Anatomy Exam 3

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What is the most likely reason that some people experience motion sickness? A: Motion sickness arises from a mismatch of sensory inputs. B: Antimotion drugs do not work on people who experience motion sickness. C: Their vestibular nuclei lie closer to the superior colliculi in the medulla oblongata. D: There is a buildup of excessive endolymph in the membranous labyrinth.

A: Motion sickness arises from a mismatch of sensory inputs

Which of these statements accurately describes how the general visceral motor system of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) differs from the general somatic motor system? A: Motor units in the ANS include a chain of two motor neurons. B: ANS motor axons are more thickly myelinated than somatic motor axons. C: The dorsal root ganglia contain cell bodies of motor neurons. D: The conduction of impulses through the ANS is quicker than conduction through the somatic motor system.

A: Motor units in the ANS include a chain of two motor neurons.

Which of these conduction sequences through the heart is correct? A: SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers B: AV bundle, AV node, SA node, Purkinje fibers, bundle branches C: AV node, Purkinje fibers, AV bundle, SA node, bundle branches D: SA node, AV bundle, AV node, Purkinje fibers, bundle branches E: SA node, AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers, bundle branches

A: SA node, AV node, AV bundle, bundle branches, Purkinje fibers

Identify the areas that are filled with aqueous humor. A: The anterior and posterior chambers B: The anterior and posterior segments C: The anterior chamber and the posterior segment D: The posterior chamber and the posterior segment

A: The anterior and posterior chambers

What is the function of valves in veins? A: They counteract low venous pressure, and prevent backflow of blood away from the heart. B: They are the reason that a relatively higher amount of blood resides in veins, compared to arteries. C: They compensate for the larger lumens of veins compared to arteries of similar size. D: They help propel blood with great velocity.

A: They counteract low venous pressure, and prevent backflow of blood away from the heart.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions can be distinguished by the amount of branching of the post-ganglionic fibers. A: True B: False

A: True

Vagal stimulation of the heart decreases heart rate, resulting in a drop in blood pressure. A: True B: False

A: True

Aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide are __________ hormones. A: antagonistic, because secretion of aldosterone increases blood volume and increases blood pressure and atrial natriuretic peptide decreases blood volume and decreases blood pressure B: synergistic because both increase blood volume and blood pressure C: synergistic because both increase the absorption of calcium into the blood D: antagonistic because aldosterone decreases the absorption of activated vitamin D and atrial natriuretic peptide increases the absorption of activated vitamin D E: None of the listed choices is correct.

A: antagonistic, because secretion of aldosterone increases blood volume and increases blood pressure and atrial natriuretic peptide decreases blood volume and decreases blood pressure

Hemopoiesis is A: blood cell production. B: different from hematopoiesis. C: a disease of erythrocytes. D: a stain for blood smears.

A: blood cell production.

Blood levels of which substance are regulated by secretion from the illustrated glands? A: calcium B: androgen hormones (testosterone and estrogens) C: epinephrine D: glucose

A: calcium

Which of the following controls the amount of light entering the eye? A: dilator/sphincter pupillae muscles B: medial rectus C: levator palpebrae D: ciliary muscle

A: dilator/sphincter pupillae muscles

The auricles are A: earlike flaps on the surface of the atria. B: projections of the endothelium into the ventricles. C: modifications of the pectinate muscles on the inner surface of the atria. D: earlike flaps on the surface of the ventricles.

A: earlike flaps on the surface of the atria.

The inner endothelial layer that lines the heart is the A: endocardium. B: pericardium. C: myocardium. D: epicardium.

A: endocardium.

Through which cranial bone do the nerve fibers of the olfactory nerve pass? A: ethmoid B: nasal C: frontal D: sphenoid

A: ethmoid

Where do tears drain? A: into the nasal cavity B: into the pharynx C: into the Eustachian tube D: into the lacrimal gland

A: into the nasal cavity

Blood within the pulmonary veins returns to the A: left atrium. B: right atrium. C: left ventricle. D: right ventricle.

A: left atrium.

