American History Midterm (Copy)

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This Amendment allows for Grand Juries to issue indictments (formal charges).


Which Amendment protects the citizens from not being represented during their trial?


Which of the following include monetary policies the FED will be responsible for?

A & B only; Controlling inflation & deflation + Regulating banks

Identify a weakness(s) of the Articles of Confederation.

A & B only; Could not tax + Could not regulate trade

Some of the FED's primary goal(s) is to?

A & B only; Maintain price stability + Maintain the money supply

Identify the reasons, the US annexed the Philippines, and not Cuba or Puerto Rico?

A & B only; Racism -White Man's Burden + Trade with China

Muckrakers has an enormous impact on the Progressive period because?

A & B only; They focused on the political corruption of the time + They managed to get the FDA approved

Identify the way(s) Native Americans were discriminated against during the 1800's?

A & C only; Forced to speak English in classrooms. + Were denied citizenship.

Is the rule book for the current Federal Government?

A; Constitution

Equal Representation

A; New Jersey Plan

Executive would choose the Judicial Branch

A; New Jersey Plan

Unicameral Legislature

A; New Jersey Plan

Of the Old Immigrants, which group came to America involuntary?

African Americans

Alaska was obtained by what means?

Alaska was bought from Russia

Opponents of the 17th Amendment often cite which of following reasons?

All of the above.; Federalism was weakened., The size of the federal government will go unchecked., + State's voice in national legislature was weakened.

Those people that opposed the 19th Amendment often use which of the following arguments?

All of the above; Family life will suffer, Women are not educated or worldly enough to make informed decisions., + This is a socialist movement.

Which of the following illustrates a benefit of political machines of the era?

All of the above; Political participation was high, Jobs were found for incoming candidates immigrants, + Immigrants were assimilated into the culture.

Tariffs violate laissez faire policy because?

All of the above; The government is entering the market, Tariffs artificially raise prices which are passed on to consumers, + It violates the concept of free competition to bring prices down.

In passing the voting reforms and the 17th and 19th amendment, Progressives were trying to accomplish which of the following?

All of the above; To make public officials more accountable, To limit the reach of the political machines, + To increase the eligible amount of voters so they could pass their reforms.

The U.S. invaded Mexico, under President Wilson, to achieve which of the following?

All of the above; To secure American investments, To chase down Poncho Villa, + To support President Carranza

Technology impacted the age of imperialism by?

All of the above; allowing goods and services to travel faster, opening new markets, + making the world smaller and more accessible

One of the main reasons the US wanted to annex the Hawaiian islands is to?

All of the above; secure a source of sugar for industry, prevent foreign powers from claiming the islands, + secure a naval base in the Pacific Ocean

Congress would choose Executive Branch

C; Both

Contained a Declaration of War

C; Declaration of Independence

Listed a series of complaints

C; Declaration of Independence

Officially separated us from the British

C; Declaration of Independence

In limiting the King's power, the Magna Carta & the English Bill of Rights incorporated this concept where the monarch had to have approval from another branch of government before acting?


Who were the Boxer's?

Chinese nationals who attempted to kick the European powers out of China.

The early reform organizations were based on which ideals?


Of all the political reforms, which one did Progressives fail in obtaining equality or fairness in?

Civil Rights

Which of the following pairs represent opposing views?

Mark Twain : President Roosevelt

In Kipling's poem, The White Man's Burden, what was the basis for his reason to undertake imperialism?


The FED will attempt to break an inflationary cycle by?

Raising interest rates and restricting money supply.

The Populists wanted to add an income tax to the US Constitution in order to?

Replace the tariff system that was hurting them.

The populists wanted to add an income tax to the US constitution in order to?

Replace the tariff system that was hurting them.

Do US had an internal battle over expansionistic policies. Identify which of the following would be more pro expansionist?

Republicans & Teddy Roosevelt

Which of the following can be determined from the information in the map?

The northern states have more electoral votes than the southern and western states.

Most labor strikes ended with what government response?

government sided with corporations

The total value of all goods and services that a country produces globally is its?

gross national product

Tammany Hall was a?

political machine.

Under the Northwest Ordinance which of the following was NOT required for territories to become states?

political parties

Agreements among companies to keep prices at a certain level were known as


Andrew Carnegie would belong to which group?

(this question was weird but he was an anti-imperialist)

Under the Land Ordinance Act each Township was broke down into sections that were how big?

1 Sq. Mi.

The US Bill of Rights was influenced by several historic precedents directly contributed to the rights of the accused.

