antisemitism quiz 2

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racism define

"Racism" usually used loose and negative way to describe hostile/negative feelings of one group or "people" towards another and actions resulting from these attitudes -single-mindedness occurs sometimes and this goes beyond group-centered prejudice -hitler used racist theories to justify genocide Climax of racism in 20th century- "overtly racist regimes" - southern segregation laws, voting restrictions, lynching, tortured to death- fear of sexual contamination through rap or intermarriage led to efforts to prevent union of whites w blacks aka "race purity


(early to mid 20th century, Nazis begin in 1933, war will break out for WW11 in 1939, 1930s and 1940s) one of the most infamous Nazis, minister of propaganda, and in charge of the nazi super santa. Idea is that he needs to clean the education system from the jewish contamination. By de-judizing german culture. "Burning of Un-German books." Not only does the physical presence of Jews, a small minority in Germany, need to be exterminated, but a cultural war that is larger than the physical presence of said minority needs to be exterminated.

conflicting ideas of the third reich and what it symbolized/what stood for

- claimed that the third Reich represented symbiosis bw Nazi party and representatives of capitalism. -some traditional institutions continued in fields of law, economy, society. norms Without which capitalist society could not function insistence upon German "deficiency in simultaneity"- stressed ambivalent partly modern partly reactionary nature of the third Reich regime, combo of general and specifically German characteristics, and thirst Reich both totalitarian and terroristic , nationalist agitation of German thought

haitian revolution

-1770 classic word condemned new world slavery and called for a black Spartacus who would be a vehicle for nature asserting her rights against the blind avarice of Europeans and American colonists. Toussaint couverture- leader of rebellious blacks in Haitian revolution "black particles" revenged outrages done to his race


-father of taxonomy, the idea of characterizing people animalistic characteristics based on how they reproduce.


-study of the fact that ethnicities change over time and how people's ethical background differ and change over time. Confirms and justifies why some ethnicities are better or worse than others. Gain legitimacy over time.

Read lineouts thing of how tied science and anthropology together ** 4 pgs. google

AND get notes from movie from youtube The Haitian revolution///how blacks defeated Whites first 12 minutes

Blood purity laws spain/ symbolism of this

Blood purity laws enacted 1500s and soon blood certificates required for admission into organizations. = racist bc could not assimilate or do anything- stigmatization of entire ethnic group - idea that Jews evil by nature and not only bc of their beliefs= racial hatred *

Quiz 2 concepts:

Blumenbach, Linneas, and Voltaire -Notions of optimism and the connection with sombo the slave and how that represents the foil of the progress of Europe.


Fichte praised philosophical inquiry as the only path toward the truth and freedom and mocked the latter. so, the outcome of revolution constitutes state within a state just like the military and even worse the Jews -both burke, and Fichte feel that common culture is undergoing dramatic change.

the third Reich

Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state (also referred to as the Third Reich) quickly became a regime in which Germans enjoyed no guaranteed basic rights. 1933, the government issued a decree which suspended constitutional civil rights and created a state of emergency in which official decrees could be enacted without parliamentary confirmation.

when did jewish question arise in germany and what was it

In Germany Jewish question arose initially when the German nation was only a cultural and linguistic community and not yet a unified state -question of how Jews would fit in when cultural and linguistic identify became basis of citizenship which could be answered in two ways: 1. Jews had to surrender their Jewishness and become good Germans or 2. No place for them

were hitler's ideas new

Little of anything he said was exactly new- a lot found in anti-Semites of prior countries

root of slavery

Slav **************** Slavic people lived in eastern Europe/Balkans/Russia- during this time a lot of slaves enslaved by ottomans. First thought of slaves not as Africans but as Slavic Caucasians

oven story

Story that Jewish boy drank body and blood of Christ one day, told parents, father threw him in the oven. Mother's crying drew Christian crowded whose arrival quelled flames and revealed boy unharmed- Christians had preserved him. The boy mother and many others converted, father burned in oven etc.

who considered first modern racist?

Voltaire as first modern racist- direct contacts w blacks limited but may have been inclined towards antisemitism by bad experiences w Jewish bankers -main animus was against Christianity and he attacked Judaism mainly bc of its links to new testament and religion that it inspired - contended races were distinct species that had developed separately and w permanently unequal capacities. Opinion of black or African species can only be described as dismissive and derogatory., unsympathetic to Jews, said Jews symbolized religious fanaticism and intolerance as opposed to reason, he did not believe new testament so said Jews could not convert, and said could not be redeemed (dif view of Jews than 1900s antisemitism)

american white supremacist ideology based off of? vs germany w aryan race

based on interpretation of the enlightenment philosophy on which the nation was founded, science determine group's unfitness for full citizenship -Germany- based on rejection of rationalism universalism and political values that went w them

the great chain of being

before darwin gradual development of species, everything led up to human existance humans perfect in gods image this led to human classification of species

dialectic system point of contention

debate until reach point of agreement and if use it correctly and debate it using reason instead of emotion than point of agreement will answer need for truth and the absolute. Aka more specifically Use thesis, antithesis, and synthesis (point of agreement)- meet in middle somewhere bw thesis and antithesis TO SUM UP:dialectics is a method of thinking striving for ideal, absolute state represented by synthesis, grounded in a rational form of dialogue/argumentation

Koper memoirs

depressing reminders of the hold that habits of thought have over the human mind. Looking back over life described adversary that had always opposed him. Called it "the Jew", claims the Jews had driven them out of the world economy and who were now incinerating German homes

french revolution what exactly were they trying to overthrow in favor of? symbolism- tranformation of...

