ANTH 100 OCC prof green

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memory devices/oratory devices

used to recall information or present a story -ex. rosary, luba memory board

core vocabulary

words used in every day life that are fundamental; food, water, shelter etc.

origins of writing

writing system; a set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language

theoretical perspectives

-idealist -materialist -structural functionalist


a method for identifying the approximate time that languages branched off from a common ancestor; based on analyzing core vocabularies.

a memorial service or political rally are what types of ritual?

a rite of intensification


a societies shared and socially transmitted ideas, values and perceptions, which are used to make sense of experience and which generate behavior

which of the following best describes what archaeologists study?

past human societies through their material remains

which of the following is NOT of the characteristic field techniques of ethnography?

problem-instigating research


all the gods of a people or religion collectively

the end result of ethnographic research in which the ethnographer produces a description of the (sub)culture they observed is called

an ethnography


an instinctive sound/gesture that has natural/self-evident meaning


an organized group of people who share territory, languages, and culture

contagious magic

based on idea that things/people once in contact can afterward influence each other -permanent relationship btwn an individual and their body -believes take special care of hair, fingernails, teeth etc.


belief in many gods


belief in one god, may have other lower entities ex. angles, saints

indo-european languages

branch of mother-tongue that connects many European languages

key cultural consultants (formerly called informants) are an important part of ethnographic research because they

can provide detailed information about particular aspects of daily life

understanding the development of languages is the topic of archaeological anthropology


the difference between the words glass and class is determined by the morphemes c and g.

false, its a phoneme

lakota speaking peoples have what type of language pattern?

gendered speech

sign language uses which two components?

gestures and symbols

rite of passage

rituals that mark an important stage in an individuals life cycle like birth, marriage and death


semitic sounds combined with egyptian hieroglyphs

which of the following is NOT a supernatural entity discussed in lecture?


kinship terms

system used in languages to refer to the persons to whom an individual is related through kinship


the collective body of ideas that members of a culture generally share concerning the ultimate shape/substance of their reality

linguistic determinism

the idea that language and its structures limit and determine human knowledge or thought


the process by which a society's culture is transmitted from one generation to the next and individuals become members of their society


the systematic study of language

rites of passage accomplish what?

they symbolize the beginning of a new stage in life

all cultures are by nature ethnocentric


anthropology is a holistic discipline, which aim at producing theoretical explanations ad interpretations of human diversity through detailed studies of all aspects of human biology, behavior, and beliefs in all known societies, past and present


in the article "Haiti's living dead" the author argues that zombification is a means of social control


some biological/ physical anthropologists study primates


secrets of haitis living dead

-haitian secret societies uses the threat of zombification for social control -symptoms brought on by fish poisoning in Japan=same as "zombification" in haiti


-mummy cult in andes


-process of changing from previous to new self/conditions -receive instruction or be taught


-study of mankind; studies the variety and variability among and between human societies and cultures -uses comparative methods across geographic locations and over long period of time -holistic field


a sign , emblem, or other things that are arbitrarily linked to something else and represents it in a meaningful way

gendered speech

distinct male and female speech patterns


distinctive sets of standards/behavior patterns by which a group within a larger society operates

a researcher who is trying to determine how many words for snow exist among the Eskimo is practicing


it is usually pretty easy for an ethnographer to gather personal data from members of a different (sub) culture during ethnographic fieldwork


priests are religious specialists that enter trances or altered states of consciousness to communicate with the supernatural


ethnographers should always treat any information given to them as confidential.


ethnography is a detailed description of a particular culture based on fieldwork



-cargo cult

writing in china, egypt, mesopotamia, mesoamerica

-china; oracle bones, poke turtle shell w hot stick and analyze cracks for future -egypt; hieroglyphs -mesopotamia; cuneiform -mesoamerica; olmec hieroglyphs


-formal/informal interviews -open-ended/closed questions -helpful devices (family, friends, instruments)


-person who enters altered state of consciousness (at will) to contact and utilize an ordinarily hidden reality in order to acquire knowledge, power, and to help others -often have animal spirit guides, are medicine men/spiritual guides


-reintroduced into community as new -assume new identity

eating christmas in the kalahari

-richard lee; !Kung, Kalahari, Africa -anthropologist buys an ox that is huge -natives keep telling him it is too small -turns out it is a custom to avoid arrogance and tell others their kill is small -cultural misunderstanding

cultural anthropology

-study of customary patterns in human behavior, thoughts, and feelings -focuses on human as culture-producing and culture reproducing creatures -studies through participant observation -studies kinship patterns, social structures, how societies change and why, how societies reproduce, child rearing practices and religions/mythology/symbolism