Odors may elicits a variety of emotions if these impulses are relayed through the __________. A: limbic system B: thalamus C: medulla oblongata D: hypothalamus E: basal ganglia

A: limbic system

Which portion of the adrenal gland secretes hormones in response to "fight-or-flight" situations? A: medulla B: zona glomerulosa C: zona reticularis D: zona fasciculata

A: medulla

The ANS is the system of __________ neurons that regulates such functions as __________. A: motor / heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure B: bipolar / vision, hearing, balance, olfaction, and taste C: sensory / heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure D: somatic motor / skeletal muscle movements

A: motor / heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure

A blockage in the internal iliac artery would impair blood flow to all of the following EXCEPT the __________. A: muscles of lower limbs and a small portion of the anterior abdominal wall B: pelvic wall C: pelvic organs D: gluteal muscles E: medial thigh

A: muscles of lower limbs and a small portion of the anterior abdominal wall

Of the three layers of the heart wall, the layer that contains the cardiac muscle is the A: myocardium. B: epicardium. C: visceral layer of serous pericardium. D: endocardium.

A: myocardium.

Which structure anchors the chordae tendinae of the atrioventricular valves? A: papillary muscle B: trabeculae carnea C: interventricular septum D: pectinate muscle

A: papillary muscle

This division can also be called the craniosacral division. A: parasympathetic division B: sympathetic division C: autonomic nervous system

A: parasympathetic division

The cells that secrete parathyroid hormone are called A: parathyroid cells. B: parafollicular cells. C: follicular cells. D: oxyphil cells.

A: parathyroid cells.

The biconcave shape of erythrocytes is a result of__________. A: peripheral proteins anchored to the inner surface of their plasma membranes B: the oxygen that they carry C: the structure of the hemoglobin molecules D: their greater surface area compared to a spherical cell of the same volume

A: peripheral proteins anchored to the inner surface of their plasma membranes

Which of the listed hormones is not secreted by the placenta? A: renin B: human chorionic gonadotropin C: estrogen D: corticotropin-releasing hormone

A: renin

The heart chamber that receives blood from the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus. A: right atrium B: left auricle C: left ventricle D: left atrium E: right ventricle

A: right atrium

Which of these is not innervated by the ANS? A: skeletal muscle B: glands C: smooth muscle D: cardiac muscle

A: skeletal muscle

Which of the following veins does not deliver blood directly to the right atrium? A: the great cardiac veins B: inferior vena cava C: coronary sinus D: superior vena cava

A: the great cardiac veins

Hematopoiesis is __________. A: the process by which blood cells are formed B: a disorder leading to shortened life expectancy due to blood vessel malformation C: the process by which specific blood cells undergo apoptosis D: the ability to regulate body temperature through the hypothalamus E; None of the listed choices is correct.

A: the process by which blood cells are formed

Adrenergic postganglionic neurons release the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine. A: True B: False

A: true

Olfactory sensory neurons __________. A: undergo replacement throughout life B: begin embryonically as multipolar neurons C: process olfactory impulses to form an immediate conscious perception of odor D: play a significant role in secretion of mucus

A: undergo replacement throughout life

In common usage, the terms "systole" and "diastole" refer to __________, respectively. A: ventricular contraction and ventricular filling B: ventricular fibrillation and atrial fibrillation C: the effects of myocardial infarction and pulmonary hypertension D: ventricular filling and ventricular contraction

A: ventricular contraction and ventricular filling

If the beating heart makes a "lub-dup" sound, the "dup" sound is caused by A: vibrations that result from the semilunar valves slamming shut. B: the large force of the contracting ventricles. C: a stenotic atrioventricular valve. D: the apex of the heart hitting the anterior chest wall.

A: vibrations that result from the semilunar valves slamming shut.

The epicardium is the same as the A: visceral layer of serous pericardium. B: fibrous pericardium. C: pericardium. D: endocardium.

A: visceral layer of serous pericardium.

Fluid filling the posterior segment of the eye. A: vitreous humor B: serous fluid C: endolymph D: aqueous humor E: synovial fluid

A: vitreous humor

__________ disease involves deficiencies of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids; blood levels of glucose and sodium fall; and severe dehydration and low blood pressure are common; other symptoms are fatigue and loss of appetite.


The percentage of erythrocytes in a normal volume of blood is about A: 30%. B: 45%. C: 90%. D: 10%.

B: 45%.

