to 60 minutes half an hour


n a period of time equal to 60 seconds It'll take you thirty minutes to get to the airport.


n a period of time when a teacher teaches people We have art class every week.


n a person in a book or film etc It's about a character named Dave.


n a person in control of a group, country, or situation She was a great leader and everyone did what she told them to.


n a person or animal that has finished growing and is not now a child When I'm an adult, I'll do what I like.


n a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business All the customers left when they heard that we had run out of dessert.


n a person or thing that is part of a group of people or things that have similar qualities, or a group of people or things that have similar qualities They sell over 20 different types of cheese.


n a person who asks questions in an interview The interviewer has to ask interesting questions.


n a person who belongs to a group or an organization Do all the members of your family look similar?


n a person who works in business, usually with an important job in a company The hotel is mainly used by businesspeople.


n a person whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt I go to see a doctor when I get sick.


n a person, animal, or team that wins a competition My sister is the school tennis champion.


n a photograph that shows the inside of your body They took an x-ray of the bones but they weren't broken.


n a phrase that has a special meaning Choose the correct expression and fill in the blanks.


n a picture made with a pencil or pen She did a beautiful drawing and put it in a frame.


n a picture produced with a camera I have a photograph of you on my desk.


n a picture produced with a camera a black-and-white/color photo


n a picture that shows where countries, towns, roads, rivers, etc are We have a map of the area so we shouldn't get lost.


n a picture that someone has painted I've hung a couple paintings in my bedroom.


n a picture, especially on film or television or in a mirror They looked at the images on the screen.


n a piece of art that is made from stone, wood, clay, etc That is the ugliest sculpture I have ever seen!


n a piece of bathroom equipment that you stand under to wash your whole body He likes to sing in the shower.


n a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck, head, or shoulders to keep warm or for decoration She lent me her pink scarf.


n a piece of clothing for women or girls which covers the top of the body and hangs down over the legs She was wearing a short, black dress.


n a piece of clothing that covers the legs and has a separate part for each leg a pair of pants


n a piece of clothing worn on the top part of the body, often made of thin material like cotton and fastened with buttons down the front Do you like my new shirt?


n a piece of cotton clothing for the top part of the body with short sleeves and no collar He wore jeans and a T-shirt.


n a piece of equipment that is used to talk to someone who is in another place Would someone please answer the phone?


n a piece of equipment that shows you what time it is, usually in a house or on a building The clock was ten minutes slow so we were late for school.


n a piece of equipment that you cook on I've left some soup on the stove for you.


n a piece of equipment with moving parts that uses power to do a particular job She invented a machine that washes the dishes.


n a piece of furniture that you sleep on I'm going to bed.


n a piece of furniture with a door on the front which you use for putting things in I put the plates back in the cabinet.


n a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating off, putting things on, etc the kitchen table


n a piece of jewelry that you wear around your wrist She wears a gold bracelet that her grandmother gave her.

can opener

n a piece of kitchen equipment for opening metal food containers You need to take a can opener if you go camping.


n a piece of metal cut into a particular shape and used for locking things such as doors, or for starting an engine You need to take your keys with you so you can let yourself in.


n a piece of paper in a book, magazine, etc, or one side of a piece of paper The article is on page 36.


n a piece of useful advice We like to exchange gardening tips


n a piece of women's clothing that hangs from the waist and has no legs She looked good in a skirt and blouse.


n a piece of writing in a magazine, newspaper, etc I wrote an article about language schools for a magazine.


n a piece of written or spoken information which one person gives to another She sent me a message to apologize for not coming to the party.


n a place like a cheap hotel, where you can live when you are away from home or have no home We stayed in a hostel because it was cheaper than a hotel.

dance club

n a place open late at night where people can dance We went to the dance club last Saturday.


n a place or a building used for a particular activity Let's go to the animal center and see some rescued dogs.


n a place where children go to be educated He goes to the same school as me.


n a place where people live and work, usually larger than a village but smaller than a city It's a small town in the north of England.


n a place where people live in the countryside that includes buildings such as stores and a school but which is smaller than a town They live in a small village in Namibia.


n a place where planes arrive and leave, with buildings for people to wait in Which airport are you flying from?


n a place where students are educated when they are between 16 and 18 years old, or after they have finished school If you go to college it will improve your chance of getting a good job.


n a place where you pay to stay when you are away from home They stayed in a hotel by the sea.


n a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc I like to eat a variety of vegetables for dinner.


n a plant that you find on the beach and that grows in the sea Seaweed is very good for you, but I don't really like the taste.


n a position, building, town, area, etc There's a place I'd like to take you to.


n a priest with a high rank in the Catholic Church Cardinals wear very bright robes.


n a principle of a system, such as a language or science If you learn the rules you'll find it easier to speak the language.


n a promise to yourself to do something My New Year's resolution is to exercise more.


n a race in which people run for about 26 miles/42 km She ran the marathon in under 5 hours.


n a raised area of land, smaller than a mountain We live on top of a hill.


n a region of a country or city The area of Paris where I live is famous for its restaurants.


n a regular, repeating pattern of sound I like music with a strong rhythm.


n a report saying what is likely to happen in the future Let's watch the weather forecast.


n a restaurant in an office, factory, or school They go to the school cafeteria for lunch every day.


n a road in a town or city that has houses or other buildings We live on the same street.


n a room in a school where students have lessons The teacher was waiting for us in the classroom.


n a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to the public We visited lots of art galleries in San Francisco.


n a room or building where people work an office worker


n a room used for sleeping in Jennifer does her homework in her bedroom.


n a room used to prepare and cook food in The kitchen is the busiest room in the house.

dining room

n a room where you eat your meals in a house or hotel We have our dinner in the dining room every night.


n a room with a bath, sink bowl for washing, and often a toilet She washed her hands in the bathroom.


n a round vegetable which is white inside and grows in the ground Would you like a potato with your meat and vegetables?


n a round vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell I like onions in my salad.


n a round, flat piece of meat which you eat between round pieces of bread a hamburger and fries


n a round, flat shape like the letter O, or a group of people or things arranged in this shape We all sat on the floor in a circle.


n a round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a lot of juice I eat an orange every day.


n a school class or group of classes for students of the same age or ability My son is in fifth grade.


n a scientist who studies biology He's a famous biologist.


n a seat for one person, with a back and usually four legs Here, take a chair.


n a seed case of some climbing plants that is eaten as a vegetable We're vegetarians so we eat a lot of beans.


n a sentence or phrase that asks you for information Is it OK if I ask you a few questions?


n a series of names, numbers, or items that are written one below the other I always write a list of the things I have to do at the start of the day.

Olympic Games

n a set of international sports competitions that happen once every four years The next Olympic Games will be in China.


n a set of questions to find out someone's knowledge or ability I took my driving test on Friday.


n a set of rooms for someone to live in on one level of a building or house Our apartment is on the sixth floor.


n a shop a book store


n a short coat a leather jacket


n a short part of a film, play, or book in which the events happen in one place We'll practice the first scene.


n a simple picture showing what something looks like or explaining how something works Follow the diagram.


n a single thing in a set or on a list the last item on the list


n a situation that causes difficulties and that needs to be dealt with health problems


n a small amount of food that you eat between meals Do you want a quick snack before you go out?


n a small creature with eight long legs which catches insects in a web (=structure like a net) The spider spun a beautiful web in the garden.


n a small house, usually in the countryside They live in a little cottage on top of a hill.


n a small object that stops electrical equipment working if there is too much electricity going through it She's very good around the house - she can even mend a fuse.


n a small piece of paper that shows you have paid to do something, for example travel on a bus, watch a movie, etc a theater ticket


n a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and small meals Let's meet in the café.


n a small, green animal with long back legs for jumping that lives in or near water Lots of big frogs live in the Amazon in Brazil.


n a small, round container with a handle on the side, used to drink from I have a cup of coffee for breakfast every morning.

gold medal

n a small, round piece of metal given to someone who has won a competition She won an Olympic gold medal.


n a small, simple building, often made of wood We stayed in a hut half way up the mountain.


n a small, thin stick that you use to remove pieces of food from between your teeth They made models out of toothpicks.


n a soft piece of material used to cover the floor The dog was lying on the rug in front of the fire.


n a soft, pale yellow food made from cream that you put on bread and use in cooking We have toast and butter for breakfast.


n a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable I like eating pasta with tomatoes.


n a solid or liquid substance like oil that is taken from plants or animals and used in cooking The fat on meat is not good for you.


n a sound, often a loud, unpleasant sound You're making too much noise.


n a space in the wall of a building or vehicle that has glass in it, used for letting light and air inside and for looking through Open the window if you're too hot.


n a special container where people keep bees Bees live in beehives.


n a special container where people keep bees She's saving up to buy a new hive for her bees.


n a special set of clothes that are worn by people who do a particular job or people who go to a particular school a school uniform


n a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a net Tennis is my favorite sport. I think Andre Agassi is great, but he's a bit old now.


n a sport in which you do physical exercises on the floor and on different pieces of equipment, often in competitions There's a gymnastics club at our local sports center.

scuba diving

n a sport in which you swim under water using special equipment for breathing I did a lot of scuba diving on vacation.


n a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other There's a hockey match every Wednesday after school.


n a square or rectangular container a cardboard box


n a store that sells books My favorite bookstore in New York is The Strand.


n a storm that has thunder (=loud noise) and lightning (=sudden flashes of light in the sky) We couldn't go out because of the thunderstorm.


