AMGT- Chapter 7

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spade bit

A drill bit with a straight shaft with a rectangular bottom that comes to a point, it is used for boring holes, typically of a larger size or depth in wood

crosscut blade

A saw blade for cutting wood, the teeth are designed to cut across the grain

Twist bit

A straight drill bit with spiral twists down its length, it is typically used for metal but can also be used on wood, plastics and many other materials


A tool that drives an abrasive disc mounted to a geared head


A tool with a cutting edge on its end, it is used primarily for carving and cutting hard materials like wood, stone,or metal and is specifically designed for each type of use.

keyhole saw

Also known as a drywall saw, it is a long, narrow saw used for cutting small, awkward holes into a variety of building materials

Utility knife

Also known as a mat knife; comes in a metal or plastic handle. The blade is retractable, meaning it stores completely in the handle


Also known as a saber saw, it has a small straight blade that cuts with an up and down motion; great for cutting curves but not as good for cutting straight lines

chalk line

An almost diamond-shaped container containing a very long string and powdered chalk. Used to make a straight line between two points

Carpenter/carriage clamp

Basic clamps found in a scene shop; shaped like a C with a screw that tightens and loosens

scroll saw

Bench-top tool used for freehand cutting or intricate shapes in fairly thin wood, this saw uses thin blades to allow for the small radius needed to complete these designs


Brand name for a type of screw or wrench with a six-pointed star on the end, its not the same as Allen

combination square

Can handle 90-degree angles and it can also help you draw 45-degree angles. Allows you to transfer measurements from one place to another

folding rule

Combination of a regular ruler and a yardstick; it is made up of small sections in 6-inch increments connected by pivot points

circular saw

Designed to make long, straight cuts. Gets name from the circular blade it uses.


Guide used with cutting or joining tools to produce multiple cuts of the same size or assemble many identical items

claw hammer

Hammer seen most in the scene shop, has a metal head for striking a nail and a curved claw for ripping nails back out of the wood

socket set

Has handle and a series of replaceable heads; each head has an opening on one side; each opening is a different size to correspond to different sizes of bolt heads and nuts

miter box

Has precut slots or a movable guid in it to fix a saw into a certain angle

Bar clamp

Have a fixed jaw and a sliding jaw, which makes them easily adjustable to different lengths. the determining factor of their usage is the bar to which they are attached. The longer the bar the bigger an object they can clamp

framing square

Looks like a big L with the long side 24 inches long and the shorter side 16 inches long; it is made out of metal and it is the most accurate of the squares because it has a fixed angle; there are no adjustments you can make

hammer drill

Looks similar to an electric drill; creates short rapid hammer-type action to break through hard or brittle material. This drill is used mostly when working with masonry or stone


Made from metal and usually attached to a shop bench for stability

pry bar

Made of metal and both ends are designed to be used for different purposes ; used as leverage for separating objects

pipe wrench

Meant for gripping round objects, primarily it is used for metal pipes

speed square

Metal triangle containing both 90-degree and 45-degree angles. Measurement markings are along the sides; has a flange on one side that you can use to hold it square against the edge of your material


Motorized tools that typically cut grooves or decorative trims along the edge of a pice of wood

spring clamp

Often called a squeeze clamp; strong and lightweight; tighten and loosen based on a spring's tension

hand-screw clamp

Older style of clamp that is still used today; this clamp is easy to recognize by its two heavy, broad wooden jaws. Passing through the jaws are screws with reverse threads at the ends, so the jaws come together rapidly and can clamp at many different angles

carpenter pencil

Pencil is made in a flattened octagon shape that prevents it from rolling. The lead is thicker and stronger than in a regular pencil

linesman's pilers

Pliers great for holding, bending and forming; the jaw surfaces are slightly toothed for better gripping; jaws have a built-in-side-cutter tool

needle-nose pliers

Pliers that are good for smaller jobs; they are similar to basic pliers, but the gripping end is not flat but comes to a small narrow point. This makes them great for holding much smaller items with more precision

slip-joint pliers

Pliers where the joint that holds the two sides together is keyed so that the jaws can be opened wider as needed for certain jobs

Vise grips

Pliers with an adjustable locking mechanism; they come in a variety of sizes and shapes that makes them applicable for many jobs

center punch

Primarily used on metal to mark a starting point for drilling into the material. Once you have used this it is much easier to begin drilling into metal without the drill slipping

rip blade

Saw blade for cutting wood; the teeth are designed to cut with, or parallel to, the grain

coping saw

Saw that has a handle with a U-shaped steel frame. The very thin blade is held between the arms of the U.

flush cut saw

Saw that has a handle with the blade coming straight out of one end. The blade is very flexible; it cuts flush with the bottom surface and has a very fine set of teeth that cut in one direction

miter saw

Saw that has fine crosscut teeth, used in conjunction with a miter box

table saw

Saw that is mounted on a table, which gives it more stability and allows for a more powerful engine

