anatomy EXAM 4

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Satellite cells surround the cell bodies of peripheral neurons, which can be found in (the) ________.


The epidural space contains areolar and adipose tissue, in addition to ________.

Blood vessels

Sites where information regarding reflexes is processed include the spinal cord and the ________


The central nervous system (CNS) includes the ________.

Brain and spinal cord

The cardiovascular centers of the medulla oblongata may be subdivided into ________.

Cardiac and vasomotor

If Julie is in a store deciding whether or not to buy a new purse, her decision-making thought process requires activity from which part of the nervous system?

Central nervous system

The gray matter of the spinal cord is organized into anterior, posterior, and lateral ________.


Which of the following is characteristic of the membranous labyrinth?

It contains a fluid called endolymph

What is the location of the lacrimal gland?

It nestles within a depression in the frontal bone, within the orbit and superior and lateral to the eyeball.

What is the function of the aqueous humor?

It provides an important route for nutrient and waste transport

What is the function of the auditory tube?

It serves to equalize the pressure in the middle ear cavity with external, atmospheric pressure.

Which of the following is true regarding central adaptation?

It usually involves the inhibition of nuclei along a sensory pathway.

A normal patellar reflex indicates that spinal nerves and spinal segments ________ are undamaged


The pupillary reflex is mediated by ________.


In the head, postganglionic fibers leaving the cervical chain ganglia supply the regions and structures innervated by which cranial nerves?


The chemoreceptors of carotid bodies trigger reflexive adjustments in respiratory and cardiovascular activity via which cranial nerve?


Sensory and motor nuclei for which cranial nerves exist in the pons?


The medulla oblongata contains sensory and motor nuclei associate with cranial nerves ________

N VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII

Which of the following statements accurately compare(s) neuroglia to neurons?

Neuroglia have a greater ability to block the movement of materials out of the blood vessels. Neuroglia act more as structural components of the CNS. Neuroglia have a greater ability to phagocytize foreign particles.

________ sensations are the only sensations that reach the cerebral cortex without first synapsing in the thalamus.


Interneurons ________.

are responsible for the analysis of sensory inputs and the coordination of motor outputs are located entirely within the brain and spinal cord outnumber all other neurons combined can be classified as excitatory or inhibitory on the basis of their effects on the postsynaptic membranes of other neurons

Hair cells ________.

are the sensory receptors of the inner ear

The median nerve ________.

arises from both the medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus

The spinothalamic tract is ________.


A neuron, which has several dendrites and a single axon that may have one or more branches is a multipolar neuron.


A small neuron in which there are no anatomical clues to distinguish dendrites from axons is called an anaxonic neuron.


Astrocytes function in maintaining the blood-brain barrier, which isolates the CNS from the general circulation.


Both the sensory and motor components of the spinal cord have a definite regional organization


Spinal nerves caudal to the first thoracic vertebra take their names from the vertebra immediately preceding them


The cervical enlargement supplies nerves to the pectoral girdle and upper limbs.


The ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord are lined by ependymal cells, which are cuboidal to columnar in form and have slender processes that branch extensively.


If Rachel takes a medication that is designed to regulate her heart rate but should NOT affect her nervous system, what cells keep the chemical in the medication from penetrating the brain tissue?


After a head injury, which glial cells would try to repair the damaged area?

astrocytes and microglia

Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands are regulated by the ________.

autonomic nervous system

The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains ________.

axons of motor neurons

The middle layer of the meninges, which consists of simple squamous epithelium, is called (the) ________.

arachnoid mater

Bundles of fiber known as ________ extend from the inner surface of the arachnoid mater to the outer surface of the pia mater.

arachnoid trabeculae

Information on the volume of the urinary bladder is provided by (the) ________.


The organ of Corti rests on which structure that separates the cochlear duct from the tympanic duct?

basilar membrane

Displacement of eyelash hair triggers which of the following?

blinking reflex

The ulnar nerve is found in the ________ plexus


The cell body usually has several branching ________, which are specialized to respond to specific stimuli in the extracellular environment.


