Animal Nutrition Test 3

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Define Carnivore

Consume animal tissue

--------- is primarily used for fatty acid synthesis.


How are kangaroos able to conserve water in more arid conditions?

Form drier feces. In a longer colon there is more water absorption

Guinea pigs have a high requirement for the following amino acids: methionine, argenine, and ------------.


Fermentation is a symbiotic feeding relationship between the host and ----------, protozoa, and -----------.

1) bacteria 2)fungi

Control of digestive function is achieved through a combination of---------- and ---------- messages which originate either within the digestive system's own nervous and endocrine systems.

1) electrical 2) hormonal

The marsupial gestation period is relatively short ------ to ------ weeks.

1)4 2)5

From consuming their feces, guinea pigs benefit microbial proteins and vitamins ----- and -----.

1)B 2)K

What is the order of magnitude of synthesis by fatty acid-butyric, acetic, and propionic?

1)acetic 2)propionic 3)butyric

Guinea pigs become food animals in some african countries in --------- and ---------- africa

1)nigeria 2)ghana

The pancreas secretes enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrates, ---------- and --------.

1)proteins 2)lipids

How much of the maintenance requirement is met by VFA?


Where geographically are most marsupials located?

Australia, New Guinea, Nearby Islands

Macropodidae is a family within marsupials and the family name means ---------- feet.


The role of the esophagus to convey------ of food from the pharynx to the stomach


How does mastication facilitate enzymatic activity?

Break food into smaller pieces to increase surface area.

Which important digestive activities take place in headgut (mouth) area of the digestive system?

Breaking down food stuffs

Like humans, guinea pigs require vitamin ----- in their diet.


Define Herbivore

Consume plant materials

Define Omnivore

Consumes animal tissue and plant material

What are the three segments of the small intestines?

Duodenum, jejunum, illeum.

True or False: Butyrate is produces at considerably higher levels than proprionate


True or False: Cecotropes that drop to the cage floor are not consumed.


True or False: Joey consumes herbage before exiting the pouch.


A marsupial baby is called ---------.


Which two organs are components of the bilary system? Within the bilary system what is the funciton of each?

Liver-bile production Gall bladder-bile storage and transfer to small intestine.

What are the purposes of the saliva?

Lubrication and binding, solubilizes dry food, initiates starch digestion, provides alkaline buffering and fluid, evaporative cooling.

How is foregut fermentation an advantage over hind gut fermentation?

Microbial cells synthesized in the forestomach are digested in small intestine. Lost in hindgut fermenters.

Define Ruminant

Multiple chambered stomach

Which are absorbed in the large intestine?

Water, sodium, chloride, potassium, vitamin K

Which type of vegetationis digested best by kangaroos?

Young forbs

How is the stomach pH different for suckling rabbits and why is that important for microbial reasons?

Young rabbits have a higher pH so they dont kill off the microbial population and are able to acquire a microbial population in the hindgut

Guinea pigs are unable to convert glucose to --------------- because they lack the enzyme I-gulonolactone oxidase.

ascorbic acid

The guinea pig practices -----------, the eating of one's feces.


Arrival of the cecotropes at the anus triggers a ------- response resulting the rabbit licking the anal area and consuming the cecotropes.


Cecotropes are rich in B-vitamins and -------


The guinea pig is a -------- fermenter


What are the four commonly recognized tastes?

Salty, sour, sweet, bitter

What are the three fundamental processes of the digestive system?

Secretion, absorption, motility

What is prehension?

Process of seizing or grasping or otherwise getting food into the mouth.

What are the digestive functions of the forestomach sections?

1)Sacciform forestomach- stomach compartment, fermentation 2)Tubiform forestomach- mostly fermentation 3)Hindstomach- glandular stomach, protein digestion

Vitamin C should not be provided by fruits because of -------- contamination. Vitamin C activity in water may be reduced by as much as --------- % in 24 hours.

1)bacterial 2)50

Pancreas secretes ------- to ---------- acid secretions of the stomach.

1)bicarbonate 2)neutralize

What are the four feeding groups?

1)bulk grazers 2)Concentrate selectors 3)Mixed eaters 4)Fungi and subterranean bulb feeders

VItamin C containing food should be properly stored in a --------- and --------- environment and should be used withing ----- days of milling.

1)cool 2)dry 3)90

In a natural setting, guinea pigs eat during the daylight, primarily at ------- and --------.

1)dawn 2)dusk

What are the two consequences of shorter tract retention time in tubular vs compartmental (rumen) system?

1)digestibility is lower 2)less affected by increasing fiber levels

The rabbit seeks to -------- fiber from the gut as quickly as possible, and employ its digestive processes on the breakdown of the --------- constituents of forage.

1)eliminate 2)non-fiber

Insulin works on cell receptors to permit the ---------- of --------- into the cells.

1)entrance 2)glucose

Thus small particles and fluid remain in the cecum for a considerable period of time while ------- takes place while the -------- is eliminated rapidly.

