Anthro Midterm

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Who was responsible for the theory of functionalism?

Bronislaw Malinowski

Who was responsible for the theory of social evolutionism?

E. B. Tylor

A unit of sound that distinguishes meaning in a particular language is syntax.


Anthropologists generally believe in one unified theory of culture.


Edward Burnett Tylor and Lewis H. Morgan challenged the early evolutionists in anthropology.


Field notes are usually written on the spot, not after the fact.


Norms consist of the shared ideas about the desirable goals of a society.


Opportunities to use linguistic anthropology are few and far between.


Research that involves interviews, observations, images, objects, and words is a quantitative study.


The biological anthropologists who studied the effects of tourism in Mexico documented the increased health of the villages in response to the influx of money by the tourists.


___________ are defined by their complete reliance on wild food resources.


Expectations of behaviors at weddings are an example of what component of cultural knowledge?


According to the lecture notes, which of the following is NOT a reason given for studying anthropology?

To increase one's financial success due to greater social skills

"Going native" is an old-fashioned term.


A major social impact of industrial agriculture is social stratification, as can be seen by the creation of a peasant class.


According to the lecture notes, "museum anthropology" is the collecting the 'stuff' of other cultures they could preserve that culture.


According to the lecture notes, early evolutionary theories created racial hierarchies.


All interview data suffers from the filters of the informant and the anthropologist.


All parts of culture and the environment change to some degree as they interact.


Biological anthropology is also known as physical anthropology.


Bronislaw Malinowski developed the ethnographic method, which requires the researcher to live with people for years in order to develop the "native's point of view."


Collective definitions of proper and improper behavior "built" meanings through common experiences and negotiations are cultural constructions.


Different languages appear to encapsulate different worldviews.


Labor divided by gender and labor divided by age are culturally universal concepts.


Most human diets follow a common pattern.


Most people are unaware of the structure of a language until someone speaking it makes a mistake.


Not speaking is a form of communication.


The comparative method allows anthropologists to derive insights from careful comparisons of two or more cultures or societies.


The ethnographic method is a hallmark of cultural anthropology


The ethnographic method is a qualitative methodology.


The loss of one's field notes fills most anthropologists with a sense of horror.


A key principle of the holistic perspective developed by Franz Boas is:

a goal of synthesizing the entire context of human experience

Which project would be best suited to parachute ethnography?

a study of community response to a disaster

The idea that Ongee ancestors make tidal waves and earthquakes would be understood by an interpretive anthropologist as:

a way of explaining how the world works

Research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people is:

action anthropology

This refers to using technologies such as irrigation, plows harnessed to draft animals, and so on to grow crops:


A cross-cultural perspective on eating insect larvae would reveal:

all of the above (A. the artificiality of taste B.the cultural constructions of insects as food C.that eating insects can be adaptive)

Which of the following is a feature of language?

all of the above ( is used to communicate is systematic consists of sounds organized into words according to some sort of grammar)

A traffic light is an example of:

an explicit norm

Which of the following is the most significant aspect of the salvage paradigm?

anthropologists need to collect information from societies before they die out

This example of Hockett's Design Features refers to the fact that there is no necessary or causal connection between a signal and its meaning:


______ would be the MOST likely anthropologists to be concerned with the material remains. (artifacts) left by human activities


Why was symbolic anthropologist Mary Douglas so interested in Jewish dietary laws?

because they were a way to communicate symbolic piety

The anthropological research methodology called participant-observation is characterized by:

both getting involved in social activities and watching those activities.

A quantitative approach to studying the archaeological past would be most interested in:

building and testing hypotheses by collecting, classifying, and measuring the remains of past cultures

Which of the following is a contributing factor to the development of creoles, pidgins, and other hybrid forms of language?

colonialism globalization commerce *all of the above

The subfield of anthropology that studies human diversity, beliefs, and practice is called:

cultural anthropology

Research that is guided by a hypothesis, derived from a previously formulated theory, is called:


Assuming your culture's way of doing things is the best is:


Judging other people's cultures based on one's own culture is called:


Which of the following involves both (1) using your own system to interpret what others are doing; and (2) insisting that your own system is the only one that makes any sense?


