Anatomy test muscles 1and

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57) The three intrinsic muscles of the hand that produce thumb movements are, as a group, called _____ muscles.


29) Muscles with either parallel or fusiform arrangements of fasciculi tend to have longer fibers than pennate muscles. (t/f)


30) The range of movement at a joint depends upon the point of attachment of the muscle and the length of its fibers.


31) Paralysis of the muscles of mastication may be an indication of damage to the trigeminal (V) cranial nerve.


32) The inferior constrictor, middle constrictor, and superior constrictor are muscles that move the wall of the pharynx, assisting with the movement of food and liquid into the esophagus.


34) The rectus sheath and linea alba are formed by the aponeuroses of the external obliques, internal obliques, and transversus abdominis muscles.


35) The ischiocavernosus muscles maintain erection of the penis in the male and the clitoris in the female.


38) Tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior muscles both invert the foot.


56) The flexor carpi _____ flexes and adducts the wrist.


12) The central portion of the diaphragm is an aponeurosis that serves as the tendon of insertion for the diaphragm. The tendon is called: a) linea alba. b) central tendon. c) intermediate tendon. d) rectus sheath.


19) Which muscle originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus AND turns the forearm (pronates) so that the palm faces posteriorly? a) pronator quadratus b) pronator teres c) anconeus d) supinator


22) The erector spinae is a group of muscles of the back, including which three of the following groups? 1. iliocostalis 2. spinalis 3. segmental 4. longissimus 5. scalene a) 1, 2, 3 b) 1, 2, 4 c) 2, 3, 5 d) 1, 4, 5


25) The muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh _____ the thigh and _____ the leg. a) flex, extend b) extend, flex c) adduct, flex d) abduct, extend


3) The deltoid muscle is named according to: a) orientation of muscle fascicles relative to the body's midline. b) relative shape of the muscle. c) relative size of the muscle. d) location.


4) Regarding characteristics used to name muscles, which of the following is incorrectly matched? a) rectus-parallel to midline b) platys-circular c) biceps-two origins d) brevis-short


5) Which of the following is/are TRUE? 1. Synergists are muscles that oppose the agonist. 2. Agonists contract while the antagonists relax. 3. The biceps brachii and the triceps brachii are an antagonistic pair. a) 1, 2, 3 b) 2, 3 only c) 1, 2 only d) 2 only


73) Which best describes the buccinator? a) swimmer's muscle b) trumpeter's muscle c) most important breathing muscle d) boxer's muscle e) "workhorse" of the elbow flexors


74) Which best describes the sartorius? a) swimmer's muscle b) tailor's muscle c) lateral hamstring d) boxer's muscle e) "workhorse" of the elbow flexors


the anterior serratus... a) depresses the scapula b) abducts the scapula c) inserts on the lateral border d) is innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve e) is the swimmer's muscle


71) What is the action of the plantar interossei? a) extend leg b) adduct toes c) dorsiflex foot d) abduct toes e) flex toes

b) adduct toes

14) The perineum consists of an anterior _____ triangle and a posterior _____ triangle. a) anal; urogenital b) urinary; genital c) urogenital; anal d) genital; urinary


15) The pectoralis minor muscle a) inserts on the greater tubercle of the humerus. b) inserts on the acromion of the scapula. c) may originate from ribs 3 to 5. d) originates from the clavicle and sternum.


18) Of the muscles that move the forearm, two have points of origin on the scapula. They are the biceps brachii and the: a) brachialis b) brachioradialis. c) triceps brachii d) anconeus.


20) Whereas superficial flexors in the anterior compartment of the forearm originate from the _____ epicondyle of the humerus, the superficial extensors in the posterior compartment of the forearm originate from the _____ epicondyle of the humerus. a) lateral; medial b) lateral; lateral c) medial; lateral d) medial; medial


21) The extensor digitorum extends the phalanges. The extensor digiti minimi extends the distal phalanges only. a) Both statements are true. b) Both statements are false. c) The first statement is true; the second is false. d) The second statement is true; the first is false.


26) Muscles that insert via the calcaneal tendon do NOT include: a) plantaris b) gastrocnemius. c) tibialis posterior d) soleus.


28) Which two muscles provide good examples for use of the term "synergists"? a) latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major b) flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris c) biceps femoris and semitendinosis d) gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior


6) Which of the following pairs of terms is most closely matched? a) orbicularis oculi; shapes lips for speech b) corrugator supercilii; surprise c) platysma; pouting d) zygomaticus major; frown


32) The muscle tissue that exhibits autorhythmicity is?


1) Ordinarily, the insertion of a muscle: 1. in a limb is proximal to the origin. 2. does not move when the muscle contracts. 3. is the movable point of attachment of a muscle. 4. attaches a muscle to a bone or skin. a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 1, 2, 4 only c) 1, 3 only d) 3, 4 only


13) Which of the muscles of the pelvic floor constricts the anus, urethra, and vagina? a) pubococcygeus b) iliococcygeus c) coccygeus d) both pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus


16) Which of the following pairs of terms does not correctly match muscle with innervation? a) subclavius; subclavian nerve b) rhomboid major; dorsal scapular nerve c) serratus anterior; long thoracic nerve d) trapezius; median pectoral nerve ****


27) Which two muscles provide a good example of an "antagonistic pair"? a) biceps brachii and brachialis b) semitendinosus and semimembranosus c) vastus medialis and vastus lateralis d) fibularis (peroneus) longus and tibialis anterior


7) The extrinsic muscles of the eyeball are innervated by: a) oculomotor (III) nerves. b) abducens (VI) nerves. c) trochlear (IV) nerves. d) all of these choices.