n a story, especially one which is not true or is difficult to believe The tales my grandfather told about his time in the Navy were very exciting.


n a strong shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg My walking boots were very uncomfortable.


n a structure made of metal poles and cloth which is fixed to the ground with ropes and used as a cover or to sleep under They went camping but the tent was blown away in the storm.


n a structure that forces water up into the air as a decoration The fountain sprayed water thirty feet in the air.


n a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house, school, etc an office building


n a substance in food such as sugar, potatoes, etc that gives your body energy You need to eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates and proteins.


n a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm The lightning struck the tree and it caught fire.


n a suggestion or plan "Why don't we ask George?" "That's a good idea."


n a surface that you walk on inside a building; a particular level of a building I clean the floor every day.


n a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block I love chocolate but I try not to eat too much.


n a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees Honey is very sweet.


n a symbol that is used in written language and that represents a sound in that language the letter K


n a system of trains that travel underground I've never been on the New York subway.


n a table that you sit at to write or work, often with drawers Elizabeth does her homework at her desk.


n a talk between two or more people I have conversations with my best friend on the phone all the time.


n a tall plant with a thick stem which has branches coming from it and leaves The children played under the tree.


n a test of how much you know about something or how good you are at something I have an English exam tomorrow.


n a thick liquid produced from plants or animals that is used in cooking Oil is high in calories.


n a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is made from milk I have strawberry yogurt for lunch everyday.


n a thin book published every week or month, that has shiny, colorful pages with articles and pictures I read an article in a magazine about sailing.


n a thing that you can see or touch but that is usually not alive a bright, shiny object


n a thing that you hold above your head to keep yourself dry when it is raining Don't forget your umbrella when you go to Seattle.


n a thing which is not known or stated Can you read something else?


n a tube-shaped vehicle for travelling in space They went to the moon in a rocket.


n a type of car racing Joey Logano is a famous NASCAR driver.


n a type of cloth which is light and smooth She wore a beautiful silk dress to the concert.


n a type of popular music from Jamaica with a strong beat Reggae is my favorite kind of music.


n a type of slow, sad music that was developed by African-Americans He sang the blues.


n a type of something or way of doing something Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words in brackets.


n a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1609 meters or 1760 yards My house is one mile from the school.


n a unit for measuring length, equal to 100 centimeters He ran 100 meters in less than ten seconds!


n a unit for measuring the amount of energy food provides There are more calories in fat than in vegetables.


n a vacation on a ship, sailing from place to place We went on a cruise around Scandinavia.


n a vegetable like a small onion with a very strong taste and smell Garlic is good for your heart.


n a vehicle for travelling on water They arrived by boat but left by plane.


n a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings We always travel by plane because it's quicker.


n a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are ill or hurt He was taken to hospital in an ambulance.


n a vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of passengers She goes to work by car.


n a vehicle with two wheels that you sit on and move by pushing two parts with your feet - also called a bike Is he driving to school today or going on his bicycle?


n a very high hill The children climbed the mountain without complaining.


n a very sweet substance used to give flavor to food and drinks coffee with milk and sugar


n a very young child Be quiet please. The baby is asleep.


n a violent storm with very strong winds All the houses were destroyed in the hurricane.


n a warm piece of clothing which covers the top of your body and is pulled on over your head She's knitting me a sweater.


n a way of making money by selling numbered tickets to people who then have a chance of winning a prize if their number is chosen I won the lottery and paid all my bills.


n a weapon that you fire bullets out of The bank robber took a gun out of his bag.


n a white or grey mass that floats in the sky, made of small water drops There isn't a cloud in the sky.


n a wild plant that you do not want to grow in your garden The garden is full of weeds.


n a woman or girl who someone is having a romantic relationship with My brother has a new girlfriend.


n a word or group of words that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place, direction, time, etc. For example "on" in "Your keys are on the table." is a preposition. Use the correct preposition to complete the exercises.


n a word or part of a word that has one vowel sound How many syllables are there in hippopotamus?


n a word that describes a noun or pronoun. The words "big", "boring", "purple" and "obvious" are all adjectives. Use adjectives to give your work more color.


n a word that describes or gives more information about a verb, adjective, phrase, or other adverb. In the sentences "He ate quickly." and "It was extremely good.", "quickly" and "extremely" are both adverbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb from the list.


n a word that is used instead of a noun which has usually already been talked about. For example the words "she", "it", and "mine" are pronouns.


n a word that is used to say that someone does something or that something happens. For example the words "arrive", "make", "be", and "feel" are verbs. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.


n a written message, usually containing words with letters left out, sent from one cell phone to another Texting is not permitted at school.


n abbreviation for digital versatile disc: a small disc for storing music, films and information a DVD player/drive

performing arts

n acting, singing, dancing and other forms of public entertainment Season tickets to the theater are a perfect gift for someone who loves the performing arts.


n activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy; a piece of written work that helps you learn something Swimming is my favorite form of exercise; For your homework, please do exercise 3 on page 24.


n an accident in which a ship is destroyed at sea They went diving on shipwrecks.


n an activity that you enjoy and do regularly when you are not working My hobby is making jewelry.


n an amount of money that you pay to do something, to use something, or to get a service an entrance fee


n an animal with fur, four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet, or trained to guard buildings and guide blind people Let's take the dog for a walk.


n an area of a town or city that people live in It's a very peaceful neighborhood with no crime.


n an area of land in front of or behind a house The kids are playing in the yard out back.


n an area of land that has its own government, army, etc. I've visited ten different European countries.


n an area of land, usually in tropical countries, where trees and plants grow close together They got lost in the jungle.


n an area of sand or rocks next to the sea I love lying on the beach and swimming in the sea.


n an area of water near the coast where ships are kept and are safe from the sea We arrived at the harbor in time to see the ships coming in.


n an area of water that has been made for people to swim in The hotel has two outdoor pools.


n an area where people can stay in tents for a vacation We stayed on a really nice campsite.


n an arrangement for something that you intend to do Look at your plan before you start work.

bass guitar

n an electric guitar that makes a low sound He played bass guitar in a band.


n an electronic machine that can store and arrange large amounts of information We've put all our records on computer.


n an entertaining activity or sport that people play, usually needing some skill and played according to rules I'd rather play a card game than computer games.


n an event where people come together for a reason, usually to discuss something We're having a meeting on Thursday to discuss the problem.


n an event where people enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and dancing a birthday party


n an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience It's a film about the adventures of two friends travelling across Africa.


n an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something I tried to explain my theory but no one would listen.


n an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from heart disease.


n an object placed inside part of your body in an operation, to improve your appearance or treat a medical condition Internet implants


n an object with a handle and a round, curved part at one end, used for eating and serving food You can't eat toast with a spoon.


n an object, often made of stone, that is built to help people remember an important person or event Let's meet at the war memorial at the end of High Street.


n an official document, often a small book, that you need to enter or leave a country Don't forget your passport.


n an official list of the most popular songs each week My brother had an album on the charts.


n an official rule in a country If we break the law, we'll be punished.


n an organization for people who want to take part in a sport or social activity together, or the building they use for this Our school has a lot of clubs and groups.


n an organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it He gives a lot of money to charity.


n an organization that sells goods or services My uncle runs a small decorating business.


n an organization which sells goods or services He works for a software company.


n an organized event in which people try to win a prize by being the best, fastest, etc We entered the singing competition and won.


n an oval object produced by a female chicken, that you eat as food a boiled/fried egg


n an oval, yellow fruit that has sour juice She drinks her tea with lemon but I prefer milk.


n an unpleasant physical feeling caused by an illness or injury I have a pain in my finger.


n animals, birds, and plants living in their natural environment The wildlife is very interesting in our garden.

in fact

n as a matter of fact "Can she play the cello?' 'Yes, in fact she's very good.'

baked beans

n beans softened by soaking and boiling and then baked in a tomato sauce I like to eat baked beans on rice.


n bicycle Is he driving to school today or going on his bike?


n bread that has been heated to make it brown Would you like a piece of toast?


n clothes, sheets, and similar things that are being washed or have been washed, or when you wash these I'm doing the laundry this morning.


n coming from of relating to Tibet Tibetan is a very difficult language to learn.


n coming from or relating to Hungary Hungarian is hard to learn because it's different from most other European languages.


n coming from or relating to Iceland There aren't many people outside Iceland who speak Icelandic.


n communication between people, usually using words We learn three foreign languages in our school.


n damage caused to water, air, etc by harmful substances or waste There's a problem with pollution in my city.


n destroyed The city lies in ruins.


n every person You have to wait your turn like everyone else.


n father My dad and I have the same curly brown hair.


n feelings of worry caused by difficult situations such as problems at work I wish there were less stress in my life.


n fighting, using soldiers and weapons, between two or more countries, or two or more groups inside a country The war lasted for twelve years and many innocent people died.


n food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a meal They have a lot of vegetarian dishes on their menu.


n grandmother I'm going to see my grandma and bring her a cake.


n harm or injury They caused a lot of damage.

fast food

n hot food that can be served very quickly in a restaurant because it is already prepared I don't like fast food.


n how hot or cold something is The temperature can sometimes get as high as fifty degrees.


n how words are pronounced Mario's English pronunciation is excellent.


n in, to or at a place which is not known or is not stated I want to live somewhere else.


n interested and enthusiastic She was excited about the trip because she was going to learn to ski.


n items such as shirts and pants that you wear on your body She was wearing her sister's clothes.


