Air Carrier Operations

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A deadhead leg that occurs after a flight segment is NOT considered part of a flight duty period (FDP).

a. True

To be considered acclimated, a flight crewmember must be in a theater for —— hours or must be given at least —— consecutive hours free from duty.

b. 72 hours in theater or 36 consecutive hours free from duty

What is the role of active flight control in an airline?

b. Active flight control is the part of the airline organization that oversees the tactical operation of the airline

The time a cargo pilot spends deadheading is considered rest

b. False

12. A commuter operation is one that

b. conducts scheduled operations (five or more round trips per week) in non-turbojet aircraft that have nine or fewer passenger seats and a payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less.

A long-call reserve may be converted to a short call as long as they have how many hours of rest?

c. 10 hours rest

The concept of common carriage is derived from

c. British common law

Which manual would contain guidance on passenger handling policies?

c. Ground operations manual

What is the maximum flight time allowable for a two-pilot crew in domestic, flag, or supplemental all-cargo operations for the following time periods (FLAG)

1. 12 calendar months 1,000 flight hours max 2. Calendar month 100 flight hours max 3. 7-consecutive-day period 32 flight hours max 4. 24 consecutive hours 8 flight hours max

What is the maximum flight time allowable for a two-pilot crew in domestic, flag, or supplemental all-cargo operations for the following time periods (Supplemental Cargo)

1. Calendar year 1,000 flight hours max 2. 30 consecutive days 100 flight hours max 3. Between rest periods 8-10 flight hours max

What is the maximum flight time allowable for a two-pilot crew in domestic, flag, or supplemental all-cargo operations for the following time periods (DOMESTIC)

1. Calendar year 1,000 flight hours max 2. Calendar month 100 flight hours max 3. 7 consecutive calendar days 30 flight hours max 4. Between rest periods 8 flight hours max

What is the maximum duty day for a cargo pilot in a two-pilot crew flying in supplemental all-cargo operations?

a. 16 hours

What is the maximum number of hours a pilot in supplemental all-cargo operations, on a three-pilot crew, may be scheduled in a 24-consecutive-hour period?

a. 8 hours

What type of flying counts towards a cargo pilot's annual, monthly, and weekly flight time limitations?

a. All commercial flight time, except military, in any flight crewmember position

A pilot is given the minimum reduced rest the first night of a 3-day trip. How soon must the pilot be given the required compensatory rest?

a. No later than 24 hours after the commencement of the reduced rest period

What is the maximum number of hours an air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in flag all-cargo operations, having two pilots and one additional flight crewmember?

a. No more than 12 hours during any 24-consecutive-hour period

A cargo pilot "sitting reserve" for the month but in a designated rest period may be required to communicate with crew scheduling during a designated rest period by which means?

a. Text message or company instant messaging b. Email c. Phone or pager d. None of the above

A normally scheduled lineholding cargo pilot may be required to communicate with crew scheduling during a designated rest period by which means?

a. Text message or company instant messaging b. Email c. Phone or pager d. None of the above

A cargo pilot is scheduled to fly for 6 consecutive days. It is legal for that pilot to be assigned a recurrent simulator training period on the seventh day.

a. True

A cargo pilot is scheduled to deadhead in order to meet an aircraft in Memphis (MEM) on the first day of a trip. Is it legal for the pilot to be scheduled to fly for the next 6 days without a calendar day off?

a. Yes

A cargo pilot is scheduled to fly for 6 consecutive days. Could the pilot then be required to ferry an aircraft to some destination in order to position the aircraft for some future revenue service?

a. Yes

A cargo pilot is scheduled to fly for 6 consecutive days. Is it legal for that pilot to be assigned to deadhead home on the seventh day?

a. Yes

An all-cargo flight crew is scheduled for a 7:45 hour flight from ATL to Anchorage, Alaska (ANC). Prior to departure, the company wants to adjust the flight time to 8:10 to compensate for headwinds. Is this flight a legal assignment?

a. Yes

What is the maximum amount of duty an aircraft dispatcher employed by a passenger-carrying airline may be scheduled for?

b. 10 hours

What is the maximum amount of duty an aircraft dispatcher employed by an all-cargo airline may be scheduled for?

b. 10 hours

A cargo pilot is originally scheduled for a minimum rest period of 8 hours, but because of weather delays this pilot's flight has been delayed. In this circumstance, the air carrier is allowed to schedule the pilot for less than an 8-hour rest period.

