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A word that best describes participant observation is

"hanging out"

The use of mock Spanish reinforces a common impression that Hispanic people are socially inferior. This is an example of the power of which of the following?

language ideology

Ferdinand de Sassure made a distinction between the formal rules of language ___ and the ways people speak it ___.

langue ||| parole

Which method would be best when doing a study on the genetic propensity for cancer in a given population?

life histories

___ is the idea that people speaking different languages percieve the world differently.

linguistic relativity

The recent rise of autonomy movements among Hawaiian separatists and Zapatistas in Mexico are examples of


If you studied speech patterns such as those analyzed in Robin Lakoff's study of gendered speech, you might find that "talking like a lady"

marginalizes women's voices in work contexts

Rapid increases in the scale and amount of communication

means that people in remote places can be in contact with people all over the world

Talking about sports as a battlefield is an example of


People who leave their homes to work for a time in other regions or countries are called


Words that differ by only one single sound contrast, like in the case of "ban," "man," and "pan" are called ___ pairs.


How words fit together to make meaningful units is called


The study of grammatical categories, such as tense and word order, is called


Remote sensing techniques are

most productive, magnetic surveys, and don't disrupt a site

Anthropologists use ____ to juxtapose phenomena that were once thought worlds apart.

multisited ethnography

People around the world often think of development as undermining self-determination but will often accept it when it is ___.

on their own terms

___ questions encourage informants to talk about what they find particularly meaningful.


If you wanted to understand very early, non-living human beings, you would likely engage in


The study of ancient plants as a means of reconstructing prehistoric environments is known as ___


When anthropologists study the way people use language in real settings rather than as a set of grammatical rules, they are focusing on


When language speakers use slang or metaphor, they are engaging in which concept suggested by French lingusit Ferdinand de Saussure?


Which type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants?

participant observation

___ is a key element of anthropological fieldwork because it is a systematic research strategy of "just hanging out."

participant observation

The approach that compares ancient texts and documents to analyze long-term linguistic change is called ___.


___ refers to the structure of speech sounds


Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

pidgin language

If you were conducting a symbolic analysis of TV programs and wanted to identify a key scenario such as the Horation Alger myth, which of the following would you focus on?

plots that are repeated in many programs american viewers interpret as commonplace social experiences

What kind of data do anthropologists gather from doing interviews?


If you were a linguistic anthropologist interested in language change in smaller American cities, building on William Labov's studies, what method would you use?

record how younger people, middle-aged people, and senior citizens pronounce ordinary american words

Brent Berlin and Paul Kay found that if a language had only three color terms, they would always be black (dark), white (light), and ___.


The ability to document changes in pottery styles in non-living societies happens through


A stoplight is a visual example of a


___ are words or objects that stand for something else.


On the island of Java in Indonesia, nearly every sentence marks a person's _______ between speaker and listener.

social position

___ is the study of how sociocultural norms and contexts shape language use in society.


According to anthropologist Sherry Ortner's analysis, the American flag is an example of:

summarizing symbol

Anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols:

summarizing, key scenarios, and elaborating

One of the methods that archaeologists can use to determine potentially useful areas to excavate involves the use of

surface collections

If you wanted to have consistent responses, what kind of interview would you use?

survey interview

The Canadian government helps preserve the use of French by requiring all official documents to be written in both English and French. The provincial government of the Canadian province of Quebec has implemented further regulations that require that signs have French letters larger than English letters. Why is the size of letters important?

symbollically, size of letters suggests the importance of the language

A synonym for hybridization is

syncretism, friction, and creolization

In order to be certain that a particular area holds promise for paleoanthropological research, what is first used to evaluate the site?

test pits

The theory that explains why cultural differences have not disappeared because cultural conciousness is increasingly bringing people together around cultural similarities is

the clash of civilizations theory

If Benjamin Whorf were trying to find further proof that grammar shapes the way people perceive the world, which of the following would not be a focus of his research?

the density of the population in several communities

A key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is

the first are analysts of development, the second seeks ways to influence it from within

Cultural differences are often caused by

the isolation of communities ||| interconnections between societies

A commodity chain analysis applied to motorcars would be interested in all of the following except

the layout of the factory in which they are built

Promoters of globalization highlight which of the following?