enlightenment tradition represented the transformations it hoped to achieve in Christian terms- of human truth and freedom. French rev, saw themselves overthrowing old covenant in favor of new and better one based on human reason. -revolutionary task to be a new and better moss- lead people toward true freedom- so although never mentions Judaism represented to the people as new tablets of law replaces those of moses transformation of hierarchical society of subjects under the law into a state of free and equal citizens

voltaire- notion in candide /idea with enlightenment

idea that the enlightenment was trying to create a relational notion of human being based on equality- all humans all equal but the people who do not belong or are part of enlightenment message- pushed to status in between animal and man -deep notion w Voltaire that if you push people with no regard to descent to origins or gender then every human being is equally capable of gaining enlightenment using reason bc all human beings are reason beings which is how different from animal

jews after french revolution

not mentioned in the rights of man declaration "disturbance to public order" given little rights =darkside universalism/cosmopolitanism defined in christian terms 1791 jews emancipated but series of masacres follow emancpation

race in talmud

nothing said there about race at all - race association w slavery a result of events/circumstances that occurred in history

Aristotle stated that ...

that there are some people who are free and some who are slaves by nature and it is both to their advantage and just for them to be slaves -a lot of time saw expert identity depended on having a slave recognize him as maestro owner


transformation follow again a Christian logic. Hence pg. 364 law is expression of general will according to revolution and everyone participating and identifying as citizen of state needs to be identified with general will and not just religious law

Connection b/w the Haitian Revolution and Weber's Ideology:

-Slaves considered to be domestic animals and the money that they contribute goes back to the master's society and the colonies society and is justified because the use of these "domestic animals" help give back to the commonwealth. Slave owners deemed "chosen" because they are simply relying on the availability of said "domestic animals" to give back to the economy.

St. Augustine justification of slavery

-rather than Aristotle's natural slave ideology, some people are fit for slavery as opposed to being born for slavery. Arguing against the rationale that there is a characteristic that makes you a slavery, but because of sin throughout your lifetime and a secular rationale that creates an after the fact reason for slavery. There isn't a multitude of descendants for slavery at this point. Aristotle believes that you are predestined to be a slave if you based on sin. Witness doctrine: the notion that the sovereign should protect the jewish population and shouldn't kill them because they're necessary for the Christian apocalypse, they have to be the cheerleaders or observers to make the triumph feel more complete.


In both Jews and AA, federalism served as obstacle for equal citizenship AND both US and Germany had rapid industrialization and economic growth in situations where majority were in competition with members of outgroups for jobs/economic opportunities AND in both cases success of emancipation depended on fortunes of a liberal to radical political movement

Treatise of Toledo

Pure Blood" Early 16th century within a decade or two of the reconquista. -the spanish state solves the issue of false creation and legally codifies a person's catholic bloodline. High positioning job requires you to show your genealogical record is an example of a generation of catholic practice and aren't a false converso. Protecting against Jews and muslims.

code noir

created in 17th century by french monarchy to legalize slavery, economic purposes by louis xiv slave trade tied to merchandise of sugar cottton etc articles ie can mutilate slave if disobeys, owner must buy slave two pairs of clothes in a year,slave seen as furniture and can break if you like. comparable to animal.


fused racial-hygienic and social Darwinist ideas w antisemitism. According to him Germanic people were superior to all other humans in every aspect. Bu the Jews threatened this. Jews demonic threat to chosen German race. Said Germans had no religion identical w their race and Christianity essentially Jewish. many protestants and roman catholic accepted chamberlain's views -Jews emancipated relatively late in Germany

Nuremberg laws of 1935

germany iprohibited intermarriage or sexual relations bw Jews and gentiles -more extreme racism in Nazi Germany-tried to exterminate entire ethnic group on basis of racist ideology

3 enemies that lead to error

the devil, world, and flesh

white laws today derived from christianity

white seems to be color of what is "correct" way of looking in the world, as was Christianity in the middle ages as way to be on right path to be redeemed, -white populations defining ethics enforced on minorities without even realizing that this code itself is Christian

reconquista what do when colonized different worlds? feelings of cultures they discovered ?

*help*** is this just when 1492 discovered new wrold? morocco- those Muslims forced to accept Christianity after Reconquista in 1492- some respects were worse than conversos. Moriscos driven out of country but might have been more culturalism- harder to distinguish bc they isolated selves and adhered to their traditional culture/religion, mostly peasants and artisans in own villages. -at this time, Spain colonizing new world, found even more different there- Indians of the new world as "monstrous races "or subhuman wild men. Hostile Indians from other islands who did not greet Columbus with friendliness written off as cannibals who must be enslaved or exterminated- formed idea of Indian as savage or wild beast

medieval antisemitism/ what was missing during this time /why thinks not labelled racist during this time

- idea that discrimination against Jews part of general pattern of group inequality, rulers started isolating them from society so become external to official hierarchy of status and became truly other why thinks this ethnic discrimination should not be labeled racist, was ideology or world view that would persuasively justify such practices -ethnic exclusions in this time were of self-interest of conquering, likely condemned by church authorities as violation. If natives embraced Catholicism was not legitimate to treat them w discrimination --notion that Jews were malevolent beings w devil- ideology gave anise an intensity that prejudice against peripheral Europeans would never have

Blumenbach late 18th, early 19th

-Categorized humanity into five races, climate/location, caucasians, africans, indians, asians, and brown people. Brown, black, red, white, and yellow.

fichte philosophy

-German Philosopher Fichte, comes after the FR and said that it only ended up with bloodshed and Fichte translates his approach to one of nationalism. Identifies the german identity with the right blood, the beauty of the german body incorporates the right blood, and says that Jews have blood that contaminates Europe. Associates Jews and materialism with the United States. Before and after the terror.

movie industry with nazis

-Movie industry allowed the Nazi regime to release anti-semitic films to portray the Jews in the worst light. (The eternal jew, the rothschilds) -This movie industry not only served as a platform, but also allowed the Nazi regime to fund its regime and ultimately fiscally fund their malicious intents

genocide yugoslavia. who trial? what was objection of bosnian muslims?

