Anatomy Final: Dr. Austin 2023

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D. subclavian

1. A muscular patient who regularly lifts weights presents with pain and weakness in his right upper limb that has been slowly developing over time. His limb is cool and there is an obvious vascular insufficiency in his upper extremity. Subsequent tests show that a large vessel passing between the anterior and middle scalene muscles is being occluded by hypertrophy (enlargement) of the muscles due to the exercise. The artery involved is the A. axillary B. brachial C. brachiocephalic D. subclavian E. suprascapular

C. supraclavicular

1. A person receives a shallow knife wound just behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle and about 1 1/2 inches above the clavicle. There is an immediate numbness of the skin below the wound and over the acromion and clavicle. The nerve most likely severed was the: A. great auricular B. lesser occipital C. supraclavicular D. suprascapular E. transverse cervical

C. Coracoclavicular ligament

1. After ramming the point of his shoulder into a practice dummy, a football player suffered a severe shoulder separation. Although this is a dislocation of the acromioclavicular joint, several structures could be torn, including the one that gives the joint its greatest strength and stability, namely the: A. Acromioclavicular ligament B. Coracoacromial ligament C. Coracoclavicular ligament D. Supraspinatus tendon E. Tendon of the long head of biceps

C. facial

1. Due to multiple salivary calculi (stones) in the submandibular duct, the submandibular gland of a 45- year-old individual was surgically removed. What major artery directly related to the gland was of special concern to the surgeon? A. lingual B. superior thyroid C. facial D. ascending pharyngeal E. maxillary

B. External branch of the superior laryngeal

1. Following surgery on the upper pole of the right lobe of the thyroid gland, a patient complains of hoarseness and weakness of voice. What nerve may have been injured? A. Ansa cervicalis B. External branch of the superior laryngeal C. Inferior laryngeal D. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal Recurrent laryngeal

D. Stylohyoid

1. One of the motor components of the cervical plexus, the ansa cervicalis, innervates all of the following muscles except the: A. Omohyoid B. Sternohyoid C. Sternothyroid D. Stylohyoid E. Thyrohyoid

Facial nerve The constrictor muscles of the pharynx receive their motor

1. The constrictor muscles of the pharynx receive their motor nerve supply from the: A. Glossopharyngeal nerve B. Hypoglossal nerve C. Cranial portion of the Accessory nerve D. Sympathetic trunk E. Facial nerve

A. Carotid 1. The superior belly of the omohyoid forms the anterior border

1. The superior belly of the omohyoid forms the anterior border of which cervical triangle? A. Carotid B. Muscula C. Omoclavicular D. Posterior E. Submandibular

B. Buccinator

1. Which muscle will not be affected when the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3) is anesthetized? A. Anterior belly of digastric B. Buccinator C. Medial pterygoid D. Mylohyoid E. Temporalis

A. Annular ligament

10. A "pulled elbow" in a young child results when the radial head is dislodged from the A. Annular ligament B. Insertion of biceps brachii C. Olecranon process D. Radial collateral ligament E. Ulnar collateral ligament

B. Inferior

11. The shoulder is most often dislocated in which direction is the final position? A. Anterior B. Inferior C. Posterior D. Superolateral E. Superomedial

A. Anterior

11. The shoulder is most often dislocated in which direction? A. Anterior B. Inferior C. Posterior D. Superolateral E. Superomedial

C. Separated shoulder

12. It was determined that a football player tore his coracoclavicular ligament. This is an example of a: A. Pulled elbow B. Rotator cuff tear C. Separated shoulder D. Dislocated shoulder E. Colles' fracture

A. Annular

13. A father and child are about to step off a curb to cross a street when a car suddenly turns around the corner. In panic the father yanks on the child's arm to pull him out of the way of the car. Safe on the curb, the child screams in pain and holds his elbow. The diagnosis is "pulled elbow;" the head of the radius has been pulled out of the socket holding it against the radial notch of the ulna. In order for the head of the radius to be dislocated in this way, what ligament must be stretched or torn? A. Annular B. Glenoid labrum C. Interosseous D. Radial collateral E. Ulnar collateral

B. Lunate

14. While walking to class on an icy winter morning, a student slips and falls on her outstretched hand. The intense pain forces her to go to the emergency room. After X-rays of her wrist are taken, the attending says," You were lucky, there is no Colles' nor scaphoid fractures, but you have dislocated the middle carpal bone of the proximal row." Which bone was dislocated? A. Capitate B. Lunate C. Scaphoid D. Trapezoid E. Triquetrum

C. Glenoid labrum

15. The fibrocartilaginous structure which deepens the shoulder socket is the A. Articular capsule B. Articular cartilage C. Glenoid labrum D. Lateral meniscus E. Superior glenohumeral ligament

D. Supraspinatus tendon

16. The synovial cavity of the glenohumeral joint communicates with the subdeltoid (subacromial) bursa after the rupture of the : A. Infraspinatus tendon B. Middle glenohumeral ligament C. Subscapularis tendon D. Supraspinatus tendon E. Long head of the biceps brachii tendon

C. Synchondrosis

17. The interosseous membrane between the radius and ulna is the uniting structure in a type of fibrous joint classified as a: A. Suture B. Symphysis C. Synchondrosis D. Syndesmosis E. Synostosis

C. Recurrent laryngeal

2. In repairing a defective right subclavian artery, the surgeon notices and protects a large nerve passing around to the posterior surface of the artery. This nerve, which would not be expected on the left side, is the: A. Phrenic B. Vagus C. Recurrent laryngeal D. Sympathetic trunk E. Ansa cervicalis

C. Sternohyoid

2. Which muscle is innervated by a branch of the ansa cervicalis? A. Sternocleidomastoid B. Platysma C. Sternohyoid D. Trapezius

A. into the subacromial (subdeltoid) bursa

2. While doing arthrography of the shoulder joint it was noted that the contrast material flowed into the subacromial (subdeltoid) bursa, along the tendon of the subscapularis and along the proximal part of the tendon of the long head of the biceps. The finding of contrast in which area was abnormal? A. into the subacromial (subdeltoid) bursa B. along the tendon of the subscapularis C. along the proximal part of the tendon of the long head of the biceps

