Ancient Egypt FINAL key terms

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WHO: WHAT: a thing that is very old or old-fashioned. phrase or word is considered very old fashioned and outdated WHEN: WHERE: WHY:


WHO: Ahmose WHAT: first king of dynasty 18 WHEN: dynasty 18 / 2nd intermediate WHERE: thebes WHY: -he drove out the hyksos and invaded kush -he wanted to build an empty tomb near abydos that would have a symbolic meaning and get back to tradition


WHO: Akhenaten WHAT: Pharaoh during the 18th dynasty. Changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten during his 5th year of reign. Married to Nefertiti WHEN: 18th dynasty WHERE: Armana and Akhetaten WHY: -abandoned traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing worship centered on the Aten (attempting to erase Amun from egyptian history) -established Akhetaten -created Aten temples -introduced sweeping changes in the spheres of religion, architecture, and art (Armana art) -gave his wife nefertiti a big role -holy trinity= Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Aten

Armana/ Akhetaten

WHO: Akhenaten WHAT: city established on virgin ground by Akhenaten. Became the capital city during his reign. WHEN: dynasty 18 WHERE: Armana/ Akhetaten WHY: -could be seen as a way in which Akhenaten was fleeing from the old religious ground in order to fully establish his religious revolution

Armana Art

WHO: Akhenaten WHAT: revolutionary art style that was naturalistic and had a closer connection to nature and the truth WHEN: Armana Period (18th dynasty) WHERE: Armana WHY: -it was a move towards realism -paid closer attention to anatomy -women were depicted as voluptuous -began to show intimate scenes and gestures of the royal family that would have never been seen before

Alexander the Great

WHO: Alexander the Great WHAT: an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history's greatest military minds WHEN: Hellenistic Period WHERE: Alexandria WHY: -conquered Egypt an event that marked the beginning of the Greek period in Egyptian history -founded the capital of Alexandria which would become important throughout the Hellenistic period


WHO: Alexander the great WHAT: port city in egypt founded by alexander the great WHEN: all throughout WHERE: Alexandria WHY: -largest city in egypt for about two thousands year -capital for almost half the time -important trading post between europe and asia

Tod Treasure

WHO: Amenemhat II WHAT: an astonishing discovery in the ruins of the temple at Tod, four copper chests inscribed with the name of the king's son that contained pieces of gold and silver. WHEN: 12th dynasty WHERE: temple of tod WHY: -shows connections amenemhat II had with foreign countries -This unique treasure reflects the role of the King of Egypt, who acquired wealth from all over the world, then passed it onto the god Monthu so that he would maintain the king's military strength abroad.


WHO: Amenemhat III WHAT: archaeological site of Ancient Egypt WHEN: 12th dynasty (middle kingdom) WHERE: Hawara WHY: -Amenemhat III built his pyramid here -believed to be Amenemhat III last resting place

Colossi of Memnon

WHO: Amenhotep III WHAT: Two massive stone statues of Amenhotep III sitting on his throne. Images of his wife, the god Hapy, and other things are engraved on them. WHEN: 18th dynasty WHERE: Luxor WHY: -they are guardians of Amenhotep mortuary temple -show the time he devoted to the arts and monuments

Amenhotep III

WHO: Amenhotep III (king) WHAT: New Kingdom king. Ninth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. Also known as Amenhotep the magnificent. WHEN: dynasty 18 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -he had a peaceful reign -built the festival city Malqata to celebrate his Jubilee (he reenacted the journey of the sun god and the transformation into the solar falcon) -the greatest extent of the egyptian empire occurred under his rule -he reigned when egypt was its most powerful and largest -devoted time to art and monuments


WHO: Amon-Re WHAT: egyptian sun god WHEN: mythical prehistory WHERE: thebes, heliopolis WHY: -during akhenaten's reign he attempted to dismantle the religious system in order and establish his own in which he tried to erase the importance of Amun and get people to worship Aten as the main god instead


