AMSCO CHAPTER 10, PAPUSH: The Age of Jackson

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Supreme Court (Monroe)

-*The federalists dominated the supreme court* during the D/R reign As a result there was: -Strengthening of national gov't -Encouraging of business between states in their decisions

How many tribes were affected by the IRA?

-5 -Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee, Choctaws and Seminole

The American System

-A plan to pay off debt from the war of 1812 and unify the nation developed by the whig party -Support of high tariffs (Protect US industries, get $ for the US government) -High public land prices (Preserve BOA, stabilize currency, reign in state+local banks) -System of internal improvements like roads and canals (Bring nation together, funded by tariffs + land money)

Jacksonian Democracy

-A policy of spreading more political power to more people. It was a "Common Man" theme. -Politics were more about showmanship

The Monroe Doctrine

-A statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that Europe should not interfere in affairs within the United States or in the development of other countries in the Western Hemisphere. -Kept us in power in the WH, Cashing in on freeing colonies -England helped us bc it would get a leg up on Spain and France, and it would create a nice bond between US and GB

AS: Bank of US and Western Land Sales

-BOA #2 was reinated and solda f*ck ton of western lands bc ithe BOA allowed easy credit to speculators and settlers -Politicians who supported bank were speculators--> corrupt -BOA notes were accepted as credit, so speculators bought ton of land in new territories. -Added ppl to the west; speculators failed to pay loans back *Depression of 1819* emerged

Why was Monroe's presidency called the Era of Good Feelings?

James Monroe's presidency is known as "The Era of Good Feelings". It was nicknamed this because Americans were proud that we had won the War of 1812 and President Monroe said that this was reason to be unified as a country.

President Jackson's veto of the Bank bill would contribute most significantly to

a financial panic

which of the following was the immediate cause of the publication of the statement in this excerpt?

an increase in the tariff passed by congress

While Calhoun and many other southerners disagreed with president jackson's opposition to nullification, they agreed with him on

his opposition to the anti- slavery movement

which of the following is or are more similar to the statement in the excerpt?

kentucky and virginia resolutions

President Jackson's guiding principle to check "The injustices of government" was

limited government

which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the Jackson's veto of the bank ?


Why did southern states oppose tariffs?

-Because they had little American industry to protect from foreign competition. -They favored the northern states more than them -It's reminiscent of the oppressive taxes that caused the AR -Environment would create smuggling

Jackson opposes the national bank

-Clay and Webster support charter that would renew the 2nd BoUS -Hated it bc -Funded by taxes -Wealthy stockholders earned interests on deposits made by commoners -Bank President Nicholas Biddle gave loans to Congressman at lower rates than those given to the average citizen -The bank was a privileged institution!

Gibbons v. Ogden

-Commerce clause violation- State of Ny was giving out monopolies w/ot federal permission -SC ruled in favor of gibbons; it was a violation of the commerce clause -Shows that only congress could control commerce between states

South Carolina rebels

-Congress passes a tariff law found unacceptable to SC (Jackson did nothing). -Said it was null and threatened to leave the union of anyone tried to get $ from them -Jackson's believed that SC's action in declaring a federal law void flouted the will of the people as expressed in the Constitution. He declared their actions treasonous. -Threatened to hang Calhoun and march federal troops into SC to enforce the tariff -Clay proposed a temp. solution to lower tariffs over a 10 year period and all was good (for now)

Fletcher v. Peck

-Georgia split up land for sale through illegal means in congress, fletcher had the dirty land and sold it under contract to peck-Georgia said it was void. -The contract clause prevented the land fletcher sold form being void. -First state to rule a state law unconstitutional; more protection to property rights.

Adams-Onis Treaty

-Georgia was having difficulties w/ the natives in Florida- Spain couldn't keep them under control -Jackson annexed Florida, and a treaty was signed for some money. -Gave us access to the Gulf of Mexico, put us on equal footing with Spain, more power in the southern hemisphere.