B. Supinator and biceps

22 year old female Macarena dancer fell from the stage and complains of elbow pain and inability to supinate her forearm. Which of the following muscles are most likely damaged from this accident? A. Flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris B. Supinator and biceps C. Pronator quadratus and biceps D. Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

D. Subclavian artery

3. A stab wound just above the left clavicle, lateral to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, may be life- threatening because of the possibility of injury to the: A. Brachial plexus B. Internal jugular vein C. Axillary artery D. Subclavian artery E. Thoracic duct

B. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia

3. The layer of encircling cervical fascia that splits to enclose sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is the: A. Superficial fascia B. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia C. Infrahyoid fascia D. Prevertebral fascia E. Visceral fascia

D. subscapular bursa.

3. While performing an arthrogram to study an apparent rotator cuff injury, it was noted that the contrast material had spread from the shoulder joint onto the anterior lateral surface of the scapula near the joint. When asked, the first year resident responded that this was due to an anterior tear in the cuff. Having just studied the shoulder joint you respond that the contrast is in is a normal extension of the joint cavity called the A. bicipital bursa. B. olecranon bursa. C. subacromial bursa. D. subscapular bursa. E. ulnar bursa.

D. Displacement of the head of the humerus from the glenoid cavity

30-year-old female skier was airlifted to a local hospital after she lost control and struck a tree. Imaging revealed a shoulder separation. Which of the following typically occurs in this kind of injury? A. Disruption of the glenoid labrum B. Partial or complete tearing of the coracoclavicular ligament C. Partial or complete tearing of the coracoacromial ligament D. Displacement of the head of the humerus from the glenoid cavity E. Rupture of the transverse scapular ligament

D. Radial and musculocutaneous

38 year old home builder was involved in an accident and is unable to supinate (Turn or Hold) his forearm. Which if the following nerves are most likely damaged? A. Axillary and radial B. Suprascapular and axillary C. musculocutaneous and median D. Radial and musculocutaneous

C. Phrenic nerve

4. A 27-year-old man who is a professional weight lifter comes to his physician complaining of recent weakness in his left arm and frequent tingling in his hand and fingers during exercise sessions which subsides with rest. He is diagnosed as having vascular insufficiency due to scalenus anticus syndrome and as a remedy it is decided to transect the anterior scalene muscle where it inserts on the first rib. During surgery, which structure in contact with the anterior surface of the muscle must the surgeon be careful of sparing? A. Inferior (lower) trunk of the brachial plexus B. Long thoracic nerve C. Phrenic nerve D. Sympathetic trunk E. Vagus nerve

D. Supraspinatus

4. Which muscle contributes to the "rotator cuff"? A. Deltoid B. Latissimus dorsi C. Pectoralis Minor D. Supraspinatus E. Teres major

C. Great auricular n.

4. Which of the following is a dorsal ramus of a spinal nerve? A. Supraclavicular n. B. Transverse cervical n. C. Great auricular n. D. Greater occipital n. E. Lesser occipital n.

D. Adductor pollicis

46 year old business woman visits the doctor because of a neurological problem. She cannot hold a piece of paper between her thumb and lateral side of her index finger without flexing the distal joint of her thumb. This is positive Froment's sign, which is consistent with ulnar neuropathy. Weakness of which specific muscle causes this sign to appear: A. Flexor pollicis longus B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Flexor digiti minimi D. Adductor pollicis E. Extensor indicis

E. Vertebral

5. A 60-year-old man with a previous history of right carotid endarterectomy comes to his physician complaining of light-headedness and dizziness whenever he uses his right hand vigorously. He is diagnosed as having subclavian steal syndrome due to an atherosclerotic plaque at the point where his subclavian artery branches from the brachiocephalic trunk. The cerebral insufficiency is the result of blood being stolen from which artery? A. External carotid B. Internal carotid C. Middle cerebral D. Thyrocervical trunk E. Vertebral Subclavian steal syndrome occurs when there are abnormal blockages in vessels coming off of the aortic arch. Due to these blockages, there may be low blood flow to one arm through the subclavian artery. During high activity in the underperfused arm, the body needs to find a way to send blood to the arm to meet metabolic demands. It does this by shunting blood from the vertebral arteries. Usually, blood flows from the left and right vertebral arteries to the basilar arteries to the brain. However, with subclavian steal syndrome, blood can flow from the left vertebral artery toward the right vertebral artery. Then, there will be retrograde flow from the right vertebral artery toward the subclavian artery, which should help supply blood to the arm. This means that blood that should be getting to the brain is going to the arm, so these patients might present with symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness - they aren't getting enough blood to their brains. The other arteries listed cannot participate in similar shunts from the brain to the upper limb. You should remember the specific association with subclavian steal syndrome and the vertebral arteries!

E. Supraspinatus muscle

5. A patient presented to his physician with chronic shoulder pain. It was noted that when asked to abduct his arm, he initially leaned laterally, and then straightened up. When iodinated contrast was injected into his shoulder joint it was found to be in the subdeltoid bursa as well as in the joint cavity. Which structure was damaged to produce shoulder pain? A. Acromioclavicular ligament B. Long head of the biceps brachii muscle C. Subscapularis muscle D. Superior glenohumeral ligament E. Supraspinatus muscle

A. Accessory (XI: Spinal portion)

5. An abscess was surgically removed from the middle of the posterior triangle on the right side. During recovery the patient noticed that her shoulder drooped and she could no longer raise her right hand above her head to brush her hair. Which nerve has been cut? A. Accessory (XI: Spinal portion) B. Ansa cervicalis C. Facial (VII) D. Hypoglossal (XII) E. Suprascapular