WHO: Ankhtifi WHAT: a nomarch of Hierakonpolis WHEN: 10th dynasty/ first intermediate period WHERE: Hierakonpolis WHY: -his inscribed tomb walls describe the hardships of the egyptian people during the time in which he lived and is one of the most important inscriptions to come from that time -shows the dismantling of the pharaohs power and unstable government during intermediate periods -shows how the nomarchs gaining power lead to the falling of the old kingdom and the beginning of the first intermediate period


WHO: Aten WHAT: The sun disk WHEN: dynasty 18/ mythical prehistory WHERE: Armana WHY: -Akhenaten wanted the worship of only Aten during his religious revolution in which he tried to erase all the other gods especially Amun -akhenaten established Aten temples during his rule, which were open courts to allow maximum sunlight

Cleopatra VII

WHO: Cleopatra VII WHAT: last pharaoh of the Ptolemaic period WHEN: Hellenistic Period (ptolemies) WHERE: Alexandria WHY: -After her death, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Hellenistic period that had lasted since the reign of Alexander -the most popular egyptian queen even though she was actually greek


WHO: Darius WHAT: king during the persian empire who was also known as Darius the Great WHEN: Persian empire/ persian dynasty?? WHERE: Persia WHY: -ruled the persian empire when it was at its peak and was able to centralize and unify the empire -tried many times to conquer greece but he failed


WHO: Hatshepsut WHAT: wife of thutmose II who became reigant queen and co ruled with her son Thutmose III. She would become full pharaoh WHEN: dynasty 18 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -at first she was still depicted as a women, however in her later statues she takes on the full male personna (male pronouns as well) -taking on the male personna allowed her to effectively ruler as pharaoh -built her mortuary temple near ancestral king Mentuhotep (wanted to link her achievements with those of past kings). This temple has paintings of her being born as a boy

Deir el Bahri

WHO: Hatshepsut WHAT: the mortuary temple that Hatshepsut built. Has 3 levels (second level has birth narrative, third level has 2 shrines and cult chapels) WHEN: Dynasty 18 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -built her mortuary temple next to the temple of Mentuhotep II (an ancestral king) in order to link her achievements with the legacies of the past kings


WHO: Herihor WHAT: Egyptian army officer and High Priest of Amun WHEN: third intermediate period (dynasty 21) WHERE: Thebes WHY: -was sent by ramesses III originally to conquer the priest of amun to re-establish power of the pharaoh, but instead he crowns himself as the high priest of Amun -he founded a dynasty of priest-kings -he himself was seen as a king


WHO: Hittites WHAT: anatolian people WHEN: dynasty 19 WHERE: kadesh WHY: -they took part in the battle of kadesh against egypt during the reign of ramses II, which is known as the largest chariot battle ever fought -as their empire expanded they began to threaten the egyptian empire


WHO: Horemhab WHAT: Last pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty. No relation to the preceding royal family. Was a general prior to becoming a pharaoh WHAT: 18th Dynasty WHERE: Thebes WHY: -Destroyed the monuments of Akhenaten to make his own. Under his rule, action against the preceding Amarna leaders occurred. -he is considered the man who restabilized his country after the troublesome and divisive Amarna Period

Tell el-Dab'a

WHO: Hyksos WHAT: Modern name of the city Avaris. WHEN: second intermediate period WHERE: Avaris/ tell el- dab'a WHY: -The tombs consist of vaulted mud-brick chambers. They reflect the belief in the afterlife of the inhabitants of Tell el-Dab'a, similar to that of the Egyptians -contains remnants of the hyksos through tell- yehudiya ware and toggle pins


WHO: Hyksos WHAT: people of mixed Semitic and Asian descent who invaded Egypt. WHEN: second intermediate period (dynasty 13-17) WHERE: nile delta/ egypt WHY: -The arrival of the Hyksos led to the end of the Thirteenth Dynasty and initiated the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt (formed the 15th and 16th dynasties of Egypt and ruled a large part of the country until driven out) -both Ahmose and Kamose worked on driving out the Hyksos -Ahmose most important accomplishment is the expelling of Hyksos for good


WHO: Kamose WHAT: brother of Ahmose. Last king of the 17th dynasty WHEN: 17th dynasty WHERE: thebes WHY: -he started the hostilities against the hyksos, even though ahmose fully drove them out kamose was the one who made the biggest contribution to beginning this movement.

