American Government - FINAL REVIEW

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Upon reaching Congress, what first happens to the president budget proposal?

It goes to the House and Senate budget committees.

How has the Internet affected the watchdog role of the media?

It has expanded the watchdog capacity of the media

The right to privacy was instrumental in which decision?

Roe v. Wade

At which of the following times did the American media step back from their watchdog role?

after the September 11th terrorist attacks

Congress has formally declared war ____ times in U.S. history.


Nearly ___________ percent of all PAC contributions go to the incumbents.


The establishment clause prohibits government from

favoring one religion over another or supporting religion over no religion.

The Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison is significant

for the establishment of judicial review.

The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in legal disputes involving

foreign diplomats.

According to the doctrine of judicial restrain, the judiciary should

defer to precedent and to decisions made by legislation.

Literacy tests were used to

disenfranchise African Americans in the South.

Andrew Jackson's contribution to the development of political parties was the

formation of a new type of grassroots party organization.

The individual right that is widely regarded as the most basic of individual rights is

freedom of expression.

Amtrak is an example of a(n)

government corporation.

Compared to the president and Congress, the bureaucracy

has a more direct impact on the daily lives of Americans.

Most successful Internet blogs

have a liberal bias

On both radio and television, most successful partisan talk shows

have been hosted by conservatives.

The president's constitutional roles, such as chief executive and commander in chief,

have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the writers of the Constitution intended.

The Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas ruling (1954) held that racial segregation in schools violated the

equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

A conservative is opposed to government intervention

in the economic but not the social spheres.

The focus of civil liberties is the ____________ and the focus of civil rights is th ______________.

indvidual; group

With regard to the lower courts, the Supreme Court's primary responsibility is

establishing legal precedents that will guide their decisions.

According to the Anti-Federalists, too strong of a national government meant

eventual encroachment upon the sovereignty of the states

The appointment of federal judges is influenced most substantially by


Devolution is the

passing of authority from the national government to the state and local levels

Which of the following is NOT a primary socializing agent?


The process by which a society settles its conflicts and allocates the resulting benefits and costs is called


Which of the following are key players in the modern campaign?

pollsters media producers campaign consultants *All these answers are correct.

The principle of checks and balances is based on the notion that

power must be used to offset power.

A judicial decision that establishes a rule for settling subsequent cases of a similar nature is a


Progressive reforms included

primary elections; direct elections of U.S. senators; recall elections **All these answers are correct**

McCuilloch v. Maryland

affirmed that national law is supreme to conflicting state law.

Which of the following three women are currently serving on the Supreme Court of the United States?

"Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan"

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was aimed in large part at eliminating discrimination

"by private individuals in their employment practices and in their operation of public accommodations (e.g. hotels, resturants)."

The presidency is an

"office in which power is conditional, depending on whether the political support that gives force to presidential leadership exists or can be developed."

The Supreme Court's position on prior restraint of the press is that

"prior restraint should apply only in rare circumstances, and it is better to hold the press responsible for what it has printed than to restrict what it may print."

On average, how much money must a U.S. senator raise every week of his or her six-year term in order to acquire enough money to launch a competitive bid for reelection?


Compared with the Senate majority leader, the Speaker of the House has more power because

*the House places more limits on debate. *the House is the larger chamber in terms of membership. *the Speaker is that chamber's presiding officer. *All these answers are correct.

Women in America obtained the right to vote in national elections in _________.


The only presidential election in which the Gallop poll erred badly was

1948 Truman v. Dewey.

How many presidents have been impeached in U.S. history?


Lobbyist seek to acquire access to policymakers in all branches of government EXCEPT

Congress the executive the courts. *None of the above

The number and types of lower federal courts is established by


When asked if he had made any mistakes as president, _______________ replied, "Yes, two, and they are both sitting on the Supreme Court."

Dwight Eisenhower

The FCC restriction requiring broadcasters to "afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views of public importance" was known as the

Fairness Doctrine.

Age is not a good predictor of voter turnout -younger adults are nearly as likely to vote as older adults.


At the time of the nations founding, the Framers of the U.S. Constitution specifically sought to establish a democracy, i.e. a government in which the power of the majority was unlimited.


Bureaucrats are professionals who work in congressional offices.


Constitutionalism is the idea that there are no lawful restrictions on government's power.


Economic conservatives believe that government should play a substantial role in the distribution of economic benefits to the less advantage.


In his definition of public opinion, the author claims that the opinions of private individuals become public opinion when they are expressed privately.


Libel applies to defamation of an individual's reputation through the spoken word.


Meager Evers give his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.


One's sense of civic duty is usually acquired from one's experience with voting.


PAC contributions are limited to $32,400 per candidate per election.