-Ratko Mladic- (from judgment summary document)- May 2012 - 2016 trial was four years long. -Yugoslavia broke up into national groups i.e. Muslims, Bosnian, Serbians etc. Serbians dominant population. -militias formed i.e. Bosnian Serbs who systematically tried to remove Bosnian population from Serbia. Killings, 30000 civilians removed from homes/tortured/departed, thousands torturing, raping's, etc. by very well organized/highly trained military groups supported by the government of Serbia -question that came up after his arrest - to what extend crime of genocide perpetrated as opposed to crimes against humanity? How does each differ? Prosecution alleged accused participated in Jaunt criminal enterprise JCE -objective elimination of Bosnian Muslims. Genocide persecution extermination and murder etc. -power military group called VRS

racial darwinism /evolution

-US-racial Darwinism made strong case for innate black inferiority than past theories. Theory of evolution explanation of how new species could emerge over period and become permanently differentiated in capabilities, also suggested human races were in competition and inferior breeds would not survive in struggle for existence

enslavement in early societies what happened if fugitive captured?

-first and primary source of slaves in many societies was foreign prisoners of war and victims of kidnapping -brought into a society and seen as strange alien objects of dishonor, barbarians -usually women bc men defeated in wars usually killed and women enslaved -some branded, some hair shaved, owners name in neo-Babylonian period branded on back of their hand -if recaptured fugitive was to be branded w an additional identifying mark on his face -if helped a fugitive could mean death sentence- regardless of what Hebrew bible says

origins of capitalist thought

-hard-working capitalist does not enjoy fruits of his labor. Does not enjoy his work -not about creating inequality bw classes. Interest is that you earn more but don't take the money and enjoy it- stay simple and modern person and move the money back into the community is what protestant ethics is about. Everyone equal and people striving hard to make money to bring back to the community -if become rich you're successful and proof of being good protestant by god but do not spend it for yourself, take back to comb aka asceticism (ascetic) -16th century western Europe this capitalism spirit is seen. When weber presents his thesis w capitalism in earliest faze, comes w rise of protestant religion w idea that moral duty to leave state better than we found it, should not indulge in luxury

Both Germany and US economic downturn 1873

-in Germany crash raised doubts about who benefited from financial capitalism and drew attention to Jews who had been involved in some of the failed financial schemes of the day- notion that Jews had fleeced German investors and blamed them -remaining republican dominated state governments in south had extended selves and were forced into insolvency (could not pay their debts) after panic 1873 -depression that followed the panic in the south turned to violent confrontations bw labor and capital in the industrializing north, antislavery/black rights movements sort of stopped

greek slavery vs roman slavery

-many pronouncements from Athens and other cities against enslaving any Greek peoples even when defeated in war however Greeks continued to enslave fellow Greeks , prisoners of war brought up by merchants to be slaves (long distance commerce) , ⅓ of population enslaved and may have been even more widely dispersed among slave owners than US south later , worked as nurses prostitutes urban artisans domestic servants but slaves in mines far more brutal Forced to climb into dark tunnels, crude oil lamps for ten hours or more -a few roman laws allowed naked slaves to be put in an arena to fight hungry lion, most roman slaves found in towns and cities -roman adoption of Christianity in 14th century has little effect on slave law but instead did view slavery as a product of sin (unlike romans) -Rome-if hundreds of slaves in a home and one killed expert then all slaves murdered -roman proverb "all slaves are enemies" -nothing in the roman world was really like the racial slavery that to western hemisphere- romans imported slaves from all countries and all directions regardless if white/blond blue-eyed or highly educated etc. etc. (a lot of slaves had red hair bc red-haired Thracians so actors playing part of slaves sometimes word red wings as an identifying symbol

pigment w africans/colonization/shift in judgment

-only way to save west African souls, in religious argument, was to enslave them since not Christians. Soon, however, awareness of west Africa's dark pigmentation compared to yellow or tan's south Africans- became part of this. -became clear during colonization that pigment not just due to climate when discovered brazil, who in similar climate but not dark pigment, questions about origin of African pigment. If black pigment result of biblical curse? Africans race designated by god himself to be slaves -doctrine of pure race/blood broke down in new world bc of so much interracial marriage. -discrimination against Indians persisted after they were baptized but more based on culture than ancestry.

which racist regime survived both WWII and cold war?

-south African was the one racist regime that survived WWII and cold war- started 1948 - laws banned marriage and sexual relations bw separate population groups and required separate living areas for mixed races and Africans, cultural racism (done now though/now majority rule here)

racism vs culturalism

-there is a grey area b/w racism and culturalism- if we think of culture as fluid and adaptive then not but if we think of it as essentialized it becomes equivalent of race bc passed from generation to generation --arguments that race is not coded as culture, qualities of social groups are fixed, confided within biologically defined culturalism → racism as an ideology which gains power from ability to pick out and utilize ideas from other sets of ideas and beliefs - general history of racism

voltaire's candide

-written during enlightenment no gods perfection reach by uniting all of humankind reason and science to bring together consmopolitan- optimistic world view and many believed it as future of humanity story of naive westphalian voltaire thought incapability due to origin and stock exchange could level out inequalities stock exchange as ideal cosmopolitan area

According to roman empire two options of life as human entity

. slave 2. Non-Slave. Doesn't mean romans saw slavery as a matter of blood/innate characteristics- had to do w political and social status.