-study of patterns and rules for word formation in a language -morpheme; smallest unit of sounds that carries meaning in language, doesn't alter meaning ex. cow/cows


magic is the idea that supernatural powers can be compelled to act in certain ways for good/evil purposes by using certain specified formulas

in the article " Tricking and Tripping" the author Claire Sterk faced what types of obstacle?

mistrust from the women working on the streets as well as their pimps

lost in translation

-language profoundly changes how one views the world -indigenous australian tribe using NSEW rather than L/R

date collecting

-quantitive/qualitative -surveys/mapping -photo/film -interviewing

which of the following is NOT an example of the participant observation method?

refusing to be part of any communal acivity

historical linguistics

study of how languages change over time


the belief that nature is animated (enlivened or energized) by distinct personalized spirit beings separable from bodies

in the article "Xmas in the Kalahari" the author described great frustration with what kind of behavior of the !Kung people he studied?

their way of humiliating his purchase of a big ox

ethnographers must always reflect on their own biases when describing what they experience and observe in the field


the study of Indo-European languages assumes that Indian and European languages have a common ancestor



-different languages btwn genders, social dialects -ex. ebonics; english vocab + african syntax

ethnicity/ethnic groups

-ethnicity; ideas held by an ethnic group -ethnic groups; people who collectively and publicly identify themselves as a distinct group based on cultural factors such as shared ancestry and common origin, language, customs and traditional belief -pluralistic/multiethnic societies; two or more ethnic groups or nationalities are politically organized into one territorial state but maintain their cultural differences

evaluation of culture

-ethnocentrism; the belief that the way of life of one's culture is the only proper way of life -cultural relativism; suspending judgment of other people's practices in order to understand them in their own cultures terms

culture and change

-every culture will change at some point -changes; environmental, violent/forced change from outside party, values, ideas, perceptions change over time


-frustration with colonial life -hostility toward each other in small settlements and psychological effects of indian attacks -extremely puritan beliefs and rules for lifestyle (deviant behaviors are persecuted)


-full-time religious specialist formally recognized for his/her role in guiding the religious practices of other and for contacting and influencing supernatural powers -interact with people and god as a go btwn person

body language

-gesture; facial expressions and bodily postures and emotions that convey intended/subconscious messages -kinesics; a system of notating and analyzing facial expressions and bodily motions that convey messages -proxemics; cross-cultural study of humankind's perception and use of space

my two minds

-gives the ability to better place yourself in someone else's shoes -cognitive boosts; mental flexibility, avoiding dementia

religious specialists

-guide/supplement religious practice of others -skilled at communicating with supernatural beings -special training, requirements, personality

function of culture

-hold strategies for the production and distribution, of goods/services considered necessary for life -ensure biological continuity of its members and provide a social structure for reproduction/mutual support -pass on knowledge and enculture new members -facilitate social interaction and provide ways to avoid or resolve conflicts within their group as well as with outsiders -maintain order among members, and between outside groups -motivate members to survive/engage in activated necessary for suvival -being able to adapt/adjust to change

3 part culture system

-infrastructure; economic base, sustenance -social structure; social organization -superstructure; worldview, politics, religion, ideology -each part influences another to determine environment

which of the following might be a challenge ethnographer could face in the field?

-lack of trust in the host community -language barriers -personal bias/culture bound views -personal appearance like hair/skin/eye color

revitalization movements

-movement for radical cultural reform I response to widespread social disruption and collective feeling of stress/distress/despair -normal state, state of increased stress, deterioration of social/cultural structures, periods of restoration/revitalization


-name for mana "wakonda"

losing our religion

-nones; spectrum of non-religious congregation -reasons religion thrives; issues and cognitive by product theory

biological anthropology

-paleontology; human evolution, evolutionary ecology of early hominids, extinct primates -primatology -human growth, adaptation and variation -forensic anthropology

descriptive lingustics

-phonology; study of language sounds, phonetics, phonemes -morphology; study of patterns and rules of word formation in a language (verb tense, pluralization, compound words) -syntax/grammar; syntax: patterns or rules by which morphemes are arrange into phrases/sentences, grammar: the entire formal structure of a language, including morphology/syntax


-physical/mental withdrawal from current status -detachment

match the following as best you can

-polytheism=pantheon of gods -sacred paces=apus -shaman=altered state of consciousness -contagious magic=relic

oral societies

-pre-writing societies -story telling, conflict resolution, religious practitioners -good speaking ability=high prestige -trained as children in memorizing genealogies, rituals, prayers, customary laws

what is the function of religions or other belief systems?

