ANTH 3021 Final Exam

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Por Eva, Soy Eva

Most shocking wedding ever Girl is actually guy who is in love with bride - Guy was supposed to be dead

Important Note about Sex Trafficking

Most trafficking operations are not conducted by mighty syndicates - They work in small units, relatives, or acquaintances who recruit girls in slum neighborhoods Women often feel that the agents are not exploiting them but offering a valuable service Even if they are lonely or exhausted, they are still able to send money home, not only supporting their families but generating hard cash for their govs

Where do men who have sex with man go to define themselves as men?

Homosexuals don't go to brothels - They go to spas and chongos

Ataque de nervios

attack of nerves Heighteened sense of irrtability, shakiness, dizziness, ocassional fainting or loss of consciousness, crying, trembling, anger, rage, and bouts of violence Hangriness, Nervous breakdown, Panic attack Combo of these symptoms coupled with a loss of emotional and bodily control that distinguishes nervios from susto and mal de ojo Individuals experiencing un ataque de nervios are unable to cope with the stresses & challenges of everyday life - Loss of control is a major symptom EMotional expressions include depression, screaming, anger Trembling, convulsions, and seizures are the somatic sensations Behavioral responses can include aggression toward others or suicidal feelings changes in consciousness (fainting, amnesia, hallucinations) Illness identified with poor, disenfranchised members of society Is a cultural and somatic idiom of distress that communicates, via bodily & emotional expressions, social tensions, disruptions in family support sys, deprivations, & other social pressures Women are more susceptible than men - Shantytown women experiencing nerves are not only poor, marginalized, and in a constant state of insecurity, but are also malnourished, sick, and hungry and will probably die sooner than others

Ethnosexual Sojourners

Those who arrange for a brief or extended stay, enter into sexual liaisons, but eventually return to their home communities Ex. Long term sexual relationship but no future plans for marriage or family

Ethnosexual Settlers

Those who establish long term liaisons, join and/or form families, and become members of ethnic communities "on the other side" Ex. Starting marriage with family with different race or ethnicity

Ethnosexual Invaders

Those who launch sexual assaults across ethnic boundaries, inside alien ethnic territory, seducing, raping, and sexually enslaving ethnic others as a means of domination and colonization Ex. War time

Ethnosexual Adventurers

Those who undertake expeditions across ethnic divides for recreational, casual, or exotic sexual encounters, often more than once, but who return to their sexual home bases after each excursion Ex. 1 time thing

Stepping into Fire Discussion

Thoughts on using hallucinogens to cure illness - Can help pain - Don't know if it works - Only saw positive influences in movie - Bo did all kinds of others things to improve his health Would you try to use ayahuasca to cure illness - Seems like a horrific experience - Your whole mind set changes to - Danger of putting your safety in someone else's hands = I've heard stories of people dying and being assaulted = Dangerous creatures in jungle - Seems like they are trying to sell it on you = Propaganda = Saying how great it was but not very specific Do you think it can cure addictions - Possibly - Ayahuasca unlocks inner potential but have to do more drug to overcome drug addictions = Need to want to change = Trading one addiction for another Thoughts on film - Rob took all of the savings without consulting the wife = Forced wife down to south america = Ran away - Brought son down there = He was in the area - Cult like = People didn't want to do it but once took it they loved it = Rob was like touching participants (hugging) = Too preachy in interviews, seemed forced = Thinks he can save the world, god grants him his wish, he is in gods debt - Music scary trips went on for way too long - Didn't show negative parts of ayahuasca - Just talked about his marriage & not the indigenous rituals (how made) Ayahuasca was originally for religion to get close to god but now people using it for health reasons - Bo said at peace with dying so why is he taking it? = Wants a new life before it's over = Makes it seem like his cancer didn't grow b/c of ayahuasca when could have been due to diet change After - Teenager died after going there - Shaman is not who he says he is, names Jose = Dig a hole a mile away and bury him = Burn his clothes & tells everyone he went back to the US - Rob startings aying the shaman was evil & dangerous - Actual shamans said they warned Roberto in the beginning - Was supposed to be free but people were paying to go there - Shaman was randomly mixing drugs into drink - Bo lived extra 3 years, died in 2012 - Don't know what happened to roberto

Food & Social Hierarchy

Who has access to which foods? - Cocoa beans used to be reserved for the wealthy - Diabetes & obesity changing from diseases of affluence to diseases of poverty, especially in LA countries - Food swamps & food deserts Sugar plantations: African slaves had some autonomy to grow their own crops What foods represent which social classes? - High class = Caviar = Champagne = Lobster - Low class = Spam Quantity represents social class Vegetarianism: DIfferent meanings in different places - Meat too expensive for some, is an expensive commodity