Tut's Tomb

WHO: King Tut WHAT: Burial tomb of King Tut WHEN: 18th Dynasty WHERE: Valley of the Kings WHY: -For the first time, a tomb, which was almost intact, had been discovered and remained hidden from robbers for thousands of years. -renowned for the wealth and valuable antiquities it contained


WHO: Kush Empire/ nubians WHAT: city-state of ancient Nubia. WHEN: end of new kingdom WHERE: Napata WHY: -kingdom of kush was centered around Napata at first -capital of Kush


WHO: Libyan WHAT: ruled egypt during the libyan period WHEN: 22nd and 23rd Dynasties WHERE: Egypt WHY: -the libyan period occurred from 21-24 dynasties -showed the increasing influence and significance of foreigners in the third intermediate period and the decreasing power of the egyptian empire

Libyan Anarchy

WHO: Libyan rulers (ex. Shoshenq and psusennes II) WHAT: A period when Egypt was under the control of libyans WHEN: Third intermediate period (dynasty 21-24) WHERE: Lower Egypt WHY: -This was a time of turmoil with multiple people fighting over the position of the Pharaoh (split into different areas with different libyan anarchies) -ruled by foreigners, but were integrated into egyptian society -showed power of thebes shrinking even more


WHO: Montuemhat WHAT: Theben official, Mayor of Thebes, and Fourth prophet of Amun WHEN: 25th dynasty WHERE: Thebes WHY: -Most powerful individual in Thebes in Dynasties 25-26 -had the largest tomb ever built in Thebes and shows elements of archaism, incorporating both older and New Kingdom designs together

Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II

WHO: Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II WHAT: Pharaoh of the 11th Dynasty who reigned for 51 years WHEN: Dynasty 11 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -Around his 39th year on the throne he reunited Egypt, thus ending the First Intermediate Period -considered the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom -re-established the pharaoh as the god-king of Egypt


WHO: Nefertiti WHAT: wife of Akhenaten WHEN: Armana period (18th dynasty) WHERE: Armana WHY: -she had as much prominence and power as Akhenaten -Akhenaten represented him and Nefertiti as the first male- female deities -she is part of the holy trinity in the new religious worship of the Aten established by Akhenaten

Dynasty 27

WHO: Persians WHAT: known as the persian dynasty after the persians conquered egypt WHEN: 27th Dynasty WHERE: Eastern Nile Delta WHY: -Began the first period of Persian rule over Egypt -shows the decreasing power of egypt as an empire and the increasing power of foreigners

Psusennes I

WHO: Psusennes I WHAT: third pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty (gold with no stripes tomb, blue is king tut) WHEN: 21st dynasty WHERE: Tanis WHY: - tomb holds the distinction of being the only pharaonic grave ever found unscathed by any tomb robbing attempts -he was ruling in tanis while heri hor was ruling thebes during third intermediate period

Ptolemy I Soter

WHO: Ptolemy I Soter WHAT: general under Alexander the Great. Founder of Ptolemaic Dynasty and Ptolemaic Kingdom WHEN: Hellenistic period WHERE: Alexandria WHY: -turning Egypt into a Hellenistic kingdom and Alexandria into a center of Greek culture

Ramesses II

WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: 3rd pharaoh of the Ramesside period known as Ramses the Great WHEN: dynasty 19 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -most famous king of the Ramesside period -had a long reign and carried out many building projects -most famous accomplishment is the battle of kadesh -built the ramesseum


WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: A new capital at Qantir WHEN: dynasty 19 WHERE: Qantir WHY: -at its time it was considered the greatest cities in egypt, even rivaling thebes. Associating it with avaris gave it even more prestige -One of the largest cities of ancient Egypt -Pi-Ramesses flourished for more than a century after Ramesses' death, and poems were written about its splendour