n looking after bees in order to produce honey Beekeeping is an unusual hobby.


n loud, modern music with a strong beat, often played with electric guitars and drums His favorite kind of music is rock.


n making and selling clothes the fashion industry


n meat from a young sheep I'll have lamb with mint sauce please.


n mother My mom called last night.


n objects made from gold, silver, and valuable stones that you wear for decoration She wears a lot of jewelry.


n objects such as chairs, tables, and beds that you put into a room or building antique furniture


n official documents He has to organize all the papers for his boss.

olive oil

n oil produced from olives, used for cooking or on salads Olive oil is a good oil.


n one form of something that is slightly different to other forms of the same thing What is your version of the story?


n one of a group of natural substances in food that you need to be healthy Your diet should include foods that are rich in vitamins.


n one of a pair of covers for your feet, with an upper part made of a strong material such as leather and a base made usually of thick leather or rubber high-heeled shoes


n one of the five days from Monday to Friday, when people usually go to work or school I get up early on weekday mornings.


n one of the parts that some countries such as the US are divided into Washington State


n one of the parts that something is divided into She always reads the sport section of the newspaper first.


n one of the separate parts of a train where the passengers sit We sat in the front car .


n one of the steps in a set of steps She went up the stairs two at a time.


n one of the things that, with other things, makes the whole of something Part of this form seems to be missing.


n one of the twelve periods of time that a year is divided into of approximately four weeks He's starting his new job next month.


n one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see with Sara has black hair and brown eyes.


n one of the two parts that something would divide into if you drew a line down the middle In most countries people drive on the right side of the road.


n one of the two time periods that a school or college year is divided into fall/spring semester


n pain inside your head I have a terrible headache.


n part of a road or track that is separated from the other parts, usually by a painted line the inside/middle/outside lane


n plans for how something will happen We made an arrangement to meet at the Brazilian restaurant but he didn't turn up.


n plays and acting She studied English and theater in college.


n problems, difficulties, or worries The boys were sent home from scout camp for causing trouble.


n proof that someone was not in the place where a crime happened and so cannot be guilty He had no alibi and was found guilty.


n riding on a bicycle I do a lot of cycling in my spare time.


n round, hollow musical instruments that you hit with your hands or with sticks She plays the drums very well.

grocery shopping

n shopping for food or small items for the house They were out of milk, so she went grocery shopping.


n small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten People eat a lot of rice in China, Japan and India.


n soft parts of animals, used as food I don't eat meat.


n some, or a small number of something I have a few friends who I always go on vacation with every year.


n someone at a swimming pool or beach whose job is to help people who are in danger in the water My brother worked as a lifeguard last summer.


n someone from Malta She is Maltese.


n someone from another country I like talking to foreigners and finding out about their culture.


n someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc The manager came to apologize for the bad service in the restaurant.


n someone or something which has become very popular with a particular group of people a cult figure/movie


n someone who comes to visit you in your home, at a party, etc We had guests over this weekend.


n someone who creates art, especially paintings and drawings My mother is a famous artist.


n someone who decides which person or thing wins a competition The Olympic judges are very important.


n someone who designs buildings My dad is an architect.


n someone who does work without being paid, especially work that involves helping people My dad used to be a Red Cross volunteer.


n someone who entertains people by performing magic tricks He's a great magician - I don't know how he does his tricks.


n someone who flies an aircraft Pilots have a great life. They travel a lot and have lots of money.


n someone who flies an airplane. She's married to a pilot.


n someone who has a lot of skill in something or a lot of knowledge about something He's an expert on dinosaurs.

TV show host

n someone who introduces the guests on a television show My dad's a TV show host. He's really famous.


n someone who invents or makes something She is the creator of that wonderful invention.


n someone who is being treated by a doctor, nurse, etc I see patients two days a week and teach in the hospital for the rest of the week.


n someone who is between 13 and 19 years old The worst thing about being a teen is all the tests we have to take..


n someone who is getting knowledge or a new skill I'm not a very good language learner. I'm better at science.


n someone who is not brave and tries to avoid dangerous or difficult situations He can be a wimp sometimes.


n someone who is responsible for employees and tells them what to do The boss always tells me what to do.


n someone who is studying at a school or university My sister is a law student.


n someone who is traveling in a vehicle, but not controlling the vehicle All the passengers need to wear a seatbelt.


n someone who is very good at a sport and who takes part in competitions My brother is a real athlete.


n someone who likes and supports a famous person, sport, type of music, etc You're a baseball fan, aren't you?


n someone who makes a speech to a group of people There are English speakers all round the world.


n someone who plays a musical instrument, often as a job My uncle is a famous musician.


n someone who plays a sport or game She's the best player in the world.

tennis player

n someone who plays tennis I think Serena Williams is the best tennis player in the world.


n someone who repairs teeth I've made an appointment with the dentist.


n someone who runs, usually in competitions She's a very good runner.


n someone who sings a jazz singer


n someone who steals The police caught the robbers and put them in prison.


n someone who studies science or works in science His wife is a scientist.


n someone who swims under water, usually with breathing equipment My uncle is a diver.


n someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do My dad is a film director.


n someone who visits a person or place The museum attracts large numbers of visitors.


n someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there There are a lot of tourists in New York City.


n someone who works for a company or organization but does not have a powerful position He's a factory worker.


n someone who works in politics, especially a member of the government We discussed the issue with some local politicians and the problem was solved.


n someone who writes a book, article, etc My favorite author is Ernest Hemingway.


n someone who you know well and like Sarah's my best friend.

sales clerk

n someone whose job is selling things in a store I worked as a sales clerk when I finished school.


n someone whose job is to build houses, walls, etc with bricks He is a very good bricklayer.


n someone whose job is to care for people who are ill and hurt The nurse came to take my temperature.


n someone whose job is to change written or spoken words from one language to another She didn't speak my language so she told me through a translator.


n someone whose job is to design, build, or repair machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc He's a mechanical engineer.


n someone whose job is to discover information about news events and describe them on television, radio, or in a newspaper My Dad is a reporter. He works for the most important newspaper in England.


n someone whose job is to give medical care to animals that are ill or hurt My sister wants to be a vet, because she loves animals.

flight attendant

n someone whose job is to look after passengers on an aircraft The flight attendant offered me a soda.


n someone whose job is to perform in plays and films He's the most famous actor I've ever seen.


n someone whose job is to stop fires burning The firefighter put out the fire.


n someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc a history/science teacher


n someone whose job is to understand the law and deal with legal situations I want to see my lawyer before I say anything.

computer programmer

n someone whose job is writing computer programs My brother is a computer programmer. He says it's very boring.


n something bad which happens that is not intended and which causes injury or damage She was badly hurt in a car accident.


n something friendly or polite that you say or do when you meet or welcome someone She gave him a warm greeting.


n something or someone that may hurt you Icy roads are a danger to drivers.


n something such as an apple or orange that grows on a tree or a bush, contains seeds, and can be eaten as food A healthy diet includes fruit and vegetables.


n something that happens to you that affects how you feel I've just had a very embarrassing experience.


n something that has a good result or that is very popular She's not famous yet, but she's certainly had a lot of success.


n something that has been designed or created for the first time The washing machine is a wonderful invention.


n something that is decided in a court of law She won the court case after a long battle.


n something that is wrong with something or with someone's character It's my fault that we missed the train.


n something that it is your job or duty to deal with His job involves huge responsibilities.


n something that makes people come to a place or want to do a particular thing What are the most interesting attractions in your town?


n something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to keep them alive We've bought the food for the party.


n something that someone says or writes officially The pop star is expected to make a statement about his new movie.


n something that tells you what someone or something is like I gave the police a description of the stolen jewellery.


n something that you do or think which is wrong Sorry, I made a mistake.


n something that you give to someone, usually for a special occasion a birthday/wedding present


n something that you remember I have fond memories of my childhood.

New Year's Eve/Day

December 31st, the last day of the year/January 1st, the first day of the year He's having a New Year's Eve party.


n something that you tell no one or only a few people about What's the secret of your success?


n something that you want and plan to do What are your intentions for tomorrow?


n something which has been translated from one language to another, or the process of translating I'm reading the Polish translation of Macbeth in school.


n something which someone says to make people laugh, usually a short story with a funny ending He told me a funny joke.


n something which you buy or keep to remember a special event or vacation a souvenir shop


n something which you see, especially something interesting We went to see all the famous sights.


n something you do as part of your job or because of your position It's your duty to help around the house.


n something you say, feel, or do because of something that has happened His reaction was rather strange.


n something you want to do successfully in the future You need to set clear goals for your work.


n something you wear to cover your head, for fashion or protection a cowboy hat


n studying done by a child at school or at home You must get your schoolwork done before you go out to play.


n suggestions about what you think someone should do or how they should do something My mom's always giving me advice that I don't need.


n sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal My favorite dessert is ice cream.


n swimming under water, usually with breathing equipment We went on some excellent dives in Australia.


n the Earth and all the people, places, and things on it The world is getting warmer every year.


n the Internet He spends all day surfing the Net.


n the ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations without being frightened He has a lot of courage.


n the activity of going on long walks in the countryside They often go hiking at the weekend.


n the activity of making clothes flat and smooth using an iron (=a piece of electrical equipment) Laurie likes to iron the clothes.


n the activity of moving over snow wearing skis (=long thin things that you attach to boots) Have you ever been skiing?


n the activity of moving using a skateboard Skateboarding is cool. I go skateboarding in the park after school.