B. Phrenic nerve

6. A first year resident attempts to insert a central venous catheter into the heart by a subclavicular approach to the subclavian vein. Following the attempt, it is noted that the patient has difficulty breathing. What nervous structure lying immediately deep to the subclavian vein, as it crosses the anterior scalene muscle, may have been injured? A. External branch of the superior laryngeal nerve B. Phrenic nerve C. Recurrent laryngeal nerve D. Sympathetic trunk E. Vagus nerve

E. Styloid process of the ulna

6. The axis of rotation (pronation/supination) at the distal radioulnar joint is through the: A. Capitate bone B. Head of the radius C. Head of the ulna D. Styloid process of the radius E. Styloid process of the ulna

D. the proximal radio-ulnar joint

7. A two year old child will not go to take her nap. Her mother tightly holds her left hand as she leads her to the bedroom. Refusing to go further, the child suddenly attempts to jerk away and then sits down screaming and holding her left elbow. In an attempt to calm her down her mother offers her a cookie, but she cannot supinate her left hand to receive it. Which joint was dislocated? A. the glenohumeral joint B. the humero-ulnar joint C. the humero-radial joint D. the proximal radio-ulnar joint E. the distal radio-ulnar joint

A. Carotid

7. The triangle in which the superior branch of the ansa cervicalis separates from the hypoglossal nerve is the: A. Carotid B. Muscular C. Subclavian D. Submental E. Occipital

C. It is accompanied by the deep cervical chain of lymph nodes

7. Which statement is true of the internal jugular vein? A. It drains all of the thyroid gland on that side of the body B. It drains into the external jugular vein C. It is accompanied by the deep cervical chain of lymph nodes D. It lies deep to the prevertebral fascia E. It passes superficial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle

C. Middle trunk of the brachial plexus

8. A surgeon doing a deep cervical lymph node dissection may encounter these structures upon the anterior surface of the anterior scalene muscle EXCEPT: A. Phrenic nerve B. Subclavian vein C. Middle trunk of the brachial plexus D. Transverse cervical artery E. Cervical part of the thoracic duct

B. Subclavian vein

8. Which structure lies immediately anterior to the right anterior scalene muscle at its costal attachment? A. Subclavian artery B. Subclavian vein C. Thoracic duct D. Thyrocervical trunk E. Vagus nerve

B. coracoclavicular A shoulder separation is an injury to the acromioclavicular joint. A first degree separation involves stretching the ligaments, but maintenance of the joint. A second degree separation involves tearing of the joint capsule and coracoclavicular ligament, but still continuity. A third degree separation involves total disruption of the joint and the coracoclavicular ligament. Since the patient has a third degree shoulder separation, you know he must have torn his coracoclavicular ligament. The coracoacromial ligament contributes to the stability of the acromioclavicular joint, but damaging this ligament is not the hallmark of a third degree shoulder separation. The costoclavicular ligament connects the first rib to the clavicle. The superior glenohumeral ligament contributes to the stability of the shoulder joint, but not to the stability of the acromioclavicular joint. The transverse humeral ligament holds the tendon of the long head of the biceps in place in the intertubercular groove.

8. You are in the emergency room when a student is brought in with a shoulder injury sustained while playing touch football. In comparing the symmetry of his two shoulders, you notice a marked elevation of the distal end of his clavicle with respect to the acromion on the injured side. X-ray exam reveals a grade III shoulder separation. In order for this to have occurred, which ligament must be torn? A. coracoacromial B. coracoclavicular C. costoclavicular D. superior glenohumeral E. transverse humeral

A. The head of the radius slipping partway out of the annular ligament

9. A 3-year-old child walking hand-in-hand with her father screams in pain as he jerks her quickly up onto the curb to dodge a speeding car. The examining physician calls it a case of "pulled elbow", a dislocation sometimes seen in young children and caused by: A. The head of the radius slipping partway out of the annular ligament B. Tear of the common extensor tendon C. Stretching of the radioulnar interosseous membrane D. Tear of the ulnar collateral ligament

C. Recurrent laryngeal A 35 year old woman was diagnosed with an adenoma of the thyroid gland. This required excision of the lower pole

9. A 35 year old woman was diagnosed with an adenoma of the thyroid gland. This required excision of the lower pole (left lobe) of the gland and ligation of the artery supplying that region. Which of the following nerves accompanying the artery is most likely to be damaged if the surgeon is not careful? A. External branch of the superior laryngeal B. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal C. Recurrent laryngeal D. Vagus E. Sympathetic trunk

the carotid nerve the cervical sympathetic

9. A person develops a primary tumor of the thyroid gland and, among other symptoms, drooping of the eyelid and constriction of the pupil on the right side of the eye are noted. What nerve fibers have been interrupted by the tumor? A. postganglionic parasympathetic B. postganglionic sympathetic C. preganglionic parasympathetic D. the carotid nerve the cervical sympathetic

D. Radial and axillary

A 12 year old boy walks into the emergency room. He fell out of a tree and fractured the surgical neck and mid shaft of his humerus. Which of the following nerves are intimately related to the humerus and most likely to be injured? A. Axillary and musculocutaneous B. Radial and ulnar C. Medial and ulnar D. Radial and axillary E. Median and musculocutaneous

A. There would be decreased ability to extend the interphalangeal joints of digits 4 and 5 Slide Deck: Hand Slide 31

A 15 year-old male suffered a laceration through the skin and underlying tissues at the distal crease of the rite wrist. A MS2 student rotating the ER suspects that the ulnar nerve was severed completely. Which of the following would most likely occur? A. There would be decreased ability to extend the interphalangeal joints of digits 4 and 5 B. The patients could not tough the tip of the thumb to the tips of the other digits C. There would be loss of sensation on the dorsum of the lateral side of the hand D. The patent would be unable to flex the interphalangeal joints

E. Teres minor or ANY OF THE "SITS" MUSCLES

A 22 year old female college student presents to the ER with laxity of the glenohumeral joint. She shares that she diagnosed with congenital instability of glenohumeral joint three years ago. Which muscle/tendon contributes to joint stability: A. Subclavius B. Short head of biceps brachii C. Coracobrachialis D. Pectoralis minor E. Teres minor