1. Protection from excessive bail (English Bill of Rights), 2. Due Process (NW Ordinance)

Plessy sued underneath this amendments protections in hopes of ending segregation?


The Amendment contains the Free Exercise Clause & Establishment Clause


Which amendment guarantees freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly?


Florence Kelley helped start WTUL, which helped women gain which of the following?

A minimum wage

The definition of inflation is best described by which of the following?

A rise in prices followed by stagnant or no wage growth.

Contained the 3 main branches that would run our government

A; Constitution

Agriculture was directly impacted by the industrialization period by?

Allowing less people to produce more

Public education and Jane Addams try to assimilate immigrants during this time by using what type of method?


Identify which of the following factor(s) of production that the South lacked during the industrialization process?

B & C only; Capital + Labor

Which of the following are legislative legacies of the populist party?

B & C only; Direct election of senators + Addition of an income tax

The significance of the Great Awakening on the colonies was?

B & C only; It showed that the colonists could direct their own religion without an authority governing them + It allowed for greater religious tolerance amongst the colonies.

The significance of the great awakening on the colonies was?

B & C only; it showed that the colonists could direct their own religion without an authority governing them + it allowed for greater religious tolerance amongst the colonies

How did yellow journalism contribute to the Spanish-American War?

B & C; It sensationalized the need for U.S. involvement.+ It pressure President McKinley into asking for a Declaration of War because of the USS Maine.

Industrialization had what impact on the family farm?

B & D only; Better farming efficiency + Fewer farmers needed

1) A thesis for the article, The Dark Side of Industrialization: Report on Child Labor by the Sadler Commission, could have been?

B. The Abuses of Labor in the Factory System.

Could not regulate trade.

B; Articles of Confederation

Did not have an Executive Branch

B; Articles of Confederation

Did not have the ability to tax the states

B; Articles of Confederation

Had no Judicial Branch

B; Articles of Confederation

Bicameral Legislature

B; Virginia Plan

Congress would choose Judicial Branch

B; Virginia Plan

Popular Representation

B; Virginia Plan

Senate would be chosen by State Representatives

B; Virginia Plan

Wilson's policies attack the triple wall of privilege, which included what three areas?

Banks, tariffs, trusts

Which report blamed the planters for not recognizing Hawaiian sovereignty?

Blount report

How are the Monroe doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary alike?

Both tried to keep European Powers out of the Western Hemisphere

The Roosevelt Corollary and the Open Door Policy were alike in that?

Both were aimed at securing markets for the U.S.

I'm the formula for GDP, GDP= C+G+I+NX, what does "I" represent?

Business investment

This strike saw 100 people killed and much property damage before it was over.

C. The Great RXR Strike

The Supreme Court set the stage for legalized segregation by overturning the?

Civil Rights Act of 1875

In getting the rights to build the Panama Canal, who did the Panamanians rebel against with aid & support from the U.S. to claim their independence?


"The white tenant lives adjoining the colored tenant. . . . They are equally burdened with heavy taxes. They pay the same high rent. . . . Note the People's Party says to these two men, 'You are kept apart that you may be separately fleeced of your earnings. . . . You are deceived and blinded that you may not see how this race antagonism perpetuates a monetary system which beggars both." —Thomas Watson, "The Negro Question in the South," 1892. Which argument is Thomas Watson making in this quote?

Conflict between the races has made it more difficult to achieve economic Justice for the poor.

Farmers during the Populist movement started to form Cooperatives to save money. Which statement(s) reflects how cooperatives work?

Cooperatives pooled the farmer's resources together to increase prices & lower costs for farmers.

Which type of inflation is caused by a spike in raw materials that affects the price of any final goods they are used to produce?

Cost-Push inflation

Was a template for territories to become states?

D; Northwest Ordinance

One of the main goals of the Populist movement was?

Devalue the currency

Labor unions that allowed non-skilled labor or minorities in their ranks normally ________?

Did not last long

The Magna Carta & English Bill of Rights did what to the English system of government?

E. B & C only; Limited the Power of the Crown + Protected some individual rights of the citizens

Protects citizen's liberties from a strong central government.

E; Bill of Rights

Reserved powers not delegates to the national government are given to the states & the people

E; Bill of Rights

Was demanded by the Anti-Federalists before they would ratify the Constitution

E; Bill of Rights

By the 1890s, most of the immigrants coming into the United States were

Eastern and Southern Europeans

The Grange movement tried to use what power to get changes in the laws?