Spinal reflexes ________.

include both monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflexes

Which of the following is a general function of the parasympathetic division of the ANS?

increased smooth muscle activity along the digestive tract

Which cell population is the only group of cells in the retina that generate action potentials to the brain?

ganglion cells

Axons, which cross from one side to the other in the spinal cord, pass through the ________.

gray commissure

The sensory receptors of the inner ear are called ________.

hair cells

The ________ integrate(s) auditory information with the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus.

inferior colliculi

The pituitary gland is connected to the hypothalamus by the ________.


The term for a reflex that is genetically determined is a(n) ________ reflex


The spinal nerves form through the fusion of dorsal and ventral nerve roots as they pass through a(n) ________.

intervertebral foramen

Which structure fills the lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone?

lacrimal sac

Preganglionic neurons in the thoracolumbar division of the ANS are located in the ________ of spinal segments T1-L2.

lateral gray horns

In the sympathetic division of the nervous system, where are the cell bodies of preganglionic neurons located?

lateral gray horns of the spinal cord between T1 and L2

When an individual is shaking the head "no," the hair cells are stimulated in which of the following structures?

lateral semicircular duct

The septum pellucidum separates the ________.

lateral ventricles

Which of the following is a nerve of the cervical plexus?

lesser occipital nerve

The inferior cerebellar peduncles ________.

link the cerebellum with the medulla oblongata and spinal cord

Major effects produced by postganglionic fibers of the collateral ganglia include stimulation of the release of glucose from glycogen reserves in the ________.


A first-order neuron ________.

has its cell body located in the dorsal root ganglion

Perilymph ________.

has properties that closely resemble those of cerebrospinal fluid

The vitreous chamber is also known as (the) ________.

posterior cavity

The ________ tract carries axons that do not cross over to the opposite side of the spinal cord

posterior spinocerebellar

Small, unmyelinated axons leaving the ANS ganglia are called ________ fibers.


The surface of the precentral gyrus is the ________.

primary motor cortex

Lynn is taking a yoga class and closes her eyes while transitioning from one pose to another. Which of the following instructs her brain to tell her whether or not she is in the correct position for the new pose?


Oligodendrocytes ________.

provide structural framework and myelinate the central nervous system (CNS) axons

A motor homunculus ________.

provides an indication of the degree of fine motor control available

Functions of the peripheral nervous system include ________.

providing sensory information to the CNS and carrying motor commands to the peripheral tissues and systems

Sympathetic innervation of the lungs occurs via (the) ________.

pulmonary plexus

Which muscles, when contracted, decrease the diameter of the pupil?

pupillary sphincter muscles

"Saturday night palsy" results from pressure on the back of the arm, interrupting the function of which nerve?


The gray and white rami from T1 to L2, which allow information exchange between the spinal nerves and the autonomic ganglia are collectively called the ________.

rami communicantes

Involuntary control of background muscle tone and limb position is a function of which mesencephalic structure?

red nucleus

From medial to lateral, brachial plexus structures are organized as which of the following?


The largest nerve in the body that is formed from L4-S3 is the ________.

sciatic nerve

Which of the following is a structure of the fibrous tunic?


Functions of the nervous system include which of the following?

seat of higher functions, such as intelligence, memory, learning, and emotions receives sensory input; coordinates sensory input and motor output integrating and processing data regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activities

Which of the following is a function of the vascular tunic?

secretion and reabsorption of the aqueous humor

In which of the following locations would you find a somatic sensory receptor?

skeletal muscle

Receptors may be classified as ________.

somatic and visceral

Which structure contains the cell bodies of the sensory neurons that monitor the receptors in the cochlear duct?

spiral ganglion

Which hypothalamic nucleus receives visual inputs and establishes a daily pattern of visceral activity that is tied to the day-night cycle?

suprachiasmatic nucleus

The neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine function as hormones, and are secreted by which structure?

suprarenal medulla

Every spinal nerve along the entire length of the spinal cord has a gray ramus that carries ________.

sympathetic postganglionic fibers

Which glands are located along the inner margin of the lid and secrete a lipid-rich product that helps keep the eyelids from sticking together?

tarsal glands

Which of the following is NOT a function of the nervous system?

the monitoring of blood pressures throughout the body

In the sympathetic division of the ANS, ________.

the preganglionic fibers are short and the postganglionic fibers are relatively long

Neurons whose cell bodies are located in the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus are called ________.

third-order neurons

Each sympathetic chain typically has how many cervical sympathetic ganglia?


