AH: Christianity

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One of them states that death frees the believer from all penalties, while a later one rhetorically asks why Purgatory still remains. The sixth proclaims that the pope cannot remit any sins except by invoking the power of God, which would preclude the sale of indulgences. Name this list of assertions nailed to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral by Martin Luther.

95 Theses

This branch of Christianity rose in England and believed that each Church should have complete autonomy instead of being controlled by a hierarchy. Name this 1582 movement founded by Robert Browne.


In 313 C.E., what Roman Emperor became a Christian and made Christianity a legal religion in the empire?


Paolo Sarpi [PAH-oh-loh SAR-pee] wrote a highly critical history of this council, in which one central debate involved a requirement that bishops live in their sees. Convened by Pope Paul the Third, it met in three sessions, rejected Huldrych Zwingli's arguments against transubstantiation, and rejected the "sola fide" [SOH-lah FEE-day] doctrine of Martin Luther. Name this 1545 to 1563 council whose work formed the bulk of the Counter-Reformation.

Council of Trent

zJames Tissot [ZHAHM tee-SOH] painted this event from the viewpoint of the central participant, who is therefore not shown. A 1954 Salvador Dali work shows the event taking place on a hypercube, while it is the subject of the closed central panel of the Isenheim [EE-zin-hyme] Altarpiece. Name this event whose aftermath is portrayed in a pietà.


With which country is Jan Hus associated?

Czech Republic

Which apostle did not believe Jesus had been resurrected unless he could see and feel the wounds received by Jesus on the cross?

Doubting Thomas

Name the longest book of the New Testament.


This leader was not the average religious leader. His reason for founding the Church of England was one of rebellion against Pope Clement VII, who refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Who became the supreme head of the Church of England when it was founded?

Henry VIII

Who founded the Anglican Church?

Henry VIII

In Christian tradition, the first known ascetic of this type is considered Paul of Thebes. He and others fled into the Egyptian desert to escape the persecution of Roman Emperor Decius [DEE-shus] in the mid-third century. What name is given to a person who leaves society for religious reasons to live in solitude, often in a cave or the desert


The feast for this religious doctrine occurs on December 8th each year. Taken from the Latin word meaning "without stain," what religious celebration honors the Virgin Mary?

Immaculate Conception

This Protestant denomination remain very popular in Scandinavia. Identify this denomination which is named for the man who started the Protestant Reformation by nailing his 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany.


Some Christians use this two-word phrase to name the portion of the religious calendar lasting from Epiphany to Shrove Tuesday. Popular culture views it as a day of parades and feasting before the beginning of Lent. What celebration, particularly associated with a Louisiana city, takes its name from the French for "Fat Tuesday"?

Mardi Gras

This Gospel tells of the ministry of Jesus from his baptism by John the Baptist to his death, burial and discovery of the empty tomb. It does not contain a birth narrative or post-resurrection appearance of Jesus. Name this book considered to be the earliest written of the New Testament books.


This man was excommunicated by Pope Leo X for refusing to renounce his views on indulgences. He translated the bible from Latin to German. Name this man who sparked the Protestant reformation when he posted his 95 theses.

Martin Luther

The "canticle" of this figure is alternatively known as the Magnificat. This figure was conceived free of original sin, according to the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception. Her mother was Saint Anne, and she met with Elizabeth during the Visitation. Name this figure, who received a message from the angel Gabriel known by Christians as the Annunciation.


It begins with the words "The Book of Geneology of Jesus Christ" and it alternates 5 blocks of narrative with 5 blocks of discourse. Name the first book of the New Testament.


Give the name in order of the first four books of the new testament referred to as the gospels.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

This is the largest group of Anabaptists in the world. Name this group that split from Old Order Amish to incorporate more modern day conveniences.


Name the Protestant denomination founded by George Whitefield and John Wesley.


Who founded Eastern Orthodoxy?

Michael Cerularius

Tomas de Torquemada is noted for taking part in this period in Spain. The goal of Ferdinand and Isabella was to keep Catholicism as the national religion. What period in history saw the expulsion of the Jews and the oppression of Muslims in Spain?