4 points of master slave dialectics

1. Conflict bw forms of consciousness - two individuals 2. Struggle Hegel defines as conflict for life or death-argument created bc each individual conscience motivated by own desire by while master's is endless desire to have increasingly power and control, slave's is always limited and knows itself for itself 3. Immediate result of conflict, think expert is winner bc he controls the slave 4. But true winner in fact is winner bc he is the one resisting the master's attempts to turn him into an object of desire that will have no end aka if desire has to do with our will to have something then master's desire is endless bc it is a desire for desire- to just feel something. Just focused on controlling objects, so feel nothing. Cannot build true consciousness. so, slave at least earns independence mentally if not physically. -master slave dialectics focused on power, anchored in human nature- will to have more always

difference bw racism w Us and germany / thoughts of jews vs blacks

1. Economic and social competition set off by emancipation involved dif classes- freed slaves in US competed competed mainly w lower class whites--racism took form that only white men were loyal to their fellow workers, lower class whites who were losing land clung to automatic social status in their white skin In Germany, competition in jobs bw Jews and gentiles was in middle or professional classes. In direct competition with majority class with medicine, law, journalism, banking. Finance, commerce. JEWS IN WORKING CLASS wherase blacks in lower middle class people who saw Jews moving ahead of them said Jewish achievement was undeserved and resulted from a malevolent conspiracy to dominate German life -anti-Semites did not accuse Jews of incompetence or intellectual inferiority but claimed rather that they were innately incapable of participating in German culture life and were indomitably hostile to it.

euro racism broken into four tendencies

1. Racializing rivalry between Germany and France as Arianism vs Celtic 2. Attributing rise of socialism to Jewish conspiracy 3. Asserting German races are rising and Latin races declining 4. Believing civilized whites must unify to hold in check other cultures that are doomed

after crusades/ war see situation of:

1. huge economic growth. One theory is political leaders see opportunity to reform political structure to stimulate economic growth and this benefits the leaders too. 2. Growing situation of inequality (scapegoating?) - violence bw minorities sometimes during situations of oppression. Victims of oppression situations usually do not behave in civil, quiet way- usually revolt to end the oppression. Escalation of violence bw upper and lower class but also bw the different lower-class groups.

first crusade

1096 this logic changes, populist rulers view Jews as way to build their own power so systematic series acts of mass violence in north of France- mass executions of Jews, burning centers for them, dismantling Jewish community by killing top rank leadership of that community and also regular common men (beheaded them usually, these killings called pogroms) mass executions of whole community in northern France and southern Germany. Jews mass movement to Poland, and mass phenomena of suicide "Kiddush Hashem" by Jews in these communities when surrounded by Christian crusaders so that they couldn't be beheaded -justification as purity of blood, get rid of Jewish blood in Europe to maximize Christianity


1215- transubstantiation- conversion of elements in to body of Christ, appearance of bread and wine- "incorporate body and spirit of Christ in you" article of faith and way Christians identified blood w way practice Christianity -Jew does not belong to body and spirit of Christ that defines Christian in its very biological source of existence- which is why 13th and 14th century as from different world- satanic- as like a demon

what happened in 1492

1492- situation escalates- monarchy conclude that best way is to expel Jews as a whole- whole Jews living in Spain forced to leave, majority of conversos forced to leave

black death

14th century- killed ⅓ euro population- created widespread fear among population and no concrete medical answers- resulted in people believing in certain things/superstitions/heavily Christianized discourse so religious answers, to cope with unknown -one of the superstitions of black plague was that Jews were poisoning wells of Christians to take over

linneus dates, what about taxonomy? acclimatization

1707-1778 -taxonomy of all species with humans at the center but different species within humans-4- Europeans Americanos-red Asianos- yellow and Africans sexual, described as the genus genus- characteristics separating it from other species acclimatization-climate has impact on characteristics of species-explains differences bw species ties races to temperment- blacks laziness due to heat of land

blumenbach dates , ideas

1752-1880s -taxonomy of behaviors 5 groups based on linneaus division of climate and termpaerametn Bildongstrieb- education development and biology all influence and change each other, affects way races develop and evolve and tied to education like chimps have smaller brains bc havent learned as much european climate conducive to relaxation and education and innovation, climate has greatest influence

scientific thought of the enlightenment? Carl Linnaeus

17th/18th centuries status of Jews improved somewhat even though still anti-Semitism. -scientific thought of the Enlightenment was precondition for growth of modern racism on physical topology. Carl Linnaeus attempted to classify /divide human species. differentiation made among Europeans American Indians Asians and Africans. Did not explicitly rank but clearly indicated preferences. Blacks "governed by caprice...negligent" whereas Europeans "invent life...governed by laws" RANKING OF RACES STARTED TO OCCUR

racism in US/france/germany 1860s forward .similarity w racism

1880s racism becomes and explicit political dogma for anti-Semitic parties both in Germany and France mostly as well as US. race end of 1860s and 1870s is not abolished as a form of class and minority belongingness. Rises again during 20th century and see drives to change this after WWI w African American war demanding the rights that were negated up until then, said deserved these rights and move against that by conservatives. Rise of system of eugenics for why this form of suppression could still exist despite democracy

development of nazi regime. where did it come from?

