american revolution/loyalists

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how many ppple in the 13 colonies were against the revolution?

1 in 5: 20 %

what year was the declaration of indpendence written?


what years are the american revolution?


what year did the american revolution end?


approx how many loyalists settled in the area which later became ontario?

43 000

approx how many loyalist settled in the martitime colonies?


during what decade did the loyalist come to canada?


how did the patriots treat the loyalists?

abused them and burnt down their homes

why did the colonist think it was a great insult to be taxed?

already cut off from ohio river valley and taxed like secong class citizen

top right of n.a. belonged to:


define sons of liberty:

bullies who intimidated those who supported the king (boston tea party)

what was the main reason as to why the americans wanted to invade quebec during the revolution?

canada was a british colony and as a british base it was a threat to the american cause

what were 2 reasons as to why the people in quebec did not want to supprt the people in the thriteen colonies in their rebellion against britain?

church and the seigneuries opposed of war -unlikely that english protest americans would protect french language

top left of n.a. belonged to:


what is the significance of the loyal immigration?

established english speaking canada

what occupations were most loyalists?


in addition to land what else did the british government give to loyalist?

farming tools

whom led the continental army?

george washington

the patriots wanted ____from britain loyalist wanted to remain____ to britain

independence, loyal

around which 2 great lakes did loyalist settle?

lake erie and lake ontario

where and when the american revolution begin?

lexington green, in massachusetts on april 19th 1775

was the attack succesfull on april 19th?


what economic links did people of the thirteen colonies have with great britain?

owned property in home country -mercantilsm

what were the causes of the american revolution?

people in the thirteen colonies were upset with britain because: -forced to pay taxes:seven year war -forced to buy goods from british ships rather than american -they were taxed without representation -restricted from expanding westward of north america (quebec act)

what could the rebels confiscate from the loyals according to the new laws?


bottom left of n.a. belonged to?


what is the result of the american revolution?

the colonies in N.A. become independent are are called the United States of America

what is an important document during the American revolution?when was it signed?

the declaration of indpendence-july 4 1776

whom was the american revolution fought between?

the thirteen colonies in north america and england

who wrote the declaration of independence?whom was he influenced by?

thomas jefferson-philospher john locke

what is the main point in the story "price of liberty"?

those who are fighting for liberty are taking away the liberty from others

bottom right of n.a.belonged to:


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