ALAT 27-29

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The gestation period in rhesus macaques is _____ days.


How many days does a cow's estrous cycle last?

21 days

What is the correct water temperature for raising zebrafish?

28.5 °ree;C

What is the scientific name for goats?

Capra hircus

Which of the following is TRUE?

Chemical restraint is frequently used with NHPs in research.

What is necessary in a cage for group housed NHPs?

Correct Climbing poles Visual barriers Multiple feed and water stations All of the Above

What is a behavioral change that may indicate pain or distress in zebrafish?

Lethargy Flashing Piping All of the Above

What is NOT a type of environmental enrichment for NHPs?

NOT: Resting boards Foraging Grooming Housing with conspecifics

What would NOT be a sign of pain or distress in cattle?

NOT: Rubbing up against a pole or fence Getting up and down repeatedly Isolating itself from the group Making bellowing or grunting sounds

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of cuttlebone?

NOT: Source of vitamin E Exercise for the bird's jaws Source of grit Beak maintenance

What identification method is NOT commonly used in fish?

NOT: Tattoo Tag Fin clipping Transponder

What is the scientific name for the genus of squirrel monkeys?


Which is a breed of dairy cattle?


Why is the tip of the upper beak sometimes removed from chickens?

To control cannibalism and fighting

You are changing a drop pan from an NHP cage and accidentally cut your finger on the cage. What should you do?

Treat immediately according to your institution's SOP, which says to scrub the cut for 15 minutes with iodine or chlorhexidine, then notify your supervisor.

The process of removing the horns of a young goat (less than one month old) is called:


The body temperature in birds is __________ most mammals.

higher than

Mature bucks may show aggression, especially if:

there is a female in heat in the area.

How much pelleted feed do sheep eat, per 100 kg body weight?

2-3 kg

How many compartments does a ruminant stomach have?


When plastic bags containing fish are received into the facility, what should be the first step to acclimate the fish?

Add some tank water to the bag and put it in the receiving tank.

For institutions using NHPs as research models, what does the Animal Welfare Act stipulate must be put into place?

A plan to "promote the psychological well-being" of primates

Which of the following is TRUE?

Appropriate detergents should be used on the NHP housing room floor because monkey chow is greasy and can become slippery.

Birds are in the taxonomic class of:


Which of the following describes the requirement for NHP caging?

Cages must be strong, well secured, meet experimental requirements, and meet regulatory requirements for size.

When working with cattle, what does the term flanking mean?

Casting a calf to the ground

What is the scientific name for the zebrafish?

Danio rerio

Which bird is commonly used in the development of flu vaccines?

Domestic chicken

Which of the following is a sign of submission in NHPs?

Displaying rump

Which statement is FALSE?

FALSE: Birds mate just like mammals, with the male inserting his penis into the female's vagina. Eggs that have been incubated by female birds often have a higher hatch rate once in artificial incubators. In many species of birds, males and females look exactly alike. Eggs collected for artificial incubation should not be washed.

Which statement about crop milk is FALSE?

FALSE: Crop milk is very similar to mammalian milk. Crop milk contains proteins, fats, and antibodies. Both males and females produce crop milk. Only birds in the order Columbiformes produce crop milk.

Which statement about breeding zebrafish is FALSE?

FALSE: Fish are placed in the same tank in the morning, and eggs are usually collected at the end of the day. One or two pairs can be placed in a small breeding tank. Fish used for breeding should be fed more food than nonbreeding fish. Breeding tanks are used to separate the eggs from the adults.

Which statement is FALSE?

FALSE: Fish will become more docile with repeated handling. Each tank or group of similar tanks should have their own set of restraint equipment. Wet gloves should be worn when handling fish. General anesthesia can be used when handling fish.

Which statement is FALSE?

FALSE: Most NHPs commonly give birth to twins. Only trained technicians who understand the behavior of the species should handle NHPs. Old World monkeys have cheek pouches that they use to hold feed. Old World female monkeys have menstrual cycles, instead of estrous cycles.

Which statement regarding sheep is FALSE?

FALSE: Sheep suffer more from cold than from heat. Head butting in rams is normal. Lambs are usually weaned at 8-12 weeks of age. "Closed-face" sheep have wool on their face.

What fish organ extracts oxygen from the water?


Where is grit kept in the avian digestive tract?


Which item is a necessary component of all bird diets?


What is a distinctive feature of the avian reproductive tract?

Only the left ovary is functional.

Which statement is TRUE regarding fish quarantine?

In some institutions, the fish in quarantine are used only to produce embryos.

In sheep, goats, and cattle used for research, what is the method USUALLY used for euthanasia?

Injection of barbiturate overdose

What is a dangerous consequence of restricting the movement of a bird's keel bone while restraining it?

It could suffocate.

What is the usual method of identifying individual birds?

Leg bands

Which anesthetic agent is commonly used with fish?


Which euthanasia method is appropriate for birds and does NOT require special permission from the IACUC?

NOT: Carbon dioxide asphyxiation Maceration Thoracic compression Cervical dislocation

Which would NOT be a sign of pain, distress, or illness in a sheep?

NOT: Drinking a gallon of water in a day. Lack of appetite Isolation from the flock Foot stomping

Which is NOT an acceptable method for restraining sheep?

NOT: Grasp the wool and pull the animal over to a corner. (Back the animal into a corner and place a knee behind the shoulder. Straddle the animal at the shoulders and then grasp and hold the head. Grasp the head under jaw and lift the head.)

What is NOT an appropriate technique for handling birds?

NOT: If you do not catch a bird the first time, repeated attempts will tire it and make it easier to catch Manipulate cages slowly Approach bird cages quietly and slowly Dim lighting in bird rooms before attempting to capture them

What would NOT be a physical sign of pain or distress in a fish?

NOT: Inquisitiveness loss of buoyancy control Change in skin color Opercular flaring

Which of the following is NOT a common type of research for which sheep are used?

NOT: Orthopedic research. Reproductive research Cardiovascular research Fetal development research

Where are the testes located in the male bird?

Near the kidneys

Nonhuman primates that originate in South and Central America are referred to as what type of monkeys?

New World monkeys

Where is the spur located on a bird?

On the lower leg of a male galliform

What helps birds cool themselves when they get too hot?


What order do finches belong to?


Controlling a bird's flight by removing the distal wing tip is called _______________________?


What is a characteristic of Old World monkeys?

Short nose with downward pointing nostrils

What is the primary source of enrichment for sheep?

Social interaction

Why are NHPs used in research?

They are physiologically similar to humans.

What is extremely important when handling NHPs?

Using the correct personal protective equipment

It is essential that the diet for monkeys contain an adequate amount of which vitamin to prevent scurvy?

Vitamin C

What is the term for a neutered male sheep?


In which of the following situations should a technician wear an N95-type respirator to prevent exposure to the organism that causes Q-fever?

When assisting a ewe during lambing

What is one of the most common species of fish used in laboratory animal facilities?


What is the term for a male sheep?


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