AH1 Unit 4

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Thomas Jefferson and his Republican followers favored a political system in which:

the states retained the majority of political power

All of the following created tension between the US and France except which?

treaty of Ghent

Alexander Hamilton thought a national debt:

was beneficial because people/creditors who invested in the government will want to see it succeed ( we needed lenders and people to invest in our government to make the people want the government to succeed)

Formation of political parties

* The Federalists were dominant until 1800, and the Republicans were dominant after 1800. *Both parties originated in national politics, but later expanded their efforts to gain supporters and voters in every state. The Federalists appealed to the business community, the Republicans to the planters and farmers. By 1796 politics in every state was nearly monopolized by the two parties, with party newspapers and caucuses becoming especially effective tools to mobilize voters.The Federalists promoted the financial system of Treasury Secretary Hamilton, which emphasized federal assumption of state debts, a tariff to pay off those debts, a national bank to facilitate financing, and encouragement of banking and manufacturing. The Republicans, based in the plantation South, opposed a strong executive power, were hostile to a standing army and navy, demanded a limited reading of the Constitutional powers of the federal government, and strongly opposed the Hamilton financial program. Perhaps even more important was foreign policy, where the Federalists favored Britain because of its political stability and its close ties to American trade, while the Republicans admired the French and the French Revolution. Jefferson was especially fearful that British aristocratic influences would undermine Republicanism.

Outcomes of XYZ affair

*Navy Dept Created *Undeclared naval war

Virginia and kentucky resolutions

*These resolutions were passed by the legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 and were authored by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, respectively. The resolutions argued that the federal government had no authority to exercise power not specifically delegated to it in the Constitution. *The Virginia Resolution, authored by Madison, said that by enacting the Alien and Sedition Acts, Congress was exercising "a power not delegated by the Constitution, but on the contrary, expressly and positively forbidden by one of the amendments thereto; a power, which more than any other, ought to produce universal alarm, because it is leveled against that right of freely examining public characters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon, which has ever been justly deemed, the only effectual guardian of every other right." Madison hoped that other states would register their opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts as beyond the powers given to Congress. *The Kentucky Resolutions, authored by Jefferson, went further than Madison's Virginia Resolution and asserted that states had the power to nullify unconstitutional federal laws. The Kentucky Resolution declared in part, "[T]he several states who formed that instrument [the Constitution], being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction; and that a nullification, by those [states], of all unauthorized acts....is the rightful remedy."

One significant international consequence of the War of 1812 was

A growth of Canadian patriotism and nationalism , and growth of good relations between the US and Britain

Whiskey Rebellion

A protective tariff was placed on imported good and items produced overseas An excise tax was placed on the manufacture, sale and distribution of products Pennsylvania farmers refused to pay taxes on whiskey. They beat up marshals and theratened succession The federal government shows it can enforce laws by sending in Militia *Consolidation of federal power

Eleciton of 1800

Adams V Jefferson Friends become enemies Revolution of the common people 12th amendment- separete ballots for president and vp Jefferson beats Adams but ties Aaron Burr -hamilton intervenes to give Jefferson victory

Zenger Trials

After the jury's verdict, British governors were reluctant to charge American printers with seditious libel. They realized that colonial juries would likely refuse to convict anyone for publishing criticisms of royal officials. Because of this, the colonial press became more open and free. During the years leading up to the American Revolution, printers published attacks on British authority as well as calls for independence. The Zenger trial influenced the attitudes of future generations of colonial Americans. After independence from Great Britain was won, the first United States Congress included guarantees of a free press in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It is fitting that the Bill of Rights was adopted by Congress in the same building where Zenger had been jailed and tried more than fifty years before.

Support for war against England in 1812 came from which?

Agrarian interest in the west and south


An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws.

All of the following were characteristics of the embargo act of 1807 except which?

Beneficial to American Industry in the long run

Native Americans resists white settlers

British wouldn't leave their forts in western lands after revolutionary war; resistance; gave native americans weapons to fight US

Washingtons Farewell address did which?