Economic power

Henry Ford modernized the assembly line process. This innovation allowed Ford motor company to be better at?

Economies of scale

One effect of the South's Jim Crow Laws was the?

Exodusters move to Kansas

Madison, in Federalist # 10, argues that the large size of the nation could be managed by central government and would actually help the impact of?


The FED is described as being a centralized baking system that is also decentralized. What Constitutional principle does this represent?


Which of the following argued for expansion because America needed a safety valve to avoid internal conflicts?

Frederick Turner

Identify the item below that does NOT violate Laissez Faire policy?

Free Trade

Most Progressive we're looking to this institution/organization to help facilitate the change and reforms they wanted?


Identify the US president who secretly tried to reinstate the Queen and did not want to annex Hawaii?

Grover Cleveland

Which of the following territories did the U.S. NOT obtain from the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish American War?


What does this political cartoon suggest about William Jennings Bryan?

He is a Populist who is trying to overwhelm and absorb the Democratic Party.

Which of the following pieces of legislation was passed during the progressive era to regulate RxR's by allowing the ICC to monitor shipping rates, which was a win for the populists?

Hepburn Act

I am effort to get around monopoly laws, this type of organization would buy controlling stock in several companies in the same market without any fiduciary responsibility to the stock holders to fix prices, production & even become territorial?

Holding Company

How did the direct primary change the nomination process?

It allowed voters to approve the parties candidates

How did the direct primary change the nomination process?

It allowed voters to approve the party's candidates

Progressive's viewed the 17th Amendment as a victory because?

It blocked the political corruption of the political bosses from affecting the Senate.

The mass production of the automobile had a multiplier effect on the US economy; meaning?

It helped create many other industries

What was the significance of the Hepburn Act, the UMW Coal Mine Strike, and the Northern Securities Case to the Square Deal?

It showed that T. Roosevelt was willing to balance the needs of business, consumers, and labor.

Most anti-imperialists opposed US expansion on the basis of?

It violated US principles of popular sovereignty

The Urban League was patterned off of which progressives social program movement in Chicago?

Jane Addams

The Clayton Anti-Trust Act helped identify trusts practices specifically and allowed what group to not be considered a monopoly?

Labor Unions

Adam Smith wrote a book called The Wealth of Nations. In it he describes what?


One of the pull factors for the Exodusters was?


The Great Potato Famine was a push factor that motivated Irish immigrants to leave Ireland. What would be a Pull factor to attract them to America?


In 1816, Thomas Jefferson wrote: I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes...But I also know that laws and institutions...must advance...and keep pace with the times. -Letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12th, 1816. Which thesis about Jefferson's beliefs does the statement above support?

Laws must change as society changes.

Identify one thing that was done restrict immigrants into the country?

Laws were passed to restrict immigration

Identify the concept(s) below that reflects an Antifederalist's point of view?

Localism would be destroyed by a strong central gov't

Which philosophers had the greatest impact on the Declaration of Independence?

Locke & Rousseau

The FED will attempt to break a deflationary cycle by taking what action?

Lowering interest rates & increasing money supply.

"I believe, we shall find arguments in favor of the retention of the Philippines as possessions of great value and a source of great profit to the people of the United States which cannot be overthrown. First, as to the islands themselves. They are over a hundred thousand square miles in extent, and are of the greatest richness and fertility. From these islands . . . there is no tropical product which cannot be raised in abundance. . . ."A much more important point is to be found in the markets which they furnish. The total value of exports and imports for 1896 amounted in round numbers to $29,000,000. . . . There can be no doubt that the islands in our peaceful possession would take from us a very large proportion of their imports. . . . With the development of the islands and the increase of commerce and of business activity the consumption of foreign imports would rapidly advance, and of this increase we should reap the chief benefit. . . .". . . Manila, with its magnificent bay, is the prize and the pearl of the East. In our hands it will become one of the greatest distributing points, one of the richest emporiums of the world's commerce. Rich in itself, with all its fertile islands behind it, it will . . . enable American enterprise and intelligence to take a master share in all the trade of the Orient! We have been told that arguments like these are sordid. Sordid indeed! . . . A policy which proposes to open wider markets to the people of the United States . . . seems to me a great and noble policy."Henry Cabot Lodge, senator, speech to the United States Senate, 1900 Which of the following best explains Lodge's point of view on markets in the excerpt?

Many Americans believed that acquiring island territories would encourage economic development.