Abu Simbel

WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: The site of two temples that are cut into the solid rock cliff WHEN: 19th dynasty (1264 BCE) WHERE: Abu Simbel (village in Nubia) WHY: -part of the nubian monuments -are lasting monuments of the reign of Ramesses II and Nefertiti -commemorate Ramesses II win at Battle of Kadesh -example of the extraordinary monuments/ building projects Ramses II undertook


WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: ancient city of the levant WHEN: 19th dynasty WHERE: syria WHY: -the battle of kadesh took place here and is stated in the armana letters -battle of kadesh was between new kingdom egypt (ramses II) and the Hittite empire. It was over who would have control of syria. It ended in a stalemate -this battle was the first example of a peace treaty and propaganda

Ramesses III

WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: considered last great pharaoh of the ramesside period WHEN: ramesside period (dynasty 20) WHERE: Thebes WHY: -defeated the sea people - His long reign saw the decline of Egyptian political and economic power, linked to a series of invasions and internal economic problems


WHO: Ramesses II WHAT: village in the eastern nile delta that was the capital of the ramesside period WHEN: 19th and 20th Dynasty WHERE: Eastern Nile Delta WHY: -It is believed to be ancient site of Ramesses II's great capital, Pi-Ramesse


WHO: Ramses II WHAT: memorial/ funerary temple of ramses II WHEN: 19th dynasty WHERE: Thebes WHY: -dedicated to the god Amon and the deceased king -Ramesses built it to ensure that his legacy lives on -contained the earliest arches in history and showed the great wealth

Medinet Habu

WHO: Ramses III WHAT: mortuary temple of Ramses III WHEN: dynasty 20 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -important new kingdom structure - the temple is best known as the source of inscribed reliefs depicting the advent and defeat of the Sea Peoples during the reign of Ramesses III

Sea Peoples

WHO: Sea peoples (of unknown origins/ decent) WHAT: confederacy of naval raiders WHEN: dynasty 19-20 WHERE: coastal towns/ egypt WHY: -raided the coastal towns and cities of the Mediterranean region, concentrating their efforts especially on Egypt. -ramses II and ramses III recorded their conflicts and victories over the sea people


WHO: Senusret I WHAT: Fortified area WHEN: 12th dynasty (Middle Kingdom) WHERE: west bank of the nile WHY: -archaeological excavations of Semna South have contributed to the overall understanding of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian fort system. -These forts established military control over Upper and Lower Nubia and the Nile river transport of commodities, and were integral parts of the Egyptian empire

Senusret I White Chapel

WHO: Senusret I WHAT: chapel whose main god is Amun and is connected to fertility. Built for his first jubilee WHEN: middle kingdom (dynasty 12) WHERE: luxor/ thebes WHY: -shows the extensive building program he established in the middle kingdom since he was the first monarch of the Middle Kingdom to invest in an extensive building program -it was destroyed and used as a base for another chapel in the new kingdom

Lahun Pyramid

WHO: Senusret II WHAT: Senusret II pyramid that is made of mud brick and has a stone core. WHEN: dynasty 12 (middle kingdom) WHERE: Lahun WHY: -Its entrance is on the south rather than the east like all of the other pyramids -established the city of kahun for the workers who would be working on this pyramid

Semna Stele

WHO: Senusret III WHAT: a tablet describing Senusret's victories against the Nubians WHEN: 12th dynasty (middle kingdom) WHERE: nubia WHY: -Shows foreign conflict and documents military actions -Senusret III set up a pair of monumental stelae at the forts of Semna and Uronarti, proclaiming Egypt's supremacy over Nubia and calling on his successors to preserve the boundary

Senusret III

WHO: Senusret III WHAT: egyptian pharaoh during the middle kingdom. 5th king of the 12th dynasty WHEN: 12th dynasty/ middle kingdom WHERE: thebes WHY: -His reign is often considered the height of the Middle Kingdom which was the Golden Age in Egypt's history in so far as art, literature, architecture, science, and other cultural aspects -he carried out major admin reform in which he ended nomarch power -he divided egypt into three main admin sectors -established borders in which he told people to protect the borders in order to protect him -was deified -regarded as one of the sources for the legend about Sesostris: 1. raised royal authority and increases use of propaganda 2. he was a model ruler and is the pattern for future generations


