Analogies 210 (old)

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Assailant is to attack as A) escort is to accompany B) fugitive is to surrender C) patient is to operate D) amateur is to compete E) creditor is to borrow

A) Just as assailant and attack show a relationship of actor to action, so too do escort and accompany. They both show a relationship of actor to action. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Fugitive and surrender show a relationship of NOT tendency as a fugitive is NOT likely to surrender, but fugitive and surrender have a different relationship than assailant and attack. C) Patient and operate show a relationship of recipient to action, but patient and operate have a different relationship than assailant and attack. D) Amateur and compete show a relationship of tendency, but amateur and compete have a different relationship than assailant and attack.<span style="font-familyhelvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif">​</span> E) Creditor and borrow show a relationship of NOT tendency as a creditor does not have a tendency to borrow, but creditor and borrow have a different relationship than assailant and attack.

Ribcage is to heart as A) habitat is to organism B) disease is to germ C) orbit is to planet D) fence is to yard E) branch is to tree

A) Habitat and organism show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than ribcage and heart. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Disease and germ show a relationship of effect to cause, but this is a different relationship than ribcage and heart. C) Orbit and planet show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than ribcage and heart. D) Just as a ribcage is positioned around a heart, a fence is positioned around a yard. They both show a relationship of location. E) Branch and tree show a relationship of part to whole, but this is a different relationship than ribcage and heart.

Cartographer is to map as A) diarist is to journal B) teacher is to knowledge C) flutist is to flute D) sailor is to ocean E) criminal is to prison

A) Just as a cartographer creates a map, a diarist creates a journal. They both show a relationship of actor to object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Teacher and knowledge show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than cartographer and map. C) Flutist and flute show a relationship of occupation, but this is a different relationship than cartographer and map. D) Sailor and ocean show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than cartographer and map. E) Criminal and prison show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than cartographer and map.

Pipe is to sewer as A) seat is to bus B) towel is to curtain C) wrench is to metal D) comedian is to joke E) bulldozer is to machinery

A) Just as a pipe is part of a sewer, a seat is a part of a bus. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Towel and curtain are both types of cloths, whereas a pipe is part of a sewer. C) A wrench is made of metal, whereas a pipe is part of a sewer. These pairs do not have the same relationship. D) A comedian's job is to tell jokes, whereas a pipe is part of a sewer. E) A bulldozer is a type of machinery, whereas a pipe is part of a sewer.

Surgeon is to hospital as A) artist is to studio B) sculpture is to museum C) nurse is to patient D) classroom is to school E) convict is to parole

A) Just as a surgeon works at a hospital, an artist works at a studio. They both show a relationship of location. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Sculpture and museum show a relationship of part to whole, but this is a different relationship than surgeon and hospital. C) Nurse and patient show a relationship of actor to recipient of action, but this is a different relationship than surgeon and hospital. D) Classroom and school show a relationship of part to whole, but this is a different relationship than surgeon and hospital. E) Convict and parole show a relationship of recipient to actor, but this is a different relationship than surgeon and hospital.

Abbreviate is to short as A) fortify is to strong B) persist is to durable C) deceive is to false D) accuse is to guilty E) civilize is to wild

A) Just as abbreviate and short show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do fortify and strong. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Persist and durable show a relationship of tendency, but persist and durable have a different relationship than abbreviate and short. C) Deceive and false show a relationship of tendency, but deceive and false have a different relationship than abbreviate and short. D) Accuse and guilty show a relationship of tendency, but accuse and guilty have a different relationship than abbreviate and short. E) Civilize and wild show a relationship of tendency "not," but civilize and wild have a different relationship than abbreviate and short.

Alibi is to exonerate as A) testimonial is to endorse B) impede is to obstruction C) condemn is to punishment D) recover is to disaster E) appease is to anger

A) Just as alibi and exonerate show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do testimonial and endorse. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Impede and obstruction show a relationship of definitional relation, but impede and obstruction have a different relationship than alibi and exonerate. C) Condemn and punishment show a relationship of definitional relation, but condemn and punishment have a different relationship than alibi and exonerate. D) Recover and disaster show a relationship of antonyms, but recover and disaster have a different relationship than alibi and exonerate. E) Appease and anger show a relationship of antonyms, but appease and anger have a different relationship than alibi and exonerate.

Bedlam is to equilibrium as A) haplessness is to fortune B) optimism is to positivity C) aversion is to dislike D) contentment is to satisfaction E) unity is to accord

A) Just as bedlam lacks equilibrium, so too haplessness lacks fortune INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Someone with optimism is characterized by positivity. This is a different relationship than bedlam and equilibrium which is one of lack. C) Aversion is a strong feeling of dislike; this is a relationship of degrees whereas bedlam and equilibrium show a relationship of lack. D) Contentment is characterized by satisfaction whereas bedlam shows a lack of equilibrium. E) Unity is characterized by accord, whereas bedlam has a lack of equilibrium.

Bridge is to ship as A) cockpit is to airplane B) horse is to wagon C) caboose is to train D) trunk is to automobile E) yoke is to plow

A) Just as bridge and ship show a relationship of part to whole, so too do cockpit and airplane. They both show a relationship of part to whole. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Horse and wagon show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but horse and wagon have a different relationship than bridge and ship. C) Caboose and train show a relationship of circumstance to location, but caboose and train have a different relationship than bridge and ship. D) Truck and automobile show a relationship of specific to general, but truck and automobile have a different relationship than bridge and ship. E) Yoke and plow show a relationship of object acted upon to actor, but yoke and plow have a different relationship than bridge and ship.

Congregation is to worshiper as A) regiment is to soldier B) periodical is to journalist C) traffic is to congestion D) legislature is to law E) clientele is to business

A) Just as congregation and worshiper show a relationship of whole to part, so too do regiment and soldier. They both show a relationship of whole to part. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Periodical and journalist show a relationship of object acted upon to actor, but periodical and journalist have a different relationship than congregation and worshiper. C) Traffic and congestion show a relationship of tendency, but traffic and congestion have a different relationship than congregation and worshiper. D) Legislature and law show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but legislature and law have a different relationship than congregation and worshiper.<span style="font-familyhelvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif">​</span> E) Clientele and business show a relationship of definitional relation, but clientele and business have a different relationship than congregation and worshiper.

Crack is to chasm as A) speck is to chunk B) mountain is to peak C) street is to road D) cave is to den E) river is to stream

A) Just as crack and chasm show a relationship of comparative degree, so too do speck and chunk. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Mountain and peak show a relationship of whole to part, but mountain and peak have a different relationship than crack and chasm. C) Street and road show a relationship of synonyms, but street and road have a different relationship than crack and chasm. D) Cave and den show a relationship of whole to part, but cave and den have a different relationship than crack and chasm. E) River and stream show a relationship of synonyms, but river and stream have a different relationship than crack and chasm.

Debacle is to failure as A) tempest is to storm B) echo is to sound C) peeve is to anger D) slander is to truth E) donation is to gift

A) Just as debacle and failure show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do tempest and storm. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Echo and sound show a relationship of specific to general, but echo and sound have a different relationship than debacle and failure. C) Peeve and anger show a relationship of degree, but peeve and anger have a different relationship than debacle and failure. D) Slander and truth show a relationship of antonyms, but slander and truth have a different relationship than debacle and failure. E) Donation and gift show a relationship of specific to general, but donation and gift have a different relationship than debacle and failure.

Enthrall is to interest as A) exhaust is to tire B) deprive is to remove C) hoard is to donate D) solidify is to consolidate E) materialize is to emerge

A) Just as enthrall and interest show the relationship of degree, so too do exhaust and tire. They both show a relationship of degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Deprive and remove show the relationship of synonyms, but deprive and remove have a different relationship than enthrall and interest. C) Hoard and donate show the relationship of antonyms, but hoard and donate have a different relationship than enthrall and interest. D) Solidify and consolidate show the relationship of synonyms, but solidify and consolidate have a different relationship than enthrall and interest. E) Materialize and emerge show the relationship of synonyms, but materialize and emerge have a different relationship than enthrall and interest.

Delirious is to excited as A) enraged is to angry B) weary is to drowsy C) content is to displeased D) sorrowful is to forlorn E) emotional is to animated

A) Just as excited and delirious show a relationship of intensity so do angry and enraged. They both show a relationship of intensity. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Weary and drowsy show a relationship of synonyms, but weary and drowsy have a different relationship than than delirious and excited. C) Content and displeased show a relationship of antonyms, but content and displeased have a different relationship than delirious and excited. D) Sorrowful and forlorn show a relationship of synonyms, but sorrowful and forlorn have a different relationship than delirious and excited. E) Emotional and animated show a relationship of synonyms, but emotional and animated have a different than delirious and excited.

Finale is to introduction as A) deluge is to drought B) narrator is to audience C) musician is to orchestra D) surface is to exterior E) norm is to standard

A) Just as finale and introduction show the relationship of antonyms, so too do deluge and drought. They both show the relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Narrator and audience show a relationship of actor to recipient, but narrator and audience have a different relationship than finale and introduction. C) Musician and orchestra show a relationship of part to whole, but musician and orchestra have a different relationship than finale and introduction. D) Surface and exterior show a relationship of synonyms, but surface and exterior have a different relationship than finale and introduction. E) Norm and standard show a relationship of synonyms, but norm and standard have a different relationship than finale and introduction.

Fugitive is to flee A) rebel is to revolt B) contestant is to prize C) apprentice is to novice D) blacksmith is to iron E) playwright is to play

A) Just as fugitive and flee show a relationship of actor and action, so do rebel and revolt. Both show a relationship of actor and action. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Contestant and prize show a relationship of actor and recipient of action, but contestant and prize have a different relationship than fugitive and flee. C) Apprentice and novice show a relationship of synonyms, but apprentice and novice have a different relationship than fugitive and flee. D) Blacksmith and iron show a relationship of actor and object acted upon, but blacksmith and iron have a different relationship than fugitive and flee. E) Playwright and play show a relationship of actor and object acted upon, but playwright and play have a different relationship than fugitive and flee.

Aggressive is to passive as A) general is to specific B) immature is to childish C) maternal is to nurturing D) clamant is to boisterous E) assured and cavalier

A) Just as general and specific show a relationship of antonyms, so do aggressive and passive. They both show the relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Immature and childish show a relationship of synonyms, but immature and childish have a different relationship than aggressive and passive. C) Maternal and nurturing show a relationship of synonyms, but maternal and nurturing have a different relationship than aggressive and passive. D) Clamant and boisterous show a relationship of specific to general, but clamant and boisterous have a different relationship than aggressive and passive. E) Assured and cavalier show a relationship of degree, but assured and cavalier have a different relationship than aggressive and passive

Implement is to plan as A) realize is to dream B) discuss is to agenda C) retire is to career D) aspire is to ambition E) predict is to outcome

A) Just as implement and plan show a relationship of effect to cause, so too do realize and dream. They both show a relationship of effect to cause. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Discuss and agenda show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but discuss and agenda have a different relationship than implement and plan. C) Retire and career show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but retire and career have a different relationship than implement and plan. D) Aspire and ambition show a relationship of definitional relation, but aspire and ambition have a different relationship than implement and plan. E) Predict and outcome show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but predict and outcome have a different relationship than implement and plan.

Incumbent is to office as A) champion is to title B) tenant is to landlord C) ancestor is to family D) captive is to ransom E) veteran is to army

A) Just as incumbent and office show a relationship of object acted upon, so too do champion and title. They both show a relationship of object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Tenant and landlord show a relationship of antonyms, but tenant and landlord have a different relationship than incumbent and office. C) Ancestor and family show a relationship of part to whole, but ancestor and family have a different relationship than incumbent and office. D) Captive and ransom show a relationship of cause and effect, but captive and ransom have a different relationship than incumbent and office. E) Veteran and army show a relationship of part to whole, but veteran and army have a different relationship than incumbent and office.

Inept is to skill as A) dauntless is to fear B) affluent is to wealth C) remote is to distance D) rueful is to remorse E) toxic is to antidote

A) Just as inept and skill show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do dauntless and fear. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Affluent and wealth show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but affluent and wealth have a different relationship than inept and skill. C) Remote and distance show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but remote and distance have a different relationship than inept and skill. D) Rueful and remorse show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but rueful and remorse have a different relationship than inept and skill. E) Toxic and antidote show a relationship of cause and effect, but toxic and antidote have a different relationship than inept and skill.

Infamous is to misdeed as A) illustrious is to achievement B) deceitful is to honesty C) respected is to notoriety D) gullible is to trickery E) menial is to labor

A) Just as infamous and misdeed show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do illustrious and achievement. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Deceitful and honesty show a relationship of NOT characteristic, but deceitful is not a characteristic of honesty and have a different relationship than infamous and misdeed. C) Respected and notoriety show a relationship of NOT characteristic as notoriety is being known for something bad, but respected and notoriety have a different relationship than infamous and misdeed. D) Gullible and trickery show a relationship of tendency as trickery is most often achieved on someone who is gullible, but gullible and trickery have a different relationship than infamous and misdeed. E) Menial and labor show a relationship of characteristic, but menial and labor have a different relationship than infamous and misdeed.

Irritable is to angry as A) fastidious is to dedicated B) tired is to exhausted C) plagiarize is to steal D) hungry is to ravenous E) indulge is to abstain

A) Just as irritable is a characteristic of someone that is angry, fastidious is a characteristic of someone that is dedicated. Both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Tired and exhausted show a relationship of intensity, but tired and exhausted have a different relationship than irritable and angry. C) Plagiarize and steal show a relationship of synonyms, but plagiarize and steal have a different relationship than irritable and angry. D) Hungry and ravenous show a relationship of degree, but hungry and ravenous have a different relationship than irritable and angry. E) Indulge and abstain show a relationship of antonyms, but indulge and abstain have a different relationship than irritable and angry.

Marauder is to plunder as A) critic is to analyze B) injustice is to fight C) hysteria is to panic D) epitaph is to mourn E) renaissance is to learn

A) Just as marauder and plunder show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do critic and analyze. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Injustice and fight show a relationship of cause and effect, but injustice and fight have a different relationship than marauder and plunder. C) Hysteria and panic show a relationship of cause and effect, but hysteria and panic have a different relationship than marauder and plunder. D) Epitaph and mourn show a relationship of tendency, but epitaph and mourn have a different relationship than marauder and plunder. E) Renaissance and learn show a relationship of tendency, but renaissance and learn have a different relationship than marauder and plunder.

Outcast is to shun as A) idol is to worship B) decoy is to distract C) impostor is to identify D) prophet is to believe E) censor is to prohibit

A) Just as outcast and shun show a relationship of recipient to action, so too do idol and worship. They both show a relationship of recipient to action. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Decoy and distract show a relationship of cause and effect, but decoy and distract have a different relationship than outcast and shun. C) Imposter and identify show a relationship of definitional relation "not," but imposter and identify have a different relationship than outcast and shun. D) Prophet and believe show a relationship of definitional relation, but prophet and believe have a different relationship than outcast and shun. E) Censor and prohibit show a relationship of cause and effect, but censor and prohibit have a different relationship than outcast and shun.

Prowess is to skillful as A) discretion is to prudent B) novice is to inexperienced C) euphoria is to pleasant D) restraint is to extravagant E) charity is to grateful

A) Just as prowess is a characteristic of someone skillful, so too discretion is a characteristic of someone prudent. Both pairs show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Novice and inexperienced show a definitional relationship, but this is a different relationship than prowess and skillful. C) Euphoria and pleasant show a relationship of degrees or intensity, but this is a different relationship than prowess and skillful. D) Restraint and extravagant are antonyms, but this is a different relationship than prowess and skillful. E) Charity and grateful show a cause/effect relationship, but this is a different relationship than prowess and skillful.