Which cells fight infection by producing antibodies? A: plasma cells B: B lymphocytes C: T lymphocytes D: eosinophils

B: B lymphocytes

Identify the structure that regulates the amount of light entering the posterior segment of the eye. A: Cornea B: Iris C: Pupil D: Lens

B: Iris

Why is the sense of touch not considered a "special sense"? A: The receptors for touch are too localized to be considered "special." B: Its receptors are widespread throughout the body. C: Touch receptors are both somatic and visceral. D: The receptors for touch are too rudimentary to be considered with the special senses.

B: Its receptors are widespread throughout the body.

The thymus is the organ where __________. A: TSH stimulates TH secretion B: T lymphocytes mature from precursor cells C: both mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids are secreted in stressful situations D: cholesterol is converted into precursors of the steroid sex hormones

B: T lymphocytes mature from precursor cells

Why is the only path of conduction for impulse transmission from the atria to the ventricles through the AV node and AV bundle? A: The coronary arteries block the conduction in all other directions. B: The atria and ventricles are insulated from each other by the fibrous skeleton of the heart. C: The AV node sets the basic heart rate; without it the ventricles would contract too slowly to pump blood. D: The blood going through the AV valves prevents conduction.

B: The atria and ventricles are insulated from each other by the fibrous skeleton of the heart.

Blood moves from the left ventricle into what vessel? A: pulmonary veins B: ascending aorta C: superior vena cava D: pulmonary arteries E: pulmonary trunk F: cardiac veins

B: ascending aorta

Hair cells are receptor cells for A: smell. B: both hearing and equilibrium. C: taste. D: fine touch.

B: both hearing and equilibrium.

The site of origin of the preganglionic fibers of the parasympathetic nervous system is the A: thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord. B: brain stem and the sacral region of the cord. C: higher brain centers. D: chain and prevertebral ganglia.

B: brain stem and the sacral region of the cord.

The sensation of taste involves A: bending of cilia. B: chemicals binding to microvilli. C: movement of crystals embedded in gelatinous masses. D; photons altering pigment molecules.

B: chemicals binding to microvilli.

Another name for the ANS is the A: general somatic motor system. B: general visceral motor system. C: branchial motor system. D: general peripheral nervous system.

B: general visceral motor system.

The circulatory route that runs from the digestive tract to the liver is called A: pulmonary circulation. B: hepatic portal circulation. C: coronary circulation. D: cerebral circulation.

B: hepatic portal circulation.

The secretion of hormones by the anterior lobe of the pituitary is controlled by the A: atria of the heart. B: hypothalamus. C: pancreatic islets. D: pars distalis.

B: hypothalamus.

The heart chamber that pumps oxygenated blood around the systemic circuit is the A: left atrium. B: left ventricle. C: right ventricle. D: right atrium.

B: left ventricle.

Which structure divides the internal chamber of the eye into anterior and posterior segments? A: cornea B: lens C: choroid D: iris

B: lens

Which portion of ear contains ear ossicles? A: external B: middle C: internal D: vestibular apparatus

B: middle

The center for vision in the cerebral cortex is located in the A: frontal lobe. B: occipital lobe. C: parietal lobe. D: temporal lobe.

B: occipital lobe.

The equilibrium pathway transmits most of its information to lower brain centers because the __________. A: synapse in the thalamus sends messages down the brain stem rather than to the cerebral cortex B: pathway responds to loss of balance and must be rapid and reflexive to prevent injury C: nuclei in the semicircular canals and the vestibule are the location of the synapse on a third-order neuron, so the messages must end in the medulla D: All of the listed answers are correct.

B: pathway responds to loss of balance and must be rapid and reflexive to

Structure that regulates blood flow into true capillaries. A: metarteriole B: precapillary sphincter C: sinusoids D: fenestrations E: thoroughfare channel

B: precapillary sphincter

Which vessel carries oxygenated blood? A: pulmonary artery B: pulmonary vein C: pulmonary trunk D: superior vena cava

B: pulmonary vein

The left ventricular wall of the heart is thicker than the right ventricular wall so that it can A: expand the thoracic cage during diastole. B: pump blood with greater pressure. C: pump blood through a smaller valve. D: accommodate a greater volume of blood.

B: pump blood with greater pressure.

Plasma minus clotting factors. A: albumin B: serum C: buffy coat D: hematocrit E: myeloid

B: serum

Division that is dominant during exercise, excitement, or emergencies. A: cholinergic B: sympathetic C: enteric nervous system D: inferior hypogastric plexus E: parasympathetic

B: sympathetic

Division of the ANS most active during vigorous exercise describes the A: parasympathetic division. B: sympathetic division. C: autonomic nervous system.