Gender & Food

Who produces food? - public/private spheres - Tamales: women prepare them What kinds of foods do men and women eat? - Chili (Ucho in Quechua) is a male food = Shows masculinity & strength - Trago (cane alcohol) also represents maleness = Alcoholism is only acceptable for males

Critical medical anthropology

political economy of health An approach in medical anthropology stressing political and economic inequality in the study of health, illness, and disease Many anthropologists have incorrectly attributed...disparities in health to local socio cultural differences without examining the influence of global political economic inequality on the distribution and emergence of disease

Documentary: Inside Rio Carnaval

read doc for info


The greatest telenovela fight


$100 to get in Females not allowed to touch money - Once negotiate with female, guy pays guy behind counter Upper class men only Across parking lot from a children's toy store and another chongo Surrounded by professional clubs

Bambu Spa

$8 to get in Most popular spa Patrons of all ages, races, and sizes Lots of dark, hidden areas Often find groups of friends and couples visiting together Very little signage Massage area Sole sex worker Extremely crowded every weekend Looks normal

Brothel is also known as a

- Nightclub - Cabaret - Prostibulo - Puticlub - chongo

Domestic Work

17-19 Million Domestic Workers 7% of the Urban Labor Force 95% Women Live out employees: $150 - 200 per month Daily employees: $10 per day Gender based, Class based, and Ethnic based Discrimination Live in employees - Full time employees - Board and food often deducted from salaries - Prone to abuse Public vs Private Sexual Assault The Road to Manhood "Angela" ILO Convention 189 - Social Security - Annual Salary - 40 hour workweek - Days off - Vacation - Transportation


A Caribbean Cultural Creation Emerged in Puerto Rico & latino NYC neighborhoods in early 1960s Some think Salsa is largely an appropriation and transformation of Cuban Musical genres, others think it owes more to Puerto Rican National Musical Traditions - Caribbean cultural creation Among LAs living abroad, playing Salsa is a key medium to articulate pan hispanic/latino identity broad musical category, encompassing multiple styles that ar eeach infleunced by national and transnational genres always sung in Spanish, relatable to all Latinos each country has its own style


A Caribbean musical phenomenon influenced by Panamanian ragamuffin, Jamaican dancehall, and Spanish speaking hop-hop Individualist vs market oriented values Rap vs Reggaeton - Mature reggaetoneros State sanctioned Reggaeton = professional "Reggaetoneros are almost exclusively active in parallel networks...outside of state regulations" Santiago = Reggaeton's capitol - Jamaican and Haitian Influence - Jamaican radio Havana and Reggaeton "Reggaetoneros transform, adapt, reject, and combine dominant and alternative ideological principles, which at times may bring them closer to the revolutionary project but not within, but most of the time seem to distance them from many of its political endeavors (neither in favor nor against)"


A social condition characterized by an inability for economic progress, despite one's ambition In jamaica that inability is maintained through the country's abiding foreign dependence, stagnant growth, and deficient development The full complexity of sufferation is that it is at once a spirit of forfeiture and acceptance, upheld by a palliative framework of optimism, or "eudemonic hope"

Bad Mind

A trope used to identify the ill intention or act of another, undertaken as a form of envy Similar to evil eye among merchants in Egypt his article appropriates the term as a market concept related to competition in general, and responses to competition in particular. vendors use the concepts of bad-mind and sufferation to frame and reconcile the continued lack of social and economic progress they experience in the market.

Tourist Centered Begging

Access to tourist areas may be worth the risk of a police round up, as tourists are liable to give more than the typical local Through tourist centered begging, the women and youngsters may earn enough to build houses for their families, and, more importantly, pay for the tuition of the younger generation of family members They earn more through begging than they can through another typical form of employment: domestic work

How can measure health

Adult & infant child mortality rates Providing access to health resources Ratio of physicians to the total pop Access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation facilities Measure malnutrition Cuba's infant and child mortality rate is the only country in the LA & Caribbean that is less than the US


Argentina - The country considered the most white and europeanized in LA - But comes from slave experience Tango appears as place names in Angola and Mali and during colonial times meant a locale where slaves or free africans danced - "An African Dance Hall" Also referred to kinds of dancing that, like in Africa, "one did to drums" Heavily influenced by Candomble By mid 1800s slaves disappeared and lower working class youths practiced it - seen as barbaric and criminal 1920-40s started to attract middle and elite class - lyrics were now standard spanish and not lunfardo (street, hard to undertsand) - Had become a hit in Eruope, especially Paris - Emphasis changed from working class struggles to romance, infidelity, self sacrificing mothers = Influenced by President of Argentina Peron to instill good moral Have 3 themes - sadness - nostalgia - sexuality/gender controversy: attention focused on males - unfaithful woman when supposed to be submissive, docile, passive, etc. = always overpowered by male lyrically and physically in the dance - comforted by male friends - possible homsexuality