Party "bosses" are responsible for nominating candidates to represent the party.


Personal misconduct can never be a pitfall to an incumbent.


The "motor voter" law was signed by President George H. W. Bush.


The Supremacy Clause was readily embraced the states.


The Three-Fifths Compromise settled the dispute between the lareg-states and the small-states.


The United States has fewer elections than any other nation.


The biggest government growth spurt occurred in 2001 in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States.


The current Secretary of State is Arne Duncan.


The first institution defined in the Constitution is the Executive branch.


The framers of the Constitution preferred a direct or pure democracy.


The modern day Democrats began as Federalist.


The right to counsel is guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment.


Tie votes in the Senate can only be broken by the president.


Universal suffrage gives the right to vote to everyone in the universe.


You must be at least 45 years old to serve as a federal judge or a Supreme Court justice.


Which of the following was an argument in favor of federalism at the time of the writing of the Constitution?

Federalism will protect liberty. Federalism will force officials to be more responsive to the people. Federalism will provide for a stronger national government than existed under the Articles of Confederation. **All these answers are correct.**

_______________ warned Americans of the "baneful effects" of factions (political parties) in his 1797 farewell address.

George Washington

What demographic is key to the future of both parties?

Hispanic voters

The Department of ______________ was created in 2002.

Homeland Security

The presidency was created by Article ___ of the U.S. Constitution.


Which of the following statements about the patronage system is true?

It was a means of rewarding party hacks and friends for their loyalty

Which of the following is correct with regard to obscenity and the law?

Obscenity is not protected by the First Amendment.

In terms of holding the bureaucracy accountable, the most important unit within the Executive Office of the President is the

Office of Management and Budget.

_____________ is the ability of persons, groups, or institutions to influence political developments.


The issue of slavery gave birth to the ____________ party as a major political party.


__________ is based on judgment about the past performance of an elected official or political party.

Retrospective voting

Yellow journalism contributed to public support for the

Spanish-American War.

The second-most powerful federal official (after the president) is often said to be the

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. federal Election Commission (2010) ultimately led to the creation of

Super PACs

Which of the following is true about the Sedition Act of 1798?

The Act prohibited malicious newspaper stories about the president.

Congress is said to have the "power of the purse" because of its budgetary responsibilities.


Equality is a core American political ideal.


Gideon v. Wainwright required that states furnish attorneys for poor defendants in felony cases.


Hispanic Americans account for over 50 million in the American population.


If a person yells "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no fire, and people are hurt in the ensuing panic, that individual abused his/her freedom of speech according to the doctrine of clear and present danger.


In the early 1800s the federal government employed about 3,000 workers.


A contemporary legislator who voted for a bill because of a belief in its benefit, even though his constituents back home overwhelmingly opposed the bill, would be performing the Edumnd Burke role of a trustee.


A major barrier to political thinking is the unwillingness of citizens to make the effort.


American party organizations are still important, but their role in campaigns is secondary to that of candidates.


Article II (The Executive) of the constitution was stated in general terms.


In the history of the United States we have had over 1000 third (minor) parties.


CNN and other cable news networks helped to bring an end to the Fairness Doctrine.


Political conservatives who favor more political power devolved back to the states would likely prefer block grants over categorical grants.


Presidential elections tend to draw the largest percentage of voters in the United States.


Presidents don't routinely get what they want.


Public policy can impact job creation.


Super PACs allow corporations and labor unions to spend unlimited funds on campaigns.


The Department of Homeland Security is the newest government agency.


The Great Compromise produced a bicameral Congress.


The Vice-president is the presiding officer over the Senate.


The budget process last for a year and a half long.


The frequency of elections in the United States reduces voter turnout.


The majority of the cases heard by the Supreme Court are cases that have been appealed.


The recent suspension of the filibuster rule by the Senate was done to allow President Obama's nominees to the D C Appeals Court to be confirmed.


The state of Colorado recently held a recall election that resulted in two state Senators being voted out of office.


Two characteristics of interest groups are their organized memberships and their members' shared interest.


According to the Supreme Court, prayer in public schools violates

the establishment clause.

A totalitarian government

admits to no limits on its power.

A bill has been approved in the House and Senate, albeit in slightly different versions. The bill now goes to

a conference committee.

The Bill of Rights added to the Constitution, among other things,

a guarantee of freedom of speech.

Interest groups all have

a legitimate right (constitutional) to express their views.

An interest group that focuses on policy benefits for senior citizens would be an example of

a single-issue group.

The facts of a case

affect which law or laws will apply to the case.

