Anthropology Exam 2

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Which NWM uses scent to make their territory?


Diversity in habitat

live in hella places like trees and on the ground arbureal - in trees and terrestrial - on the ground

one difference between catyrrhines and platyrrhines

plats have 3 premolars and cats have 2 premolars


primate traits can be very good for living in trees, BUT many other non-primate animals also live in trees.

Diversity and social groupings

primates can be monogamous, polygamous, paramagous (1 female and many males or 1 male and many females, which is most common)


primates have it even though it could be costly (problem with evolution) (ex adoption). aspect of culture

Insectivore ON EXAM

small body size, sharp cusps on teeth, high sharp molar crests, simple digestive system


a sub order of primates. lemurs. lorises, and galagoes. Larger eyes and ears, small body, from Africa, Asia, and Madagascar, Nocturnal (lack color vision, have rhinarium and special glads to leave scents, and longish snout. have a grooming claw and horizontal tooth comb, vertical leaping motion. Communicate vocally and olfactorily. live in tree. small brain.

Primate Studies

A) captive studies - offers insight to primate interaction but it's not a natural habitat so it can produce abnormal behavior B) Semi - freeranging studies (islands) - still captive but in a more natural habitat (used on macaques) C) field studies - Jane Goodall (chimps) Diane Fossey (gorillas) Birute Galdikas (orangutans)

I am arboreal • I have a tail • I have a narrow nasal septum • I live in the Americas • I have a prehensile tail Who am I?

Atelidae - spider or howler monkey

Which ape was not shown int the scifri video?


Primate sociality and social systems

a grouping pattern in which a primate species lives. included Solitary (small separate groups. primates only interact to mate), pairbonded (monogamy and small groups. no male competition), polyandry (small groups esp. marmmosets and tamarins), Polygyny (multimale and one male all in big group) one male - howler monkey and gorilla. multimale - chimps and bonobos

_________ is a general characteristic of the order of primates.

a log ontogeny

parental investment

a strategy is evolved behavior as a product of Natural Selection. Cost and benefits are the trade offs in reproductive success where the costs decrease ones fitness and the benefits increase ones fitness

The fruit-eating ____________ are much more active than the slow-moving ____________ that live on a high-fiber, low calorie diet.

lowland gorillas; mountain gorillas

male reproductive asymmetry

males have greater variance in reproductive success, invest more time and energy in finding mates because access to females ensures their reproductive success

frugivore ON EXAM

medium body size, large broad incisors, low cusps, flat molars, large digestive system but not specialized

Family Atidae

owl and night monkey, 2 nocturnal family

sexual dimorphism and the mating system

pairbonding - little male competition and little dimorphism one male groups - YUGE body and canine dimorphism multimale groups - just general large dimorphism


part of a home range that is a defended area against other members of the same species very territorial primates have home ranges that don't over lap because they have to defend mates and resources. has a cost/benefit relationship (cost: defend area - energy, Benefit: protected limited resources and mates) groups that aren't territorial have home ranges that overlap

what is in NWM and not OWM?

prehensile tail

female philopatry

primate social system in which females remain and breed in the group of their birth, whereas males emigrate to the different groups

male philopatry

primate social system in which males remain and breed in the group of their birth, whereas females emigrate to the different groups

A chronic concern that occupies much of the day for the nonhuman primate is the balance between the energy required to find food and the ________ of the food.


Diversity in size

ranging from a few ounces to hundreds of pounds

Hominoids (apes)

relatively large brains, tailess (what makes an ape), main form of motion is brachiation (monkey bars), wide and flat chest help this, unspecialized molars, extended ontengeny, social complexity, broken into lesser and great apes

Gumnivore ON EXAM

relatively small body size, long robust incisors, have digging claws in some, also specialized digestive system

how do humans and apes fit in Nature

share same kingdom (Animalia), Phylum (chordata), Subphylum (vertebrata), class (Mammalia) and order (primates)

predation defenses

small, terrestrial primates are more susceptible to predation, adaptations: arboreal beings - run and hide in trees and terrestrial beings have a larger body size. most primates use vocalization to warn others, have an increased group size (both inter- and intra-species) these groups add extra detection (more eyes to see predator) deterence (with mobbing behavior) dillution (individual risk goes down)

