Anthropology study guide weeks 1-6

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The human karyotype consists of __________ pairs of chromosomes. 46 23 48 24


How many chromosomes occur in a normal human somatic cell? 46 50 53 48 44


Human and chimpanzee DNA is roughly __________ identical. 90 percent 100 percent 75 percent 98 percent

98 percent

A woman with the B blood type has a child who has the AB blood type. Which of the following genotypes must the father have in order to have an AB child with a B woman? OO AA BB BO


Charles Darwin was not the only one to conceive of natural selection. Who published an article suggesting current species were descended from other species? Jean Baptiste Lamarck Erasmus Darwin Georges-Louis Leclerk de Buffon Alfred Russel Wallace John Scopes

Alfred Russel Wallace

After mitosis, daughter cells contain the same amount of DNA as in the original cell. What is this due to? meiosis DNA replication recombination protein synthesis pairing of homologous chromosomes

DNA replication

Natural selection favored alleles for light skin in Africa. Europe. South America. Australia.


Prokaryotes have multiple cells, whereas eukaryotes have one. True False


This is a close-up of hair, which is composed of functional proteins. True False


If one side of the DNA ladder includes the sequence CTAATGT, what will be the complementary base configuration for this sequence? AGCCGTG TAATGTC GATTACA GCAACGC


The type of selection that favored progressively larger brain size in human evolution is ________ selection. natural directional stabilizing Disruptive


Ethnographies are the practical application of anthropological theories are studies done by archaeologists emphasize, among other topics, religion, ritual, myth, diet, gender roles, and child-rearing practices are studies of nonhuman primates are studies of only Western European societies

emphasize, among other topics, religion, ritual, myth, diet, gender roles, and child-rearing practices

What is gene flow defined as? production of new alleles production of new genetic material chance loss of alleles in a population exchange of genes between populations differential reproductive success of individuals

exchange of genes between populations

What is the belief that species do not change but are the same as when first created known as? fixity of species the Great Chain of Being truth uniformitarianism natural selection

fixity of species

Studies have shown that UV radiation rapidly depletes ______, which plays a crucial role in neural tube development of the embryo. melanin melanocytes carotene folate vitamin C


Who uses anthropological techniques to assist in crime investigations and to identify skeletal remains in cases of disaster? forensic anthropologists archaeologists cultural anthropologists primatologists paleoanthropologists

forensic anthropologists

The two basic types of cells are somatic cells and zygotes polar bodies gametes autosomes organelles


This picture shows male and female __________ in the process of fertilization. nucleotides genes gametes chromosomes


What are blocks of genetic material that do not recombine and are passed on for generations called? karyotypes haplotypes phenotypes Genotype


Which of the following includes genetic-alterations within populations? paleopathology microevolution osteology macroevolution anatomy


After doing a genetic analysis on your respective __________, you and your roommate learned that you shared the same maternal ancestor 15,000 years ago in Europe. nuclear DNA SNPs mRNA mtDNA


What is the only source of new genetic material in any population? mutation genetic drift founder effect migration Natural selection


The HbS allele increased in frequency in West African populations due to which of the following? sickle-cell anemia genetic drift migration increased mutation rates natural selection

natural selection

The fact that individuals who possess favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than those who possess less favorable traits is the basis for which theory? uniformitarianism natural selection the inheritance of acquired characteristics catastrophism the fixity of species

natural selection

Homeostasis may be studied indirectly by observing living populations as they engage in various activities in various settings. experimentally manipulating or replicating environmental conditions and observing human responses. identifying the genome of a given population of humans. observing differences in such measures as body temperature across human groups.

observing living populations as they engage in various activities in various settings.

Acclimatization occurs at the individual level throughout an individual's lifetime. occurs at the individual level during childhood. involves adaptations specifically to climate change. occurs at the population level via natural selection.

occurs at the individual level throughout an individual's lifetime.

What comprises a nucleotide? sugar, protein, and an amino acid sugar, protein, and a nitrogen base sugar, phosphate, and an amino acid phosphate, and a nitrogen base

phosphate, and a nitrogen base

The study of human biology within the framework of human evolution can be said to be the domain of which of the following? osteology cultural anthropology archaeology physical/biological anthropology primatology

physical/biological anthropology

Melanocytes are cells that produce carotene are found in the dermis only occur in dark-skinned individuals produce melanin cause cancer

produce melanin

Wolff's law is the principle that the lengths of limb bones are related to environmental conditions. applies to the maintenance of the entire endocrine system. states that after puberty there will be almost no further remodeling of bone when it is under stress. refers to the homeostatic balance leading to bone mass being produced where it is needed and removed where it is not needed.

refers to the homeostatic balance leading to bone mass being produced where it is needed and removed where it is not needed.