Party identification refers to

an emotional attachment to a political party

Which of the following is a recent trend in the appointment of new federal judges and justices?

an increase in the number of federal judges and justices with prior judicial experience

The term civil liberties refers to specific individual rights that

are constitutionally protected from infringement by government

The modern Congress is different from the nineteenth century Congress in that most members

are now professional politicians who want to stay in Congress

In the definition of public opinion, the author claims that the opinions of private individuals become public opinion when they

are openly expressed.

With regard to public opinion, the Supreme Court

attempts to stay close enough to public opinion so as to avoid outright defiance of its decisions

What type of government suppresses individuality, forcing people to think and act in prescribed ways or risk punishment?


Through the grants of power in the Constitution, the framers sought to

both empower government and limit it.

The largest number of PACs are those associated with


The Supreme Court is most likely to grant _______ when the U.S. government--through the solicitor general--requests it.


Campaign spending tends to be a much grater challenge for

challengers and nonincumbents than for incumbents.

All of the following are economic groups EXCEPT for which one.

citizen groups

The special interests that benefit directly from a bureaucratic agency's programs are called

clientele groups.

The first plan of government for the United States was a


Congressional staffers spend most of their time on

constituency service and public relations.

In comparison with today's newspapers, early American newspapers

could not have survived without political party support.

In the late 1800s, rapid economic growth placed new demands on the federal government and led it to

create new federal departments built around economic interests.

The power of the Supreme Court is most apparent in its ability to

declare another institution's action to be unconstitutional.


is the most widespread form of political participation.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the typical independent agency?

it has a more narrow area of responsibility than that of cabinet departments. it is similar to cabinet agencies. CIA and NASA *All of the above.

Pluralism contends that, on most issues,

it is the preference of the special interest that largely determines what government does

Which of the following is one of the three major functions of Congress's policymaking role?


Culminating in a historic victory in 1954, black activists in the early twentieth century generally pursued civil rights through

legal action.

The idea that government should be restricted in its lawful uses of power and hence in its ability to deprive people of their liberty by the term

limited government.

Which of the following has democracy come to mean in practice?

majority rule through the free and open election of representatives

Which of the following is most closely related to the concept of implied powers?

necessary and proper clause

National party organizations can dictate the day-to-day decisions of

neither local nor state party organizations.

The reason the news product is designed to fascinate as well as to inform is because

news organizations are fundamentally businesses and must obtain revenue to survive.

Like all other rights, the right of free expression is

not absolute

A purposive incentive is defined as

the opportunity to contribute to a worthy goal or purpose.

Effective inside lobbying is based upon

providing useful and persuasive information to key officials.

Sources of polling error can include

question order. unrepresentative samples. question wording. *All these answers are correct.

According to Gunnar Myrdal, what is America's curse?

racial discrimination

Contributing factors to low voter turnout includes

registration requirements the frequency of elections the political party system *All these answers are correct

Whenever Congress has a perceived need for ongoing control of an economic activity, it has tended to create a

regulatory agency.

Objective journalism is based on the idea that the reporter's job is to

report the facts and cover alternative sides of a partisan debate.

The writers of the Constitution used the term ________________ to describe a form of government that consists of carefully designed institutions that are responsive to the majority but not captive to it.


Opposition to the judiciary's creative policy-making role is a consistent tenet of judicial


Through the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court

ruled that Congress could not outlaw slavery anywhere in the United States.

All of the following tend to decrease voter turnout EXCEPT

sharp policy differences between major parties.

Spoken words that are known to be false and harmful to a person's reputation are an example of


Bureaucrats are ___________ and elected officials are ____________.

specialists; generalists

Sovereignty refers to

supreme and final governing authority.

Constituency advocacy or grassroots lobbying is a specialty of

the AARP.

The yellow journalism of the late nineteenth century was characterized by

the emphasis on sensationalism as a way of selling newspapers.

The Greek words demos and karis together mean

the people rule.

Which institution receives the most news coverage from the national press?

the presidency

What event occurred in 1877 (the end of Reconstruction) in the South that brought about rapid legal discrimination against blacks?

the removal of federal troops

The writers of the Constitution established a federal system of government in part because

the states already existed as established entities and had to be preserved.

In a constitutional system,

there are lawful restrictions on a government's power.

Economic groups have an advantage over noneconomic groups because

they have greater access to financial resources.

Disadvantaged Americans, along with other disadvanataged groups throughout the world, have generally gained their rights

through struggle against entrenched interests.

When it was developed during the Jackson administration, the patronage system was designed to

tie the administration more closely to the people it served.

To the framers, the great danger of democratic government was the risk of

tyranny of the majority

In comparison with citizens in Western European democracies, Americans are less likely to

vote in national elections.

French philosopher Michel Foucault referred to politics as "_______________________."

war by other means

Native Americans

were not given citizenship status en masse until 1924.

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