-provide dietary rules -provide answers abt the unexplained -to give guidelines for social behaviors

functions of religion

-psychological and social -give meaning/guide humans to understand the world around them -various beliefs and rituals are used to appeal to supernatural beings in favor of human intentions

rituals and ceremonies

-religious and non-religious -help people relate to the supernatural -relieve social tension, reinforced collective group bonds

rites of intensification

-ritual that takes place during a crisis in the life of the group and serves to bind individuals together - ex. war, drought, epidemic, death, seasonal/annual

linguistic divergence

-selective borrowing -technological break throughs -professional specialization (vocab specialized to fields) -group specific vocabulary (gangs, religions, sororities) -phonological differences; pronunciation to distinguish social class -language loss/revival, linguistic nationalism

ethnographic field methods

-site selection -research; weather, food, clothing, disease, social rules, currency, language -participant observation -tools; camera, pencil/pen, tape recorder, notepads

archaeological anthropology

-study of human societies and cultures of the past through material remains -comparative approach: deals with prehistory in many regions of the world -understanding distribution and movement of ancient populations -development of human social organization, and relationships among contemporary populations -archaeologists also include studies of modern, historical and ethnographic populations to understand past human behavior -focus on process not progress

which of the following is the correct definition of culture?

-symbols are culture -culture is based on all the beliefs of a society -culture includes all customs, traditions, stories, beliefs and behaviors of a group passed down to the next generation -culture is communication and communication is culture

north america

-the amish live among but keep their beliefs, values, and traditional lifestyle separate from that of mainstream north americans -skinwalkers; turn into animals and cause harm


-the branch of linguistics concerned with the relations between linguistic and cultural behavior -sapir/whorf hypothesis; language shapes our reality


-the cultural elaborations and meanings assigned to the biological differentiation between sexes


-the study of language -phonetics; systematic identification and description of the distinct sounds of a language -phoneme; smallest units of sound that make a difference in meaning ex. bit/pit

linguistic anthropology

-understanding the processes of human communications (verbal/non-verbal) -expression of culture through language, symbols and meaning, --cognitive behavior and language (learning/socialization) -verbal art and performance, and language and education.


a system of communication using sounds/gestures that are put together in meaningful ways according to set rules -made of symbols and signals

social dialects

a variety of speech associated with a particular social class or occupational group within a society

language family

-dead languages -relationship between languages -old and new forms of one language -changes in modern language -languages change over time=classification of language systems


-concern with the sacred, as distinguished from material matters -spirituality is often individual rather than collective and does not require a distinct format or traditional organization -not mutually exclusive

based on the article readings for this week of My two minds and Strong words lost in translation match the following as best you can

-crossed arms=suggest defensive -speaking two languages=better able to put yourself in others shoes -arms up in a high V position=signals victory -"cognitive reserve" of bilinguals=protects against dementia


-a belief that nature is enlivened or energized by an impersonal spiritual power or supernatural potency -ex. mana among northern native americans -mana; the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person

functions of witchcraft

-a belief to deal with unknown -serve as communal social cleansing of immoral behavior of the community -personalized evil helps explain person suffering/things that have no cause -means of social control


-a particular system of faith and worship btwn an organization/collective group

cargo cult

-a spiritual movement (esp. Melanesia) in reaction to disruptive contact with western capitalism -promises resurrection of deceased relatives, destruction or enslavement of white foreigners, and the magical arrival of utopian riches

holistic approach

-able to be studied from different angles -diachronic approach; comparative approach of things throughout time -synchronic approach; synchronic comparative approach of things at the same time

attributes of culture

-all culture is learned, not inherited -individuals of a culture will learn socially acceptable ways to satisfy biologically determined needs (food, water, shelter) -culture is shares, all members of a culture share a set of values, ideas, perceptions and standard of behavior -not everyone in a culture the exact same -culture cannot exist without society -no human society doesn't have culture

four-field approach

-archaeological anthropology -linguistic anthropology -biological (physical) anthropology -cultural anthropology

imitative magic

-based on "like produces like", the assumption that a desired result (as rain, the death of an enemy) can be brought about or assured by mimicking it -ex. voodoo dolls

ancestor spirits

-beings which retain an active interest/membership in society -can be benevolent or malevolent -closely resemble living people -provides sense of community -links past, present and future

gesture-call system

-body language; way we stand, gesture, look etc. in a situation that conveys intent/subconscious messages -paralanguage; specific voice concepts that accompany speech and contribute to communication

sacred places

-certain geographic places that are considered to be spiritually significant or even sacred -associated with stories, myths of origin, dwelling places of spirits or the dead -mountains, hills, caves have meaning

ancestors china, indonesia, inca

-china; ancestor veneration ex. leaving gifts -Indonesia; excavate + dress up -Inca; andes mummy cult


an explanation of events based on the belief that certain individuals posses an innate psychic power that is capable of causing harm (including sickness/death)

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