"Fitness," in an evolutionary sense, refers to an individual's strength reproductive success aggressiveness size age at death

reproductive success

Which of the following was one of the most observable physical differences in physical anthropologists' early studies of human variation? Eye color shape of head and face Weight Height Hair color

shape of head and face

Ultraviolet radiation can be an important factor in selection for increased melanin production because UV radiation can cause which of the following? rickets albinism skin cancer the rebuilding of folate spina bifida

skin cancer

Dark skin (a result of increased melanin production in equatorial peoples) is likely a response to ultraviolet (UV)radiation, because UV radiation can cause skin cancer. hypoxia. rickets. Hypothermia.

skin cancer.

If two individuals can successfully produce offspring who can also reproduce, they must be members of the same _________________. cline populace confraternity cohort species


The principle of uniformitarianism stated that the geological processes that operated in the past are still occurring in the present was a problem for the development of evolutionary theories proposed that the earth was only a few thousand years old was the same as the theory of catastrophism was first proposed by Georges Cuvier

stated that the geological processes that operated in the past are still occurring in the present

Archaeologists only examine complex civilizations are not interested in human behavior primarily recover valuable artifacts never work with physical anthropology study earlier human groups using artifacts and structures as their evidence

study earlier human groups using artifacts and structures as their evidence

Genetic drift is the change in allele frequencies produced by random factors the result of large populations the opposite of founder effect not evolutionary change the change in allele frequencies produced by nonrandom factors

the change in allele frequencies produced by random factors

Regarding the example of the peppered moth, which of the following is not true the two color patterns resulted from genetic variation in the species it has recently come under criticism natural selection acted upon pre-existing variation in the population the dark is more visible on the trees darkened by pollution the most common variety of the peppered moth in England, prior to the 19thcentury, was a mottled gray color.

the dark is more visible on the trees darkened by pollution

What does the term biocultural evolution refer to? the interaction between biology and culture in human evolution changes in human culture from generation to generation biological changes in a species over time biological evolution in all species except humans the influence of genetic engineering on culture

the interaction between biology and culture in human evolution

The origins of physical anthropology arose from two areas of interest among 19thcentury scientists. What did these areas concern? human evolution and nonhuman primates the genetic determinants of behavior and osteology nonhuman primates and origins of modern species human variation and osteology the origins of modern species and human variation

the origins of modern species and human variation

Which is the best example of natural selection? the peppered moth the medium ground finch of the Galápagos the recent increase in resistant strains of disease-causing microorganisms the recent decrease in resistant strains of disease-causing microorganisms Mendel's project with peas and beans

the recent increase in resistant strains of disease-causing microorganisms

In protein synthesis, __________ refers to "unzipping" the DNA, and __________ refers to the formation of polypeptide chains. meiosis; mitosis translocation; nondisjunction division; replication transcription; translation

transcription; translation

Forensic anthropologists study nonhuman primates examine the relationships between medical treatment and culturally determined views of disease are primarily concerned with the recovery of material culture remains study disease and trauma in ancient populations apply anthropological techniques to the law

apply anthropological techniques to the law

Which of the following contributes most to skin color? hemoglobin melanin carotene vitamin D short-term acclimatization


Which subdiscipline of anthropology is concerned with various aspects of human language? applied anthropology anthropometry ethnology linguistic anthropology primatology

linguistic anthropology

This figure demonstrates __________, the inheritance of a package of genes from the same chromosome. trisomy linkage recombination translocation


Primatology is the study of human skeletal material disease in earlier human groups skeletal remains at crime scenes human evolution living nonhuman primates

living nonhuman primates

Which of the following is a regulatory or functional protein? collagen red blood cells keratin Antibodies


______ is the practical application of the subfields of anthropology. Physical anthropology Applied anthropology Archaeology Linguistics Cultural anthropology

Applied anthropology

After learning in biological anthropology class that a cleft chin is recessive and that dimples, a free-hanging earlobe, and tongue rolling are dominant, your friend tells you over dinner that she is certain she is adopted. What could have caused her to arrive at this conclusion? Both of her parents can roll their tongues but she cannot. Her father has a free-hanging earlobe but she has an attached earlobe. Her mother has dimples but she does not. Both of her parents have cleft chins but she does not.

Both of her parents have cleft chins but she does not.

__________________refined the existing system of classifying biological organisms into a binomial system. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Georges Cuvier Carolus Linnaeus George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon Erasmus Darwin

Carolus Linnaeus

___________________wrote the highly praised Principles of Geology in which was emphasized the principle of uniformitarianism. Charles Darwin Charles Lyell Alfred Russel Wallace Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Thomas Malthus

Charles Lyell

Which of the following is true of the relativistic view of culture? It allows us to understand our concerns and to view our own culture from a narrower perspective. It allows us to understand other people's concerns and to view our own culture from a broader perspective. We understand the importance of our culture. We come to recognize the superiority of humans. We realize that we can judge other species using human criteria

It allows us to understand other people's concerns and to view our own culture from a broader perspective.

