Alcohol and Drugs

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In Tennessee, it is unlawful for any person to drive or be in physical control of an automobile or other motor-driven vehicle on any public street, highway, road or alley, or while on the premises of any shopping center, trailer park, apartment house complex, or any place frequented by the public while:

1. Under the influence of any intoxicant, marijuana, narcotic drug or drugs producing stimulating effects on the central nervous system 2.While the alcohol concentration of the operator's blood or breath is .08 percent or higher.

Alcohol begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream within... A. 1-2 minutes B. 1 hour C. 5-6 minutes D. 1 and a half hours

A. Alcohol begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream within 1-2 minutes after an alcoholic beverage is consumed.

How many drinks can the liver can oxidize per hour? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

A. Once in the bloodstream, the alcohol is distributed to all parts of the body, including the brain and liver. Upon reaching the liver, the alcohol immediately begins to be oxidized. However, the liver can only oxidize about one drink per hour.

T/F? By law, when you drive in Tennessee, you have given your consent to be tested to determine the alcohol or drug content of your blood.

By law, when you drive in Tennessee, you have given your consent to be tested to determine the alcohol or drug content of your blood. This test must be administered at the request of a law enforcement officer who has reasonable grounds to believe you have been driving under the influence of an intoxicant or drug. If you are placed under arrest and a law enforcement officer asks you to take the test and you refuse, it will likely result in the suspension by the court of your driving privileges for twelve (12) months.

What is BAC? A. Big Ankle Calluses B. Burnt Apple Cakes C. Blood Alcohol Concentration D. Beautiful Awesome Cats

C. Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is a measurement of the percentage of alcohol in the blood. The higher the BAC number, the more impaired a person is. This means that for every 10,000 drops of blood in a person's body, there are eight drops of alcohol.

What is the level of intoxication which is always illegal? A. .05 B. .06 C. .07 D. .08

D. .08; In most states, including Tennessee, .08 is the level of intoxication which is always illegal. This means that for every 10,000 drops of blood in a person's body, there are eight drops of alcohol. BAC changes with body weight, time spent drinking, and the amount of alcohol that is consumed.

What are the main things important to driving that alcohol impairs? A. Judgment and Vision B. Alertness and Concentration C. Reaction Time and Coordination D. All the above

D. All the above; Good judgment decreases with the use of alcohol. The concern for physical well being also lessens. People under the influence of alcohol take unnecessary and dangerous risks. Examples are driving too fast, passing cars without enough clear distance and speeding around curves. Showing off is another example of impaired judgment. Alcohol decreases clearness of vision. It reduces the ability to see clearly at night by more than half. Glare vision is poor because of relaxed eye muscles. Glare recovery is also slowed by alcohol. Side vision is reduced by about 30 percent at .05 percent BAC. Judging depth or distance is affected because alcohol causes each eye to get a slightly different picture. These vision impairments greatly increase the chances of a head-on or rear-end collision. Eye muscles are relaxed by alcohol and cannot focus properly. Because the eyes provide almost 90 percent of the information used in driving, any restriction in vision can cause disastrous results. Reaction and coordination are impaired by alcohol consumption as low as .02 percent BAC. It takes longer to react. Alcohol, in any concentration, is a depressant, not a stimulant. Alcohol slows all nerve impulses and body functions. The false feeling of stimulation that comes with small doses of alcohol is caused by the lessening of inhibitions. That's because the particular portion of the brain controlling this part of behavior is being relaxed. In reality, alcohol has the effect of limiting a driver's ability to be alert and to concentrate.

BAC changes with... A. hair color, eye color, and head size B. length of fingers, length of toes, and length of nose C. height, body shape, and muscle size D. body weight, time spent drinking, and the amount of alcohol that is consumed

D. BAC changes with body weight, time spent drinking, and the amount of alcohol that is consumed.

T/F? This rate can be increased by drinking coffee, exercising, taking a cold shower.

