AHS 321 - Ethics Midterm

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Addresses such difficult issues as the nature of life, the nature of death, what sort of life is worth living, what constitutes murder, how we should treat people who are especially vulnerable, and the responsibilities that we have to other human beings. it is about making better decisions when faced with diverse and complex circumstances.

Function of the judicial branch of government

Adjudicate the law

Federal regulations control federal grants that apply to experiments involving new _____.

Answer: (all the above) drugs; medical devices; medical procedures

The department of health and human services

Answer: All of the above (is a cabinet level position, is the main source of regulations that affects the health care industry, carries out national health and human services policy objectives, develops and implements administrative regulations)

Abortion issues can involve ______.

Answers (all the above) Braking some ethical norm or value system; mother's right's; rights of fetus; state's interests in protecting life


Answers: (all of the above) is considered the deadliest epidemic in human history; first appeared in literature in 1981; is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Conflict between "pro-choice" and "pro-life" advocates involves ethical principles, such as ___.

Answers: (all the above) autonomy; benefice; nonmaleficence

An informed decision involves _______.

Answers: ALL OF THESE: the process of identifying the various alternative to an ethical dilemma, determining the pros and cons of alternative choices, having a clear unbiased willingness to listen

Applied Ethics

Application of normative theories to practical moral problems. It is the attempt to explain and justify specific moral problems such as abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide.

moral dilemma

Arise when values, rights, duties, and loyalties conflict.

Secular Ethics

Based on codes developed by societies that have relied on customs to formulate their codes.

Legistlative Branch

Composed of the House of Representatives and the Senate, both enact laws that can amend or repeal existing legislation and creates new legislation. Determine the nature and extent of the need for new laws and for changes in existing laws.

Situational Ethics

Concerned with the outcome or the consequences of an action in which the ends can justify the means. Describes how a particular situation may influence how one's reaction and values may change in order to cope with changing circumstances.

_______ orders are given by a physician indicating that in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest "no" resuscitative measures should be used to revive the patient.



Describes a class of rules help by society to govern the conduct of its individual members. Implies the quality of being in accord with standards of right and good conduct. Is a code of conduct. It is a guide to behavior that all rational persons would put forward for governing the behavior of all moral agents.

Federal Organ donation regulation require hospitals to _____.

Develop protocols regarding an organization's organ procurement responsibilities

Wrongful birth action claims the parent and/or child claims to have suffered harm as a result of being born.



Federally sponsored health insurance program for persons older than 65 and certain disabled persons. Medicare part A helps cover the costs of impatient hospital care and part B helps pay for physicians' services and outpatient hospital services.

Deontological Ethics

Focuses on one's duty to others. It includes telling the truth and keeping your promises. Ethical analysis according to a moral code or rules.

______ of treatment occurs when the physician recognizes that the effect of treatment will be of no benefit to the patient.



Ideas about what is right and what is wrong. They are deeply ingrained in culture and religion and are often part of its identity

The primary responsibility of administrative agencies is to

Implement administrative law

Ethical Value

Implies standard of worth


Implies that there is a purpose and meaning to life; refers to faith in a higher being.

One of the purposes of an ethics committee is to _______.

Provide support and consultative services to families and caregivers.

Religious Ethics

Provides codes of conduct for appropriate behavior through revelations from a divine source. Enforced through fear of pain and suffering in the next life.

Seperation of powers

Provides that no one branch of government is clearly dominant over the other two. A system of checks and balances.

Laws that deal with the relationship between individuals and the government are referred to as

Public laws

Res Judicata

"the thing that has been decided" - Refers to that which has been previously acted on or decided by the courts.


(honesty, respect for others, conscientiousness) are used to guide human conduct by stating desirable traits to be exhibited and undesirable ones (dishonesty, deceitfulness, self-interest) to be avoided.

Utilitarian Ethics

involves the concept that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility, that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed among all persons. Contribution to overall usefulness.

Common law is derived form

judicial decisions

Moral value

the relative worth placed on some virtuous behavior

Ethical Principles

universal rules of conduct, derived from ethical theories that provide a practical basis for identifying what kinds of actions, intentions, and motives are valued

Although ethics committees first engaged in the 1960's in the United States, attention was focused on them in the landmark 1976 _____ case.


The "patient self-determination act of 1980" was enacted to ensure that patients are informed of their rights to execute advance directive and accept or ______ medical care.


The Joseph P and Rose F Kennedy Institute of ethics was established at Georgetown University in 1971 by a generous grand from the Joseph P Kennedy, Jr. Foundation.


Normative Ethics

attempts to determine what moral standards should be followed so that human behavior and conduct may be morally right. Primarily concerned with establishing standards or norms for conduct and is commonly associated with investigating how one ought to act.

Virtue Ethics

focuses on the inherent character of a person rather than on the specific actions he or she performs

The highest federal court is the

Supreme court


A form of beneficence. It may involve withholding information from a person because of the belief that doing so is in the best interest for that person.


A judicial decision that can be used as a standard in subsequent similar cases. Set when a court decision is rendered that serves as a rule for future guidance when deciding similar cases.


A positive trait of moral excellence or beneficial quality. Those characteristics that differentiate good people from bad people.

Distributive Justice

A principle requiring that all persons be treated equally and fairly. No one person should get disproportional share of society's resources or benefits.

Ethics committees should be structured to include:

A wide range of community leaders.

Descriptive Ethics

AKA comparative ethics, is the study of what people believe to be right and wrong and why they believe it. Describes how people act whereas normative ethics describes how people ought to act.


