Anatomy Lecture Midterm

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Which of the following statements concerning the periosteum of a bone is not true?

All bone in the body is covered by periosteum

Select the statement that is most correct regarding chemical bonds: - Covalent bonding involves the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another. - Multiple bonds are not possible with covalent bonding. - Hydrogen bonds are very weak and often involve water. - Ionic bonds involve the sharing of electrons between two atoms.

Hydrogen bonds are very weak and often involve water.

Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? - Protection - Blood cell production - Hormone production - Support - Storage

Hormone production

In addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier), the skin serves other functions. Which of the following is another vital function of the skin? - It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor necessary in calcium metabolism. - It aids in the transport of materials throughout the body. - The cells of the epidermis store glucose as glycogen for energy. - It absorbs vitamin C so that the skin will not be subject to diseases.

It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor necessary in calcium metabolism.

Select the two body systems that participate in maintaining homeostasis by functioning as extrinsic control centers. - Digestive - Nervous - Endocrine - Urinary - Cardiovascular - Integumentary - Respiratory - Lymphatic

Nervous, Endocrine

The four elements that make up about 96% of body matter are:

carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.

Cell types likely to be seen in areolar connective tissue include all EXCEPT: - chondrocytes. - macrophages. - adipocytes. - fibroblasts. - mast cells.


The two types of osseous tissue are ____________________.

compact bone and spongy bone

A fracture in the shaft of a bone would occur in the ____________________.


The movement of solute molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration is called


All of the following are organs except - teeth. - skin. - nails. - liver. - digestive system.

digestive system

Sucrose is a ________ - triglyceride - polysaccharide - monosaccharide - disaccharide


The hormone, insulin, is secreted by endocrine cells in the pancreas when blood glucose rises. Insulin, in turn, binds to cells causing the cells to absorb glucose from the blood. Insulin is the _______________ in this example. - control center - sensory pathway - effector response - effector - efferent signal/pathway

efferent signal/pathway

When polar covalent bonds form, the atom with the greater _____________ takes on a slight negative charge because the shared electrons spend more time in its orbit than in the orbit of the other atom. - electronegativity - atomic mass - number of electrons - radius


The bonding properties of an atom are determined by its


The process of bone growth at the epiphyseal plate is similar to ____________________.

endochondral ossification

ATP is used, along with enzymes, to drive _______________ reactions. - exothermic - all metabolic - endothermic


Based on the relationship between form and function that is observed in the human body, it would make sense to find tight junctions between cells in _______________ because tight junctions form barriers to the passage of materials between the cells.

epithelial tissues

The narrow zone of dead skin overhanging the proximal end of a nail is called

eponychium (cuticle)

Insulin is produced in beta cells in the pancreatic islets and is secreted from the cells to enter the blood stream. Given that insulin is a protein (and is fairly large), when it leaves the beta cells it must do so via ________________. - exocytosis - phagocytosis - facilitated diffusion - receptor-mediated - endocytosis - active transport


The passive movement of glucose and amino acids into a cell via a protein carrier could best be described as __________________. - facilitated or simple diffusion - primary active transport - simple diffusion - facilitated diffusion or primary active transport - facilitated diffusion

facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion differs from active transport because... - facilitated diffusion can move a substance either direction across the membrane depending on the concentration gradient, whereas, active transport always moves a substance in one particular direction.. - facilitated diffusion carriers are selective to a particular type of substance, but active transport pumps will move any ion regardless of type or charge. - facilitated diffusion involves a protein channel and active transport involves a protein carrier. - facilitated diffusion carriers can experience saturation limits, but active transport pumps do not.

facilitated diffusion can move a substance either direction across the membrane depending on the concentration gradient, whereas, active transport always moves a substance in one particular direction..

Facilitated diffusion differs from active transport because: - facilitated diffusion carriers can experience saturation limits, but active transport pumps do not. - facilitated diffusion carriers are selective to a particular type of substance, but active transport pumps will move any ion regardless of type or charge. - facilitated diffusion is passive and active transport consumes ATP. - facilitated diffusion involves a protein channel and active transport involves a protein carrier.

facilitated diffusion is passive and active transport consumes ATP.