Andean Childhood Poverty

Article talks about postcards with children struggling but have no context - Making money off of peoples poverty? Is this real or staged? - Is childhood poverty and/or labor part of the tourist experience? Postcards & Stock Photos - Common to find in touristy areas - $ doesn't go to people - Consent? - Maybe trying to create cultural feeling Indigenous Families - Peru, Guatemalan, Chile children always pictured - Should we market pictures of families like this? - Are they trying to force a reaction from the viewer? Poverty in LA - Poverty can get out of, know better - Chronic means remain in poverty - Child union in Bolivia so can work, be monetized - Babies drugged (with heroin or vodka) to make beggars get more money = Say need help for caring for child = Babies used to make money

Why might Tuberculosis spread

Believe disease called Liquichado (TB in the Andes) is given to you by this white powerful character named a Kharisiri - He is cutting the fat off of people - He is a doctor, lawyer, or priest

Carnaval Video Discussion

Brutal, poor can't participate - Vila Isabel song talks about inclusion, ironic = Other than those 4 days Brazil is racially separated Nepotism with Moses - Moses and family eventually fired b/c of corruption = Vila Isabel was secretly subsidized by Venezuela * Under the table, kinda corrupt Mangueira won the one that just happened - not about competition bu about their neighborhood coming together Take a week-month off then start all over again

1969 Soccer War

Central American Soccer War/Football War/100 hours war El Salvador v Honduras (1969) - World Cup qualifying match Riot in stadiums & players sleeping quarters Salvador invades Honduras Possibilities why started: El Salvador overpopulated - many ilegally immigrated to Honduras = El Salvador very poor country, many worked in Honduras taking jobs & land = tension - after the match Salvadorans were kicked out of the country = many forcibly taken from their families

Machismo (important)

Characteristics - Fearless - Thoroughly and publicly heterosexual - Uncontrollable sex drive - Drinks a lot of alcohol - Violent - Aggressive - No feelings - Infidelity - Power in public

Marianismo (important)

Characteristics - Self sacrificing - Submissive - Deeply devoted - Profoundly sad - Never initiates sexual activity or takes pleasure in it - Draws inspiration from the Virgin Mary - Power in the home - Gentle, soft - Pure and moral - Motherly

What are the positives involved in international adoptions?

Children with illnesses and/or disabilities may get better care outside of their countries of origin Children above the infant age find homes, and LGBT parents find children Siblings that need to be adopted as a group remain a family unit

Masculinities and the Sex Industry - Machismo as Misnomer

Conceptualizations of Masculinity - Masculinity is anything that men think, say, and do = If men are involved then so too must be masculinity - Masculinity is what men think say or do to distinguish themselves as men - Masculinity is a quality that certain men have more than other men, either b/c they were born that way or b/c of some kind of personal achievement - Women are the overriding significance in the negotiation of masculinities for most if not all men at most if not all times in their lives I don't really agree with these


Consumption metaphors: Male and female identities partly constructed & defined through the type of agency displayed in sexual intercurse - Men "eaters:" have an active role - Women "eaters" have negative connotations Strength through food related to sexual potency

Poverty, Inequality, and Disease

Ethnomedical beliefs and practices are neither the cause of poor health, nor do they necessarily stand in the way of achieving and sustaining good health Most anthropologist agree that poor health & susceptibility to disease are primarily an outcome of entrenched poverty and inequality

Pop culture

Culture which is widely disseminated and consumed by large numbers of people Defines every day culture - Identifies a set of behavioral practices with pervasive, ordinary character and acknowledges the general acceptance of these practices, their roots in common knowledge, and their frequent expression in non-written form = oral traditions, music, visual imagery, dance, and family food represent the unique community character that forms much of the pop culture * Fashion too benefits of studying pop culture - see Similarities across cultures - Trends, what has changed - Values & attitudes of society unique in LA - Rare religions - More futbol - Telenovelas

Romancing the Globe

Differences in income & classes around the world - Yet all watch telenovelas Thalia - Her sister was kidnapped in Mexico - Super famous telenovela star Why are soap operas so enduring, particularly among the poor? - Distraction/escape from their own life - Only have TV for entertainment - False hope = Underdog that rises up Why do you think Latino Telenovelas have such success internationally? - Latino immigrants in US so can connect back to culture by watching it = Even filmed in Miami What do telenovelas say about women? - Once they get a man all their problems go away

Global and Glocal

Do telenovelas show the dark side of globalization - Yes, lives of rich vs poor How are television viewing habits Glocalized? - Showing what we have vs others - Showing certain positions on global scale

Why might HIV/AIDS spread

Don't know - Sensuality of people (just sluts)? - Poverty (can't afford treatment)? - Marginalizing people (gay thing)?

