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A natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed//ανανεώσιμος

voice recognition(n)

A software package that can convert digital sound into text.//αναγνώριση φωνής

it's not rocket science

It's not complicated//δεν είναι πυρηνική φυσική


Located on the outside of sth (not inside

to empower(v)

To make more confident and assertive//ενισχύω, δίνω δύναμη σε κάποιον να κάνει κάτι


To watch closely and frequently; to observe and make note//παρακολουθώ

closed circuit television (CCTV)

Video cameras and receivers used for surveillance in areas that require security monitoring.//κλειστό σύστημα τηλεόρασης


a person who gives money to a company with the hope of making money later//επενδυτής


a piece of electrical equipment with a particular purpose in the home//συσκευή


a serious attempt or effort//επίπονη προσπάθεια


absolutely necessary, not to be neglected

burn up(phr v)

be destroyed by fire//καίγομαι

break apart(phr v)

break into small pieces, disintegrate//διασπώμαι, διαλύομαι

boggle the mind(expr)

cause sb to feel overwhelmed amd/or amazed when trying to imagine sth//σαστίζω


change (something) radically or fundamentally.//φέρνω την επανάσταση

turn around(phr v)

change a bad situation into sth good//αναστρέφω, βελτιώνω

reinvent the wheel(expr)

do sth that others have done before///ξεκινώ από το μηδέν, καταβάλλω τόση προσπάθεια

carry out(phr v)

do sth(e.g a task, an experiment)//εκτελώ, φέρνω σε πέρας

bring in(phr v)

enlist the help of sb//φέρνω, παρουσιάζω


from far away//από απόσταση

to get one's wires crossed (idiom)

get confused, have a misunderstanding//μαζί μιλάμε και χώρια καταλαβαινόμαστε

blow a fuse(expr)

get very angry, lose control//γίνομαι έξω φρενών


happen again//επαναλαμβάνομαι, ξανασυμβαίνω

turn out(phr v)

happen, transpire//αποδεικνύομαι, καταλήγω

on the same wavelength(expr)

in a position to understend each other//είμαι στο ίδιο μήκος κύματος


in a way that deserves people's respect and admiration//θαυμάσια, αξιοθαύμαστα

for the shake of(expr)

in order to help or benefit sb/sth//για χάρη


leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully//παραλείπω

to fuel(v)

make sth increase or become more intense//τροφοδοτώ

bring up(phr v)

mention, raise a subject//αναφέρω

emerging technology(n)

new technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to ten years and which will substantially alter (change) the business and social environment//αναδυόμενη τεχνολογία


old-fashioned, not modern//ξεπερασμένος

hands-on experience(n)

practical experience//πρακτική εμπειρία

keep up with (phr v)

progress or develop at the same rate as, not fall behind//συμβσδίζω

pull the plug on sth (idiom)

put an end to support and/or funding for sth//δίνω τέλος σε, τερματίζω



recharge one's batteries(expr)

refresh yourself, regain your energy//γεμίζω τις μπαταρίες

like a well-oiled machine(expr)

smoothy, without problems//σαν καλολαδωμένη μηχανή

business magnate(n)

someone who has earned a lot of money from a particular business//μεγιστάνας

keep back(phr v)

stay away, not get close to sth//κρατάω μακριά, κρατάω πίσω

carry sth off(phr v)

succeed in achieving sth difficult//καταφέρνω


take a long break from sth//παίρνω ρεπό


to change from one form to another//μετατρέπω


to cover with water//βυθίζω


to endure; to experience//υφίσταμαι, υποβάλλομαι


to make someone feel very frightened by threatening to kill or hurt them://τρομοκρατώ


to throw oneself under someone else's rule//υποβάλλω, -ομαι

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