WHO: Serapis WHAT: Graeco-Egyptian god who was a mix of osiris and Apis. Is represented in human form WHEN: Hellenistic period WHERE: throughout ancient egypt/ Alexandria WHY: -devised by orders of Ptolemy I of Egypt as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians -built the serapeum in order to worship this god


WHO: Serapris WHAT: temple or other religious institution dedicated to Serapris (combination of osiris and apis in a humanized form) WHEN: Hellenistic period WHERE: Alexandria WHY: -was a god accepted by the greeks of alexandria -shows changing religious beliefs due to ruling by the greeks

Abydos cenotaphs

WHO: Seti I/ Ramesses II/ the deceased WHAT: sometimes referred to as a dummy tomb. But often were chapels without tombs. WHEN: 19th dynasty WHERE: abydos WHY: -is a monument to a person whose body is buried elsewhere - Served as a second house to the ka of the deceased in important cult locations -Connected to official or divine aspects of kingship


WHO: Shabako WHAT: third Kushite pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty WHEN: 25th dynasty/ nubian period WHERE: nubia WHY: -kushite king who conquered egypt and established the kushite empire

KV 34

WHO: Thutmose III WHAT: the tomb of 18th dynasty Pharaoh Thutmose III WHEN: 18th dynasty WHERE: valley of the kings WHY: -The architecture of KV 34 represents a transition in royal tomb design -one of the first tombs to be built in the valley of the kings

Thutmosis (thutmose) III

WHO: Thutmosis III WHAT: 18th dynasty pharaoh after Hatshepsut WHEN: dynasty 18 (new kingdom) WHERE: Thebes WHY: -he was responsible for increasing the size of the egyptian empire -the battle of megiddo was a turning point in his reign


WHO: Tiye WHAT: The Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, and mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of king tut WHEN: 18th dynasty WHERE: thebes WHY: -She exerted an enormous influence at the courts of both her husband and son and is known to have communicated directly with rulers of foreign nations -The Amarna letters also show that she was highly regarded by these rulers, especially during the reign of her son -her mummy known as the 'elder lady'


WHO: Wenamun WHAT: high priest of Amun (the highest ranking priest in the priesthood of the god amun) WHEN: new kingdom (dynasty 18) WHERE: throughout egypt/ thebes WHY: -shows the importance placed on amun and his deep rooted worship and the vast change there was when Akhenaten tried to erase amun from egyptian history. This shows why his religious revolution was not widely accepted


WHO: Workers/Senusret II WHAT: workers' village associated with the pyramid of Senusret II. He created this village specifically for the workers working on his pyramid WHEN: 12th Dynasty (middle kingdom) WHERE: Faiyum WHY: -This is where the workers who built Senusret's pyramid lived

Queen of Punt

WHO: ati WHAT: the queen of punt, an ancient egyptian kingdom that traded with egypt and exported gold WHEN: dynasty 18 WHERE: punt WHY: -hatshepsut depicted the trading that occured with punt on the walls of deir el bahri -king and queen of punt and their people are depicted on the mortuary temple of hatshepsut


WHO: deceased king WHAT: ancient Egyptian funerary text that was only reserved for pharaohs and favored nobility. WHEN: new kingdom (dynasty 18-20) WHERE: pharaoh's tomb WHY: -tells the story of Ra and his journey through the underworld. It is believed that the deceased pharaoh undertook the same journey to become one with Ra and live forever -shows egyptian afterlife beliefs

Saff Tomb

WHO: deceased kings WHAT: type of rock-cut tomb had an open-air court and a chambers cut into the mountain side WHEN: 11th dynasty/ first intermediate period. Go onto see them in new kingdom WHERE: Thebes WHY: -while this specific tomb did not go past this dynasty rock cut tombs would remain the preferred for future kings of Thebes, as the case was with the Valley of the Kings. -would influence the creation of dayr al-bahri in hatshepsut and mentuhotep II tomb