47) All muscles of facial expression are innervated by the _____ cranial nerve.

facial (VII)

33) The sternocleidomastoid muscle inserts on the occipital bone.


36) The scalenes originate on the first and second ribs and insert on the third through sixth thoracic vertebrae.


37) Medial epicondylitis which is often times seen in pianists, violinists, golfers and those who use computers is a condition which affects mainly the extensor muscles of the forearm.


75) The most common type of lever in the body is the first-class lever designated as EFL. true false


The rectus abdominus extends the spine (t/f)


44) To produce movement, a bone acts as a lever and the joint acts as the _____.


46) The aponeurosis (sheet-like tendon) that unites the frontal belly (frontalis) and occipital belly (occipitalis) muscles is called the _____.

galea aponeurotica or epicranial aponeurosis

58) The principal muscle used for extending the thigh, as in climbing stairs, is the _____.

gluteus maximus

48) The muscle that acts on your left eyeball to move it as you read this line is the _____.

medial rectus

52) The fibers of the external oblique muscle are directed inferiorly and _____.


51) The _____ muscle of the larynx acts as a sphincter to control the size of the inlet of the larynx.

oblique artenyoid

55) Muscles that extend the forearm are located on the _____ surface of the _____.

posterior, humerus

49) The genioglossus muscle could be considered a socially unacceptable muscle, since its action is to _____ the tongue.


53) Branches of the _____ nerve are involved in the innervation of all perineal muscles.


45) A circular muscle that encloses an orifice is a _____ muscle.


50) The _____ muscle is a landmark that separates the anterior and posterior triangles of the neck.


42) Name three muscles that insert on the mastoid process. All three muscles move the head. Which one of these is antagonistic to the other two in the action of rotating the head?

sternocleidomastoid, splenius capitis, longissimus capitis. The

54) The rotator cuff muscles are _____, _____, _____, and _____. What vigorous movement of the shoulder most likely contributes to a rotator cuff injury?

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor, circumduction

. Which of the following is/are true? 1. synergists are muscles that appose the agonist 2. agonists contract while the antagonists relax 3. the biceps brachii and triceps brachii are an antagonistic pair


10) The _____ muscle extends from the sternum to the thyroid cartilage and acts to depress the larynx. a) sternothyroid b) sternohyoid c) omohyoid d) thyrohyoid


11) The following muscles all have attachments to ribs or their costal cartilages. Which of them are NOT used to produce the movements of normal breathing? 1. external intercostals 2. internal intercostals 3. external obliques 4. internal obliques 5. diaphragm a) 2, 3, 4 b) 3, 4 c) 1, 3, 5 d) 2, 4


17) The greater tubercle of the humerus is the point of insertion of which of the following muscles? a) infraspinatus b) deltoid c) subscapularis d) coracobrachialis


2) The strength of movement produced by a muscle depends upon how close to the joint it is attached. A muscle attached farther away will produce a more powerful movement than one attached nearer the joint. a) Both statements are true. b) Both statements are false. c) Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false. d) Statement 2 is true; statement 1 is false.


23) The psoas major and iliacus muscles have a common insertion on the femur. These two muscles are involved in _____ of the thigh. a) flexion b) extension c) adduction d) abduction


24) Intercalated discs in cardiac muscle contain what type(s) of cell junctions? a) desmosomes and gap junctions. b) tight junctions only c) gap junctions and tight junctions d) hemidesmosomes


24) Which of the following statements regarding the quadriceps femoris is correct? a) Rectus femoris originates from the anterior inferior iliac spine. b) Vastus lateralis inserts on the lateral condyle of the tibia. c) All four muscles flex the thigh. d) Vastus medialis originates from the lesser trochanter.


72) Which best describes the latissimus dorsi? a) swimmer's muscle b) trumpeter's muscle c) most important breathing muscle d) boxer's muscle e) "workhorse" of the elbow flexors


8) Two muscles that insert on the angle and ramus of the mandible, and that elevate the mandible are: 1. masseter 2. medial pterygoid 3. lateral pterygoid 4. temporalis a) 1, 2 b) 2, 3 c) 3, 4 d) 1, 4


9) The diagastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, and geniohyoid muscles have which of the following in common? a) insertion on the body of the hyoid bone b) origin on the body of the hyoid bone c) depress the hyoid bone d) elevate the tongue


What is the action of rectus femoris? a) extends leg b) adducts toes c) dorsiflexes foot d) flexes leg e) flexes toes


70) What is the action of the flexor digitorum brevis? a) extends leg b) adducts toes c) dorsiflexes foot d) abducts toes e) flexes toes


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