Animal Biology - Scientific Method, Evolution, Speciation, Animal Diversity, Ecology, Animal Architecture, Systematics & Phylogeny

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When did oxygen begin to accumulate in the atmosphere?

2.7 billion years ago

When did the primate lineage of the apes evolve?

30 million years ago

Zoologists recognize how many major phyla of living multicellular animals


when did Earth form

4.6 billion years ago

Fungi, plants, and animals began to colonize land when

500 million years ago

permian extinction caused the extinction of how many marine animal species


What percentage of modern human and gorilla genes are homologous?


A mutation is:

A change in base pairs

Natural selection is

A natural process by which populations accumulate favorable characteristics throughout long periods of evolutionary time

The biological species concept defines a species as

A population or group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

In an evolutionary context, what does the term radiation mean?

A rapid increase in the number and diversity of species as a result of new adaptations

what are density independent factors

Abiotic factors that reduce populations, kill members of a population regardless of the size of population, Cannot truly regulate population growth because they are unrelated to population size

Chemical and physical processes on early Earth may have produced very simple cells through a sequence what stages

Abiotic synthesis of small organic molecules, Joining of these small molecules into macromolecules, Packaging of molecules into "protobionts", Origin of self-replicating molecules

What is the reproductive strategy of Beta males in Paracerceis sculpta?

Act like a female whenever the alpha is around

All of the changes observed in the silver fox breeding experiment turned out to be the result of selection for a gene that controls the level of which hormone?


a gene pool is

All alleles of all genes that exist in a population

Common Descent theory establishes

All forms of life propagated from a common ancestor through a branching of lineages, Life's history has the structure of a branching evolutionary tree, known as a phylogeny, Serves as the basis for our taxonomic classification of animals

Type I Survivorship Curve

All individuals die at in old age, occurs rarely in nature

What is a gene pool?

All of the genes in all of the individuals in a population

What are the building blocks of protein called?

Amino acids

limiting resource

Among many resources, one will be depleted first


Animals in nature coexist with others of the same species as reproductive units, have properties that can't be studied with individuals alone

All organisms

Are composed of one or more cells Carry out metabolism Transfer energy with ATP Encode hereditary information in DNA

What is the scientific name of the oldest known hominid fossils?

Aridipithecus ramidus

competition that affects one species less than the other

Asymmetric competition

Which of these species was the first to have been adapted for long-distance bipedalism?

Australopithecus afarensis

What are the three domains of life?

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes

Two species that cannot mate because their courtship displays do not match up exhibit what kind of reproductive isolation?


Triploblastic animals are collectively called the


Which Ape is the most closely related to humans?


benefits of bein large

Buffers against environmental fluctuations, Provides protection against predation and promotes offensive tactics, Cost of maintaining body temperature is less per gram of body weight than in small animals, Energy costs of moving a gram of body weight over a given distance less for larger animals

What geologic time period saw Ammonoids sharing the oceans with fishes?


What is the term applied to self-copying molecules that found refuge inside watery bags within fatty membranes?


What is a zygote?

Cells that are produced by the process of fertilization.

Uniformitarianism was established by whom?

Charles Lyell

What carbohydrate is fungi made of?


species that share a common ancestor as indicated by the possession of shared derived characters, evolutionary units and refer to a common ancestor and all descendants


an approach to biological classification in which organisms are categorized in groups ("clades") based on the most recent common ancestor.


The morphological species concept classifies organisms based on what

Classifies organisms based on observable phenotypic traits

2 phyla primarily radial are

Cnidaria and Ctenophora

Cellular level of organization

Colonial organization denotes an aggregation of undifferentiated cells,

What do females of one lacewing species use to identify males of their own species, who are not physically distinctive from males of other lacewing species?

Courtship song

What is the key difference between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes?

DNA Structure, eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotic cells do not

All life shares the same basic chemistry, reflected in our common _?_.

DNA nucleotides

"descent with modification"


Which of the following is not one of the morphs found in Paracerceis sculpta?

Delta male

What is a hypothesis?

