Anatomy 142- Exam 2

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Circulation to the spleen demonstrates a(n) A. simple pathway, as one artery delivers blood and one vein drains the organ. B. simple pathway, as its two capillary beds are separated by a portal vein. C. anastomosis, as one artery delivers blood and one vein drains the organ. D. anastomosis, as its two capillary beds are separated by a portal vein.


Filtration and reabsorption are processes that involve water (a solvent) but not solutes. TRUE/FALSE


The "buffy coat" in a centrifuged blood sample is composed of A. platelets and leukocytes. B. leukocytes. C. platelets. D. erythrocytes. E. erythrocytes and leukocytes.


The ________ is composed of an endothelium and a subendothelial layer made up of a thin layer of areolar connective tissue. A. tunica media B. tunica externa C. tunica intima D. tunica adventitia E. None of the answers is correct.


The ________ is composed of circularly arranged layers of smooth muscle cells. A. tunica media B. tunica externa C. tunica intima D. tunica interna E. None of the answers is correct.


The atria are separated from the ventricles externally by the A. anterior interventricular sulcus. B. posterior interventricular sulcus. C. sinoventricular sulcus. D. coronary sulcus. E. None of the choices is correct.


The base of the heart faces in the _____________ directions. A. anterior and inferior B. anterior and superior C. posterior and superior D. posterior and inferior E. None of these choices is correct.


The binding of antibodies in the blood plasma to their corresponding surface antigens on the erythrocyte plasma membrane is called _____________.


The clinical definition of the hematocrit refers to the percentage of A. erythrocytes in the blood. B. leukocytes in the blood. C. platelets in the blood. D. plasma in the blood. E. all formed elements in the blood.


The function of the postcapillary venule is to A. allow for diffusion of nutrients to the tissues. B. allow for diffusion of metabolic wastes from the tissues. C. drain the capillary bed. D. supply metarteriole with blood. E. allow for diffusion of nutrients and metabolic wastes.


The globulins make up about ________ percent of all plasma proteins. A. 58 B. 37 C. 4 D. 1 E. 85


The hemoglobin found in erythrocytes is able to chemically attach to A. only oxygen. B. only carbon dioxide. C. only nitrogen D. both oxygen and carbon dioxide. E. oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.


The inferior, conical end of the heart is called the _______________.


The largest arteries of the body are classified as A. muscular arteries. B. arterioles. C. elastic arteries. D. muscular and elastic because they have the same dimensions. E. None of the answers is correct.


The main functions of the cardiovascular system include the transport and exchange of respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes throughout the body. TRUE/FALSE


The most numerous of the formed elements are the A. neutrophils. B. platelets. C. erythrocytes. D. basophils. E. albumins.


The percentage of volume of red blood cells is called the _______________.


The pericardial cavity is between the A. heart muscle and serous pericardium. B. fibrous and serous layers of the pericardium. C. visceral and parietal layers of the serous pericardium. D. parietal and myocardial layers of the fibrous pericardium.


The pericardium helps prevent overfilling of the heart and it lessens the friction of movements during heartbeats. TRUE/FALSE


The posterior interventricular sulcus A. is another name for the coronary sulcus. B. contains the great cardiac vein and coronary sinus. C. is a groove between the ventricles on the back of the heart. D. is a valve in the interventricular septum that closes at birth.


The process of hemopoiesis starts with hemopoietic stem cells called ________________.


From which view is the connection between the pulmonary veins and the heart most visible? A. Anterior view B. Posterior view


Gas, nutrient, and waste exchange occur between the __________ and the tissues of the body. A. arteries B. veins C. capillaries D. capillaries and veins E. capillaries and arteries


Glucose is a A. polar molecule, and therefore it dissolves readily in plasma. B. polar molecule, and therefore it requires a transporter in the blood. C. nonpolar molecule, and therefore it dissolves readily in plasma. D. nonpolar molecule, and therefore it requires a transporter in the blood.


How many globins (protein building blocks) are found in a single hemoglobin molecule? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8


How many oxygen molecules may bind to a single molecule of hemoglobin? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 16


If a patient becomes dehydrated, the percentage of plasma in a centrifuged sample of his or her blood would likely A. increase. B. decrease. C. not change.