B: sympathetic division.

Division of the ANS responsible for the fight-or-flight response describes the A: parasympathetic division. B: sympathetic division. C: autonomic nervous system.

B: sympathetic division.

What prevents the backflow of blood in veins? A: thick smooth muscle and elastic layers B: valves C: the narrowed lumen D: increased blood pressure

B: valves

Where are cell bodies of somatic motor neurons located? A: sympathetic trunk B: ventral horn of spinal cord C: lateral horn of spinal cord D: dorsal root ganglia

B: ventral horn of spinal cord

The semilunar valves prevent backflow of blood into the _____. A: lungs B: ventricles C: vena cavae D: atria

B: ventricles

During which stage of the heartbeat is the valve shown here closed? A: atrial contraction (atrial systole) B: ventricular contraction (ventricular systole) C: ventricular relaxation (ventricular diastole)

B: ventricular contraction (ventricular systole)

Identify the fluid filled space between the cornea and iris. A: Posterior segment B: Anterior segment C: Anterior chamber D: Posterior chamber

C: Anterior chamber

Which cranial nerve carries parasympathetic innervation to the thoracic and abdominal viscera? A: CN VII B: CN XI C: CN X D: CN IX


Which of these statements concerning cardiac muscle tissue is true? A: Unlike skeletal muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells do not contract by the sliding filament mechanism. B: Like skeletal muscle tissue, all cells of cardiac muscle tissue are innervated. C: Cardiac muscle tissue exhibits inherent rhythmicity, which is the basis of coordinated heartbeats. D: Cardiac muscle cells are long, multinucleated, and cylinder-shaped. E: Cardiac muscle tissue is triggered to contract by ionic magnesium (Mg2+).

C: Cardiac muscle tissue exhibits inherent rhythmicity, which is the basis of coordinated heartbeats.

In a positive feedback loop, if concentrations of a specific hormone increase, what is the response of the effector organ? A: Hormone secretion is immediately halted. B: Hormone secretion is halted once a maximum set point is reached. C: More of that hormone is secreted, which prompts further secretion of that hormone. D: The hormone level is always kept within a very narrow range of "normal." E: A lesser concentration of that hormone is secreted until the hormone level reaches zero.

C: More of that hormone is secreted, which prompts further secretion of that hormone.

The diameter of a typical capillary is similar to that of A: a fat cell. B: a sinusoid. C: an erythrocyte. D: a venule.

C: an erythrocyte.

Myeloblasts __________. A: can give rise to fat cells, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, fibroblasts, and muscle cells B: phagocytize antigens in the blood C: are the committed cell type for all the granulocyte cell lines D: are the committed cell type for erythrocytes E: are the source of platelets

C: are the committed cell type for all the granulocyte cell lines

The general visceral motor division of the peripheral nervous system describes the A: parasympathetic division. B: sympathetic division. C: autonomic nervous system.

C: autonomic nervous system.

Which layer of the heart wall is visceral pericardium? A: myocardium B: endocardium C: epicardium D: endothelium

C: epicardium

The adrenal medulla secretes A: glucocorticoids. B: aldosterone. C: epinephrine and norepinephrine. D: cortisol.

C: epinephrine and norepinephrine.

The most common formed elements in the blood are A: macrophages. B: leukocytes. C: erythrocytes. D: platelets.

C: erythrocytes.

There are three layers of neurons in the retina. Which of the following neurons have axons that form the optic nerves? A: rod cells B: bipolar cells C: ganglion cells D: cone cells

C: ganglion cells

The thyroid gland is located A: posterior to the sternum. B: on the superior aspect of the kidneys. C: immediately inferior to the larynx. D: anterior to the aortic arch.

C: immediately inferior to the larynx.

The gaps of unjoined membrane through which small molecules exit and enter capillaries are called __________. A: fenestrations B: sinusoids C: intercellular clefts D: pericytes

C: intercellular clefts

The heart chamber that receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins. A: right auricle B: right atrium C: left atrium D: left ventricle E: right ventricle

C: left atrium

Oxygen-poor blood returns to the heart and enters the A: right ventricle. B: left atrium. C: right atrium. D: left ventricle.

C: right atrium.