Derived from prior observations of nature or from theories derived on such observations., Potential answers to questions being asked

blastopore becomes anus in


Two clades of Bilateria differ in the pattern of cleavage are called

Deuterostomes Protostomes

In the history of animal evolution, what appears to be a key innovation that led to evolution going into "high gear"?

Developing a head end

molecular systematics

Develops phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular comparisons

Polymorphism is

Different allelic forms of a gene

At the end of the Triassic, another mass extinction clears the way for the radiation and evolution of what group?


Choose the description that best fits the following group: Glargalians

Echinoderm-like, sentient organisms from another planet that are studying Earth evolution

Deuterostomes phyla

Echinodermata, Hemichordata and Chordata

Two species that cannot mate because, although they live in the same place, they occupy different ecological niches that don't overlap, exhibit what kind of reproductive isolation?


In the Miller-Urey experiment, what was the energy source used to simulate early Earth conditions?

Electric sparks

When Cuvier originally proposed his idea of extinction, it was based on studies of which group of animal fossils?


What is the term used to mean a protein that helps to carry out chemical reactions in the cell?


Convergent evolution

Evolution is not always divergent, Use similar habitats, Adaptive trait appears in two distantly related species (bird-bat wing)

Gregor Mendel did what

Experiments with pea plants in 1860's led to development of genetic theory and established heredity

When a taxon dies out across its entire range this is called an


What is a variable in an experiment?

Factors that are associated with the observed effect

A female bird has little choice in who she will mate with in the wild. t OR f


Once a species is well adapted to its environment, it will stop Evolving T or F


Once incipient species are isolated from one another, no further evolution takes place, and they're considered separate species. T or F


The conditions on Earth in the first 500 million years of its existence were not suitable for life or its precursors. True or false


The only animals that stop evolving are those that are perfectly adapted to their environment. T or F


Pre-Cambrian rocks do not have any fossils in them at all. True or false

False they are just incredibly small


Feed on herbivores or other carnivores

developmental sequence of body plan

Fertilization, cleavage, Gastrulation, organ formation


First level of consumers that eat plants

how can we tell that the continents were once connected?

Fossil distribution

Allelic frequency is

Frequency of a particular allelic form in a population, Since each person carries two alleles, the total numbers of alleles is twice the population size

what is microevolution

Genetic variation and change within species

About 2.2 billion years ago, photosynthesizing cyanobacteria started filling the atmosphere was oxygen in an event geologist referred to as the _?_.

Great oxygenation

populations can't grow unrestricted because

Growing population eventually exhausts food or space


Guides scientific study of the history of nature, determined earth's age must be measured in millions of years, Laws of physics and chemistry have not changed throughout earth's history


Have narrow dietary requirements or limited tolerance to temperature changes, etc.

What is the reproductive strategy of Gamma males in Paracerceis sculpta?

Hide in the nooks and crannies of the sponge and mate when the alpha is not around

Which of these species is currently thought to have coexisted (at the same time and places) with Homo neanderthalensis?

Homo sapiens

What is the term for the organism upon which a parasite lives?


Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

In large two-parent populations, genotypic ratios remain in balance unless disturbed, Accounts for the persistence of rare traits caused by recessive alleles

What is most conspicuous characteristic of life on Earth?

It is tough

When Cuvier proposed the concept of extinction in 1796, it was not well accepted. What was the main objection to the idea?

It was contrary to the creationist idea that species were perfect fits for their environment, as they were the product of a divine creation.

Who Made the convincing case that fossils were remains of extinct animals

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

Who proposed the inheritance of acquired characteristics which is an evolutionary mechanism

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck


Large differences in anatomic traits that characterize disparate species originate through the accumulation of many small incremental changes over very long periods of time

What is the term applied to the exchange of genetic material between individuals other than the direct offspring of early cells?

Lateral transfer

How can body plans differ?

Level of cellular organization Number of embryonic germ layers Form and number of body cavities Body symmetry

classifications of species

Life, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species


Mainly bacteria and fungi, Break dead organic matter into mineral components for reuse by plants to start the cycle over again

The cretaceous extinction separates what eras

Mesozoic from the Cenozoic

Which of the following is NOT a mass extinction event?


favorable new gene combos are spread by


What two scientists performed the first experiment synthesizing the formation of organic molecules from inorganic materials commonly found in the early Earth atmosphere?