A general term for both agriculture and horticulture:


Most anthropologists would agree that ___________ is the prototypical research method of anthropology.


__________ are interviews among a small cluster of people.

focus groups

An important element required for successful "rapid appraisal" data collection is:

good general knowledge of the area/topic being studied

______ is the anthropological concept that all things human are interconnected.


During anthropological fieldwork, cultural anthropologists:

learn the local language, record people's economic transactions, and study how environmental changes affect agriculture

Culture is

learned and shared

The biocultural logic of local foodways is related to each of the following observations EXCEPT:

many groups of people will willingly change their foodways when something better, such as industrial agriculture, comes along


means that one applies one's own cultural standards to another culture

One group of chimpanzees has learned to use sticks for hunting from watching each other. This is an example of a:


Kinesics is a system for communication through:


The rules, principles, or standards of behavior:


During colonialism, the perception of non-Western peoples as primitive or savage is referred to as the process of:


The use of this research technique involves living with and taking part in the life of the people being studied:

participant observation

The anthropological research method that relies primarily on face-to-face contact with people as they go about their daily lives is called:

participant observation.

American English recognizes about 40 significant language sounds. These are called:


Participant observation refers to the:

practice of living among the people being studied.

An important ethical concern for anthropologists is to:

protect their informants

Taking photos at a field site would be an example of ________ research (as compared to these researches that are statistical-based).


Techniques that classify features of a phenomenon and count, measure, and construct statistical models are collecting and analyzing:

quantitative data

The scientific term used for the research method which surveys large numbers of people:


Farming where temporary fields are partially cleared in forest or jungle, planted for 1 or a few crop cycles, and then abandoned is called:

slash-and-burn horticulture

Fieldwork involves:

statistical analysis of gendered distributions of labor

A foodways perspective on human evolution would emphasize:

that changes in human dietary physiology are intertwined with how people grow, share, and eat food

Edward Sapir, who had been a student of Franz Boas's, saw himself as both a cultural anthropologist and a professionally trained linguist. He urged cultural anthropologists to pay close attention to language during field research because:

the "real world" is to a large extent unconsciously built up from the language habits of a particular social group language is a guide to "social reality" we understand the material world through the language we speak *all of the above

What prompted intellectuals to start systematically explaining the differences among people?

the Industrial Revolution

An evolutionary perspective would be most likely to explain colonialism as:

the natural abilities of more civilized people to control less civilized people

The observation of some phenomenon followed by a hypothesis, experimentation, testing of theories, and descriptions of findings is called:

the scientific method

Using life history interviews, researchers are able to:

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

According to the lecture notes, Julian Steward called foragers) the "original affluent society" because their wealth is measured in valued leisure time.


According to the lecture notes, the verandah approach in anthropology allowed for the researcher's full immersion into the indigenous culture.


According to the lecture, the presence of culture is a pre-requisite condition for the expression of sociality.


Another term for "plow agriculture" is horticulture.


Brent Berlin and Paul Kay found that if a language had only three color terms, they would always be black (dark), white (light), and purple.


Cultural adaptation is a static process.


Cultural appropriation involves relationships of power.


Culture consists of groups of physically alike people.


Culture groups with fewer members are useful for the anthropologist because they are comparatively heterogeneous.


Culture groups with fewer members are useful for the anthropologist because they are comparatively primitive.


Culture is always adaptive.


Ethnology is the study of animal behaviors and is often confused with ethology, the study of culture.


Most differences between human groups are the result of biology rather than culture.


People in horticultural societies were rarely aware of the effects of their production practices on the environment.


Phonology is the study of morphemes, the smallest units of a language that convey meaning


Since people vary physically and culturally, there must be a connection.


Societies tend to stick with one mode of subsistence.


The American Anthropological Association's "Principles of Professional Responsibility" admits that people have to be exploited in the name of science.


The ability to digest milk into adulthood is called lactase impersistence.