1920s/1930s rise of antisem propagated by Nazi state is not a diversion of pathology but continuity and buildup of habits of thought that existed before and simple differences that Nazi materialized in form of political plan. but nothing of what they did was completely new thought process

WEB du bois

1949, the results of these visits and my view of the warsaw was not so much a clearer understanding of the jewish problem, but was a clearer understanding of the slavery of negroes and black oppression. He saw no difference b/w the jews and the slavery of blacks in the south and the color line didn't create a difference either. The definition of genocide may have had a larger impact on the moral climate than the legal climate.


1960s-Apparent that by no means all of crimes of Nazi regime had been discovered, many murderers were living and still occupying important political/economic/legal positions- discovered institutional continuities bw Third Reich and Germany's second republic -federal republic has released former Nazis from prison sentences and restored them to positions in civil service "denazification" -lots of criticism of how a state could pass retrospective laws to combat terrorism but couldn't refuse to do the same in case of Nazi criminals and gave amnesty to these

-Ernst Haeckel attempted to propagate Darwin's teachings ...

According to him, anthropological racism, central races were the most highly developed and perfect, they alone have made history. idea of the explicit killing of the sick! a bunch of other thinkers followed this notion.. Idea again to kill the sick/deformed, described these measures as "hygienic" =these all reflected changing conceptions of heredity

adam and eve what was his real issue

Adam wanted to please eve so gave her power over him that she used against him. -Adam's error not his love, but excessive/misdirected love, turned away from god toward the world= greatest danger facing Christian king according to Sancho.

africans in the middle ages

Africans seen as pagan, not as a threat unlike Jews, and want to convert them to Christianity- bc discourse is just religious at this point- not religious or economic so no perceived stereotypes of them at this point- but this changes once Europe starts to expand either in direction of Africa or America

Period of "the terror"

All must be new in France. Revolutionized go, laws manners customs commerce thoughts. Revolution despite their efforts however, still faced rebellion. -so, idea that if there were outlaws or enemies of humanity, needed to exterminate them -burned and slaughtered regions, massacres even after rebellions defeated and to unconverted Accusations of false or incomplete conversions emerged, -French revolutionaries fought to perfect the world through reason and found that reason could not transcend the world of habit and superstition, huge violence towards resisting of this -during the terror 2000 catholic clerics guillotined and over 32000 emigrated in feet. - Jacobins did not just focus on Jews but on conversion of all of society

why is sex such big deal for racists?

Bc trying to keep purity of race and blood mixed when mix races, contaminates it - this is bw different regimes- attempt to block interracial marriage and intercourse -also, majorities use racism for own political and economic benefit- through need to separate peoples on economic, biological cultural basis = aka cultural essentialism- relation bw color of skin and characteristics again- which science is trying to retroactively justify

christian world view taking form after french revolution

Christian values, worldviews and are shaping modernity on basis of habits of thought -whether revolutionaries conscious about this or not still framed ideals of legality/solidarity/fraternity in terms of Christian worldview, gave voice to anti -Jewish rhetoric Framed notion of those three above on basis of a Paulician theology as contrast bw law and freedom

difference bw judaism vs christianity in way framed to world

Christianity frames itself in universal terms unlike Islam and Judaism which more ethnically based- Christianity as universal entity and anyone can convert-open to all /different ethnicities -very intolerant and inclusive but only for Christians/ intolerant for non-christians

both us and germany w eugenics

DEFINE EUGENICS * eugenics movement eventually applied to racial and ethnic groups, belief govt intervention was required to neutralize inferior breeding stock could justify variety of policies including immigration restriction, prohibiting interracial marriage etc.

jewish emancipation in france

French rev did acknowledge Jews as equal to Christians after two-year debate- first state to recognize the Jews - September 1791 two years after revolution outbreak -all examples in chapter builds explicitly equality of all human beings on Paulician rhetoric again

genocide define and decision of the chamber

Genocide encompasses commission of prohibited acts with the INTENT to destroy, in full or in part, protected group as such: killing, mental harm -chamber analyzed the intent of the perpetrators and then considers whether targeted party was substantial group of the victims - chamber decided that was not substantial part of group that was killed so not guilty of genocide on this count in earlier 1990s Bosnian Serb grocers, primarily members of VRS murdered several thousands of banyan men over few days in 1995, court looks at intent of perpetrators again and found that perpetrators intended to destroy this then and substantial part of group here so guilty of genocide - what happened in Srebrenica. Chamber gave final verdict at end of disposition.

genocide convention

HELP ** specifically about what should not be

petition - we charge genocide *

HELP against US Lemkin refers to it as barbarity. All acts of this character constituted an offense against the law aka barbarity- wrote this in 1933 before holocaust Continuing of description of different genocides- each has different quality.

haitian revolution


puritan revolution and what did this provide the path for

Help* idea of maintaining state of the soul lost force w puritan revolution and rise of the protestant such as Quakers. - in this climate making a heathen background legal basis for slavery another way of asserting innate difference and thus resisting homogenizing effect of baptism. - this prepared ground for more explicit racism in 18th/19th centuries- one can then trace origins of two main forms of racism - color-coded white supremacist variety and antisemitism- to late medieval and early modern periods -great curses made easier for Christians to treat other humans as less than fully human

when nazis talking about jews/blacks ...meaning?