Why would Andean Families give children up for Adoption?

Economic survival - Children capable of contributing income may be assigned from one household to another - This can be a fostering situation or an informal adoption - Give kid to family & get money in return Labor to be balanced by age & gender - Women in households with an "excess" of men and shortage of women are more susceptible to an illness known as debilidad = Women in these cases must meet the productive demands associated with the female role as well as provide domestic services to a large number of men There is a desire to have both sons and daughter in the home - This reflects men's and women's interest in collecting assistants of their own gender

Ethnosexual Frontier

Erotic locations and exotic destinations that are surveilled and supervised, patrolled and policed, regulated and restricted, but that are constantly penetrated by individuals forging sexual links with ethnic others across ethnic borders Ex. Brothel b/c regulated

The Scapes of Globalization

Ethnoscapes - People moving around to different areas of the world - Ex. Actors filming telenovelas in Miami Mediascapes - Telenovelas moving around the world - Ex. Watching Mexican telenovela in the US Technoscapes - Technological products use to view that footage from another part of the world - Ex. Watching telenovela using DirectTV Finanscapes - Money moving around to different areas of the world - Ex. remittances Ideoscapes - Idea - Ex. human rights


Evoking feelings of shared belonging and community - Creates community b/c share food at social gatherings - An individual senses a merging of awareness - The coalescing of national identity including the roles of gender, class, and geography - The construction of national identity has been a difficult challenge faced by LA & Caribbean elites since independence = This was overcome with national cuisine Cultural norms surrounding sharing food - No double dipping - Have to offer food & eat it, can't just sit there - Have to ask to eat someone else's In Brazil important to share food and drink, rude not to do so - Poverty is a major issues so displaying too much food can cause jealousy

Considering Gender and Health in US- Andean Adoptions

Expensive, long term process (legally) lots of blackmarket stuff little kids more likely to be given away, come from courts & orphanages Business b/c monetizing children

Family Begging

Extended family members often beg as groups, splitting off to cover corners and intersections, yet always remaining close enough to watch over younger members Families w/o a large number of members available to join them in the streets may "rent" youngsters to participate - In these cases, they are responsible for caring for the individual, providing food, clothing, and shelter in exchange for their help


Fermented, mildly alcoholic beverage made from corn fermented corn beer Quechua was widespread

Anthropology of Food

Focuses on the social and cultural dimensions of food and cuisine Hierarchical differences Reservoirs of memory - How past is recalled - Memories of common heritage spurned - How the past, present, and future are interpreted


Gamelike activity having rules, a competitive element, and requiring some form of physical exertion Culture= rituals & Chants In LA - Futbol, baseball, jiu jitsu, boxing, cricket, track & field Argentina Soccer - Main enemy is Brazil - In Argentina, what soccer means in intimately tied to to national identity * Construction of male identities (masculinity) * Competing party politics

Narcotelenovelas, Gender, and Globalization in "Sin Tetas no Hay Paraiso"

Gang and drug life in soap opera context Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso - Drug smuggling - Woman get plastic surgery and become trophy wives - Has been remade a lot Is it really necessary to remake tv shows for different areas of the world and what are the benefits? - Culture differences so remake could be more successful in some areas than others Why do you think Drug trafficking and the "war on drugs" make good topics for TV programming? - super dramatic so entertaining - many influenced by it, relatable Any topics too serious for the telenovela format? - Rape

Gender Ideology

Gender ideologies, norms, and practices influence everyday life in a myriad of ways - What kinds of role (economic, political, social, or cultural) men and women should or should not, can or cannot occupy, are often largely contingent on prevailing norms that stipulate sanctioned spheres of action for males and females Sex work gendered? - Large demand for men Begging gendered? - See more women and children Childhood gendered? - Girls wear dresses - Boys play rough Adoption gendered? - Get girl so can clean house - Get boy so can help pull weight & work for family Domestic work gendered? - Females clean, cook, take care of children Poverty gendered? - Mostly women and children since no opportunity to work outside home and men leave them Revolutions, war, & military gendered? - Men are the soldiers - Even if women soldiers have different jobs Food gendered? - Women expected to eat less and more healthy - If boys eat a lot its b/c he's a growing boy Media gendered? - Weather women sexualized - In telenovelas have damsel in distress and once find men life okay Music gendered? - Women degraded - Very few women in top charts - Female singers to have less clothes or more urban Carnaval gendered? - Guys are covered, women rarely are