Family Callitridae

smallest body size, tamarinds and marmosets, with twins, has claw like nails which is based on what they eat (gumnivore), polyandrous mating system (1 female and many males) , very hairy and fluffy animals, known for mustaches, quadrupedal

Primate Life History

all have single offspring (exception in marmosets and tamarins (NWM) who give birth to twins and triplets). they give time and energy investment in a FEW babies. Hvae an expansion and complexion in the brain (big brain = increased flexibility in behavior). They have an extended stages in lifecycle because of the social learning process, so many mammals live longer than primates.

females and reproductive strategies

always invest heavily in offspring with gestation and lactation because brain growth and learning are energetically expensive and they have long infant periods. resources are critical for reproductive success because more food = more offspring (seen in food provision study in macaques). a higher rank also means more offspring because they have more access to resources - seen in gray langurs. resources also influence the maturation rate of offspring

reciprocal altruism

among individuals without shared genetic material and they balance reciprocal acts (ex grooming, food sharing, and support). interactions must be frequent, they keep score, and constantly support each other. aspect of culture


ancestral character traits like we have 5 digits, a general limb structure but we move in a variety of ways, generalized diet because of teeth (varied dentition) front teeth (incisors), canine, molars, premolars.

Hylobatidae (lesser apes)

gibbons, found in Asia, arboreal (longer arms, and true brachiators) frugivorous), most vocal of all nonhuman primates, socially monogamous but not really reproductively monogamous, males and females are the same size

Primate language

great apes lack the physical ability to speak (pharynx and larynx position) and the brain functions to speak. Doesn't mean that they lack the intelligence to communicate, they just use other means like sign language. they can learn up to 1000 signs (koko) and have the understanding of a small child. aspect of culture

Cercopithecoidea (Old World Monkeys)

habitat, size, diet diversity (very diverse species), has ischial callosities rough skin patch on the butt, bilophodent molars (double ridged molars) Sexual dimorphism (males and females differ in size), 2 subfamilies called colobines and cercopithecines

Primates do NOT __________.

have a short gestation period

Old World monkeys do NOT __________.

have prehensile tails

Primate Sociality

helps predator avoidance, feeding competition with access through socialization. Costs: more competition for food, mates, disease transmission. Females are driven by food and males are driven by mates so they work together to satisfy the drives

Niche defintion

how a particular species makes a living

Family Atelidae

howler, spider (hangs by tail), and woolly monkeys, largest fam of NWM, suspensory motion, prehensile tail

The diversity of lemur species found on Madagascar has been negatively influenced by which factor?

human hunting in the last 1500 years

Diversity in locomotion

humans are the only biped animals but we (and others) can move in many ways like each other

Primate Diets

if they have certain teeth, they prefer to eat certain foods. Eat fruit (frugivores), eat insects (insectivore), eat plants (herbivores), eat tree gums (gumnivores)

ecological release

in the absence of competition, species return to a preferred condition that was previous to them

Male tactics in sexual selection

infanticide (observed by Sarah Hardy. they do this so that females can reproduce sooner. NOT reproductive beneficial for females but females evolved counter strategies by creating paternal confusion and making males friendships which are beneficial for both.


interspecies relationships as well share same emotions and culture, because of this many established countries established the Great Ape Protection act gave nonhuman primates the right to life, freedom, and prohibition of torture, all except US signed it

Arm leg ratio of each form of locomotion

knuckle walker - long arms and shorter legs vertical climber and leaper - long legs and shorter arms quadruped - all the same length brachiator - long arms and short legs

Herbivore ON EXAM

large body size, small incisors, sharp shearing crest molars, enlarged well developed digestive system.


largest of apes, sexual dimorphism, live in polygamous mating structure (1 M and many Fs), silver back = full grown reproducing male. eat mixed vegetation and fruit if available, knuckle walkers and have long arms


learned behaviors transmitted from generation to generation by non-biological means (learn by observation, not instruction), varies from group to group by region and within species. seen in macaques and Chimps. humans are not the only ones to use tools (learned behavior)

Family Pithicidae

least known about in NWM, very odd and eat seeds.