Miller and Urey

What is the name of the flightless bird species that inhabited New Zealand until the arrival of the Maori?


aspects of phenotype

Morphology Behavior Physiology

Are orangutans considered apes?


What is science guided and explained by?

Natural law

obligatory mutualisms

Neither can survive without the other

the gradualism model tells us

New species evolve by the gradual accumulation of changes brought about by natural selection

Can an animal "choose" to evolve? Yes or no?


Is a Protists one of the multi-cellular eukaryote groups?


Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium assumes

No mutation No selection among genotypes No gene flow Infinite population size Mating is random

sexual selection is

Non-random mating that changes genotypes

Which of the following is the second condition required for natural selection to occur?

Not all individuals survive to reproduce

What is one of the key evolutionary novelty in the chordates?


What term is used to describe the Earth's early atmosphere?


What were the surprising products of the original Miller-Urey experiment?

Nucleotides and amino acids

hypothesis-prediction method of the scientific method is

Observations, Questions, Hypotheses, Predictions, Testing

in adaptive radiation the evolution of new species....

Occurs when mass extinctions or colonization provide organisms with new environments, may occur in new, newly vacated habitats or empty niches

What is the name of Darwin's book?

On the Origin of Species

postzygotic barriers

Operate after hybrid zygotes are formed

What was one of the key evolutionary advantages of humans?

Opposable thumbs

What geologic time period saw the colonization of land by plants?


Tissue-organ level of organization

Organs usually contain more than one kind tissue and have a more specialized function than tissues.

how rocks are dated is known as

Paleomagnetic dating

The Phanerozoic is divided what three eras

Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic

The largest mass extinction in Earth's history occurred at the end of the _?_.



Physical space where an animal lives and is defined by the animal's normal activity

Which of the following is NOT part of the Biological Species Concept?

Physically distinctive

multicellular eukaryotic groups

Plantae, Animalia and Fungi are true multicellular kingdoms. The various other Eukaryotic kingdoms are lumped under Protists (mostly unicellular)

Two species that cannot mate because successful fertilization always results in zygotes that fail to develop exhibit what kind of reproductive isolation?


Place the following geologic periods in chronological order from oldest to most recent.

Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous

predator-prey interaction

Predator benefits (+) and the prey is harmed (-)

derived characteristic example

Presence of hair is a shared derived feature of mammals

ancestral characteristic example

Presence of lungs in mammals

What is the random part of the process of natural selection

Production of variation by mutation

what are the two parts of the process of natural selection

Production of variation by mutation, Differential persistence of adaptations

What is the name of the group that are the flying reptiles?


What are ribosomes made from?


Type II Survivorship Curve

Rate of mortality as a proportion of survivors is constant across ages

Early Greek philosophers Xenophanes, Empedocles, and Aristotle had what important ideas

Recorded idea that life has a long history of evolutionary change, Recognized fossils as evidence of former life

Modern domestic chickens are descended from what wild ancestor?

Red jungle fowl

Type III Survivorship Curve

Represents many species that produce huge numbers of young but experience rapid and sustained mortality, Explains the need for high reproductive output of many animals

What vertebrate group dominated in the Triassic?


What molecule is listed as the forerunner of DNA and RNA?


What is the Hypothetic-deductive Method

Scientific process of making a conjecture and then seeking empirical tests that potentially lead to its rejection

Serial repetition of similar body regions along the anteroposterior axis of the body


What is the reproductive strategy of Alpha males in Paracerceis sculpta?

Set up a territory in a sponge and guard a harem of females

What geologic time period saw a major decline in trilobite species numbers?


Cell-tissue level of organization

Similar cells aggregate into definite patterns or layers, thus becoming a tissue, usually to perform a common function

what can make defining a species difficult

Similarities between some species and variation within a species

Cytoplasmic level of organization

Single cell where organelles perform specialized functions. unicellular organisms

Choose the description that best fits the following group: protists

Single celled eukaryotic organisms such as paramecium and amoeba

Macroevolution is

Speciation and Extinction Through Geological Time

In a community, populations of different species interact

Species interactions may be beneficial (+), detrimental (-), or neutral (0)

what organisms are modular

Sponges, corals, and bryozoans

Which vestigial structure is found in the rubber boa?