Inquisitive is to ask as A) defiant is to resist B) incessant is to stop C) eligible is to choose D) needy is to give E) aloof is to reach

A) Just as someone the effect of being inquisitive is to ask, so too the effect of being defiant is to resist.. Both pairs show a relationship of cause/effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Incessant and stop show a relationship of characteristic (someone incessant is characterized by NOT stopping), but this is a different relationship than inquisitive and ask. C) Eligible and choose show a definitional relationship (something eligible is fit to be chosen), but this is a different relationship than inquisitive and ask. D) Needy and give are related to the category of charity, but this is a different relationship than inquisitive and ask. E) Aloof and reach show a relationship of characteristic (someone aloof is NOT able to be reached ), but this is a different relationship than inquisitive and ask.

Pure is to adulterate as A) impromptu is to plan B) vigilant is to watch C) compliant is to protest D) rotten is to decay E) flexible is to bend

A) Just as something pure has not been adulterated, something impromptu is NOT planned. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Vigilant and watch show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than pure and adulterate. C) Compliant and protest show a relationship of tendency (someone complaint tends NOT to protest), but this is a different relationship than pure and adulterate. D) Rotten and decay show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than pure and adulterate. E) Flexible and bend show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than pure and adulterate..

Survivor is to succumb as A) bachelor is to marry B) benefactor is to donate C) glutton is to devour D) nominee is to support E) defendant is to allege

A) Just as survivor and succumb show a relationship of tendency "not," so too do bachelor and marry. They both show a relationship of tendency "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Benefactor and donate show a relationship of definitional relation, but benefactor and donate have a different relationship than survivor and succumb. C) Glutton and devour show a relationship of definitional relation, but glutton and devour have a different relationship than survivor and succumb. D) Nominee and support show a relationship of definitional relation, but nominee and support have a different relationship than survivor and succumb. E) Defendant and allege show a relationship of definitional relation, but defendant and allege have a different relationship than survivor and succumb.

Swarm is to bees as A) drove is to cattle B) stable is to horses C) pond is to frogs D) sky is to birds E) insect is to ants

A) Just as swarm and bees show a relationship of action/recipient, drove and cattle show a relationship of action/recipient. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Stable and horses show a relationship of location/circumstance, but stable and horses have a different relationship than swarm and bees. C) Pond and frogs show a relationship of location/circumstance, but pond and frogs have a different relationship than swarm and bees. D) Sky and birds show a relationship of location/circumstance, but sky and birds have a different relationship than swarm and bees. E) Insect and ants show a relationship of general/specific, but insect and ants have a different relationship than swarm and bees.

Detrimental is to harm as A) contentious is to controversy B) guilty is to culprit C) omniscient is to knowledge D) ruthless is to mercy E) neutral is to partisan

A) Just as the characteristic of something detrimental is to cause harm, so too the characteristic of something contentious is to cause controversy. Both pairs show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Guilty and culprit show a definitional relationship, but this is a different relationship than detrimental and harm. C) Omniscient and knowledge show a relationship of degree, but this is a different relationship than detrimental and harm. D) Ruthless and mercy show a characteristic relationship of lack (someone ruthless lacks mercy), but this is a different relationship than detrimental and harm. E) Neutral and partisan show a characteristic relationship of lack (someone neutral is NOT a partisan), but this is a different relationship than detrimental and harm.

Summarize is to synopsis as A) appraise is to assessment B) diagnose is to illness C) refute is to falsehood D) abridge is to dictionary E) recite is to memory

A) Just as the purpose of a synopsis is to summarize, so too the purpose of an assessment is to appraise. Both pairs show a relationship of purpose. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Diagnose and illness show a relationship of action/object acted upon but this is a different relationship than summarize and synopsis. C) Refute and falsehood are show a relationship of action/object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than summarize and synopsis. D) Abridge and dictionary show a relationship of action/object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than summarize and synopsis. E) Recite and memory show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than summarize and synopsis.

Facilitate is to easy as A) augment is to large B) believe is to plausible C) resurrect is to dead D) lament is to sad E) refine is to crude

A) Just as to facilitate is to make something easy, so too to augment is to make something large. Both pairs show a definitional relationship INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Believe and plausible show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than facilitate and easy. C) Resurrect and dead show a relationship of characteristic (to resurrect is to make something NOT dead), but this is a different relationship than facilitate and easy. D) Lament and sad show a relationship of expression, but this is a different relationship than facilitate and easy. E) Refine and crude show a relationship of characteristic (to refine is to make something NOT crude), but this is a different relationship than facilitate and easy.

Wax is to wane as A) advance is to retreat B) plan is to execute C) permit is to allow D) force is to persuade E) whisper is to speak

A) Just as wax and wane show a relationship of antonyms, advance and retreat have a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Plan and execute show a relationship of cause and effect, but plan and execute have a different relationship than wax and wane. C) Permit and allow show a relationship of synonyms, but permit and allow have a different relationship than wax and wane. D) Force and persuade show a relationship of comparative degree, but force and persuade have a different relationship than wax and wane. E) Whisper and speak show a relationship of comparative degree, but whisper and speak show a different relationship than whisper and speak.

Seditious is to mutinous as A) meager is to sparse B) corrupt is to moral C) worn is to dilapidated D) ecstatic is to annoyed E) rudimentary is to developed

A) Seditious and mutinous have the same meaning as do meager and spase. Therefore, they are synonymous. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Corrupt and moral are opposite in meaning. They do not have the same relationship. C) Dilapidated is a stronger form of worn. Therefore, they do not have the same relationship. D) These are near antonyms while seditious and mutinous are synonyms. E) These are antonyms whereas seditious and mutinous are synonyms.

Erratic is to predictability as A) jovial is to gloom B) balanced is to grace C) talent is to capability D) cranky is to irritability E) bright is to intelligence

A) These are antonym pairs. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) These are not antonyms. One characterizes the other. C) These are not related. D) These are not antonyms. One characterizes the other E) These are not antonyms. One characterizes the other.

Deficit is to surplus as A) dim is to bright B) gutsy is to daring C) moral is to upright D) distinct is to different E) routine is to everyday

A) These are antonyms as are deficit and surplus. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) These are synonyms while deficit and surplus are antonyms. C) These are synonyms while deficit and surplus are antonyms. D) These have the same meaning while deficit and surplus are opposite in meaning. E) These have the same meaning while deficit and surplus are opposite in meaning.

Buffer is to protect as A) obstruct is to thwart B) moisten is to saturate C) rebound is to recover D) vanquish is to surrender E) miscalculate is to rectify

A) To buffer causes something to be protected just as to obstruct causes something to be thwarted. Both show the relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS B) Moisten is a lesser degree of saturate. This relationship is different from buffer and protect, which is cause and effect. C) Rebound and recover are synonymous. This relationship is different from buffer and protect, which is cause and effect. D) Vanquish denotes opposite of surrender. This relationship is different from buffer and protect, which is cause and effect. E) Miscalculate and rectify describe a problem and solution. This relationship is different from buffer and protect, which is cause and effect.

Shoe is to walking as A) fashion is to style B) bed is to sleeping C) heart is to affection D) phone is to working E) keyboard is to dictation

B) A shoe facilitates walking just as a bed facilitates sleeping. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) These are nearly synonymous and do not have the same relationship as shoe has to walking. C) Affection is a symbol of the heart. They do not have the same relationship as shoe has to walking. D) A phone can be used for working. However, it is not its primary use. This relationship is not the same as shoe has to walking. E) Dictation does not require a keyboard. Therefore, this is not a valid relationship.

Garnish is to beautify as A) solicit is to ask B) quaff is to quench C) espy is to scrutinize D) fluctuate is to stabilize E) disorganize is to tabulate

B) Beautify is an effect of garnish, just as quench is an effect of quaff. The actions represent a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Solicit and ask are synonyms. This is a different relationship from garnish and beautify, which is cause and effect. C) Espy denotes a less intense degree of looking than scrutinize. This is a different relationship from garnish and beautify, which is cause and effect. D) Fluctuate implies the opposite of stabilize. This is a different relationship from garnish and beautify, which is cause and effect. E) Disorganize and tabulate illustrate a problem and solution. This is a different relationship from garnish and beautify, which is cause and effect.

Cottage is to house as A) anchor is to boat B) hamlet is to village C) summit is to mountain D) whisper is to secret E) stanza is to poem

B) Just a cottage is a type of house, so too a hamlet is a type of village. Both pairs show specific/general relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Anchor and boat show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than cottage and house. C) Summit and mountain show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than cottage and house. D) Whisper and secret show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than cottage and house. E) Stanza and poem show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than cottage and house.

Stanza is to poem as A) strand is to hair B) chorus is to song C) stove is to furnace D) telescope is to space E) violin is to woodwind

B) Just as a stanza is a part of a poem, so too a chorus is a part of a song. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Strand and hair show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than stanza and poem, which is one of part to whole. C) Stove and hair furnace a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than stanza and poem, which is one of part to whole. D) A telescope is a tool used to study space. This is a different relationship than stanza and poem, which is one of part to whole. E) A violin is a type of woodwind. This is a different relationship than stanza and poem, which is one of part to whole.

Tapestry is to thread as A) mural is to wall B) mosaic is to tile C) painting is to portrait D) shroud is to burial E) statue is to pedestal

B) Just as a tapestry is made of many threads, so too a mosaic is made of many tiles. Both pairs show a relationship of whole/part. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Mural and wall show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than tapestry and thread. C) Painting and portrait show a relationship of general/specific, but this is a different relationship than tapestry and thread. D) Shroud and burial show a relationship of tool/use, but this is a different relationship than tapestry and thread. E) Statue and pedestal show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than tapestry and thread.

Textile is to weave as A) jewelry is to sparkle B) sculpture is to shape C) furniture is to arrange D) vehicle is to transport E) music is to listen

B) Just as a textile is something one makes/weaves, so too a sculpture is something one makes/shapes. Both pairs show a relationship of recipient/action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Jewelry and sparkle show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than textile and weave. C) Furniture and arrange show a relationship of recipient/action, but this the type of action is different than textile and weave since one does not make furniture by arranging it. D) Vehicle and transport show a relationship of actor/occupation, but this is a different relationship than textile and weave. E) Furniture and arrange show a relationship of recipient/action, but this the type of action is different than textile and weave since one does not make music by listening to it.

Trajectory is to air as A) map is to location B) route is to land C) boat is to river D) orbit is to planet E) distance is to area

B) Just as a trajectory is a specific path through the air, a route is a specific path across land. Both pairs show a relationship of specific/general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Map and location show a relationship of tool/use, but this is a different relationship than trajectory and air, C) Boat and river show a relationship of actor/object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than trajectory and air. D) Orbit and planet show a relationship of action/actor, but this is a different relationship than trajectory and air. E) Distance and area show a relationship of general/specific, but this is a different relationship than trajectory and air.

Watch is to see as A) give is to take B) listen is to hear C) raise is to rise D) speak is to talk E) toss is to throw

B) Listen and hear are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than watch and see. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Give and take show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than watch and see. C) Just as the action "watch" causes one to "see", so too the action "raises" causes something to "rise". Both pairs show cause/effect relationship D) Speak and talk are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than watch and see. E) Toss and throw are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than watch and see.

Agile is to nimble as A) responsible is to trustworthy B) faint is to weak C) distant is to near D) tired is to exhausted E) dangerous is to safe

B) Just as agile and nimble have similar meanings, so do faint and weak. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Responsible and trustworthy show a relationship of cause and effect, but responsible and trustworthy have a different relationship than agile and nimble. C) Distant and near show a relationship of antonyms, but distant and near have a different relationship than agile and nimble. D) Tired and exhausted show a relationship of degree or intensity, but tired and exhausted have a different relationship than agile and nimble. E) Dangerous and safe show a relationship of antonyms, but dangerous and safe have a different relationship than agile and nimble.

Actor is to script as A) director is to cast B) musician is to score C) preacher is to pulpit D) voter is ballot E) novelist is to book

B) Just as an actor has a script to perform, a musician has a score to perform. Both show a relationship of actor to object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Director and cast show a relationship of actor to recipient, but this is a different relationship than actor and script. C) Preacher and pulpit show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than actor and script. D) Voter and ballot show a relationship of use to tool, but this is a different relationship than actor and script. E) Novelist and book show a relationship of occupation, but this is a different relationship than actor and script.

Appease is to anger as A) wander is to location B) enlighten is to ignorance C) forgive is to transgression D) inquire is to curiosity E) lament is to sorrow

B) Just as appease and anger show a relationship of tendency "not," so too do enlighten and ignorance. They both show a relationship of tendency "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Wander and location show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but wander and location have a different relationship than appease and anger. C) Forgive and transgression show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but forgive and transgression have a different relationship than appease and anger. D) Inquire and curiosity show a relationship of effect and cause, but inquire and curiosity have a different relationship than appease and anger. E) Lament and sorrow show a relationship of effect and cause, but lament and sorrow have a different relationship than appease and anger.

Baffle is to confuse as A) dodge is to face B) ease is to soothe C) reverse is to advance D) discourage is to cheer E) disagree is to consent

B) Just as baffle means the same as confuse, so ease means to soothe. They are both synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Dodge and face are antonyms; this is a different relationship than baffle and confuse, which are synonyms. C) Reverse and advance are antonyms; this is a different relationship than baffle and confuse, which are synonyms. D) Discourage and cheer are antonyms; this is a different relationship than baffle and confuse, which are synonyms. E) Disagree and consent are antonyms; this is a different relationship than baffle and confuse, which are synonyms.

Barbell is to lift as A) ball is to fly B) javelin is to throw C) track is to run D) goal is to score E) hurdle is to jump

B) Just as barbell and lift show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, so too do javelin and throw. They both show a relationship of characteristic to tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Ball and fly show a relationship of actor to action, but fall and fly have a different relationship than barbell and lift. C) Track and run show a relationship of object acted upon to action, but track and run have a different relationship than barbell and lift. D) Goal and score show a relationship of effect to cause, but goal and score have a different relationship than barbell and lift. E) Hurdle and jump show a relationship of object acted upon to action, but hurdle and jump have a different relationship than barbell and lift.

Bread is to dough as A) window is to pane B) pottery is to clay C) ore is to mine D) ice is to water E) fruit is to tree

B) Just as bread and dough show a relationship of characteristic, so too do pottery and clay. They both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Window and pane show a relationship of whole to part, but window and pane have a different relationship than bread and dough. C) Ore and mine show a relationship of part to whole, but ore and mine have a different relationship than bread and dough. D) Ice and water show a relationship of comparative degree, but ice and water have a different relationship than bread and dough. E) Fruit and tree show a relationship of part to whole, but fruit and tree show a different relationship than bread and dough.

Building is to dilapidated as A) poem is to hackneyed B) garment is to threadbare C) supply is to abundant D) traffic is to congested E) bridge is to narrow

B) Just as building and dilapidated show a relationship of characteristic, so too do garment and threadbare. They both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Poem and hackneyed show a relationship of tendency, but poem and hackneyed have a different relationship than garment and threadbare. C) Supply and abundant show a relationship of tendency, but supply and abundant have a different relationship than garment and threadbare. D) Traffic and congested show a relationship of tendency, but traffic and congested have a different relationship than garment and threadbare. E) Bridge and narrow show a relationship of tendency, but bridge and narrow have a different relationship than garment and threadbare.

Carping is to nitpicking as A) loving is to pride B) devoted is to loyalty C) relaxed is to lounging D) stubborn is to flexibility E) whining is to tiredness

B) Just as carping and nitpicking show a relationship of characteristic, so too do devoted and loyalty. They both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Loving and pride show a relationship of tendency, but loving and pride have a different relationship than carping and nitpicking. C) Relaxed and lounging show a relationship of tendency, but relaxed and lounging have a different relationship than carping and nitpicking. D) Stubborn and flexibility show a relationship of tendency "not," but stubborn and flexibility have a different relationship than carping and nitpicking. E) Whining and tiredness show a relationship of tendency, but whining and tiredness have a different relationship than carping and nitpicking.