A. Ulnar Slide Deck: Hand Slide 30 & 31

A 31-year-old patient complains of sensory loss over the anterior and posterior surfaces of the medial third of the hand and medial one and one-half fingers. Which of the following nerves is injured? A. Ulnar B. Musculocutaneous C. Axillary D. Median E. Radial

C.Recurrent laryngeal

A 35 year old woman was diagnosed with an adenoma of the thyroid gland. This required excision of the lower pole (left lobe) of the gland and ligation of the artery supplying that region. Which of the following nerves accompanying the artery is most likely to be damaged if the surgeon is not careful? A. External branch of the superior laryngeal B. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal C. Recurrent laryngeal D. Vagus E. Sympathetic trunk

Inferior thyroid vein only

A 39 year-old female was diagnosed with a large cancerous mass in the right superior lobe of her thyroid gland. The patient selected to undergo total thyroidectomy. What veins receive blood from the thyroid gland and drain directly into the Brachiocephalic veins A. Superior and inferior thyroid veins B. Middle and inferior thyroid veins C. Superior and middle thyroid veins D. Inferior thyroid vein only E. Superior thyroid vein only

D. Mental

A 50-year-old woman complained of pain over her chin and lower lip. A few days later, small vesicles appeared over the same area and soon began erupting. She was diagnosed with a dermatomal herpes zoster inflammation (shingles). Which of the following nerves was most likely to contain the virus in this case? A. Auriculotemporal B. Buccal C. Lesser petrosal D. Mental E. Infraorbital

C. Anterior interosseous nerve beneath the ulnar head of pronator teres Slide Deck: Posterior Forearm Slide 5

A 54-year-old man presents to his primary care physician complaining of weakness in his fingers. His attempt to make a ring between his thumb and index finger by bringing the tips together is shown in Figure 6-11. He is able to successfully hold a piece of paper between his thumb and index finger. Pronation and wrist flexion are weakened. Which of the following nerves is most likely affected? A. Ulnar nerve at Guyon's canal B. Median nerve in the carpal tunnel C. Anterior interosseous nerve beneath the ulnar head of pronator teres D. Posterior interosseous nerve beneath the supinator E. Median nerve beneath the bicipital aponeurosis


A 70-year-old man has a biopsy of a growth on his lower lip. The biopsy reveals a squamous cell carcinoma. Which lymph node deep will most likely be the first node involved in the spread of the cancer cells? A. Juguloomohyoid B. Jugulodigastric C. Retropharyngeal D. Occipital E. Parotid


A 70-year-old man has a biopsy of a growth on his lower lip. The biopsy reveals a squamous cell carcinoma. Which lymph nodes will most likely be the third lymph (deep) node involved in the spread of the cancer cells? A. Juguloomohyoid B. Jugulodigastric C. Supraclavicular D. Occipital E. Parotid

C. Posterior

A 72-year-old male sustains a forward shoulder dislocation. What is the final location of the displaced humerus relative to the glenoid fossa? A. Cranial B. Anterior C. Posterior D. Proximal E. Inferior

D. Flexor pollicis brevis Slide Deck: Hand Slide 31

A Second-year female dental student was bitten at the base of her first digit by her snake. Because she did not go to the doctor immediately. The wound became infected and spread into the radial bursa. The tendon of muscle will most likely be affected? A. Flexor pollicis longus B. Flexor digitorum profundus C. Flexor digitorum superficialis D. Flexor pollicis brevis E. Flexor carpi radialis

A. Ulnar bursa Slide Deck: Hand Slide 30

A deep puncture wound in the palmer surface of the little finger near the proximal IP joint might introduce infection in which synovial cavity: A. Ulnar bursa B. Radial bursa C. Bursa of flexor carpi ulnaris D. Fibrous digital sheath of fingers E. Intercarpal joints

C. Superficial radial

A highway construction worker has an accident where he lacerates (tears) the lateral surface of this wrist just superficial to the anatomical snuff box. Examination shows that there is no loss of hand function. However, the skin on the dorsal side of the hand is numb. Which nerve might have been injured? A. Ulnar B. Suprascapular C. Superficial radial D. Axillary E. Median

D. Flexor digitorum superficialis

A patient comes in complaining that she cannot flex her proximal interphalangeal joints. Which of the following muscles appear(s) to be paralyzed on further examination of her finger A. Flexor digitorum profundus B. Dorsai interossei C. Lumbricals D. Flexor digitorum superficialis E. Palmar interossei

B. Interossei

A patient development flexion deformities of the fourth and fifth digits. Your suspect this presentation is due to nerve injury affecting the lumbricals. Which additional muscles in this patient? A. Extensor digitorum B. Interossei C. Flexor pollicis brevis D. Abductor pollicis brevis E. Flexor Digitorum superficialis

D. Deep branch of the ulnar nerve

A patient sustained multiple deep lacerations on the palm of his hand and anterior surface of his wrist. Suring examination, the physician put a piece of paper between adjacent surfaces of the patients index middle fingers and found him unable to squeeze them together with sufficient force to hold the paper. The most specific nerve branch to these muscles is the: A. Median Nerve B. Superficial branches of the ulnar nerve C. Recurrent (motor) branch of median nerve D. Deep branch of the ulnar nerve E. Ulnar nerve

Internal Carotid Artery

A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which artery nerve might be affected? A. Common Carotid Artery B. Superior Thyroid Artery C. Inferior Thyroid Artery D. Internal Carotid Artery E. Middle Thyroid Artery F. External Carotid Artery

Maxillary (V2)

A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which cranial nerve might be affected? A. Olfactory (CN I) B. Mandibular V3 C. Facial (CN VII) D. Maxillary (V2) E. Optic (CN II)

Ophthalmic (V1)

A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which cranial nerve might be affected? A. Olfactory (CN I) B. Mandibular V3 C. Facial (CN VII) D. Optic (CN II) E. Ophthalmic (V1)

Oculomotor (CN III)

A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which cranial nerve might be affected? A. Olfactory (CN I) B. Oculomotor (CN III) C. Mandibular V3 D. Facial (CN VII) E. Optic (CN II)

Trochlear (CN IV)

A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which cranial nerve might be affected? A. Trochlear (CN IV) B. Olfactory (CN I) C. Mandibular V3 D. Facial (CN VII) E. Optic (CN II)

C. Lateral epicondyle of humerus Slide Deck: The Posterior Forearm Slide 6

A tennis player develops an inflammation in the tendon of origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, called "tennis elbow". The focal point of pain would most likely be near which palpable bony landmark? A. A lateral supracondylar ridge of humorous B. Coronoid proess of ulna C. Lateral epicondyle of humorous D. Olecranon E. Medial epicondyle of humorous

inferior thyroid artery, suprascapular artery, ascending cervical artery and the transverse cervical artery.