False; This rate CANNOT be increased by drinking coffee, exercising, taking a cold shower or anything else. Only time can sober a person who's been drinking. And remember, it is a slow process.

Make sure to check...

Non-prescription drugs, such as cold tablets, cough syrups, allergy remedies, etc., purchased over-the-counter may contain antihistamines, alcohol, codeine and other compounds that can be especially dangerous for drivers. Read labels and pay attention to warnings (e.g., "may cause drowsiness," "do not operate machinery," "caution against engaging in operations requiring alertness").

T/F? A driver can register a BAC of .00 percent and still be convicted of a DUI.

True; A driver can register a BAC of .00 percent and still be convicted of a DUI. The level of BAC does not clear a driver when it is below .08 percent. If a law enforcement officer observes things, such as erratic driving behavior, or maintaining an inappropriate speed (too fast or too slow), it would be sufficient cause for stopping the vehicle to investigate. Further sobriety checks could lead to the conclusion that the driver was indeed "Driving Under the Influence" of an intoxicant, narcotic drug or other drug producing stimulating effects on the central nervous system, including prescription drugs. If you have any doubt about your ability to drive, don't get behind the wheel.

T/F? Food in the stomach causes alcohol to be absorbed more slowly, slowing down the rate and the amount of intoxication.

True; All the alcohol consumed eventually gets into the blood whether you have eaten or not. Food in the stomach causes alcohol to be absorbed more slowly, slowing down the rate and the amount of intoxication.

T/F? Drinking three drinks in one hour will affect you more than drinking three drinks in three hours.

True; Drinking three drinks in one hour will affect you more than drinking three drinks in three hours. Spacing the drinks over a longer period of time will slow the rate at which you become intoxicated and indicates responsible drinking habits.

T/F? Each drink consumed within an hour increases the BAC level.

True; Each drink consumed within an hour increases the BAC level. The more you drink in a fixed amount of time, the higher your BAC will register. This happens no matter what you weigh — or what kind of alcoholic beverage you drink.

T/F? Intoxication occurs when you drink alcohol faster than the liver can oxidize it. As the percentage of alcohol in your blood increases, you become more intoxicated.

True; Intoxication occurs when you drink alcohol faster than the liver can oxidize it. As the percentage of alcohol in your blood increases, you become more intoxicated.

T/F? One of the most common and most dangerous instances of drug abuse occurs when people mix alcohol with prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

True; One of the most common and most dangerous instances of drug abuse occurs when people mix alcohol with prescription and over-the-counter drugs. For example, when alcohol is combined with another depressant, like tranquilizers or sedatives, the results are not just added together; they are multiplied. Even some over-the-counter medicines can affect driving. The effects are much stronger, much more dangerous and can affect your driving skills.

T/F? The heavier the person, the more alcohol it takes to raise the BAC.

True; The heavier the person, the more alcohol it takes to raise the BAC. Be aware of your size when drinking with others. If you are smaller than your friends and try to drink as much as they do, your judgment and inhibitions will probably be affected sooner. Body fat also determines how quickly you are affected by alcohol. Alcohol is able to be absorbed in water, not fat. This simply means that people with less body fat have more water in which to dilute the alcohol. So, drink for drink, if people weigh the same, the one with more body fat will show signs of intoxication first.

T/F? The two abilities most important to the driving task are judgment and vision, both of which are affected by small amounts of alcohol.

True; The two abilities most important to the driving task are judgment and vision, both of which are affected by small amounts of alcohol. Your ability to judge speed, time and distance are altered after only one drink. Each extra drink greatly affects your driving ability. In addition, your reaction time and coordination begin to deteriorate, while your alertness and concentration fade. All of this adds up to a deadly combination.


With a BAC of .10 percent, you are seven times more likely to cause a crash than if you were sober. As your BAC increases to .15 percent, your chances of causing a traffic crash increase to 25 times. At .17 percent BAC, you are 50 times more likely to cause a crash.

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