The least common but most deadly type of skin cancer is

malignant melanoma

Which of the following would be found in the ventral body cavity? - mediastinum, viscera, & serous membranes - serous membranes and meninges - only the organs of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. - organs of the central nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid - teeth, tongue, and salivary glands.

mediastinum, viscera, & serous membranes

Which of the following membranes is associated with the dorsal body cavity? - cutaneous membranes - peritoneum membranes - meninges - mucous membranes - serous membranes - visceral membranes


Secretions from __________ glands contribute the acid mantle that inhibits bacterial growth on the skin.

merocrine sweat

Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of cellular respiration that enters the blood and is removed from the body during exhalation. The formation of the carbon dioxide is an example of ________ and the exhalation is an example of _______________ in the mass balance equation. - excretion; metabolic removal - intake; metabolic removal - intake; excretion - metabolic production; metabolic removal - metabolic production; excretion

metabolic production; excretion

Cells lining the small intestine are specialized for absorption of nutrients. Their plasma membrane has - flagella. - cilia. - microvilli. - glycocalyx. - dynein arms.


A ___ is an elevated patch of melanized skin.


Ions form when atoms become charged due to the addition or loss of electrons. For example, based on its charge it would be expected that an ion of sodium (Na+) would contain _____________ than its atomic form. - one less electron - one more electron - two less electrons - two more electrons

one less electron

What structural level you would expect a blood vessel to be?


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of connective tissues? - providing support to other tissues - polarity - protein fibers - vascularity - specialized cells


Proteins are ______ built from ______ different amino acids. - macromolecules; 40 - molecules; 10 - polypeptides; 80 - monomers; 10 - polymers; 20

polymers; 20

When a woman is giving birth, the head of the baby pushes against her cervix and stimulates release of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin travels in the blood and stimulates the uterus to contract. Labor contractions become more and more intense until the baby is expelled. This is an example of - tissue - cellular - organ system - organ

positive feedback

Which of the following would not be found as a component of any of the major macromolecules? - carbon - phosphorous - potassium - oxygen - nitrogen - hydrogen


In the intestine, __________________ ensure(s) that most digested nutrients pass through the epithelial cells and not between them.

tight junctions

Organized groups of cells (plus their intercellular substances) that have a common purpose form a(n):


In order for a protein to become functional as an enzyme, it needs - to fold up properly to form an active site. - to be embedded in the plasma membrane of a cell. - to be in a low pH environment. - to enter one of the membrane-bound organelles. - to combine with another polypeptide chain.

to fold up properly to form an active site

An electrochemical gradient favors the movement of an ion ______________. - toward a region of lower concentration and opposite charge - toward a region of higher concentration and opposite charge - toward a region of higher concentration and same charge - toward a region of lower concentration and same charge

toward a region of lower concentration and opposite charge

Spongy bone contains all of the following except ____________________.

true osteons

In anatomical position, the body is: - seated, arms extended, palms facing inferiorly. - prone, face down, with palms facing superiorly. - prostrate, face up, palms facing posteriorly. - upright, arms at the sides, palms facing anteriorly. - upright, arms at the sides, palms facing medially.

upright, arms at the sides, palms facing anteriorly.

An emergent property can arise... - when components from one level of organization combine to produce something of greater complexity. - due to damage to an organ in the body. - because the body consists of cells. - only within homeostatic regulatory mechanisms. - when the body adapts to changing conditions.

when components from one level of organization combine to produce something of greater complexity.

Which of the following is NOT a pigment that influences skin color? - carotene - xanthophyll - hemoglobin = melanin


The bones of the skeleton store energy reserves as lipids in areas of ____________________.

yellow marrow

Fingerprints left on things we touch are associated with

dermal papillae

__________________ tissue is highly vascular, whereas _______________ is not. - Muscular; osseous tissue - Dense regular connective; dense irregular connective tissue - Areolar; cartilage - Epithelial; cartilage - Nervous; osseous tissue

Areolar; cartilage

Which of the following is a way in which blood glucose level could be altered via the metabolic removal element of the mass balance equation? - Blood glucose falls due to the conversion of glucose to glycogen and lipids in the liver. - Blood glucose rises due to the break down of glycogen to glucose by certain cells followed by its release into the blood. - Blood glucose falls due to its removal from the blood and the body via urine. - Blood glucose rises due to the absorption of glucose along the digestive tract that has been released from carbohydrates in the food we have eaten.