Has branches with same owner Popular with adolescents Located near high schools and undergraduate colleges

Sex Work

Homosocial spaces - Idea that act specific way when only male or female around Public vs Private - Sometimes go together Considering bodies and sexuality Economies of desire - Different rates for people of certain looks Prostitutes and brides - Just cause sex worker doesn't mean you can't get married and have a family Unionized sex - Sex workers have developed unions


How erotic and physical desires and practices toward others are shaped, internalized, challenged, and practiced Sexuality and sexual practices are related but they are not the same thing Culturally constructed notion of sexuality and sexual behavior (how men and women define themselves or are defined by others as sexual beings) are like culture itself, highly malleable and diverse and the result of historical forces played out in concrete social, economic, political, & cultural contexts

What are the negatives involved in international adoptions?

Human trafficking (sex, labor, organs) Officials decide whether the mother and/or father have successfully bonded with the child(ren) or not - Stranger deciding whether you're a family Loss of cultural traditions Loss of identity Gay youth left without homes - tossed into group homes b/c won't be adopted

The Monetization of Children and Families

In Bolivia potential parents must be legal residents Adoption agencies set their own rates Birthparents cannot control the ways their children are connected to formal and informal payments Adoption agencies cannot eliminate irregular economic activity

Gender and Health

In LA & the Caribbean women, especially poor & marginalized, are far more likely than men to experience ill health Gender discirmination and differential allocation of food and nutrition in the domestic domain probably accounts for the fact that female infants and children are more likely to die than males Life's lesions - Metaphor for the adversity of existence which gnaw at a persons being and become inscribed on the body

Gendered Begging

In the case of begging, by marketing their identities as Indians with their identity as females, Andean Women open themselves up to one of the most lucrative markets: tourism - In fact girls may be withdrawn from school by their parents b/c they can earn significantly more than boys through selling their gendered and racialized identities On the streets you regularly find young Indian girls dressed in colorful shawls, providing the folkloric experience expected by tourists in developing nations

Ladies Night at Bugalow

Initially a disco for the international/study abroad crowd Locals couldn't get in unless they were with a foreigner Over the last 10 years it has become a local hotspot It is now a hetero disco where you can regularly find female sex workers and gay men mixing with the rest of the crowd

What are special needs adoptions?

Malnutrition Vision Problems Club foot Cleft Palate Mental Health issues HIV/AIDS Race - Minority in US Age - Older Sibling Status - Keep children together Gender - Country where females not adopted


Marketed to Lower-Middle class men Located in El pueblo de las putas - Little city of brothels Racialized rates - If colombian can charge more Los cuartos - Little room, nothing really there $20 to get in

Sales Work

Marketing "Andeanness" Native leisure class Markets vs Street Sales Renting gender, renting kin Challenging gender roles Sexual abuse "Clean Quito" 2003 Disguised beggars

Tres Mujeres

México Lasted longer than most telenovelas - It was initially supposed to last 60 episodes but due to its success it was extended to 280 episodes Challenged customary gender and sexuality expectations in mexican culture - not virgin, not monogamous, didnt remarry or stay chast once widowed - homosexuality, domestic violence, womens health issues openly discussed - made it clear that women shouldn't be abused by husbands and lovers - women were white collar professional

Hot and Cold Foods

Not thermal, not raw vs cooked, it is qualities ascribed to certain foods and food categories - Especially their effects on emotional and somatic well being and overall health = Hot foods could be foods considered sexually stimulant - In a Oaxacan Mexican community chocolate, sugar, and honey are almost always considered hot foods = Amarillos and caldo are cold foods = But this varies across regions classifications vary significantly across and within countries, regions, and communities Foods are classified as hot or cold based on 3 dimensiones - Danger = Neg effects on the body when foods are digested = Foods that cause constipation or bloatedness are generally classified as cold = While hot foods cause diarrhea or gas * Why meal preparation emphasizes a balance between hot and cold foods to neutralize their potential harmful effects * But someone who consumes geatin (a cold food that causes stomach aches) but who develops some other symptom may also class gelatin in that specific context as hot - Neutralization = The idea is not to offset the effects of cold foods but to neutralize the intrinsic hot and cold states of individuals and their bodies = Some individuals are born abnormally hot or cold = Hot individuals suffer a disproportionate number of cold illnesses and have abnormally strong sexual drives as reflected in promiscuous sexual behavior before marriage and adulterous behavior after marriage = Cold individuals suffer a disproportionate number of hot illnesses and have weak sexual drives demonstrated by sexual disinterest, and the failure to marry, have sexual liaisons, and produce offspring = Food classifications will again vary, depending on whether hot or cold individuals (or significant others) attempt to deal with their cold or hot illnesses = Men and women may class gelatin as cold during food preparation and as being along the danger dimension, but wives attempting to control the adulterous behavior of their hot spouses will try to convince them to consume cold foods on certain occasions = Cucumbers are hot in the context of meals preparation but cold when attempting to deal with excessive sexual drive - Healthful = Treatment of minor illnesses = Objective of food classification is to deal with common, ordinary illnesses such as coughs or swollen stomachs * foods are alternatively classed as either hot or cold depending on the specific illness