An artery that branches off the thyrocervical trunk and passes medially over the first portion of the vertebral artery is the

B. External branch of the superior laryngeal Slide Deck: Head and Neck Slide 50, Slide Deck: Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Blood Supply Slide 14

Any manipulation of the superior thyroid artery must be undertaken with care not to damage its small companion nerve, the: A. Cervical sympathetic trunk B. External branch of the superior laryngeal C. Inferior root of the ansa cervicalis D. Internal branch of the superior laryngeal E. Recurrent laryngeal

C. Biceps brachii (long head)

Arthroscopic examination of the shoulder of a 67 year old female demonstrated erosion of the tendon within the glenohumeral joint. What tendon is this? A. Coracobrachialis B. Infraspinatus C. Biceps brachii (long head) D. Triceps brachii (long head) E. Glenohumeral

Paralysis of the muscles that elevate the mandible

Damage to the facial nerve near the stylomastoid foramen would likely cause each of the following motor deficits EXCEPT: Paralysis of the buccinator muscle Inability to whistle Paralysis of the muscles that elevate the mandible Inability to close the lips

CN XI - Spinal Accessory Nerve Slide Decl: Head and Neck Cervical Dascia and Lymphic Drainage Slide 37

Fill in the blank: What Nerve Innervates the SCM It travels within the investing fascia as it crosses the posterior triangle to enter and innervate the trapezius muscle

Deep branch of ulnar nerve

Fill in the blank: flexor digiti minimi brevis, like other hypothenar muscles, is innervated by the deep branch of the ulnar or median nerve

synovial cavity

Fill in the blank: When the supraspinatus tendon ruptures: The __________________ cavity of the glenohumeral joint communicates with the subdeltoid (subacromial) bura after the rupture

omoclavicular triangle

If you wanted to palpate the deep cervical lymph nodes, where would be the best place to locate them? A. Submental triangle B. Posterior triangle C. Muscular triangle D. Submandibular triangle E. omoclavicular triangle

It functions as a chemoreceptor

In carotid sinus syncope, the Carotid body is overly sensitive to CO2 or ¯ O2 tension. and stimulates rate & depth of respiration, BP and cardiac rate. Given this, which of the following statements is true? A. It is located at the terminal end of the external carotid artery B. It functions as a chemoreceptor C. It is stimulated by changes in blood pressure D. It communicates freely with the cavernous sinus E. It is innervated by the facial nerve

B. Flexor pollicis brevis In carpal tunnel syndrome, compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel affects which hand muscle? Side Deck: Hand Slide 31

In carpal tunnel syndrome, compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel affects which hand muscle? A. Second palmar interosseous B. Flexor pollicis brevis C. Adductor pollicis D. Opponens digiti minimi

1) Epidermis of Skin 2) Dermis of Skin 3) Superficial fascia 4) Deep fascia 5) Muscle

Name all of the layers!

A Depressor Anguli Oris B Facial Artery C Transverse Cervical Nerve D Facial Nerve (Cervical Branch) E Transverse Cervical Nerve F Great Auricular Nerve G Spinal Acessary Nerve 11 H Lesser Occipital P Supraclavicular Nerve Q Clavicular

Name the Red Dots!

A Facial Artery B Submandibular Gland C Omohyoid D Carotid Sheath/ Internal Jugular vein E Pectoralis Major (clavicular head) F Pectoralis Major (Sternal head) G Deltoid H Sternocleidomastoid

Name the Red Dots!

A Stylohyoid B Internal Jugular Vein C Hypoglossal CN 12 D Ansa Cervicalis (superior) E Omohyoid (inferior) F Sternohyoid G Sternothyroid H Omohyoid (superior) I Ansa Cervicalis (Inferior)

Name the Red Dots!

A Thyroid Cartilage B Hypothyroid C Sternothyroid D Internal Jugular Vein E Ansa cervicalus F/I External Carotid Artery G Submandibular Gland H C1 off of the hypoglossal Nerve 12 J Superior thyroid Artery

Name the Red Dots!

A: Transverse Cervical Nerve B: Supraclavicular Nerve C: Lesser Occipital Nerve D: Sternocleidomastoid E: External Jugular Vein F: Great Auricular Nerve

Name the Red Dots!

Most Anterior: Mentalis Most Inferior: Platysma Most Superior dot (by the lip): Obicularis Oris Second dot inferior to lip: Inferior Labial Artery Most Posterior: Facial Vein Second most posterior: Facial Artery 4th down from lip: Depressor anguli oris

Name the Red Dots!

Most Anterior: Parotid Duct Most Inferior: Sternocleidomastoid Second most inferior: External Jugular Vein Most Posterior: Great Auricular Nerve Second most posterior: Parotid Gland

Name the Red Dots!

Most Anterior: Superficial Artery Most Inferior: Ariculotemperal Nerve Most Posterior Superficial Vein

Name the Red Dots!

brachiocephalic artery

Name the structure!