Blood glucose falls due to the conversion of glucose to glycogen and lipids in the liver.

The oil of your scalp is secreted by __________ glands associated with the hair follicles.


Acne is a disorder associated with:

sebaceous glands

_______________ tissue lines body cavities, covers the body surface, and forms the lining of many organs.


_____ is a process in which a membrane carrier (transport) protein speeds the rate of movement of a solute DOWN its concentration gradient. - Osmosis - Simple diffusion - Facilitated diffusion - Active transport

Facilitated Diffusion

In a given anatomical term, there can only be one root, but multiple prefixes and/or suffixes. T/F


Negative feedback is a self-amplifying chain of events that tend to produce rapid change in the body T/F


Positive feedback helps to restore normal function when one of the body's physiological variables gets out of balance. T/F


Which of the following statements best describes what fingernails actually are? - Fingernails are a modification of the epidermis. - Fingernails are derived from osseous tissue. - Fingernails are extensions of the carpal bones. - Fingernails are a separate tissue from the skin, formed from a different embryonic layer.

Fingernails are a modification of the epidermis

Which of the following factors is not believed to affect bone growth? - Exercise and gravity - Genetic factors - Stimulation by hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone, thyroid hormone, and estrogen - Increased intake of carbohydrates (carb loading) = Diet deficiencies in vitamins D and C, and minerals such as calcium

Increased intake of carbohydrates (carb loading)

Select the four body systems that can participate in regulation of mass balance by excreting substances. - Integumentary - Urinary - Cardiovascular - Respiratory - Digestive - Nervous - Lymphatic - Endocrine

Integumentary, Urinary, Respiratory, Digestive

When table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), is placed in water: - Na+ and Cl- form ionic bonds with each other. - Na+ and Cl- form polar covalent bonds with each other. - Na+ and Cl- form hydrogen bonds with water. - Ionic bonds between Na+ and Cl- are broken. - Na+ and Cl- become separated by their Van der Waals forces.

Ionic bonds between Na + and Cl - are broken.

In addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier), the skin serves other functions. Which of the following is another vital function of the skin? - It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor necessary in calcium metabolism. - It aids in the transport of materials throughout the body. - The cells of the epidermis store glucose as glycogen for energy. - It absorbs vitamin C so that the skin will not be subject to diseases.

It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor necessary in calcium metabolism.

Which of the following statements is most correct of homeostatic imbalance? - It is considered the cause of most diseases. - The internal environment is becoming more stable. - Positive feedback mechanisms are overwhelmed. - Negative feedback mechanisms take over.

It is considered the cause of most diseases.

______ is the substrate of ______.

Lactose; lactase

______ decompose fatty acids, and detoxify alcohol, free radicals, and other drugs. - Lysosomes - Microvilli - Inclusions - Peroxisomes - Golgi vesicles


Which of the following is NOT a major feature of most homeostatic regulatory mechanisms? - Functional integration of body systems - Targeted effectors with predictable responses - Positive feedback as a result of the effector actions - The ability to sense changes inside the body - The ability to make adjustments to regulated variables in the body

Positive feedback as a result of the effector actions

Which of the following statements indicates the way in which the body's natural defenses protect the skin from the effects of UV damage? - The skin is protected by the synthesis of three pigments that contribute to the skin's color. - Carotene, which accumulates in the stratum corneum and hypodermal adipose tissue, is synthesized in large amounts in the presence of sunlight. - The skin is protected by increasing the number of Langerhans' cells, which help to activate the immune system. - Prolonged exposure to the sun induces melanin dispersion, which in turn acts as a natural sunscreen.

Prolonged exposure to the sun induces melanin dispersion, which in turn acts as a natural sunscreen.