Hole saw

Saw used to cut larger holes, it is a piece of thin metal wrapped in a circle with teeth added on one side; usually a small twist bit in the center allows you to get the hole started in the exact place you want it

slotted screw

Screw with a single straight indent in the top

phillips screws

Screw with an X slot indented into the top

pipe cutter

Shaped like a C with a handle coming out the bottom, the handle is tightened, which tightens the pressure onto the pipe. This forces the sharp blade into the pip while wheels around the clamp continuously rotate the pipe

speed wrench

Similar to a box wrench with one major exception, it contains a ratchet on both ends

laser level

Similar to the laser tape measure in how it works; great tool for lining up several items along the same line across a distance

nut driver

Sized to fit specific nut or bolt head dimensions. Made up of a handle and driver as a single tool, it does not ratchet

tack hammer

Small hammer usually used for the detail work on finishing projects

drill press

Stationary tool that does the same job as a regular drill. It has the added advantage of being mounted over a tabletop

reciprocating saw

Sw that has a straight blade mounted at one end of the body; the blade moves back and forth and is more powerful and versatile than jigsaws

box wrench

This closed-end wrench fits only one size of hardware. Typically, it has between 6 and 12 points of contact to the hardware

nail set

This is used for driving the head of a nail either flush or just below the finished surface

open-ended wrench

This nonadjustable type of wrench fits a specific size of hardware and has an open end


Tool for making holes

Allen keys

Tool with a hexagonal head for adjusting screws or bolts with a recessed six-sided opening


Tungsten inert gas welding; welder holds the welding rod in one hand and an electric torch in the other hand


Type of hammer with a soft head that helps avoid damaging delicate surfaces. The head is also substantially larger than a regular hammer, which helps to spread out the force of the hit

Laser measure

Typically more accurate than a traditional tape measure; Press a button and the laser emits its beam until it hits a solid surface, then a digital display shows the distance measured

Bevel gauge

Used to check or copy the angle of an existing unit or drawing. It consists of a handle or stock and a blade or tongue, connected by a wing nut. This tool does not measure an angle; it simply copies the angle from something that already exists

pipe threader

Used to cut threads into pipe


Used to flatten, reduce the thickness of, and smooth a surface of a generally rough piece of lumber; usually have a cutting edge on the bottom attached to the solid body of the plane

plumb bob

Used when trying to determine a level line from one point only; weight that stops swinging at the point of making the string level, also useful for determining a point directly below something hung over the stage

pipe reamer

Used whenever pipe or tube is cut to remove burrs


Uses molten metal to join two pieces of metal. Uses metals with a higher melting point; produces a stronger join than does soldering and often is used to join metals other than steel such as brass


Uses molten metal to join two pieces of metal; the metal added during the process has a melting point lower than that of the material, so only the added metal is melted not the material

Wet/dry vacuum

Vacuum cleaner with a substantial tank for collecting whatever you're cleaning up


Woodworking tool for shaping the wood; made up of a long, narrow steel bar

radial-arm saw

Works similarly to a circular saw; the blade head is suspended form a long arm in a yoke that allows for selectable degrees of rotation


binds things together by forcing thin metal ________ into the material with pressure

panel saw

circular saw with a big bracket on it to allow for movement across a large-scale predetermined grid; the saw can be either horizontal or vertical, although most scene shops prefer the vertical type to save space. Cutting sheets of plywood into smaller pieces is this tools specialty

Adjustable Wrench

crescent wrench, it is an open-ended wrench with one fixed jaw and one adjustable jaw. The adjustment works by a screws positioned within the handle


guide for cutting straight lines

framing hammer

hammer that is heavier and meant for larger nails and harder woods than the standard claw hammer; the claw is not as curved as on a standard claw hammer

Ball peen hammer

hammer used to bend, flatten or shape metal

spirit level

has a little vial containing liquid which is actually partially filled with ethanol

chop saw

have a circular saw blade similar to a circular saw but usually larger in diameter. Work by having a pivoting arm containing the blade, which is brought down to cut the material

Arc welding

involves two large metal alligator clips that carry a strong electrical current. One clip is attached to any conductive part of the project being welded. The second clip is connected to a thin welding rod. When the rod touches the project, a powerful electrical circuit is created

tape measure

its flexibility allows you to measure long lengths while still being easily carried in your pocket; usually marked in both inches and feet


metal inert gas; uses a spool of continuously fed wire that allows the welder to join longer stretches of metal without stopping to replace rods

string level

mounted on a string pulled fairly taut between two points in the area you are trying to measure


referred to as gas welding, it is a process that relies on the proper combination of oxygen and acetylene

Yankee screwdriver

referred to as the push screwdriver; has a spiral center so that when you press down on the handle the head turns the spiral center so you can drive in or back out a screw by just pushing down on the handle


refers to any tool that requires a compressor to generate air pressure

Tin snips

scissorlike tool is used to cut thin sheets of metal


similar to a rasp but with much finer teeth; used for fine shaping in wood or metal

Band saw

stationary motorized saw used for cutting wood or metal into nonlinear shapes; the blade is one continuous loop, or band, stretched over two pulleys

hot-glue gun

used for heating and dispensing hot melted glue

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