Spurs, the remains of hind legs

reduces variation without changing average characteristics, selects against deleterious mutations

Stabilizing selection

Which of the following is the third condition required for natural selection to occur?

Survival is not random

What is the name of Linnaeus' important book of classification of binomial nomenclature:

Systema Naturae

What is a background extinction?

The continuous, low-level loss species through the normal course of evolution

multiplication of species theory states

The evolutionary process produces new species by splitting and transforming older ones

What was the result of the Siberian fox-rearing study?

The foxes in the project behave like pet dogs, barking and wagging their tails at humans. Also like pet dogs, the domesticated foxes can "read" human cues (pointing, for example) much better than their wild cousins or even tame chimpanzees.

Perpetual Change establishes

The living world is neither constant nor perpetually cycling, but is always changing, The varying forms of organisms undergo measurable change across generations throughout time

how are rocks dated

The magnetism of rocks can provide dating information, Reversals of the magnetic poles leave their record on rocks throughout the world

Choose the best definition of Phenotype.

The physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism; the product of genes and environment

What is an anther?

The pollen producing structure of a flower

Which of the following is the fourth condition required for natural selection to occur?

The survivor's advantageous traits must be heritable

steps of cleavage

The zygote divides into two cells, The two cells divide into four cells, The four make eight, and so on until there are hundreds of cells in an embryo


The zygote is a single very large cell that divides into a large number of smaller cells called blastomeres, an orderly sequence of cell divisions

how many species are there

There are approximately 1.2 million known species of animals, but scientists estimate there are closer to 8.7 million species on earth

behavioral isolation

There is little or no sexual attraction between species, due to specific differences in breeding behaviors

What is the dominant arthropod in the Cambrian?


Being a specialist is more likely to result in extinction than is being a generalist True or False


Some parasites are known to turn caterpillars into zombie slaves. T or F


Speciation can occur when two populations of the same species are separated from each other by geography. T or F


Speciation is the process in which one or two new species evolve from a single ancestral species T or F


T or F Different species of the genus Homo have coexisted at various times throughout hominin evolution.


The continents move over time. T or F?


The spurs are the back legs of the rubber boa. T or F


True or false The order of the amino acids in a protein determines its function and DNA determines the order of the amino acids.


True or false: Only eukaryotes are multicellular.


How do autotrophs obtain food?

Use light or chemical reactions to synthesize food

Carolus Linnaeus did what

Used physical characteristics to distinguish species, Developed the binomial system of naming organisms, established the basis for taxonomy

Organ-system level of organization

When organs work together to perform some function, they form the most complex level of organization- the organ system. Most animal phyla demonstrate this type of a organization.

guild is formed when

When two or more species share the same general resources

hybrid sterility is

Where hybrid offspring between two species are sterile and therefore cannot mate

What does not affect allelic frequency

Whether a gene is dominant or recessive

what caused the KT extinction

a big ****in rock

Cleavage forms what

a blastula

Microhabitat selection

a common method of resource partitioning, do not compete with each other directly since preferred microhabitats are distinct

A geographically and genetically cohesive population that is separable from other such populations is

a deme


a derived character shared by clade members


a hypothesis about patterns of relationship among species

Statistical tests start with what?

a null hypothesis

an example of exaptation is

a panda's "thumb"

hybrid sterility is what type of barrier

a postzygotic barrier

The phylogenetic species concept defines species as

a set of organisms representing a specific evolutionary lineage


a shared character state that has not been inherited from a common ancestor

What did early Greek philosophers fail to establish?

a theory or evolutionary concept

exaptation is

a trait that has been co-opted for a use other than the one for which evolved for

Fertilization forms what

a zygote

What does the environment include?

abiotic and biotic factors, resources

What went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous?

about half of all marine species and many terrestrial plants and animals, including most dinosaurs

Protostomes may be

acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, or eucoelomate

selective pressures bring about _____ over time?