Neck of the radius

Name the structure:

olecranon fossa Slide Deck: Posterior Forearm Slide 6

Name the structure:

superficial palmar arch Slide Deck: Hand Slide 24

Name this structure

Find this

Name this structure:

B. Internal laryngeal nerve Slide Deck: Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Blood Supply Slide 14

Question 1 Which of the following nerves penetrates the thyrohyoid membrane? A. Recurrent laryngeal nerve B. Internal laryngeal nerve C. Radial nerve D. Accessory nerve E. Facial nerve

E. Inferior thyroid Slide Deck: Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Blood Supply Slide 10, 12, 14, 18, 20

Question 10 An artery that branches off the thyrocervical trunk and passes medially over the first portion of the vertebral artery is the A. Superior thyroid B. Deep cervical C. Transverse cervical D. Suprascapular E. Inferior thyroid

A. Investing and prevertebral - Stopped here

Question 11 After 20 years of parachuting from military aircrafts, a 42 year-year old undergoes surgery to fuse cervical vertebrae three and four (CV3 and CV4). The surgeon accesses the vertebrae through the posterior triangle of the neck (lateral cervical region). What two fascial layers must the surgeon dissect to reach the vertebrae? A. Investing and prevertebral B. Buccopharyngeal and prevertebral C. Pretracheal and prevertebral D. Investing and buccopharyngeal E. Investing and pretrachea

E. Thoracic duct

Question 12 After going swimming at summer camp, an 11 year-old child complains of sore throat. The father decides to take the child to an urgent care clinic. While performing an examination, the nurse practitioner noticed swollen and inflamed lymphoid nodes located on the left side of the child's neck. What structure transmits the lymph to the venous return? A. Lymphatic duct B. Subclavian vein C. Internal jugular vein D. External jugular vein E. Thoracic duct

C. Parotid, G. Retroauricular, and F. Occipital

Question 12 After going swimming at summer camp, an 11-year-old child complains of a sore scalp. The father decides to take the child to an urgent care clinic. While performing an examination, the nurse practitioner noticed swollen and inflamed lymphoid nodes. Which lymph nodes would the infection most likely travel within? (MORE THAN ONE ANSWER) A. Submental B. Submandibular C. Parotid D. Superficial cervical E. Retropharyngeal F. Occipital G. Retroauricular

B. Submandibular tooth No. 1 (in the front)

Question 13 Prior to the tooth extraction, if an infection had formed at the root apices of tooth No. 1 (in the front), which lymph nodes would the infection most likely travel within? A. Submental B. Submandibular C. Parotid D. Superficial cervical E. Retropharyngeal

B. Submandibular tooth No. 17,

Question 13 Prior to the tooth extraction, if an infection had formed at the root apices of tooth No. 17, which lymph nodes would the infection most likely travel within? A. Submental B. Submandibular C. Parotid D. Superficial cervical E. Retropharyngeal

C. It is stimulated by changes in blood pressure

Question 14 In carotid sinus syncope, the carotid sinus is overly sensitive to manual stimulation and can lead to loss of consciousness. Given this, which of the following statements is true? A. It is located at the terminal end of the external carotid artery B. It functions as a chemoreceptor C. It is stimulated by changes in blood pressure D. It communicates freely with the cavernous sinus E. It is innervated by the facial nerve


Question 15 A second-year ER resident had to start a subclavian venous catheter (central line placement) using the infraclavicular approach on a 17 year-old female who was the driver in a head-on automobile crash. Later, the patient experienced difficulty breathing. What nerve may have been damaged? A. Vagus B. Phrenic C. Olfactory D. Recurrent laryngeal E. Auriculotemporal

Superior ophthalmic vein

Question 16 An adolescent boy suffers from severe acne. As is often the case he frequently squeezed the pimples on his face. He subsequently develops a fever and deteriorates into a confused mental state and drowsiness. He is taken to his physician and after several tests a diagnosis of cavernous sinus infection and thrombosis is made. The route of entry to the cavernous sinus from the face was most likely the: A. Parietal emmisary vein B. Middle meningeal artery C. Mastoid emmisary vein D. Carotid artery E. Superior ophthalmic vein

Superior and middle thyroid veins

Question 17 A 39 year-old female was diagnosed with a large cancerous mass in the right superior lobe of her thyroid gland. The patient selected to undergo total thyroidectomy. What veins receive blood from the thyroid gland and drain directly into the internal jugular veins A. Superior and inferior thyroid veins B. Middle and inferior thyroid veins C. Superior and middle thyroid veins D. Inferior thyroid vein only E. Superior thyroid vein only

Buccopharyngeal and prevertebral

Question 18 The retropharyngeal space is between which two layers of fascia? A. Visceral and investing B. Pretracheal and prevertebral C. Buccopharyngeal and prevertebral D. Pharyngobasilar and visceral E. Buccopharyngeal and investing

External jugular vein

Question 19 Identify the structure labeled #4 in the plate below: A. External jugular vein B. External carotid artery C. Common carotid artery D. Transverse cervical nerve E. Internal jugular vein

A. Buccinator Slide Deck: Face and Parotid Slide 7 & 16

Question 2 While recovering from a right facial paralysis, a 36-year-old female patient complained that food accumulated between the teeth and the cheek mucosa when chewing. The deficiency of which muscle was most likely the cause of the chewing problem? A. Buccinator B. Levator labii superioris C. Orbicularis oris D. Zygomaticus major

Great auricular n.

Question 20 A 20 year old man was brought into the emergency room with a stab wound in the upper part of the neck. Although there was no major damage done, he lost sensation from the skin over the angle of the jaw. Which nerve has been cut? A. Lesser occipital n. B. Supraclavicular n. C. Greater occipital n. D. Great auricular n. E. Transverse cervical n.

