American President Biographies

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Born in Plymouth, Virginia. Use of state militia to end Boston police strike in 1919 got him a reputation of decisive action. Ran another term after taking over for Warren Harding's death, but not again.

(John) Calvin Coolidge

Born in Staunton, Virginia. Was President of Princeton, tried to democratize the social life at the University. Used the New Freedom and introduced the Federal Reserve Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and established the FTC to remove monopolies. Lead the US through World War I. Led armistice on November 11, 1918, everything was negotiated through his Fourteen Points. Accepted Versailles Treaty, hoping that imperfections could be solved through League of Nations.

(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson

Born in Larue County, Kentucky Gained attention in 1858 debates with Stephen A. Douglas, lost but was a presidential candidate in 1860 Made Gettysburg Address in 1863 Inaugural Address in re-election in 1864 urged leniency towards the South. (Defeated General George B. McClellan) Shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater, Washington in April 14, 1865.

Abraham Lincoln (Duh)

Born in Waxhaw, South Carolina Was an orphan and a British prisoner. Married to Rachel Donelson Robards, had some issues about divorce legality. Defeated Indians at Horseshoe Bend. Won Battle of New Orleans - after the Treaty of Ghent was already signed. 1818, went to Pensacola and hanged two men. Vetoed the US Bank, moved towards hard money, and championed state rights under South Carolina. Calhoun, his VP, said that SC should use the doctrine of nullification and protest the tariff of 1828 since it was unconstitutional, they should secede.

Andrew Jackson

Born in Raleigh, NC. Originally a tailor. Impeached for attempting to remove his disloyal secretary (Edwin Stanton) in defiance of the Tenure of Office Act. Failed by one vote to be removed from office.

Andrew Johnson

Won Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. Said CIA can use the 19 interrogation methods used in the Army Field Manual. Controversy with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Made speech on race regulations called "A More Perfect Union" First black president of the Harvard Law Review. Met wife Michelle at law firm Sidley and Austin. Co-founded Public Allies. The creation of the Earned Income Tax Credit provided more than $100 million in tax cuts to families. Acceptance of nomination at DNC coincided with MLK's I have a dream speech at the March on Washington. First plan of action was American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - ObamaCare. "Advise and Assist" policy with Afghanistan. Bin Laden shot in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Barack Obama

Born in North Bend, Ohio. Grandson of another president. Wife died in office, married her niece. Sound-money Republican, was the president in between Grover Cleveland's terms.

Benjamin Harrison

Born in Hope, Arkansas. JFK convinced him to go into politics, was a Rhodes Scholar, and a Yale Law School graduate. Involved in the Whitewater Real Estate deal scandal. Signed DADT. Passed NAFTA, and the GATT (Global Agreement on Tarrifs and Taxes), which led to the creation of the WTO (World Trade Organization) Also passed a waiting period for handgun purchases, called the Brady Bill Israel-Jordan peace agreement signed by Yitzhak Rabin and King Hussein. Newt Gingrich criticzed him for not following the "Contract with America" Vince Foster commited suicide during his rule. Paula Corbin Jones and Monica Lewinsky affairs. Kenneth Starr the counsel who led investigations against Clinton.

Bill Clinton

Born in Fairfield, Vermont. Graduate of Union College Nominated vice president to conciliate the followers of Grant and the powerful New York machine In control of considerable patronage

Chester Alan Arthur

Born in Hillsboro, New Hampshire. Bowdoin graduate who was a Jacksonian Democrat. Beat Winfield Scott.

Franklin Pierce

Born in Denison, Texas. Was Supreme Allied Commander for invasion of Europe. Commanded the NATO forces in Europe. His doctrine extended commitments to the Middle East. Sought peace through the Free World movement.

Dwight David Eisenhower

Born in Hyde Park, New York. His New Deal program led to greater benefits for labor, farmers, and the unemployed. Stricken with infantile paralysis in his legs. Died in office after the Yalta conference. Elected 523 to 8 against Alfred M. Landon in 1936. Had most presidential terms - 4.

Frank Delano Roosevelt

Born in Milton, Massachusetts. Was RNC chairman. Criticized Reagan's Voodoo Economics. Nominated David Souter to the Supreme Court. Had the Lebanese hostage crisis, the Exxon Valdez spill, and the invasion of Panama. Operation Desert Storm happened during his rule. Vietnam Syndrome gave him a lot of approval. Signed the START (strategic arms reduction treaty) with Mikhael Gorbachev.