b. False

A cargo pilot is scheduled to fly 97 hours for this month (at fifteen 6.5-hour flight days). Due to circumstances beyond the company's control, the pilot has accumulated 96 hours prior to the last scheduled duty day of the month. The pilot is legal to fly the last 6.5 hour assignment.

b. False

An all-cargo flight crew, because of a prior reduced rest period, is scheduled to receive compensatory rest beginning at 2130 hours. The flight crew is scheduled to complete the last leg of the day at 2115 hours; because of a ground stop ATC delay, the flight crew will arrive at the final destination at 2145 hours. The flight crew may legally depart on this last leg.

b. False

If during a cargo pilot's designated rest period, the company calls to notify the pilot of an adjustment to the departure time, this requires the pilot to "reset" the clock and begin a new rest period.

b. False

Which manual must be used by a Part 121 carrier to provide ground service crews the necessary information about procedures to use for a particular ground operational situation such as refueling an aircraft with passengers aboard?

b. The general operations manual

Can a pilot in a two-pilot cargo flight crew flying in domestic operations exceed more than 8 hours of flying in a 24-hour period?

b. Yes; 8 hours of flying in a 24-hour period is legal.

Prior to takeoff, what is the maximum flight time extension for an unaugmented crew who has not had a flight time extension during the previous 168 hours?

c. 0 minutes; flight time limits are "hard limits"

What is the maximum number of hours a pilot assigned flying in supplemental all-cargo operations may be aloft in any 30-consecutive-day period, as a member of a flight crew consisting of

c. 120 hours

A short-call reserve pilot whose reserve availability period began at 0500 local time (acclimated) is contacted by crew scheduling at 0700 local time and assigned an unaugmented one-day trip that reports at 0900 local time and has two turns (4 flight segments) from ATL to Miami (MIA). When does the flight duty period begin and when must the flight duty period be scheduled to end for this flight crewmember?

c. FDP begins at 0900 local time and must be scheduled to end by 2100 local time.

Is a rest period required for a cargo pilot given a domestic reserve assignment? How about an international pilot sitting reserve?

c. Yes; a domestic reserve pilot must be able to look back for a scheduled rest period of at least 8 hours; an international pilot is not protected by the look-back provision.

What is the maximum duty day for a pilot in a domestic all-cargo operation?

d. 16 hours

A long-call reserve pilot whose reserve availability period began at 0500 local time (acclimated) is contacted by crew scheduling at 0700 local time and assigned an augmented (3 pilots) 3-day trip, reporting at 0900 local time and with one flight segment from ATL to Rome (FCO) in an aircraft equipped with a Class 3 rest facility. When does the flight duty period begin and when must the flight duty period be scheduled to end for this flight crewmember?

d. FDP begins at 0900 local time and must be scheduled to end by 0000 local Atlanta time.

A domestically assigned cargo pilot is scheduled to fly 97 hours for this month (at fifteen 6.5-hour flight days). Due to circumstances beyond the company's control, the pilot has accumulated 96 hours prior to the last scheduled duty day of the month. What is the maximum amount of time this pilot may be deadheaded?

d. No limit to the amount of hours this pilot may be scheduled to deadhead

After takeoff, what is the maximum that a flight duty period (FDP) may be extended?

d. When unforeseen operational circumstances occur after takeoff, the maximum flight duty period may be extended to the extent necessary to safely land at the next destination or alternate.

No person may serve as a pilot-in-command unless that pilot has received a line check within

d. the preceding 12 calendar months.

What is the minimum pilot crew operating an aircraft with an approved and authorized autopilot under Part 135 in a Category I operation?

a. 1

A flight crewmember is scheduled for a domestic flight consisting of a 2-pilot crew on a 6-hour flight time. How much rest must this flight crewmember get prior to report time?

a. 10 consecutive hours rest before with a 30 hour rest period in the preceding 168 hours

A flight crewmember assigned to an augmented crew of 4 pilots with a Class 2 rest facility is not permitted to exceed which of the following cumulative limitations?

a. 100 hours in any 672-consecutive-hour period

How many hours is an aircraft dispatcher required to observe flight operations from the flight deck within the preceding 12 calendar months? May observing simulator training satisfy this requirement?

a. 5 hours, reducible to 2½ hours by the substitution of additional takeoff and landing for an hour of flight; yes

If a Part 121 supplemental carrier has issued its maintenance manual using microfiche or a computer file format and must carry it on the aircraft, what must also be carried aboard the aircraft?

a. A compatible reading device that produces a legible image of the maintenance information and instructions

What is the recency of experience requirement for a flight engineer?

a. A flight engineer must have at least 50 hours of flight engineer time in the same make/model aircraft within the preceding 6 months.

