Anagrams - EPIC Cards
word or phrase with letters rearranged
A word used by polite people
Change: asleep
Something you eat
Change: beard
A body part, located on the arm
Change: below
A piece of furniture, you usually eat dinner at it.
Change: bleat
A fruit, Georgia is known for this fruit
Change: cheap
Someone who educates you
Change: cheater
Something you do with a book.
Change: dear
A sport, Tiger Woods plays this sport!
Change: flog
A body part, located on the leg
Change: keen
You may have to open to walk into a room
Change: odor
A way to get somewhere quick if you are traveling along way. (In the air!)
Change: panel
A family member, it is not a brother but a .....
Change: resist
You keep money in this, Natalie has a lot of them!
Change: super
This is a number
Change: there
A place where you cook
Change: thicken
A time of day, you sleep during this time
Change: thing