Platyrrhines (New World Monkeys)

live in central and south american forests, arboreal bc of forest adaptation, variation in size, but smaller than old world monkeys, Quadrupedal (on all fours), prehensile tail, have 3 premolars, make up 5 families.

sexual selection strategies

subset of NS dealing with how animals attract mates. often stringer than actual natural selection. Males increase NS with the number of mates which is increased in male competition (intrasexual selection and sexual dimorphism) BUT females increase RS by increasing offspring survival so they are choosy about which traits they want for their child to survive (intersexual selection)


tarsiers, new and old world monkeys, apes, humans, possess all traits of being a primate (opposed to strepsirhines) emphasis on vision, most are diurnal, 3 groups- Tarsiiformes (tarsiers - which were formerly strepsirhines) Platyrrhini and Catyrrhini


the ability to control access to resources. the Dominance Hierarchy - the ranking of individuals in a group that reflects their ability to displace, intimidate, and defeat other males

Anthropomorphism and Anthropodenial

the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object and blindness to human like characteristics in other animals. must have a balance of both to be accurate

The tarsier is __________.

the most carnivorous nonhuman primate

core area

the part of a home range that is most intensely used, can completely overlap with home range

Visual Predation Hypothesis

the proposition that unique primate traits arose as adaptations to preying on insects and on small animals. We see what we can get.


Pan troglodytes (genus species) from Africa, Fission Fusion groups, fruit vegetation and meat, can hunt and use tools

closest relative outside primates

bats, shrews (earliest primates), and flying lemurs


Pan paniscus (genus species), Africa in the small part of Congo, multi male and female group (fission fusion system), fruit vegetation, and some meat,


2nd Asian ape in Borneo and Sumatra, largest arboreal animal in the world, fist walkers and open palmed feet (4 handed), eats fruits, leaves, and bark, relatively solitary and not very social but intense male competition for mates. alternative mating system when the male cam compress his growth to look less threatening to females because they have sexual dimorphism and males are usually larger than females

Statistical diversity among primates

5-10 million species of plants and animals, 4000 are mammals and 300 are nonhuman primates

• I am quadrupedal • I am a gumnivore • I have claw-like nails • I lack a tooth comb • I frequently give birth to twins Who am I?

Calltricidae - tamarins and marmosets

• I live in Africa • I have ischial callosities • I am quadrupedal • I have great vision • I have cheek pouches Who am I?

Cercopithecine - baboon or macaque

competitive exclusion principle

Ecological rule that states that no two species can occupy the same exact niche in the same habitat at the same time. Why we don't see species with the same niche. one always out-competes the other

• I live in Asia • I lack sexual dimorphism • I have postorbital closure (a plate) • I have no tail • I am the only "true" brachiator Who am I?


• I live in Africa • I am sexually dimorphic • I am a knuckle walker • I live in 1-male, multi-female groups Who am I?



Old World Monkeys, Apes, Humans, larger body size and diverse habitat, varied dentition (all have the 2:1:2:3 dental formula) 2 premolars, narrow nostrils, and wide geographical distribution

Colobines (monkeys)

Langers, colobus monkey, leaf eaters (have a complex stomach and sharp molars, which are high cusps), arboreal (long legs), narrow incisors and a deep jaw, first species noticed to have infanticide in the human colobus monkey (murdering of the own species members) this is common among particular mating system (1 M and many Fs) found to be a mating male strategy

• I have a postorbital bar • I have a tooth comb • I am diurnal • I live in Madagascar Who am I?


Linnaeus, Darwin, Modern Studies

Linnaeus - first to recognize our relation to apes and similarities Darwin - put our similarities to evolution Modern Studies - gave genetic input to similarities

• I am nocturnal • I have a rhinarium • I have a grooming claw • I move by vertically clinging and leaping • I live in Asia Who am I?


Which OWM is the most resourceful?


Which lemur in the scifri video was nocturnal?

Mouse lemur

Three premolars are found among the __________.

New World Monkeys

4 factors that determine how much energy a primate needs

Proportional Basal Metabolic Rate - large animals eat lots of low quality food because they rest a lot. Small animals eat small amounts of high quality food because they move faster. Active Metabolism - small animals move faster so they have a higher active metabolism Growth rate - more food required during growth period Reproductive effort - pregnant females need more food

How did Jane Goodall change the structure of primatological fieldwork in the 1960s?