Which autonomic division increases heart rate? A: parasympathetic B: cranial C: sympathetic D: somatic

C: sympathetic

The scala tympani __________. A: is continuous with the vestibule and ends at the oval window, at the base of the cochlea B: is a pillar of bone shaped like a screw whose tip lies at the apex of the cochlea C: terminates at the round window at the base of the cochlea and is filled with perilymph D: is a continuous series of membrane-walled sacs that fit within the bony labyrinth

C: terminates at the round window at the base of the cochlea and is filled with perilymph

Which heart chamber has the thickest myocardium? A: the left atrium, because blood returned from the lungs has a high pressure B: the right atrium, because it receives a greater amount of blood from the systemic veins C: the left ventricle, because it pumps blood at a higher pressure D: the right ventricle, because it pumps poorly oxygenated blood

C: the left ventricle, because it pumps blood at a higher pressure

The pericardial cavity lies between A: the fibrous pericardium and the diaphragm. B: the fibrous pericardium and the parietal pericardium. C: the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium. D: the serous pericardium and the epicardium.

C: the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium.

A drop of blood returning to the heart from the head region would enter the heart through which vessel? A: the coronary sinus B: the inferior vena cava C: the superior vena cava D: a pulmonary vein

C: the superior vena cava

Which layer of blood vessels contains smooth muscle tissue? A: tunica adventitia B: tunica externa C: tunica media D: tunica intima

C: tunica media

By definition, veins are A: the only vessels that lead from capillaries. B: vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood. C: vessels that carry blood toward the heart. D: vessels that always carry nutrient-poor blood.

C: vessels that carry blood toward the heart

Fraction of blood comprised by erythrocytes. A: myeloid B: albumin C:hematocrit D: serum E: buffy coat


When the lens of the eye bulges for close vision, which of the following happens? A: The ciliary muscles relax. B: The ciliary zonule tightens. C: The eyeball becomes more elongated in the anterior to posterior plane. D: The ciliary muscles contract.

D: The ciliary muscles contract.

Which of the following statements concerning the endocrine glands is incorrect? A: The hormones they secrete regulate processes such as growth and metabolism. B: They are a group of ductless glands. C: They secrete messenger molecules called hormones. D: The hormones they secrete travel more quickly than nerve impulses.

D: The hormones they secrete travel more quickly than nerve impulses.

You are listening to music on your iPod at a very loud volume. What happens in your middle ear to protect the hearing receptors in your inner ear? A: The brain inhibits auditory impulse transmission from the thalamus to the auditory cortex of the temporal lobe. B: Difference in air pressure builds up across the tympanic membrane, diminishing its vibrations . C: The malleus detaches from the tympanic membrane. D: The tensor tympani and stapedius muscles contract reflexively. E: The volume of perilymph increases to decrease the vibration of the stapes on the oval window.

D: The tensor tympani and stapedius muscles contract reflexively.

What is distinctive about the tunica media of arteries when compared to the tunica media of veins? A: The tunica media of arteries contains elastin and collagen. B: The tunica media of arteries is primarily comprised of flat endothelial cells. C: The tunica media of arteries anchors the vessel to surrounding structures. D: The tunica media is thicker in arteries than in veins.

D: The tunica media is thicker in arteries than in veins.

Which vessels anastomose to form a collateral circulatory route in the arm? A: lateral thoracic and subscapular arteries B: radial and ulnar arteries C: axillary and brachial arteries D: anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries

D: anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries

During left ventricular systole, blood exits the heart to enter the A: pulmonary vein. B: venae cavae. C: pulmonary trunk. D: aorta.

D: aorta.

Continuous capillaries __________. A: are the least common type of capillary B: have wide passages for large molecules, proteins, and cells C: occur where there are rapid rates of exchange of small molecules between blood and peripheral tissues D: are found in most organs of the body, such as skeletal muscles, skin, and the CNS E: have "pores" that span the endothelial cells

D: are found in most organs of the body, such as skeletal muscles, skin, and the CNS

Vasa vasorum __________. A: are composed of wide, leaky capillaries, and occur in bone marrow and the spleen B: are a convincing sign of atherosclerosis and venous disease of the lower limb C: is a rare genetic disorder in which systemic veins actually carry blood away from the heart D: are small vessels within the tunica externa of large arteries and veins E: provide oxygen and nutrients to the innermost region of large vessels

D: are small vessels within the tunica externa of large arteries and veins

Which region of the spinal cord does NOT contain any autonomic neurons? A: lumbar B: sacral C: thoracic D: cervical

D: cervical

Receptors for hearing are located in the A: middle ear. B: tympanic membrane. C: semicircular canals. D: cochlear duct.