_____________ consume ATP when transferring solutes form one side to the other side of the plasma membrane. - Cell-identity markers - Pumps - Receptors - Channels - Cell-adhesion molecules


_____ a is selective type of endocytosis associated with 'coated pits' in the plasma membrane. - Active transport - Pinocytosis - Receptor-mediated endocytosis - Phagocytosis

Receptor-mediated endocytosis

Select the three body systems that can participate in regulation of mass balance by intaking substances. - Respiratory - Lymphatic - Digestive - Nervous - Integumentary - Urinary - Endocrine - Cardiovascular

Respiratory, Digestive, Integumentary

___________ is not involved in protein synthesis. - Smooth ER - Rough ER - The Golgi complex - The nucleus - Ribosomes

Smooth ER

Joe clutches his chest and collapses in pain. He is having a heart attack. The blood supply to part of his heart has been blocked. As a result, some of his cardiac muscle cells cannot produce ATP and they begin to swell. ATP has many important roles in the body, including helping to regulate water movement in/out of the cell. Given this information and what you know about cells and water movement, which of the following is the most likely explanation for this observed swelling?

Sodium-potassium pumps are no longer functioning and excess sodium ions accumulate inside the cell, which promotes the net movement of water into the cell.

Select the correct statement regarding epithelia: - Simple epithelia form impermeable barriers. - Stratified epithelia are tall, narrow cells. - Cuboidal epithelia are always simple. - Stratified epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important. - Pseudostratified epithelia consist of at least two layers of cells stacked on top of one another.

Stratified epithelia are present where protection from abrasion is important.

Keratinocytes in the __________________ are filled with keratin, lack a nucleus, and are no longer alive.

Stratum corneum

The ___ is absent from most epidermis.

Stratum lucidum

Despite its apparent durability, the dermis is subject to tearing. How might a person know that the dermis has been stretched and/or torn?

The appearance of visible, silvery-white scars is an indication of stretching of the dermis

A major difference between bone tissue and other connective tissues lies in which of the following?

The composition of the intercellular substance of bone

When describing epithelial tissues, the term polarity is used. What does polarity mean in this case?

There are differences in the features observed at the exposed and attached surfaces.

____ involves the transfer of information in the form of DNA into the form of RNA. - Transcription - Translocation - Translation - Transformation - Transliteration


Anatomists over the world adhere to a lexicon of standard international terms, which stipulates both Latin names and accepted English equivalents. T/F


Organs are made of tissues. T/F


Ribosomes are made of proteins and RNA. T/F


The Na +-K + ATPase is a countertransport antiport carrier, which always requires energy. T/F


The greater the concentration gradient the faster the diffusion rate. T/F


When a cation forms, a complementary anion also forms. T/F


Choose the following statement that is NOT completely correct regarding serous membranes. - Serosa are very thin, double-layered structures. - Serous membranes are divided into parietal and visceral membranes with a potential space between the two. - Visceral pericardium covers the surface of the heart, and parietal pericardium lines the walls of the heart. - Serous membranes secrete a watery lubricating fluid.

Visceral pericardium covers the surface of the heart, and parietal pericardium lines the walls of the heart.

These are features that fibrous connective tissues have in common, except: - very conspicuous fibers. - the presence of fibroblasts. - a calcified matrix. - ground substance with a gelatinous to rubbery consistency. - the presence of collagen.

a calcified matrix

Endochondral ossification begins with the formation of ____________________.

a cartilage model

A positive feedback mechanism is defined as... - a feedback mechanism that restores the body to a healthy state. - a feedback mechanism that removes the original stimulus. - a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in a controlled condition. - a feedback mechanism that reverses a change in a controlled condition. - the dominant feedback mechanism in the body.

a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in a controlled condition.

A positive feedback mechanism is defined as: - the dominant feedback mechanism in the body. - a feedback mechanism that restores the body to a healthy state. - a feedback mechanism that removes the original stimulus. - a feedback mechanism that reverses a change in a controlled condition. - a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in a controlled condition.

a feedback mechanism that reinforces the change in a controlled condition.