Rishi Coffin

WHO: deceased pharoah WHAT: funerary coffins adorned with feather designs as their main pattern. They were no longer squared coffins but were mummy/ body shaped. the first seen rishi coffins belonged to 17th dynasty kings WHEN: second intermediate period WHERE: thebes WHY: -shows the developing styles of coffins and change from the old kingdom style coffins -kings often depicted with nemes headdress on the coffin -would be improved in new kingdom

Saite Period

WHO: egyptian pharaohs WHAT: Saite Period WHEN: dynasty 26 WHERE: Saite WHY: -last native dynasty to rule egypt before persian conquest

Dynasty 26

WHO: egyptian pharaohs WHAT: known as the Saite Period because the pharaohs had the capital in Saite WHEN: Dynasty 26 WHERE: Saite WHY: -the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the Persian -marks the beginning of the Late Period of ancient Egypt


WHO: house of keti WHAT: Roman name of the capital of the 20th nome of ancient Upper Egypt WHEN: 11th dynasty/ first intermediate period WHERE: Heracleopolis WHY: -before the start of the middle kingdom there were two capitals, thebes and heracleopolis, there was an ongoing conflict between the two over who had power

toggle pin

WHO: hyksos WHAT: a pin with a shoulder and eye at one end and at the other a hinged locking device WHEN: second intermediate period WHERE: syria, palestine WHY: -used by the hyksos and the discovery of toggle pins in burial is evidence that its a hyksos burial


WHO: hyksos WHAT: capital during hyksos rule WHEN: second intermediate period WHERE: Avaris WHY: -was destroyed by Ahmose I, the first pharaoh of the 18th dynasty -shows the periods of chaos and foreign power during intermediate period when the government power is lost

Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware

WHO: hyksos WHAT: ceramic pots made of grey or brown clay. WHEN: second intermediate period (15th dynasty) WHERE: first found in egypt, but first produced in palestine WHY: -only the hyksos made them so they served as important signs that the hyksos were there when found at an archeological site


WHO: kings of Tanis/ psusennes I WHAT: a city in the north-eastern Nile Delta of Egypt WHEN: 21st-22nd/ third intermediate WHERE: Tanis WHY: -After Pi-Ramesses' abandonment, Tanis became the seat of power of the pharaohs of the 21st Dynasty, and later of the 22nd Dynasty - during the third intermediate power was divided among psusennes I ruling in tanis and high priest of amun in thebes

Eastern Deffufa

WHO: nubians WHAT: a unique structure in nubian architecture. There are three other deffufas. The eastern deffufa is considered a funerary chapel. Has animal imagery on the walls WHEN: kerma culture/ second intermediate WHERE: kerma, nubia WHY: -have discovered 30,000 graves around it which are assumed to be of inhabitants who were sacrificed so that they could assist the king in the afterlife


WHO: nubians WHAT: ancient kingdom in Nubia WHEN: end of new kingdom WHERE: Napata WHY: -kushite kings became pharaohs of the 25 dynasty -shows the growing influence of foreigners -ahmose I invaded kush during his rule

Tumulus KIII

WHO: nubians WHAT: mound of earth raised over graves WHEN: second intermediate period/ kerma culture WHERE: nubia WHY: -filled with skeletons of people sacrificed to go to the afterworld with the king -part of the kerma culture architecture -have no actual picture of it

Western Deffufa

WHO: nubians WHAT: mud brick temple which ceremonies were performed on top. WHEN: second intermediate period WHERE: Kerma WHY: -part of kerma culture -showed that the nubians were also an advanced society -it was surrounded by a boundary wall and had many chambers connected by passageways on the inside -many links to ancient Egyptian culture through architectural techniques and the dimensions of the base

Dynasty 25

WHO: nubians WHAT: the nubian dynasty WHEN: dynasty 25 (3rd intermediate and late period) WHERE: napata WHY: -pharoah's originated from kingdom of kush -during this dynasty the kush would unite upper and lower egypt and create the largest egyptian empire since the new kingdom -important ruler is Piye -shows growing influence of foreigners

Gebel Barkal

WHO: nubians WHAT: very small mountain located in nubia that was used as a landmark by the traders WHEN: third intermediate period (dynasty 25) WHERE: Nubia WHY: -Thutmose III extended his empire to that region and considered Jebel Barkal its southern limit -thutmose III founded the construction of the temple of Amun at Gebel Barkal -important landmark in nubia


