anatomy chapter 4: Tissues test bank

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Microvilli are common on almost all epithelial cells, but they are more obvious and abundant on absorption cells in the small intestine and the kidney. [true/false]


Much of the body's adipose tissue is found in the hypodermis. [true/false]


skeletal muscle is characterized by obvious striations (seen microscopically) and multinucleate cells. [true/false]


The distinguishing characteristic between tight junctions and adherens junctions is that A) adherens junctions attach to the actin myofilaments of the cytoskeleton, whereas tight junctions do not. B) adherens junctions involve integral membrane proteins, whereas tight junctions do not. C) tight junctions are present near apical lateral borders, whereas adherens junctions are located near basal lateral borders. D) tight junctions involve fusion of proteins on adjacent cells, whereas adherens junctions create tunnels between adjacent cells.

A) adherens junctions attach to the actin myofilaments of the cytoskeleton, whereas tight junctions do not.

Briefly outline the steps of tissue repair in a skin wound. Include in your response the terms organization, granulation, and regeneration.

Answer: 1) An inflammatory response increases blood flow to the site of injury, which promotes the formation of a blood clot. 2) During the "organization" phase of tissue repair, blood vessels invade the clot and allow fibroblasts to arrive. These cells deposit collagen to tie the sides of the wound together with granulation tissue. 3) Macrophages dispose of bacteria, dead cells, and debris. 4) Regeneration involves the replacement of epithelium over the surface of the scar tissue.

List at least four characteristics that distinguish epithelial tissues from other types of tissues.

Answer: Epithelia are composed almost entirely of cells, have specialized contacts, have a free apical surface and a lower basal surface, are supported by underlying connective tissue, are avascular but innervated, and have a high capacity for regeneration.

Describe the classification of epithelial tissues.

Answer: Epithelia may be simple (single layered) or stratified (in more than one layer). The cells that form it may be flat and platelike (squamous), roughly square (cuboidal), or tall and slender (columnar).

Describe the medical potential seen for the use of stem cells.

Answer: Stem cells may be used to "make" replacement tissues; may help to alleviate degenerative diseases; and could form new tissues, such as bone marrow cells, cardiac cells, and other tissues that have been damaged or have died. Further, they may be used to treat degenerative neurological tissues, because nerve tissue cannot effectively repair itseld

Describe the basal lamina, its location, composition, and function.

Answer: The basal lamina lies between the epithelium and the connective tissue below it. It is a thin, noncellular sheet of proteins secreted by the epithelial cells. It functions as a selective filter. When the epithelium has been damaged or scraped off, the basal lamina aids in regeneration of the epithelium by serving as a scaffold for migrating epithelial cells.

This is the sheet of tissue between the epithelium and the connective tissue below it.

Answer: basal lamina

An ________ gland releases its products through ducts onto body surfaces or into body cavities.

Answer: exocrine

he smallest diameter blood vessels, capillaries are comprised of ________.

Answer: simple squamous epithelium

Cartilage is a form of ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

B) Connective

Fat is a form of ________ tissue. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

B) Connective

Which one of the following basic types of tissues has an extracellular matrix? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

B) Connective

Cell junctions occur in which plasma membrane of epithelial cells? A) apical B) lateral C) nuclear D) basal lamina

B) Lateral

During repair of a scrape or cut through the skin, a blood clot is replaced with collagen-rich granulation tissue in a process called A) inflammation. B) organization. C) repair. D) regeneration.

B) Organization

In connective tissues, the primary extracellular molecules responsible for resisting tension are A) intermediate filaments in fibroblasts. B) collagen fibers. C) proteoglycans D) elastin fibers.

B) collagen fibers

A highly branched gland whose walls do not balloon into spherical sacs is called A) compound alveolar. B) compound tubular. C) compound tubuloalveolar. D) simple branched alveolar

B) compound tubular.

Inflamed tissue is often warm to the touch because of A) accumulation of bacterial toxins. B) increased blood flow to the area. C) infiltration by neutrophils. D) leakage of clotting proteins.

B) increased blood flow to the area.

Despite their name, many types of cell junction are not very strong at joining and holding cells together. The cell junctions that best keep cells from being pulled apart are A) tight junctions. B) gap junctions. C) desmosomes. D) zonula occludens.