n the activity of swimming while holding in your mouth a snorkel (=tube that helps you to breathe) I want to go snorkeling and see a lot of fish in the ocean.


n the activity of travelling in a canoe My favorite part of our vacation was the canoeing.


n the activity of visiting places which are interesting I'm going on a sightseeing tour of London this summer.


n the activity or job of taking photographs She studied photography at college.


n the activity or sport of swimming under water, usually using special breathing equipment His hobby is diving.


n the amount of money that you need to buy or do something The cruise ship was built at a cost of $400 million.


n the amount of money that you pay to buy something high/low prices


n the amount you get when you add several smaller amounts together In total we made over $3,000.


n the answer to a problem There's no easy solution to this problem.


n the area above the Earth where you can see clouds, the sun, the moon, etc The sky was full of birds.


n the area behind a house The dog is playing in the backyard.


n the area in a train station where you get on and off the train They were waiting on the station platform.


n the attractive, colored part of a plant where the seeds grow My favorite flower is the daisy.


n the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside That's the most spectacular scenery I've ever seen.

human rights

n the basic rights that every person should have, such as justice and the freedom to say what you think She's been fighting for human rights since she was in college.


n the best, biggest, longest, tallest, etc He broke the world record for long jump


n the brightness that shines from the sun, from fire, or from electrical equipment, allowing you to see things There was light coming from under the door.


n the brother of your mother or father, or the husband of your aunt We went to visit my uncle last weekend.


n the capital city of France Paris is my favorite capital city.


n the capital of China We went to Beijing for our vacation.


n the child of your son or daughter They have 15 grandchildren.


n the coins or banknotes pieces of paper with values that are used to buy things How much money do you have?


n the color brown I have brown hair.


n the color of blood My mom likes red roses.


n the color of snow or milk a white shirt


n the color of the sky when there are no clouds Her eyes are blue.


n the comparative form of "old" My sister is older than me.


n the condition of your body It's important to look after your health.


n the container that you sit or lie in to wash your body She's in the bathtub.


n the correct number or information given as a reply to a question in a test or competition Did you get the answer to Question 6?


n the crime of stealing from someone or somewhere All the money was taken in the robbery.


n the day before today I went to see the doctor yesterday morning.


n the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday I'm seeing her on Monday.


n the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday I'm going to the soccer game on Friday.


n the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday We go swimming every Wednesday.


n the day of the week after Wednesday and before Friday He's arriving on Thursday.

day after tomorrow

n the day that will come after tomorrow I'm seeing him the day after tomorrow.


n the eighth month of the year Her birthday is in August.


n the eleventh month of the year She's leaving in November.


n the facts about why something happens or why someone does something What is your reason for being so rude to me?


n the fifth month of the year My favorite month is May.


n the first half of the day, from the time when the sun rises or you wake up until the middle of the day I work better in the mornings than at night.


n the first month of the year We're coming back in January.


n the food that you eat at one time We had a four-course meal in the hotel.


n the food you eat in the morning after you wake up She had breakfast in bed this morning.


n the form of an adjective or adverb that is used to show that someone or something has more of a particular quality than anyone or anything else. For example "best" is the superlative of "good" and "slowest" is the superlative of "slow". What is the superlative of big?


n the group of people who officially control a country The government has to make a lot of important decisions.


n the habits, traditions, and beliefs of a country, society, or group of people; music, art, theatre, literature, etc Their culture is very different from ours.


n the hard, natural substance which forms part of the Earth's surface We climbed over the rocks and went for a swim in the sea.


n the highest rank of teacher in a British university, or a teacher in an American university or college She's a university professor, but she also does research.

bird watching

n the hobby of looking at birds They went bird watching in Scotland.


n the imperative form of a verb Use the imperative.


n the job someone or something has in a particular situation This part of the brain plays an important role in learning.


n the language that is spoken in Spain They study Spanish in school.


n the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, and in many other countries American/British English


n the language used by ancient Romans Latin is a useful language to learn as it helps you understand a lot of other languages.


n the light and heat that comes from the sun I can't sit in the sun for too long.


n the line that separates two countries or states He crossed the border and was picked up by the police.


n the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables Orange juice is full of vitamin C.


n the long metal lines which a train travels along The train came off the track.


n the loud noise in the sky that you hear during a storm The thunder was so loud I couldn't hear myself think.


n the main meal of the day that people usually eat in the evening What's for dinner tonight?


n the metal tracks that trains run on He fell onto the rails.


n the middle part of your leg where it bends He broke his knee in a car accident.


n the most important city in a country or state, where the government is based Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States.


n the natural environment of an animal or plant On our vacation we saw animals in their natural habitat.


n the number of people living in a particular area What is the population of your country?


n the number of points someone gets in a game or test a high/low score


n the number of times something happens in a particular period, or the fact that something happens often or a large number of times The frequency of attacks seems to have increased recently.


n the organ inside your body where food goes after it has been eaten and where it starts to be digested I have a pain in my stomach.


n the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body He looked fit but his heart was very unhealthy.


n the part of a building, room, vehicle, or piece of furniture that you open or close to get inside it or out of it Please shut the door behind you.


n the part of a fence or outside wall that opens and closes like a door They lock the school gate at 9 o'clock.


n the part of a train that makes it move We went to the museum and saw the locomotives.


n the part of the body between your head and your shoulders She has a very long neck.


n the part of the land along the edge of the sea The tour follow the coastline round the island.


n the part of your body above your neck which contains your brain, eyes, ears, mouth, etc. He fell and hit his head on the table.


n the part of your body between your hand and your arm She wears a beautiful gold watch on her right wrist.


n the people living in a particular area He often works on community projects helping the elderly.


n the physical or mental skill or qualities that you need to do something athletic/academic ability


n the place where someone or something is going We travelled for two weeks but we never reached our destination.


n the place where something is or where something happens, often in a book, play, or film They used my uncle's house as the setting for the movie.


n the place where you live or feel you belong I tried to call him, but he wasn't at home.

North Pole

n the point on the Earth's surface which is furthest north One day I'm going to walk to the North Pole.


n the process of considering something again in order to make changes to it a review of teachers' pay


n the regular movement of the heart as it moves blood around the body The doctor measured his heartbeat.


n the regular work that you do in order to earn money She got a job in publishing.


n the right to live in the way you want, say what you think, and make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else He's enjoying his freedom.

living room

n the room in a house where people sit to relax and, for example, watch television We watch TV in the living room.


n the season between autumn and spring when the weather is cold We like to go away in winter.


n the season between spring and autumn when the weather is warmest We're going away in the summer.


You need to fill in your age on the form.


n the season of the year between winter and summer when the weather starts to get warmer Spring is my favorite season, because I love flowers.


n the set of things that are happening at a particular time and place Have you been reading about the political situation in our city?


n the shows that are shown on a television I mostly watch television in the evening.


n the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle My mother's sister is my aunt.


n the sixth month of the year She was born in June.


n the smallest living part of an animal or a plant brain/cancer cells


n the soil in an area The apples fell off the tree and landed on the ground.


n the sounds that you make when you speak or sing She has a beautiful voice when she sings opera.


n the sport of climbing mountains, hills, or rocks We have a climbing vacation once a year.


n the sport of firing bullets from guns, sometimes to kill animals We go shooting at the weekends.

long jump

n the sport of jumping as far as you can The world record for the long jump is almost 9 meters.


n the study and knowledge of the structure and behaviour of natural things in an organized way Science is my favorite subject at school - I love doing experiments with chemicals.

social studies

n the study of things that happened in the past I'm taking a social studies class this semester.


n the study or science of numbers and shapes I was never very good at math.


n the system for sending letters, parcels, etc Your letter is in the mail.


n the system of supplying something to people They still don't have a supply of fresh water.


n the talking in a book, play, or film Listen to the dialogue between the two friends.


n the temperature or conditions outside, for example if it is hot, cold, sunny, etc You can't rely on the weather in England.


n the things that are used for a particular activity I just opened a restaurant, so I need to shop for kitchen equipment.


n the third month of the year My birthday is in March.


n the time when a baby is born You need to tell them your date of birth.


n the top amount or level which something reaches He reached his all-time high and decided to retire.


n the twelfth month of the year Her birthday is in December.


n the type of food that someone usually eats I try to eat a balanced diet.


n the unit of money used in the US, Canada, and some other countries; $ a hundred dollars/$100


n the way in which someone from a country or area speaks a language He had an American accent.


n the way two people or groups feel and behave towards each other "What is the relationship between Helen and George?" "They're cousins."


n the way you combine words and change their form and position in a sentence, or the rules or study of this a book of grammar rules


n the way you live your life They live a healthy lifestyle.


n the weather conditions that an area usually has The climate in the UK isn't great for vacations.


n the whole physical structure of a person or animal He has a thin body and long legs.


n the woman that a man is married to His wife has red hair and green eyes.


n the word or group of words that is used to refer to a person, thing, or place What's your name?


n the words of a song I never listen to the lyrics.


n the work that you do to keep your house clean I can't stand doing housework.


n thick cloud just above the ground or sea that makes it difficult to see The fog is very thick today.




adj (used in negative statements and questions) some or even the smallest amount (of) There was hardly any snow this winter.


adj 3rd written as a word He came third in his first ever race.


adj A mystery person or thing is one who is unknown. You have to guess who the mystery person is.


adj Electrical goods or equipment work using electricity. The fire was caused by an electrical fault.