5 relevant themes in the formation of LA masculine identities:

Questions of fatherhood Change and resistance to change in the dominant conceptions of masculinity - Homosociality, discipline, and vengeance Race and the masculine Machismo and politics The excess and silence in the language about bodies and sexuality


Refers to a broad musical genre that is comprised of different styles and the product of diverse musical traditions Term Reggae and the music it stands for emerged in the early to mid 1960s Reggae is influenced by mento (1940s-50s), calypso (Trinidian ballads), ska (1950s-60s blues), and rocksteady (soul) It formation is tied to specific historical context - Emerged during Jamaica's independence from England, political and economic conflicts, the Civil Rights Movement in the US, and Liberation movements in Africa 1960s were globally politically & culturally volatile years - independence against colonialism, civil rights, etc. was comitted to social justice - lyrics deeply identify with the poor, opressed Very connected to Rastafarianism - political religious worldview = believe are the original man, which is from Africa, are African prophets = vegetarian & prefer raw food b/c shows deeper natural relationship with the world = inner search for truth & spirtiuality through weed = obligation to work against forces of evil through music and words

Child Sex Tourism

Refers to acts perpetrated by those who are traveling or using their status as tourists in order to sexually exploit children Even if prostitution is legal in a country, human trafficking, sex with a minor, and child pornography are always crimes - Someone who engages in these activities in a foreign country can still be prosecuted under US law after returning to the US one reason why the sex trade persists in areas where prostitution is legal Growing business throughout the world Over 2 million children enslaved Demand both local & international Of the child sex tourists, 25% are Americans Thailand is worst with 40% of prostitutes being children Thousands convicted of having sex with children under 15 Boys begin buying women at 13 50% of 16 year olds and 90% of university boys visit brothels regularly


Right before Lent First Samba parade in Rio took place in 1932 Deep toots originating in Europe during the medieval period and partially resulting from syncretism of Christian ad pre-Christian beliefs and practices Porradas - Brawling in the streets, drunk & fighting - can be very dangerous and even lead to death = people physically let out their internal worries & struggles (entrudo = ritualized aggression) Not all carnaval celebration in LA are the same - Mardi Gras in US - El Salvador - West Indies = different values (harvests, end of famine, fertility, nationalism, chritsianity, etc.) Miss Globeleza - Woman that dances across the screen every year during commercials - Big competition to find the new miss Globeleza every year - Finally get an Afro-Brazilian women win & racists complained = She was fired right before Carnaval = Even black people discrimination against her While Carnaval is an important public and mass cultural event it is also a: A ritualized pop celebration - Highly stylized, choreographed public performance A national ritual - Draws people together, regardless of class and ethnic background Ritual of inversion - Social order is symbolically and metaphorically turned upside down and social roles are reversed = Poor can become rich = What is normally hidden can come to the surface * Which early on caused problems for elites who tried to remove the black influence A channel that embodies memory - It acts as a reminder of past collective experiences deemed relevant for understanding the present A medium that stresses cohesion and solidarity - Fosters a collective sense of identity, stresses the importance of being a member of a specific community Major drama and public spectacle - Carnaval celebrations try to instill a visible and lasting imprint through sight, sound, smell, taste, physical sensuality, and experience


Ritual n Peru People smuggling them into the US People going to pet markets to buy them so can eat them Pre-Columbian cuyes were consumed almost exclusively in household and community level ceremonies Cuys are easy to raise and even the poorest of households can afford to do so Are also very nutritious, per lb cuy flesh has a higher % of protein and the lowest fat content compared to poultry, beef, lamb, and pork In Peru have celebration called jaca tsariy - To collect cuys in the local Quechua language - Marks the beginning of a celebration honoring local patron saints - The mayordomo/prioste (sponsor) is in charge of the cuys for the festival = Those who offer/donate shows community support Important to have jaca toreros/cuy bullfighters who are always men or young boys who playfully dance with cuyes Aslo drink chicha, alcohol, and huarapo (fermented sugarcane drink) Pretend at trial and sentencing cuy to death - Ex of ritual resistance = Where laughter, humor, and satire are used in celebrations where anger and discontent have been expressed and alternative visions of the social order publicly conveyed

How is the adoption process gendered?