Important to understand that talking about a language that is symbolic. When these people think about Jews and Africans are not talking about real people, but some made up devilish creation. Not specific people referring to. Trying to create a symbol for sake of political manipulation***

protected exile paradox

Jew has the status of this in 12th century. church stands on side of protection unless place under political pressure then joins monarch side and looks to attack the Jew. 12th side, historical transformation- moves from analytical principle of Jew as the negative other, but to a more negative principle. Monarchs move to attack the Jews bc think will gain more power by attacking them then by protecting them Jew as someone you're supposed to get rid of/kill.

popular common man view during middle ages

Jew identified w money, lazy ( don't do jobs that require physical effort and don't do the land when actually they were not allowed to do this work), that never see them ( when really they weren't allowed to leave their ghettos), unless heard about Jew from priest at church who would talk about them like they were devils, so have very bad public view

the anti-Semitic league

Jewish question "released, exclusions from govt and military service continued, fear of Jewish power and success in minds of racists and founded the anti-Semitic league- conviction that Jews were corrupt by nature and trying to take over. Book published that Jews corrupt by nature and not just bc of their beliefs =first systematic presentation of this

lemkin genocide

Lemkin coined word "genocide in 1943" both as continuation of his 1933 Madrid proposal and part of analysis of German occupation policies. -use to describe policies against jews in nazi regime but others too --genocide most often refers to destruction of groups within country=domestic genocide but in axis rule applies to occupation policies across continent -addresses 17 countries Germany occupied during axis rule Rather signifies coordinated plan of different actions aiming at destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves

marx vs weber on where culture flows

Marx beliefs culture goes from economic to religious sector- says money economy creates gaps bw different classes and forces us to think about society around those lines Whereas weber says religion produced society for economic capitalism to develop. says first have ethics and norms which are protestant and then the economic result of that Web and marx mirror images of each other in this aspect Marx point- think about the class that created the conditions for revolutions- rebel against exploiters. And everything on a materialistic basis. historic and church working together to exploit the workers = first and second classes working together against working lower classes. Religion in this sense part of exploitation of the workers.

(Max Weber in 1905- who does he build on and what concepts?

Marx's ideology. His idea is the notion of habit of thought, secrualization and protestant theology. Protestant theology arrives in the 16th and 17th centuries. He argues that protestants of the modern era living in a protestant environment, you internalize this ideology. It means trying to understand the basis of a culture that's completely obsessed with materialism at its core. Interested in the cultural and social aspects of that ideology.

ratko mladic when trial? what did he do final verdict

Mladic indicted 1995 and found Serbia and arrested 2011 - trial 2012-2016 -objective of removing Muslims and Croats from Serb-claimed territory through genocide, murder etc. spreading terror among civilization through sniping and shelling - murder, unlawful attacks on civilians. Objective of elimination of Bosnian Muslims through crimes in formal accusation Detention camps conditions appalling. Detained beaten Detainees forced to rape one another, women raped Many shot while i.e. just walking with their children., bomb usage on individual's civilizations -routinely lacked food, water, gas, made to live in state of constant distress. When left homes wondered if would be targeted by sniper FINAL VERDICT Accused Found guilty of 10 out of the 11 counts including: genocide, persecution, extermination, murder, deportation (all crimes against humanity), terror, unlawful attacks on civilians, taking of hostages --scented Mr. Mladic to life imprisonment.

need to revolutionize germany via socialism

Nazi state) on basis of strong symbolic action/ cultural war that radical state could reorganize itself and cleanse self of Jewish contamination, 1920s advocating to get rid of Jews and negro sciences and clean education system from this contamination on blood by dehumanizing German culture. one form to do that was to organize books/burn the books to symbolize that everything associated w race forbidden In this sense, effect of Judaism is much larger than physical existence of Judaism. Not just exclusion of the minority of Jews inside Judaism but cultural war to purify self from Jewish culture that already contaminated

racism vs racialism vs romantic racialism

Racialism as the belief that there are heritable characteristics possessed by member of our species that allow us to divide them into a small set of races in such a way that all members of these races share certain traits w each other that they do not share with any other race. - this definition does not imply equality or hierarchy. -racialists do not become racists until claim special privileges for members they consider their own race. romantic racialism- belief commonly held by antebellum abolitionists of both races that blacks were intrinsically diff from whites in temperament and psychology (does not inherently mean inferior though)

davis on spartacus

Spartacus who was well-educated and physical capabilities, became a gladiator, captured, enslaved, organized first mass slave rebellion fighting a whole empire w army of slaves that escaped from their masters. Lost to the great armies of the empire but lived a legacy -usually an escaped slave not only by punished by death but everyone around the slave i.e. entire household of property slaves killed i.e. 400 -when Spartacus escapes elected along w two other gladiators, however, bc Spartacus is known as strong leader, smart, immediately perceived to be the only leader of those slaves even though he wasn't, make him into a symbol of the revolution. And this stuck- many groups in history called themselves Spartacus after him, military disadvantage (even though 70000 slaves form this ) so guerilla tactics , series of battles, but when Rome wins they kill majority of the gladiators/slaves on the spot and also crucified 6000 people of the army as a warning to other slaves - but loss of ethical legitimacy so roman loss in a way- bc such cruel punishment to people who have not much left to hope for - did not deal w a challenge in a way that was morally just

differences in regimes bw hitler and stalin

Stalin propagated idea of a classless society but hitler wanted to translate fundamentally inhuman racial ideology into reality -policies of Third Reich shaped by conflicts over competence of individuals→ ideological programmed was not determined by hitler alone -lots of modernizing aspects of regime - pushed "Germany into modernity" towards youth women and the arts- progressive policies towards women, but practice of Nazi racial policy was profoundly reactionary -had war not broken out, German economy would have collapsed -connection bw economic modernization and the murder of masses of people. Extermination of Jews represented form of developmental policy- remove obstacle in way of German transformation

subject vs citizen assembly questions of who could be citizen in france after revolution