This man is considered one of the earliest church reformers as he lived before Martin Luther. He was burned at the stake for heresy in 1415. This resulted in a rebelling against Catholic rulers by his followers who defeated 5 consecutive papal crusades. Name this Czech reformer who inspired his namesake pre-protestant Christian movement.

Jan Hus

What day is Epiphany celebrated?

January 6

He was born Jesse Louis Burns in South Carolina in 1941. Identify this African-American, Baptist minister mostly known as a civil rights activist.

Jesse Jackson

He was a vocal critic of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's social policies. Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio [HOHR-hay MAH-ree-oh bair-GOH-lee-oh] in 1936, he became a Jesuit in 1958. What name did he choose to take when he was named to succeed Pope Benedict the Sixteenth in 2013?

Pope Francis

Although chants were popular in the early Catholic church, there were many different forms. What pope established a uniform usage of his namesake chants in the Catholic Church?

Pope Gregory

What branch of Christianity, governed by a group of elders rather than actual clergy, was formed by John Knox in Scotland.


This man was the author of the first Slovene language printed book. Name the protestant reformer that introduced Lutheranism to Slovenia.

Primoz Trubar

This religious group was dissatisfied with Roman Catholic practices associated with the Church of England and pushed for greater reform. Name this branch of Christianity created by associated with famous practitioners Johnathan Edwards, Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams associated with the New England area.


Members of this religious group are known for their opposition to alcohol and their refusal to participate in war. Its members are known for their participation in the anti-slavery and social justice movements. Members of what religious group include Elizabeth Blackwell, as well as Presidents Hoover and Nixon?


This Christian sect believes in the priesthood of all believers, pacifism, and guidance by an inner light. George Fox founded it by breaking from the Church of England in the late 1640s. What is this Christian sect, whose official name is the Religious Society of Friends?


Who founded Congregationalism?

Robert Browne

A canon of this church wrote one of the first dance books in 1589. This church was instrumental in everyday life of the 16th century. Identify this church whose influence included even the dance of the day.

Roman Catholic

This book of the Bible was the source for Martin Luther's teaching about justification on faith alone. Its author describes himself as the apostle of the Gentiles, and writes, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Name the epistle Paul wrote to the city whose bishop is the pope.


A man by this name refers to himself as "the elder" in a letter to Gaius that forms his third namesake epistle. He may or may not be the same man who was imprisoned on Patmos and is traditionally considered the author of the book of Revelation. What name is also given to the fourth, and only non-synoptic, Gospel?


Which two books are the shortest in the bible?

John 2 and 3

He is known for a poem that begins, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace." This early Christian theologian was known as "the Poor Little Man" and is the patron saint of Italy and animals. Who was this religios leader who often wrote about the "human Jesus" and is said to have been marked with the stigmata?

Saint Francis of Assissi

Name the saint who wrote the Vulgate, a translation of the Bible into Latin.

Saint Jerome

Regarded as the patron saint of sailors and children, what Christian bishop of the 4th century is also known as Santa Claus?

Saint Nicholas

According to legend, he taught unbelievers about the Holy Trinity using a shamrock. Another legend claims that he drove all the snakes from Ireland. Identify this Irish saint, whose namesake day is celebrated on March 17.

Saint Patrick

14 of the 27 books in the New Testament have been attributed to this saint. Name this man that was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus and founded several churches in the 30's to 50's.

Saint Paul

Some Christians celebrate this saint's feast day on December 26. He is the patron saint of casket makers, deacons, and horses. Name this martyr from the book of Acts, who was stoned to death for his Christian beliefs.

Saint Stephen

According to Christian teachings, Jesus promises this to his followers. Identify this term for union with God and deliverance from sin and damnation.


In what country did Presbyterianism originate?


The title of an autobiography by Thomas Merton mentions a mountain with this many stories. In the Book of Genesis, Joseph interprets a dream involving the same number of fat cows, and the story of Jesus' crucifixion holds that He spoke the same number of phrases while on the Cross. According to Catholic tradition, how many so-called deadly sins are there?


This theologian instituted his Ecclesiastical Ordinances in Geneva, Switzerland. His masterwork includes a preface to the French King Francis I, in which the author defends the persecuted French Huguenots. Which Protestant reformer wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion?

John Calvin

His acquaintance with John Calvin while in Geneva resulted in his religious reforms in his home country. Who is this founder of Presbyterianism who wrote The History of the Reformation in Scotland?