Holding out to the public would include:

a. Advertising b. Flyers in a campus student union c. Statements on a web page d. All of the above

Ops specs must contain which of the following:

a. Authorizations b. Limitations c. Certain procedures d. All of the above

What minimum required management positions (Part 121) must be filled by a mechanic holding an airframe and powerplant certificate (A&P)?

a. Director of maintenance and chief inspector

Which of the following is not an element of common carriage?

a. Having a license or certificate

Which of the following is not required to be in a domestic carrier's ops specs?

a. Names and addresses of the five largest shareholders

Operational control is the concept that:

a. The carrier, not the crew, is the final determinant of how the aircraft is operated.

Which department of an air carrier serves to specifically implement the concept of operational control?

a. The dispatch center, flight control or flight following center

Which manual must be issued in paper form?

a. The flight operations manual b. The ground operations manual c. The maintenance manual d. None of the above

Where would a Part 121 pilot or dispatcher look to find the procedures to use in planning a flight that is forecast to have icing and very turbulent weather conditions?

a. The flight operations manual required by 14 CFR §121.133

If a flight crew needs to make a flight duty period (FDP) extension due to an unforeseen circumstance discovered after takeoff (e.g., a recent destination runway closure), are they allowed to exceed the cumulative FDP limits specified in Section 117.23?

a. Yes

A company must operate under 14 CFR Part 121 if it is:

a. a domestic operation.

To apply for a restricted airline transport pilot (R-ATP) certificate, an applicant must

a. be at least 21 years old and hold a commercial pilot certificate with an instrument rating.

A supplemental operation is one that

a. conducts charter-type (nonscheduled) operations using aircraft having more than 30 seats and/or with more than 7,500 pounds payload capacity

The starting point for a new Part 121 domestic carrier in setting up ops specs is to

a. first contact a representative of the national certification team.

The purpose of operations specifications (or ops specs) is for the company to

a. identify to the FAA and itself how it will specifically comply with various provisions of the FARs.

Refer to 14 CFR §117.21(c)(1): The reserve availability period (RAP) for a short-call reserve may not exceed how many hours?

b. 14 hours

What is the minimum pilot crew operating under Part 121?

b. 2

If an aircraft operated in Part 121 is certificated with 275 seats, but only 249 passengers are aboard for a particular flight, how many flight attendants are required?

b. 6

Where must an air carrier maintain a complete copy of the Section 121.133 manual(s)?

b. At the carrier's principal base of operations

What required management position is responsible for the overall operational control of an air carrier's flight?

b. Director of operations

As per the Part 121 requirements found in 14 CFR §119.65, what five specific management positions are required for a Part 121 air carrier?

b. Director of safety, director of operations, chief pilot, director of maintenance, and chief inspector

Who may conduct the required Part 121 training?

b. Either the Part 121 certificate holder or a company holding a Part 142 flight training certificate may conduct the required training

Who may conduct the required Part 121 training?

b. Either the Part 121 certificate holder or a company holding a Part 142 flight training certificate may conduct the required training.

An augmented flight crew assigned a flight duty period with a split duty period built in to the flight segments that allows for just over a 3-hour rest opportunity in a suitable accommodation during the window of circadian low is allowed a flight duty period of up to 14 hours.

b. False

Flight attendants are required to carry a FAA certificate of demonstrated proficiency on his/her person when performing their job functions

b. False

Flight attendants are required to carry a FAA certificate of demonstrated proficiency on his/her person when performing their job functions.

b. False

What process is used to ensure that any given manual is properly maintained and contains up-todate information?

b. The manual(s) must contain a revision control page that shows the applicable effective dates of every page.