WHO: nubians? WHAT: the capital city of the Kerma Culture and capital of kush kingdom WHEN: second intermediate (13-17 dynasty) WHERE: Kerma WHY: -Kerma is one of the largest archaeological sites in ancient Nubia -kerma culture occurred here and it was a military and political threat to egypt

Persian Period

WHO: persians WHAT: time during which the persians took over egypt WHEN: 27th dynasty WHERE: egypt WHY: -marked the end of of native rule

Valley of the Kings

WHO: pharaohs who were buried there WHAT: site were rock cut tombs were excavated for new kingdom royalty and nobles WHEN: new kingdom (dynasty 18-20) WHERE: Thebes WHY: -This area has been a focus of archaeological and egyptological exploration since the end of the eighteenth century, and its tombs and burials continue to stimulate research and interest -majority of the new kingdom pharaohs built their tombs here


WHO: piye WHAT: king during the kushite empire/ nubian dynasty WHEN: nubian dynasty (dynasty 25) WHERE: Nubia WHY: -founder of the 25th dynasty of egypt -was passionate about the worship of Amun and revitalized the tomb of Amun at gebel barkal

Execration Texts

WHO: scribes WHAT: ancient Egyptian hieratic texts, listing enemies of the Pharaoh, most often enemies of the Egyptian state or troublesome foreign neighbors WHEN: old kingdom - new kingdom WHERE: on bowls or blocks of clay/ stone WHY: -texts were often written on bowls or blocks of clay and stone and were destroyed because it was thought that this would affect the names/ persons listed on the texts -shows the growing conflict and threat of foreigners that egypt was facing towards the end of the new kingdom -shows spiritual beliefs of the egyptians

Reserve Heads

WHO: sculptors WHAT: are distinctive sculptures made primarily of fine limestone that have been found in a number of non-royal tombs WHEN: 4th dynasty/ old kingdom during reign of khufu and khafre WHERE: giza WHY: -striking individuality of the pieces makes them some of the earliest examples of portrait sculpture in existence -the head was to serve as an alternate home for the spirit of the dead owner should anything happen to its body

Karnak Temple

WHO: started by Senusret I WHAT: It is a city of temples built over 2,000 years and dedicated to the Theban triad of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. WHEN: middle kingdom up until ptolemaic period (12th dynasty-30 BCE) WHERE: thebes/ modern day luxor WHY: -the largest religious building ever made -shows the extensive building program established in the middle kingdom


WHO: the dead person WHAT: protective amulet in the form of a beetle. It is inscribed with a spell that is placed on the chest of the mummy that is meant to protect the heart WHEN: after death WHERE: chest/ over the heart of the deceased WHY: -shows how the egyptians held the heart highly and protected it in order to prevent it from testifying against them in the weighing of the heart and final judgement

Tomb Models

WHO: the deceased royalty WHAT: wooden figurines and sets that were constructed to be placed in the tombs of Egyptian royalty. The different types of models served as symbols and were believed to perform various functions for the deceased WHEN: first intermediate period WHERE: in the tomb WHY: -shows architectural features & daily life activities -shows Egyptian beliefs about afterlife -showed the time of warfare that was the first intermediate and how they believed the fight would continue in the afterlife

Dier el-Medina

WHO: tomb workers/ amenhotep I WHAT: ancient egyptian village to the workers of the tombs WHEN: 18th- 20th dynasty (new kingdom) WHERE: thebes WHY: -one of the most important archeological sites because it provides a vast amount of information on the everyday life of those who lived there. -was a planned community in attempt to decrease the amount of tomb robbery that had been occurring

God's Wife of Amun

WHO: wife of the pharaoh/ the queen WHAT: highest ranking priestess in the cult of Amun. Daugthers of kings who were married to the high priest WHEN: dynasty 22 -23 WHERE: Thebes WHY: -beginning of the new kingdom is when the this title was started to be given to royal females -queen Ahmose Nefertiti was given this title and along with it came

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