C) Desmosomes

The difference between a basal lamina and a basement membrane is that A) the basal lamina is thicker. B) they lie on opposite surfaces of the epithelium. C) a basal lamina plus a layer of reticular fibers equals a basement membrane. D) only the basal lamina can be seen by light microscopy.

C) a basal lamina plus a layer of reticular fibers equals a basement membrane.

A muscle fiber is A) the same as a collagen fiber that is viewed by electron microscopy. B) part of a striation of a muscle cell. C) a muscle cell. D) an intercalated disc.

C) a muscle cell.

A structure that secretes hormones into the blood is A) a plasma cell. B) a goblet cell. C) an endocrine gland. D) an exocrine gland.

C) an endocrine gland.

Of the following, the tissue with the greatest capacity for regeneration is A) skeletal muscle. B) neurons. C) epithelium. D) smooth muscle.

C) epithelium.

Glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans are components of A) blood. B) inflammation. C) ground substance. D) reticular fibers.

C) ground substance.

When cells from a cancerous tumour travel to other parts of the body, this process is called A) carcinogenesis. B) malignancy. C) metastasis. D) transformation.

C) metastasis.

Microvilli can perform all of the following functions except A) enhance the rate of absorption. B) enhance the rate of secretion. C) moving and propelling fluids. D) anchoring mucus

C) moving and propelling fluids.

A common example of a unicellular exocrine gland is A) a fibroblast. B) any hormone-secreting cell. C) an endothelial cell. D) a goblet cell.

D) a goblet cell.

A type of connective tissue that is not a connective tissue proper is A) dense irregular connective tissue. B) areolar tissue. C) adipose tissue. D) cartilage.

D) cartilage.

Ligaments consist primarily of which kind of connective tissue? A) loose areolar B) dense irregular C) cartilage D) dense regular

D) dense regular

All lining and covering membranes consist of A) an epithelium only. B) a serosa. C) an epithelium, a connective tissue, and smooth muscle. D) epithelium and connective tissue.

D) epithelium and connective tissue.

Which one of the following basic types of tissues functions to control the body? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

D) nervous

The best definition of fibrosis is A) the production of collagen fibers. B) the production of elastic fibers. C) the formation of dense regular connective tissue. D) the formation of scar tissue.

D) the formation of scar tissue.

A stratified epithelium that thins and flattens as the tissue stretches is a A) pseudostratified epithelium. B) stratified cuboidal epithelium. C) stratified squamous epithelium. D) transitional epithelium.

D) transitional epithelium

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the inflammatory response? A) attacks and eliminates specific foreign molecules B) involves release of chemicals that cause local vasodilation C) occurs within connective tissue D) results in edema and delivery of chemicals needed for repair

a) attacks and eliminates specific foreign molecules

Of the types of lining and covering membranes, the only one that is drier than the others is A) cutaneous. B) serous. C) mucous. D) parietal.

a) cutaneous

Use logic to deduce which of the following tissues is on the anterior surface of a person's eyeball. A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

a) epithelial

Which one of the following basic types of tissues functions as a covering tissue for the body? A) epithelial B) connective C) muscle D) nervous

a) epithelial

In connective tissue, extracellular matrix is not exactly the same as ground substance, because the matrix also contains A) fibers. B) cells. C) an epithelium. D) blood.

a) fibers

n connective tissue proper, ground substance is manufactured and secreted by which type of cell? A) fibroblast B) endothelial cell C) chondroblasts D) osteocytes

a) fibroblast

Cancer can arise from each of the following except A) induced apoptosis. B) exposure to a carcinogen. C) inactivation of a tumor-suppressor gene. D) turning on of oncogenes.

a) induced apoptosis

this type of tissue includes smooth and cardiac. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

a) muscle

Simple squamous epithelia would not provide A) protection from abrasion. B) diffusion. C) filtration. D) secretion.

a) protection from abrasion

The major function of pseudostratified columnar epithelium is A) secretion. B) filtration. C) protection. D) absorption.

a) secretion

A pseudostratified epithelium is always A) simple. B) ciliated. C) stratified. D) cuboidal.

a) simple

The thinnest type of epithelium is A) simple squamous. B) pseudostratified columnar. C) stratified squamous. D) stratified columnar.