Which of the following is NOT a neuroglial function?

transmitting the image of a face from the eye to the visual cortex of the brain

Capillaries in the pineal gland are very permeable


Each side of the mesencephalon contains a pair of nuclei, the red nucleus and the substantia nigra.


It is known that there are at least 50 different "primary smells."


Nuclei in the mesencephalon process visual and auditory information, coordinate and direct reflexive somatic motor responses to these stimuli.


Somatic sensory receptors receive information from the skin about touch, pain, and temperature


Stretch reflexes provide automatic regulation of skeletal muscle length.


The basal nuclei modify voluntary and reflexive motor patterns at the subconscious level.


The cerebellar cortex contains huge highly branched Purkinje cells


The inferior medulla oblongata controls basic respiratory reflexes.


The medulla oblongata physically connects the brain with the spinal cord.


The taste receptors respond most readily to unpleasant rather than to pleasant stimuli.


The two cerebral hemispheres have some functional differences, although anatomically they appear to be identical.


The vagus nerve provides preganglionic parasympathetic innervation to intramural ganglia within structures in the thoracic cavity and in the abdominopelvic cavity as distant as the last segments of the large intestine.


The waxy secretions of the ceruminous glands slow the growth of microorganisms in the external acoustic meatus and reduces the chances of infection


Visceral sensory receptors receive information from internal structures, such as smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands, and respiratory and digestive organs


When a sound vibrates the eardrum, the movements are conducted to the perilymph of the inner ear by the movements of the stapes.


the superior colliculus of the midbrain issues motor commands controlling subconscious eye, head, or neck movements in response to visual stimuli


Which structure is a thin, semitransparent connective tissue sheet that separates the external ear from the middle ear?

tympanic membrane

Which taste sensation is produced by receptors sensitive to the presence of amino acids, especially glutamate, small peptides, and nucleotides?


Which of the following is/are bony labyrinth feature(s) that provide(s) sensations of gravity and linear acceleration?

utricle and saccule

The ________ nerve alone provides roughly 75 percent of all parasympathetic outflow.


The ________ tract carries information that controls muscle tone and balance.


Where would you expect to find CNS damage in a person who displays an inability to maintain posture and balance?


Reflexes that control the actions of smooth muscles and glands are classified as ________ reflexes.

visceral or autonomic

In the sacral parasympathetic outflow, the preganglionic fibers that form distinct pelvic nerves innervate intramural ganglia that target which organs?

visceral organs in the inferior portion of the abdominopelvic cavity

The occipital lobe contains (the) ________.


The enteric nervous system division of the ANS has neurons located in (the) ________.

walls of the digestive tract

Areas of the nervous system that are dominated by myelinated axons are referred to as ________.

white matter

The first branch of each spinal nerve, which communicates with an autonomic ganglion, is myelinated and is called a(n) ________.

white ramus

Microglia are (the) ________.

Smallest Neuroglial cell

Which of the following is the correct order of the steps in the production of an auditory sensation? 1) The pressure waves distort the basilar membrane on their way to the round window. 2) Vibration of the basilar membrane causes vibration of hair cells against the tectorial membrane. 3) Movement of the stapes at the oval window establishes pressure waves in the perilymph of the vestibular duct. 4) Sound waves arrive at the tympanic membrane. 5) Information concerning the frequency and intensity of stimulation is relayed to the CNS. 6) Movement of the tympanic membrane causes displacement of the auditory ossicles.


Which of the following reasons describe(s) why CNS nerve repair is more complicated than PNS nerve repair? Which of the following reasons describe(s) why CNS nerve repair is more complicated than PNS nerve repair?

Astrocytes may form scar tissue, which could block axon regrowth. More axons are involved in the CNS. Astrocytes may release chemicals to block axon regrowth.

The portion of a neuron that carries information in the form of a nerve impulse (action potential) is called the ________.


Which of the following neuroglia produce cerebrospinal fluid?