In arteries, the thickest layer of the wall is the A. tunica externa. B. tunica media. C. tunica intima. D. tunica adventitia. E. None of the answers are correct because all the layers are of the same dimension.


The process of producing the formed elements of blood is called A. leukopenia. B. hemopoiesis. C. leukocytosis. D. erythroblastosis. E. agglutination.


The production of leukocytes is called _______________.


The production of platelets is called _______________.


The pulmonary trunk receives blood from the right ventricle and conducts it toward the lung. The pulmonary trunk is a(n) A. artery. B. capillary. C. vein.


Sinusoids are found in a: bone marrow b: spleen c: small intestine d: kidney e: liver f: muscle g: skin A. a, b, e B. b, c, e, f C. c, d D. f, g E. b, c, d, g


Sodium, calcium, and bicarbonate are all described as plasma A. solvents. B. nutrients. C. electrolytes. D. proteins. E. formed elements.


Some large molecules, such as fatty acids, are transported between capillaries and tissues by vesicular transport. TRUE/FALSE


Typically, an adult's body contains _______ of blood. A. 1 liter B. 5 liters C. 10 liters D. 15 liters


Valves in veins A. make the use of a skeletal muscle pump unnecessary for venous blood flow. B. are the leading cause of high blood pressure. C. are found only in the largest veins. D. cause venous blood flow to go in only one direction. E. are formed of the tunica media.


When physical exertion has ended and the body is at rest, veins demonstrate A. vasodilation so that they function as blood reservoirs. B. vasodilation so that blood is shifted toward the rest of the circulatory system. C. vasoconstriction so that they function as blood reservoirs. D. vasoconstriction so that blood is shifted toward the rest of the circulatory system.


Which are found in the capillary wall? a: Endothelium b: Subendothelial layer c: Internal elastic lamina d: Intercellular clefts e: External elastic lamina f: Basement membrane A. a, d, f B. a, b, d, f C. a, b, d, e, f D. a, c, d, e, f E. b, d, e, f


Which can be used to characterize blood flow in the human body? a: There is a unidirectional blood flow. b: Arteries always carry oxygenated blood. c: Veins always carry deoxygenated blood. d: Arteries carry blood away from the heart. e: Veins carry blood toward the heart. A. a, c, d, e B. a, b, c, d, e C. a, d, e D. b, c, d, e E. d, e


Which carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart? A. Pulmonary arteries B. Pulmonary veins C. Pulmonary trunk D. Inferior vena cava E. Superior vena cava


Which circuit of the cardiovascular system includes the left ventricle and aorta? A. Pulmonary circuit B. Cardio circuit C. Coronary circuit D. Systemic circuit


Most colony-stimulating factors are growth factors. TRUE/FALSE


A comparison of the clinical hematocrit and true hematocrit would indicate that A. the clinical hematocrit is much larger. B. the true hematocrit is much larger. C. their values are very similar.


A malnourished person might have abnormally low levels of plasma proteins. As a result, colloid osmotic pressure A. increases, and there is fluid retention in the interstitial space. B. increases, and so blood volume is abnormally high. C. decreases, and there is fluid retention in the interstitial space. D. decreases, and so blood volume is abnormally high.


A network of small arteries called the ___________ provides a blood supply to the tunica externa of very large vessels. A. vasa vasorum B. companion vessels C. distributing arteries D. fenestrated arteries E. thoroughfare channels


A portal system A. includes a functional end artery that makes an arterial anastomosis. B. is a simple circulatory system with an areriovenous anastomosis. C. is one in which blood flows through two capillary beds before being sent back to the heart. D. is one in which circulation to a large organ involves only one artery and one main (portal) vein. E. is one in which multiple arteries converge on one organ or body region.


A reticulocyte is a cell formed during erythropoiesis that has lost its nucleus and all organelles except some ribosomes. TRUE/FALSE


A venule becomes a vein when its diameter is greater than ____ micrometers. A. 1 B. 10 C. 100 D. 1000


An individual's hematocrit would vary with A. age. B. sex. C. altitude. D. All of the choices are correct.


Arteries carry blood toward the heart, while veins carry blood away from the heart. TRUE/FALSE


As a venous pathway moves closer to the heart, the veins A. get smaller. B. get larger. C. show no change in their lumen size.