John Knox

Name the founder of the Baptist movement.

John Smyth

"I felt my heart strangely warmed" is a famous quote from this 18th-century Anglican clergyman. He rejected Calvinism, instead opting for the Arminian doctrine. Like George Whitefield, he practiced open-air preaching and helped revive Anglicanism. Which English theologian collaborated with his brother Charles to found Methodism?

John Wesley

He is considered an important predecessor to Protestantism. He attacked the privileged status of the clergy and in 1382, he completed a translation of the bible directly from the Vulgate to Middle English. Name this English theologian who followers were called Lollards.

John Wycliffe

According to the book of Matthew, which of Christ's apostles betrayed Jesus to the chief priests?


As this New Testament book is only twenty-five verses long, it ties Philemon [fih-LEE-muhn] as the Bible's third-shortest book. It precedes Revelation, the final book of the Bible. Identify this Biblical book whose author identifies himself as the brother of James.


He authorized forty-seven scholars to translate a sacred text at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge. The resulting version was printed in 1611, and is still used by some churches. Which English monarch lent his name to a translation of the Bible?

King James

If you have ever wondered why many restaurants serve more fish dishes in the spring, this religious observance is probably the reason. In Christianity, this period mimics Christ's time of fasting in the wilderness. It begins on Ash Wednesday, and lasts forty weekdays. What is this period of fasting and penitential preparation for Easter Sunday?


"Mother" Ann Lee founded this religious sect in England, but brought it to America, where members established settlements in New York, Kentucky, and Ohio. What group, formally called the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, advocated communal living, asceticism, and celibacy?


They used dance steps, including whirling and marching, as an integral part of their worship services. Which religious group believed that to receive divine revelation, one had to writhe and twirl the body?


What term refers to the marks of the nails of the crucifixion said to have appeared on St. Francis of Asisi.


With what country in Ulrich Zwingli associated?


These gospels stand in contrast to John, whose content is comparatively distinct. What term refers to the first three books of the new testament, Matthew, Mark and Luke.

Synoptic Gospels

Also known as the Apocalypse, it was written during its author's exile to the island of Patmos. Identify this work, written by John the Divine, the last book of the New Testament.

The Book of Revelations

The Book of Common Prayer is used in Anglican and Episcopal churches. Name the author.

Thomas Cranmer

You probably know this saint from a Christmas carol. Who is this patron saint of the Czech Republic, and "good king"?


Heinrich Bullinger succeeded this religious leader as the main pastor of Grossmünster[gross-MYOON-ster] Cathedral in 1531. At the Marburg Colloquy, he rejected the doctrine of "sacramental union" put forth by Martin Luther. Name this Protestant leader who led the Swiss Reformation while serving as a minister in Zurich.


What is the name given to black and white garments worn by nuns?


This book of the bible is also though the be written by John. It tells of the founding of the Christian church and the spread of its message to the Roman Empire. Name this fifth book of the New Testament.


This holiday begins on St. Andrew's Day, and is considered the beginning of the church year. Its traditions include marking the passing of days on a special calendar and lighting candles, while reflecting on acts of charity. Name this month-long holiday observed on the four Sundays before Christmas.


Founded in the 1500s after breaking away from the Zurich state church, this sect of Mennonites followed Jakob Ammann [YAH-kop AHM-mahn]. They emigrated to Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century when others rejoined the main Mennonite group. What Christian sect still lives mainly in rural Pennsylvania, and shuns modern technology, innovations, and worldly ways?


This Christian movement includes Amish and Mennonites. Founded Ulrich Zwingli, name this division of Christianity that believes that baptism is only valid when the candidate confesses his or her faith in Christ.


In 1571, this religious denomination revised its forty-two articles of faith to the current thirty-nine. In 2012, Justin Welby became its leader, assuming a position once held by the author of its Book of Common Prayer, Thomas Cranmer. What denomination, founded after Pope Clement the Seventh refused to grant an annulment to Henry the Eighth, is led by the archbishop of Canterbury?


Name the founder of the Shakers.

Ann Lee

Who is the head of the Anglican Church?