Condoned permanent alliances


Department heads War, state, treasury, attorney general

One significant domestic consequence of the war of 1812 was

an increase in domestic manufacturing and economic independence

Judiciary Act of 1789

Established courts

Alien and Sedition Acts

Federalists were suspicious of immigrants Alien Acts- Residence requirements; permits Sedition Acts- Fine/Jails people for hindering or lying about the govt Some dem-reps were jailed

Hartford Convention

Hartford Convention, Hartford Convention [Credit: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (digital id: ppmsca 10755)] (December 15, 1814-January 5, 1815), in U.S. history, a secret meeting in Hartford, Connecticut, of Federalist delegates from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont who were dissatisfied with Pres. James Madison's mercantile policies and the progress of the War of 1812 ("Mr. Madison's War"), as well as long resentful over the balance of political power that gave the South, particularly Virginia, effective control of the national government.

Protective tariff

Import tax on goods produced overseas

Marbury V. Madison

In Marbury v. Madison (1803) the Supreme Court announced for the first time the principle that a court may declare an act of Congress void if it is inconsistent with the Constitution. William Marbury had been appointed a justice of the peace for the District of Columbia in the final hours of the Adams administration. When James Madison, Thomas Jefferson's secretary of state, refused to deliver Marbury's commission, Marbury, joined by three other similarly situated appointees, petitioned for a writ of mandamus compelling delivery of the commissions. *Midnight judges *Established judicial review

All of the following were part of Hamilton's plan (Report on Public Credit) to strengthen the federal government and develop the economy EXCEPT

Income tax

Louisiana purchase

Jefferson buys it for $15 million from French Purchase double US in size Thomas Jefferson had serious reservations about his role in the Louisiana Purchase because he was concerned the purchase was unconstitutional

The Louisiana Purchase increased the size of the country and helped shape the national identity but had negative consequences for who?

Native Americans and African Americans

Two prominent American military heroes during the War of 1812 were

Oliver Hazard Perry and Andrew Jackson

Hamiltons financial plan

Pay foreign debt, issue new bonds, assume state debt Establish national bank Move Capital for support *In the first two, Reports on the Public Credit, which he submitted on January 14, 1790, and December 13, 1790, he urged the funding of the national debt at full value, the assumption in full by the federal government of debts incurred by the states during the Revolution, and a system of taxation to pay for the assumed debts. His motive was as much political as economic. Through payment by the central government of the states' debts, he hoped to bind the men of wealth and influence, who had acquired most of the domestically held bonds, to the national government. But such powerful opposition arose to the funding and assumption scheme that Hamilton was able to push it through Congress only after he had made a bargain with Thomas Jefferson, who was then secretary of state, whereby he gained Southern votes in Congress for it in exchange for his own support in locating the future national capital on the banks of the Potomac. Hamilton's third report, the Report on a National Bank, which he submitted on December 14, 1790, advocated a national bank called the Bank of the United States and modeled after the Bank of England. With the bank, he wished to solidify the partnership between the government and the business classes who would benefit most from it and further advance his program to strengthen the national government.

lewis and clark are guided by who?

Sacajawea *Core of discovery

Why the British violated the treaty of paris

Several of the articles of the Treaty of Paris were violated by all sides in the chaotic aftermath of the war. Individual states ignored federal recommendations to restore confiscated loyalist property, as required by Article 5 of the Treaty, and also continued the practice of confiscating loyalist property for "unpaid debts," in violation of Article 6. Some, notably Virginia, also maintained laws against payment of debts to British creditors, defying Article 4. Individual British soldiers ignored the provision of Article 7, which required them to abandon their property in the United States, particularly in respect to their relinquishing of slaves. The treaty between Spain and Great Britain did not establish any clearly defined northern boundary to Spanish-controlled Florida. Spain used its control of Florida to block American access to the Mississippi, in defiance of Article 8 of the Treaty of Paris. The resulting territory dispute between Spain and the United States was resolved with the Treaty of Madrid, or Pinckney's Treaty, in 1795.