Branch of philosophy that seeks to understand the nature, purposes, justification, and founding principles of moral rules and the systems they comprise. Deals with values relating to human conduct. It focuses on the rightness and wrongness of actions, as well as the goodness and badness of motives and ends.

____ reasoning describes a form of reasoning where the premise is the conclusion and the conclusion in the premise of an argument. My premise is correct, therefore my conclusion is correct.


Stare Decisis

Common law principle - "let the decision stand" - Provides that when a decision is rendered in a lawsuit involving a particular set of facts, another lawsuit involving an identical or substantially similar situation is to be resolved in the same manner as the first lawsuit.

Consequential Theory

Emphasizes that the morally right action is whatever action leads to the maximum balance of good over evil. Based on view that the value of an action derives solely for the value of its consequences.

One of the main duties of the legislative branch of government is to

Enact laws

A major function of the executive branch of government

Enforce and administer the law


Ethical principle that requires caregivers to avoid causing patients harm.

An _____ is a hospital advisory body with multidisciplinary membership from the hospital and the community whose purpose is to facilitate the discussion and resolution of ethical issues and dilemmas arising in the patient care setting

Ethics committee

Administrative Law

Extensive body of public law issued by administrative agencies to direct the enacted laws of the federal and state governments. Controls administrative operations of the government. Rules and regulations established by an agency must be administered within the scope of the authority delegated by congress.

_______ are designed to provide patents through a legal document the ability to appoint health care agents to make treatment decisions in the event they become incompetent to make their own decisions.

Health care proxies

An ethical consideration that must be addressed when conducting research ______.

Informed consent

The instrument or legal document that describes those treatments an individual wishes or does not which to receive should he or she become incapacitated and unable to communicate treatment decisions is referred to as a _______.

Living will

Ethical theories

Introduce order into the way people think about life. They are foundations of ethical analysis and provide guidance in the decision-making process.


Involves a more global view of right and wrong.


Involves a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code and a commitment not to compromise this code.


Involves and individual's view of what is right and wrong based on one's personal life teachings, tradition, and experiences.

Medial paternalism

Involves making choices for (or forcing choices on) patients who are capable of choosing for themselves. It directly violates patient autonomy.


Involves recognizing the right of a person to make one's own decisions.


Is the study of the origin and meaning of ethical concepts. Seeks to understand ethical terms and theories and their application.

A general rule of conduct that is enforced by the government is a


The Supreme Court has ruled that there is ____.

No constitutional right to assisted suicide


One who has moral integrity and a strict regard for doing what is considered the right thing to do.

______ reasoning involves bias for or against a person based on one's relationship with that person


Patients and family should be encouraged to

Participate in patient care conflict resolution

Oregon's Death with Dignity Act requires that the ____ administer the medication to the patient for purpose of euthanasia.


Laws dealing with relationships among individual are referred to as __________.

Private Laws


Responsibilities that do not specify what the required conduct should be.

According to _____, every human being of adult years has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and the surgeon who performs an operation without his patients consent commits an assault for which he is liable for damages.

Scholendorff v. Society of New York Hospital

The concept of _____________ is a system of checks and balances which provide that no branch of government has more power than the other branches

Separation of powers

Intrinsic value

Something that has value in and of itself (happiness)

Instrumental Value

Something that helps give value to something else (money is valuable for what it can buy)

We study ethics to aid us in making _________ judgments, good decisions, and right choices.



Specify specific conduct; they do not allow for individual professional judgement.


Standards of conduct by which we measure the goodness in our lives. Something that has worth. Used for judging the goodness or badness of some action. May change as needs change.

The common-law principle of __________ (let the decision stand) provides that when a decision is rendered in a lawsuit involving a particular set of facts, another lawsuit involving an identical or substantially similar situation is to be resolved in the same manner as the first lawsuit.

Stare decisis

Common Law

The body of principles that have evolved and expanded from judicial decisions. Origins from English common law. Principle of this include Precedent, Res judicata, and Stare decisis

Bill of rights

The first ten amendments to the Constitution was added to protect the rights of the citizens


The obligation to be fair in the distribution of benefits and risks. Demands that persons in similar circumstances be treated similarly. Person is treated this way when they receive what is due, is deserved, or can legitimately be claimed.


The principle of doing good, demonstrating kindness, showing compassion, and helping others.

The court in Doe v. Zimerman declared unconstitutional a Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act provision that required

The written consent of the spouse

Ethical Relativism

Theory that holds that morality is relative to the norms of the culture in which an individual lives. Right or wrong depends on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced.

_____ euthanasia occurs when a person suffering an incurable disease make the decision to die.


_______ treatment is a decision not to initiate treatment or medical intervention for the patient.


Statutory law is __________.

Written law

Statutory Law

Written law emanating from federal and state legislative bodies. Can be amended, repealed, or examined by the legislator. The constitution is the highest level of enacted law.

Making a decision, suggesting a course of action, recommending a path to follow, and making a choice require accepting the fact that there will be elements of right and _______ in the final decision


Based on Roe v. Wade, the second trimester of a pregnancy involves ____.

a state's right to regulate abortion procedures in ways reasonably related to it


a system of principles and processes by which people in a society deal with their disputes and problems, seeking to solve or settle them without resorting to force. General rules of conduct that are enforced by government.

Private Law

deals with relationships among individuals. Two types of this are tort and contract actions

Public Law

deals with relationships between individuals and government. Criminal law is a segment of this.

Nonconsequential Ethical Theory

denies that the consequences of an action or rule are the only criteria for determining the morality of an action or rule

Code of conduct

generally prescribes standards of conduct, states principles expressing responsibilities, and defines the rules expressing duties of professionals to whom they apply

When the law is violated, the government imposes a


The logical application of _____ is important in the decision-making process


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