Stoic is to passion as A) merry is to joy B) bland is to taste C) optimistic is to hope D) energetic is to hustle E) sophisticated is to polish

B) One lacks the other so these have the same relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) When one is merry, they experience joy. There is no lack here. C) Someone who is optimistic has hope. There is no lack here. D) Someone who is energetic is full of hustle. There is no lack here. E) Someone who is sophisticated has polish. There is no lack here.

Cogent is to convince as A) ambitious is to advance B) subversive is to undermine C) incessant is to stop D) potable is to drink E) obscure is to discern

B) Just as cogent and convince show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do subversive and undermine. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Ambitious and advance show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but ambitious and advance have a different relationship than cogent and convince. C) Incessant and stop show a relationship of characteristic to tendency "not," but incessant and stop have a different relationship than cogent and convince. D) Potable and drink show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but potable and drink have a different relationship than cogent and convince. E) Obscure and discern show a relationship of characteristic to tendency "not," but obscure and discern have a different relationship than cogent and convince.

Crude is to refinement as A) deep is to clarity B) bland is to flavor C) irksome is to peeve D) devout is to religion E) tragic is to drama

B) Just as crude and refinement show a relationship of characteristic (lack of), bland and flavor show a relationship of lack of characteristic (lack of). Something crude lacks refinement and something bland lacks flavor. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Deep and clarity show a relationship of cause/effect, but deep and clarity have a different relationship than crude and refinement. C) Irksome and peeve show a relationship of cause/effect, but irksome and peeve show a different relationship than crude and refinement. D) Devout and religion show a relationship of definitional relation, but devout and religion have a different relationship than crude and refinement. E) Tragic and drama show a relationship of characteristic/tendency, but tragic and drama have a different relationship than crude and refinement.

Cultivated is to fallow as A) tepid is to warm B) vintage is to modern C) clean is to immaculate D) slovenly is to unattractive E) engrossing is to fascinating

B) Just as cultivated and fallow show a relationship of antonyms, so too do vintage and modern. They both show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Tepid and warm show the relationship of degree, but tepid and warm have a different relationship than cultivated and fallow. C) Clean and immaculate show a relationship of degree, but clean and immaculate have a different relationship than cultivated and fallow. D) Slovenly and unattractive show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but slovenly and unattractive have a different relationship than cultivated and fallow. E) Engrossing and fascinating show a relationship of synonyms, but engrossing and fascinating have a different relationship than cultivated and fallow.

Abbreviate is to shorten as A) criticize is to edify B) expand is to lengthen C) fluctuate is to stabilize D) refute is to corroborate E) commemorate is to dissociate

B) Just as expand and lengthen show the relationship of synonyms, so do abbreviate and shorten. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Criticize and edify show a relationship of antonyms, but criticize and edify have a different relationship than abbreviate and shorten. C) Fluctuate and stabilize show a relationship of antonyms, but fluctuate and stabilize have a different relationship than abbreviate and shorten. D) Refute and corroborate show a relationship of antonyms, but refute and corroborate have a different relationship than abbreviate and shorten. E) Commemorate and dissociate show a relationship of antonyms, but commemorate and dissociate have a different relationship than abbreviate and shorten.

Flexibility is to bend as A) darkness is to illuminate B) stamina is to endure C) conviction is to prosecute D) uncertainty is to decide E) latitude is to restrict

B) Just as flexibility and bend show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do stamina and endure. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Darkness and illuminate show a relationship of tendency "not," but darkness and illuminate have a different relationship than flexibility and bend. C) Conviction and prosecute show a relationship of cause and effect, but conviction and prosecute have a different relationship than flexibility and bend. D) Uncertainty and decide show a relationship of tendency "not," but uncertainty and decide have a different relationship than flexibility and bend. ​ E) Latitude and restrict show a relationship of tendency "not," but latitude and restrict have a different relationship than flexibility and bend.

Furtive is to stealth as A) nocturnal is to darkness B) circumspect is to caution C) apathetic is to emotion D) impeccable is to criticism E) obsolete is to neglect

B) Just as furtive and stealth show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do circumspect and caution. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Nocturnal and darkness show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but nocturnal and darkness have a different relationship than furtive and stealth. C) Apathetic and emotion show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but apathetic and emotion have a different relationship than furtive and stealth. D) Impeccable and criticism show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but impeccable and criticism have a different relationship than furtive and stealth. E) Obsolete and neglect show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but obsolete and neglect have a different relationship than furtive and stealth.

Idle is to work as A) steadfast is to resist B) deceased is to live C) docile is to teach D) noxious is to harm E) voracious is to eat

B) Just as idle and work show a relationship of antonyms, so too do deceased and live. They both show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Steadfast and resist show a relationship of definitional relation, but steadfast and resist have a different relationship than idle and work. C) Docile and teach show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but docile and teach have a different relationship than idle and work. D) Noxious and harm show a relationship of cause and effect, but noxious and harm have a different relationship than idle and work. E) Voracious and eat show a relationship of cause and effect, but voracious and eat have a different relationship than idle and work.

Incisor is to tooth as A) hair is to follicle B) finger is to digit C) nostril is to nose D) hand is to fist E) arch is to foot

B) Just as incisor and tooth show a relationship of specific to general, so too do finger and digit. They both show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Hair and follicle show a relationship of whole to part, but hair and follicle have a different relationship than incisor and tooth. C) Nostril and nose show a relationship of part to whole, but nostril and nose have a different relationship than incisor and tooth. D) Hand and fist show a relationship of whole to part, but hand and fist have a different relationship than incisor and tooth. E) Arch and foot show a relationship of part to whole, but arch and foot have a different relationship than incisor and tooth.

Invaluable is to worthless as A) immense is to enormous B) belligerent is to peaceful C) famous is to notorious D) vertical is to diagonal E) fearless is to frightening

B) Just as invaluable and worthless show a relationship of antonyms, so too do belligerent and peaceful. They both show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Immense and enormous show a relationship of synonyms, but immense and enormous have a different relationship than invaluable and worthless. C) Famous and notorious show a relationship of general to specific, but famous and notorious have a different relationship than invaluable and worthless. D) Vertical and diagonal show a relationship of characteristic, but vertical and diagonal have a different relationship than invaluable and worthless. E) Fearless and frightening show a relationship of tendency "not," but fearless and frightening have a different relationship than invaluable and worthless.

Marker is to illustrate as A) knot is to hold B) towel is to dry C) champion is to win D) chauffeur is to transport E) artist is to paint

B) Just as marker and illustrate show a relationship of tool to use, so too do towel and dry. They both show the relationship of tool to use. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Knot and hold show the relationship of characteristic to tendency, but rope and cord have a different relationship than marker and illustrate. C) Champion and win show a relationship of definitional relation, but champion and win have a different relationship than marker and illustrate. D) Chauffeur and transport show a relationship of actor to action, but chauffeur and transport have a different relationship than marker and illustrate. E) Artist and paint show a relationship of actor to action, but artist and paint have a different relationship than marker and illustrate.

Measure is to size as A) prove is to hypothesis B) appraise is to value C) construct is to blueprint D) accelerate is to speed E) solve is to problem

B) Just as measure and size show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do appraise and value. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Prove and hypothesis show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but prove and hypothesis have a different relationship than measure and size. C) Construct and blueprint show a relationship of action and object acted upon, but construct and blueprint have a different relationship than measure and size. D) Accelerate and speed show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but accelerate and speed have a different relationship than measure and size. ​ E) Solve and problem show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but solve and problem have a different relationship than measure and size.

Nose is to olfactory as A) touch is to tactile B) ear is to auditory C) sight is to blind D) mouth is to edible E) oxygen is to respiratory

B) Just as nose is essential to using the olfactory sense, an ear is essential to using the auditory sense. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Touch and tactile show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than nose and olfactory. C) Sight and blind show a relationship of Not tendency, but this is a different relationship than nose and olfactory. D) Mouth and edible show a relationship of tool to use, but this is a different relationship than nose and olfactory. E) Oxygen and respiratory show a relationship of tool to use, but this is a different relationship than nose and olfactory.

Pretense is to reason as A) theory is to evidence B) façade is to appearance C) alibi is to innocence D) error is to correction E) discount is to purchase

B) Just as pretense and reason show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do façade and appearance. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Theory and evidence show a relationship of recipient to actor, but theory and evidence have a different relationship than pretense and reason. C) Alibi and innocence show a relationship of recipient to actor, but alibi and innocence have a different relationship than pretense and reason. D) Error and correction show a relationship of recipient to actor, but error and correction have a different relationship than pretense and reason. E) Discount and purchase show a relationship of cause and effect, but discount and purchase have a different relationship than pretense and reason.

Resilient is to spring as A) wooden is to stake B) buoyant is to boat C) level is to ramp D) stripped is to gear E) slow is to pendulum

B) Just as resilient and spring show a relationship of tendency, so too do buoyant and boat. They both show a relationship of tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Wooden and stake show a relationship of characteristic, but wooden and stake have a different relationship than resilient and spring. C) Level and ramp show a relationship of characteristic, but level and ramp have a different relationship than resilient and spring. D) Stripped and gear show a relationship of characteristic, but stripped and gear have a different relationship than resilient and spring. E) Slow and pendulum show a relationship of characteristic, but slow and pendulum have a different relationship than resilient and spring.

Resilient is to tough A) sweltering is to frigid B) naïve is to inexperienced C) active is to listless D) offensive is to contemptible E) exemplary is to imperfect

B) Just as resilient and tough are synonyms, so too are naive and inexperienced. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Sweltering and frigid are antonyms, whereas resilient, or able to bounce back is a synonym of tough. C) Active is an antonym of listless or dull, whereas resilient and tough are synonyms. D) Offensive and contemptible show a relationship of degrees, in which the first word is a lesser version of the second. This is a different relationship than resilient and tough which are synonyms. E) Exemplary and imperfect are antonyms, whereas resilient and tough are synonyms.

Resurrect is to revive as A) spar is to vie B) replenish is to refill C) sedate is to rejuvenate D) owe is to remunerate E) confront is to intimidate

B) Just as resurrect and revive show a relationship of synonyms, so too do replenish and refill. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Spar and vie show a relationship of specific to general, but spar and vie have a different relationship than resurrect and revive. C) Sedate and rejuvenate show a relationship of antonyms, but have a different relationship than resurrect and revive. D) Owe and remunerate show a relationship of cause and effect, but owe and remunerate have a different relationship than resurrect and revive. E) Confront and intimidate show a relationship of cause and effect, but confront and intimidate have a different relationship than resurrect and revive.

Morose is to gloomy as A) tardy is to timely B) content is to happy C) blunt is to honest D) occupied is to vacant E) secretive is to open

B) These are the same. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) These are opposites. C) Morose is excessively gloomy as content is being excessively happy. D) These are opposites. E) These are opposites.

Revelation is to disclosure as A) stench is to odor B) questionnaire is to survey C) surgery is to procedure D) petition is to document E) breach is to invasion

B) Just as revelation and disclosure show a relationship of synonyms, so too do questionnaire and survey. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Stench and odor show a relationship of degree, but stench and odor have a different relationship than revelation and disclosure. C) Surgery and procedure show a relationship of specific to general, but surgery and procedure have a different relationship than revelation and disclosure. D) Petition and document show a relationship of specific to general, but petition and document have a different relationship than revelation and disclosure. ​ E) Breach and invasion show a relationship of degree, but breach and invasion have a different relationship than revelation and disclosure.

Shovel is to dig as A) stake is to drive B) drill is to bore C) plank is to saw D) plow is to harvest E) wedge is to insert

B) Just as shovel and dig show a relationship of tool to use, so too do drill and bore. They both show a relationship of tool to use. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Stake and drive show a relationship of object acted upon to action, but stake and drive have a different relationship than drill and bore. C) Plank and saw show a relationship of object acted upon to action, but plank and saw have a different relationship than drill and bore. D) Plow and harvest show a relationship of actor to action, but plow and harvest have a different relationship than drill and bore. E) Wedge and insert show a relationship of actor to action, but wedge and insert have a different relationship than drill and bore.

Suggestible is to influence as A) greedy is to acquire B) skittish is to frighten C) evasive is to confront D) quarrelsome is to argue E) illiterate is to read

B) Just as someone suggestible is defined as being open to influence, so too someone skittish is defined as easy to frighten. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Greedy and acquire show a relationship of cause/effect, but this is a different relationship than suggestible and influence. C) Evasive and confront show a relationship of characteristic (someone evasive does NOT confront) but this is a different relationship than suggestible and influence. D) Quarrelsome and argue are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than suggestible and influence. E) Illiterate and read show a relationship of characteristic (someone illiterate does NOT read), but this is a different relationship than suggestible and influence.

Sophomoric is to maturity as A) passive is to calm B) shaky is to stability C) frank is to honesty D) neutral is to diplomacy E) occasional is to rarity

B) Just as sophomoric and maturity show a relationship of definitional relation "not", so too do shaky and stability. They both show a relationship of definitional relation "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Passive and calm show a relationship of reversed tendency, but passive and calm have a different relationship than sophomoric and maturity. C) Frank and honesty show a relationship of reversed tendency, but frank and honesty have a different relationship than sophomoric and maturity. D) Neutral and diplomacy show a relationship of reversed tendency, but neutral and diplomacy have a different relationship than sophomoric and maturity. E) Occasional and rarity show a relationship of reversed characteristic, but occasional and rarity have a different relationship than sophomoric and maturity.

Theft is to crime as A) victory is to trophy B) mortgage is to loan C) music is to instrument D) guilt is to penalty E) shrug is to uncertainty

B) Just as theft and crime show a relationship of specific to general, so too do mortgage and loan. They both show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Victory and trophy show a relationship of definitional relation, but victory and trophy have a different relationship than theft and crime. C) Music and instrument show a relationship of use to tool, but music and instrument have a different relationship than theft and crime. D) Guilt and penalty show a relationship of cause and effect, but guilt and penalty have a different relationship than theft and crime.​ E) Shrug and uncertainty show a relationship of expression, but shrug and uncertainty have a different relationship than theft and crime.

Wayfarer is to travel as A) idol is to admire B) tenant is to rent C) creditor is to pay D) orphan is to adopt E) guest is to invite

B) Just as wayfarer and travel show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do tenant and rent. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Idol and admire show a relationship of recipient to action, but idol and admire have a different relationship than wayfarer and travel. C) Creditor and pay show a relationship of recipient to action, but creditor and pay have a different relationship than wayfarer and travel. D) Orphan and adopt show a relationship of cause and effect, but orphan and adopt have a different relationship than wayfarer and travel.​ E) Guest and invite show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but guest and invite have a different relationship than wayfarer and travel.

Soloist is to ensemble as A) bud is to sprout B) player is to team C) finger is to digit D) cutlery is to drawer E) commander is to captain

B) Just player and team show a relationship of part to whole, so too do soloist and ensemble. They both show a relationship of part to whole. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Bud and sprout show a relationship of synonyms, but bud and sprout have a different relationship than soloist and ensemble. C) Finger and digit show a relationship of synonyms, but finger and digit have a different relationship than soloist and ensemble. D) Cutlery and drawer show a relationship of circumstance to location, but cutlery and drawer have a different relationship than soloist and ensemble. E) Commander and captain show a relationship of synonyms, but commander and captain have a different relationship than soloist and ensemble.

Raze is to demolition as A) restrict is to freedom B) hoard is to accumulation C) shirk is to obligation D) thwart is to progress E) descend is to altitude

B) Just to raze is to cause demolition, so too hoard is to cause accumulation. Both pairs show cause/effect relationship INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Restrict and freedom show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than raze and demolition. C) Shirk and obligation are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than raze and demolition. D) Thwart and progress are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than raze and demolition. E) Descend and altitude are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than raze and demolition.