adj If a woman or girl is pretty, she is attractive. She's a very pretty girl.


adj If food or drink is delicious, it smells or tastes extremely good. That's the most delicious cake I've ever tasted.


adj If people are united, they all agree about something. On the issue of education the party is united.


adj If someone makes a heroic effort to do something, they work very hard to try to do it. That was a heroic act.


adj If something is obligatory, you must do it because of a rule, or because everyone else does it. It is obligatory to go to school until you are seventeen.


adj If something is possible, it can happen or be done. It's possible but not very likely.


adj If something is strange, it is surprising because it is unusual or unexpected. That's a very strange story - I can hardly believe it.


adj If you are busy, you are working hard, or giving your attention to a particular activity. He's busy looking after sick people.


adj If you are modest, you do not talk in a proud way about your skills or successes. She's very smart but very modest.


adj In grammar, a possessive word or form of a word shows who or what something belongs to. For example the words "mine" and "yours" are possessive pronouns. possessiver pronouns


adj In language, a negative word or phrase expresses the meaning "no" or "not". Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verb.


adj Something that is unforgettable is so good, interesting, etc that you remember it for a long time. We saw an unforgettable play the other day.


adj Your native language is the first language you learn. The best person to practice your English with is a native speaker.


adj a large number (of) or a lot (of) Many people bought tickets for the concert.

count noun

adj a noun that can be used in the singular and the plural Bottles are countable but water is not.


adj a smaller amount of something, to a smaller degree, or not as much We have to spend less money.


adj able to learn and understand things easily She's a very intelligent young woman.


adj able to move or be moved easily We have two mobile classrooms in our school because there are too many children.


adj acceptable or right a fair deal


adj accurate, or having no mistakes All his answers were correct.


adj achieving what you want to achieve; having achieved a lot or made a lot of money through your work If the operation is successful, she should be walking within a few months.; He is a successful businessman


adj admired by people because of your knowledge, achievements, etc He's highly respected by everyone who knows him.


adj afraid or nervous She's frightened of spiders.


adj after the usual time or the time that was arranged I was late for work this morning.


adj always working with a lot of effort He's always been hard working.


adj based on facts and not imagined It's a true story, so you'd better believe me!


adj behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone She was very friendly.


adj behaving in a way that is not rude and shows that you do not only think about yourself Her children are very polite.


adj behaving in a way which is not polite and upsets other people I hope you're not rude to your teacher.


adj being a color that is a mixture of red and blue purple pansies


adj being the color of coal or of the sky on a very dark night He has short black hair.


adj being the main or most important part of something basic ideas/principles


adj being the same color as grass Her eyes are green.


adj belonging to or coming from another country, not your own I love tasting different foreign foods.


adj belonging to or connected with the person or people being spoken to; the possessive form of you What's your name?


adj belonging to or connected with them; the possessive form of they used before a noun. It was their money and they could spend it as they liked.


adj best liked or most enjoyed This is one of my favorite restaurants.


adj big in size or amount a large number of people


adj boring I found the film very dull.


adj bright because of light from the sun It was a lovely sunny day.


adj coming after this one We're going on vacatopm next week.


adj coming from or relating to Canada We flew over the Canadian mountains.


adj coming from or relating to France She studies French in school.


adj coming from or relating to Guatemala He is Guatemalan.


adj coming from or relating to India I enjoy Indian food.


adj coming from or relating to Italy Mozzarella is an Italian cheese.


adj coming from or relating to Japan It's a Japanese car.


adj coming from or relating to Poland He's Polish.


adj coming from or relating to Russia I collect Russian dolls.


adj coming from or relating to the United States of America She has an American accent.


adj comparative of "cool" It's cooler in the evening than during the day.


adj comparative of "easy" This exercise is easier than the previous one.


adj comparative of "fat" My dog's fatter than your dog.


adj comparative of "happy" She's happier than I've seen her for a long time.


adj comparative of "hard" I find math harder than English.


adj comparative of "long" Her hair is longer than mine.


adj comparative of "short" She's shorter than he is.


adj comparative of "small" She's smaller than I am.


adj completely sure of something, or knowing without doubt that something is true Are you certain that this is the right house?


adj connected to a system of computers, especially the Internet They play online games all the time.


adj continuing for a small amount of time It was only a short visit.


adj difficult He's had a tough time at work recently.


adj difficult to do or understand Saying goodbye to a friend is hard.


adj doing a lot of things, or moving around a lot It is healthy to live an active lifestyle.


adj doing something fast or taking only a short time I tried to catch him but he was too quick for me.


adj enjoyable or attractive He's a very pleasant person.


adj enjoyable, pleasant, or interesting a good book


adj exactly like another or each other Our grades were exactly the same.


adj extremely frightening It was a terrifying film.


adj extremely surprised I was amazed at how much she had grown!


adj feeling happy and calm because nothing is worrying you She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation.


adj feeling surprise because something has happened that you did not expect Everyone was surprised when I told them my news.


adj feeling that you want to rest or sleep I'm too tired to go out tonight.


adj feeling tired and unhappy because you are not interested I'm bored with doing homework.


adj fried in a lot of oil It's best to avoid deep-fried food.


adj frightened You shouldn't be afraid to make a few mistakes when you speak.


adj frightening She's reading a very scary book.


adj from Sweden They have a Swedish car.


adj from or relating to Austria My sister is married to an Austrian man.


adj from or relating to Colombia They live near the Columbian capital.


adj good at repairing and making things She's very practical.


adj good for your health She has a very healthy diet.


adj great in amount, degree, or range Mark has too much work to do.


adj happening often We make frequent visits to London to see my parents.


adj happening often or existing in large numbers Injuries are common in sports such as hockey.


adj happening or starting from a short time ago I've been very busy in recent months.


adj happening or working for the whole of the working week and not only part of it She doesn't have time to do a full-time job because she has to look after the children.


adj happening, used, or in a place that is outside and not inside a building I enjoy the outdoor life.


adj happy about something She's very glad that she left.


adj having a long distance from the top to the bottom The pool is very deep at that end.


adj having a lot of money She's the third richest woman in Britain.


adj having a low temperature It's too cold to go out to play.


adj having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them She was so angry with me I thought she would explode!


adj having a temperature between cool and hot It's nice and warm in here.


adj having an amount or number that is not known, or is not stated, or being a part of something Let's get some work done.


adj having lived or existed for only a short time and not old Everyone at the concert was very young.


adj helping you to do or achieve something It's useful information.

good looking

adj if someone is good looking, they have an attractive face She's a good-looking woman.


adj if someone or something is dangerous, they could hurt you Don't touch anything that could be a dangerous chemical.


adj ill Nurses look after sick people.


adj important in history or likely to be important in history We visited a lot of historic buildings when we went to London.


adj in a state as though you are sleeping, for example because you have been hit on the head He was knocked unconscious by a passing bus.


adj in or from the south part of an area Namibia is a country in southern Africa.


adj including a lot of things or subjects and not limited to only one or a few In general I enjoy school but there are some subjects I don't really like.


adj keeping your attention and making you think a lot I found the talk very interesting.


adj kind people do things to help others and show that they care about them Your mother was very kind to us.


adj large in size or amount; important or serious I come from a big family; Tonight's charity event was big. We raised more money than expected.


adj liked by many people Jack was the most popular boy's name in that year.


adj likely to damage your health Eating too much is unhealthy.


adj liking something and wanting to give your attention to it Sarah is only interested in boys and clothes.


adj little in size or amount They live in a small apartment near Times Square.


adj living or growing in water, or related to water We watched the aquatic animals for hours.


adj living, not dead She was injured in the accident but she was pleased to be alive.


adj made of silver She won an Olympic silver medal.


adj made of wood We went up the river in a wooden boat.


adj making little or no noise Can you be quiet, please?


adj making you feel embarrassed I've just had a very embarrassing experience.


adj making you feel tired I've had a tiring day.


adj making you smile or laugh a funny story


adj more unpleasant or difficult than something else that is also bad; less well The exam was worse than I expected; He was treated much worse than I was.


adj near in distance My house is very close to the school.


adj near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc I get to school early so I can do my homework.


adj needed in order to achieve something Is it really necessary to give so much detail?


adj nice to look at She's very attractive.


adj normal, usual, or happening every day Computers are now part of everyday life.


adj not afraid of dangerous or difficult situations You're very brave to get on a horse of that size!


adj not correct The exercise was incorrect.


adj not correct; if something is wrong, there is a problem It was the wrong answer; There's something wrong with my computer.


adj not dangerous or likely to cause harm a safe driver


adj not difficult I found the exam very easy.


adj not easy and needing skill or effort to do or understand These questions are too difficult for me.


adj not excellent, although not bad How many calories are there in an average apple?


adj not expected and making someone feel surprised He told me a surprising story.


adj not expensive, or costing less than usual I bought a cheap car and it broke down immediately.

next to

adj not far away in distance or time The school is next to my house.


adj not friendly I didn't want to appear unfriendly.


adj not honest or truthful I don't think he was being dishonest with me.


adj not planned or organized well The competition was completely disorganized.


adj not pleasant The food in the restaurant was really bad.


adj not sleeping The baby is awake.


adj not true or correct Decide if the sentences are true or false.


adj often forgetting things He's so forgetful. He even forgot his wife's birthday.


adj perfect, or the best possible This is the ideal place for a picnic.


adj planning things well My assistant is very organized.


adj pleasant; kind and friendly It's a really nice town; He seems like a nice guy.


