Anatomy exam 2-Bones

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What are the functions of the ribs?

-attachment for muscles and ligaments -protects important internal organs

Which are true ribs


4 stages of fracture repair

1. Hematoma formation 2. Fibrocartilaginous callus formation 3. Bony callus formation 4. Bone remodeling

which are floating ribs


Which rib joins the sternum or manubrium as a permanent synchondrosis?


which are false ribs


What is the glabella?

A depression in the frontal bone between the orbits

The area of a bone where the nutrient foramen passes forms what kind of bone marking?

A hole

What is the foramen magnum?

A hole in the occipital bone for the brainstem to connect with the spinal cord.

What is periosteum?

A layer of articular cartilage that covers the joints

The ear ossicles are part of what division of the skeletal system?

Axial skeleton

Identify the first two cervical vertebrae, describe their unique structures, and discuss the functions these vertebrae perform in spinal mobility.

C1, Atlas, ring shaped consisting of anterior and posterior arch, holds up the skull C2, Axis, rotates head left and right, looks like most cervical vertebrae but has a projection upward called the dens.

What is another name for C1, C2, and C7?

C1, atlas C2, Axis C7, Vertebra prominens

Which vertebrae provides the greatest contribution to your flexibility in being able to shake your head "no"?


What is the name of the space that runs down the middle of an osteon, through which runs nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics?

Central Canal

Identify the five vertebral regions in order, from superior to inferior.

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, Coccygeal

What bone forms the supraorbital margin?

Frontal bone

What is another name for the heel bone? What is another name for the big toe? What is the name of the bone of the foot that joins with the tibia and fibula?

Heel bone- calcaneous Big toe- Hallux Bone of foot that joins with tibia and fibula-talus

When sitting upright, you are resting on your: a) pubic bones b) ischial tuberosity c) sacroiliac joints d) iliac crest

Ischial tuberosity

Identify the bone that articulates with the os coxae at the acetabulum.


What three bones fuse to form each os coxae?

Ischium, Illium, Pubis

What are the bones that make up the os coxae? What age do they fuse?

Ishcium, illium, pubis. they fuse at age 25

If an athlete suffers a hairline fracture at the base of the dens, what bone is fractured, and where is it located?

It is a spine fracture, and is located on the C2 vertebrae

Fluid Joint/Synovial

Joints filled with fluid

Where is the temporal fossa?

Just above the zygomatic arch

What is the name for a concentric layer of bone tissue making up an osteon?


What is the prominent structure at the distolateral fibula?

Lateral Malleolus

What is the lateral bone of your lower leg? How about your forearm?

Lateral bone of lower leg is fibula Lateral bone of forearm is ulna

Which vertebrae have the largest bodies?



Movement away from the midline of the body


Movement toward the midline of the body


Name the bone.


Name the bone.


Name the bone.


Name the bone.


Name the bone.

Trapezoid bone

Name the bone.


Name the bone.


Name this specific bone of the hand (anterior view).

What cell forms new bone in adults?


Which bones form the hard palate?

Palatine bones and maxillae

With which bones does the occipital bone articulate?

Parietal, temporal, and vertebrae column/spine

When kneeling, what do you put your weight on?


The head of the radius is where?

Proximal radius

What part of what bone protects the pituitary gland?

Sella turcica


Straightening of a joint

What are sutures and how do they affect skull shape and growth?

Sutures are immobile joints between adjacent bones of the skull. They connect together adjacently and do not grow at all.

Mobility of Synartrhosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis

Synarthrosis, immobile Amphiarthrosis, slightly mobile diarthrosis, fully mobile

A saddle joint is a type of what?

Synovial joint

Which tarsal bone articulates with the leg, and which tarsal bone articulates with the metatarsals of the foot?

Talus articulates with the leg, cuboid and cuniforms articulate with the metatarsals

What connective tissue structures bind bone to muscle?


Which of the following hormones are responsible for the adolescent growth spurt?

Testosterone and estrogen

Paul viewed his newborn daughter through the nursery window at the hospital and was distressed because the infant's skull was badly misshapen. You are the nurse working that shift. You tell him not to worry -the shape of the infant's head would return to normal in a few days. Explain to him what caused the misshapen skull and what anatomic feature of the neonatal skull allows it to return to a more rounded shape.

The mishappen is caused by intramemberous ossification. fontanelle allows growth of skull to take place after birth

Compare the superior, middle, and inferior nasal conchae. Are they part of another bone? Where in the nasal complex are they found?

They are apart of a different bone. Inferior an independent bone, while middle and superior are connected to ethmoid bone. All are found in nasal cavity.

What are the three components of the sternum, and what ribs articulate directly to the sternum?

Three parts: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process Ribs 1-7 directly attach to the sternum

Compare the locations and functions of transverse foramina, intervertebral foramina, and the vertebral foramen.

Transverse Formina- Located in cervical vertebrae, gives passage to nerves and arteries Intervertebral foramina- opening between two spinal vertebrae, protection of the medulla spinalis Vertebral foramen- Cushion shock, between every two vertebrae where nerve roots exit spine

What is the structure that the olecranon wraps around and articulates with on the humerus?


How many phalanges in great toe? How many in the rest toe?

Two in great toe Three in rest toe

spiral fracture

a fracture in which the bone has been twisted apart

paranasal sinuses

air cavities within the cranial bones that open into the nasal cavities. They serve to reduce bone mass and thus lighten the skull, and they also add resonance to the voice

Which of the following is the correct functional classification for an intervertebral disc?