Leg is to tripod as A) bait is to fish B) penny is to cent C) spoke is to wheel D) vehicle is to freeway E) chocolate is to cake

C) A spoke is a part of a wheel, just as a leg is part of a tripod. Both relationships are part to whole. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A bait is used to catch fish. This is a different relationship from leg and tripod, which is part to whole. B) Penny and cent are synonyms. This is a different relationship from leg and tripod, which is part to whole. D) A vehicle travels on a freeway. This is a different relationship from leg and tripod, which is part to whole. E) Chocolate is a type of cake. This is a different relationship from leg and tripod, which is part to whole.

Dissimilar is to equivalent as A) ominous is to worrisome B) damaged is to immobile C) illegitimate is to valid D) fraudulent is to dishonest E) comforting is to reassuring

C) Illegitimate and valid show a relationship of antonyms, so too do illegitimate and valid. They both show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Ominous and worrisome show a relationship of synonyms, but ominous and worrisome have a different relationship than dissimilar and equivalent. B) Damaged and immobile show a relationship of cause and effect, but damaged and immobile have a different relationship than dissimilar and equivalent. D) Fraudulent and dishonest show a relationship of synonyms, but fraudulent and dishonest have a different relationship than dissimilar and equivalent. E) Comforting and reassuring show a relationship of synonyms, but comforting and reassuring have a different relationship than dissimilar and equivalent.

Disguise is to identity as A) pretext is to purpose B) confession is to guilt C) remedy is to illness D) cache is to storage E) alibi is to location

C) Just as a disguise is defined as hiding an identity, so too a remedy is defined as curing an illness. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Pretext and purpose show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than disguise and identity. B) Confession and guilt are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than disguise and identity. D) Cache and storage are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than disguise and identity. E) Alibi and location are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than disguise and identity.

Fib is to deception as A) theft is to property B) setback is to progress C) glitch is to malfunction D) symptom is to disease E) error is to accident

C) Just as a fib is caused by deception, so too a glitch is caused by a malfunction. Both pairs show a cause/effect relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Theft and property show a relationship of action/ recipient of action, but this is a different relationship than fib and deception. B) Setback and progress show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than fib and deception. D) Symptom and disease show a definitional relationship as a symptom is defined by the fact that it indicates disease, but this is a different relationship than fib and deception. E) Error and accident show a relationship of synonyms but this is a different relationship than fib and deception.

Gill is to fish as A) vein is to blood B) tooth is to rodent C) lung is to mammal D) snake is to reptile E) soil is to plant

C) Just as a gill are a part of a fish, lung are a part of a mammal. They both show a relationship of part to whole. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Vein and blood show a relationship of location, but this is a different relationship than gill and fish. B) Tooth and rodent show a relationship of location, but tooth and rodent have a different relationship than gill and fish. D) Snake and reptile show a relationship of specific to general, but this is a different relationship than gill and fish. E) Soil and plant show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than gill and fish.

Ripple is to wave as A) shore is to sea B) crater is to volcano C) eddy is to whirlpool D) star is to galaxy E) cloud is to sky

C) Just as a ripple is a small wave, so too an eddy is a small whirlpool. Both pairs show a relationship of degree or intensity. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Shore and sea show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than ripple and wave. B) Crater and volcano show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than ripple and wave. D) Star and galaxy show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than ripple and wave. E) Cloud and sky show a relationship of location , but this is a different relationship than ripple and wave.

Singer is to choir as A) cod is to fish B) chicks are to nest C) antelope is to herd D) spoon is to tool E) mailbox is to letter

C) Just as a singer is part of a choir, an antelope is part of a herd. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A cod is a type of fish, whereas a singer is part of a choir. B) Chickens live in a nest, whereas a singer is part of a choir. D) A spoon is a type of tool, whereas a singer is part of a choir. E) A mailbox is used to mail a letter, whereas a singer is part of a choir.

Torso is to body as A) boy is to man B) map is to tour C) trunk is to elephant D) vintage is to antique E) garage is to car

C) Just as a torso is part of a body, a trunk is part of an elephant. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A boy is a young man, whereas a torso is part of a body. B) A map is a tool used to navigate during a tour, whereas a torso is part of a body. D) Vintage and antique are synonyms, whereas a torso is part of a body E) A car is stored in a garage, whereas a torso is part of a body.

Abash is to humiliate as A) annoy is to delight B) capture is to liberate C) dislike is to loathe D) chew is to digest E) broaden is to elevate

C) Just as abash is a lesser degree than humiliate, dislike is a lesser degree than loathe. They both show a relationship of comparative degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Annoy and delight show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than abash and humiliate. B) Capture and liberate show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than abash and humiliate. D) Chew and digest show a relationship of cause to effect, but this is a different relationship than abash and humiliate. E) Broaden and elevate show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than abash and humiliate.

Altitude is to high as A) abyss is to deep B) angle is to acute C) decibel is to loud D) breadth is to span E) speed is to pace

C) Just as altitude and high show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do decibel and loud. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Abyss and deep show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but abyss and deep have a different relationship than altitude and high. B) Angle and acute show a relationship of synonyms, but angle and acute have a different relationship than altitude and high. D) Breadth and span show a relationship of synonyms, but breadth and span have a different relationship than altitude and high. E) Speed and pace show a relationship of synonyms, but speed and distant have a different relationship than altitude and high.

Endorse is to approval as A) invest is to risk B) praise is to merit C) suffer is to hardship D) embark is to journey E) counsel is to advise

C) Just as approval is defined as endorsing, so too hardship is defined by suffering. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Invest and risk show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than endorse and approval. B) Praise and merit are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than endorse and approval. D) Embark and journey are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than endorse and approval. E) Counsel and advise are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than endorse and approval..

Artisan is to craftsmanship as A) expert is to amateur B) extreme is to balanced C) impostor is to deception D) clean is to immaculate E) brilliant is to splendid

C) Just as artisan and craftsmanship show the relationship of characteristic to tendency, so too do impostor and deception. They both show the relationship of characteristic to tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Expert and amateur show the relationship of antonyms, but expert and amateur have a different relationship than artisan and craftsmanship. B) Extreme and balanced show the relationship of antonyms, but extreme and balanced have a different relationship than artisan and craftsmanship. D) Clean and immaculate show a relationship of degree, but clean and immaculate have a different relationship than artisan and craftsmanship. E) Brilliant and splendid show the relationship of synonyms, but brilliant and splendid have a different relationship than artisan and craftsmanship.

Banish is to drive away A) retreat is to move forward B) keep is to send back C) request is to ask for D) descend is to go up E) continue is to give up

C) Just as banish and drive away are synonyms, so too are request and ask for. These pairs share the same relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Retreat and move forward back are antonyms, whereas banish and drive away are synonyms. These pairs do not share the same relationship. B) Keep and send back are antonyms, whereas banish and drive away are synonyms. These pairs do not share the same relationship. D) Descend and go up back are antonyms, whereas banish and drive away are synonyms. These pairs do not share the same relationship. E) Continue and give up are antonyms, whereas banish and drive away are synonyms. These pairs do not share the same relationship.

Barrier is to obstruct as A) fortress is to besiege B) anchor is to disembark C) camouflage is to conceal D) boycott is to purchase E) veto is to legislate

C) Just as barrier and obstruct show a relationship of actor/action, camouflage and conceal show a relationship of actor/action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Fortress and besiege show a relationship of object acted upon/action, but fortress and besiege have a different relationship than barrier and obstruct. B) Anchor and disembark show a relationship of cause and effect, but anchor and disembark have a different relationship than barrier and obstruct. D) Boycott and purchase show a relationship of antonyms, but boycott and purchase have a different relationship than barrier and obstruct. E) Veto and legislate show a relationship of specific to general, but veto and legislate have a different relationship than barrier and obstruct.

Bizarre is to odd as A) mild is to gentle B) exceptional is to routine C) piercing is to loud D) tiresome is to oppressive E) curious is to interested

C) Just as bizarre and odd have a relationship of degree, so too do piercing and loud. They both show a relationship of degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Mild and gentle show a relationship of synonyms, but mild and gentle have a different relationship than bizarre and odd. B) Exceptional and routine show a relationship of antonyms, but exceptional and routine have a different relationship than bizarre and odd. D) Tiresome and oppressive show a relationship of characteristic, but tiresome and oppressive have a different relationship than bizarre and odd. E) Curious and interested show a relationship of synonyms, but curious and interested have a different relationship than bizarre and odd.

Brazen is to bold as A) relentless is to fleeting B) illegal is to secretive C) derogatory is to critical D) incompetent is to lazy E) frail is to robust

C) Just as brazen and bold show a relationship of comparative degree, so too do derogatory and critical. They both show a relationship of comparative degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Relentless and fleeting show a relationship of antonyms, but relentless and fleeting have a different relationship than brazen and bold. B) Illegal and secretive show a relationship of tendency, but illegal and secretive have a different relationship than brazen and bold. D) Incompetent and lazy show a relationship of tendency, but incompetent and lazy have a different relationship than brazen and bold. E) Frail and robust show a relationship of antonyms, but frail and robust have a different relationship than brazen and bold.

Celestial is to heaven as A) profound is to thought B) annual is to date C) maritime is to sea D) chronic is to disease E) intrepid is to fear

C) Just as celestial relates to heaven, so too maritime concerns the sea. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Profound and thought show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than celestial and heaven. B) Listen and hear are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than celestial and heaven. D) Speak and talk are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than celestial and heaven. E) Toss and throw are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than celestial and heaven.

Conqueror is to subjugate as A) pugilist is to war B) contestant is to rival C) recipient is to benefit D) magistrate is to arbitrator E) accountant is to spreadsheet

C) Just as conqueror and subjugate show the relationship of actor to action, so too do recipient and benefit. They both show the relationship of actor to action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Pugilist and war show the relationship of actor to occupation, so they do not show the same relationship as conqueror and subjugate. B) A contestant and rival show a relationship of synonyms, but contestant and rival have a different relationship than conqueror and subjugate. D) A magistrate and arbitrator show a relationship of synonyms, but magistrate and arbitrator have a different relationship than conqueror and subjugate. E) Accountant and spreadsheet show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but accountant and spreadsheet have a different relationship than conqueror and subjugate.

Definite is to positive A) frequent is to seldom B) famished is to hungry C) sensible is to rational D) flourishing is to growing E) gallant is to impolite

C) Just as definite and positive show a relationship of synonyms, so too do sensible and rational. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Frequent and seldom show a relationship of antonyms, but frequent and seldom have a different relationship than definite and positive. B) Famished and hungry show a relationship of intensity, but famished and hungry have a different relationship than definite and positive. D) Flourishing and growing show a relationship of intensity, but flourishing and growing have a different relationship than definite and positive. E) Gallant and impolite show a relationship of antonyms, but gallant and impolite have a different relationship than definite and positive.

Dilute is to decrease A) destroy is to dismantle B) bother is to irritate C) dislodge is to free D) magnify is to minimize E) weary is to excite

C) Just as dilute and decrease show the relationship of cause and effect, so too do dislodge and free. they both show the relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Dismantle and destroy show a relationship of degree, but dismantle and destroy have a different relationship than dilute and decrease. B) Bother and irritate show the relationship of synonyms, but bother and irritate have a different relationship than dilute and decrease. D) Magnify and minimize show the relationship of antonyms, but magnify and minimize have a different relationship than dilute and decrease. E) Weary and excite show the relationship of antonyms, but weary and excite have a different relationship than dilute and decrease.

Emblem is to represent as A) malnutrition is to nourish B) flag is to wave C) stanza is to organize D) garrison is to dwell E) pedestrian is to trudge

C) Just as emblem and represent show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do stanza and organize. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Malnutrition and nourish show a relationship of characteristic "not," but malnutrition and nourish have a different relationship than emblem and represent. B) Flag and wave show a relationship of tendency, but flag and wave have a different relationship than emblem and represent. D) Garrison and dwell show a relationship of tendency, but garrison and dwell have a different relationship than emblem and represent. E) Pedestrian and trudge show a relationship of tendency, but pedestrian and trudge have a different relationship than emblem and represent.

Exposé is to article as A) batch is to group B) doubt is to suspicion C) vulture is to scavenger D) military is to civilian E) intermission is to break

C) Just as expose' and article show a relationship of specific to general, so too do vulture and scavenger. They both show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Batch and group show a relationship of synonyms, but batch and group have a different relationship than expose' and article. B) Doubt and suspicion show a relationship of cause and effect, but doubt and suspicion have a different relationship than expose' and article. D) Military and civilian show a relationship of antonyms, but military and civilian have a different relationship than expose' and article. E) Intermission and break show a relationship of synonyms, but intermission and break have a different relationship than expose' and article.

Faithful is to loyalty as A) guilty is to crime B) heroic is to danger C) sorry is to remorse D) blithe is to anxiety E) punctual is to time

C) Just as faithful and loyalty show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do sorry and remorse. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Guilty and crime show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but guilty and crime have a different relationship than faithful and loyalty. B) Heroic and danger show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but heroic and danger have a different relationship than faithful and loyalty. D) Blithe and anxiety both show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but blithe and anxiety have a different relationship than faithful and loyalty. E) Punctual and time show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but punctual and time have a different relationship than faithful and loyalty.

Famine is to food as A) epidemic is to disease B) earthquake is to shelter C) drought is to rain D) hurricane is to storm E) catastrophe is to disaster

C) Just as famine and food have a relationship of antonyms, drought and rain have a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Epidemic and disease show a relationship of comparative degree, but epidemic and disease have a different relationship than famine and food. B) Earthquake and shelter show a relationship of cause/effect, but earthquake and shelter have a different relationship than famine and food. D) Hurricane and storm show a relationship of hyponym/hypernym, but hurricane and storm have a different relationship than famine and food. E) Catastrophe and disaster show a relationship of synonyms, but catastrophe and disaster have a different relationship than famine and food.

General is to soldier as A) warfare is to battle B) incumbent is to voter C) sovereign is to subject D) command is to obedience E) company is to employee

C) Just as general and soldier show a relationship of actor to recipient of action, so too do sovereign to subject. They both show a relationship of actor to recipient of action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Warfare and battle show a relationship of synonyms, but warfare and battle have a different relationship than general and soldier. B) Incumbent and voter show a relationship of recipient of action to actor, but incumbent and voter have a different relationship than general and soldier. D) Command and obedience show a relationship of cause and effect, but command and obedience have a different relationship than general and soldier. E) Company and employee show a relationship of whole to part, but company and employee have a different relationship than general and soldier.

Glamorize is to embellish as A) subvert is to stabilize B) impose is to diminish C) beautify is to accessorize D) manipulate is to disregard E) materialize is to disappear

C) Just as glamorize and embellish show a relationship of synonyms, so do beautify and accessorize. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Subvert and stabilize show a relationship of antonyms, but subvert and stabilize have a different relationship than glamorize and embellish. B) Impose and diminish show a relationship of antonyms, but impose and diminish have a different relationship than glamorize and embellish. D) Manipulate and disregard show a relationship of antonyms, but manipulate and disregard have a different relationship than glamorize and embellish. E) Materialize and disappear show a relationship of antonyms, but materialize and disappear have a different relationship than glamorize and embellish.

Gratify is to appease as A) intrude is to enter B) revert is to ascend C) rectify is to correct D) evaluate is to reject E) dignify is to humiliate

C) Just as gratify and appease show the relationship of synonyms, so too do rectify and correct. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Intrude and enter show a relationship of specific to general, but intrude and enter have a different relationship than gratify and appease. B) Revert and ascend show the relationship of antonyms, but revert and ascend have a different relationship than gratify and appease. D) Evaluate and reject show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but evaluate and reject have a different relationship than gratify and appease. E) Dignify and humiliate show a relationship of antonyms, but dignify and humiliate have a different relationship than gratify and appease.

