Airline and Dispatch Operations
According to FAR Part 121, which of the following requires the carrier to give the pilot 24 consecutive hours free from all duty in each 7 day period?
1 in 7 rule
How much experience in returning aircraft to service does a director of maintenance need?
1 year
According to FAR Part 117, minimum rest is?
FAR 121.434(g) requires that each pilot that is new to the equipment obtain which of the following?
100 hours of flight time on that equipment within 120 days of completing the check
Supplemental carriers operations specifications are covered under which of the following?
FAR 121.483 provides relief for flights in excess of what amount of time during any 24 consecutive hours?
12 hours
Which of the following sets forth the exact information which must be in each manual or manual part?
Which of the following covers schedules that go "nonroutine"?
According to FAR Part 121, the maximum duty day of a pilot can never exceed _____ duty hours in a 24 hour period.
FAR 121.385 says that all Part 121 operations should be conducted with how many pilots?
In post-accident testing, the employee shall be tested no later than how many hours after the accident?
In the case of a person who is evaluated under Appendix I and determined to be in need of assistance in resolving problems associated with illegal use of drugs, follow-up testing shall consist of how many tests in the first 12 months?
The drug testing program must accomplish how many types of tests?
The emergency evacuation demonstration proves that the airline can evacuate its aircraft as configured by the airline in what amount of time?
90 seconds or less
If a certificate holder has had a malfunction, failure, or defect and a report is required, then the air carrier is required to send a report to that air carrier's certificate-holding district office within what amount of time from the occurrence?
96 hours
Which of the following entities can conduct Part 121 training?
A Part 142 certified training program A Part 121 certificate holder
FAR 121.141 requires which of the following to be carried aboard the aircraft at all times?
Airplane Flight Manual
A defined duty period during which a crewmember is required by a certificate holder to be at or in close proximity to an airport.
Airport/standby reserve (ASB)
FAR 121.709(a) addressed which of the following?
Airworthiness release or aircraft log entry
The drug testing required for Part 121 is found where?
Appendix I
The FAA has stated that an operator will be held to private carriage if it carries how many contracts?
As many as three contracts
What is the first training a new crewmember or dispatcher receives?
Basic indoctrination ground training
What term is referred to as the transportation of persons either for pleasure or business, drawn over ordinary streets and highways of country?
Who is responsible to the chairman of the board and the board of directors for the company?
Chief operating officer
Supervising all of the air carrier's pilots and participating in continual flight operations budget process are duties of which required management position?
Chief pilot
Which of the following are mandatory management positions for a Part 121 air carrier?
Chief pilot Chief inspector Director of safety Director of maintenance Director of operations
The aviation industry assures that it will live up to it's extraordinary level of duty to care by following what?
Code of Federal Regulations
Which of the following has the highest duty to care?
Common carrier
Which of the following positions are required for a 135 air carrier?
Director of operations Director of maintenance Chief pilot
Who conducts safety reviews of all functions including public safety, security, maintenance, and flight operations?
Director of safety
A period that begins when a certificate holder requires a crewmember to report for duty and ends when that crew member is free from all duties.
Duty period
What is the level of responsibility which a person (or company) has toward others to protect them from harm?
Duty to care
Which section of Part B of operations specifications establishes that the carrier's aircraft will be operated in a manner that assures the position may be reliably fixed sufficiently to comply with air traffic control?
En Route Limitations and Provisions
FAR 121.441 requires that all captains receive a proficiency check how frequently?
Every 12 months
In which general operations specifications section can you find a list of the waivers from the requirements of the FARs? `
Exemptions and Deviations
Which of the following says that generally speaking, once the op specs are issued they remain effective until surrendered by the holder or until they are suspended or revoked in an action by the FAA?
FAR 119.61
Where are the specific training, background, and experience requirements found for Part 121 air carriers?
FAR 119.67
Which of the following includes a provision that allows the carrier to propose a candidate for one of the positions who does not have the requisite experience?
FAR 119.67(e)
Where are the general training, background, and experience requirements found for Part 135 air carriers?
FAR 119.69(d)
Which of the following makes the requirements to prepare and maintain manuals applicable to all Part 121 air carriers?
FAR 121.131
Where is the age 60 rule found?
FAR 121.383(c)
Which of the following allows a non-flight attendant to be available on board to assist in emergencies?
FAR 121.393
Which of the following sets forth the requirements for the certificate holder to prepare and keep current a training curriculum for each type of airplane and each crewmember or dispatcher?
FAR 121.403
Initial training is spelled out in which of the following?
FAR 121.419
The content of recurrent training programs for pilots, flight engineers, and flight attendants is spelled out in which of the following?
FAR 121.427
Which of the following states that air carriers involved in supplemental operations shall maintain crewmember and dispatcher records either at its principal operations base or at another location approved by the FAA?
