American history
Developed a new way of doing business with railroads- made him the richest man in U.S
(ICC) Interstate Commerce Committee
Developed the ICC- ____________
Did exclude one type of immigrant
Sherman Antitrust Act
Banned the combination of companies to form a trust that would restrict trade
American Protective Association
Blamed the hard times of 1890's on immigrants
1.) superintendents 2.) foremen 3.) workers
Board of directors
Samuel Dodd
Created this huge industry for Rockefeller- called a trust- several companies band together regulate production and get rid of competition
Statue of Liberty
First site after 1886
Industrial expansion
Had made America seem like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
Helped raise salaries and brought goods to the homes for less
Homestead, Pennsylvania
Homestead Strike of 1892
Gilded age
Mark twain called this time the ____________ (shiny on top, just base metal below)
Brooklyn bridge
Most famous- ____________- 13 yrs to build- designed by John roebling- finished by his son Washington
Most of the time the court sided with the
300 armed men
Pinkerton detective agency
Henry Clay Frick
Running Carnegie Steel- Carnegie in Scotland
Stock holders turned over their stock to a group called trustees-_____________ controlled the trustees
The leaders of all these new businesses and factories were called
American hero
The successful entrepreneur was the new
Chinese Exclusion Act
Was passed- no new immigrants for 10 yrs