a) simple squamous

An epithelium in which the basal layer of cells is cuboidal and the apical layer has cells that are thin, flat and irregular in shaper is a ________ epithelium. A) stratified squamous B) simple columnar C) stratified cuboidal D) simple cuboidal

a) stratified squamous

The type of cell junction that closes off the space between epithelial cells, thereby limiting the passage of small molecules, is the A) tight junction. B) adherens junction. C) desmosome. D) gap junction.

a) tight junction

After a wound has healed, the scar that remains is nearly entirely composed of ________ fibers.

answer: collagen

The disease scurvy results from a deficiency of vitamin C, leading to a disruption in the synthesis of ________ fibers

answer: collagen

Only one type of fiber in connective tissue can be stretched and then recoil—return to its original length and shape. This fiber is the:

answer: elastic fiber

Elastic fibers are comprised of the protein ________.

answer: elastin

The outermost layers of intervertebral discs and the pubic symphysis are comprised of this type of cartilage.

answer: fibrocartilage

Stem cells may be characterized as being ________ cells; in other words, they can produce new tissue cells as needed.

answer: undifferentiated

Connective tissue that must resist forces pulling it from many different directions without stretching would most likely be A) areolar connective tissue. B) dense irregular connective tissue. C) dense regular connective tissue. D) reticular connective tissues.

b) Dense irregular connective tissue

Tissue types which are known as mucous and serous membranes are comprised of sheets of epithelial cells and A) adipose tissue. B) areolar connective tissue. C) reticular connective tissue D) elastic connective tissue.

b) areolar connective tissue

The type of cell junction that permits small sugar molecules and ions to pass from the cytoplasm of one cell to that of another is a A) tight junction. B) gap junction. C) desmosome. D) zonula occludens.

b) gap junction

The brain and spinal cord are composed primarily of this tissue type. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

b) nervous

This tissue type, in addition to certain muscle tissues, is capable of generating electrical impulses. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

b) nervous

Areolar connective tissue forms the lamina propria of mucous membranes. [true/false]


A connective tissue that has a liquid matrix is A) areolar connective tissue. B) tissue fluid. C) blood. D) epithelium.

c) blood

It might be argued that all the defense mechanisms in areolar connective tissue act to prevent infection from reaching which other tissue type? A) bone B) epithelium C) blood D) muscle

c) blood

Adipocytes are found in tissues belonging to this category. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Bone and cartilage are examples of tissues in this category. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Histologists consider blood to be an example of what primary tissue category? A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Ligaments are examples of tissues in this category. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Tissues in this category are characterized by an extracellular matrix that holds some amount of fluid. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Which major category of tissues has the most diverse and most numerous types of tissue? A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

c) connective

Which of the following is not associated with connective tissue? A) areolar B) collagen C) goblet cells D) chondrocytes

c) goblet cells

The embryonic tissue that gives rise to the adult connective tissues, consisting of star-shaped cells separated by large amounts of extracellular matrix, is A) ectoderm. B) epithelium. C) mesenchyme. D) hypoblast.

c) mesenchyme

What do goblet cells secrete? A) enzymes B) histamine C) mucin D) antibodies

c) mucin

Cells lining the digestive tube are characteristic of this tissue category. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

d) epithelial

Pseudostratified columnar is one of the tissues of this category. A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

d) epithelial

Which category of tissue is characterized by cells that have adhesion proteins and specialized cell-to-cell junctions? A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

d) epithelial

Which major tissue category includes tissues that function in secretion, absorption, and filtration? A) muscle B) nervous C) connective D) epithelial

d) epithelial

The major function of stratified squamous epithelium is A) diffusion. B) absorption. C) filtration. D) protection from abrasion.

d) protection from abrasion

When un-stretched, transitional epithelium looks most like ________ epithelium. A) simple squamous B) pseudostratified columnar C) stratified squamous D) stratified cuboidal

d) stratified cuboidal

Which of the following is not a characteristic of epithelia? A) highly cellular with little extracellular matrix B) innervated C) specialized cell-cell junctions D) vascular

d) vascular

Dense regular connective tissue gains its strength from the multitude of actin fibers that make up the bulk of the matrix. [true/ false]


Dense regular connective tissue is characterized by giving strength in all direction. [true/false]


Multilayered epithelia are named for the cell shape found in the basal layer [true/false]


Unlike other connective tissues, bone is not considered to be a living tissue. [true/false]


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