As an arterial pathway moves farther from the heart, the arteries A. get smaller. B. get larger. C. show no change in their lumen size


Beta-globulins transport ________, whereas gamma-globulins are ________. A. antibodies, lipids B. iron ions, antibodies C. lipids, heavy metals D. oxygen, clotting proteins E. clotting factors, hormones


Blood helps regulate the pH and the temperature of the body. TRUE/FALSE


Blood is correctly classified as a(n) A. organ. B. tissue. C. organ system. D. intracellular fluid.


Blood plasma is slightly _______; if pH drifts out of the normal range, dire consequences can result from alterations in the structure of _______ . A. acidic, glucose B. acidic, proteins C. acidic, glycogen D. basic, glucose E. basic, proteins


During hemopoiesis, the lymphoid line forms lymphocytes only. TRUE/FALSE


Each of the receiving chambers of the heart has a wrinkled flaplike extension; the one that is more visible from an anterior view is the A. interatrial septum. B. interventricular septum. C. left auricle. D. right auricle.


Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by the _______________ to increase the rate of production and maturation of erythrocyte progenitor and erythroblast cells.


Extensions from megakaryocytes that extend through blood vessel walls in red marrow are sliced off from the cells by the force of blood flow. These extensions are A. reticulocytes. B. promegakaryocytes. C. myeloid stem cells. D. late erythroblasts. E. proplatelets.


In general, as an artery's diameter decreases, the artery walls show A. a decrease in the relative amount of smooth muscle and an increase in the relative amount of elastic fibers. B. an increase in the relative amount of smooth muscle and a decrease in the relative amount of elastic fibers. C. an increase in relative amounts of smooth muscle and elastic fibers and a decrease in endothelium. D. a decrease in both smooth muscle and elastic fibers and an increase in areolar connective tissue.


In hemopoiesis, granulocytes such as neutrophils are formed from the _________ line. A. lymphoid B. myeloid C. monocyte D. killer cell


Iron, lactic acid, and lipids are all considered to be nutrients in blood plasma. TRUE/FALSE


Leukocytes are the _______ of the formed elements, and leukocytes have ______________. A. largest, no nucleus B. largest, prominent nuclei C. smallest, no nucleus D. smallest, prominent nuclei


Macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulates the production of A. granulocytes from their progenitors. B. erythrocytes from myeloid stem cells. C. megakaryocytes and platelets. D. monocytes from monoblasts. E. erythrocyte progenitor cells.


Natural killer cells derive from T-lymphoblasts and monocytes derive from the granulocyte line. TRUE/FALSE


Occlusion of blood vessels tends to lead to A. increases in perfusion. B. increases in capillary exchange. C. inadequate blood supply and damage to body tissues. D. defibrillation of cardic muscle cell contraction.


One of the functions of blood is to regulate fluid levels in the body. If too much fluid escapes from the bloodstream and enters the tissues, blood pressure will A. increase. B. decrease.


One of the unhealthy effects of blood doping is to A. increase the viscosity of the blood. B. decrease the blood pressure in the arteries. C. decrease the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. D. increase the carbon dioxide carrying capacity of the blood. E. increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.


Oxygen and carbon dioxiode are transported between the blood and interstitial fluid by way of A. exocytosis and endocytosis by endothelial cells. B. pinocytosis using fluid-filled vesicles. C. diffusion from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration. D. active transport (using ATP) by protein carriers of endothelial cells.


Oxygen-poor blood is _________ in color. A. bright red B. dark red C. light blue D. dark blue


Plasma makes up about ______ percent of a centrifuged sample of whole blood. A. 25 B. 35 C. 45 D. 55 E. 75


Platelets are continually produced in the red bone marrow by cells called _____________.


Platelets are formed elements. TRUE/FALSE


Precapillary sphincters will A. control blood flow into the true capillaries. B. cause blood to flow directly from the metarteriole into the postcapillary venule. C. open when the tissue needs nutrients. D. close when the tissue's needs have been met. E. All of the answers are correct.


The reason it is more appropriate to call an erythrocyte a "formed element" rather than a "cell" is that erythrocytes A. are actually dead. B. lack a nucleus and organelles. C. have lots of inclusion molecules. D. are not red. E. can form a rouleau when moving through a capillary.