George HW Bush

Born in New Haven, Connecticut. Was an oil guy. Rejected the Kyoto treaty. Also withdrew from the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty. Created the Department oF homeland Security. Passed the USA PAtriot Act. Famously labeled Iraq, North Korea, and Iran the Axis of Evil. Promoted an "ownership policy" that would give Americans more control over health care, education, and retirement. Passed No Child Left Behind Act in 2002, tried to improve schools. Largest expansion of Medicare. Congressional Budget Office said federal budget deficit reached record high in his rule. Passed the CAFTA. Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld said Bush administration's failure to obtain Congressional approval to try terrorists was unconstituional.

George W. Bush

Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Served as General Braddock's aide in the campaign against Fort Duquesne. Was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. Inaugurated in New York, the first national capital. Farewell address warned against permanent parties.

George Washington

Born in Omaha, Nebraska. His assignment to vice president was first use of the 25th amendment, which he had helped enact. First to enter White House without winning any sort of election. Said he wanted a "good marriage" instead of a honeymoon with his Congressional colleagues. Nelson A. Rockefeller became his vice president. Pardoned Nixon because he feared "ugly passions" if Nixon were brought to trial.

Gerald Ford

Born in Lamar, Missouri. Was a haberdasher. Had to end the war after FDR's death. Attended Potsdam Conference to discuss settlement plans for postwar Europe. Authorized bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman Doctrine tried to stop communism. Unexpectedly won against Dewey in 1948.

Harry S. Truman

Born in Delaware, Ohio. In his national election in 1876, his opponent Samuel J. Tilden had the larger popular vote but had a lower electoral vote by 1 point. Took one term through his own wish.

Rutherford Birchard Hayes

Born in West Branch, Iowa. First president born west of the Mississippi. Beat Alfred E. Smith, first Roman Catholic to run for the presidency. At the end of the presidency, he set up agencies like the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make emergency loans and help businesses.

Herbert Hoover

Born in Cayuhoga County, Ohio. Last president to be born in a log cabin. Elected to senate in 1880, but was made a presidential candidate due to a deadlock in the Republican convention. Shot by Charles J. Guiteau in July 2, 1881. Came under suspicion in the Credit Mobilier scandal and his acceptance of a fee in the Degloyer paving contract case.

James Abram Garfield

Born in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. First a Federalist, became a Jacksonian Democrat after disappearance of the Federalists. Only president without a First Lady. Appeased the South over the slavery issue.

James Buchanan

Born in Braintree (Quincy), Massachussetts. Envoy to London in 1785, vice president to George Washington. Wrote the Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. Died on same day as Thomas Jefferson.

John Adams

Born in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Graduate of UNC. Acquired California. Answered the question of Oregon settlement. Established the independent treasury. Enlarged Monroe Doctrine. Forced Mexico into a war.

James Knox Polk

Born in Port Conway, Virginia Wrote Federalist Papers along with John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. War of 1812 broke out during his rule. Had to move to Virginia when Washington was captured during his rule.

James Madison

Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. Opposed the adoption of the Constitution and Hamilton ideals. Fought in War of 1812 and was later secretary of War. Signed the Missouri Compromise, acquired Florida, and promulgated a Doctrine that declared against foreign colonization or intervention. Third president to die on Independence Day.

James Monroe

Born in Plains, Georgia. Often referred to as a born-again Christian. Is known for being a peanut farmer. One of his most notable achievements is the Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt - the first between Israel and an Arab neighbor. Treaty with China and Panama canals were also successes. British policy ended war in Rhodesia, which is now Zimbabwe. Awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

Jimmy Carter

Born at Montebello Fought in the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, and the Seminole War. Won over the Seminoles at Lake Okeechobee. Second president to die in office in 1850.

Zachary Taylor

Born in Brookline, Massachusetts. Was skipper of a boat of a PT boat sunk in the Pacific, presumed for lost. Wrote book called Profiles in Courage, won Pulitzer prize. First Roman Catholic president. Established "New Frontier" program, included Alliance for Progress to aid Latin America, the Peace Corps, and the space race. Bay of Pigs embarrassment in Cuba. Khruschev removed the missiles in Cuba to stop the nuclear war from occurring. Treaty signed under his presidency to stop nuclear testing. Killed on November 22, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald killed 2 days later by stripclub owner Jack Ruby.

John F. Kennedy

Born in Braintree, Massachusetts Was anti-Thomas Paine. Helped negotiate Treaty of Ghent. Helped formulate the Monroe Doctrine. Was elected in 1824 thanks to no candidate receiving a majority of electoral votes. Was elected over Andrew Jackson who had the majority of the votes thanks to the support of Henry Clay. Fathered the Smithsonian Institution.