She increased the standard length of time spent in the field collecting data.

Which lemur specialized in jumping and had the longest legs to arms ratio?

Sifaka lemur

_____________ is considered the most fundamental primate adaptation.


Strepsirhines are mostly ________________ and denote their territory by scent marking.


• I am nocturnal • I live in Asia • I am a vertical clinger and leaper • I lack a rhinarium Who am I?


Primate Ecology

The study of how primates interact with their environment both behaviorally and socially (including other organisms) to see how they survive and reproduce.


baboons and macaques, cheek pouches, terrestrial (meaning they're well studied), Estrus (have a period of sexual receptiveness), even distribution of arms and legs, able to adapt to nontropical environments which is where most primates live, large canines (incisors) and a shallow jaw,

Family cebidae

capuchin and squirrel monkeys, live in large groups, most intelligent of NWM

Why study primates?

closest relatives, share a recent ancestor, they're a way to study us in the past, they're going extinct


collection of plesiomorphies and apomorphies, very diverse (not all entirely the same), endothermic (maintain body temp by sweating and shivering and only have certain survival range temps), heterodonty (have different types of teeth), long gestation period and give live births, care for their young, secrete milk and the parental investment is longer, very general and hard to define but they have trends and very adaptable

I like to eat leaves • I am diurnal • I have a complex digestive tract • I live in Asia • I have a tail Who am I?


Among female philopatric primate groups, females tend to __________.

cooperate or at least limit their competition over food resources


derived character traits, like the tendency to stand and sit up straight, opposable thumbs, prehensile hands (power and precision grips) nails instead of claws, color vision and stenotypic vision (visually oriented), enclosed eye orbit (postorbital bar or plate), Petrosal bulla (skeletal casing of middle ear for protection), decreased smell and small snout (called a rhinarium which is a wet nose), Tendency towards diurnal activity and not nocturnal

Diversity in activity patterns

diurnal vs nocturnal

Diversity in diets

eat a lot because of our teeth and where we live

kin selection

enhances reproductive success by saving a life or helping a relative (bc of shared genetics) it is beyond NS and answers the evolutionary problem. aspect of culture

T or F lemurs are more related to tarsiers than lorises


Chimpanzees live in a social group where individuals are temporarily associated and branch off into smaller groups. This system is known as _________.



from indonesia, small, nocturnal, vertical leapers, but NO tooth comb or rhinarium and have postorbital plate, genetically closer to haplorhine and visually oriented.

NOVA summary

the similarities between chimpanzees and humans are much greater than we originally thought and apes have a lot more characteristics that were considered to be human like cooperation (even though it is hard, seen in bonobos more), imitation, emotion, and routine tool use and rationalization. they can also understand sign language and verbal commands. these have all said to be uniquely human, but apes have them too. they have all the necessary things to take over, but why aren't they? their impulsiveness and immediate lack of pointing and nonneediness of pointing and communication in the wild keeps them back.

home range

the spatial area used by a primate group

Ecology definition

the study of relationships between plants, animals, and their physical environment in which they live.

Males and reproductive strategies

their energy goes towards finding new mates. if finding mates is relatively easy or if an offspring can be raised by one parent alone influences their reproductive success. its all about making sure that the offspring survive so that the achieve reproductive success

large incisors, and a simple digestive system means what?

they are a frugivore

Red colobus monkeys are more likely to avoid predation by chimpanzees when __________.

they are on the periphery of the chimpanzees' community territory rather than in the core area.

female reproductive asymmetry

they have a low reproductive potential so they invest more time and energy in offspring before they can reproduce again. food ensures reproductive success

Aggression Studies

to study the ideas of innate human competition and aggression. found fighting which may or may not involve contact and competition (the struggle for resources). Primates use hierarchy and threat displays to avoid combat. Even after combat they use reconciliation (a key factor to the social aspect, to keep social order and peace). aspect of culture

one example of cultural tradition in primates is __________.

tool use among chimpanzees

Territorial defense often includes __________, which allow long distance warnings of approaching threats.


Regarding nonhuman primates and their predators, an individual living in a large group _________

will spend less time scanning their surroundings for predators

are gibbons socially monogamous?


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