Grope is to search as A) swagger is to walk B) speak is to write C) guess is to predict D) demand is to ask E) throw is to catch

C) Just as grope and search show a relationship of synonyms, so too do guess and predict. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Swagger and walk show a relationship of specific to general, but swagger and walk have a different relationship than grope and search. B) Speak and write show a relationship of expression, but speak and write have a different relationship than grope and search. D) Demand and ask show a relationship of degree of intensity, but demand and ask have a different relationship than grope and search. E) Throw and catch show a relationship of antonyms, but throw and catch have a different relationship than grope and search.

Hint is to indirect as A) complain is to indifferent B) reason is to inquisitive C) whisper is to quiet D) confess is to innocent E) gossip is to false

C) Just as hint and indirect show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do whisper and quiet. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Complain and indifferent show a relationship of tendency NOT, but complain and indifferent have different relationship than hint and indirect. B) Reason and inquisitive show a relationship of effect and cause, but reason and inquisitive have different relationship than hint and indirect. D) Confess and innocent show a relationship of tendency NOT, but confess and innocent have different relationship than hint and indirect. E) Gossip and false show a relationship of tendency, but gossip and false have different relationship than hint and indirect.

Hover is to airborne as A) protrude is to sharp B) rotate is to clockwise C) totter is to unstable D) capsize is to sunken E) recline is to prone

C) Just as hover and airborne show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do totter and unstable. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Protrude and sharp show a relationship of characteristic, but protrude and sharp have a different relationship than hover and airborne. B) Rotate and clockwise show a relationship of synonyms, but rotate and clockwise have a different relationship than hover and airborne. D) Capsize and sunken show a relationship of cause and effect, but capsize and sunken have a different relationship than hover and airborne.​ E) Recline and prone show a relationship of cause and effect, but recline and prone have a different relationship than hover and airborne.

Impromptu is to preparation as A) logical is to reason B) absurd is to laughter C) reckless is to caution D) courteous is to etiquette E) confidential is to secrecy

C) Just as impromptu and preparation show a relationship of definitional relation "not," so too do reckless and caution. They both show a relationship of definitional relation "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Logical and reason show a relationship of tendency, but logical and reason have a different relationship than impromptu and preparation. B) Absurd and laughter show a relationship of tendency, but absurd and laughter have a different relationship than impromptu and preparation. D) Courteous and etiquette show a relationship of characteristic, but courteous and etiquette have a different relationship than impromptu and preparation. E) Confidential and secrecy show a relationship of characteristic, but confidential and secrecy have a different relationship than impromptu and preparation.

Impulsive is to forethought as A) boorish is to vulgarity B) conciliatory is to compromise C) merciless is to leniency D) easygoing is to geniality E) disciplined is to will

C) Just as impulsive and forethought show a relationship of NOT tendency as an impulsive act does not indicate forethought, so too do merciless and leniency. They both show a relationship of NOT tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Boorish and vulgarity show a relationship of tendency, but boorish and vulgarity have a different relationship than impulsive and forethought. B) Conciliatory and compromise show a relationship of tendency, but conciliatory and compromise have a different relationship than impulsive and forethought. D) Easygoing and geniality show a relationship of characteristic, but easygoing and geniality have a different relationship than impulsive and forethought.<span style="font-familyhelvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif">​</span> E) Disciplined and will show a relationship of characteristic, but disciplined and will have a different relationship than impulsive and forethought.

Lively is to vivacity as A) noticeable is to attention B) shallow is to profundity C) luminous is to radiance D) deceptive is to appearance E) curious is to certainty

C) Just as lively and vivacity show a relationship of characteristic, so too do luminous and radiance. They both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Noticeable and attention show a relationship of cause and effect, but noticeable and attention have a different relationship than lively and vivacity. B) Shallow and profundity does NOT show cause and effect as shallow does NOT lead to profundity, but shallow and profundity have a different relationship than lively and vivacity. D) Deceptive and appearance both show a relationship of cause and effect, but deceptive and appearance have a different relationship than lively and vivacity.<span style="font-familyhelvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif">​</span> E) Curious and certainty show a relationship of cause and effect, but curious and certainty have a different relationship than lively and vivacity.

Melancholy is to despondent A) sincere is to sly B) temperate is to excessive C) pleasant is to blissful D) tense is to relaxed E) beneficial is to destructive

C) Just as melancholy and despondent shows the relationship of degree, so too do pleasant and blissful. They both show the relationship of degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Sincere and sly show a relationship of antonyms, but sincere and sly have a different relationship than melancholy and despondent. B) Temperate and excessive show a relationship of antonyms, but temperate and excessive have a different relationship than melancholy and despondent. D) Tense and relaxed show a relationship of antonyms, but tense and relaxed have a different relationship than melancholy and despondent. E) Beneficial and destructive show a relationship of antonyms, but beneficial and destructive have a different relationship than melancholy and despondent.

Mutilate is to beautify as A) distort is to change B) collide is to connect C) contradict is to concur D) decompose is to destroy E) synthesize is to create

C) Just as mutilate and beautify show a relationship of antonyms, so too do contradict and concur. They both show the relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Distort and change show a relationship of specific to general, but distort and change have a different relationship than mutilate and beauty. B) Collide and connect show a relationship of synonyms, but collide and connect have a different relationship than mutilate and beauty. D) Decompose and destroy show a relationship of specific to general, but decompose and destroy have a different relationship than mutilate and beauty. E) Synthesize and create show a relationship of synonyms, but synthesize and create have a different relationship than mutilate and beauty.

Nuance is to distinction as A) color is to vision B) gesture is to action C) hint is to suggestion D) tangent is to digression E) accuracy is to calculation

C) Just as nuance and distinction show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do hint and suggestion. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Color and vision show a relationship of specific to general, but color and vision have a different relationship than nuance and distinction. B) Gesture and action show a relationship of specific to general, but gesture and action have a different relationship than nuance and distinction. D) Tangent and digression show a relationship of synonyms, but tangent and digression have a different relationship than nuance and distinction. E) Accuracy and calculation show a relationship of effect and cause, but accuracy and calculation have a different relationship than nuance and distinction.

Obsolete is to disuse as A) timid is to confidence B) vigilant is to danger C) chaotic is to confusion D) content is to ambition E) naïve is to knowledge

C) Just as obsolete and disuse show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do chaotic and confusion. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Timid and confidence show a relationship of tendency "not," but timid and confidence have a different relationship than obsolete and disuse. B) Vigilant and danger show a relationship of tendency "not," but vigilant and danger have a different relationship than obsolete and disuse. D) Content and ambition show a relationship of tendency "not," but content and ambition have a different relationship than obsolete and disuse. E) Naïve and knowledge show a relationship of tendency "not," but naïve and knowledge have a different relationship than obsolete and disuse.

Procrastinate is to prompt as A) recover is to healthy B) divulge is to public C) prevaricate is to truthful D) intrude is to meddlesome E) remonstrate is to obedient

C) Just as procrastinate is the opposite of prompt action, prevaricate is the opposite of truthful action. They both show a relationship of NOT characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Recover and healthy show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than procrastinate and prompt. B) Divulge and public show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than procrastinate and prompt. D) Intrude and meddlesome show a relationship of effect to cause, but this is a different relationship than procrastinate and prompt. E) Remonstrate and obedient show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than procrastinate and prompt.

Scale is to weight as A) decibel is to volume B) map is to destination C) speedometer is to velocity D) calendar is to appointment E) microscope is to size

C) Just as scale and weight show a relationship of definitional relation, speedometer and velocity show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Decibel and volume show a relationship of specific to general, but decibel and volume have a different relationship than scale and weight. B) Map and destination show a relationship of tool/use, but map and destination have a different relationship than scale and weight. D) Calendar and appointment show a relationship of whole to part, but calendar and appointment show a different relationship than scale and weight. E) Microscope and size show a relationship of tool/use, but microscope and size have a different relationship than scale and weight.

Secure is to danger as A) affluent is to wealth B) weary is to drudgery C) immune is to obligation D) profound is to insight E) hostile is to hatred

C) Just as secure and danger show a relationship of cause and effect "not," so too do immune and obligation. They both show a relationship of cause and effect "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Affluent and wealth show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but affluent and wealth have a different relationship than secure and danger. B) Weary and drudgery show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but weary and drudgery have a different relationship than secure and danger. D) Profound and insight show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but profound and insight have a different relationship than secure and danger. E) Hostile and hatred show a relationship of degree, but hostile and hatred have a different relationship than secure and danger.

Swagger is to walk as A) command is to obey B) attack is to fight C) boast is to talk D) scribble is to write E) caress is to touch

C) Just as swagger and walk show a relationship of specific to general, so too do boast and talk. They both show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Command and obey show a relationship of cause and effect, but command and obey have a different relationship than swagger and walk. B) Attack and fight show a relationship of cause and effect, but attack and fight have a different relationship than swagger and walk. D) Scribble and write show a relationship of synonyms, but scribble and write have a different relationship than swagger and walk. E) Caress and touch show a relationship of degree, but caress and touch have a different relationship than swagger and walk.

Lull is to sleep as A) begin is to finish B) ponder is to decide C) kindle is to burn D) travel is to arrive E) attack is to defend

C) Just as to lull is to cause someone to sleep, so too to kindle is to cause something to burn. Both pairs show cause/effect relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Begin and finish show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than lull and sleep. B) Ponder and decide show a relationship of characteristic (someone who ponders is slow to decide), but this is a different relationship than lull and sleep. D) Travel and arrive show a definitional relationship, but this is a different relationship than lull and sleep. E) Attack and defend are antonyms, but this is a different relationship than lull and sleep.

Tranquil is to calm as A) bitter is to angry B) jumbled is to orderly C) equipped is to ready D) contrasting is to uniform E) predictable is to unexpected

C) Just as tranquil and calm have similar meanings, so do equipped and ready. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Bitter and angry show a relationship of cause and effect, but bitter and angry have a different relationship than tranquil and calm. B) Jumbled and orderly show a relationship of antonyms, but jumbled and orderly have a different relationship than tranquil and calm. D) Contrasting and uniform show a relationship of antonyms, but contrasting and uniform have a different relationship than tranquil and calm. E) Predictable and unexpected show a relationship of antonyms, but predictable and unexpected have a different relationship than tart and bitter.

Veterinarian is to animals as A) optometrist is to glasses B) surgeon is to operation C) pediatrician is to children D) conductor is to baton E) beautician is to cosmetics

C) Just as veterinarian and animals show a relationship of actor to recipient, so too do pediatrician and children. They both show a relationship of actor to recipient. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Optometrist and glasses show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but optometrist and glasses have a different relationship than veterinarian and animals. B) Surgeon and operation show a relationship of actor to occupation, but surgeon and operation have a different relationship than veterinarian and animals. D) Conductor and baton show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but conductor and baton have a different relationship than veterinarian and animals. E) Beautician and cosmetics show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but beautician and cosmetics have a different relationship than veterinarian and animals.

Visual is to sight as A) audible is to ear B) nasal is to smell C) tactile is to touch D) bitter is to taste E) mental is to idea

C) Just as visual and sight show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do tactile and touch. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Audible and ear show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but audible and ear have a different relationship than visual and sight. B) Nasal and smell show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but nasal and smell have a different relationship than visual and sight. D) Bitter and taste show a relationship of specific to general, but bitter and taste have a different relationship than visual and sight. E) Mental and idea show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but mental and idea have a different relationship than visual and sight.

Wedding is to marriage as A) graduation is to diploma B) banquet is to feast C) coronation is to reign D) baptism is to water E) party is to birthday

C) Just as wedding and marriage show a relationship cause and effect, so too do coronation and reign. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Graduation and diploma show a relationship of definitional relation, but graduation and diploma have a different relationship than wedding and marriage. B) Banquet and feast show a relationship of synonyms, but banquet and feast have a different relationship than wedding and marriage. D) Baptism and water show a relationship of use to tool, but baptism and water have a different relationship than wedding and marriage. ​ E) Party and birthday show a relationship of general to specific, but party and birthday have a different relationship than wedding and marriage.

Writing is to erase as A) budget is to exceed B) invitation is to refuse C) building is to demolish D) experiment is to fail E) appliance is to unplug

C) Just as writing and erase show a relationship of tendency "not," so too do building and demolish. They both show a relationship of tendency "not." INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Budget and exceed show a relationship of definitional relation "not," but budget and exceed have a different relationship than writing and erase. B) Invitation and refuse show a relationship of definitional relation "not," but invitation and refuse have a different relationship than writing and erase. D) Experiment and fail show a relationship of cause and effect, but experiment and fail have a different relationship than writing and erase. E) Appliance and unplug show a relationship of cause and effect, but appliance and unplug have a different relationship than writing and erase.

Asset is to valuable as A) nuance is to obvious B) poverty is to affluent C) anomaly is to irregular D) pardon is to innocent E) acclaim is to critical

C) Just the characteristic of an asset is that it is valuable, so too the characteristic of an anomaly is that it is irregular. Both pairs show relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Nuance and obvious show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than asset and valuable. B) Poverty and affluent are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than asset and valuable. D) Pardon and innocent are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than asset and valuable. E) Acclaim and critical are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than asset and valuable.

Fertilize is to grow as A) fret is to quell B) yield is to produce C) pinion is to restrain D) interrogate is to inquire E) supplement is to deduct

C) Pinion and restrain have the same relationship as fertilize and grow, which is cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Fret and quell are actions that represent a problem and solution. This is a different relationship from fertilize to grow, which is cause and effect. B) Yield and produce are synonymous. This is a different relationship from fertilize and grow, which is cause and effect. D) Interrogate describes a greater degree of intensity than inquire. This is a different relationship from fertilize and grow, which is cause and effect. E) Supplement and deduct are antonyms. This is a different relationship from fertilize and grow, which is cause and effect.

Complacent is to contentment as A) dull is to energy B) fickle is to loyalty C) nimble is to grace D) rude is to courtesy E) innocent is to experience

C) To be complacent is characterized by contentment just as nimble is to grace. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) One is not characterized by the other. B) One is not characterized by the other. D) One is not characterized by the other. E) One is not characterized by the other.

Sterilize is to pure as A) testify is to incredible B) adjust is to definite C) conceal is to hidden D) lighten is to weighty E) cope is to successful

C) When you sterilize something, you make it pure. Likewise, when you conceal something, you are making it hidden. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Testify and incredible have no direct relationship. B) When you adjust something, you could make it definite, but not necessarily. D) These are opposite in nature. E) Coping does not necessarily lead to one's becoming successful.

Conductor is to musician as A) mason is to stone B) attorney is to lawyer C) photographer is to lens D) pediatrician is to patient E) professor is to university

D) A patient is the recipient of healing from a pediatrician, just as a musician is the recipient of direction from a conductor. Both relationships show and actor and a recipient of the action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A mason works with stone as a material. This is a different relationship from conductor and musician, which is actor and recipient of the action. B) Attorney and lawyer denote the same role. This is a different relationship from conductor and musician, which is actor and recipient of the action. C) A photographer uses a lens as a tool. This is a different relationship from conductor and musician, which is actor and recipient of the action. E) The work environment of a professor is a university. This is a different relationship from conductor and musician, which is actor and recipient of the action.

Pseudonym is to name as A) snack is to meal B) sight is to vision C) pawn is to piece D) quack is to expert E) oasis is to island

D) A pseudonym is a false name just as a quack is a false expert. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A snack is a small meal. These do not have the same relationship as pseudonym and name have. B) These are the same. C) A pawn can be a piece in a chess game or someone used to set up or ensnare as in a trap. E) These do not have a direct relationship.