This was the first form of constitutional government in the English colonies.

Mayflower Compact

This president was the founding progressive president, whom is often forgotten in the group of four, and helped pass the Erdman Act, which helped labor.


Which of the following can be determined from the information in the two charts?

McKinley carried states with large numbers of electoral votes.

Which philosopher advocated for using checks-n-balances & separation of powers to limit government?


The Great Compromise/Connecticut Compromise was a combination of?

New Jersey Plan & Virginia Plan

The Northwest Ordinance and the 13th Amendment have what in common?

No slavery would be permitted.

The Articles of Confederation is often viewed as an ineffective government that had to be changed. Identify 2 items below that this government passed while in existence.

Northwest Ordinance & Land Ordinance of 1785

Identify the statement that is NOT a reason the US under took an imperialist policy.

Over population

Rapid industrialization in the United States in the late 1800s led to significant changes in business organizations. Justice Barrett of the Supreme Court of New York described the impact of one of these powerful new companies in the sugar industry: "It can close every refinery at will,... artificially limit the production of refined sugar, (and) enhance the the public expense..." How did reformers propose that Congress respond to this type of powerful new business?

Passing anti-trust legislation

During the Homestead Strike, what third party was brought in to help Henry Frick "police" the union who had blockaded the plant?


Let me insist again upon the fact that our duty is twofold, and that we must raise others, while we are benefiting ourselves. In bringing order to the Philippines, our soldiers added a new page to the honor roll of American history, and they incalculably benefited the Islanders themselves. The islands now enjoy peace and liberty, of which they have hitherto never even dreamed. But this piece and Liberty, under the law must be supplemented by material, by industrial development. every encouragement should be given to the commercial development, to the introduction of American industries and products; not merely, because this will be a good thing for people, but infinitely more because it will be a incalculable benefit to the people of the Philippines. 'We shall make mistakes; and if we let these mistakes frighten us from our work, we shall show ourselves weaklings. We committed plenty of blunders in our dealings with the Indians. But who does not admit at the present day that we were right and rustling from barbarism, and adding to civilization the territory out of which we have made these beautiful United States? And now we are civilizing the Indian, and putting him on a level to which she could never have attained under the old conditions.' We have always in the end come out, victorious because we have refused to be daunted by the blunders and defeats. We gird ourselves as a nation, with a stern purpose to Play our Partman fully, and winning the ultimate triumph; and with unfaltering steps, tried rough road of endeavor." — Theodore Roosevelt, "National Duties," address given at the Minnesota State Fair, September 1901. Which of the following best explains a conclusion about United States foreign policy in the early 1900s, supported by the point of view expressed in this excerpt?

Political leaders continued to promote the earlier idea of predestined national expansion

The goal of the Sherman Anti-Trust law was to?

Prevent monopolies from existing and fixing prices.

One goal of the Populists was to end deflation which was hurting farm product prices. What did the Populists propose to cause inflation?

Print silver coins in conjunction with gold coins.

Alfred Mahan advocated a large Navy to?

Protect overseas commerce & project power.

Read each question carefully. Determine the best answer to the question from the four choices provided. What result of the policy reflected in the cartoon had a negative impact on government control of businesses?

Roosevelt's approach of differentiating good trusts from bad trusts without clear criteria caused controls to be considered unfair.

The Declaration of Independence did all of these EXCEPT?

Seek a treaty of peace & reconciliation

The 18th and 19th Amendments could be considered grassroots movements because?

Several states had changed their laws to adopt these policies prior to a National Amendment.

Most Antifederalists resided in what areas?

Small, rural areas

Reformers/Progressives were trying to improve?

Society as a whole

Which of the following is NOT a reason the Spanish American War started?

Spain's invasion of Hawaii

Under the Virginia Plan, who chose the upper house (senate)?

State Legislatures

One consequence of the 14th Amendment was incorporation of the States. What is incorporation?

States fell completely under the umbrella of the Bill of Rights.

The Northwest Ordinance and the 5th Amendment have what in common?

States had to protect Due Process Rights

Which of the following progressive presidents is the least progressive and became very conservative by pulling back some of Rosevelt's policies.


What was the main reason that Roosevelt separated the Republican Party and split from the Taft led Republicans?

Taft did not carry out Rosevelt's policies and was not as Progressive as Roosevelt.

Which of the following is not a territory the US would require during this period?


The 16th Amendment gave the U.S. the modern income tax. What form of tax was used before to bring in the majority of U.S. government revenue?