When the visibility is below what value must the pilot-in-command make all takeoffs and landings when flying with a second-in-command who has less than 100 hours in the type of airplane to be flown?

b. When the visibility is below ¾ statute mile or RVR 4,000 FT for the runway to be used

Is it legal for a flight crewmember to be scheduled five consecutive flight duty periods that begin at 0215 local time?

b. Yes, a flight crewmember may be scheduled five consecutive flight duty periods that infringe on the window of circadian low if the certificate holder provides the flight crewmember with an opportunity to rest, at least 2 hours, in a suitable accommodation during each of the consecutive nighttime flight duty periods.

In analyzing a situation in which a private pilot is accused of acting illegally as a common carrier, the FAA will, among other tests, look to see if the pilot

b. had an independent interest in taking the trip.

To serve as a first officer (SIC) in Part 121 air carrier operations, a pilot must

b. hold an R-ATP certificate, with type rating for the aircraft flown; and hold at least a second class medical certificate.

To serve as a first officer (SIC) in Part 121 air carrier operations, a pilot must

b. hold an R-ATP certificate, with type rating for the aircraft flown; and hold at least a secondclass medical certificate.

Production of ops specs are now automated by the FAA through the use of what amounts to a punch card system. By doing this, the FAA intends that the ops specs of each carrier be

b. standard in form and language but tailored to suit the individual, specific needs of each carrier

Where is the required content of operations specifications for a commuter or on-demand operator found?

c. 14 CFR Part 119

The FAA instituted which part in 1996 to further bring air carriers of both Parts 121 and 135 under the umbrella of "One Level of Safety"?

c. 14 CFR Part 119 14 CFR Part 119 was created to effectuate the idea of "One Level of Safety," meaning that the FAA sought to narrow the gap in safety standards between Part 121 large airplane operators and smaller charter and on-demand operators regulated under 14 CFR Part 135.

The maximum flight duty period hours for augmented operations with 4 pilots utilizing a Class 1 rest facility is:

c. 19 hours

A flight follower differs from an aircraft dispatcher in that:

c. A flight follower is not required to be a certificated airman

Which of the following is an example of a type

c. Circling approach—VMC only.

Which air carrier personnel are required to carry an FAA airman certificate on his/her person when performing the tasks which require the certificate?

c. Cockpit crewmembers, dispatchers and mechanics

What positions in an air carrier require an FAA airman certificate?

c. Cockpit crewmembers, dispatchers, and mechanics

If an air carrier conducts any operations in which the pilot-in-command is required to hold an airline transport certificate, what two required management positions, for both Part 121 and Part 135 air carriers, must be filled by a pilot holding an air transport pilot certificate (ATP)?

c. Director of operations and chief pilot

Who is responsible for ensuring a PRD airman record is up-to-date and accurate?

c. Each pilot is responsible for their own record.

What is the mandatory retirement age for all pilots in Part 121 operations?

c. No person may serve as a pilot on an airplane engaged in operations under Part 121 if that person has reached his/her sixtieth-fifth birthday.

If a pilot completes initial training as second-in-command (first officer) on a piece of equipment in March for an air carrier not using AQP, when would be the latest this pilot could complete recurrent training?

c. Recurrent must be completed before the end of April of the next year

If a pilot completes initial training as second-incommand (first officer) on a piece of equipment in March for an air carrier not using AQP, when would be the latest this pilot could complete recurrent training?

c. Recurrent must be completed before the end of April of the next year.

What type of training ensures each crewmember or dispatcher is adequately trained and currently proficient with respect to the type of airplane that person is crewing or dispatching

c. Recurrent training

During boarding and deplaning of originating and terminating flights, the FAA requires how many flight attendants be on board the aircraft?

c. The FAA minimum number of flight attendants required for dispatch must be on board the aircraft during boarding and deplaning.

How many hours is an aircraft dispatcher required to observe flight operations from the flight deck within the preceding 12 calendar months? May observing simulator training satisfy this requirement?

c. The FAA minimum number of flight attendants required for dispatch must be on board the aircraft during boarding and deplaning.

Which act raised the mandatory retirement age for Part 121 airline pilots to age 65?

c. The Fair Treatment for Experienced Pilots Act

Which manuals are required to be carried aboard an air carrier aircraft operated under Part 121?

c. The airplane flight manual or company flight manual and the certificate holder's Section 121.133 manual parts pertaining to flight operations

When a Part 121 carrier is preparing the required operational manuals, how would you suggest that it proceed?

c. The carrier should contact the FAA office that it will deal with and work collaboratively with the assigned inspectors.