D: cochlear duct.

Which formed elements of blood are most abundant? A: leukocytes B: lymphocytes C: platelets D: erythrocytes

D: erythrocytes

Yellow bone marrow gets its color from A: the early stages of red blood cells being made there. B: the bone trabeculae in the center of this colorless marrow. C: low densities of red blood cells. D: fat cells.

D: fat cells.

Vessels of the small intestines, renal glomerulus, and synovial membranes that allow passage of fluid and solutes through "windows" in the endothelium. A: continuous capillaries B: sinusoids C: metarterioles D: fenestrated capillaries E: none of the above

D: fenestrated capillaries

Fenestrated capillaries A: permit the movement of very few molecules. B: occur in most of the organs of the body. C: are located in the central nervous system. D: have pores in their walls.

D: have pores in their walls.

Which of these extrinsic eye muscles depresses the eye and turns it medially? A: medial rectus B: superior rectus C: superior oblique D: inferior rectus E: Inferior oblique

D: inferior rectus

Which feature is unique to cardiac muscle tissue relative to other types of muscle tissue? A: centrally located nucleus B: striations C: gap junctions D: intercalated discs

D: intercalated discs

Yellow bone marrow __________. A: actively generates blood cells and is composed of many fat cells B: is filled with wide, leaky capillaries called sinusoids C: is found primarily within the epiphyses of all long bones in adults D: is a dormant tissue that only produces blood cells in hematopoietic emergencies

D: is a dormant tissue that only produces blood cells in hematopoietic emergencies

Which components of blood are found in the buffy coat in this centrifuged blood sample? A: plasma B: erythrocytes C: platelets D: leukocytes and platelets

D: leukocytes and platelets

What causes the red color of blood? A: ribosomes that are present when erythrocytes are in the reticulocyte stage B: the structure of plasma proteins C: presence of ions in serum D: oxidation of iron atoms in hemoglobin E: eosin dye

D: oxidation of iron atoms in hemoglobin

What is the function of the chordae tendineae and papillary muscles of the bicuspid and tricuspid valves? A: preventing reflux (regurgitation) of atrial blood into the ventricles B: preventing reflux (regurgitation) of ventricular blood into the pulmonary trunk C: opening the semilunar valves D: preventing eversion of the valves into the atria E: preventing reflux (regurgitation) of ventricular blood into the aorta F: forcing closure of the semilunar valves

D: preventing eversion of the valves into the atria

Which vessels drain into the right atrium? A: superior and inferior aorta and main cardiac vein B: coronary sinus, right coronary artery, and left coronary artery C: azygous vein, brachiocephalic trunk, and superior vena cava D: superior and inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus

D: superior and inferior vena cava and the coronary sinus

Veins entering the right atrium include which of the following? A: inferior vena cava, azygous vein, and intercostal veins B: external jugular, brachiocephalic, and subclavian veins C: superior and inferior venae cavae and the brachiocephalic veins D: superior and inferior venae cavae and the coronary sinus E: azygous vein, superior vena cava, and right brachiocephalic vein

D: superior and inferior venae cavae and the coronary sinus

Branches of the vagus nerve __________. A: supply sympathetic innervation to the heart, which increases the heart rate and its force of contraction B: travel to the heart from the cervical and upper thoracic chain ganglia C: are influenced by the cardioacceleratory center in the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata D: supply parasympathetic innervation to the heart, which slows the heart rate E: are woven through the cardiac musculature of the ventricles

D: supply parasympathetic innervation to the heart, which slows the heart rate

The secretions of the adrenal medulla act to supplement the effects of A: parasympathetic innervation. B: reflex control. C: vagus nerve activity. D: sympathetic stimulation.

D: sympathetic stimulation.