Consensus is to agree as A) paralysis is to move B) asylum is to protect C) placebo is to medicate D) exodus is to depart E) mandate is to obey

D) Exodus and depart are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than consensus and agree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Paralysis and move show a definitional relationship (paralysis is defined NOT being able to move), but this is a different relationship than consensus and agree. B) Just as the consensus and agree show a definitional relationship, so too do asylum and protect. C) Placebo and medicate show a relationship of tool/use, but this is a different relationship than consensus and agree. E) Mandate and obey are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than consensus and agree.

Impetuous is to haste as A) meek is to pride B) hectic is to leisure C) rigid is to flexibility D) notorious is to fame E) selfish is to generosity

D) Fame is characterized by being notorious just as haste is characterized by being impetuous. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) One is not characterized by the other. Often when one is meek, one does not have pride. B) One is not characterized by the other. In fact, these are opposites. C) These are opposite in nature. E) These are opposite in nature.

Wrist is to hand as A) knee is to joint B) boat is to lake C) spoke is to wheel D) hinge is to door E) shade is to window

D) Hinge and door show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than wrist and hand. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Knee and joint show a relationship of specific to general, but this is a different relationship than wrist and hand. B) Boat and lake show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than wrist and hand. C) Just as a wrist is a part of the hand, a spoke is a part of the wheel. They both show a relationship of part to whole. E) Shade and window show a relationship of NOT use to tool, but this is a different relationship than wrist and hand.

Benefactor is to support as A) champion is to victor B) passenger is to driver C) surgeon is to patient D) supervisor is to oversee E) consumer is to provider

D) Just as a benefactor's role is to support, a supervisor's role is to oversee. They both show a relationship of actor and action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Champion and victor show a relationship of synonyms, but champion and victor have a different relationship than benefactor and support. B) Passenger and driver show a relationship of antonyms, but passenger and driver have a different relationship than benefactor and support. C) Surgeon and patient show a relationship of actor and recipient of action, but surgeon and patient have a different relationship than benefactor and support. E) Consumer and provider show a relationship of antonyms, but consumer and provider have a different relationship than benefactor and support.

Boast is to pride as A) thank is to courtesy B) console is to grief C) request is to permission D) grumble is to dissatisfaction E) applaud is to performance

D) Just as a boast is an expression of pride, so too a grumble is an expression of dissatisfaction. Both pairs show a relationship of expression. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Thank and courtesy show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than boast and pride. B) Console and grief show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than boast and pride C) Request and permission show a relationship of cause/effect,, but this is a different relationship than boast and pride. E) Applaud and performance show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than boast and pride.

Borrower is to loan as A) sponsor is to support B) teller is to clerk C) seller is to buyer D) bookkeeper is to ledger E) executive is to business

D) Just as a borrower uses a loan, a bookkeeper uses a ledger. They both show the relationship of actor to object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Sponsor and support show a relationship of actor to action, but sponsor and support have a different relationship than borrower and loan. B) Teller and clerk show a relationship of synonyms, but teller and clerk have a different relationship than borrower and loan. C) Seller and buyer show a relationship of antonyms, but seller and buyer have a different relationship than borrower and loan. E) Executive and business show a relationship of actor to recipient of action. This is a different relationship than borrower and loan.

Census is to population as A) election is to government B) budget is to expenditure C) experiment is to theory D) inventory is to stock E) tax is to revenue

D) Just as a census is a count of the population, so too an inventory is a count of stock. Both pairs show a definitional relationship . INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Election and government show a relationship of cause/effect, but this is a different relationship than census and population. B) Budget and expenditure show a relationship of actor/recipient , but this is a different relationship than census and population. C) Experiment and theory show a relationship of cause/effect (the effect of an experiment is to prove or disprove a theory), but this is a different relationship than census and population. E) ax and revenue show a relationship of actor/object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than census and population .

Resident is to dwell as A) beneficiary is to donate B) ancestor is to inherit C) bachelor is to marry D) pedestrian is to walk E) disciple is to teach

D) Just as a resident dwells in a place, a pedestrian walks in a place. They both show a relationship of actor to action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Beneficiary and donate show a relationship of recipient to action, but this is a different relationship than resident and dwell. B) Ancestor and inherit show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than resident and dwell. C) Bachelor and marry show a relationship of NOT actor to action, but this is a different relationship than resident and dwell. E) Disciple and teach show a relationship of recipient to action, but this is a different relationship than resident and dwell.

Speedometer is to velocity as A) radar is to blip B) thermometer is to fever C) amplifier is to decibel D) odometer is to distance E) prism is to light

D) Just as a speedometer is used to measure velocity, an odometer is used to measure distance. They both show a relationship of tool to use. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Radar and blip show a relationship of expression, but this is a different relationship than speedometer and velocity. B) Thermometer and fever show a relationship of object acted upon to actor, but this is a different relationship than speedometer and velocity. C) Amplifier and decibel show a relationship of object acted upon to actor, but this is a different relationship than speedometer and velocity. E) Prism and light show a relationship of object acted upon to actor, but this is a different relationship than speedometer and velocity.

Avarice is to money as A) wealth is to fortune B) sloth is to sin C) anger is to fury D) gluttony is to food E) notoriety is to fame

D) Just as avarice and money show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do gluttony and food. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Wealth and fortune show a relationship of characteristic, but wealth and fortune have a different relationship than avarice and money. B) Sloth and sin show a relationship of cause and effect, but sloth and sin have a different relationship than avarice and money. C) Anger and fury show a relationship of comparative degree, but anger and fury have a different relationship than avarice and money. E) Notoriety and fame show a relationship of cause and effect, but notoriety and fame have a different relationship than avarice and money.

Barber is to scissors as A) farmer is to crop B) tailor is to garment C) baker is to oven D) sculptor is to chisel E) carpenter is to wood

D) Just as barber and scissors show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, so too do sculptor and chisel. They both show a relationship of actor to object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Farmer and crop show a relationship of actor to occupation, but farmer and crop have a different relationship than barber and scissors. B) Tailor and garment show a relationship of actor to occupation, but tailor and garment have a different relationship than barber and scissors. C) Baker and oven show a relationship of actor to occupation, but baker and oven have a different relationship than barber and scissors. E) Carpenter and wood show a relationship of actor to occupation, but carpenter and wood have a different relationship than barber and scissors.

Callous is to sensitive as A) afraid is to dangerous B) random is to fortunate C) contagious is to immune D) bogus is to genuine E) frigid is to cold

D) Just as callous is the opposite of sensitive, so too bogus is the opposite of genuine. Both pairs show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Afraid and dangerous show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than callous and sensitive. B) Random and fortunate are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than callous and sensitive. C) Contagious and immune are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than callous and sensitive. E) Frigid and cold are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than callous and sensitive.

Capture is to custody as A) correct is to error B) pardon is to innocence C) verify is to suspicion D) imperil is to jeopardy E) postpone is to patience

D) Just as capture and custody show a relationship of effect to cause, so too do imperil and jeopardy. They both show a relationship of flipped effect to cause. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Correct and error show a relationship of action to object acted upon, but correct and error have a different relationship than capture and custody. B) Pardon and innocence show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but pardon and innocence have a different relationship than capture and custody. C) Verify and suspicion show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but verify and suspicion have a different relationship than capture and custody. E) Postpone and patience show a relationship of tendency to characteristic, but postpone and patience have a different relationship than capture and custody.

Clientele is to customer as A) management is to company B) neighborhood is to city C) faculty is to student D) electorate is to voter E) audience is to performer

D) Just as clientele and customer show a relationship of synonyms, so too do electorate and voter. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Management and company show a relationship of part to whole, but management and company have a different relationship than clientele and customer. B) Neighborhood and city show a relationship of part to whole, but neighborhood and city have a different relationship than clientele and customer. C) Faculty and student show a relationship of antonyms, but faculty and student have a different relationship than clientele and customer. E) Audience and performer show a relationship of antonyms, but audience and performer have a different relationship than clientele and customer.

Criticize is to castigate as A) laugh is to amuse B) err is to forgive C) annoy is to bristle D) reject is to spurn E) damage is to repair

D) Just as criticize and castigate show a relationship of synonyms, so too do reject and spurn. They both show a relationship of synonyms.​ INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Laugh and amuse show a relationship of expression, but laugh and amuse have a different relationship than criticize and castigate. B) Err and forgive show a relationship of cause and effect, but err and forgive have a different relationship than criticize and castigate. C) Annoy and bristle show a relationship of cause and effect, but annoy and bristle have a different relationship than criticize and castigate. E) Damage and repair show a relationship of antonyms, but damage and repair have a different relationship than criticize and castigate.

Deter is to encourage as A) borrow is to buy B) hoard is to amass C) harass is to complain D) extinguish is to ignite E) remind is to forget

D) Just as deter and encourage show a relationship of antonyms, so too do extinguish and ignite. They both show a relationship of antonyms.<span style="font-familyhelvetica neue,helvetica,arial,sans-serif">​</span> INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Borrow and buy show a relationship of tendency, but borrow and buy have a different relationship than deter and encourage. B) Hoard and amass show a relationship of synonyms, but hoard and amass have a different relationship than deter and encourage. C) Harass and complain show a relationship of cause and effect, but harass and complain have a different relationship than deter and encourage. E) Remind and forget show a relationship of NOT tendency as once reminded you do NOT have a tendency to forget.

Fodder is to feed as A) brooch is to pin B) radiator is to cool C) glue is to repair D) fertilizer is to grow E) brake is to accelerate

D) Just as fodder and feed show a relationship of tool to use, so too do fertilizer and grow. They both show a relationship of tool to use. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Brooch and pin show a relationship of definitional relation, but brooch and pin have a different relationship than fodder and feed. B) Radiator and cool show a relationship of tendency "not," but radiator and cool have a different relationship than fodder and feed. C) Glue and repair show a relationship of actor to action, but glue and repair have a different relationship than fodder and feed. E) Brake and accelerate show a relationship of tendency "not," but brake and accelerate have a different relationship than fodder and feed.

Hungry is to ravenous as A) tiresome is to weary B) fragile is to broken C) friendly is to aloof D) happy is to jubilant E) generous is to needy

D) Just as hungry and ravenous show a relationship of degree of intensity, so too do happy and jubilant. They both show a relationship of degree of intensity. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Tiresome and weary show a relationship of cause and effect, but tiresome and weary have a different relationship than hungry and ravenous. B) Fragile and broken show a relationship of tendency, but fragile and broken have a different relationship than hungry and ravenous. C) Friendly and aloof show a relationship of antonyms, but friendly and aloof have a different relationship than hungry and ravenous. E) Generous and needy show a relationship of antonyms, but generous and needy have a different relationship than hungry and ravenous.

Invade is to enter as A) promote is to hire B) construct is to destroy C) contribute is to give D) dislodge is to remove E) require is to need

D) Just as invade and enter show a relationship of specific/general, so too do dislodge and remove. They both show a relationship of specific/general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Promote and hire show a relationship of cause to effect, but promote and hire have a different relationship than invade and enter. B) Construct and destroy show a relationship of antonyms, but construct and destroy have a different relationship than invade and enter. C) Contribute and give show a relationship of synonyms, but contribute and give have a different relationship than invade and enter. E) Require and need show a relationship of synonyms, but require and need have a different relationship than invade and enter.

Plausible is to believe as A) arrogant is to presume B) inquisitive is to question C) cryptic is to understand D) conspicuous is to notice E) jocular is to amuse

D) Just as plausible and believe show a relationship of tendency, so too do conspicuous and notice. They both show a relationship of tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Arrogant and presume show a relationship of definitional relation, but arrogant and presume have a different relationship than plausible and believe. B) Inquisitive and question show a relationship of definitional relation, but inquisitive and question have a different relationship than plausible and believe. C) Cryptic and understand show a relationship of definitional relation "not," but cryptic and understand have a different relationship than plausible and believe. E) Jocular and amuse show a relationship of cause and effect, but jocular and amuse have a different relationship than plausible and believe.

Revive is to consciousness as A) react is to stimulus B) replace is to damage C) relinquish is to claim D) reassure is to confidence E) relieve is to suffering

D) Just as revive can cause consciousness to return, reassure can cause confidence to return. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) React and stimulus show a relationship of action to recipient, but this is a different relationship than revive and consciousness. B) Replace and damage show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than revive and consciousness. C) Relinquish and claim show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than revive and consciousness. E) Relieve and suffering show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than revive and consciousness.

Saga is to story as A) myth is to reality B) stanza is to verse C) scandal is to gossip D) odyssey is to journey E) goal is to endeavor

D) Just as saga and story show a relationship of synonyms, so too do odyssey and journey. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Myth and reality show a relationship of antonyms, but myth and reality have a different relationship than saga and story. B) Stanza and verse show a relationship of specific to general, but stanza and verse have a different relationship than saga and story. C) Scandal and gossip show a relationship of cause and effect, but scandal and gossip have a different relationship than saga and story. E) Goal and endeavor show a relationship of specific to general, but goal and endeavor have a different relationship than saga and story.

Bogus is to falsehood as A) confused is to clarity B) stifling is to airiness C) solitary is to connection D) sprawling is to width E) complex is to simplicity

D) Just as something bogus is characterized by falsehood, something sprawling is characterized by width. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Something confused lacks clarity, whereas something bogus is characterized by falsehood. B) Something stifling lacks airiness, whereas something bogus is characterized by falsehood. C) Something solitary lacks connection, whereas something bogus is characterized by falsehood. E) Something complex lacks simplicity, whereas something bogus is characterized by falsehood.

Disparate is to difference as A) secret is to fame B) uniform is to contrast C) exciting is to flatness D) importance is to meaning E) similar is to variety

D) Just as something disparate is characterized by difference, so something important is characterized by meaning. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Something secret lacks fame, whereas something disparate is characterized by difference. B) Something uniform lacks contrast, whereas something disparate is characterized by difference. C) Something exciting lacks flatness, whereas something disparate is characterized by difference. E) Something similar lacks variety, whereas something disparate is characterized by difference.

Imprison is to custody as A) quarantine is to disease B) hoard is to surplus C) disgrace is to dignity D) endanger is to jeopardy E) arrive is to destination

D) Just as taking someone into custody has the effect of imprisoning, so too putting someone in jeopardy is to endanger him or her. Both pairs show a relationship of effect/cause. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Quarantine and disease show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than imprison and custody. B) Hoard and surplus show a relationship of cause/effect, but this is a different relationship than imprison and custody. C) Disgrace and dignity show a relationship of cause/effect (disgracing someone has the effect of taking away his or her dignity), but this is a different relationship than imprison and custody. E) Arrive and destination show a relationship of action/object acted upon, but this is a different relationship than imprison and custody.

Tart is to bitter as A) identical is to different B) shifting is to stable C) callous is to uncaring D) sufficient is to enough E) rehearsed is to unprepared

D) Just as tart and bitter show the relationship of synonyms, so too do sufficient and enough. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Identical and different show a relationship of antonyms, but identical and different have a different relationship than tart and bitter. B) Shifting and stable show a relationship of antonyms, but shifting and stable have a different relationship than tart and bitter. C) Callous and uncaring show a relationship of degrees, but callous and uncaring have a different relationship than tart and bitter. E) Rehearsed and unprepared show a relationship of antonyms, but rehearsed and unprepared have a different relationship than tart and bitter.

Dilute is to weak as A) hush is to loud B) dim is to bright C) elevate is to small D) exhaust is to tired E) endanger is to safe

D) Just as to dilute is to make something weak, to exhaust is to make something or someone tired. These pairs both have a cause and effect relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) To dilute is to make something weak; these words have a cause and effect relationship. However, to hush is not to make something loud. These pairs do not have the same relationship. B) To dilute is to make something weak; these words have a cause and effect relationship. However, to dim is not to make something bright. These pairs do not have the same relationship. C) To dilute is to make something weak; these words have a cause and effect relationship. However, to elevate is not to make something small. These pairs do not have the same relationship. E) To dilute is to make something weak; these words have a cause and effect relationship. However, to endanger is not to make something safe. These pairs do not have the same relationship.