Tariff Tax

The 16th Amendment gave the U.S. the modern income tax. What form of tax was used before to bring in the majority of U.S. government revenue?

Tariff taxes

Identify the concept(s) below that reflects an Antifederalist's pint of view?

Term limits should be in place for office holders.

One of the criticisms of capitalism is

That labor is at a disadvantage.

Social Darwinism was used to help explain the disparity between rich and poor stating?

That some people are genetically superior to others and this allows them to be prosperous.

What was Jefferson's view, and the view of Anti-Federalists, of Shays Rebellion?

That the rebellion was a one-time instance and didn't mean the US had to disregard the AoC.

What was the result of the Bull Moose Party in the 1912 election?

The Democrats win the election.

Shays Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the AoC because?

The Federal government could not help suppress the rebellion.

One of the protections built into the Constitution to protect minorities from a majority faction exists in the Senate. What rule allows the minority to stop the majority?

The Filibuster

When are the protections built into the Constitution to protect minorities from a majority faction exists in the Senate. What rule allows the minority to stop the majority?

The Filibuster

What was one of the causes that inspired civil rights leaders to create the Urban League to help African Americans in the Northern cities?

The Great Migration

The majority of the Declaration of Independence is made up of?

The Grievances

The Knights of Labor suffered a steady decline in membership and influence due to?

The Haymarket Riot.

This act was passed to limit the spoils system that preceded the time period?

The Pendleton Act

Which region of the country voted against the 19th Amendment fearing they would lose political power to an uneducated minority?

The South

According to the Constitution, when a state law and federal law conflict, what happens?

The Supremacy Clause is enacted and the Federal gov't rules

The Newland Reclamation Act of 1902 and the Maine Supreme Court Case of 1908 will set a precedent for what type of government action?

The ability of the government to mandate policies on private property.

Interest essentially is?

The cost of using money.

Tariffs violate laissez faire policy because?

The government is entering the market picking winners and losers

One of the biggest issues at the Constitutional Convention was?

The size and construction of the legislative body

How do the Teller Amendment, the Foraker Act, and the Platt Amendment reflect Anti-Imperialism views.

They allowed for self-rule after the Spanish Am. War

What is one advantage that big corporations had over small businesses?

They could produce goods more cheaply and efficiently.

Nativists disliked Unions for which of the following reasons?

They were made up of immigrants

Vanderbilt made his fortune by forseeing an opportunity and developing which of the factors that countries must have to industrialize?


Identify the reason(s) below that allowed for Urban Sprawl to grow horizontally?

Transportation technology

Which of the following countries did not have any territory in China?


One of Wilson's main goals was to reduce tariffs, which of the following laws accomplished this goal?

Underwood Act

Which of the following would be an example of Taft's Dollar Diplomacy?

Using industry & trade to create ties to the U.S.

If Needles Industries produces pencils and I own all phases of production from the mining of the lead, to the cutting of the timber, to the producing of the pencil, to the shipping of the pencil, and the distribution of the pencil; I am what type of corporation?

Vertically integrated

Which of the following would be an example of a referendum?

Voters turn down enacted income tax hike.

The Populists posed a challenge for Democrats in the South by?

appealing to African Am.

At the Niagara meeting, which civil rights leaders ideas were not supported and not made the center piece of the movement?


The biggest difference between Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Du Bois was what?

Washington advocated for education and economic gains, while Du Bois wanted to achieve political gains first.

Under the 3/5ths Compromise slaves could be counted towards a states representation but,

We're eligible to be taxed

When a single company achieves control of an entire market, it is known as

a monopoly.

Some of the fear(s) of the American planters in Hawaii how about the Queen was?

all of the above; she would allow foreign Markets to compete with the US market, She would get rid of the bayonet constitution & return power to the Hawaiians, + she would not protect private property

Identify the way(s) that city life differed from rural living?

all of the above; transportation, jobs, and entertainment

"When I say I believe in a square deal, I do not mean to give every man the best hand. If good cards do not come to any man, or if they do come, and he has not got the power to play them, that is his affair. All I mean is that there shall be no crookedness in the dealing." — Theodore Roosevelt, 1905. The Square Deal that President Roosevelt describes insured that small business owners would?

be given fair opportunities to compete.

