Anatomy 1: Tortora Chapter 11

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The _________ assists in erection of the penis and clitoris, helps to expel urine, and to propel semen along the urethra.


what is the innervation to the zygomaticus minor muscle? a) Facial Nerve VII b) Oculomotor Nerve III c) Mandibular Division of Trigeminal Nerve V d) Hypoglossal Nerve XII

a) Facial Nerve VII

The flexor hallucis brevis, located in the third layer of the intrinsic foot muscles, flexes the big toe. a) True b) False

a) True

The scalenes include (select all that apply) a) anterior scalene b) middle scalene c) posterior scalene d) superior scalene

a) anterior scalene b) middle scalene c) posterior scalene

Infrahyoid muscles are innervated by a) cervical nerves b) thoracic nerves c) sacral nerves d) cranial nerves

a) cervical nerves

What is the function of the levator scapulae? a) elevates scapulae and rotates it downward b) abducts scapula and rotates it upward c) stabilizes pectoral girdle d) elevates third through fifth ribs during forced inhalation

a) elevates scapulae and rotates it downward

The figure shown is a right anterolateral superficial view of the abdomen. What is the name of indicated muscle? a) external oblique b) internal oblique c) transversus abdominis d) rectus abdominus e) linea alba

a) external oblique

Which of the following muscles originate on the ilium? Select all that apply. a) iliacus b) tensor fasciae latae c) gluteus minimus d) gluteus maximus e) gluteus medius

a) iliacus b) tensor fasciae latae c) gluteus minimus d) gluteus maximus e) gluteus medius

Which extrinsic larynx muscle is most lateral? a) omohyoid b) thyroarytenoid c) sternothyroid d) sternohyoid

a) omohyoid

The levator ani consists of (select all that apply) a) pubococcygeus b) puborectalis c) iliococcygeus d) ischiococcygeus

a) pubococcygeus b) puborectalis c) iliococcygeus

Development of a "six pack" during exercise involves the a) rectus abdominis b) internal oblique c) external oblique d) transversus abdominis

a) rectus abdominis

Which of the following muscles would not flex the knee joint? a) rectus femoris b) biceps femoris c) semitendinosis d) semimembranosus

a) rectus femoris

The trapezius muscle of the neck is named according to its: a) shape b) size c) location d) action e) number of tendons of origin

a) shape

What type of muscle tissue would you expect the constrictor muscles of the pharynx to be? a) skeletal muscle b) cardiac muscle c) both skeletal and smooth muscle d) smooth muscle

a) skeletal muscle

Intrinsic muscles of the larynx move structures associated with a) speech b) the hand c) chewing d) the humerus

a) speech

The gluteus maximum is ____ to the gluteus medius. a) superficial b) deep c) distal

a) superficial

The primary arm muscle used when doing a push-up would be the _______? a) triceps brachii b) biceps brachii c) brachialis d) deltoid

a) triceps brachii

Which of the following extends and abducts the hand at the wrist? a) Flexor digitorum profundus b) Extensor carpi radialis longus c) Biceps femoris d) Rectus femoris e) Brachioradialis

b) Extensor carpi radialis longus

Opening and closing of the eyes are actions provided by the same muscle. a) True b) False

b) False

What do the hyoglossus and palatoglossus muscles have in common? a) They both insert into the tongue, depress the tongue, and are innervated by cranial nerve XII. b) They both insert into the tongue. c) They both insert into the tongue and are innervated by cranial nerve XII. d) They both depress the tongue.

b) They both insert into the tongue.

Muscles in the pharynx that occur in three layers and assist in deglutition are a) pharyngeus muscles b) constrictor muscles c) capitis muscles d) lingual muscles

b) constrictor muscles

Which nerve would innervate muscles of the face? a) thoracic nerve III b) cranial nerve V c) sacral nerve II d) lumbar nerve II

b) cranial nerve V

Which of the following is a third class lever? a) effort - fulcrum - load (resistance) b) fulcrum - effort - load c) fulcrum - load - effort d) load - fulcrum - load e) none of these choices

b) fulcrum - effort - load

The flexor pollicis longus muscle is named based upon its a) shape b) location c) number of origins d) relative size

b) location

Which of these muscles does not contribute to the rotator cuff? a) supraspinatus b) scalenes c) infraspinatus d) teres minor