Yacht is to boat as A) portrait is to sketch B) constellation is to star C) tragedy is to drama D) banquet is to meal E) palace is to royalty

D) Just as yacht and boat show a relationship of specific to general, banquet and meal show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Portrait and sketch show a relationship of object acted upon/action, but portrait and sketch have a different relationship than yacht and boat. B) Constellation and star show a relationship of whole/part, but constellation and star show a different relationship than yacht and boat. C) Tragedy and drama show a relationship of definitional relation, but tragedy and drama have a different relationship than yacht and boat. E) Palace and royalty show a relationship of location/circumstance, but palace and royalty have a different relationship than yacht and boat.

Fastidious is to finicky as B) clumsy is to dexterous C) talkative is to friendly D) valued is to scorned E) direct is to ambiguous F) treasured is to precious


Oblivious is to awareness as A) devout is to religion B) destructive is to ruin C) dominant is to control D) impeccable is to flaw E) obsolete is to disuse

D) Just someone oblivious is defined as NOT having awareness, so too someone impeccable is defined as NOT having flaws. Both pairs show a definitional relationship. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Devout and religion show a relationship of antonyms, but this is a different relationship than oblivious and aware. B) Destructive and ruin are related to the category of listening, but this is a different relationship than oblivious and aware. C) Dominant and control are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than oblivious and aware. E) Obsolete and flaw are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than oblivious and aware.

Decade is to century as A) silk is to cocoon B) film is to theater C) boot is to shoe D) lane is to highway E) chicken is to fowl

D) Lane and highway show a relationship of part to whole, so too do decade and century. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Silk and cocoon show a relationship of location. Silk and cocoon have a different relationship than decade and century. B) Film and theater show a relationship of location. Film and theater have a different relationship than decade and century. C) Boot and shoe show a relationship of specific to general. Boot and shoe have a different relationship than decade and century. E) Chicken and fowl show a relationship of specific to general. Chicken and fowl have a different relationship than decade and century.

Pastoral is to charming A) orthodox is to unusual B) flimsy is to unbreakable C) languid is to energetic D) pinnacle is to peak E) phenomenal is to ordinary

D) Pinnacle and peak are synonyms, just as pastoral and charming are synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Orthodox and unusual are antonyms, whereas pastoral and charming mean the same thing. B) Flimsy and unbreakable are antonyms, whereas pastoral and charming are synonyms. C) Languid and energetic are antonyms, whereas pastoral and charming are synonyms. E) Phenomenal and ordinary are antonyms, whereas pastoral and charming are synonyms.

Allay is to subside as A) affix is to fasten B) wilt is to hydrate C) fetter is to liberate D) deceive is to obscure E) quibble is to fight

D) To allay causes something to subside, as to deceive causes something to be obscured. Both relationships are cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Affix and fasten are synonymous. This is a different relationship from allay and subside, which is cause and effect. B) Wilt and hydrate describe a problem and solution. This is a different relationship from allay and subside, which is cause and effect. C) Fetter and liberate are antonyms. This is a different relationship from allay and subside, which is cause and effect. E) Quibble denotes a lesser degree of arguing than fight. This is a different relationship from allay and subside, which is cause and effect.

Contribute is to accrue as A) cede is to resist B) nudge is to coerce C) entreat is to plead D) deride is to dispirit E) inundate is to prioritize

D) To deride causes someone to be dispirited, just as to contribute causes something to be accrued. Both relationships show cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) To cede (give in) is the opposite of to resist. This is a different relationship from contribute and accrue, which is cause and effect. B) To nudge is a lesser degree of persuasion than to coerce. This is a different relationship from contribute and accrue, which is cause and effect. C) Entreat and plead denote the same action. This is a different relationship from contribute and accrue, which is cause and effect. E) Inundate and prioritize show a relationship between problem and solution. This is different from contribute and accrue, which is cause and effect.

Waiter is to patron as A) chef is to cook B) teller is to bank C) electrician is to wire D) carpenter is to bookshelf E) broadcaster is to listeners

E) A broadcaster transmits messages that the listeners receive, just as a waiter provides service that a patron receives. Both relationships show an actor and the recipient of the action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A chef and a cook play similar roles in that both prepare food. This is a different relationship from waiter and patron, which is actor and recipient. B) The work environment of a teller is a bank. This is a different relationship from waiter and patron, which is actor and recipient. C) An electrician works with wires. This is a different relationship from waiter and patron, which is actor and recipient. D) A carpenter creates a bookshelf. This is a different relationship from waiter and patron, which is actor and recipient.

Botanist is to plant as A) baker is to kitchen B) blacksmith is to anvil C) physicist is to scientist D) performer is to thespian E) accountant is to budget

E) A budget is the object of an accountant's actions, just as a plant is the object of a botanist's actions. Both relationships show an actor and an object acted upon. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A baker works in a kitchen. This is a different relationship from botanist and plant, which is actor and the object of the action. B) A blacksmith uses an anvil as a tool. This is a different relationship from botanist and plant, which is actor and the object of the action. C) A physicist is a type of scientist. This is a different relationship from botanist and plant, which is actor and the object of the action. D) A performer and thespian play similar roles in that both act on a stage. This is a different relationship from botanist and plant, which is actor and the object of the action.

Choreographer is to dancer as A) pilot is to airport B) bricklayer is to cement C) violinist is to symphony D) ecologist is to naturalist E) attorney is to defendant

E) An attorney acts to guide and direct a defendant, just as a choreographer acts to direct a dancer. Both relationships show an actor and recipient of the action. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A pilot works in the environment of an airport. This is a different relationship from choreographer and dancer, which is of an actor (choreographer) giving direction to a recipient (dancer). B) A bricklayer uses cement to perform a job. This is a different relationship from choreographer and dancer, which is of an actor (choreographer) giving direction to a recipient (dancer). C) A violinist is a member of a symphony. This is a different relationship from choreographer and dancer, which is of an actor (choreographer) giving direction to a recipient (dancer). D) An ecologist and a naturalist play similar roles in that both study the environment. This is a different relationship from choreographer and dancer, which is of an actor (choreographer) giving direction to a recipient (dancer).

Corpulent is to fat as A) real is to actual B) slender is to slim C) ailing is to sickly D) sturdy is to strong E) dazzling is to bright

E) Corpulent is very fat as dazzling is very bright. This is a relationship of degree. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Real and actual are synonymous. B) Slender and slim are synonymous. C) Ailing and sickly are synonymous. D) Sturdy and strong are synonymous.

Hermit is to reclusive as A) charlatan is to gullible B) vagabond is to stable C) witness is to truthful D) descendant is to proud E) turncoat is to disloyal

E) Just a hermit is defined by being reclusive, so too a turncoat is defined as being disloyal. Both pairs show a definitional relationship INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Charlatan and gullible show a definitional relationship (a charlatan takes advantage of people who are gullible) , but this is a different relationship than hermit and reclusive. B) Vagabond and stable show a definitional relationship (a vagabond is NOT stable), but this is a different relationship than hermit and reclusive. C) Witness and truthful show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than hermit and reclusive. D) Descendant and proud show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than hermit and reclusive..

Chain is to pulley as A) paddle is to sail B) money is to currency C) elevator is to skyscraper D) hotel is to accommodation E) pane is to window

E) Just as a chain is part of a pulley, so too a pane is part of a window. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Paddle and sail are both used for boats. This is a different relationship than chain and pulley, in which a chain is part of a pulley. B) Money and currency are synonyms, whereas a chain is part of a pulley. C) An elevator is a tool used to go up a skyscraper, whereas a chain is a part of a pulley. D) Hotel and accommodation have a relationship of specific to general, whereas chain and pulley are related as part to whole.

Diploma is to graduation as A) recital is to poetry B) trophy is to medal C) agenda is to meeting D) ticket is to event E) crown is to coronation

E) Just as a diploma is given in ceremony at a graduation, a crown is given in ceremony at a coronation. Both show a relationship of circumstance. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Recital and poetry show a relationship of tendency, but this is a different relationship than diploma and graduation. B) Trophy and medal show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than diploma and graduation. C) Agenda and meeting show a relationship of part to whole, but this is a different relationship than diploma and graduation. D) Ticket and event show a relationship of part to whole, but this is a different relationship than diploma and graduation.

Femur is to bone as A) blood is to vessel B) strength is to muscle C) joint is to limb D) tendon is to leg E) kidney is to organ

E) Just as a femur is a type of bone, so too a kidney is a type of organ. Both pairs show a relationship of specific/general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Blood and vessel show a relationship of recipient of action/actor (as blood moves through a vessel), but this is a different relationship than femur and bone. B) Strength and muscle show a relationship of effect/cause, but this is a different relationship than femur and bone. C) Joint and limb show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than femur and bone. D) Tendon and leg show a relationship of part/whole, but this is a different relationship than femur and bone.

Grade is to transcript as A) rung is to step B) paintbrush is to art C) picture is to illustration D) napkin is to mouth E) paragraph is to chapter

E) Just as a grade is part of a transcript a paragraph is part of chapter. They both show a relationship of part to whole. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Rung and step show a relationship of synonyms, but rung and step have a different relationship than grade to transcript. B) A paintbrush and art show a relationship of tool to use, but paintbrush and art have a different relationship than grade to transcript. C) Picture and illustration show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than grade to transcript. D) Napkin and mouth show a relationship of tool to use, but have a different relationship than grade to transcript.

Legend is to story as A) fashion is to trend B) drama is to plot C) rumor is to gossip D) custom is to practice E) icon is to hero

E) Just as a legend is a type of story, so too an icon is a type of hero. Both pairs show a relationship of specific/general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Fashion and trend are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than legend and story. B) Drama and plot show a relationship of whole/part, but this is a different relationship than legend and story. C) Rumor and gossip are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than legend and story. D) Custom and practice are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than legend and story.

Appalling is to dismay A) gloomy is to cheer B) antiquated is to ancient C) shameful is to honorable D) squawking is to boisterous E) tiresome is to weariness

E) Just as appalling and dismay show the relationship of cause and effect, so too do tiresome and weariness. They both show the relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Gloomy and cheer show a relationship of antonyms, but gloomy and cheer have a different relationship than appalling and dismay. B) Antiquated and ancient show a relationship of synonyms, but antiquated and ancient have a different relationship than appalling and dismay. C) Shameful and honorable show a relationship of antonyms, but shameful and honorable have a different relationship than appalling and dismay. D) Squawking is to boisterous show the relationship of specific to general, but squawking and boisterous have a different relationship than appalling and dismay.

Relocate is to readjust as A) wane is to diminish B) rupture is to repair C) wend is to meander D) conceal is to display E) articulate is to understand

E) Just as articulate leads one to understand, showing a relationship of cause to effect, so too do relocate and readjust. Both relationships are cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Wane and diminish show a relationship of synonyms, which is a different relationship from relocate to readjust. B) Rupture and repair show a relationship of antonyms, which is a different relationship from relocate to readjust. C) Wend and meander show a relationship of synonyms, which is a different relationship from relocate to readjust. D) Conceal and display show a relationship of antonyms, which is a different relationship from relocate to readjust.

Atrocious is to shocking as A) costly is to expensive B) neglected is to protected C) neighboring is to distant D) pleasant is to fragrant E) wretched is to unhappy

E) Just as atrocious is extremely shocking, so too wretched is extremely unhappy. Both pairs show a relationship of degrees. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Costly and expensive show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than atrocious and shocking, which is a relationship of degrees. B) Neglected and protected show a relationship of antonyms. This is a different relationship than atrocious and shocking which is a relationship of degrees. C) Neighboring and distant show a relationship of antonyms. This is a different relationship than atrocious and shocking, which is a relationship of degrees. D) Pleasant and fragrant show a relationship of characteristic. This is a different relationship than atrocious and shocking, which is a relationship of degrees.

Authorize is to forbid as A) employ is to use B) digest is to absorb C) illustrate is to show D) persist is to succeed E) hinder is to encourage

E) Just as authorize and forbid show the relationship of antonyms, so do hinder and encourage. They both show the relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Employ and use show a relationship of synonyms, but employ and use have a different relationship than authorize and forbid. B) Digest and absorb show a relationship of synonyms, but digest and absorb have a different relationship than authorize and forbid. C) Illustrate and show show a relationship of synonyms, but illustrate and show have a different relationship than authorize and forbid. D) Persist and succeed show a relationship of cause and effect, but persist and succeed have a different relationship than authorize and forbid.

Bother is to annoyance as A) flatter is to praise B) reprimand is to rebuke C) vanish is to disappearance D) implore is to beseech E) trespass is to punishment

E) Just as bother and annoyance show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do trespass and punishment. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Flatter and praise show a relationship of a tendency or characteristic, but flatter and praise have a different relationship than bother and annoyance. B) Reprimand and rebuke show a relationship of synonyms, but reprimand and rebuke have a different relationship than bother and annoyance. C) Vanish and disappearance show a relationship of definitional relation, but vanish and disappearance have a different relationship than bother and annoyance. D) Implore and beseech show a relationship of synonyms, but implore and beseech have a different relationship than bother and annoyance.

Gala is to festivity as A) intermission is to continuation B) lock is to vault C) labor is to leisure D) manager is to staff E) ceremony is to formality

E) Just as ceremony and formality show a relationship of characteristic, so too do gala and festivity. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Intermission and continuation show a relationship of antonyms, but intermission and continuation have a different relationship than gala and festivity. B) Lock and vault show a relationship of part to whole, but lock and vault have a different relationship than gala and festivity. C) Labor and leisure show a relationship of antonyms, but labor and leisure have a different relationship than gala and festivity. D) Manager and staff show a relationship of actor/recipient of action, but manager and staff have a different relationship than gala and festivity.

Diplomatic is to tact as A) ambivalent is to decision B) radical is to tradition C) mundane is to celebration D) punitive is to verdict E) venturesome is to boldness

E) Just as diplomatic and tact show a relationship of definitional relation, so too does venturesome and boldness. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Ambivalent is not a characteristic of decision, but ambivalent and decision have a different relationship than diplomatic and tact. B) Radical is not a characteristic of tradition, but radical and tradition have a different relationship than diplomatic and tact. C) Mundane is not a characteristic of celebration, but mundane and celebration have a different relationship than diplomatic and tact. D) Punitive and verdict show a relationship of effect to cause, but punitive and verdict have a different relationship than diplomatic and tact.

Divulge is to public as A) adorn is to plain B) avoid is to inevitable C) comply is to obedient D) trust is to suspicious E) rectify is to right

E) Just as divulge and public show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do rectify and right. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Adorn and plain show a relationship of tendency "not," but adorn and plain have a different relationship than divulge and public. B) Avoid and inevitable show a relationship of tendency "not," but avoid and inevitable have a different relationship than divulge and public. C) Comply and obedient show a relationship of definitional relation, but comply and obedient have a different relationship than divulge and public. D) Trust and suspicious show a relationship of tendency "not," but trust and suspicious have a different relationship than divulge and public.

Drudgery is to work as A) flower is to sun B) comedy is to film C) quote is to speech D) efficiency is to inability E) condemnation is to criticism

E) Just as drudgery and work show a relationship of degrees, so too do condemnation and criticism. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A flower needs the sun to grow. This is a different relationship than drudgery and work, which is one of degrees since drudgery is very difficult or boring work. B) A comedy is a type of film. This is a different relationship than drudgery and work, which is one of degrees since drudgery is very difficult or boring work. C) Quote and speech are synonyms, whereas drudgery and work show a relationship of degrees since drudgery is very difficult or boring work. D) Efficiency and inability are antonyms whereas drudgery and work show a relationship of degrees since drudgery is very difficult or boring work.