Which is not true about paleoanthropology? It is a valid way to conduct anthropology. It is the study of human evolution. Its goal is to identify the various human ancestors. It includes the fossils of ancient reptiles and amphibians. It attempts to gain insights into human adaptation and behavior.

It includes the fossils of ancient reptiles and amphibians.

What is a hypothesis? It is proof of a theory. It is equivalent to a theory. It is a provisional statement regarding certain scientific facts or observations. It is a statement that has been proven to be true. It is a fact from which conclusions can be drawn.

It is a provisional statement regarding certain scientific facts or observations.

Dark skin is found in populations near the equator. Why? It protects from frostbite. It protects from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation. It helps prevent rickets. It protects from the damaging effects of UV radiation on folate. It increases the skin's exposure to ultraviolet radiation

It protects from the damaging effects of UV radiation on folate.

Who was the first to actually attempt to explain the mechanism by which species change? Carolus Linnaeus Jean-Baptiste Lamarck Charles Lyell Charles Darwin Erasmus Darwin

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

__________________first recognized that species were groups of organisms that were distinguished from other such groups by their ability to mate with one another and produce fertile offspring. John Ray Charles Darwin Carolus Linnaeus Alfred Russel Wallace Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

John Ray

The anthropological perspective does not Help to avoid ethnocentric pitfalls Narrow our viewpoint of how our species through time and space. Offer a wider appreciation through time and space Look at the diversity of the human experience Give a wider appreciation of the human experience

Narrow our viewpoint of how our species through time and space.

____________ is the study of anatomical and behavior human evolution as evidenced by the fossil record. Paleopathology Paleoanthropology Anthropometry Primatology Osteology


________ is the subdiscipline of osteology that is concerned with disease and trauma in earlier populations. Paleoanthropology Forensic anthropology Primatology Anthropometry Paleopathology


Which of the following does not apply to theories Specific statements of scientific relationships that have not been verified Usually concerned with broader and more universal views The result of repeated testing Tested explanations of facts Not absolutes and open for falsification

Specific statements of scientific relationships that have not been verified

Which of following protects from ultraviolet radiation? carotene hemoglobin vitamin D melanin Melanocytes


__________________ proposed that population size increases at a faster rate than food supplies. Erasmus Darwin Alfred Russel Wallace Thomas Malthus Charles Lyell Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Thomas Malthus

The DNA base adenine always pairs with which other DNA base? Mitochondria Cytosine Uracil Guanine Thymine


The assertion that each parent provides one allele for any inherited trait is known as the Law of Segregation. True False


The potato and the guinea pig have more chromosomes than humans do. True False


This diagram represents one of the building blocks of DNA. True False


This picture demonstrates that E. coli is a prokaryotic bacterium. True False


Evolution can be defined as ___________________________. a response of organisms or populations to the environment the process of specialization ! a genetic change in the population that happens over the course of generations patterns of inheritance of traits from parent to offspring genetic change to an individual during its lifetime

a genetic change in the population that happens over the course of generations

Rickets is the result of a lack of vitamin D. a lack of melanin. high UV exposure. severe air pollution.

a lack of vitamin D

What is the term for the rapid expansion and diversification of groups of organisms into newly available ecological niches? generalization homology parallel evolution adaptive radiation specialization

adaptive radiation

In Europe during the Middle Ages, it was believed that all species had evolved from a common ancestor evolution was the result of natural selection acting upon genetic variation all forms were created by God and did not change over time most species had become extinct over time life was created slowly, over millions of years

all forms were created by God and did not change over time

What causes rickets? overexposure to ultraviolet radiation too much vitamin D an insufficient amount of melanin too few melanocytes an insufficient amount of vitamin D

an insufficient amount of vitamin D

Functional adaptations are important population-level genetic changes. occur at the individual level only during childhood. involve using material culture to make living possible in certain settings. are biological adjustments within an individual's lifetime, including developmental adaptations and acclimatization.

are biological adjustments within an individual's lifetime, including developmental adaptations and acclimatization.