AS: Internal Improvements

-Goal was to link farmers w/industrial markets -It cost too much to move sh*t around, so the feds funded roads; lead to a boom which put costs down -AS attempted to fuel this w/$, canals transformed NY -Steamboats form; Robert Fulton made them boom- then railroads. By the 1840s transportation was v accessible

JQA Corrupt Bargain

-Jackson won pop vote but no clear winner in electoral vote -No clear winner was in sight- put ii to House of Representatives, which elected John Quincy Adams over rival Andrew Jackson. Henry Clay was the Speaker of the House at the time, and he convinced Congress to elect Adams so he could be Secretary of State. -Bad publicity and he was only there for one term

Pet banks

-Jackson's second term promise was to f*cking kill the national bank before charter expired -Jackson found a Secretary of Treasury willing to place all federal funds in certain state banks *"pet banks"* that were loyal to the Democratic Party -When charter expired the BoUS closed within five years -To stop inflation, President Jackson issued: -Specie Circular: all purchases of federal land must be made in gold and silver; - As a result paper banknotes lost their values = Panic in 1837 = economic depression :(

The Missouri Compromise

-Missouri wanted to be a slave state, but it would upset the balance of slave/free states -Maine was added to even everything out -It was decided Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state and all states North of the 36th parallel were free states and all South were slave states. -Uneasy truce

Election of 1820

-Monroe ran unopposed. Federalist party no longer existed.

Indian Removal Act

-OG Jackson negotiated treaties for the indians to scram (indians accepted to appease, and escape white harassment) -SC said that indians could occupy land but not claim it; Jackson said f*ck that and passed the Act -Passed in 1830, and resulted forcible emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West of the Mi river. -(Greater good argument; but filled with bias)

Worcester v. Georgia

-Ppl in Georgia needed a license to go talk to the Cherokee; Worcester wanted to preach for them tho and went in -Worcester said that georgia had no right to regulate the intercourse between citizens of its state and members of the Cherokee Nation -Sc said Cherokee Indians were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments which would infringe on the tribe's sovereignty -Jackson said f*ck that

Election of 1816

-Rufus King (federalist candidate) was brutally defeated by Monroe-*loss signified the 'death' of the federalist party* -Barely won a nomination in the republican congressional caucus bc no one wanted the virginia dynasty. -Monroe represented the *era of good feelings* after bitter Jefferson and Madison admins

Tariffs raise the issue of state rights

-Senators Hayne of SC and Webster of MA debated the issue of tariffs in Congress (last one passed in 1828 under JQA) -Hayne opposed; Webster; supported -Jackson made a public statement declaring "the Union First!" (wanted to get re elected; protarriffs) -Calhoun left bc he couldn't get along w/ Jackson -Jackson's new running mate was former Sect of State Martin Van Buren

The nullification theory

-Southerners were angry abt tariffs (encouraged N industries) -South Carolina and Calhoun (VP) hated tariffs -So Calhoun drafted this: Questioned the legality of federal laws in the original 13 states; they wrote the const. so they can deny a law that was 'unconstitutional' - "South Carolina Exposition" -If the federal government did not allow a state to nullify a law, that state then had the right to withdraw from the Union

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

-States can't pass laws to weaken a contract (charter by Dartmouth) -Sc in favor of Dartmouth- Charter was still valid -Encouraged business growth bc states couldn't interfere- money is safe.

Changes in politics

-States eliminated property owning as a voring restriction -As the country expanded so did the influence of political parties; in order to be influential more members were needed -Politics became a form of local entertainment; parades, floats and marching bands traveled across the country -Therefore common people could vote and the "common man" was put into power

Whig party

An American political party formed in the 1830s to oppose President Andrew Jackson and the Democrats, stood for protective tariffs, national banking, and federal aid for internal improvements

McCulloch v. Maryland

-The constitutionality of state funded corporations, and the power dynamic between state/fed govts. Maryland was trying to tax their BOA -States can't tax federal organizations, -Called for broad interpretation of the constitution, used as a mark for gov't power, *National gov't was more powerful than state gov't*

What bad things happened 'in the era of good feelings'?

-The country was suffering a post Wo1812 depression -Slavery spread into western territories (Missouri) -Supreme court causes were causing controversy

Andrew Jackson

-The seventh President of the United States (Two terms) -General in the War of 1812 defeated the British at New Orleans. Rowdy + Ruff -As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers. -Supported spoils system (hiring ppl who actively supported DR party) and had a rotating cabinet to get the most democrats in as possible

AS: High Tariffs

-West and South hated them: North reaped the benefits *West should support bc urban factory workers would eat western foods* *South should support bc the ready market for cotton in northern mills* -Goals was for the fed gov to create a market driven economy that would unify the nation through supply and demand among regions


Favored: The American system, Opposed: Immorality, vce, and crime (blamed on immigrants) -New England, upper western states, middle class and urban professionals


Favored; Local rule, limited gov't free trade, equal ec.opportunity (white males) opposed: Monopolies, national bank, high tariffs, high land prices -Supported by southerners, westerneers, small farmers and urban workers

Van Buren believed that the strength of the American economy was based on

farmers and planters

Which of the following individuals would be most critical of Van Buren's economic policy as presented in this excerpt

henry clay

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