Hydrogen bonds form when _________________. Select the THREE answers that apply. Do not select more than three answers. Incorrect selections will lead to a deduction in your score for this question. - 2 hydrogen atoms form a covalent bond - oppositely charged regions within a single macromolecule are attracted to each other - the nonpolar regions of phospholipids align to form a bilayer - hydrogen and oxygen share electrons to form a covalent bond - the oppositely charged regions of different polar molecules are attracted to each other - ions of opposite charge bond together - a hydrogen from one water molecule is attracted to an oxygen from a different water molecule

a hydrogen from one water molecule is attracted to an oxygen from a different water molecule. oppositely charged regions within a single macromolecule are attracted to each other. the oppositely charged regions of different polar molecules are attracted to each other.

A solution that has a pH of 2 could best be described as being:


Hypodermis usually has an abundance of in this tissue.

adipose tissue

New triglycerides are constantly synthesized and stored and others are hydrolyzed and released into circulation mostly from cells in

adipose tissue

The function of the root hair plexus is to:

allow the hair to assist in touch sensation

Controlled conditions in the body are normally... - kept at a precise set-point. - allowed to fluctuate widely around a set-point. - not going to fluctuate, unless the person is ill. - monitored and adjusted only by nervous system intervention. - allowed to fluctuate within a narrow range of values.

allowed to fluctuate within a narrow range of values.

The release of sweat by sweat glands as part of a homeostatic regulatory mechanism would be an example of _____________. - receptor signaling - positive regulation - efferent signaling - an effector response - control center decision-making

an effector response

All of the following except ________ would be likely to have a negative impact on physiological activity. - an increase in ATP/ADP cycling - a 10-degree shift from normal body temperature - a genetic mutation that impairs the proper folding of an enzyme - a diet deficient in essential amino acids - decreased oxygen delivery to cells

an increase in ATP/ADP cycling

Liver enzymes catalyze the conversion of glucose to glycogen. This exemplifies a(n) ______ reaction. - reductive - catabolic - oxidative - anabolic


The fact that most of us have five lumbar vertebrae, but some people have six and some have four is an example of ____________ variation among organisms. - cellular - holistic - physiological - anatomical - reductionist


The ___ are a source of sex pheromones.

apocrine glands

Most bodily fluids consist of _________________. - aqueous solutions - colloids - suspensions - emulsions

aqueous solutions

Melanocytes: - are spidery-shaped cells in contact with cells in the stratum basale. - are involved in the immune system. = are involved with the nervous system. = work their way up to the surface just like the keratinocytes.

are spidery-shaped cells in contact with cells in the stratum basale.

Which muscles attached to the hair follicles cause goose bumps?

arrector pili

Intramembranous ossification ____________________.

begins with a connective tissue membrane

Blood can be classified as a suspension due to the presence of __________________. - ions - blood cells - water - plasma proteins - lipids

blood cells

During your first week of anatomy lab, your instructor asks each group to demonstrate anatomical position by having one member assume the position. When the instructor gets to your group, she says that you are incorrect because your lab partner's - forearms and palms are not pronated. - feet are facing foward. - body is supine. - knees are not touching each other. - elbows are not bent.

body is supine.

Thermoregulation is a homeostatic regulatory mechanism that involves negative feedback. This means that - the body doesn't respond to changes in body temperature. - body temperature is normally allowed to vary slightly around a set-point. - the body has effectors to respond to a rise in temperature above the set point, but not a fall in temperature below the set point. - responses by the body to temperature change produce an escalating cycle. - body temperature is always kept precisely the same unless the body is in a state of homeostatic imbalance

body temperature is normally allowed to vary slightly around a set point

The presence of lacunae, calcium salts, collagen fibers, and blood vessels would be associated with

bone tissue

A solution that resists a change in pH when acid or base is added to it is a


Osteocytes maintain contact with the blood vessels of the central canal through ____________________.


The role of the effector in a feedback system is to - integrate incoming with outgoing information. - detect changes in stimuli. - carry out some type of action to change a body condition and restore homeostasis. - monitor the impact of a change in body activity to alter a body condition. - regulate the response of the body to some type of change.

carry out some type of action to change a body condition and restore homeostasis.