Charles Darwin grew up in modest circumstances began to doubt the fixity of species during a voyage around the world in the 1830s received no formal education spent two years in Africa where he developed the theory of natural selection was a physician who studied natural history as a hobby

began to doubt the fixity of species during a voyage around the world in the 1830s

_______ focuses on the study of skeletal remains from archaeological sites. bioarchaeology paleopathology primate paleontology osteology forensic anthropology


Which of the following is made up of the somatic type of eukaryotic cells? ova and sperm the gametes bone and muscle sugar

bone and muscle

Culture ______________________. includes only those aspects of human lifestyle that relate to the arts was not an important factor in human evolution is important only as it pertains to modern humans is genetically determined can be defined as the strategy by which humans adapt to the natural environment

can be defined as the strategy by which humans adapt to the natural environment

Autosomes carry genetic information influencing all physical characteristics carry genetic information that determine the individual's sex occur singularly carry genetic information influencing all physical characteristics except primary sex determination do not carry genetic information

carry genetic information influencing all physical characteristics except primary sex determination

What is the view that the extinction and the subsequent appearance of more modern forms could be explained by a series of disasters and creations? natural selection catastrophism use-disuse theory uniformitarianism descent with modification


The theory that macroevolution proceeds as the result of gradual microevolutionary change is the only explanation of speciation accepted by biologists today is called the theory of punctuated equilibrium has been refuted has been questioned as the exclusive mode of speciation postulates rapid evolutionary change followed by long periods of stasis

has been questioned as the exclusive mode of speciation

A zygote is formed by the union of two somatic cells has only half the full complement of genetic material has the potential to develop into a new individual (the baby in the beginning of being a baby) is part of a nucleotide undergoes meiosis

has the potential to develop into a new individual (the baby in the beginning of being a baby)

Relative to people with a history of living in temperate climates, the Inuit and other cold-adapted populations have lower basal metabolic rates (BMRs). consume more carbohydrates. reduce peripheral body temperatures to maintain core temperatures. have short limbs and large bodies.

have short limbs and large bodies.

How can humans become infected with malaria? having the parasite enter the blood while being fed on by infected mosquitoes having a genetic mutation that manifests as the disease drinking bad water eating spoiled food

having the parasite enter the blood while being fed on by infected mosquitoes

Your friend shows you a photograph of a man whose left arm is protruding from his left hip rather than from his shoulder. This was likely caused by a mutation in which of the following? polypeptides homeotic genes proteins haplogroups

homeotic genes

Structural similarities shared by species that are acquired by descent from a common ancestor are analogies homologies acquired uncommon uninformative of evolutionary relationships


An individual who displays the disease sickle-cell anemia must have inherited the deleterious allele from both phenotypically normal parents. This individual is therefore homozygous, with two dominant alleles. homozygous, with two recessive alleles. heterozygous, with one dominant and one recessive allele. Haplozygous.

homozygous, with two recessive alleles.

The maintenance of homeostasis is a key feature of most levels of any organism's biology. involves the study of populations in their natural environments. involves using material culture to make living possible in certain settings. involves the replication of environmental conditions and human responses to those conditions.

is a key feature of most levels of any organism's biology.

Melanin is advantageous because it provides protection from solar radiation. is a chemical that decreases the possibility of a tan. occurs at high rates in individuals with light skin tone. develops more with age.

is advantageous because it provides protection from solar radiation.

A nucleotide is not a basic unit of the DNA molecule is the same thing as an RNA molecule is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate unit codes for the production of an amino acid can include the nitrogenous base uracil

is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate unit

DNA contains the base uracil is single-stranded is composed of nucleotides is composed of nitrogenous bases, sugars and gametes contains six different nitrogenous bases

is composed of nucleotides

Cultural anthropology is the study of the patterns of belief and behavior found in modern and historical cultures. focuses solely upon the study of traditional societies was first developed as a discipline in the 17th century has no practical application in modern society includes the recovery and analysis of material culture from earlier civilizations

is the study of the patterns of belief and behavior found in modern and historical cultures.

Light-skinned people, when compared to dark skinned people produce too much melanin have rickets lack melanin have no melanocytes are not found in African populations

lack melanin

Which one is not a member of the order Primates? tarsiers prosimians tree shrews monkeys humans

tree shrews

In RNA, __________ replaces thymine as a nucleotide base. cytosine uracil cysteine Valine


What is the term for the theory stating that characteristics acquired during the lifetime of an individual could be passed on to that individual's offspring? natural selection catastrophism use-disuse theory uniformitarianism fixity of species

use-disuse theory

Which of the following is a responsibility of structural proteins found in the human body? whether your hair is straight or curly when you went through puberty whether or not you are lactose intolerant whether your body parts are in the correct location

whether your hair is straight or curly

Hypoxia has been shown to be an agent of natural selection in that Tibetan women at high altitudes have fewer surviving children. with alleles for high oxygen saturation in their hemoglobin have more surviving children. with alleles for high oxygen saturation in their hemoglobin have fewer surviving children. have poor nutrition.

with alleles for high oxygen saturation in their hemoglobin have more surviving children.

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