FAR 121.683(b)
Which of the following requires a 121 certificate holder conducting domestic or flag operations to maintain and supply the FAAs certificate-holding district officer with a current list of each aircraft that it operates in scheduled air transportation?
FAR 121.685
Where are structural service difficulty reports covered?
FAR 121.704
Which of the following covers the communication record requirements for domestic and flag operations?
FAR 121.711
Which of the following addresses the issue of whether you may pilot the aircraft when used for carriage for compensation or hire?
FAR 61.133
The study of air carrier rules must begin with what?
FAR Part 119
Which of the following prescribes the specific rules to be followed by commercial operators of small aircraft?
FAR Part 135
Which of the following prescribes the specific rules to be followed by commercial operators of small aircraft? q
FAR Part 135
Where are the general operating rules found?
FAR Part 91
As a minimum, Part 121 operating manuals must contain which of the following provisions?
Flight operations Ground operations Management policy and procedures
Who controls certification of pilots and enforcement of operational regulations?
Flight standards district offices
You are flying at a FAR Part 121 airline in a foreign country (not the USA). Their local airport rules are in conflict with the Part 121 regulations.
Follow the Part 121 rules as long as it is more restrictive and may be followed without violating the rules of the country you are flying in.
Which test of common carriage includes letting the public know that it is available for carriage?
Holding out to the public of willingness to carry
Which of the following must be contained in the dispatch release form?
ID number of the aircraft Trip or flight number Statement of type of operation Minimum fuel supply
What is the period of time that the new crewmember flies while under the direct supervision of a qualified check pilot?
Initial operating experience
In which general operations specifications section can you find a discussion of who the carrier is, business names, principal places of business, certificate number, and similar items?
Issuance and Applicability
When did navigators begin coming off airlines?
Late 1950s
A return-to-duty alcohol test results must indicate an alcohol concentration of what amount?
Less than 0.02
A period in which a crewmember receives a required rest period following notification by the certificate holder to report for duty.
Long-call reserve (LCR)
Which of the following are duties of the director of maintenance for Part 135 carriers?
Maintain the weight and balance records for all aircraft Ensure that company aircraft are maintained in an airworthy condition
Which of the following are experience requirements for the Chief Inspector?
Mechanic certificate with airframe and power plant ratings for at least 3 years At least 3 years of maintenance experience on different types of large airplanes
What is a detailed report of occurrences during the previous month that caused an interruption of an air carrier's normal service?
Mechanical interruption summary report
Which of the following positions require an airman certificate?
Mechanics Dispatchers Cockpit crewmembers
Under Part 135, a flight attendant is required on aircraft that have seating configurations of what amount?
More than 19 seats
Which of the following is an operation conducting nonscheduled operations in aircraft of 30 seats or less if common carriage or 20 seats or less if non-common carriage?
On-demand operation
In which part of operations specifications will the carrier list the airports it intends to use for operations?
Part C
Operational control is exercised through which of the following means?
Passive active
What is the carriage arranged between the two parties--the carrier and the carried?
Private carriage
Which of the following are airplane categories used for the purpose of the training regulations in Subpart N?
Reciprocating powered airplane Turbopropeller airplane Pure jet airplane
Which of the following requires that the carrier establishes a system for disseminating information to each pilot concerning the routes and airports to be served by that pilot?
Route and airport qualifications
Which of the following help the FAA determine if an aircraft's malfunction or failure was a random occurrence or whether there is some equipment of structural defect that could be improved upon?
Service difficulty report
A period in which a crewmember does not receive a required rest period following notification by the certificate holder to report for duty.
Short-call reserve (SCR)
Which of the following refers to domestic operations in FAR Part 121?
Subpart Q
Which of the following refers to flag operations in FAR Part 121?
Subpart R
A MD-80 copilot who is moving on to the 757 as a copilot would require what?
Transition training
What type of training is required for crewmembers and dispatchers who have qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane in the same group?
Transition training
Which means of operational control consists of making those decisions and performing those actions necessary to operate a specific flight?
To which types of passenger operations does FAR Part 117 apply?
all passenger operations
According to FAR Part 117, A Window of Circadian Low (WOCL) shall be based upon the flightcrew member's reference time zone (RTZ) and is
between 2:00 and 5:00 (inclusive)
FAR 121.685(c) requires certificate holders conducting domestic or flag operations to maintain current records of each crewmember and each aircraft dispatcher.
A flight duty period that has a scheduled break in duty that is less than a required rest period.
split duty
What type of training is required for crewmembers and dispatchers who have qualified and served in the same capacity on another airplane in the same group?
transitional training
Simulator training MUST be used for flight training under AQP (advanced qualification program) training.
The dispatch release form may be organized in any manner.