1)fermentation 2)fiber

Water is oft times not offered in -------- or ------- plus concentrate feeding systems.

1)forage 2)forage

Glucagon stimulates the breakdown of ------------ to release ---------- into the blood stream.

1)glycogen 2)glucose

The rabbit doesnt need an overly large ------- because it expels -------- without exerting resources to digest it.

1)gut 2)fiber

Guinea pigs are well suited for vitamin C studies. Vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, wound --------- and --------- growth.

1)healing 2)bone

Cecotropes continue to ferment in the stomach for several ------- after they are consumed. The --------- coating prevents them from being digested in the stomach.

1)hours 2)mucos

Babies crawl across the mother's fur in the ------- where they latch onto a --------- for food and will not remerge for ------- until they are --------- developed.

1)pouch 2)teat 3)months 4)fully

The stomach serves as a short-term ---------- ----------- and substantial ---------- and ----------- digestion is initiated, particularly of ----------.

1)storage reservoir 2)chemical 3)enzymatic 4)proteins

Guinea pigs develop rigid feeding habits and may stop eating with any change in feed --------, --------, -------- or form

1)taste 2)odor 3)texture

From where do guinea pigs originate?

Andean mountains

Babies are born blind, furless and are the size of a jelly ------.


Which VFA is preferred for energy?


What increases the kangaroo's ability to survive on low protein, mature grasses?

Capable of recycling up to 12% of urea.

What are the end products of carbohydrate, fat, and protein secretions of the stomach?

Carbohydrate=monosacharides Fat=fatty acids Protein=amino acids

What is included in the foregut?

Esophagus and stomach

How does the rabbits stomach pH compare with that of most other animals?

Extremely low pH: 1-2

True or False: Cecotropes are chewed to a fine particle size before digestion


True or False: Rabbits in a wire cage will not consume cecotropes.


True or False: Significant amounts of VFA's are produced by kangaroos in the cecal-colon region.


Describe the process of fat emulsification achieved by the action of bile salts.

Fat and digestive juices are separated until bile is secreted in the small intestine which can unite the fat and water into an emulsified fat which the enzymes can access.

When are hard and soft feces excreted relative to feeding?

Hard feces: during first 4 hours after feeding Soft feces: during the next 4 hours

According to our author, what are the six major segmewnts or functional area of the digestive system?

Headgut, Foregut, Midgut, Pancreas, Bilary system, Hindgut

How does the kangaroo use its tail?

Help balance and turn during hopping, provide support wile resting.

Where is the microbial protein produced in the forestomach digested?

Hind stomach, small intestine

Compare the rabbits ability to digest fiver with that of the horse

Horse digests fiber quite well Rabbit digests fiber quite poorly

Which two hormones are secreted by the pancreas that play a vital role in blood glucose regulation?

Insulin and glucagon

The kangaroo and the horse are both monograstric herbivores. How is fermentation achieved differently by these species?

Kangaroo= foregut fermenter Horse= hindgut fermenter

The six largest species in the family are called -----------


How does grazing movement differ between kangaroos and ruminants?

Kangaroos-graze in circle, move rapidly Ruminants-graze much slower

Which nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine?

Monosacharides, fatty acids, fat soluble and water soluble vitamins, amino acids

What is peristalsis?

Muscle contractions:help move food through body

Which grain is preferred when given simultaneously?


When given simultaneously, guinea pigs prefer...?


Compare the percentage of digestive tract represented by the small intestine in the pig (Omnivore-heavy reliance on plant material), dog (omnivore-heavy reliance of animal material) and the cat (carnivore)

Pig=33% Dog=23% Cat=15%

Compare the protein and fat contents of rabbit milk, rabbit pellets, and cecotropes

Rabbit Milk: protein=14% fat=15% Rabbit Pellets: protein=18% fat=4% Cecotropes: protein=29% fat= 1.1%

Compare the fiber content of rabbit feed and cecotropes

Rabbit feed=19% Cecotropes=15%

Which species (sheep/kangaroos) best digests alfalfa hay and which has the longest retention time of alfalfa in the digestive system?


Define Monogastric

Simple Stomach

What is a bolus?

Soft rounded ball of chewed food.

True or False: The rabbit is a cecal fermenter


The kangaroo teeth are specialized for chopping and cutting ----------.


Discuss the disappearance of soluble sugars, organic matter, fiber and protein in the forestomach.

They are digested and absorbed very quickly in the stomach.

What may have led people to call them guinea pigs?

Travelers brought them to guinea and shipped them to europe from there.

Which region of the forestomach has the greatest production of volatile fatty acids?

Tubiform forestomach

Young guinea pigs are able to eat and drink immediately after ----------.


What is mastication and what important digestive functions does it achieve?

chewing; achieves breaking, softening, lubrication.

Cecal pellets are not consumed individually but as a ----------

discreet cluster

Newborn animals can eat solid food within the ------- day after birth.


Contraction of circular muscles of the colon move the dense and liquid materials in -------- to the cecum.

retrograde (backwards)

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