Ependymal cells

A somatic motor neuron also controls smooth and cardiac muscles


Exteroceptors provide sensations of deep pressure and pain, as well as taste, a special sense.


Oligodendrocytes are the largest and most numerous of the glial cells, having a variety of functions.


The arachnoid mater is the outermost covering of the spinal cord and brain.


The connective tissue layers of the spinal dura mater continue from the inferior tip of the conus medullaris as the filum terminale.


The cranial dura mater consists of three fibrous layers


The facial nerve consists only of sensory fibers


The ventral ramus of each spinal nerve receives motor information from a specific segment of the skin and muscles of the neck and back


the brachial plexus is composed of cutaneous and muscular branches of the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1-C4.


The blood vessels that supply the spinal cord are found in the ________.

Pia mater

The spinocerebellar pathway carries ________ information to the cerebellum for processing.


________ monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints.


In the inferior segments of the spinal cord, in which spinal segments do the parasympathetic autonomic nuclei lie?


The information the CNS receives from a receptor detecting a stimulus, which recognizes a change is called (a) ________.


Which of the following tracts carries proprioceptive information concerning the position of muscles, tendons, and joints to the cerebellum?


Which of the following projects postganglionic fibers that innervate the small intestine and the initial segments of the large intestine?

Superior mesenteric ganglion

________ lie lateral to each side of the vertebral column.

Sympathetic chain ganglia

The "rami communicantes" exist for spinal nerves ________.

T1 to L2

Which secondary brain vesicle forms the cerebrum?


Sensations detected by the receptors of the lateral spinothalamic pathway include ________.


Which of the following is true regarding visceral reflexes

They control the actions of smooth muscles and glands

A bundle of axons in the PNS is called a nerve.


In the PNS, the neuron cell bodies are found in clusters called ________.


________ is produced by receptors that are sensitive to the presence of amino acids, especially glutamate, small peptides, and nucleotides.


The lateral rectus muscle is innervated by which cranial nerve?


Balance and equilibrium are functions of the ________ nerve.


Rick feels a cramping pain deep in his abdomen. What kind of receptor is giving him this sensation?

a visceral interoceptor

All the preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic division release ________ at their synapses and neuroeffector junctions.


Over 50 different neurotransmitters have been identified, but the best known is ________.


The neuromuscular synapse is a vesicular synapse that releases the neurotransmitter ________.


When sympathetic preganglionic fibers are active which neurotransmitter do they release at their synapses with ganglionic neurons?


Motor patterns that are learned, like walking, are called ________ reflexes


Activation of a sensory neuron results in the conduction of action potentials into the spinal cord along a(n) ________.

afferent fiber

Which of the following sympathetic receptors are sensitive to epinephrine and norepinephrine?

alpha and beta

Polysynaptic reflex arcs differ from monosynaptic reflex arcs in that the former have ________, which are not present in the latter.

an interneuron or interneurons

Which type of neuron is found in the CNS and special sense organs and has NO distinguishable axon?

anaxonic neurons

The structure that connects the third ventricle with the fourth ventricle is the ________.

aqueduct of the midbrain

The filum terminale and ventral and dorsal spinal cord roots extending distal to the conus medullaris are collectively referred to as the ________.

cauda equina

The solar plexus is also known as the ________

celiac plexus

The H-shaped mass in the center of the spinal cord is dominated by ________.

cell bodies of neurons and glial cells

The anatomical subdivisions of the nervous system are (the) ________.

central and peripheral nervous systems

Which area of the brain coordinates complex motor patterns?


Oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the outer portion of the retina by an extensive capillary network contained within (the) ________.


Which structure is responsible for the production of cerebrospinal fluid?

choroid plexus

The zonular fibers of the lens attach to the tips of which structure(s)?

ciliary processes

The epithelium covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the outer surface of the eye is called the ________.


Circumvallate papillae ________.

contain as many as 100 taste buds per papilla

Regarding somatic motor control, the pons and superior medulla oblongata ________.

control balance reflexes and more-complex respiratory reflexes

The ________ is avascular, and there are no blood vessels between this structure and the overlying conjunctiva.