V. Gordon Childe coined the term "Industrial Revolution".


Words that differ by only one single sound contrast, like in the case of "ban," "man," and "pan," are called maximal pairs.


The presence of any observer alters cultural behavior. This is called by which anthropological term?

Heisenberg Effect

Which of the following examples would be considered to be an expression of one's value?

I think that women's blouses have become immodest.

A key feature of the culture concept is that it refers to the taken-for-granted notions, rules, moralities, and behaviors within a social group that feel natural.


A modern definition of culture emphasizes the values, beliefs, and rules that lie behind behavior rather than the actual observable behavior itself.


According the lecture notes, the biocultural approach addresses the biological, cultural, and environmental aspects of humanity.


According to Cynthia Clarke, because missionaries, merchants and the military lived with indigenous peoples, the descriptions of these colonialists supported the armchair anthropologists' work.


Another name for animal husbandry is pastoralism.


Anthropologists often disguise the identity of their informants.


Anthropologists should always make copies of their field notes.


Anthropologists shy away from applying the term "primitive" to any culture.


Anthropology combats racial and ethnic stereotypes and bigotry.


Culture can be transmitted virtually through the Internet in addition to face-to-face interaction.


Culture consists of the collective processes that make the artificial seem natural.


Data that are numerical and are presented in charts and tables are called quantitative.


Each culture presented represents a different way of cultural adaptation.


Elaborating symbols and summarizing symbols work in opposite ways.


Every fieldworker can recount their faux pas connected to their field work.


Evolution refers to the adaptive changes that organisms make across generations.


Foodways are the structured beliefs and behaviors surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food.


Hockett would say that one of the design features of language is semanticity.


In agriculture, the same piece of land is permanently cultivated.


In anthropology, diversity refers to multiplicity and variety, which is not the same as difference.


In the view of many anthropologists, questionnaire results are not as rich as more open-ended interviews.


Language allows us to store memories in our words


Making the peace sign with your fingers in a V-shape would be an example of an emblem.


Michael Ames developed exhibits with native Canadian communities at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia because he believed in collaboration.


Most culture groups used mixed production strategies.


One of the design features of language is learnability.


Psychologists have succeeded in teaching chimpanzees very simple symbols.


Sometimes, anthropologists must use interpreters.


The "armchair approach" in cultural anthropology preceded the "veranda approach."


The anthropologist always learns the language before going into the field.


The meme is cultural analog of the gene.


The study of a specific culture might be defined as an attempt to understand the ways some people are the same.


The study of artifacts is shared by archaeologists and cultural anthropologists.


The technical term for animal studies is ethology.


There are four major modes of subsistence that anthropologists understand as the social relationships and practices necessary for procuring, producing, and distributing food.


There are more undernourished people than obese and overweight people in the world.


There is rarely any guessing involved in the development of theories because they are tested repeatedly.


"Displacement" in language refers to the:

ability to refer to things remote in time or place

Culture, as defined today, has changed from the meaning given to it during the 19th century. Today:

culture is seen as values and beliefs that lie behind behavior rather than as actual behavior

This example of Hockett's Design Features refers to the fact that the units used for communication can be separated into distinct units that cannot be mistaken for one another:


The theory of culture that proposes that cultural practices, beliefs, and institutions fulfill the psychological and physical needs of society is called:


Referring to cultural behaviors not recognized by the people themselves but through anthropological analysis.

implicit functions

The key scenario differs from other kinds of symbols because it

implies how people should act

This example of Hockett's Design Features refers to the fact that any speaker can utter any message.


The most significant quality of a "key informant" is that s/he:

is knowledgeable about his/her culture.

Charles Darwin developed the concept of:

natural selection

All the intangible items produced in a society such as laws, values, norms, and language is called this:

non-material culture

This example of Hockett's Design Features refers to the fact that a speech message does not last:

rapid fading

This term refers to bundles of ideas and behaviors:


An anthropologist who promotes principles of agroecology would likely view horticulture as:

useful to learn new principles about sustainable farming

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