Subject was like, like the Jew, enslaved to the law. Citizen was, like the Christian, a free participant in it -Could women become citizens? No. could slaves? No. but repeatedly turned to Jews as limit case- where approached limits of citizenship and of humanity. Questioned over and over again-32 times within two years even though only a scarce number of Jews existed there Why so much focus then? One explanation on idea of right to decide the fate of the Jews. Or another explanation of can humanity be perfected and if so how can this regeneration best be achieved? result was that vote 408 to 403 assembly voted in favor of emancipation. 40000 Jews living there at the time. And all really wanted citizenship so elated.

chain of being progresses with idea that...

Traced white race to Caucasus, said Caucasians as original human race from which others had diverged- the most handsome and becoming. -these scholars opened way to scientific racism by considering human beings part of animal kingdom rather than children of god. -efforts to demote Africans from human to ape revealed how purely naturalistic chain of being could deny full humanity to non-Caucasians

difference bw crime against humanity and a genocide ? when does genocide begin officially

What is difference bw crime against humanity and a genocide? Bc genocide is certainly a crime against humanity. Are humanity individuals or in general? Easier to prosecute a crime against humanity than genocide Says does not have to be murder to be genocide- destruction of liberty, healthy, dignity, personal security of such group also Word genocide first used legally at Nirenberg trials. Charged with crimes against humanity Enthusiasm for international law that addressed i.e. genocide or crimes against humanity Declaration of human rights- rights to freedom of expression, individual rights bc born etc. etc. =about what should be Crime against humanity doesn't' have to require intent, desire to exterminate ethnic group etc. - could just be killing a small village. Political group could be crime against humanity. name genocide invented in 1944

English kings 13th century

Whatever protection received form monarchs was product of their relation to the monarchs as their property in monarch's view Jews as 'possessions", defender of the Jews, as if they were king's private property, Jews as the king's serve- became widespread in euro law Jew does not live for himself but for another and not Jew himself , Jew must serve the king or else leave , in reference to chi 3 Jews as own "living letter" that exists only to be read by Christian Relation to power in a unique way. prince ultimately profited from Jewish money lending, pressures of royal taxation forced Jews to sell loans at deep discounts to members of royal court who would then collect the debt. -Jews very close relations to monarchy throughout Europe i.e. money lending taxation and pressures of royal taxation, feeding/care of royal lions, provide bedding/housing through kingdom

hegel slave dialectic- synthesis

ability to bring both together and leads to synthesis in form of thinking in terms of dialectics- -slave and expert are bringing together two separate consciousness' in form of thesis and antithesis- engagement bw two leads us to understanding of dialectic itself. When look at original conflict this is the consciousness each side brings, consciousness of slave is more independent/autonomous whereas consciousness of expert is dependent on him being a slave owner, is not independent, must do w his will to power, notion that his own desire for property is what defines him as a human being.

Basis of democracy w secularized christian ideals still here today

agree to be ruled by majority- this idea comes from enlightenment and says attack on Judaism and moss is opposite of this- follows the law and not the rule of the majority. -transformation from the subject to the to a citizen of a modern state- when do this

alphonso VIII king story/myth what is the symbolism/message in this

alphonso VIII king a castile- married and went to Toledo w wife- but while there saw beautiful jewels and became so attached to her that left his wife for her. Secluded w her for 7 months, paid no attention to his kingdom and just her. This great love caused by spells jewels made, so counts and knights killed her to solve this problem by slitting her through, and when king heard this was very sad. Angel said to him are you dwelling on the evil you have done? You do ill, for now that he will charge you dearly for it and your kingdom... -versions vary but bc of it basically alphonso's army destroyed by Muslim in battle of Alarcon and kingdom inherited by son of another man -doubt that jewels ever existed, but she was meaningful in message- kings have obligation to rule according to god's will. Should not be seduced by worldly desire or else punished

du bois

among the founders of the naacp 1905 very bitter of white americans/angry color line lots of protest activity concerned with treatment of pan-africans and people of this descent wherever they lived organized series of pan-african conferences around the world

ancient world slavery tied to

ancient world- slavery tied to labor, not to biological conditions.

antithesis middle ages vs synthesis example germany

antithesis in middle ages- negation- irrational thought took over rationality of ancient Greece, negated that and created culture based on emotions, paranoia, illogical considerations, persecution. -synthesis-Germany of his time. absolute/ideal perfection. 19th century Germany, who is just beginning to become independent on basis of idealistic thinking and liberal/constitutional order - absolute bc connects thesis to antithesis

those who criticize sonderweg idea *question bw three dif types nazi regime under

argue that Sonderweg presupposes a normal path of historical development form which Germany deviated from. Claim that there was no normal path and that other nations pursued separate paths too but did not end up like this. Say Germanys alleged "peculiarities" not as peculiar as advocates of German Sonderweg claim -some German historians defend theories of totalitarianism at expense of i.e. fascism which they first supported. Nolte- first historian to reject theories of totalitarianism as an ill-concealed political weapon ====questions of if totalitarinism, sonderweg, or modernizing politics

archbishop of toledo 1547

argues only way to find who is truly a Christian is to issue certification of blood that needed to prove religion on basis of hereditary characteristics- (can't carry any Jewish or Muslim) --stigmatization of entire ethnic minority and saying your identity is just based on blood which not true -state at this point is ahistorical- inability to change your situation- if you are born into wrong "blood' then that is that and viewed as having inherent identity - inherently evil i.e. conversos test case for Christians who want to prove that essential characteristics- that cannot change identity and born certain way- cannot assimilate

davis on hegel's master enslavement dialectics

argument that the expert needs the slave more than the slave needs the master Bc expert materialistically speaking cannot live without slave bc does not know how to do anything- dependent on slave whereas slave is accumulating skills, also needs slave to feel like a superior human being -hierarchy part of social life -hierarchies built around desire- which keeps us having need for existence for social layers of i.e. man and woman, expert and slave, man, and animal

basic "problem of slavery " arises from... what was the essence of dehumanization?