Glucose is broken down in most of your cells to form carbon dioxide, oxygen, and the energy currency of the cell called ATP. What type of chemical reaction is this?

catabolic or exergonic

Glucose is broken down in most of your cells to form carbon dioxide, water, and the energy currency of the cell called ATP. What type of chemical reaction is this? - anabolic or exergonic - catabolic or endergonic - anabolic or endergonic - anabolic or exothermic - catabolic or exergonic

catabolic or exergonic

The basic structural and functional units of an organism are the _____.


_________________ are the simplest body's structures considered alive.


The glycoacalyx, refers to carbohydrate studded proteins and lipids on the outer facing surface of the plasma membrane. Among the functions of this "sugar coat" is ____. - cellular recognition - a fuel reserve for the cell - protein synthesis - transport of cations - phagocytosis of bacteria

cellular recognition

When ATP breaks down to ADP, potential energy stored in bonds is released. This energy stored in bonds is __________ energy.


__________________ secrete the cartilage rubbery matrix, whereas ________________ produce the fibers and ground substance that form the matrix of fibrous connective tissue. - Chondroblasts; plasma cells - Chondroblasts; fibroblasts - Adipocytes; plasma cells - Mast cells; fibroblasts - Osteocytes; chondroblasts

condroblasts; fibroblasts

The reticular layer of the dermis

contains hair follicles and sweat glands

A needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?

corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

The study of structure and function of cells is called: - cytology. - gross anatomy. - exploratory physiology. - comparative physiology. - radiology.


Most of the cell organelles are located in the ____.


Digestive enzymes breakdown the starch in a potato into thousands of glucose molecules. This exemplifies a(n) ______ reaction.


These cells stand guard against toxins, microbes and other pathogens.

dendric (Langerhans) cells

The four primary tissue types found in adult organs include all of the following except: - fibrous. - nervous. - epithelial. - muscular. - connective.


Which of the following could not pass thru the plasma membrane of a cell that did not have carrier proteins in its membrane? - fatty acids - glucose - potassium ions - water - oxygen


Which of the following are used by the body primarily as a fuel source for ATP production? - cholesterol and glucose - and triglycerides - and amino acids - phospholipids and triglycerides - triglycerides and amino acids

glucose and triglycerides

Triglycerides are molecules consisting of one 3-carbon compound called ________ bound to three ________.

glycerol; fatty acids

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of:


If a splinter penetrated the skin into the third epidermal layer of the sole of the foot, which cells would be damaged?


Each hair grows in an oblique epithelial tube called a(an)

hair follicle

The contraction of the piloerector muscles (pilomotor muscle or arrector pili) in humans causes

hairs to stand on end with no apparent function.

Now that you know some basic information about anatomical terminology and how terms are derived, which of the following terms do you think describes a cell found in the liver? - hepatocyst - hepatogen - hepatotomy - hepatosis - hepatocyte


A red blood cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. The concentration of solutes in the solution is __________ than the concentration of solutes in the intracellular fluid and will cause the cell to ______________. - higher; swell - lower; swell - higher; shrink - lower; shrink - lower; burst

higher; shrink

The ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions is called ____________________.


______ converts a ______ to its monomers.

hydrolysis; polymer

If you want to signify that a condition or activity is higher than or above normal, you should use which the following prefixes? - mega - macro - exo - hyper


Damage from a pathogen that selectively attacks a mucous membrane might be observed - on the surface of the body - in the membrane covering the outer layer of the stomach - in the lining of the thoracic cavity - in the pericardial sac - in the tissue lining the small intestine

in the tissue lining the small intestine

Some proteins in the membrane of a cell are receptors for chemicals secreted by other cells and can be used as a way for cells to "talk" to and influence each other. This is an important part of regulation and the ability to maintain homeostasis. Which of the following guiding principles is best exemplified by this example?

information flow coordinates body functions

Some proteins in the membrane of a cell are receptors for chemicals secreted by other cells and can be used as a way for cells to "talk" to and influence each other. Which of the following guiding principles is best exemplified by this example? - Functional integration of body systems - Structural hierarchy - Energy is needed to sustain life - Information flow coordinates body functions. - Homeostasis

information flow coordinates body functions

Growth of a cartilage in which the chondrocytes within the matrix become active and proliferate is known as ____________________.