the more open a country is to foreign trade, the better the economy will be

If a development anthropologist were to get involved in a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, they would probably emphasize

the overarching importance of listening to the priorities of the neighbors

Cultural anthropologists face an ethical responsibility in their work and so must disclose to informants

the reasons for doing research and explain goals

A key feature of financial globalization is

the reduction or elimination of tariffs to promote trade

In the study on the Olympics a hybridization theorist would likely focus on

the unexpected social patterns that emerge from intermingling between athletes, fans, and officals

A central feature of cultural convergence theories is that

they explain the apparent decline of cultural diversity

When anthropologists go into the field

they usually participate in long-term emersion--> learn the language and the culture

James Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists:

to expand the power of the state

The ability to discover ancient remains and draw inferences about our earliest human ancestors is sometimes helped by

trace fossils

Often, anthropologists use the term _____________ rather than "globalization" to refer to the "global" circulation of goods and people.


Using life history interviews, researchers are able to

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

Which of the following is a feature of language?

used to communicate, systematic, consists of sounds organized into words according to some sort of grammar

As a method, the ethnography of speaking draws on the technique of

using participant observation

In evolutionary terms humans are distinct from other primates with respect to their ability to use language because

we can speak using our larnyx

Many arguments over global integration are about ___, but anthropologists are just as interested in cultural nuances such as inequality, confrontation, domination, and resistance.

winners and losers

In attempting to understand the way that ancient humans actually lived, paleoanthropologists Richard Leakey and writer Roger Lewin described the difficulty involved as being like a

3-D jigsaw puzzle with most pieces missing or broken

World systems theory would be most suited to which of the following research projects?

A historical study of indigenous resistance to colonialism

Koko and Washo were two primates who had learned

American Sign Language

T/F: Anthropologists are generally ignored by "development" experts at institutions like the World Bank.


T/F: Anthropologists believe that the "native point of view" is better than their own.


T/F: Because of the widespread use of mass media today, sociolinguists have found increasing homogeneity in the use of language in the United States.


T/F: Countries find it relatively easy to decide what language its citizens will speak.


T/F: Cultural anthropologists use just three methods-interviews, field notes, and participant observation.


T/F: Cultural anthropology is one of the most quantitative of the social sciences.


T/F: Globalizationis exciting to anthropologists right now because they have never studied interconnectivity before.


T/F: In order to study culture one must travel to distant, far-off places.


T/F: Languages change very slowly, taking generations or even centuries.


T/F: Most mammals use some form of call system to communicate with others of their species. Dogs and chimpanzees share an additional linguistic characteristic because they can communicate simple combinations of ideas about things they are not currently seeing.


T/F: People in the periphery responded passively to capitalist expansion.


T/F: The authors think that cultrual diversity persists in the world because cultures have been isolated from each other for so long but that diversity is bound to disappear as other cultures intermingle more.


T/F: The only useful way that we can understand non-living human ancestors comes from the study of fossils.


T/F: When people consume the same clothes, food, and goods they eventually think and behave the same.


T/F: A critical reason for taking field notes is that there may be a long lag time between fieldwork and writing and publishing about it.


T/F: A key marker of development anthropology's success is when local perspectives and voices are paid attention to in development projects.


T/F: According to Edward Sapir, language is the symbolic guide to culture.


T/F: Although language is one of the most rule-bound aspects of human culture, it is also one of the least concious.


T/F: America's pattern of gender inequality is built into our linguistic practices.


T/F: Archaeologists are making a mistake when they clean samples of potsherds for analysis.


T/F: Elaborating symbols and summarizing symbols work in opposite ways.


T/F: Globalization and localization are completmentary.


T/F: If the exact location of a fossil or archaeological artifact is not known it is usually impossible to determine an accurate date for it.


T/F: Localization is the flip side of globalization.


T/F: Most people are unaware of the structure of a language until someone speaking it makes a mistake.


T/F: Studying pottery is an important part of understanding ancient cultures because potsherds break but never completely decompose under normal environmental conditions.


T/F: The process of capital accumulation and the expansion of European colonialism disrupted many societies.


Chronometric dating techniques used by archaeologists help establish

a more specific age for fossils or something organic

Which project would likely require the assistance of a geomorphologist?

a study of landscape change

The most important goal of the Congolese sapeur is to

accumulate prestige

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is

action research

Development anthropologists often think of themselves as

advocates for poor and marginalized people

A multi-sited ethographer strudying Mexican migrants in the United States would be most likely to conduct fieldwork:

all of the above

Which of the following are areas of social activity that globalization affects?

all of the above

Edward Sapir, who had been a student of Franz Boas's, saw himself as both a cultural anthropologist and a professionally trained linguist. He urged cultural anthropologists to pay close attention to language during field research because

all of the above--> most non-european language organized basic things in different ways

Which locations would you likely find an anthropologist doing fieldwork?

anywhere that answers questions they have

Environmental changes make it essential that an archaeologist understand the proximal relationship of ___ and habitation sites.