Darwin's finches are an example of

adaptive radiation

after the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs mammals underwent what

adaptive radiation

what increased the carrying capacity for humans?


what are the two types of speciation

allopatric and sympatric

what are the consequences of mass extinctions

alter ecological communities and the niches available to organisms, can take from 5 to 100 million years for diversity to recover following a mass extinction, can pave the way for adaptive radiations

Among the products of the Miller-Urey experiments, it was shown that which of the following could be produced in simulated primitive earth conditions?

amino acids

Ediacaran biota

an assemblage of larger and more diverse soft-bodied organisms that lived from 565 to 535 million years ago


an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm

What is a Mass Extinction?

an episode in evolutionary history where more than 50% of all known species living at that time went extinct in a short period of time (less than 2 million years or so)

what is natural law

an observable law relating to natural phenomena

adaptations can be

anatomical structures, physiological processes, or behavioral traits

co-evolutionary relationships

animals and plants in a race with the other


animals have a "crest or tuft" of tentacles called a lophophore, others have a band of cilia on a larval stage called a trochophore


animals that molt

What caused the oxygen revolution?

appearance of photosynthetic organisms

Homologous structures

are derived from the same ancestral source

Facultative mutualisms

are interactions that are not required for a species to survive

the most widespread and diverse land animals

arthropods and tetrapods

Cattle breeders have improved the quality of meat over the years by which process?

artificial selection

types of symmetry in animals

asymmetrical, radial, bilateral, spherical


back side

what types of isolation are prezygotic barriers

behavioral and temporal isolation

Where do humans fall on the survivorship curve?

between Type I and Type II depending on nutrition and medical care


both species benefit from their interaction

When was the end-Permian extinction event?

ca. 250 mya

When was the K-T extinction event?

ca. 65 mya

The largest population that the limiting resource can support is the

carrying capacity

Directional selection

changes characteristics of a population by favoring one direction from the mean, a particular variant is favored, Over generations this type results in evolutionary trends pushing an adaptation

Disruptive selection

changes the population characteristics by favoring both directions from the mean, Increases variation in the population

Selective pressures arise from...

changing environments and biological interactions acting on populations

spiral cleavage

cleaves oblique to axis and typically produces a quartet of cells that come to lie not on top of each other but in furrows between the cells

The closest relatives of animals are

colonial choanoflagellates.

animals evolved from

colonial flagellated protists

Keystone species reduce...

competition and allow more species to coexist on the same resource

what are stromatolites composed of

composed of many layers of bacteria and sediment

what are the two types of experiments

controlled and comparable

Homoplasy results from

convergent evolution and evolutionary reversal

survivorship curves

describe the survivorship pattern of a species from birth to death of the last member of a generational cohort

how do statistical methods help scientists?

determine if differences between groups are significant, eliminate the possibility that results are due to random variation

Segmentation permits specialization because

different segments have become modified for different functions.

Radial Symmetry

divided into mirrored portions by more than two planes passing through the longitudinal axis, Usually sessile, freely floating, or weakly swimming animals No anterior or posterior end, •Can interact with environment in all directions

Bilateral Symmetry

divided into mirrored portions only along a single sagittal plane, Much better fitted for directional (forward) movement, collectively called Bilateria, Advantageous to an animal moving through its environment head first

Polyphyletic group

does not include the most recent common ancestor of all members of the group

Example of homologous structure

dolphin flipper and horse leg

Study of the relationship of organisms to their environment


gut develops from

embryonic gastrocoel

comprises all conditions that directly impact an animal's chances for survival and reproduction


basic building block of animals

eukaryotic cell

publication/peer review involves what

evaluation of experimental results, Was the result significant, What does it mean?, is it repeatable

"Evo-devo" is a field that combines what

evolutionary and developmental biology

movement among demes provides

evolutionary cohesion

What do the branches of a phylogenetic tree represent?

evolutionary lineages, Each branching event represents the historical splitting of an ancestral species to form new ones

Twigs of a tree represent

existing species

How do biologists test predictions


The fossil record shows that most species that have ever lived are now...