interstitial growth

The primary sites of biochemical activity that we associate with the physiology of the body are

intracellular spaces

When table salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), is placed in water - Na + and Cl - form polar covalent bonds with each other. - ionic bonds between Na + and Cl are broken and hydration spheres form around them. - Na + and Cl - form ionic bonds with each other. - Na + and Cl - form hydrogen bonds with each other - Na + and Cl - settle to the bottom of the container holding the water.

ionic bonds between Na + and Cl - are broken and hydration spheres form around them

Salts are always:

ionic compounds

What property of water makes it a good solvent for substances like ions and organic compounds? - its polarity - its small size - its simplicity - its abundance - its liquidity

its polarity

Bilirubin causes a skin discoloration called


When the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone ____________________.

long bones have reached their adult length

The Na+ K+ pump: - moves more Na+ out of the cell than K+ into the cell during each pumping event. - is found only in those cells that are engaged in electrical signalling, such as neurons and muscle cells. - moves K+ out the cell and Na+ into the cell. - uses 1 ATP for each Na+ and K+ ion it pumps. - is a symport.

moves more Na+ out of the cell than K+ into the cell during each pumping event.

The most protective membranes are those that protect from exposure to the external environment. They include __________ membranes. - mucous and serous - mucous, serous, and cutaneous - serous and cutaneous - synovial and serous - mucous and cutaneous

mucous and cutaneous

Which of the following would you find lining the lumen (inside) of the stomach? - parietal perineum - visceral pleura - mucous membrane - visceral parietum - visceral peritoneum

mucous membrane

Mitosis in the __________ accounts for growth of the nail.

nail matrix

Nervous tissue consists predominantly of two cell types, neurons and


An _______________ is composed of two or more tissues types, whereas ____________ are microscopic structures in a cell. - organ system, organs - organ system, organelles - organ, organelles - organ, molecules - organelle, molecules

organ, organelles

Microscopic compartments are surrounded by plasma membranes. These compartments include - organelles and cells - macromolecules, organelles, and cells - organelles, cells, tissues, and organs - organelles, cells, and tissues - cells and tissues

organelles and cells

Water flows through a selectively permeable membrane in a process called __________, but water molecules cross the membrane more easily through channels of transmembrane proteins called __________. - osmosis; water pumps - osmosis; aquaporins - osmosis; uniport - filtration; aquaporins - filtration; water pumps

osmosis; aquaporins

Larger extracellular particles may "cross the plasma membrane without going through the plasma membrane" by the process of ____.


Which of these bring nonspecific material into a cell? - phagocytosis - receptor-mediated endocytosis - transcytosis - pinocytosis - exocytosis


The action of the sodium potassium pump is an example of: - primary active transport via a symport - vesicular transport - primary active transport via an antiport - facilitated diffusion via an antiport - secondary active transport via an antiport

primary active transport via an antiport

This option lists examples of body structures from the simplest to the most complex. - mitochondrion, connective tissue, protein, stomach, adipocyte (fat cell) - protein, mitochondrion, adipocyte (fat cell), connective tissue, stomach - mitochondrion, connective tissue, stomach, protein, adipocyte (fat cell) - protein, adipocyte (fat cell), stomach, connective tissue, mitochondrion - protein, stomach, connective tissue, adipocyte (fat cell), mitochondrion

protein, mitochondrion, adipocyte (fat cell), connective tissue, stomach

All enzymes are ______ but not all of those are enzymes.


All cells in this tissue reach the basement membrane and only cells that reach the free surface have cilia.

pseudostratified columnar

These membrane proteins bind to signals by which cells communicate. - receptors - enzymes - carriers - cell-identity markers - cell-adhesion molecules


The primary function of the secretions of the serous membranes is to

reduce friction between moving organs

The function of the secretions of the serous membranes is to: - separate the thoracic and abdominal cavities. - keep internal organs moist. - protect the central nervous system. - reduce friction between organs. - carry nervous impulses.

reduce friction between organs.

