America, Story of Us
Ellis island
All immigrants pass by the Statue of liberty as they make their way to the Immigration Process Station there
He exposed tie slums - muck raker
Contribution traced to photographer jacob Ritz
How many people donated ot the statue of liberty fund
ottis Elevator
Invention that allowed buildings to be built higher than 5 stories
The statue of Liberty was donated from _______ to celebrate tie 100 yr anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence
Irish, Italian, Russians
These people tend to immigrate to big cities
Gilted age
Time perion of extreme wealth by a fraction of Americans
Eiffel tower
What other important(Iconic) symbol has the same designer as the statue of liberty.
over 24 million
between 1880 and 1930 ___________ _______________ immigrants came to the United states
2 out of 5, or 40%
how many workers(roughnecks) who build skyscrapers either are disabled or die on the job
$ 4.00/day
how much do workers on the skyscrapers make per day
the statue of liberty was a functioning landmark until this date
what expensive ingredient was needeed for the cities to expand upward
Mug shots
what improvements are made to crime fighting during this era
The steel industry - Bessemer Process
what industry did Andrew Carnegie gain his wealth
placed an ad in the paper for people to donate money
How does Joseph Pulitzer solve the problem New york city faced retrieving the statue of liberty(money and assembly)
Place where Andrew carnegie built the biggest steel plant in the world
New york
There are more Italians in ____________ _____________ than in Rome
There people tend to immigrate to the farms
These people tend to immigrate to the Midwest
buildings, trains, cars, boats, and planes
What are some items that are produced using steel
Filament/card board
What did edison use to light his lightbulbs
Infamous Fire, 146 died total, 100 girls
What happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in 1911
Bulding Skyscrapers
What is meant by "walking the steel"
4 million womenDeadl
by 1900, nearly _______________were working in US cities
18 million
by 1902 there are ________light bulbs in use
25 yrs
how long does it take the statue of liberty ot oxidize, and turn green
Over 100 million people
how many amrericans can trace their roots to someone who was processed at Ellis island
80 %
how much did toe price of steel drop after the Bessemer process was discovered
money and assembly
what was the problem that New york faced with the statue of liberty