adj prepared for doing something Give me a call when you're ready.


adj recently made Their house is quite new - it's about five years old.


adj relating or belonging to Africa African music has some interesting drum beats.


adj relating to a job that needs special training or education She's a professional musician.


adj relating to an area near you We like to support our local farms, so we go to the farmer's market every week.


adj relating to medicine and different ways of curing illness He had no medical training.


adj relating to music His musical style is different from mine.


adj relating to or belonging to a particular person Please take your personal belongings with you.


adj relating to or involved in politics He was involved in a scandal and his political career ended.


adj relating to or involving two or more countries We went to an international school and met people from all over the world.


adj relating to the body He does a lot of physical activity.


adj relating to the culture, language, or people of Greece or ancient Greece He sails round the Greek islands every summer.


adj relaxed and not worried or angry She is a very calm person.


adj rich He might be wealthy but he's very unpleasant.


adj sad and weak Don't be pathetic.


adj sad; not satisfied She had a very unhappy childhood; Giorgio was unhappy with his test results.


adj sincere and telling the truth Be honest with me - do I look fat in this?


adj skillful or good at doing something I want to be able to drive a car but I have terrible coordination.


adj slightly angry The teacher was annoyed when I forgot my homework.


adj small in size or amount a little bag/box/town


adj someone who is lazy does not like working or using any effort Get out of bed, you lazy thing!


adj superlative of "easy" This exercise is the easiest of all.


adj superlative of "fat" His dog's the fattest of all.


adj superlative of "hard" The hardest subject for me is Latin.


adj superlative of "large" I bought the largest box in the shop.


adj superlative of "long" She has the longest hair in the class.


adj superlative of "short" I'm the shortest in my class.


adj superlative of "young" She's the youngest in the family.


adj superlative of big That's the biggest boat on the river.


adj superlative of good: better than any other She's one of our best students.


adj surprised and upset He was shocked when he saw the bill.


adj the meat of a chicken a chicken sandwich


adj the same in amount, number, or size They fought for equal rights.


adj thinking or speaking sincerely about something and not joking Are you serious when you say you want to go swimming with sharks?


adj too fat He's still a few pounds overweight.


adj true and not pretended You're a real friend.


adj unhappy I woke up feeling miserable.


adj unhappy or making you feel unhappy I was sad to hear that he had died.


adj unpleasant to look at It's an ugly city.


adj untidy or dirty messy hair


adj used to emphasize a noun This is the very house where we stayed.


adj used to refer to people or things which are similar to or in addition to those you have talked about I don't like custard - do you have any other desserts?


adj used to show sympathy or sadness for a person or situation I feel sorry for the children - it must be very hard for them.


adj used to talk about separate things or people of the same type I had to go to three different shops to find the book she wanted.


adj used when referring to all the members of a group of three or more considered separately Every employee will receive a bonus this year.


adj useful His big brother is very helpful.


adj useful or easy to use He's very handy with a paintbrush.


adj using computer images and sounds that make you think an imagined situation is real He lives in a virtual world of computers.


adj usual and ordinary We lead a fairly normal life.


adj valuable, useful, or necessary My family is very important to me.


adj very bad The food was awful.


adj very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant a terrible accident


adj very good We had a fantastic vacation.


adj very good We had a great time.


adj very good We had a wonderful vacation.


adj very good, exciting, or large It was an incredible game.


adj very strange It was a very weird story.


adj very surprising Her dancing is amazing!


adj very unpleasant He thinks it's gross, but I don't mind it.


adj very unpleasant or bad You've been horrible to me. I'm not going to talk to you anymore.


adj very warm It's usually hot in Saudi Arabia.


adj wanting or needing food I'm hungry, Mom. Can I have something to eat please?


adj wanting to do something very much, and not letting anyone stop you He's determined to win this game.


adj weighing a lot Those look like heavy bags.


adj well, healthy, or happy "How are you?" "I'm fine thanks. And you?"


adj what one or ones Which train do you want to take?


adj willing to try new and often difficult things adventurous divers can try shark cage diving


adj with fog a foggy day


adj with the power of a magnet They trekked to the magnetic North Pole with a pack of dogs.


adj without fault, or as good as possible James is a perfect husband and father.


adj working or studying only for part of the day or the week I only have time to work part-time because I go to school two days a week.


adj worried and anxious I was so nervous in my interview.


n things that you imagine happening while you are sleeping; something that you want to happen although it is not likely I had a horrible dream last night; It was his dream to become an actor.


n to give something to someone who gives you money for it She sells all her art in a local gallery.


n to keep two or more objects such as balls in the air by throwing them repeatedly, usually in order to entertain people She's very good at juggling.

deal with

n to take action in order to achieve something or to solve a problem I'll deal with that phone call before I leave the office.


n traditional food from Italy made from flour and water that gets soft when you cook it in water Spaghetti's my favorite pasta.


n two people who are doing something together We did the exercise in pairs.


n two slices of bread with meat, cheese, etc between them a cheese/tuna sandwich


n used to refer to a substance or a group of things or ideas, etc without saying exactly what they are I'm not interested in all that stuff about life on other planets.


n used to refer to an object without saying its name How do I turn this thing off?


n used when meeting or greeting someone Hello. My name is Kim.


n using a large piece of cloth which is fixed to your body by strings and helps you to drop safely from an aircraft I've always wanted to go parachuting.


n usually used to talk about the United States; North America - the United States and Canada; South America - Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, etc.; Central America - Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, etc. Washington, D.C. is the capital of America.


n very bad weather with a lot of rain, snow, wind, etc The boat was damaged in the storm.


n very thick string made from twisted thread Charlotte climbed the tree using a rope.

drinking water

n water that is safe for people to drink In many developing countries there is not enough drinking water.

mineral water

n water which is taken from the ground and contains chemicals that are good for your health I like to drink sparkling mineral water at restaurants.


n what will happen to someone or something in the time which is to come What are your plans for the future?


n when people talk about something and tell each other their ideas or opinions They were having a discussion about football.


n when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere I got an invitation to his party but I don't want to go.


n when someone looks after themselves and does not need money, help, or permission from other people They were involved in the fight for their country's independence.


n when someone or something continues to live or exist, especially after a difficult or dangerous situation They had to fight for survival.


n when two people are friends They have a very close friendship.


n when you are not certain about something, or do not trust someone or something There is no doubt that he is the best violinist in the group.


n when you are very poor Too many children live in poverty.


n when you can choose between two or more things You have to make a choice.


n when you compare two or more people or things There's no comparison between them; she is so much faster than he is.


n when you do not like someone or something We all have different likes and dislikes.


n when you lie in the sun, wearing few clothes so that your skin will tan My favorite vacation activity is sunbathing on the beach.


n when you say what you think will happen in the future He made a prediction based on previous results.


n when you stay in a tent for a vacation We're going camping in France this summer.


n when you tell someone another person's name the first time that they meet Can you do the introductions?


n when you use the telephone Give me a call at the weekend.


n where your arm joins your body next to your neck He hurt his shoulder.

hard work

n work that is difficult to do It's hard work studying for a degree.


n work which teachers give students to do at home Have you done your homework yet?


n your female parent People tell me that I'm a lot like my mother.


n your male parent My father bought me a bike.


n your mother or father Her parents live in Mexico City.


n your opinion We fell out because we had very different views.


prep at or to the back of someone or something Close the door behind you.


prep because of someone or something, or with someone's help They spoke to each other through a translator.


prep competing with or opposing someone or something There was a law case against the company.


prep from a time in the past until a later time or until now I've lived here since I was born.


prep from one part of a road, river, etc. to another They walked along the narrow path.


prep from one side of something to the other We walked across the bridge and arrived in the ancient city.


prep having or including something a house with a swimming pool


prep in or to a higher position than something else It's on the shelf above the stove.


prep in the space that separates two places, people, or things; in the period of time that separates two events or times The town lies between Florence and Rome; The shop is closed for lunch between 12:30 and 1:30.


prep intended to be given to or used by someone or something I've bought a few clothes for the new baby.


prep not including a particular fact, thing, or person Everybody came to the party except Daniel.


prep relating to a particular subject or person We learn about some interesting people in our history class.


prep to or in different parts of a place She spent a year travelling around Europe.


prep towards the inside or middle of something Stop running around and get into bed!


prep used to say where someone was born, or where someone lives or works His mother's originally from Poland.


prep used to show movement into or on a particular place He climbed onto the stage and received his medal.


prep used to show that someone or something is part of a larger group, amount, or process Everybody was invited including the teacher.


prep when a time or event has happened I have my music lesson after school.


pro belonging to or connected with the person mentioned; the possessive form of he, used before a noun Joe left his car parked with the lights on.


pro belonging to or connected with the person mentioned; the possessive form of she, used before a noun Her name is Linda.


pro the female being spoken about, who has already been mentioned I asked Becky if she'd lend me some money, but she said no.


pro the objective form of he Why don't you give him his present?


pro the people or person spoken to You look nice.


pro the things or people being spoken about that have already been mentioned Where are my glasses? They were on the table a minute ago.


pro used for a person, object or thing to show which one is referred to or has been referred to before This book is mine.


pro used to introduce general questions What did the teacher say?

no one

pron no person No one came to the party.


pron no person Nobody stayed to help clear up after the party so I had to do it on my own.


pron one more person or thing, or an additional amount I enjoyed that so much I'd like another one please.


pron someone Will somebody help me?


pron the possessive form of "we", used before a noun These are our children.


pron used after a verb or preposition to refer to a group of people, animals, or things that have already been talked about I'm looking for my keys - have you seen them?


pron used in questions and negatives to mean "a person or people" I don't think anyone is listening to me.


pron used in questions and negatives to mean "something" He hasn't done anything since he arrived.


pron used to ask about someone's name or which person or group someone is talking about Who told you?


pron used to talk about two people or things The children both have red hair.


quan something in addition to what you already have I'd like to have more time to spend with my friends.


the number 1,000,000 There were more than a billion people watching.


the number 10 My sister is ten years old.


the number 100 There are a hundred cents in a dollar.


the number 11 She's nearly eleven years old.


the number 2 She has two boys and two girls.


the number 3 I have three sisters.


the number 30 My mom just turned thirty.


the number 50 My dad is fifty years old.


the number 6 The dog had six puppies.


the number 7 My little brother is seven years old.


the number 8 There are eight houses in our street.


the number 9 There are nine horses on the farm.


the protection of nature wildlife conservation


used to ask or talk about the reasons for something Why didn't you call me?


used to get someone's attention or to show that you are interested, excited, angry, etc Hey, Heather, look at this!