Which best describes the concept of operational control?

c. Under routine operations, the flight is conducted under control and through consensus with the appropriate authority within the company. In emergency situations, it is conducted in this manner to the extent possible, subject to the captain's emergency authority.

If you were a ramp service supervisor for Aeromech Airlines, where would you look to find the loading instructions (procedures) for how to load a particular A-320-232 aircraft? (Refer to Aeromech Ops Specs E096.)

c. Volume 3 of the flight crew operations manual (FCOM)

14. Part 121 air carriers must have the ability to communicate with a flight crew

c. at any point in the route structure in a rapid and reliable fashion.

To apply for an air transport pilot (ATP) certificate, an applicant must

c. be at least 23 years old and hold a commercial pilot certificate with an instrument rating

To apply for an air transport pilot (ATP) certificate, an applicant must

c. be at least 23 years old and hold a commercial pilot certificate with an instrument rating.

As a commercial pilot, acting individually and without further certificates, you may

c. charge a gas company to perform pipeline aerial spotter patrols

Assume you were found to be operating as an on-demand air carrier but didn't have an operating certificate. The potential penalty for this would be an $11,000 fine for

c. each provision of Part 135 applicable to each flight conducted.

Operational control of a flight refers to

c. exercising authority over initiating, conducting or terminating a flight.

Operating under 14 CFR Part 121

c. requires the carrier to comply with Part 91 as well as Part 121 unless the requirements under Part 121 are more stringent than the Part 91 requirements.

14 CFR Part 1 defines operational control as

c. the exercise of authority over initiating, conducting, and terminating a flight.

A domestic, flag or commuter carrier's ops specs are valid

c. until the carrier fails to conduct the kind of approved operation for 30 days and doesn't give the FAA 5 days' notice before resuming operations.

How many flight attendants are required for an aircraft that has a payload capacity of less than 7,500 pounds and is equipped with 19 passenger seats?

d. 0

When does a flight crewmember "look back" to determine if he or she has received the proper amount of rest?

d. At the start of a flight duty period or reserve availability period

What is the minimum flight hours needed to obtain a restricted airline transport pilot certificate?

d. Depending upon where the training was obtained, (a), (b) or (c) may be correct.

As per the Part 135 requirements found in 14 CFR §119.69, what three specific management positions are required for a Part 135 air carrier?

d. Director of operations, chief pilot, and director of maintenance

To be employed as a pilot by a Part 121 air carrier, what pilot certificate must you hold?

d. Either a restricted airline transport pilot certificate or an airline transport pilot certificate

For the purpose of the training regulations, airplanes are broken down into three categories of aircraft called

d. Group A, Group B, and Group C.

The director of safety is required to hold which FAA certificates?

d. None

When is a Part 121 supplemental air carrier required to carry a maintenance manual on board the aircraft?

d. Supplemental air carriers are required to have a copy of the entire manual aboard the aircraft for use by the contract personnel at those locations. By the nature of supplemental operations, these air carriers don't operate to the same locations on a repetitive basis, so this ensures a manual will be accessible to maintenance personnel.

What type of training would be required for crewmembers that have qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane in the same group?

d. Transition training

How often must a pilot serving as pilot-incommand satisfactorily complete a proficiency check if that pilot's airline does not utilize an AQP single-visit training program?

d. Within the preceding 12 calendar months; must also complete either simulator training or a proficiency check within the preceding 6 calendar months

A company operating turbo-propeller aircraft with 8 passenger seats and a payload of 7,000 pounds three times a week between Los Angeles and Mexico City on a scheduled basis would need to hold

d. a Part 135 operating certificate (which allows on-demand operations). Scheduled operations using other than turbojet aircraft with nine or fewer passenger seats and a 7,500 pound or less payload capacity on fewer than five roundtrips per week according to published schedule(s) fall under the purview of Part 135 of the regulations.

A domestic carrier must get an air carrier certificate prior to operations. This is

d. a safety issue required by the FAA

A copy of the ops specs must be maintained by the carrier at

d. its principal base of operations

13. A flag carrier must use weather sources approved by

d. the Administrator of the FAA.

Private carriage is distinguished from common carriage primarily by

d. transportation (carriage) of only one or a very small number of parties.

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