principle of parsimony

favors the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions

what resources are expendable

food because it must be replenished

Scientific methodology steps

form a hypothesis to answer the question, design and conduct experiment that uses quantifiable data to test prediction, use data to test significance of results

How is perpetual change documented

fossil record


front side or belly

unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring


A critical requirement of Darwin's theory is

genetic variation is possible in nature.

allopatric speciation is caused by

geographic separation

Geographic isolation leads to speciation by

geographically dividing the population, and new species often evolve

a species has what two possible fates

go extinct, or bring about another species

Primary producers are

green plants or algae

MacArthur's study of warblers in spruce forest is an example of



history of life depicted as a branching tree.

trophic levels are based on

how organisms obtain energy and materials

species richness

how the number of different species present in a community is measured


how we place species and higher groups into the taxonomic hierarchy

Studies of ribosomal RNA sequences have shown

humans are more closely related to fungi than to green plants

What are the steps of the scientific method?

hypothesis, experiment, observations, theories

what do adaptations do

improve an organism's ability to survive and leave descendants

Phyletic Gradualism

in the fossil record a long series of intermediate forms bridging phenotypes of ancestral and descendant populations

Monophyletic group

includes the most recent common ancestor of the group and all of its descendants

Paraphyletic group

includes the most recent common ancestor of the group, but not all its descendants

what are some possible causes of the Cambrian explosion

increase in oxygen levels, ozone formation, increase in the calcium concentration of the cambrian seawater, arms races between predators and prey

Phenotype is the result of what

interaction between its genotype with the environment

repeated muscle bands in fishes is an example of

internal segmentation

phylogenetic tree

is a hypothesis of evolutionary relationships

punctuated evolution

is a short period of rapid evolution


is the practice and science of classification of living organisms

an example of adaptive radiation would be

island chains

Reproductive barriers serve to

isolate a species' gene pool and prevent interbreeding

How does Darwin's evolutionary theory differ from Lamarck's

it is a variational theory, Evolution occurs at the level of the population, with the frequency of favorable traits increasing over generations

The ecological species concept defines a species by

its ecological role

A large animal has less surface area compared to its what

its volume

Predators obtain energy and nutrients by

killing and eating prey

Parasitoid is a parasite that

kills its host organism

Taxonomic groups are grouped into progressively

larger categories

Tetrapods evolved from

lobe-finned fishes

Key to interpreting a phylogeny

look at how recently species share a common ancestor

What is a Comparative experiment

look for differences between samples or groups, The variables cannot be controlled; data are gathered from different sample groups and compared.

genetic drift is

loss of individuals and their genes from a population; large changes reduce genetic variation, random change in allele frequency

Competition between species for a common limiting resource...

lowers the effective carrying capacity for each species

Earth's incredible biological diversity is the result of


punctuated equilibrium is an example of


What is a controlled experiment?

manipulates the factor, or variable, that is predicted to be causing the phenomenon being investigated.

Genetic drift and Selection allow

many combinations of many genes to be tested

prezygotic barriers prevent

mating or fertilization between species

what is the downside to sexual selection

may reduce individual fitness, but if it increases reproductive success, then the trait will survive over time

segmentation is also called


Sympatric speciation is caused by

microhabitats; polyploidy


midline of the body

gene flow refers to how...

migration between population can move genes between populations

Serial endosymbiosis supposes that

mitochondria evolved before plastids through a sequence of endosymbiotic events

Cladistics uses shared derived characters to define

monophyletic taxa

Protostome means

mouth first

how do alleles come about?


Is a baboon an ape?


Do bacteria contain organelles? yes or no?


does evolution have a goal?

no, reflects species selection

abiotic factors are

nonliving components of an ecosystem

Does a prokaryote have a nucleus?