States have the right to void laws deemed unconstitutional

Hamiltons political philosphy

Strong central government led by wealthy upper class elite, notherners

Jeffersons political philosophy

Strong state govt, common man, farmers

causes of the war

Tensions between the United States and Great Britain increased during the first decade of the 19th century due to issues involving trade and impressment of American sailors. Battling Napoleon on the Continent, Britain sought to block neutral American trade with France. In addition, the Royal Navy utilized a policy of impressment which saw British warships seize sailors from American merchant vessels. This resulted in incidents such as the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair which were affronts to the United States' national honor. The Americans were further angered by increased Native American attacks on the frontier which they believed the British to be encouraging. As a result, Pres. James Madison asked Congress to declare war in June 1812

War of 1812

The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain and lasted from 1812 to 1815. Resulting from American anger over trade issues, impressment of sailors, and British support of Indian attacks on the frontier, the conflict saw the US Army attempt to invade Canada while British forces attacked south. Over the course of the war, neither side gained a decisive advantage and the war resulted in a return to status quo ante bellum. Despite this lack of conclusiveness on the battlefield, several late American victories led to a newfound sense of national identity and a feeling of victory.

The War of 1812 received the strongest support in

The West and Southwest

Jeffersonian opposition to Hamilton's financial plan led to

The formation of permanent political parties

The terms of the Treaty of Ghent ending the war of 1812 provided that

The two sides would stop fighting and return to the status quo before the war

What is the relationship between Canada and the war of 1812

The western war hawks wanted war with england so they could take over the british part of canada

Moving of a nations capital

To win southern support for his debt plan, Hamilton suggests moving the nations capital from NYC to DC

Pickneys Treaty of 1795

Treaty with Spain Spain gives up claim to western US All land claimed east of mississippi except florida Port of New Orleans The Pinckney's Treaty was established in order to promote friendship and cooperation between Spain and the United States conterminously entered into negotiations with Britain. What spurred the Spanish to negotiate with the United States, was more a fear of an imminent U.S.-British alliance with the Jay Treaty of 1794, rather than any pressing desire to reopen some trade routes to American merchants or firmly delineate a boundary line in the Florida territory. Unlike the contemporaneous Jay Treaty, the Pinckney Treaty was quite popular with both political parties as well as the American public. Some historians Grant argue that the Pinckney Treaty was critical for the emergence of American expansionism, later known as "Manifest Destiny", because control of several Indian districts in the Florida territory were essential to for America's dominance of the Southwest.

Embargo Act of 1807

U.S. Pres. Thomas Jefferson's nonviolent resistance to British and French molestation of U.S. merchant ships carrying, or suspected of carrying, war materials and other cargoes to European belligerents during the Napoleonic Wars. *Negative impact on all parties

Farewell address

Washington addressed his concern about a two- party system

Reactions to the french revolution

Washington remained neutral

Federalists supported

a "loose" interpretation of the Constitution, strong central government , government support of commercial interests , and supported Britain over france

The French Revolution (l789) divided American sympathies primarily because:

a. Americans remembered the French support at Saratoga and believed that the commitment still held b. Americans supported a liberal rebellion until it descended into a radical "terror" against some French citizens, including organized Christianity c. Most Americans' loyalty were with the British who were always at odds with the French d. Federalists saw the revolution as upsetting the European order that Americans depended for trade

Oh Grab me

addresses the displeasure with Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act prevalent throughout the northern United States. *The cartoon depicts a smuggler being bitten by an American snapping turtle called "Ograbme." The name is a play on the word embargo (backwards). In the distance is a British ship (flying the Union Jack), presumably waiting to smuggle American goods back to Britain. The smuggler's exclamation of, "Oh! This cursed Ograbme," is a thinly-veiled criticism of the Embargo Act. Intended to punish Britain and France for interfering with American shipping, the Embargo Act actually harmed American merchants, who were now bereft of profitable overseas markets. Since most American industry during the early 1800s was located in the North, criticism of the Embargo Act was rather widespread in that section of the country.

xyz Affair

diplomatic incident that, when made public in 1798, nearly involved the United States and France in war. Pres. John Adams dispatched three ministers to France in 1797 to negotiate a commercial agreement to protect U.S. shipping. In Paris the ministers were approached by three French agents who suggested a bribe of $250,000 to Talleyrand, the French foreign minister, and a loan of $10,000,000 to France as a prelude to negotiations. In April 1798 the machinations of the three French agents (called X, Y, and Z in the diplomatic correspondence) were made public in the United States. There was a great outcry over the bribe solicitation, followed by preparations for war. Although a period of undeclared naval warfare ensued between France and the United States formal war was avoided, and the incident was settled by the Convention of 1800. *The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident that almost led to war between the United States and France. The scandal inflamed U.S. public opinion and led to the passage of the ALIEN AND SEDITION ACTS of 1798 (1 Stat. 570, 596). Though the affair caused an unofficial naval war, the two countries were able to negotiate their differences and end their conflict in 1800. The affair took place during one of the Napoleonic wars between France and Great Britain. The French regarded the United States as a hostile nation, particularly after the signing of Jay's Treaty in 1794. This treaty settled some of the problems that continued to cause friction between the United States and Great Britain after the peace treaty of 1783 that granted the colonies independence. Consequently, President JOHN ADAMS appointed Charles Pinckney minister to France in 1796 in an attempt to ease French-U.S. relations.