"if the street is not cleaned by the city authorities no amount of private sweeping will keep the tenement free from grime; if the garbage is not properly collected and destroyed a tenement-house mother may see her children sicken and die of diseases from which she alone is powerless to shield them, although her tenderness and devotion are unbounded. She cannot even secure untainted meat for her household, . . . unless the meat has been inspected by city officials." — Jane Addams, Ladies Home Journal, 1910. Which reform does this statement from Jane Addams support?

better sanitation practices in the cities

A VAT tax is essentially taxing what economic activity?


One of the main reasons there was such a struggle for political parties to win a majority was because of?


The American Federation of Labor pushed for closed shops, meaning that companies

could only hire union workers.

To make rail service more reliable, in 1883 the American Railway Association

divided the country into standardized time zones.

Corporations expanded by buying new machines, expanding production, and hiring more workers in order to achieve

economies of scale.

What step did the Populist Party support to reduce the cost of railroad shipping?

having the national government control the railroads

Most unions of the time were advocating for which reforms?

higher wages, end of child labor, shorter day.

Under the Pendleton Act, some government jobs would be filled by?

job applicants who performed well on competitive written examinations.

"If they dare to come out in the open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." — William Jennings Bryan, "Cross of Gold" speech. Whom does Bryan refer to when he speaks of "the producing masses"?

laborers, farmers, and others who are directly involved in producing goods and services

Mutualistas helped Mexican Americans obtain legal aid, address unfair labor practices and what other service that the Urban League and Anti-Defamation League did not offer?


Economies of scale resulted in

lower costs and increased production.

In this political cartoon, the large figures standing in the back of the room represent


What philosophy stated that some people failed in life because of circumstances beyond their control?


Which of the following would be an example of an initiative?

ohio voters propose to legalize marijuana

Supporters of laissez-faire believed the government should interfere in the economy only to?

protect property rights and maintain peace.

"Laws, permitting, and even requiring, [racial] separation in places where [the races] are liable to be brought into contact do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other, and have been generally, if not universally, recognized as within the competency of the state legislatures in the exercise of their police power. The most common instance of this is connected with the establishment of separate schools for white and colored children, which has been how to be a valid exercise of the legislative power, even by courts of states where the political rights of the colored race have been longest and most earnestly enforced. ... We think the enforced separation of the races, as applied to the internal commerce of the state, neither abridges the privileges or immunities of the colored man, deprive him of his property, without due process of law, nor denies him the equal protection of the laws within the meaning of the 14th Amendment. ..." Plessy v. Ferguson, Supreme Court of the United States (163 U.S. 537) May 18, 1896. The Supreme Court decision cited in the text declared that?

racial segregation was not unconstitutional.

Railroad companies raised most of the money they needed to build their railroads from

selling government land grants.

Employers generally viewed unions as

socialists who violated laissez-faire policies.

Issuing stock allows a corporation to raise large amounts of money for big projects while

spreading out the financial risk.

Laissez-faire relies on ____ to regulate prices and wages.

supply & demand

"...the man who owns eight or now hundred thousand dollars will want a hundred thousand dollars more to make it a million, while the man who has his millions will want everything he can lay his hands on and then raise his voice against the poor devil who wants ten cents more a day." Based on this quote, Samuel Gompers

tended to support socialist reforms.

Deflation (falling prices) was plaguing the crop prices for farmers of the Gilded Age. What would the effect be on the currency system with the addition of silver?

the dollar would be worth less and cause inflation.

William M. Tweed was

the party boss of a political machine.

Jacob Riis published How the Other Half Lives, to shed light on?

the tenement system

It made sense for big corporations to continue operating during poor economic times because

their operating costs were small, compared to their fixed costs.

Chain stores changed the idea of shopping targeting rural customers by

utilizing the mail order catalog

A steel company that owns the coal mines, steel mills, and iron ore fields, and distribution centers it depends on is an example of?

vertical integration.

Political machines provided new city dwellers with necessities, such as jobs, housing, and police protection in exchange for


Political machines provided new city dwellers with necessities such as jobs, housing, and police protection in exchange for


"The people are demoralized; most of the States have been compelled to isolate the voters at the polling places to prevent universal intimidation and bribery. The newspapers are largely subsidized or muzzled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, homes covered with mortgages, labor impoverished, and the land concentrating in the hands of capitalists. The urban workmen are denied are denied the right to organize for self-protection, imported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrecognized by our laws, is established to shoot them down, and they are rapidly degenerating into European conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are badly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few, unprecedented in the history of mankind; and the possessors of these, in turn, despise the Republic and endanger liberty." — Preamble, Populist Party Platform, 1892. When it was written, this excerpt of the Preamble was most likely written to appeal to

workers of all types.

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