Analogous structures

not from common ancestor

conditions for natural selection to occur

o Traits in a population of organisms exhibit variation (everyone is slightly different) o Not all individuals survive to reproduce o Survival is not at random because survivors must have an advantage over others

Predictions are based on what


According to Darwin, evolutionary change is based in differences that....

occur among organisms within a population

allele is ....

one of two or more alternative forms of a gene

Allles are

one of two variations at a single gene

What lineages produce the greatest diversity

ones with high speciation and low extinction


opening of the gut

what are the big five mass extinction events

ordovician, devonian, permian, triassic, cretaceous (OR K-T)

modular means

organisms consists of colonies of genetically identical organisms, Reproduce via asexual cloning or fragmentation

photosynthesis allowed for

organisms to exploit new ecosystems

biotic factors include

other organisms as food, or competitors, predators, hosts or parasites


parts are nearer

what does the snowball Earth hypothesis suggest

periods of extreme glaciation confined life to the equatorial region or deep-sea vents from 750 to 580 million years ago

Ernst Mayr proposed that Darwinism should be viewed as five major theories which are

perpetual change, common descent, multiplication of the species, gradualism, natural selection

punctuated equilibrium

phenotypic evolution is concentrated in brief events of speciation followed by long intervals of morphological evolutionary stasis

in order to understand their ecological relationships you must understand the

physiological and behavioral mechanisms of organisms

Which of these represents a punctuated equilibrium model for evolutionary change?

picture B the one that is straight

How are macromolecules formed?

polymerization of small organic molecules

adaptations shape what two things?

populations and species

If a predator relies primarily on a single prey species...

populations tend to fluctuate cyclically with each other

what two categories of reproductive barriers exist?

pre-zygotic or post-zygotic

The Cambrian explosion provides the first evidence of....

predator-prey interactions

Evolutionary reversal

process in which a species re- evolves the characteristics of an ancestral species, flightless birds in ostrich family occupied empty niches after dinosaur extinction


prokaryotic ancestors of mitochondria and plastids gained entry to the host cell as undigested prey or internal parasites, the host and endosymbionts would have become a single organism which formed an early eukaryotic cell

The anus forms secondarily in


Bilateral animals typically exhibit what types of cleavage

radial or spiral

population bottleneck means

random event leads to dramatic shift in gene frequency, Large, often negative drop in genetic variability and population fitness

Subdivision of a species into small populations that exchange migrants promotes what

rapid evolution

Molecular clock

rate of evolution of a molecule is constant through time


refers to parts farther from the middle of the body

Cambrian explosion

refers to the sudden appearance of fossils resembling modern phyla in the Cambrian period

What are examples of non-scientific queries

religious or spiritual explanations

Science depends on evidence that comes from what two things

reproducible and quantifiable observations.

Competition occurs when

resources become limited

Where a coelom forms in protostomes, it forms by


Deuterostomes means

second mouth

What is the richest source of fossils?

sedimentary rocks or strata

Elaborate ornamentation of males that serves only to increase their chances of reproduction are a product of _?_.

sexual selection

Male satin bowerbirds adorn structures that they build, called "bowers," with parrot feathers, flowers, and other bizarre ornaments in order to attract females. Females inspect the bowers and, if suitably impressed, allow males to mate with them. The evolution of this male behavior is due to

sexual selection.

Biologists group organisms based on

shared characteristics

Cladograms are diagrams based on

shared characters among species

Most large animals developed internal transports systems to

shuttle nutrients, gases and waste products, as they became larger

Ancestral characteristic

similarity that arose prior to the common ancestor of the group

Derived characteristic

similarity that is inherited from the most recent common ancestor of an entire group

Qualitative vs Quantitative traits:

single set of alleles vs more than one set of alleles

Evolution can occur rapidly at one time and

slowly at another

evidence for gradualism

small, continuous changes in phenotypes

keystone species

so pervasive to a community that its absence drastically changes the entire community

what resources are non expendable


Abiotic factors include

space, energy forms, sunlight, heat, wind, water currents

how are new species made?


reproductive barriers are central to forming new ____?


Differential survival and multiplication of species based on variation among lineages

species selection

Evolutionary trends reflect what

species selection

hominid evolution in chronological order?

split from monke, split from gorilla, split from chimps, upright walking, modified toes, Modified Legs, Modified Pelvis, Modified Backbone, Modified Skull, language

what are the three types of natural selection

stabilizing, directional, disruptive

Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains to the _?_ of a flower on the same plant or another plant of the same species.


a change in the rate or timing of developmental changes can bring about

striking evolutionary changes

What are the oldest known fossils?



tail end

The branch of biology concerned with naming and classifying the diverse forms of life is...