Enliven is to uplift as A) entice is to repel B) interested to engrossed C) hinder is to delay D) confound is to clarify E) encourage is to support

E) Just as encourage and support have similar meanings, so do enliven and uplift. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Entice and repel show a relationship of antonyms, but entice and repel have a different relationship than enliven and uplift. B) Interested and engrossed show a relationship of degrees (greater degree of attention), but interested and engrossed have a different relationship than enliven and uplift. C) Hinder and delay show a relationship of cause and effect, but hinder and delay have a different relationship than enliven and uplift. D) Confound and clarify show a relationship of antonyms, but confound and clarify have a different relationship than enliven and uplift.

Exotic is to strangeness as A) faithful is to doubt B) accidental is to fortune C) outrageous is to sense D) forgetful is to forgotten E) spontaneous is to impulse

E) Just as exotic and strangeness show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do spontaneous and impulse. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Faithful and doubt show a relationship of tendency "not," but faithful and doubt have a different relationship than exotic and strangeness. B) Accidental and fortune show a relationship of characteristic, but accidental and fortune have a different relationship than exotic and strangeness. C) Outrageous and sense show a relationship of tendency "not," but outrageous and sense have a different relationship than exotic and strangeness. D) Forgetful and forgotten show a relationship of tendency, but forgetful and forgotten have a different relationship than exotic and strangeness.

Flirt is to courtship as A) concede is to argument B) achieve is to purpose C) compete is to victory D) exchange is to merchandise E) banter is to conversation

E) Just as flirt and courtship show a relationship of specific to general, banter and conversation show a relationship of specific to general. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Concede and argument show a relationship of action/object acted upon, but concede and victory have a different relationship than flirt and courtship. B) Achieve and purpose show a relationship of cause and effect, but achieve and purpose have a different relationship than flirt and courtship. C) Compete and victory show a relationship of cause and effect, but compete and victory have a different relationship than flirt and courtship. D) Exchange and merchandise have a relationship of action/object acted upon, but exchange and merchandise have a different relationship than flirt and courtship.

Emancipate is to liberate as A) disembark is to board B) misdeed and reprimand C) jest is to laughter D) economize is to waste E) germinate is to sprout

E) Just as germinate and sprout show the relationship of synonyms, so do emancipate and liberate. They both show the relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Disembark and board show a relationship of antonyms, but disembark and board have a different relationship than emancipate and liberate. B) Misdeed and reprimand show a relationship of cause and effect, but misdeed and reprimand have a different relationship than emancipate and liberate. C) Jest and laughter show a relationship of cause and effect, but jest and laughter have a different relationship than emancipate and liberate. D) Economize and waste show a relationship of antonyms, but economize and enhance have a different relationship than emancipate and liberate.

Insomnia is to sleep as A) amnesty is to pardon B) insolence is to anger C) equilibrium is to balance D) phobia is to fear E) amnesia is to memory

E) Just as insomnia tends to come from a lack of sleep, amnesia comes from a lack of memory. They both show a relationship of tendency. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Amnesty and pardon show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than insomnia and sleep. B) Insolence and anger show a relationship of cause and effect, but this is a different relationship than insomnia and sleep. C) Equilibrium and balance show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than insomnia and sleep. D) Phobia and fear show a relationship of synonyms, but this is a different relationship than insomnia and sleep.

Merciful is to clemency as A) amorous is to jealousy B) culpable is to condemnation C) fastidious is to satisfaction D) privileged is to resentment E) contrite is to remorse

E) Just as merciful and clemency show a relationship of characteristic, so too do contrite and remorse. They both show a relationship of characteristic. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Amorous and jealousy show a relationship of cause and effect, but amorous and jealousy have a different relationship than merciful and clemency. B) Culpable and condemnation show a relationship of cause and effect, but culpable and condemnation have a different relationship than merciful and clemency. C) Fastidious and satisfaction show a relationship of cause and effect "not," but fastidious and satisfaction have a different relationship than merciful and clemency. D) Privileged and resentment show a relationship of cause and effect, but privileged and resentment have a different relationship than merciful and clemency.

Monotone is to voice as A) wind is to damage B) power is to electricity C) generate is to abolish D) hurricane is to tornado E) humorous is to comedy

E) Just as monotone and voice show a relationship of specific to general, so too do humorous and comedy. They both show a relationship of specific to general INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Wind and damage show a relationship of cause and effect, but wind and damage have a different relationship than monotone and voice. B) Power and electricity show a relationship of synonyms, but power and electricity have a different relationship than monotone and voice. C) Generate and abolish show a relationship of antonyms, but generate and abolish have a different relationship than monotone and voice. D) Violation and repercussion show a relationship of cause and effect, but violation and repercussion have a different relationship than monotone and voice.

Novel is to fictional as A) essay is to philosophical B) treatise is to theological C) pamphlet is to political D) tragedy is to historical E) memoir is to autobiographical

E) Just as novel and fictional show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do memoir and autobiographical. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Essay and philosophical show a relationship of characteristic tendency, but essay and philosophical have a different relationship than novel and fictional. B) Treatise and theological show a relationship of characteristic tendency, but treatise and theological have a different relationship than novel and fictional. C) Pamphlet and political show a relationship of characteristic tendency, but pamphlet and political have a different relationship than novel and fictional. D) Tragedy and historical show a relationship of cause and effect, but tragedy and historical have a different relationship than novel and fictional.

Sculpt is to metal as A) disk is to grind B) student is to study C) baton is to direct D) cashier is to calculate E) orchestrate is to symphony

E) Just as orchestrate and symphony show the relationship of action and the object acted upon, so do sculpt and metal. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Disk and grind show a relationship of a tool to use, so this is a different relationship than sculpt and metal. B) Student and study show a relationship of actor to action, but student and study have a different relationship than sculpt and metal. C) Baton and direct show a relationship of a tool to use, but baton and direct have a different relationship than sculpt and metal. D) Cashier and calculate show a relationship of actor to action, but cashier and calculate have a different relationship than sculpt and metal.

Peddler is to merchant as A) patron is to artist B) juggler is to circus C) courier is to message D) plaintiff is to attorney E) troubadour is to singer

E) Just as peddler and merchant show a relationship of synonyms, so too do troubadour and singer. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Patron and artist show a relationship of recipient of action to actor, but patron and artist have a different relationship than peddler and merchant. B) Juggler and circus show a relationship of actor to recipient of action, but juggler and circus have a different relationship than peddler and merchant. C) Courier and message show a relationship of actor to object acted upon, but courier and message have a different relationship than peddler and merchant. D) Plaintiff and attorney show a relationship of actor to recipient of action, but plaintiff and attorney have a different relationship than peddler and merchant.​

Accentuate is to emphasize as A) defy is to agree B) compose is to build C) collapse is to decline D) exchange is to keep E) reduce is to decrease

E) Just as reduce and decrease show a relationship of synonyms, so do accentuate and emphasize. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Defy and agree show a relationship of antonyms, but defy and agree have a different relationship than accentuate and emphasize. B) Compose and build show a relationship of specific to general, but compose and build have a different relationship than accentuate and emphasize. C) Collapse and fall show a relationship of degree, but collapse and fall have a different relationship than accentuate and emphasize. D) To exchange and to keep show a relationship of antonyms, but exchange and keep have a different relationship than accentuate and emphasize.

Relinquish is to retain as A) travel is to voyage B) debate is to argue C) conclude is to finish D) divide is to separate E) recollect is to forget

E) Just as relinquish is to retain, so recollect is to forget. Both pairs show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Travel and voyage show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than relinquish and retain, which is one of antonyms. B) Debate and argue show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than relinquish and retain, which is one of antonyms. C) Conclude and finish show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than relinquish and retain, which is one of antonyms. D) Divide and separate show a relationship of synonyms. This is a different relationship than relinquish and retain, which is one of antonyms.

Remote is to accessible as A) adept is to proficient B) partial is to biased C) tepid is to blistering D) impersonal is to detached E) diplomatic is to impolite

E) Just as remote and accessible show the relationship of antonyms, so too do diplomatic and impolite. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Adept and proficient show the relationship of synonyms, but adept and proficient have a different relationship than remote and accessible. B) Partial and biased show the relationship of synonyms, but partial and biased have a different relationship than remote and accessible. C) Tepid (warm) and blistering (very hot) show a relationship of degree, tepid and blistering have a different relationship than remote and accessible. D) Impersonal and detached show the relationship of synonyms, but impersonal and detached have a different relationship than remote and accessible.

Shell is to egg as A) seed is to apple B) glove is to mitten C) arm is to leg D) planet is to Sun E) skull is to brain

E) Just as shell and egg show a relationship of actor to recipient, so too do skull and brain. They both show the relationship of actor to recipient. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Seed and apple show a relationship of part to whole, but seed and apple have a different relationship than shell and egg. B) Glove and mitten show a relationship of synonyms, but glove and mitten have a different relationship than shell and egg. C) Arm and leg show a relationship circumstance to location, but arm and leg have a different relationship than shell and egg. D) Planet and sun show a relationship circumstance to location, but planet and sun have a different relationship than shell and egg.​

Dental is to tooth as A) ablaze is to fire B) epic is to poetry C) captive is to cage D) trivial is to detail E) floral is to flower

E) Just as something dental pertains to a tooth, something floral pertains to a flower. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Ablaze and fire show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than dental and tooth. B) Epic and poetry show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than dental and tooth. C) Captive and cage show a relationship of use to tool, but this is a different relationship than dental and tooth. D) Trivial and detail show a relationship of characteristic, but this is a different relationship than dental and tooth.

Minuscule is to small as A) extreme is to moderate B) vertical is to tall C) mythic is to epic D) recent is to nearby E) precipitous is to steep

E) Just as something minuscule is extremely small, so too something precipitous is extremely steep.. Both pairs show a relationship of degree or intensity. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Extreme and moderate are antonyms, but this is a different relationship than minuscule and small. B) Vertical and tall are related to the category of height, but this is a different relationship than miniuscule and small. C) Mythic and epic are synonyms, but this is a different relationship than minuscule and small. Rationale C- not a category, perhaps characteristic/ tendency here, Rationale D- not a category, perhaps characteristic/tendency here. D) Recent and nearby show a relationship of characteristic (something recent is generally nearby (in time or space), but this is a different relationship than minuscule and small.

Sponsor is to funding as A) guest is to hospitality B) mediator is to conflict C) dignitary is to rank D) avenger is to injustice E) muse is to inspiration

E) Just as sponsor and funding show a relationship of definitional relation, muse and inspiration show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Guest and hospitality show a relationship of recipient/actor, guest and hospitality have a different relationship than sponsor and funding. B) Mediator is to conflict show a relationship of actor/occupation, but mediator and conflict have a different relationship than sponsor and funding. C) Dignitary and rank show a relationship of specific/general, but dignitary and rank have a different relationship than sponsor and funding. D) Avenger and injustice show a relationship of effect/cause, but avenger and injustice have a different relationship than sponsor and funding.

Taciturn is to speak as A) fragile is to break B) belligerent is to fight C) facetious is to laugh D) elusive is to capture E) skeptical is to believe

E) Just as taciturn and speak show a relationship of antonyms, so too do skeptical and believe. They both show a relationship of antonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Fragile and break show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but fragile and break have a different relationship than taciturn and speak. B) Belligerent and fight show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but belligerent and fight have a different relationship than taciturn and speak. C) Facetious and laugh show a relationship of characteristic to tendency, but facetious and laugh have a different relationship than taciturn and speak. D) Elusive and capture show a relationship of characteristic to tendency "not," but elusive and capture have a different relationship than taciturn and speak.​

Tranquil is to serene as A) cordial is to aloof B) distinct is to unclear C) frivolous is to sensible D) apparent is to invisible E) encouraging is to reassuring

E) Just as tranquil and serene show a relationship of synonyms, so too do encouraging and reassuring. They both show a relationship of synonyms. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Cordial and aloof show the relationship of antonyms, but cordial and aloof is a different relationship than tranquil and serene. B) Distinct and unclear show the relationship of antonyms, but distinct and unclear have a different relationship than tranquil and serene. C) Frivolous and sensible show the relationship of antonyms, but frivolous and sensible have a different relationship than tranquil and serene. D) Opaque and invisible show the relationship of degree, but opaque and invisible have a different relationship than tranquil and serene.

Umbrella is to soak as A) lantern is to see B) roof is to protect C) glove is to handle D) sunshine is to bleach E) shield is to wound

E) Just as umbrella and soak show a relationship of cause and effect, shield and wound show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Lantern and see show a relationship of tool/use, but lantern and see have a different relationship than umbrella and soak. B) Roof and protect show a relationship of tool/use, but roof and tool have a different relationship than umbrella and soak. C) Glove and handle show a relationship of tool/use, but glove and handle have a different relationship than umbrella and soak. D) Sunshine and bleach show a relationship of actor/action, but sunshine and bleach have a different relationship than umbrella and soak.

Versatile is to adapt as A) unaware is to notify B) bankrupt is to repay C) reticent is to speak D) strenuous is to exert E) buoyant is to float

E) Just as versatile and adapt show a relationship of cause and effect, so too do buoyant and float. They both show a relationship of cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Unaware and notify show a relationship of tendency "not," but unaware and notify have a different relationship than versatile and adapt. B) Bankrupt and repay show a relationship of tendency "not," but bankrupt and repay have a different relationship than versatile and adapt. C) Reticent and speak show a relationship of tendency "not," but reticent and speak have a different relationship than versatile and adapt. D) Strenuous and exert show a relationship of tendency, but strenuous and exert have a different relationship than versatile and adapt.

Vindictive is to spite as A) solemn is to cheer B) sensational is to folly C) dramatic is to boredom D) preposterous is to absurdity E) advantageous is to victory

E) Just as vindictive and spite show a relationship of definitional relation, so too do advantageous and victory. They both show a relationship of definitional relation. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Solemn and cheer show a relationship of characteristic "not," but solemn and cheer have a different relationship than vindictive and spite. B) Sensational and folly show a relationship of characteristic "not," but sensational and folly have a different relationship than vindictive and spite. C) Dramatic and boredom show a relationship of characteristic "not," but dramatic and boredom have a different relationship than vindictive and spite. D) Preposterous and absurdity show a relationship of characteristic "not," but preposterous and absurdity have a different relationship than vindictive and spite.

Notion is to idea as A) fact is to claim B) wish is to desire C) hobby is to sport D) fame is to fortune E) truce is to agreement

E) Notion is a type of idea as truce is a type of agreement. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) A claim is an unproven fact, but one is not a type of the other. B) These are the same. C) These are related in that you can play a hobby as you can play a sport, but they aren't characterized by type. D) Fame doesn't always lead to fortune.

Botch is to exasperate as A) rue is to lament B) submit is to ratify C) vacate is to inhabit D) distress is to perturb E) neglect is to deteriorate

E) To neglect causes something to deteriorate, just as to botch causes someone to be exasperated. Both relationships show cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Rue and lament both mean to regret something. This is a different relationship from botch and exasperate, which is cause and effect. B) To submit something (e.g., a bill, proposal) is a step that occurs before it is ratified. This is a different relationship from botch and exasperate, which is cause and effect. C) Vacate and inhabit denote opposite actions. This is a different relationship from botch and exasperate, which is cause and effect. D) To distress is a greater degree of perturb. This is a different relationship from botch and exasperate, which is cause and effect.

Nurture is to flourish as A) tramp is to creep B) proceed is to orient C) languish is to thrive D) pervade is to permeate E) reiterate is to remember

E) To reiterate causes someone to remember, just as to nurture causes someone to flourish. Both relationships show cause and effect. INCORRECT OPTIONS A) Tramp denotes a more energetic action than creep. This is a different relationship from nurture and flourish, which is cause and effect. B) To proceed is an action that occurs after orient. This is a different relationship from nurture and flourish, which is cause and effect. C) Languish and thrive are negative and positive extremes of action. This is a different relationship from nurture and flourish, which is cause and effect. D) Pervade and permeate denote similar actions. This is a different relationship from nurture and flourish, which is cause and effect.

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