The receiving chambers of the heart are the atria, and the forcefully pumping chambers of the heart are the ventricles. TRUE/FALSE


The serous fluid within the pericardial cavity works to A. lubricate membranes of the pericardium. B. slow the heart rate. C. equalize the pressure in the great vessels. D. eliminate blood pressure spikes. E. All of the choices are correct.


The smallest and most abundant plasma proteins are the A. globulins. B. endocrine hormones. C. albumins. D. fibrinogens. E. prothrombins.


The temperature of blood is about _________ than measured body temperature. A. 1 C higher B. 10 C higher C. 1 C lower D. 10 C lower


The term "epicardium" is another name for the A. visceral layer of the serosal pericardium. B. parietal layer of the serosal pericardium. C. external layer of the fibrous pericardium. D. myocardium. E. mediastinum.


The units for perfusion of blood are typically A. grams per minute. B. milliliters per minute per gram. C. millimiters per hour per kilogram. D. liters per gram. E. beats per minute per gram.


The viscosity of blood is ________ proportional to the number of erythrocytes and _______ proportional to the amount of fluid. A. directly, directly B. directly, indirectly C. indirectly, indirectly D. indirectly, directly


Which circuit of the cardiovascular system is responsible for sending blood to the kidneys, stomach, and pelvic regions? A. Pulmonary circuit B. Visceral circuit C. Coronary circuit D. Systemic circuit


Which correctly describes the heart's apex? A. Projects slightly anteroinferiorly toward the left side of the body B. Projects slightly anteroinferiorly toward the right side of the body C. Projects slightly posteroinferiorly toward the left side of the body D. Projects slightly posteroinferiorly toward the right side of the body E. Projects slightly posteroinferiorly toward the midline of the body


Which depicts the order of cell formation in erythropoiesis? a: Proerythroblast b: Normoblast c: Myeloid stem cell d: Reticulocyte e: Erythroblast f: Mature erythrocyte A. c, a, e, b, d, f B. a, b, c, e, d, f C. a, c, d, b, e, f D. c, b, a, d, e, f E. c, a, b, e, d, f


Which heart chambers contain deoxygenated blood? A. Left atrium and right atrium B. Left ventricle and right ventricle C. Right atrium and right ventricle D. Left atrium and left ventricle E. Right atrium and left ventricle


Which is the most common type of capillary? A. Fenestrated B. Sinusoids C. Continuous D. Venules E. Discontinuous


Which layer is made of dense irregular connective tissue? A. Myocardium B. Fibrous pericardium C. Epicardium D. Serous pericardium E. Endocardium


Which most closely approximates the percentage of water in plasma by weight? A. 1% B. 25% C. 46% D. 92% E. 98%


Which of the artery types contain the internal and external elastic laminae? A. Elastic arteries B. Arterioles C. Muscular arteries D. Elastic and muscular arteries E. Elastic arteries and arterioles


Which of the cardiovascular system's circuits has deoxygenated blood in its arteries? A. Pulmonary circuit B. Visceral circuit C. Coronary circuit D. Systemic circuit


Which pair is located more anteriorly in a heart in normal position? A. Left atrium and left ventricle B. Left atrium and right ventricle C. Right atrium and left atrium D. Right atrium and right ventricle E. Right atrium and left ventricle


Which statement accurately compares filtration and reabsorption? A. Filtration is driven by concentration gradients, whereas reabsorption depends on hydrostatic pressure. B. Filtration involves bulk flow of fluid out of the blood, whereas reabsorption is bulk flow back into the blood. C. Filtration happens at the venule end of a capillary bed and reabsorption happens in feeder arterioles. D. The direction of filtration can be either into or out of the blood, but reabsorption always involves fluids entering the blood.


Which term best describes the function of blood when considering the presence of carbon dioxide and endocrine hormones? A. Regulation B. Protection C. Prevention D. Transportation


Which term best describes the function of blood when considering the presence of leukocytes and antibodies? A. Regulation B. Prevention C. Protection D. Transportation


_______________ is a growth factor that stimulates both the production of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow and the subsequent formation of platelets.

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