John Quincy Adams

Born in Charles County City, VA. Vice president of Whigs in 1840. Strict constructionist views led to break with the Henry Clay faction of the Whig party. Successfully annexed Texas, negotiated Webster-Ashburton Treaty.

John Tyler.

Born in Stonewall, Texas. First member of Congress to enlist in service after Pearl Harbor. Took oath of office in the presidential jet in the Dallas airfield.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Born in Kinderhook, New York. Had an efficient political organization called the Albany Regency. Was president during the Panic of 1837. Established 10-hour day on public works. Leading Democratic contender in the 1844 Election until he publicly opposed annexation of Texas. Became candidate for Free-Soil party in 1848.

Martin van Buren

Born in Cayuga County, NY. Lawyer who entered politics with the Anti-Masonic party under Thurlow Weed. Came after Zachary Taylor, associated himself with the Southern Whigs. Ran again for president in 1856 under the Know-Nothing party, a party that tried to unite the country against foreigners in hope of diverting attention from slavery issue.

Millard Fillmore

Born in Yorba Linda, California. Raised in a Quaker household. Made a name for himself in the HUAC, investigated Alger Hiss and portrayed his Californian competitor Helen Douglas as a communist. Had demands for his withdrawal after Californian businessmen paid for his Senate office expenses. The "Checkers speech" got him approval from the public and Eisenhower. 1959, had kitchen debate with Kruschev. 1968, ran for president with Spiro T. Agnew as his vice president. Watergate scandal, obvious.

Richard Milhous Nixon

Born in Tampico, Illinois. New-Dealer turned Conservative. Was television spokesman for the General Electric Company. Supply side economics stimulated production and controlled inflation by cutting taxes and reducing government spending. Nominated Sandra Day O'Connor as first woman on the Supreme Court. Had issues with Nicaraguan contras. Attacked Libya in 1986. Reagan Revolution refers to the political shift of the nation under his presidency. Iran-Contra scandal referred to unlicensed sales of firearms to Iran to fund Nicaraguan contras.

Ronald Reagan

Born in Caldwell, NJ. Died in Princeton, NJ. Elected to presidency through significant Mugwump (independent Republican) support. President during Panic of 1893, sound-money measures alienated the silver wing Sent troops to stop the Pullman strike in 1894

Stephen "Grover" Cleveland

Born in NYC. Organized the Rough Riders. Governor of New York in 1898, vice president in 1900. Took over presidency after McKinley's assassination. Elkins Act of 1903 outlawed freight rebates by railroads. Established Department of Commerce and Labor. Created Hepburn Act, which gave the ICC greater control over railroads. Also passed the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act. First American to get a Nobel Peace Prize in any category, brought Russo-Japanese War to an end. Permitted instigation of a revolt in Panama to dispose of Colombian objections to the Panama canal. Tried for a third term after he took time off because of his dislike of William Howard Taft, joined Progressive Party (Bull Moose) Party but lost to Woodrow Wilson.

Theodore Roosevelt

Born in Albermarle County, Virginia. Drafted the Declaration of Independence. House named Monticello. Wrote Notes on Virginia, proclaimed his love of agrarian democracy. First president to be inaugurated in Washington. Created University of Virginia. Leader of opposition to Federalism. Voted president because Hamilton threw votes to him instead of Aaron Burr.

Thomas Jefferson

Born in Mt. Pleasant, Ohio. Graduated from West Point. Made headlines for his capture of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Settlement made in Treaty of London. Wrote his Personal Memoirs.

Ulysses Simpson Grant

Born in Morrow County, Ohio. Married a wealthy widow, Florence Kling de Wolfe. Won because he straddled the League of Nations question. Saw Teapot Dome scandal and presided over some illegal practices in the Justice Department and Veterans' bureau. Died unexpected in San Francisco while in office in 1923.

Warren Harding

Born in Charles City County, Virginia. 1811, won battle against Indians at Tippecanoe, won a more decisive battle in 1813 at the Battle of Thames. Died of pneumonia a month after inauguration, first president to die in office. (1841)

William Henry Harrison

Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Was the president of the Philippine Convention. Was Roosevelt's handpicked successor. Was later chief justice of the supreme court.

William Howard Taft

Born in Niles, Ohio. Was instrumental in passing the McKinley Tarriff of 1890. Business community spent a lot of money to elect McKinley due to the progressivism of William Jennings Bryan. War with Spain broke out under his rule, leading to US acquisition of the Philippines. Assassinated.

William McKinley

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