American History

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Which of the following was not one of the goals of the Townshend Acts?

greater colonial unity

Which of the following is not one of the tasks women performed during the Revolution?

holding government offices

Which of the following is true of the Battle for Yorktown?

it led to the surrender of Lord Cornwallis

Which of the following represents a concern that those in England and her colonies maintained about James II?

that he would institute a Catholic absolute monarchy

Which of the following was a cause of the British National Debt in 1763?

the French and Indian War the continued British military presence in the American colonies

Which of the following had the greatest role in the economic growth of Britain's North American colonies in the 1700s?

the expansion of slavery

For which of the following activities were the Sons of Liberty responsible?

the hanging and beheading of a stamp commissioner in effigy

Which of the following was decided at the First Continental Congress?

to boycott all British goods and prepare for possible military action

Which of the following was not a goal of the Stamp Act?

to declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves.

What was the main reason why the British government offered free land as a means of encouraging immigration to their American colonies?

to defend against rivals and attacks from native peoples

What was the purpose of the Tea Act of 1773?

to help revive the struggling East India Company

Which of the following is not true of a republic?

A republic is governed by a monarch and the royal officials he or she appoints.

The Russians was the first to explore which North American region?


Which North American region was the last to be explored by Europeans?


Which of the following statements best represents the division between Patriots and Loyalists?

American colonists were divided among those who wanted independence, those who wanted to remain part of the British Empire, and those who were neutral.

Which American general is responsible for improving the American military position in the South?

Nathanael Greene

Which city served as the base for British operations for most of the Revolutionary War?

New York

What was the first permanent French colony in the Americas?


Where did the French establish their first colony in the New World?


The Europeans ceased to seek a northwest passage to Asia after the travels of which explorer made it clear that none existed?

James Cook

Which European explorer's travels laid to rest the idea that a northwest passage to Asia existed?

James Cook

What battle turned the tide of war in favor of the Americans?

Battle of Saratoga

Which of the following is true of the Gaspee affair?

Colonists believed that the British response represented an overreach of power

What famous document includes these words: "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it."

Declaration of Independence

The first permanent colony established by Europeans in North America was in what modern-day state?


Which British general surrendered 5,000 soldiers at Saratoga in 1777?

General John Burgoyne

Who was the commander in chief of the British forces in America during the Revolution?

General William Howe

Who were the main combatants in the French and Indian War?

Great Britain against France

How did British General Thomas Gage attempt to deal with the uprising in Massachusetts in 1774?

He attempted to seize arms and munitions from the colonial insurgents.

Which term describes German soldiers hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion?


How did the Stamp Act signal a shift in British policy?

It demanded that colonists contribute to the support of British troops

The New England colonists fought which conflict without the aid of colonial powers?

King Philip's War

Which event was most responsible for the colonies' endorsement of Samuel Adams's Massachusetts Circular?

Lord Hillsborough's threat to dissolve the colonial assemblies that endorsed the letter

In 1626, Peter Minuit became the director of the first Dutch colony in the Americas, which was located in which modern-day location?


Which Spaniard was the first to explore Florida?

Ponce de León

What was the first European colony established in North America?

St. Augustine

What Act required colonists to help house British troops?

The Quartering Act

What happened as a result of the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

The Spanish stopped demanding labor and goods from the Pueblos for tribute

What was the Declaration of Rights and Grievances?

The Stamp Act Congress's protest against British taxation

What evidence suggests that the American colonies' declaration of independence against Great Britain was bound to happen decades before it did?

The colonies had developed their own economic structures independently from Great Britain

How did the Europeans' arrival in the New World have the most detrimental effect on its ecosystem?

The livestock brought by the Europeans devoured the native plants and animals.

How did the French settlers approach colonization in the New World differently from the Spanish?

They sought to make alliances with the native peoples instead of subjugating them

Why did the French first begin exploring the Great Lakes region?

They were looking for a direct sea route to China

What was the First Great Awakening?

a Protestant revival that emphasized emotional, experiential faith over book learning

Pontiac's Rebellion was

a broad-based alliance of American Indian tribes

The growth in colonial population that occurred in the early 1700s led to which of the following?

a wider gap between the rich and poor

What is the fundamental contradiction in the Declaration of Independence?

all men are created equal

What caused the deaths of most of the native population of Hispaniola in the early 1500s?

an epidemic of smallpox

Why was Jamestown originally founded?

as a center for economic opportunity

Which of the following is not a tenet of the Enlightenment?


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