Types of reproductive isolation

temporal isolation, ecological isolation, behavioral isolation

Scientific hypotheses must be what two things

testable and have the potential of being rejected.

What was incorrect about Jean Baptiste de Lamarck's concept of evolution?

that it is transformational, genetic studies show that traits acquired during an organism's lifetime are not transmitted to offspring, evolution is not on the scale of an individual


the blastula becomes a 2-layered stage called a gastrula with endoderm and ectoderm

HMS Beagle is

the boat that Darwin sailed on for 5 years which led him to make observations and collections that led to the theory of natural selection

Radial cleavage

the cleavage planes are symmetrical to the polar axis and produce tiers or layers of cells on top of each other in an early embryo

population growth

the difference between rates of birth and death,grow exponentially at the intrinsic rate of increase

what two groups are in a controlled experiment?

the experimental group and the control group

Competition between species reduces what

the fitness of both species


the genetic constitution of an individual organism.

Selective forces change what

the genetic variability of a population over time

Phylogeny or phylogenetic tree depicts what

the history of animal life,

What is a null hypothesis?

the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between specified populations

Biosphere is

the land, water, and atmosphere that envelops the planet and supports all life on earth

what defines an organism's niche?

the life requirements of the organism like limits of temperature, moisture, food, and other factors

Which measurement(s) would help determine absolute dates by radiometric means?

the loss of parent isotopes and the accumulation of the daughter isotope

Evolution of diverging populations requires what

the populations be separated for a very long time, otherwise they will interbreed and a single species will remain

Niche overlap

the portion of resources that are shared by two or more species

Competitive exclusion is

the principle that no two species will occupy the same niche for a long time as one will eventually exclude the other

Dependent variable is...?

the response that is measured


the study of evolutionary relationships


the study of the age structure, sex ratio, and growth rate of a population

ecosystems allow for what

the study of the ecological community and the physical environment

What is an independent variable?

the variable being manipulated


the way in which an organism fits into an ecological community or ecosystem, includes the foot it eats, where it lives, where it reproduces and its relationship with other species, undergoes evolutionary changes over successive generations

Parasites are different from parasitoids because

they don't kill the host


toward the head end

Oscillating selection

traits can evolve in one direction, then back the other way, changing environmental conditions can change adaptive utility of a trait, Galapagos ground finch beaks dependent on wet-dry seasons

The presence of three germ layers is called


Ecosystem productivity is divided into

trophic levels

Competition occurs when

two or more species share a limiting resource

temporal isolation means

two species breed at different times

Evolution explains

unity and diversity of life

what is causing the sixth mass extinction event

us lmao

what may have caused the permian extinction?

volcanism, which lead to global warming, and a decrease in oceanic oxygen

Earth's early atmosphere likely contained ____ and what chemicals that were released by volcanoes

water vapor, nitrogen, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide

why is phyletic gradualism wrong

we find discontinuous evolutionary changes observed through geological time

Hypotheses are

what is already known to form possible answers

resource partitioning

what species must do in order to coexist, involves differences in organismal morphology or behavior related to exploitation of a resource


wide niches, Can tolerate a wide range of salinity or eat a wide range of foods

example of analogous structures

wings of birds and dragonflies

Does a eukaryotic cell have a nucleus?


Does a eukaryotic cell have membrane bound organelles?


what is the result of cleavage

zygote is divided into many small cells typically surrounding a fluid-filled cavity or blastula

Five major levels of organization within eukaryotes

•Cytoplasmic level •Cellular level •Cell-tissue level •Tissue-organ level •Organ-system level

Spherical Symmetry

•Divided into mirrored portions by any plane passing through the center

As an animal becomes larger

•Surface area increases as the square of body length •Volume increases as the cube of body length

biradial symmetry

•Variant form radial symmetry •Have part that is single or paired rather than radial •Only 1 or 2 planes passing through longitudinal axis produces mirrored halves

the permian extinction defines the boundary between what eras

•the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras

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