The spinal tracts that regulate voluntary motor control of skeletal muscles on the opposite side of the body are the ________.

corticospinal tracts

The body surface region monitored by a specific pair of spinal nerves is called (a) ________.


Motor fibers travel in the ________ of the spinal cord.

descending tracts

Which of the following is an activity of the nervous system?

detection of pain after a bee sting

Dual innervation is most prominent in the ________.

digestive tract, heart, and lungs

Every spinal cord segment is associated with a pair of ________, which contain the cell bodies of sensory neurons.

dorsal root ganglia

Muscle cells, gland cells, and specialized cells that respond to neural stimuli are called ________.


The ________ division of the PNS sends motor information to muscles and glands


The nervous system and the ________ system share important structural and functional characteristics, such as relying upon some form of chemical communication with targeted tissues and organs.


The innermost layer of connective tissue fibers and isolated fibrocytes, which surrounds each axon is the ________.


Which cell monitors the composition of the CSF in the CNS?

ependymal cell

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by _______

ependymal cells

The bloodstream does not contain the enzymes that break down which of the following sympathetic neurotransmitters?

epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the following is defined as the tough, fibrous sheath that forms the outermost layer of a peripheral nerve?


Which structure contains the pineal gland?


Gustatory information from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is carried to the gustatory cortex of the cerebrum via which cranial nerve?

facial nerve

All sympathetic neurons are cholinergic.


The anterior spinothalamic tract carries information about proprioception


The hypothalamus initiates voluntary motor activity.


The lacrimal gland secretions are viscous and slightly acidic


The lateral surface of the malleus attaches to the superior surface of the tympanum at a single point.


The photoreceptors of the eye and various receptors that monitor body position are examples of phasic receptors.


The thalamus on each side bulges laterally away from the fourth ventricle and anteriorly toward the cerebrum.


eye color is determined by the size of pigment cells in the epithelium covering the posterior surface of the body of the iris


The subarachnoid space is ________.

filled with cerebrospinal fluid

The simplest receptors are the dendrites of sensory neurons, called ________.

free nerve endings

Sympathetic activation is controlled by sympathetic centers in which of the following structures?


Visceral reflexes provide automatic motor responses that can be modified, facilitated, or inhibited by higher centers, especially those of the ________.


Which area of the brain controls stereotyped motor patterns related to eating, drinking, and sexual activity?


The neuron that relays commands from the CNS nuclei to the effectors is the ________ neuron.

lower motor

Inferior to the ________, the spinal cord tapers to the conus medullaris

lumbosacral enlargement

Regarding pathways for auditory sensations, ascending acoustic information travels to which structure?

medial geniculate nucleus

The pineal gland secretes ________.


The pons extends superiorly from the medulla oblongata to the ________.


Which of the following functions in controlling reflexes in response to visual and auditory stimuli?


The ventral portion of the ________ develops into the pons, and the dorsal portion becomes the cerebellum.


A biopsy of infected or injured tissue from the CNS will most likely show an elevated number of ________.


Which of the following selections lists only types of glial cells?

microglia, oligodendrocytes, and Schwann cells

In step 4 of a neural reflex, a(n) ________ stimulated to threshold conducts action potentials along its axons into the periphery.

motor neuron

If the point of an extremely small probe were passed into a satellite cell, it would be located in which region of the nervous system?

near a cell body in a ganglion of the PNS

The nervous system includes all of the ________ tissue in the body


The surface of the brain is called the ________.

neural cortex

Which of the following structures contain the photoreceptors that respond to light?

neural tunic

Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers release which neurotransmitter at neuroeffector junctions?


Olfactory organs consist of an underlying layer of loose connective tissue, which contains blood vessels, nerves, and ________.

olfactory glands

Axons from an estimated one million ganglion cells converge on the ________.

optic disc

The parotid salivary glands are target organs of which parasympathetic ganglionic neurons?

otic ganglion

The primary sensory cortex is found in which cerebral structure?

parietal lobe

The infundibulum connects the hypothalamus to which structure?

pituitary gland

When sympathetic activation occurs, there is increased activity in the cardiovascular and respiratory centers of the ________.

pons and medulla oblongata

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