Yellow marrow has been identified as ________.

an area of fat storage

The primary curvatures of the vertebral column ________.

are remnants of the original fetal curvature

What is the function of the fibula?

attachment point for muscles


bending a joint

greenstick fracture

bending and incomplete break of a bone; most often seen in children

compound fracture

bone breaks through the skin

Where are white blood cells produced?

bone marrow

The skeletal system is primarily made of ________.

bones and cartilage

What are the names of the tarsal bones?

calcaneus, talus, cuboid, navicular, first, second, and third cuneiforms

What is an example of a short bone?

carpals and tarsals

Which of the following can be found in areas of movement?


You are given a vertebra to identify. It has a transverse foramina and bifid spinous process. Is this a cervical, thoracic, or lumbar vertebra?


The frontal and parietal bones articulate at the _______ suture.


Uniaxial, biaxial, and multiaxial joints are all classifications of what?


Which of the following is the correct functional classification of the elbow joint?


Hinge joint

elbow and knee

Which of the following is a hinge joint:

elbow joint

What two bones make up the nasal septum?

ethmoid and vomer


extension beyond anatomical position

Without red marrow, bones would not be able to ________.

facilitate making blood cells

What material initially is secreted by chondrocytes from the endosteum to help stabilize a fracture?

fibrocartilagenous matrix

What bone shape classification do the ribs, sternum, frontal, and parietal bones belong to? How about the vertebrae?

flat bones vertebrae are irregular bones

What is ligament helps keep the carpal bones from luxating?

flexor retinaculum

What is an area in a fetal or newborn skull where the bones are attached by dense connective tissue rather than a suture joint?


The medical term for a broken bone is a:


comminuted fracture

fracture in which the bone is splintered or crushed

7 bones that form the orbit

frontal, sphenoid, zygomatic, maxilla, palatine, lacrimal, ethmoid

What structural category describes the joint between a tooth and either the mandible or maxilla?


Bone tissue can be described as ________.

hardened connective tissue

The sternum ________.

has the sternal angle located between the manubrium and body

Which of the following occurs in the spongy bone of the epiphysis?


Ligament of the head of the femur

intracapsular ligament that runs from the acetabulum of the hip bone to the head of the femur

In one type of bone development, compact and spongey bone develop directly from the sheets of mesenchymal connective tissue. What is this type of bone development called?

intramembranous ossification

What part of the coxal bone makes up the most posterior aspect, the part that bears weight when a person is sitting?

ischial ramus/ischium

Plane joint

joint between tarsals and carpals

The femur articulates with the tibia at the femur's ___________

knee joint

The two prominent bumps you can palpate on the sides of your ankle are the _______________________

lateral and medial malleolus

What do we call strong connective tissue bands that hold the bones together at moveable joints, or prevent excessive movement at the joint?


acetabular labrum

lip of fibrocartilage that surrounds outer margin of the acetabulum on the hip bone

Which of these is a characteristic of female hips compared to male helps?

more rounded, larger pelvic outlet


movement that turns the palm up

The lambdoid suture joins the parietal bone to the ________.


What structures of the skull allow movement of the head up and down relative to their articulation with the spine?

occipital condyles

oblique fracture

occurs at an angle across the bone

transverse fracture

occurs straight across the bone

Which cells do not originate from osteogenic cells?


Which of the following are of undergoing mitosis?

osteogenic cells only

What do we call a decrease in bone mass caused when the rate of bone resorption by osteoclasts exceeds bone production by osteoblasts, often occurring in older age?


Which of the following plays no major role in regulating the skeletal system?

parathyroid hormone

Which of these bones does NOT contribute to the orbit?


What is the largest sesamoid bone in the body?


What is the name of the bony structures that attach the arm to the axial skeleton?

pectoral girdle

The fibrous membrane covering the outer surface of the bone is the ________.


What bone forms upper part of the nasal septum?

perpendicular plate of ethmoid

the six types of synovial joints:

plane, hinge, pivot, condylar, saddle, ball and socket

Which function of the skeletal system would be especially important if you were in a car accident?

protection of internal organs

Starting from the epiphysis and moving towards the center of ossification, what is the order of the growth plate zones?

resting or reserve zone; proliferative zone; zone of hypertrophy; zone of calcification, zone of ossified calcium

Pivot joint

rotating bone turns around an axis; i.e. connection between radius/ulna and humerus

Parts of the sphenoid bone include the ________.

sella turcica

saggital suture

separates the left and right parietal bone

What type of bone is the patella?


The cervical region of the vertebral column consists of ________.

seven vertebrae

Ball-and-socket joint

shoulder and hip

Identify a Wormian/ sutural bone. Where is it?


articular capsule

sleevelike structure around a synovical joint composed of a fibrous capsule and synovial membrane

synovial cavity

space between bones at a synovial joint

what is diploe

spongy bone in flat bones. The spongy material between the hard inside and outside layer of the skull.

Cartilaginous joints can be:

synarthroses or amphiarthroses

Which list contains types of fibrous joints?

syndesmosis, suture, gomphosis

The mandible articulates with the _______ bone.


cartilaginous joint

the bones are joined by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

lamboid suture

the suture between the occipital and parietal bones

coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and frontal bones of the skull

Which is a characteristic of the articular facets of cervical vertebrae?

they tend to be short and face superior or inferior

Most _______ vertebrae have a long spinous process that is angled inferiorly.


Saddle Joint

thumb joint

Weight baring bone of the leg


Which of the following are only found in cancellous bone?


True or false: all synovial joints can be functionally classified as diarthroses.



turning the palm downward

Uniaxial, biaxial, multiaxial

uniaxial, motion in one plane biaxial, motion in two planes multiaxial, motion in three planes

fibrous joints

where the adjacent bones are united by fibrous connective tissue.

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