Negative feedback is a mechanism that _____________________. - inhibits an action that is needed to restore homeostasis - amplifies a homeostatic imbalance - produces homeostatic imbalance - activates a homeostatic mechanism - restores homeostasis

restores homeostasis

These are all membrane-bound organelles except: - the Golgi complex. - ribosomes. - endoplasmic reticulum. - mitochondria. - the nucleus.


These are all membranous organelles except: - mitochondria. - ribosomes. - the nucleus. - endoplasmic reticulum. - the Golgi complex.


In the term "hepatomegaly", the word part hepato is a... - suffix - prefix + root - prefix - root


A favorable gradient is needed for ALL of the following types of movement, except _____________. Select the THREE exceptions. If you select more than 3 answers, your score will be deducte 0.5 points for each additional selection. If you select all of the options, you will receive a zero for this question. - transport of an amino acid via facilitated diffusion - passage of carbon dioxide through the phospholipid bilayer - movement of water through aquaporins secondary active transport of Na+ and glucose diffusion of ions through a channel - transport without energy consumption exocytosis of synthesized proteins - primary active transport of ions via a pump

secondary active transport of Na+ and glucose, exocytosis of synthesized proteins, primary active transport of ions via a pump

The coiling of the protein chain backbone into an alpha helix is referred to as the: - primary structure. - secondary structure. - tertiary structure. - quaternary structure.

secondary structure

Which of the following best defines homeo when used in the term homeostasis? - identical - condition - similar - unlike


An epithelium with all cells tall and narrow and with every cell touching the basement membrane is called ________________

simple columnar

A brush border of microvilli are part of _______________ epithelium found in the ______________.

simple columnar; small intestine

Oxygen enters cells via: - vesicular transport - simple diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer - simple diffusion through special channels - active transport - facilitated diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer

simple diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer

Which of the following is at a level of complexity that is higher than all the others? - fibroblast - skin - collagen - phospholipid -areolar connective tissue


While looking at an unknown tissue under the microscope, you make the following observations: cells are sparsely distributed, there is an abundance of collagen fibers with no apparent organization, and blood vessels are seen throughout. Based on this information, you could narrow this tissue down to

some type of connective tissue

Keratinocytes arise from stem cells in the

stratum basale

The fastest rate of mitosis happens in the

stratum basale

As the _____________ increases, the rate of simple diffusion ______________. - diffusible surface area; decreases - distance traveled, increases - temperature, increases - size of the molecule, increases - gradient size, decreases

temperature, increases

The active sites of enzymes are formed when the protein attains its ______________ structure. - secondary - quaternary - primary - tertiary


The most relevant free energy in human physiology is the energy stored in: - electrolytes ionized in water. - free radicals with an odd number of electrons. - radioisotopes. - the chemical bonds of organic molecules. - Van der Waals forces.

the chemical bonds of organic molecules

Endochondral and intramembranous are terms that are used to describe ____________________.

the development of bone

It is observed that water is moving into a cell causing it to expand in size. The most likely reason water is moving into the cell is because ____________.

the nonpenetrating solute concentration is greater inside the cell than outside the cell

Which part of a phospholipid is responsible for preventing simple diffusion of ions into or out of a cell? - the glycerol molecule - the carbon atoms - the phosphate groups - all parts of the - phospholipid - the nonpolar fatty acid chains

the nonpolar fatty acid chains

The speed or rate of a chemical reaction is influenced by all of the following except: - the concentration of the reactants. - the temperature. - the presence of catalysts or enzymes. - the presence or absence of carbon.

the presence or absence of carbon

A chemical reaction in which bonds are broken is associated with: - the consumption of energy. - a synthesis. - forming a larger molecule. - the release of energy.

the release of energy

The dermis has two major layers; which of the following constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin?

the reticular layer

Changes in the color of skin are often an indication of a homeostatic imbalance. Which of the following changes would suggest that a patient is suffering from Addison's disease?

the skin takes on a bronze or metallic appearance

Which body cavity contains the pleural and pericardial cavities?

thoracic cavity

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