Antecedent Variable Quiz

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The term motivating operation is roughly synonymous with

-Alternative responses can include vocalizations, signs, communication boards, words or picture cards, vocal output systems, and gestures -application of DRA because it selects a specific alternative response that is developed in the individual's repertoire as a functionally equivalent response to the problem behavior. -an antecedent intervention that establishes an appropriate communication behavior to complete with problem behaviors evoked by an establishing operation.

Effective use of functional communication training includes

-Behavior reduction procedures -dense schedules of reinforcement -decreased use of verbal prompts -schedule thinning

How does a high-probability instructional sequence reduce problem behavior?

-by reducing the potency of reinforcement for noncompliance -through behavior momentum through the abative effects of an AO

The term motivating operation is roughly synonymous with (mark all that apply)

-setting event -abolishing operation establishing operation

You are scrolling through a news app and stop to read an article that says flu season is here and it will be particularly bad this year. After reading the article, you immediately head out to buy a pack of disposable masks and some hand sanitizer. In relation to buying masks and hand sanitizer, the news article is


When the amount of clothes in your dirty clothes hamper reaches a specific height, you wash clothes the next day. Otherwise, if the amount of dirty clothes gets too high, you have to wash more than one load, which requires spending several hours over the weekend at the crowded laundromat. In relation to washing the clothes, the dirty clothes going above a specific height in the hamper is a


Your dog sits at the front door indicating he wants to go outside. You immediately begin looking for the dog's leash, so you can take him for a walk. In relation to looking for the leash, your dog sitting at the front door is a


Functional communication training is an application of


Contingency independent antecedent strategies

Do not depend on differential consequences for the problem behavior

An abolishing operation has a behavior-altering effect which decreases the reinforcement efficacy of a stimulus.


Behavior altering effects refer solely to the change in frequency or rate of behavior


Behavioral effects of high-p sequence suggest the abative effects of an abolishing operation (AO) that increases the current value of the reinforcer for non-compliance to low-p requests.


Functional communication training develops alternative behaviors that are sensitive to establishing operations as is the case in noncontingent reinforcement and high-p request sequences.


The behavior altering effect of an EO for both reinforcers and punishers results in an increased frequency of behavior


Noncontingent reinforcement uses two distinct reinforcement contingencies: positive and negative reinforcement.


A client with intellectual and developmental disabilities engages in low level aggression in the form of pushing and squeezing the arm of others because it has resulted in attention in the past. To address these behaviors, the behavior analyst would use NCR for which type of reinforcement?


Which is an example of a high-p procedure?

The teacher asked the child to touch three different body parts in rapid succession, and after the child complied, asked the child to sit in a chair.

All conditioned motivating operations (CMOs) are motivationally neutral prior to their relation with another MO or stimulus.


Contingency dependent antecedent interventions rely on differential consequences for the target or alternative behavior.


Functional communication training establishes an appropriate communication behavior to compete with problem behaviors evoked by an establishing operation.


Noncontingent reinforcement is an intervention in which stimuli with known reinforcing properties are delivered on a fixed-ratio (FR) or variable-ratio (VR) schedule independent of the learner's behavior.


Value-altering and behavior-altering effects are described as the defining features in the original definition of an establishing operation.


When using a high-p instructional sequences, behaviors should be selected from the current repertoire and the inter-request interval should be short.


You are driving in your car on a sunny clear day when the sun starts to shine in your eyes. You immediately reach for your sunglasses and put them on. In relation to putting on the sunglasses, the sun shining in your eyes is a


Unconditioned motivating operations have

Vlaue-altering effects that are unlearned

An abative effect refers to

a decrease in the current frequency of behavior enabled by the presentation of a repertoire altering stimulus

You are scrolling through a news app and stop to read an article that says flu season is here and it will be particularly bad this year. After reading the article, you immediately head out to buy a pack of disposable masks and some hand sanitizer. Heading out to the store after reading the article exemplifies

an evocative behavior altering effect

Prior to working on counting skills with a young student who engaged in self-stimulatory hand flapping, the behavior analyst would vigorously ride scooters with the child up and down the driveway for 10 minutes. Then they would begin the session. This is an example of using which antecedent strategy?

antecedent exercise

A functional analysis showed that a young child with developmental verbal dyspraxia pinched children during free time to get their attention. As part of an intervention package using FCT, the behavior analyst taught the child to

sign and say play when approaching other children during free time

You are scrolling through a news app and stop to read an article that says flu season is here and it will be particularly bad this year. After reading the article, you immediately head out to buy a pack of disposable masks and some hand sanitizer. The particularly bad flu season has a

value altering establishing effect on having masks and hand sanitizer

Conditioned motivating operations have

value-altering effects that are a function of a learning history

During instructional time, a teenager who was deaf-blind poked his eye repeatedly to activate his optic nerve and generate a visual sensation. In addition to interventions to prevent injury to the eye, the behavior analyst could consider which of the following NCR reinforcers?

visually stimulating objects such as flashing glow sticks

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