Single adoptive parents may only adopt a child of the same sex Some countries allow single females to adopt but adoption by single males is forbidden Age requirements are determined by gender But there are exceptions to every rule

5 estrellas

So expensive that not many go to Look like American nightclub but with little rooms

Dynamics of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking from LA into the US

Some have been kidnapped but have been convinced with false promises of work Culturally appropriate responses need to be developed to work with victims - Americans need to suspend assumptions about the standards of equality that women and children can expect from men in society - May not be considered human trafficking in one place American/Latino cultural differences Language barriers Country and region specific differences

Spa vs Chongos

Spa - Only known only among LGBT community - Hidden away in non-descript buildings - Marketed only through internet and word of mouth - Reasonable entrance fees for all races and classes - Men know they can go to the spas with no danger of stigma - get two full sized towels and possibly a hand towel, and safe sex stuff like condoms Chongos (brotherl) - Well known in mainstream society - Easy to find without referrals - Advertised like other businesses - Businesses charge entrance fees based on the races and nationalities of the sex workers - Geared to different social classes - No social stigma for visiting brothels

Medical Anthropology

Studies the social, cultural, and biological dimensions of health and illness from a cross cultural perspective All societies have a medical sys: beliefs, values, practices, and knowledge that enables their members to understand diagnose, and treat health and illness

The Doll House

Super popular for rich and famous Gov officials, diplomats, soccer players Children being abused Very classy


TV Soap operas one of LA's most successful exports, originated in what is now its most closed society: Cuba 1960s-1970s created popularity from purchasing power of of the popular classes and the expansion of tv and technology - Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, & Brazil are the major exporters - tap into widespread sentiments and reflect & convey social realities - introduces new ideas such as female independence & breaking of gender norms - way to escape from life of poverty, distance oneself from issues = or to prtened what it would be like to be rich target men and women are broadcasted in prime time on major tv networks - reach larger & more diverse audiences

Considering bodies and sexuality

The Handmaids and Ecuadorian prostitutes are simply required to meet certain health regulations - Carry around a health sanitation card and get tested every 2 weeks = Actually helps prevent HIV unless in unlicensed place or working on the streets - Have to show card if someone asks = Guys don't need cards or testing

Sex Tourism

The org of vacations with the purpose of taking advantage of the lack of restrictions imposed on prostitution and other sexual activities by some foreign countries one reason why the sex trade persists in areas where prostitution is legal Top 7 Sex Tourism Destinations - Thailand - Brazil - Colombia - Spain - Philippines - Netherlands - Amsterdam - Kenya


The sys dominant in Western societies It privileges biological over cultural explanations for sickness Practitioners attach primary explanatory power to biological pathogens and physiological imbalances, largely downplaying the role of culture and social relations Makes the distinction between ailment of the mind and body, relegating the former to the category of psychological, emotional, or psychosomatic illnesses and the latter to disease Medical anthropologists try to understand how these 2 medical sys intersect, and when, how, and why patients opt for either one or the other or both

Human Trafficking -Act -Means -Purpose

To be trafficking need to have at least 1 thing from each category Act - Recruitment - Transport - Transfer - Harbouring - Receipt of persons Means - Threat or use of force - Coercion - Abduction - Fraud - Deception - Abuse of power or vulnerability - Giving payments or benefits Purpose - Exploitation (including sexual) - Prostitution of others - Forced labour - Slavery or similar practices - Removal of organs - Other types of exploitation Brazil, Colombia, DR, Mexico high # of people trafficked Russia & eastern Europe is the worst though 60% men trafficked for labour exploitation in private economy 98% women trafficked for sexual exploitation in private economy

Is begging a valid job?