To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson:

hastily enacted an embargo

Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 was popular in the United States because

it granted navigation rights to the Mississippi River c. it granted the United States the right of deposit or access to the port of New Orleans to the American farmers d. Spain gave up claims to northern border of Florida

Tecumseh led a protest to a treaty for Wayne because of which?

native americans were tricked into giving up land

The greatest AMerican Military successes of the War of 1812 came in the

naval battles on the great lakes and elsewhere

Alexander Hamilton's proposed National Bank was:

opposed by the South that saw this as an advantage for northeast commercial interests based on the "necessary and proper," or "elastic," clause in the Constitution since congress could collect taxes regulate trade

The Battle of New Orleans:

saw British troops defeated by Andrew Jackson's soldiers

Jays treaty

sectionalism- placing regional interests above nation The Jay Treaty closed off several outstanding issues from the treaty that ended the Revolutionary War and, in the process, became an intense dispute between the nation's first two political parties. Among the issues ironed out to American satisfaction by the 1794 treaty: Britain agreed to abandon forts in the Northwest Territory. Britain agreed to stop encouraging Native Americans to attack settlers in the Northwest Territory. Britain agreed to pay for 250 merchant ships seized in the past two years. Britain agreed not to interfere with American trading efforts in the West Indies. Both countries agreed to a stronger delineation of the Canada-U.S. border. Among the issues ironed out to British satisfaction: The U.S. granted Britain most favored nation trading status. The U.S. agreed not to interfere with Britain's ongoing struggle with France. The U.S. agreed to reconcile prewar debts owed to British merchants. Many historians think that the two countries averted another war by reaching agreement on all of these issues. Alexander Hamilton, then Secretary of the Treasury, was the principal architect of the treaty. John Jay, then the Chief Justice of the United States, was the chief negotiator. President George Washington voiced his support for the treaty. However, the treaty angered many in the Democratic-Republican Party. Thomas Jefferson was most notably vocal in opposition, preferring to see a friendly agreement with France. The Democratic-Republicans argued that closer ties with Britain would bring back more of a monarchical system. Hamilton's Federalist Party argued that the treaty was sound economically and was necessary to keep the country growing westward. The treaty was agreed to in principle in 1794 but took more than a year to work its way through all of the necessary governmental processes. Opposition to the treaty was quite fierce; at one point, Jay was burned in effigy. Washington's support for the treaty proved to be the difference, however, as two-thirds of the Senate approved the treaty in November 1796. The treaty's duration was for 10 years. One main issue that Jay pressed but could not get Britain to agree to was a cessation of the impressment of soldiers. Britain continued to seize some ships and force American sailors to join the Royal Navy. This would be a main issue leading to the War of 1812.

Tecumsehs Confederacy

tells people to turn to traditional ways


tensions between the United States and Britain remained high after the Revolutionary War as a result of three key issues. British exports flooded U.S. markets, while American exports were blocked by British trade restrictions and tariffs. The British occupation of northern forts that the British Government had agreed to vacate in the Treaty of Paris (1783) as well as recurrent Native American attacks in these areas also frustrated Americans. Finally, Britain's impressments of American sailors and seizure of naval and military supplies bound to enemy ports on neutral ships brought the two nations to the brink of war in the late 1700s.

"Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute" is most closely associated with

the XYZ Affair

The new nationalistic feelings right after the War of 1812 was evident In all of the following except

the addition of significant territory to the United states

The Jeffersonians opposed Adams' midnight judges because:

the appointment was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in the government

Even though the victory in the Battle of New Orleans provided a large boost to American morale, it proved essentially meaningless because

the peace treaty had been signed several weeks before

Impressment of sailors

the practice of Britain's Royal Navy of sending officers to board American ships, inspect the crew, and seize sailors accused of being deserters from British ships.

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