An example of hormonal stimuli is __________. A: when the parathyroid gland releases PTH into the blood in response to low blood calcium levels B: the stimulation of the adrenal medulla by the nervous system resulting in the release of epinephrine into the blood C: when more of a hormone is secreted if the blood level of a hormone is below its minimum set point; then hormone secretion is halted when the maximum set point is exceeded D: the hypothalamus secretes CRH that influences the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH, which then stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids

D: the hypothalamus secretes CRH that influences the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH, which then stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete glucocorticoids

The right ventricle pumps blood into which vessel? A: the aorta B: the pulmonary vein C: the superior vena cava D: the pulmonary trunk

D: the pulmonary trunk

Which of the following vessels does not carry oxygen-poor blood to the heart? A: the inferior vena cava B: the coronary sinus C: the superior vena cava D: the pulmonary vein

D: the pulmonary vein

Cells of the adrenal medulla are most closely allied with A: the pinealocytes. B: the T lymphocytes of the immune system. C: the exocrine acinar cells of the pancreas. D: the sympathetic neurons.

D: the sympathetic neurons.

Site-specific functions of capillaries include __________. A: removal of nitrogenous wastes from the kidneys B: transporting hormones from endocrine glands C: receiving digested nutrients in the small intestine D: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs E: All of the listed functions are site-specific functions of capillaries.

E: All of the listed functions are site-specific functions of capillaries.

Which of the following is/are true of aldosterone? A: It is secreted in response to a decline in blood volume or blood pressure. B: It is a steroid hormone. C: It is secreted by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal cortex. D: It compensates for a decline in blood pressure or blood volume by prompting the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of the kidneys to resorb more sodium into the blood. E: All statements listed are true of aldosterone.

E: All statements listed are true of aldosterone.

Threadlike structures of the endocardium that prevent prolapse of the atrioventricular valves. A: fossa ovalis B: pectinate muscles C: trabeculae carneae D: ligamentum arteriosum E: chordae tendineae

E: chordae tendineae

If you were very nervous about speaking in front of a group of people, which of the following would be likely to develop? A: sympathetic dilation of most blood vessels, and a decrease in blood pressure B: sympathetic stimulation of constrictor muscles in the eyes to constrict pupils C: Parasympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla to secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine into the bloodstream D: parasympathetic contraction of the smooth muscles of the bladder wall, promoting voiding E: dry mouth, due to sympathetic inhibition of secretions from the salivary glands

E: dry mouth, due to sympathetic inhibition of secretions from the salivary glands

The neurohypophysis is comprised of __________. A: cells that secrete steroid hormones and have well-developed smooth ER B: Cells that have unusually shaped mitochondria and abundant lipid droplets C: cells that make, store, and release releasing hormones produced in the hypothalamus D: cells that secrete protein hormones and have a well-developed Golgi apparatus E: nervous tissue that contains unmyelinated axons and neuroglial cells

E: nervous tissue that contains unmyelinated axons and neuroglial cells

Division that is dominant during rest, digestion, and excretion. A: enteric nervous system B: cholinergic C: sympathetic D: inferior hypogastric plexus E: parasympathetic

E: parasympathetic

All arteries carry oxygen-rich blood, whereas veins carry oxygen-poor blood. True False


Blood serum is plasma from which albumin has been removed. True False


Paired fetal umbilical veins carry blood from the fetus to the placenta, whereas the unpaired umbilical artery returns blood from the placenta to the fetus. True False


The iris divides the eye into the anterior and posterior segments. False True


The pupil can adjust its size independent of the iris. True False


Erythrocytes and neutrophils both arise from myeloid stem cells. True False


Erythrocytes eject their nuclei and other organelles prior to maturity. True False


Oxygen-rich blood returning from the lungs enters the left atrium through two right and two left pulmonary veins. True False


Monocytes and lymphocytes belong to the group of leukocytes called__________ .


The CNS structure that is the main integration center of the ANS is the__________.


Monocytes transform into__________ in peripheral tissues.


The medial and anterior regions of the hypothalamus direct__________functions.


A cell does not respond to the presence of a hormone if it lacksd specific__________ molecules either on the plasma membrane or intracellularly.


__________ is plasma from which the clotting factors have been removed.


__________ are wide, leaky capillaries that occur in regions where there is movement of large materials, such as proteins or cells, between blood and tissue.


The heart valve at the junction of the right atrium and right ventricle is the__________ valve.


All endocrine glands secrete their hormones into the bloodstream. True False


Which layer of an elastic artery contains the largest amount of elastic fibers?

tunica media

Blood flows from the pulmonary arteries, directly to the__________ .

venous blood vessels of the lungs

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