Anatomy and physiology chapter #1

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When we say the body demonstrates homeostasis, do we mean that conditions in the body are unchanging? explain your answer.

No. We mean that they vary within a narrow and regulated range

List the 5 survival needs of the human body?

Nutrients oxygen normal body temperature Water atmospheric pressure

List the 6 levels of structural organization of the human body?

1. Chemical level = atoms combine to form molecules 2. cellular level = cells are made up of molecules 3. tissue level = tissues consist of similar types of cells 4. organ level = organs are made up of different types of tissues 5. organ system level = organ systems consist of different organs that work together closely. 6. organismal level= human organisms are made up of many organ systems.

What are the major organs found in each system?

1. integumentary system = Skin 2. Skelatal system = Cartilages, joint, bones 3. Muscular system = Skeletal muscles 4. Nervous system = Brain, sensory receptors, spinal cord, nerves. 5. Endocrine system = Pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus gland, adrenal glands, pancrease, testis (male), Ovary (female). 6. Cardiovascular system = heart and blood vessels. 7. lymphatic system = thoracic duct, lymph modes, lymphatic vessels. 8. respiratory system = nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, left lung. 9. digestive system = oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, rectum, anus. 10. Urinary system = kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethra 11. male reproductive = seminal vesicles, penis, prostrate gland, vas deferens, testis, scrotum / Female reproductive system = mammary glands, uterine tube, ovary, uterus, vagina.

Which section type would seperate the two eyes?

A Median (midsagittal) section would separate the two eyes

What is a consequence of loss of homeostasis, or homeostatic imbalance?

A we age our body organs become less efficient, and our internal conditions become less and less stable (increasing risk for illness) diabetes, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, gout, and any disease resulting from bloodstream toxins That would be an abnormal conditions.

On what body surface is each of the following located: nose, calf or leg, ears, umbilicus, fingernails?

All are located on the Anterior of the body. The Nose is located on the anterior surface of the head. The Ears are located on the left and right lateral of the cranial. The Fingernails are located on on the upper surface of the skin which surrounds the distal ends of the digits. Umbilicus is located on the abdomen.

Why would you have a hard time learning and understanding physiology if you did not also understand anatomy ?

Anatomy and physiology are related. A given function can occur only if the corresponding structure allows it

kidney function, bone growth, and beating of the heart are all topics of anatomy. True or false?

False. they are all topics of physiology

Joe went to the emergency room, where he complained of severe pains in the lower right quadrant of his abdomen. What might be his problem?

He might have appendicitis

Define physiology

Is the study of how a structure (which may be a cell, an organ, or an organ system) functions or works.

Define anatomy

Is the study of structure. Observation is used to see the size and relationship of body parts.

Identify directional terms

Its a way of explaining exactly where one body structure is in relation to another. -Superior = (cranial, cephalad); above something else, towards the head. -Inferior = (cadal); below something else, towards the tail. -Ventral = (anterior); toward the front of the body or structure. -Dorsal = (posterior); toward the rear or back of the body or structure -Medial = toward the midline of the body. -Lateral = away from the midline of the body. -Proximal =closer to the point of attachment. -Distal = farther from the point of attachment. -Superficial = (external); at or close to the body surface. -Deep = (internal); below of away from the body surface.

List eight functions that humans must preform to maintain life?

Maintaining boundaries movement responsiveness digestion metabolism excretion reproduction growth

Of the spinal cord, small intestine, uterus, and heart, which are in the dorsal body cavity?

Only the spinal cord is in the dorsal cavity

What are the 3 components of the homeostatic control mechanisms?

Receptors control centre effector

In addition to being able to metabolize, grow, digest food, and excrete waste, what other functions must an organism perform if it is to survive?

Survival also depends on the ability to maintain one's boundaries, to move, to respond to stimuli, and to reproduce.

Explain what an organism must be able to do to maintain life.

The 8 necessary life functions that humans must preform to maintain life 1. maintaining boundaries = the inside remains distinct from the outside 2. Movement = includes all the activities promoted by the muscular system. 3. Responsiveness = ability to sense change(stimuli) in the environment and then react to them 4. Digestion= the process of breaking down ingested food into simple molecules that can then be absorbed into the blood. 6. Metabolism = refers to the chemical Rx that takes place within the body (anabolism and catabolism) as well as energy production. 6. Excretion = is the process of removing excreta, or wastes from the body. 7. Reproduction = necessary for continuation of species. 8. Growth = increase in size via cell number increase.

The axillary and the acromial areas are both in the general area of the shoulder. To what specific body area does each of theses terms apply?

The axillary regions is the armpit. the acromial region is the point of the shoulder.

Define homeostasis

The body's ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions even though the outside world is continuously changing. It indicates a dynamic state of equilibrium, or a balance in which internal conditions change and vary but always within relatively narrow limits. The body demonstrates homeostasis when its needs are being adequately met and it is functioning smoothly.

If the control system were regulating room temperature, what apparatus would be the effector?

The heat-generating furnace or oil burner

At which level of structural organization is the stomach? at which level is a glucose molecule?

The stomach exhibits the organ level of structural organization. Glucose is at the chemical level.

Which organ system includes the trachea, lungs, nasal cavity, and bronchi?

These organs are part of the respiratory system.

When we begin to become dehydrated, we usually get thirsty, which causes us to drink liquids. is the thirst sensation part of a negative or a positive feedback control system? defend your choice.

Thirst is part of a negative feedback system. Thirst prods us to drink fluids (the response), which in turn causes the thirst sensation to decrease and end. Were it a positive feedback mechanism, we would become even more thirsty (the stimulus for drinking would increase)

If you wanted to separate the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity of a cadaver, which type of section would you make?

To separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities, you would make a transverse section (cross section)

List the 11 organ systems and the major function of each?

a. integumentary system = external covering of the body, or the skin b. Skeletal system = protects and supports body organs c. muscular system = to contract, movement happens when this occurs d. Nervous system = control system of the body e. endocrine system = controls body activities, glands secretes hormones. f. cardiovascular system = heart and blood vessels, carries oxygen and nutrients, hormones and other substances to and from tissue cells. g. Lymphatic system = returns fluid leaked from the blood back to the blood vessels. h. respiratory system = keeps blood constantly supplies with oxygen and removes carbon. I. digestive system = break down food and deliver the products to the blood. j. Urinary system = eliminates nitrogen containing waste from the body. K. male and female reproductive system = to produce offspring.

Which of the following organ systems- digestive, respiratory, reproductive, circulatory, urinary, or muscular -are found in both subdivisions of the ventral body cavity? which are found in the thoracic cavity only ? In the abdominopelvic cavity only?

abdominopelvic cavity = digestive pelvic cavity = reproductive and urinary Thoracic cavity = respiratory the diaphragm = muscle that separates the thoracic and the abdominopelvic cavity's digestive is in both, circulatory is in both. urinary is in the pelvic cavity, reproductive is in the pelvic cavity, respriatory is in the thoracic cavity, muscular is in both i think

Oxygen is a survival need. Why is it so important?

all the chemical reactions that occur in the body and release food energy require oxygen.

Identify anatomical orientation?

is a standard position that serves as a reference point in description of the body and its structures. In this position, the body is erect, feet are parallel, arms hang at the sides, and palms face forward, It's important to understand it because most descriptions of the body using anatomical position regardless of its actual position.

List and explain the function of the two main body cavities and their parts.

the 2 main body cavities are Dorsal body cavity and the Ventral Body cavity. Dorsal; well protected by bone, has two subdivisions 1. Cranial = contains the brain 2. Spinal = contains the spinal cord Ventral contains the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity.

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