Valid job b/c making money but do so due to financial condition Some beggars in the Andes say it is a means to create educational opportunities for their families one at a time, so the humiliation is worth it Many social workers and activists say it robs indigenous women and children of their dignity, and reinforces negative stereotypes of Indians in the city

Por Estas Calles

Venezuela Explicitly deal with crime, drug trafficking, youth violence, slum life, political instability, and corruption at the highest levels of gov Publicly dealt with the corruption and bribery scandal that enveloped the gov of President Carlos Andres Perez Daily journalistic accounts and congressional investigations immediately made their way into that night's plot, with live actors mimicking top gov officials and their supposed illegal dealings

Music and Dance

Were beats come from Cross culturally music is studied by ethnomusicologists who seek to understand - How and why lyrics express individual and social experiences from the vantage points of gender, class, and age - How the differential distribution of power and knowledge structure the production of musical genres, or how and why certain lyrics are sung - Ways that music and songs convey and instill a sense of time, place, feeling, style, belonging, and identity


Why might use coca - Culture- Hunger - Health- Altitude sickness - Religion- El Tio for ex - Addiction possible Cocoa derivatives are cocaine and crack 3 most important coca leaf producing countries: Bolivia, Peru, Colombia - Suppressing cocaine trafficking has been confounded with combating long standing guerilla movements and the result in that many Colombians are subjected to sys violence and terror US funded campaigns to eradicate coca cultivation have been met with widespread resistance and enhance anti US sentiments - They are also viewed as a new form of colonial intrusion & they have left on their wake violence and political instability In Peru & Bolivia the consumption of coca is a superb medium of communication and social interaction (arranged marriages) - Also looms important in agricultural rituals designed to insure good harvests, ritualized communication, and reciprocal relationships with supernatural deities and divination - Is also an important aspect of Andean cultural identity Coca leaves are mainly chewed - Are amazing storehouses of nutrition, has been a key component of Undead health = In high altitude mountain area, where most Andean peasants live, oxygen levels are low resulting in soroche (high altitude sickness) * Chewing coca leaves may relieve soroche by maximizing the body's oxygen intake = Also dampen hunger, thirst, cold, and relieve sensations of weariness and pain Commonly treat culturally specific ailments - Headaches, stomach/intestinal problems, strong wind currents caused by evil spirits, TB - Leaves boiled, ground, toasted or used dry, used alone or with other substances, drunk as a tea, used in ointments & bathing solution, rubbed against the body



Mal de Ojo

evil eye Symptoms similar to susto but in the case of children it may include high fever, severe diarrhea, and constant crying, dehydration, ear infection Anemia, Colic Surfaces when a person experiencing envy or jealousy unintentionally or (usually) deliberately gazes upon another person Jealousy, envy, anger, resentment, or illegitimate desires ignite a potential Those who are well nourished risk it from the emaciated - Wealthy from poor - Fertile women from women who cannot bear children - Feel betrayed from those they think betrayed them - Lucky from unfortunate


fright Lost of appetite, listlessness, lack of interest or motivation in daily activities, apathy, nausea, diarrhea, irritability, weakness, and withdrawal Like Depression Anyone can experience it ANy number of seemingly unrelated events may spark susto but all entail a sudden & unexpected event that startles, frightens, or produces anxiety - For indigenous is associated with temporary departure of the individuals soul Many cases arise after a dispute, potential argument, violent encounter, unjust outcome, unhappy event, or life threatening situation that produces emotional pain, feelings of hostility or outright anger that invariably draws in others - Unexpected death too


healing sessions usually take place at night in a jungle clearance and they are usually attended by small clusters of people who suffer related symptoms Close to midnight the drink is distributed Is accompanied by songs and chants Visions and hallucinations are a means through which healers reach the afflicted area of the body


traditional medicine Refers to the culturally specific medical sys in non Western societies native peoples medicine Ethnomedical sys and practitioners (healers) underscore social and cultural factors in diagnosing and treating culturally specific illness, often a somatic manifestation of a fundamental imbalance, or lack of harmony between humans or between humans and the supernatural Imbalance is the result of either strained social relationships (greed, envy, jealousy) or the failure to carry our prescribed obligations to other humans or supernatural entities with whom humans interact Treatment typically centers on restoring harmony, balance, and good will Ethnomedical anthropologists focus on describing culturally specific healing practices and categories of illness and on understanding how these influence access to and acceptance of biomedical treatment


ways in which difference and similarities related to physical sexuality are understood, contested, organized, and practiced - Is a fundamental and pervasive dimension of culture and social relations Reflecting the experience, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other - Also reflecting or involving gender differences or stereotypical gender roles constructed culturally Tied to practices in the Mediterranean - Greece & Italy created these original ideas of machismo & marianismo Tied to ideas about race - Men or women may want to "taste the forbidden fruit" or use their race as bodily capital Tied to ideas of honor - Virgin Mary = Some young women seen as pure * Women as supposed to be chaste (sexually pure), men are supposed to be sexually experienced and guard women's chastity = Hard though b/c how can men be experienced if no women can?

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