My name is ...

used when introducing yourself to someone else Hi! My name is Andrew. Nice to meet you!


v If a clock strikes, a bell rings to show what the time is. We're waiting for the clock to strike midnight.

break down

v If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working. The car broke down just minutes from home.


v If a person or an organization moves, they go to a different place to live or work. We used to live in Los Angeles but then we moved to Chicago.


v If a situation or activity involves something, that thing is a necessary part of it. My job involves looking after elderly people in a home.


v If one thing contains another, it has it inside it. These chocolates contain nuts.


v If something depends on someone or something, it is influenced by them, or changes because of them. What happens in the future depends on what you do now.


v If something such as a bomb explodes, it bursts (=breaks suddenly from inside) with noise and force, and if you explode it, you make it burst with noise and force. The bomb exploded just a few feet away from the store.


v If the sky or weather clears, the clouds and rain disappear. When the fog clears we can go out.


v If you need something, you must have it, and if you need to do something, you must do it. I think she needs our help.


v If you remember a fact or something from the past, you keep it in your mind, or bring it back into your mind. I can't remember his name.


v If you use something, you do something with it for a particular purpose. Can I use your pen?


v a white liquid produced by female animals, such as cows, for feeding their babies My family always keeps a carton of milk in the fridge.


v an area of knowledge studied in school or university Chemistry is my favorite subject.

call off

v cancel They called off the picnic because of the rain.


v how heavy someone or something is She thinks she needs to lose weight but I think she's perfect.


v if a vehicle crashes, it hits something by accident The car skidded and crashed into a tree.


v if something overturns or if you overturn something, it turns over onto its top or onto its side She overturned her car in the accident.


v if you can afford to do something, you have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something I can't afford to buy clothes in that store.

horseback riding

v riding on a horse for enjoyment I went horseback riding with my brother.


v something that you say to show that you believe that something is true or will happen I bet he'll be late - he's always late!


v to agree to take something that is offered to you I don't accept your explanation. It's totally unbelievable.


v to allow someone to do something, or to allow something to happen Let them play outside.


v to annoy someone by trying to get their attention when they do not want to see you or talk to you Don't bother your father when he's working.


v to arrange for something to go somewhere, especially by post I sent him a letter last week.


v to arrive somewhere or go to a place I'll come and see you later.


v to arrive too late to get on a bus, train, or aircraft I missed the bus so my dad came and picked me up.


v to ask for food, goods, etc to order a drink/pizza


v to ask someone to come to a social event I invited 20 people to my party but 200 came.


v to avoid a dangerous or unpleasant situation They escaped poverty by studying hard in school.


v to be a certain size The table measures 6 meters by 2 meters.


v to be able to She can speak four languages.

be good at

v to be able to do something well He's good at sports.


v to be formed or made from two or more things The dish consisted of meat, cream and herbs.


v to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed and your mind is not conscious We had to sleep in the car that night.


v to be real or present I can't imagine what life was like before computers existed.


v to be the result of an action, situation, or event that someone or something experiences Did you hear what happened to Jamie last night?


v to become happy and calm because nothing is worrying you I find it difficult to relax.


v to become less in number or amount If the temperature falls below 19 degrees, we'll turn the heat on.

come down

v to become lower in position or value Come down from that tree!


v to become mixed or joined, or to mix or join things together I try to combine activity and relaxation into my vacations.


v to become someone's husband or wife Will you marry me?


v to begin doing something He started playing the piano when he was eighteen.


v to begin to be something He's training to become a vet.

go to sleep

v to begin to sleep Babies often go to sleep after beind fed.


v to behave in a way that is not honest or fair in order to win something or to get something He cheated on the test, and the teacher found out about it.


v to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you I would trust her with my life.


v to break or move the ground with a tool, machine, etc I'm going out to dig in the garden.


v to briefly speak or write about something or someone He mentioned your name and said that you had met at a party.


v to cause emotional pain to someone He hurt my feelings when he said he didn't like my new dress.


v to cause someone or something to die Sunday's bomb killed 19 people.


v to change direction when you are moving, or to make a car do this Turn left at the traffic lights.


v to change written or spoken words from one language to another We were asked to translate a list of sentences.


v to choose something after thinking about several possibilities I decided not to go.

raise money

v to collect money from lots of people We're raising money for charity.


v to come or go into a place The police entered by the back door.


v to come to the same place as someone else by arrangement or by chance We meet every week for a coffee and to talk.

keep going

v to continue doing something Even though you're tired you have to keep going.


v to continue to be in a place, job, etc and not leave; to continue to be in a particular state The weather was bad so we stayed at home.


v to continue to exist after being in a difficult or dangerous situation If we run away we'll survive.


v to cook food in water that is boiling You have to boil the water before you put the pasta in.


v to cook something in hot oil or fat or to be cooked in hot oil or fat It's better to grill food than to fry it.


v to copy computer programs or information electronically, usually from a small computer to a larger one or to the Internet I always upload my vacation photos as soon as I get home.


v to copy the way someone or something looks, speaks, or behaves She's really good at imitating people.


v to create an idea or picture of something in your mind It's hard to imagine a life without you.

cut down

v to cut something near the bottom so that it falls to the ground They've cut down all those trees.


v to cut something using your teeth She bit into an apple.


v to decide which thing you want I helped my sister choose a name for her baby.


v to defeat someone in a competition I can beat him at tennis.


v to describe a recent event or situation, especially on television, radio, or in a newspaper He travels abroad then reports what he finds.


v to describe the qualities of someone or something using a word or phrase, usually in a way that is not fair All food has to be labelled with "best before" or "use by" dates.


v to design or create something that has never existed before If you don't know a good joke, invent one.


v to develop and become bigger or taller as time passes She grows salad in her garden.


v to discover something or someone that you have been searching for I can't find my glasses and I've looked everywhere.


v to dislike someone or something very much They've hated each other since they were kids.


v to divide into parts, or to make something divide into parts The teacher separated the two boys who kept talking.

break a record

v to do something faster, better, etc than anyone else He broke the world record for the 200m.


v to do something or go somewhere with someone Come and join us. We're sitting over there by the fire.

make mistakes

v to do things that are not right and that cause problems I made a mistake and put an extra zero in the figure.


v to draw or plan something before making it He designs bridges.


v to enjoy something or think that someone or something is nice I liked her as soon as I met her.

get in

v to enter somewhere, especially a building or car They must have gotten in through the bathroom window.


v to express a feeling so that other people are able to notice it He hasn't shown any interest so far.


v to express an idea or plan for someone to consider I suggest that we go to the movies.


v to fall down He ran the marathon then collapsed from exhaustion.


v to fasten something with a key, or to be fastened with a key Don't forget to lock the car.

look forward to

v to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen I look forward to seeing you next week.


v to feel very cold If you go out without a coat, you'll freeze.

look up

v to find information in a book or on the internet She looked the word up in her dictionary.


v to fix something that is broken or damaged We need to repair the car.


v to get and carry something with you when you go somewhere I always take my cell phone with me.


v to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity I learned Russian in school.


v to get money for doing work He earns a lot of money but his job is very stressful.


v to get someone or something ready for something that will happen in the future We're preparing for my parents' wedding anniversary.


v to get something that someone has given or sent to you I receive hundreds of emails every day.


v to get the dirt off something I spent the morning cleaning the house.


v to get the most points in a competition or game, or the most votes in an election Our team won the game 6-0.


v to get to a place We arrived in time to see the fireworks.


v to give an answer or opinion about something when you do not know for sure Can you guess how old he is?

listen (to)

v to give attention to someone or something in order to hear them What kind of music do you listen to?


v to give food to a person, group, or animal If you feed the cat she will start following you around.


v to give or provide something This vacation will offer plenty of opportunities to visit world famous attractions.


v to give someone food or drink, especially guests or customers in a restaurant or bar They only serve vegetarian food in that restaurant.


v to give someone permission for something We don't allow them to take their phones to school.


v to go on a journey I spent a year traveling around Asia.


v to go to someone's home and spend time with them We have friends coming to visit this weekend.

climb up

v to go up something The cat climbed up the tree.

can't stand

v to hate something or someone I can't stand his mother.


v to have a particular meaning What does "perpendicular" mean?


v to have a piece of clothing, jewelry, etc on your body I wear jeans a lot of the time.


