Anti- Semitism

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Antisemitic acts before WWII ( The Crusades)

1.) Attacked 3 towns- Pope ordered Crusaders to kill Jews 2.) Many Jews were slaughtered and property was burned 3.) Crusaders wanted Jews to convert to Christianity

Antisemitic acts before WWII (Middle Ages (plague))

1.) Believed Jews were the cause of the Black Death *rumored that Jews poisoned the water * Jews were scapegoats

Antisemitic acts before WWII (Wilhelm Marr)

1.) Came up with the term "Anti-semitism" 2.) Taught others that Jews belonged to the "slave race" 3.) Founded the League of Anti-Semitism

Antisemitic acts before WWII (Blood Libel)

1.) People believed that Jews used blood of Christian children during rituals 2.) Blamed Jews as an excuse for why children went missing Children were actually being taken by: kidnappers, human traffickers, etc.

Antisemitic acts before WWII (Pope Pius XII)

1.) Pope Pius refused to help the Jews (because of neutrality) 2.) He did shelter some Jews from the Nazis, but most he watched pass by the Vatican to the trains where they would be sent to the concentration camps and he didn't do anything 3.) His actions were controversial

Antisemitic acts before WWII(Desecration of the Host)

1.) Said that Jews showed disbelief in the supernatural powers of the host and that they were stabbing the hosts and causing them to bleed (that is why they turned red) 2.) Was actually a mold that turned the hosts red 3.) First cause: 1243 4.) Many Jews were burned at stake

Anti-Semitism Definition

Prejudice against or hatred for the Jews.

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