b) scalenes

Which of the suprahyoid muscles do not depress the mandible? a) geniohyoid b) stylohoid c) digastric d) mylohyoid

b) stylohoid

A muscle with an origin in the supraspinous fossa and an insertion at the head of the humerus 1. causes adduction of the shoulder joint 2. causes depression of the scapula 3. is part of the rotator cuff a) 1 only b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1 and 3

c) 3 only

Incontinence issues may be resolved by Kegel exercises, which muscles are involved? a) pubococcygeus b) levator ani c) all of the choices are correct d) iliococcygeus

c) all of the choices are correct

A muscle that has an origin on the spine of the scapula and an insertion on the occipital nuchal line is capable of a) abducting the shoulder joint b) depressing the scapula c) extending the head d) rotating the neck

c) extending the head

Which extrinsic eye muscle elevates the eye and turns it laterally? a) lateral rectus b) superior oblique c) inferior oblique d) superior rectus e) medial rectus

c) inferior oblique

Using the analogy of a spring on a screen door, the part of the spring attached to the door represents the __________; the part attached to the non-movable frame is the ___________. a) origin; insertion b) origin; belly c) insertion; origin d) ligament; tendon e) insertion; belly

c) insertion; origin

A unilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle will result in a) extension of the head b) flexion of the cervical portion of the vertebral column c) lateral flexion of the head and rotation d) extension of the head and vertebral column

c) lateral flexion of the head and rotation

The frontalis muscle and occipitalis muscle of the scalp are named according to their a) relative shapes b) relative sizes c) location d) number of origins

c) location

Which is your "kissing" muscle? (You contract it to pucker your lips.) a) orbicularis oculi b) levator palpebrae superioris c) orbicularis oris d) depressor labii inferioris

c) orbicularis oris

The orientation of the fascicles in the rectus abdominis muscle run in which direction relative to the body's midline? a) diagonal to midline b) perpendicular to midline c) parallel to midline d) all of these are correct e) none of these are correct

c) parallel to midline

The origin of most muscles that move the thigh is the a) head of the femur b) sacral vertebrae c) pelvis d) tibia

c) pelvis

All of the following muscles are involved in the chewing process EXCEPT a) styloglossus b) lateral pterygoid c) platysma d) masseter

c) platysma

Which muscle inserts to the calcaneus via the Achilles (calcaneal) tendon? a) popliteus b) plantaris c) soleus d) iliocostalis

c) soleus

This muscle's sole action is to extend the head and vertebral column a) splenius capitis b) iliocostalis c) spinalis capitis d) longissimus thoracis

c) spinalis capitis

Loss of motor control to the external anal sphincter due to nerve damage of the inferior rectal branch of the pudendal nerve would also result in loss of control in the a) superficial transverse perineal b) bulbospongiosus c) compressor urethrae d) external urethral sphincter

d) external urethral sphincter

Hallucis muscles in the foot move the a) tarsals b) small toe c) metatarsals d) great toe

d) great toe

Which of these muscles is not associated with breathing (alterations of thoracic volume)? a) external intercostals b) internal intercostals c) pectoralis minor d) latissiumus dorsi

d) latissiumus dorsi

Which muscle functions to elevate the mandible as in chewing? a) genioglossus b) superior constrictor c) sternohyoid d) masseter

d) masseter

In order to adduct the second (index) finger, the muscle would most likely be located __________ to the second metacarpal. a) anterior b) posterior c) lateral d) medial

d) medial

Which of the following is not an action of the trapezius muscle? a) shrugging the shoulders (elevation of scapulae) b) extension of the head c) retraction of the scapulae d) protraction of the scapulae, i.e. a "boxer's punch"

d) protraction of the scapulae, i.e. a "boxer's punch"

he femoral triangle, shown in the figure, is defined superiorly by the inguinal ligament, medially by the lateral border of the adductor longus muscle, and laterally by medial border of what muscle? a) gracilis b) vastus lateralis c) rectus femoris d) sartorius e) vastus medialis

d) sartorius

The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen and increases the volume of the thoracic cavity during inhalation is the


In the figure shown, what muscle is indicated? Hint: This muscle is required for blowing out your birthday candles. a) orbicularis oculi b) masseter c) mentalis d) orbicularis oris e) buccinator

e) buccinator

Movement of the thumb across the hand to meet the little finger is


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