Archbishop of Canterbury

This holiday takes its name from the ashes placed on the forehead. What Christian holiday occurs 6 weeks before Easter and marks the first day of Lent?

Ash Wednesday

What Christian sacrament is an individual sometimes submerged completely in water as symbol of a new sin-free Christian life?


The Lords Supper is one ordinance of this division of Christianity. It is characterized by complete immersion of believers, rather than anointing of infants. Name the Christian movement established in 1609 by John Smyth in Amsterdam.


In what town was Jesus born?


In Ireland, this holiday is known as St. Stephen's Day. In South Africa, it is the Day of Goodwill. Which holiday, which falls on either December 26 or the first weekday after Christmas, originally saw employers give gifts to their servants and tradesmen?

Boxing Day

This is a major branch of Protestantism whose core doctrine include predestination and election. What Christian practice arose from the beliefs of its namesake reformer in 1536 in Geneva.


In the summer of 2013, the Roman Catholic church decided that two former Popes were going to be made saints. What term refers to this process of saint-making in Catholicism?


With approximately 2 billion followers worldwide, this is one of the major religions of the world. This religion professes belief in the Trinity. Identify this religion that includes Protestantism and Catholicism.


What Christian sacrament does an individual eat bread to symbolize the body of Christ and wine or grape juice to symbolize the blood?


The first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox is always what Christian holiday?


This Christian holiday is tied to the lunar calendar. Eggs are a major symbol of this holiday because they symbolize new life. Identify this holiday that celebrates Jesus' resurrection from the dead.


This branch of Christianity uses the Julian calendar to calculate its holy days, and considers chrismation--admitting newly baptized infants to the Lord's supper--one of its seven sacraments. It bans instruments, but uses liturgies and icons: wooden paintings of religious figures. Identify this branch, which split from Roman Catholicism in the Great Schism, and is practiced widely in Greece, the Balkans, and Russia.

Eastern Orthodox

As an indentured servant this young woman served a cruel master. She met a group of players who convinced her to become a part of their troupe. Identify this young girl who would later become a devout Quaker.

Elizabeth Ashbridge

In Louisiana, it marks the beginning of the Mardi Gras season. It is often celebrated by baking "kings cakes." What Christian holiday is also known as Three Kings Day?


This religious holiday is observed on January 6. The name for this holiday comes from a Greek word that means "manifestation" or "appearance." It celebrates the visit of the Magi, when Jesus was first presented to the Gentiles. What Christian holiday is celebrated twelve days after Christmas?


The Book of Common Prayer is central to Episcopal worship. Name this branch of Anglicanism that formed when the Anglican Church in the United States split from the Church of England following the American Revolution.


What term is defined as the sacrament of communion for Roman Catholics?


With what city and country is John Calvin most closely associated?

Geneva, Switzerland

Persecuted in England for refusing to take oaths or to serve in the military, the Religious Society of Friends found refuge in Pennsylvania. What English mystic founded this religion that still continues to uphold the traditional beliefs of pacifism and simplicity?

George Fox

Collective name, please. Half of these texts may have derived some material from an unknown source designated "Q." Three share similar content and structure, and are known as "synoptic" ones, while the fourth begins, "In the beginning was the Word." Give the collective name of the first four books of the New Testament.


This holiday gets its name from the items thrown at the feet of Jesus when he made his triumphant return to Jerusalem. What feast is held on the Sunday before Easter?

Palm Sunday

Since 1991, this position has been held by Bartholomew I, who upon its assumption became the spiritual descendant of Saint Andrew. The ecumenical patriarch of what city is considered to be the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

Patriarch of Constantinople

In the New Testament of the Christian Bible, this event marked the beginning of the church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Identify this Christian holiday celebrated 50 days after Easter that marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.


He is traditionally counted as the first bishop of Rome or pope and as the first Patriarch of Antioch. Name this biblical figure who requested to be crucified upside down by Emperor Nero since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus.


Name the Roman governor who judged and condemned Jesus to death.

Pontius Pilate

He was born Joseph Ratzinger. Upon his election, he acquired several new titles, including bishop of Rome and vicar of Christ. Who succeeded Pope John Paul the Second in 2005?

Pope Benedict

Name the Pope that refused to grant Henry the VIII a divorce and lead to the formation of the Church of England.

Pope Clement VII

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