Anterior digastric

Question 21 The mylohyoid nerve is derived from the inferior alveolar nerve just before it enters the mandibular foramen. The mylohyoid nerve descends in a groove on the deep surface of the ramus of the mandible, to innervate the mylohyoid and what other muscle? A. Superior belly of omohyoid B. Stylohyoid C. Geniohyoid D. Anterior digastric E. Sternohyoid


Question 22 A 22-year-old man was received in A&E with a stab wound involving the left side (posterior triangle) of the neck. He was bleeding profusely and was rushed to the operating theatre for exploration of the neck injury. On exploration, a posterior branch of the external carotid artery was severed that was then suture-ligated. Which of the following arteries was injured? A. Lingual B. Superficial temporal C. Occipital D. Superior thyroid E. Facial

superficial temporal artery

Question 22 A 22-year-old man was received in A&E with a stab wound involving the left side (posterior triangle) of the neck. He was bleeding profusely and was rushed to the operating theatre for exploration of the neck injury. On exploration, the most superior terminal branch of the external carotid artery was severed which was then suture-ligated. Which of the following arteries was injured? A. Lingual B. Superficial temporal C. Occipital D. Superior thyroid E. Facial

Investing layer of deep cervical fascia

Question 23 The layer of encircling cervical fascia that splits to enclose sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles is the: A. Visceral fascia B. Infrahyoid fascia C. Superficial fascia D. Investing layer of deep cervical fascia E. Prevertebral fascia

Pyramidal lobe

Question 24 Identify the structure denote by the pink color in the plate below: A. Pyramidal lobe B. Left lobe C. Isthmus D. Inferior pole E. Superior pole

Zygomaticus major

Question 25 Elevation and lateral movement of the lips to create a smile is facilitated by which of the following muscles: A. Orbicularis oris B. Zygomaticus major C. Orbicularis oculi D. Depressor anguli oris E. Levator palpebrae superioris

superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery

Question 26 The external carotid artery terminates within the parotid gland, just behind the neck of the mandible, where the external carotid artery gives off two final branches. Which 2 arteries below are those final branches? A. posterior auricular artery and occipital artery B. superior thyroid artery and posterior auricular artery C. superficial temporal artery and maxillary artery D. occipital artery and facial artery inferior thyroid and transverse facial

Recurrent laryngeal

Question 27 In repairing a defective right subclavian artery, the surgeon notices and protects a large nerve passing around to the posterior surface of the artery. This nerve, which would not be expected on the left side (going around the left subclavian), is the: A. Sympathetic trunk B. Phrenic C. Vagus D. Recurrent laryngeal E. Ansa cervicalis

Maxillary branch of CNV

Question 28 Upon getting his right nostril pierced for the first time, a student's eyes begin to water and he quickly becomes frustrated with his accompanying friend that told him the piercing would not hurt so bad. Which of the following nerves is responsible for supplying the pain felt during this procedure? A. Maxillary branch of CNV B. Buccal branch of CNVII C. Auriculotemporal nerve D. Zygomatic branch of CNVII E. Ophthalmic branch of CNV

Sternocleidomastoid muscle, congenital muscular torticollis

Question 291 Point A 1-week-old neonate is brought to the pediatric office by her first time mother. The 8 lb. 3 oz. baby girl is alert, but arrives at the office in detachable car seat with her head turned to the left while tilting her head toward the right as if she is trying to touch her right ear to her chest. The muscles on the left side of her neck are slightly stretched and the baby can move her head around a little bit, but not far from the tilted and turned position. This condition was not noticed at birth, and the new mother and baby left the hospital just 24 hours after the vaginal delivery. What muscle in the baby's neck was likely torn during the vaginal delivery and what is the name for the condition? A. Trapezius muscle, floppy head syndrome B. Sternocleidomastoid muscle, spasmodic torticollis C. Anterior scalene muscle, congenital muscular torticollis D. Sternocleidomastoid muscle, congenital muscular torticollis E. Trapezius muscle, spasmodic torticollis

E. Facial nerve Slide Deck: Face and Parotid Region Slide 7

Question 3 Which of the following is responsible for closing the eye: A. Ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve B. Buccal branch of facial nerve C. Oculomotor nerve D. Buccal branch of CN V E. Facial nerve

Abducens (CN VI)

Question 30 A person develops a cavernous sinus thrombosis. Because of its relationship to the sinus, which cranial nerve might be affected? A. Olfactory (CN I) B. Abducens (CN VI) C. Mandibular V3 D. Facial (CN VII) E. Optic (CN II)

Cavernous sinus

Question 31 Because the facial vein and its tributaries have no valves extracranial infections arising within an area bounded by the bridge of the nose and the angles of the mouth (danger triangle of the face) will reach which of the following sinuses? A. Sigmoid sinus B. Inferior petrosal sinus C. Cavernous sinus D. Superior petrosal sinus

Superficial fascia

Question 32 The red dots in the plate below are denoting the yellow substance. What is the substance? A. Investing fascia B. Prevertebral fascia C. Skin D. Deep fascia E. Superficial fascia

Subcutaneous layer

Question 32 The red dots in the plate below are denoting the yellow substance. What is the substance? A. Investing fascia B. Prevertebral fascia C. Subcutaneous layer D. Skin E. Deep fascia

Facial vein

Question 33 Identify the structure denoted by the teal dots in the plate below: A. Facial artery B. Parotid duct C. External jugular vein D. Facial nerve E. Facial vein

Thyroglossal cyst

Question 34 A young woman has an enlarged midline mass anterior to the larynx that elevates when her tongue is extended. What developmental defect could cause these symptoms? A. Tracheoesophageal fistula B. Thyroglossal cyst C. Ectopic thymic tissue D. Pharyngeal cyst

Jugulo Omohyoid

Question 35 A 70-year-old man has a biopsy of a growth on his lower lip. The biopsy reveals a squamous cell carcinoma. Which lymph nodes will most likely be second lymph (deep) node involved in the spread of the cancer cells? A. Juguloomohyoid B. Jugulodigastric C. Retropharyngeal D. Occipital E. Parotid

Brachiocephalic veins

Question 36 Identify the structures denoted by the light blue color in the plate below: A. Internal jugular veins B. Common carotid arteries C. Brachiocephalic veins D. Subclavian veins E. External carotid arteries


Question 37 A 70-year-old man has a biopsy of a growth on his lower lip. The biopsy reveals a squamous cell carcinoma. Which lymph nodes will most likely be first involved in the spread of the cancer cells? A. Parotid B. Occipital C. Submental D. Retropharyngeal E. Jugulodigastric