Among cultural anthropologists, fieldwork involves

becoming involved in daily lives, observing and asking questions, and recording observations

A believer in cultrual imperialism would explain that people who watch American television in remote places like a Walipri camp in the Australian outback are

being subjected to alien culture influences

World systems theory helped anthropologists

better explain historical emergence of development patterns throughout the world, better explain uneven development through time and space, better understand local social relations

Cultural anthropologists do research by

building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

The set of sounds and movements that animals make to communicate is called a ___.

call system

Animal call systems are:

can only communicate in response to real-world stimuli

Although all primates use some form of call system, some, such as ___ and ___ are known to be capable of more complex communication than a simple call system.

chimps ||| gorillas

When archaeologists recover and analyze ancient non-fossilized remains, such as teeth found in Hoyo Negro, they are most likely to use

chronometric dating

Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

cognate words

Eric Wolf encouraged anthropologists to consider what in their field studies?

colonial history

The linked elements that contribute to the manufacture of an object like a t-shirt is called a ___.

commodity chain

Early anthropologists used the ___ method to establish models of social evolution.


Which of the following best describes the methodology of multi-sited ethnography?


People participate in globalization by

consuming coca-cola, watching tv, and migrating to distant cities to work

Financial globalization has allowed for

corporations to move factories from one country to another

A language of mixed origin that developed from a complex blending of two parent languages is called

creole language

The comparative method

derives insights from careful comparisons of aspects of two or more cultures or societies

Franz Boas and his students were ___ emphasizing that cultural characteristics result from a spread of cultural attributes from one society to another.


Cultural ___ often exist not in spite of but because of global interconnections.


For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which of the following symbol?

elaborating symbol

Bronislaw Malinowski developed the ___ method, which requires the researcher to live with people for years in order to develop the "native's point of view."


The method linguistic anthropologists use for recording oral poetry, stories, and ritual language is ___.


The study of how people classify things in the world is called:


___ are people who are expelled by the authorities of their home countries.


Which of the following is the defining methodology for the discipline of anthropology?


___ happens under special environmental conditions and can turn hard tissues into stone.


If you wanted to study patterns of kin relations in a community, which method would you use?

genealogical method

The use of MtDNA sequencing and the establishment of haplogroups allowed researchers working on the Hoyo Negro project to establish

genetic connections with modern humans

One of the main reasons localization interests anthropologists is that

global intergration creates opportunity for local cultures to express themselves

According to anthropologists, ____________ is the contemporary widening of scale of cross-cultural interactions owing to the rapid movement of money, people, goods, images, and ideas.


Which of the following us a contributing factor to the development of creoles, pidgins, and other hybrid forms of language?

globalization, migration, colonialism, and commerce

___ are important for an anthropologist to write down because they reflect his or her private observations, which can also be useful data.


An anthropologist who practices participatory-action research would likely use this method in

helping a community fix its social issues by giving the people the power to research and fix it

If Jakob Grimm, who developed what has come to be known as Grimm's law, were analyzing the historical relationships among the so-called dialects of Chinese, what data would he be looking for in his linguistic fieldwork?

how the speakers of each dialect pronounce different words with similar meanings in several dialects

Cultural ___ occurs when influential nations of the West impose their products and beliefs on less powerful nations.


The key scenario differs from other kinds of symbols because it

implies how people should act

The major goal of "development" is

importing health, exapnded capitalist markets, and alleviating poverty

Anthropologists often disguise the identity of their ___.


Which term refers to the knowledge about other people that emerges from relationships?


Which of the following is not true about hybridization theories?

it explains why conflict is growing in the world

The research that anthropologist Karen Tranberg Hansen has done on secondhand clothing in Zambia is interesting because

it highlights how people impose local meanings on objects

A world systems theory is important for all of the following reasons except

it lends itself readily to ethnographic methodology

The U.S. government's prohibition of Native American children speaking their indigenous languages in Indian schools has contributed most profoundly to

language death

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