v to have an emotion or a physical feeling I felt so sad.


v to have an opinion about something or someone Do you think it's going to rain?


v to have information about something in your mind; to be familiar with a person, place, or thing because you have met them, been there or used it before "How old is she?" "I don't know."; I've known Tim since primary school.


v to have nice thoughts about something you would like to happen I was just daydreaming about all the things I'd do with the money.

have something in common

v to have or do something that is the same as someone else We both like reading so at least we have that in common.


v to have something They have three children.


v to have something permanently or for the whole of a period of time You can keep that dress if you like it.


v to hit your hands together, often repeatedly, especially in order to show that you enjoyed a performance They clapped their hands in appreciation.


v to hope to have or do something, or to wish for something He wants a new car.


v to keep money so that you can buy something with it in the future I'm saving up for a car.


v to keep someone or something safe from something dangerous or bad It's important to protect your skin from the sun.


v to know the meaning of something that someone says I don't understand half of what he says.


v to learn about a subject, usually at school or university I studied biology before going into medicine.

pick it up

v to lift something or someone He picked it up and headed for the door.


v to like someone or something more than another person or thing I prefer dogs to cats.


v to like someone or something very much They love dancing.


v to look at information on the Internet by moving from one page to another using electronic links; to ride on a wave in the sea using a special board He spends all day surfing the Net.


v to look at words and understand what they mean What was the last book you read?


v to make a car, bus, or train move, and control what it does She's learning how to drive.


v to make a container or space full, or to become full He filled the bucket with water.


v to make a hole in a hard substance using a special tool They drilled a hole so that the water could drip through.


v to make a loud, high noise with your voice, or to shout something in a loud, high voice because you are afraid, hurt, or angry People were shouting and screaming.


v to make a mistake or problem right or better Correct your work before handing it to the teacher.


v to make a noise That sounds interesting.


v to make a person, organization, or object do what you want We can't control the weather now, but maybe we will be able to do so in the future.


v to make clothes using yarn and two long needles to join the yarn into rows My grandmother knitted me a sweater.


v to make it easier for someone to do something Thank you for helping.


v to make or grow something Bees produce honey.


v to make something by putting materials and parts together Sometimes we build statues of famous people as a celebration of their life.


v to make something clear or easy to understand by giving reasons for it or details about it Try to explain the problem and we'll help you.


v to make something happen or exist The project will create more than 500 jobs.

bump into

v to meet someone you know when you have not planned to meet them I bumped into an old school friend yesterday.


v to move behind someone or something and go where they go, sometimes secretly She followed me into the kitchen.

get across

v to move from one side of something to the other side A bridge is useful if you want to get across a river.


v to move into a position in which your body is flat, usually in order to sleep or rest Go and lie down for a minute and you'll feel better.


v to move or travel somewhere I'm going to a rock concert for my birthday.

get out

v to move out of something, especially a vehicle I'll get out when you stop at the traffic light.

get up

v to move out of your bed in the morning I got up at 7:30 this morning.

put something on

v to move somethig you wear on your body Put your shoes on.

stand up

v to move to a vertical position from sitting or lying down I'm so tired, I can't stand up!


v to move your feet and body to music I love dancing.


v to not be able to find someone or something Be careful not to lose that money.


v to not continue; to prevent something from happening or someone from doing something Stop laughing - it's not funny; If she wants to go to Australia, we can't stop her.


v to not do something until something else happens We'll wait until we have enough money.


v to not like someone or something I dislike dogs.


v to not remember I forgot to call him.


v to notice or understand something that you did not notice or understand before I didn't realize it was you until after you'd gone.


v to notice people and things with your eyes Have you seen Jo?


v to obtain or buy something Great shoes. Where did you get them?


v to pay money so that you can use something for a short time They rented a car for a few weeks.


v to perform an action or job Go upstairs and do your homework.


v to prepare food and usually heat it Who's cooking dinner tonight?


v to produce a picture by making lines or marks, usually with a pen or pencil She drew a picture of a tree.


v to produce bright light Everyone is happy when the sun shines.


v to produce or create something Shall I make some coffee?


v to produce words, letters, or numbers on a surface using a pen or pencil She loves writing stories.


v to provide someone with something Her parents gave her a car for her birthday.


v to push something firmly Press on the cut and the bleeding will stop.


v to put liquid into your mouth and swallow it Do you drink milk?


v to put something or someone in a higher position Could you help me lift this table, please?


v to put something with something else Add the two numbers together.


v to put used paper, glass, plastic, etc through a process so that it can be used again We recycle all our rubbish.


v to put your hand on something You can look at them but please don't touch them.


v to raise your hand and move it from side to side in order to attract someone's attention or to say goodbye She waved to the crowds from her car.

take (something) off

v to remove something He took his shoes off before coming into the room.

pull out (teeth)

v to remove teeth from the head The dentist is going to pull out six of my teeth tomorrow.


v to repair something that is broken, torn, or not working correctly I need to mend the hole in the roof.


v to say another thing "Come here," he said. "It's time to go," he added.


v to say something to someone as a question which you want them to answer Can I ask you a few questions?


v to say something to someone, usually giving them information He told me about his new school.


v to say something using your voice to speak loudly/quietly


v to say something very loudly She shouted at us to help her.


v to say that something is wrong or that you are angry about something Lots of people have complained about the noise.


v to say things to someone We were just talking about Simon's new girlfriend.


v to say what someone or something is like Describe your ideal day out.


v to say what you think will happen in the future I can predict the weather by looking at the clouds.


v to say, do, or feel something because of something else that has been said or done He reacted badly when I told him he couldn't come to the party.


v to see and speak to someone for the first time It's nice to meet you.


v to shout loudly in order to show your approval or to encourage someone The crowd clapped and cheered.


v to show or explain to someone how to do something My dad taught me to drive.


v to show someone where to go, usually by taking them to a place or by going in front of them He lead his army over the mountains to safety.

work out a problem

v to solve a problem This math homework is too difficult - I can't work it out!

talk to

v to speak to someone Have you talked to her yet?


v to speak words I'd like to go home, she said.

hang around

v to spend time somewhere, usually without doing very much They hang around together after school.


v to spend your life in a particular way My parents live in Spain.


v to start College begins next week; I begin my new job in a month.

take up

v to start doing a particular job or activity I've taken up swimming every morning.


v to start doing or saying something again, after stopping for a while We'll have to continue this discussion tomorrow.

hurry up

v to start moving or doing something more quickly Hurry up if you don't want to be late.


v to start to be seen He appeared out of nowhere.

get married

v to start to be someone's wife or husband We got married last year.


v to stay away from a person, place, situation, etc How can we avoid making the same mistake again?

put something down

v to stop carrying or holding someone or something I have to put this bag down. It's too heavy.

give up

v to stop doing or to stop having something She gave up eating candy.


v to stop living She died when she was 98.


v to stop someone or something from being killed or destroyed He was badly injured, but the doctors saved his life.


v to succeed at a test or an exam, or to decide that someone has been successful If you don't pass the test, you won't be able to go to college.


v to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down onto the floor It was so hot that he fainted.

look after

v to take care of someone or something by keeping them healthy or in a good condition They look after the baby when their parents go out.


v to take hold of something and move it somewhere The cart was pulled by a large horse.


v to take part in a race or competition She's competing for a place in next year's Olympics.

check out

v to take the items you have bought, esp. in a large food store, to an area where you pay for them I had already checked out when I remembered we were out of milk.


v to take things such as letters, parcels, or goods to a person or place I'll deliver your package tomorrow morning.


v to talk with someone in a friendly and informal way I wanted to chat to you about the party on Saturday.


v to tell people about something so that they understand you He can't communicate with his parents.


v to tell someone that you are grateful for something they have done or given you I'd like to thank everyone who's helped me.


v to tell someone your problems/thoughts, etc Share your ideas with the group.


v to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are going to do something We've started planning our vacation.


v to think that something is probably true Do you reckon we'll finish on time?


v to think that something will happen We didn't know what to expect.

look for

v to try to find someone or something We looked for it for ages but we couldn't find it.


v to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that you can see them Look at the picture on page two.

look at

v to turn your eyes to something or someone so that you can see them Look at me, Daddy!

burn calories

v to use energy when you do an activity Swimming helps you burn a lot of calories.

waste time

v to use time doing things that are not useful or enjoyable I don't want to waste time learning German. I want to learn more English.

waste money

v to use too much money or use it badly when there is a limited amount of it He wastes all his money on sweets.


v to use violence to hurt or damage someone or something He was attacked in the street but he fought off his attackers.


v to want something to happen or be true I hope that the bus won't be late.


v to want to know something or to try to understand the reason for something I wonder what the time is.

clean up

v to wash the dishes, pans, and other things you have used for cooking and eating a meal He is cleaning up the mess from the dinner party.


v to worry too much or get too excited, especially about unimportant things He's fussing about nothing.


v used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do He should go to the doctor.


v used to say that it is necessary that something happens The meat must be cooked before you eat it.


v used to talk about what someone or something was able or allowed to do He could speak English before he started school.


v when an aircraft lands, it arrives on the ground after a journey We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.


v when you buy things from shops I love shopping.


v when you move someone or something by pressing them with your hands or body She gave him a little push towards the door.


v when you play a sport or game, you take part in it She plays basketball and tennis.

be born

when a person or animal is born, they come out of their mother's body and start to exist She was born in Guatemala in 1980.

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