Parotid gland

Question 38 Identify the structure denote by the teal dots on the plate below: A. Lymph node B. Parotid gland C. Submandibular gland D. Facial tumor E. Facial nerve

Carotid triangle

Question 39 If you wanted to palpate the deep cervical lymph nodes, where would be the best place to locate them? A. Submental triangle B. Posterior triangle C. Carotid triangle D. Muscular triangle E. Submandibular triangle


Question 40 A 47-year-old woman is diagnosed as having a thyroid tumor. Surgery to remove the cancerous growth is undertaken. In which triangle of the neck will the surgeon make an incision to gain access to the gland? A. Muscular B. Submandibular C. Submental D. Subclavian E. Carotid

D. Great auricular nerve Slide Deck: Head and Neck Slide 11

Question 5 Identify the structure labeled #5 in the plate below: A. Lesser occipital nerve B. Spinal accessory nerve C. Supraclavicular nerve D. Great auricular nerve E. Transverse cervical nerve

E. C1 via hypoglossal nerve

Question 6 One of the four infrahyoid (strap) muscles is innervated by: A. Vagus nerve B. Glossopharyngeal nerve C. C2 via hypoglossal nerve D. Accessory nerve E. C1 via hypoglossal nerve

E. posterior belly of digastric Slide Deck: Head and Neck Slide 32

Question 7 Which muscle forms the superior boundary of the carotid triangle? A. mylohyoid B. anterior belly of digastric C. sternocleidomastoid D. superior belly of omohyoid E. posterior belly of digastric

A. Parotid Slide Deck: Face and Parotid Region Slide 6, 7, 14, 16, 17. 36, 37

Question 8 Due to an infected lateral eyebrow-piercing, lymph drainage from the area goes first to this group of nodes A. Parotid B. submandibular C. Superficial cervical D. Submental E. Retropharyngeal

D. Skin, subcutaneous layer, investing fascia, pretracheal fascia, thyroid gland, and parathyroid glands Slide Deck: Head and Neck, Cervical Fascia and Lymphatic Drainage Slide

Question 9 A patient presents with an extremely large, bilateral swelling in the middle anterior neck. After a more detailed examination, the physician diagnosed the patient with a goiter. A thyroidectomy was performed in this patient. What is the CORRECT order of anatomical structures encountered, from superficial to deep? A. Skin, investing fascia, superficial layer of fascia, thyroid gland, and parathyroid glands B. Skin, pretracheal fascia, investing fascia, parathyroid glands, thyroid gland C. Skin, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, investing fascia, pretracheal fascia D. Skin, subcutaneous layer, investing fascia, pretracheal fascia, thyroid gland, and parathyroid glands E. Skin, pretracheal fascia, investing fascia, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands

C3, C4, C5

Spinal nerves __________, _________________, and _______________ Innervate the phrenic nerve

B. Head of the radius

The axis of rotation (pronation/supination) at the Proximal radioulnar joint is through the: A. Capitate bone B. Head of the radius C. Head of the ulna D. Styloid process of the radius E. Styloid process of the ulna

usually arises deep to the neck of the mandible

The middle meningeal artery: enters the skull through the foramen ovale passes through a split in the trunk of the mandibular nerve (V3) is typically a branch of the second part of the maxillary artery supplies blood to the temporal lobe of the brain usually arises deep to the neck of the mandible

E. Supraspinatus tendon

The synovial cavity of the glenohumeral joint communicates with the subdeltoid (subacromial) bura after the rupture of the: A. Middle glenohumeral ligament B. Infraspinatus tendon C. Long head of the biceps brachii tendon D. Subscapularis tendon E. Supraspinatus tendon

1) Intratendinous 2) Subtendinous 3) Subcutaneous 4) Biceps

What are the four bursae of the elbow? 1) 2) 3) 4)

tough fibrous band of connective tissue that serves to support the internal organs and hold bones together in proper articulation at the joints

What is the definition of Ligament

C. sternothyroid Slide Deck: Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Blood Supply Slide 6, 37, 36

What is the only scalene muscle that is not attached to the hyoid bone? A. Sternohyoid B. Omohyoid C. Sternothyroid D. Thyrohyoid

Internal laryngeal nerve What is this structure? Slide Deck: Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Blood Supply Slide 14

What is this structure?

1) Median 2) Radial 3) Ulnar 4) musculocutaneous articular branches to the elbow joint

What nerve crosses elbow joint? 1) 2) 3) What do they all give off?

NOT axillary

What nerve does not cross the elbow joint?

The definition of a tendon

What term describes the following: a fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone and it serves to move the bone or structure

The definition of Reduction (reduced)

What term describes the following: a surgical procedure to repair a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment

The definition of Luxation

What term describes the following: dislocation of an anatomical part (such as a bone at a joint). Specifically, it is the complete separation between the bones that normally articulate to form a joint


What term describes the following: incomplete or partial dislocation of a joint or organ

The definition of Open reduction

What term describes the following: the fracture fragments are exposed surgically by dissecting the tissues

1) Trapezoid 2) Conoid

What two ligaments make up the coracoclavicular ligament? 1) 2)

Inferior alveolar n.

Which nerve is endangered during surgical removal of an impacted third mandibular molar tooth? Hypoglossal n. Glossopharyngeal n. Inferior alveolar n. Lingual n.

C. The maxillary and superficial temporal veins

Which of the following veins join within the parotid gland to form the retromandibular vein? A. The facial and maxillary veins B. The facial and superficial temporal veins C. The maxillary and superficial temporal veins D. The facial and mandibular veins

E. Abductor pollicis longus Slide Deck: The Posterior Forearm Slide 7

Your are asked to assess the case of a 40 year old man who presented to the outpatient room with a three week history of weakness in extending his left elbow and wrist with loss of sensation over the dorsum of the forearm and posterior aspect of the first interdigital cleft. you examine him neurologically and confirm the case as that of radial nerve palsy. which of the following muscles are innervated by the radial nerve? A. Coracobrachialis B. Brachialis C. Biceps brachii D. Pronator teres E. Abductor pollicis longus

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