arises from irreducible human dignity of the slave- slave supposed to be treated like an animal but slaves are humans and act as such- rebel, etc. -laws recognized that slaves when not controlled were irresponsible rebellious untrustworthy and sexually promiscuous, that would rape/murder etc. - said bondage essential and compromise man must make for sin -abolition of slavery tied w freedom, redemption of sin etc. -important to note that even the most privileged slaves could be quickly sold or stripped, whip drapes or even killed at the whim of an owner. Unpredictable. Deprived of supportive clan===this is the very essence of dehumanization

The great chain of being- evolution

assumes gradual development of species and assumes everything we see around us taken in complete way. Man is created in god's image so man is perfect and everything leading to this is one link in great chain of being -use to classify each type of human in own species. Science to create logic of development And bring together theological world that understands world as moving forward/progress tag with image of perfection and divine harmony. 17th century with rise of evolution, progress tied to Christian understanding of world - taxonomy of species created with divine protection in mind

why were jews money-lenders middle ages

bc Christians forbidden theologically by church from being money-lenders so Jews took up this role to get money - bc everyone needs bankers Political secular rulers usually appointed Jews to do this role- one of very few positions Jews allowed to take in Christian world

why were jews problem to christians from the start? what is antijudaismus

bc did not recognize Christ as messiah- thought this prevented triumph of the gospel- said they bore direct responsibility for crucifixion but not bc of their blood at first but then was after -notion that Jews collectively and hereditarily responsible for worst human crime- deicide (killing of god - w Jesus)- created incentive for persecution antijudaismus → anti-Semitism when turned into hatred that made getting rid of Jews preferable to trying to convert them, and antisemitism→ racism when belief took that Jews intrinsically evil rather than merely having false beliefs

why is slave not a full human according to davis

bc full human according to ancient rules of roman culture was to be politically involved, democratic, votes and can influence society, usually living within the polis and if living outside of this i.e. farmers, not really considered citizens bc not voting, not involved politically -can come to Rome as a slave and climb up social status and become a leader

cultural relativism

believed one day various people would one day come tag. claimed however that each nation disposed of a specific national character and national spirit acquired exclusive overtones

discussion about a German "Sonderweg" that

caused rise of Nazi party- part of embedded culture. Stressed large major continuities between domestic and external policies of Kaiser Reich and third Reich

what change occurs french rev in rhetoric??? result??

changed from more reason rhetoric to more romantic rhetoric- drive for perfection -eventually saw those who did not abide with people who abided by every single part of revolution became traitors/enemies → the terror starts, and with this spread of violence and ironically, in sort of democratic way - violence against every descent and every voice of critique- demanded a total conversion and those who did not totally to logic of revolution sent to guillotine -romantic language that comes out of that identifies a form of perfection of spiritual and change- which in turn results in violence



henry IV

considered to be the protector of Jews

nazi germany adopted from american south

continuity not only bw different periods but bw different political forms or dif regimes- which is why he thinks it is important to compare Nazi Germany to American south - many of the rules the Nazis used against the Jews were adopted from the American south in some way, and used language of south against Jews as not innovative- "we are doing the same thing that the US did 50-70 years ago", so why is US declaring war on us it is not just, etc. etc. - (many differences of course, Nazi Germany trying to exterminate them)

enlightenment with ranking of races ideas

correlated physical beauty w intelligence in his ranking. Blacks "ugly and semi civilized" -other scholars impressed w fact that only white men could blush -maybe reason whites considered superior was bc blacks deviated from themselves -bc of classical revival Europeans valued extreme paleness as well as features that characterized the ancient Greeks and romans racial typologies of 18th century established framework for full biological racism of the 19th, but much of enlightenment thought was without immediate practical application

what does terror come to identify with

counter-revolution -meaning the critics that argued revolution proved to fail bc terror regime. So, if go back to more romantic structure and idea that society is divided bw strong and weak- burke identified as one of best known British philosophers in favor of opposition to revolution- that total conversion impossible. And continuance of rev would lead back to the "old Judaism" meaning the law -so now see both rhetoric of revs -Paulician and anti-judaic, and the counter-revolutionaries again arguing against Jews. Both select the Jews as the enemy. -see same thing with modern racism. No matter side, Jews blamed for being socialists and capitalists- Jews always scapegoat

13th amendment related specifically to slavery in the American south

created to actually forbid slavery-" except for punishment of a crime" -American south hung all the weight on "except" bc considered them criminals- exception becomes the rule -used exception to create prison farms, to further criminalize slaves as people who deserved what they got - key model of domestication of the animal * but even worse than that bc animals assumed to be innocent but for slaves- assume them to inherently act in criminal way- that they deserve every single punishment they get

burke ideas on revolution/comparisons what does he see society as?

critic of french revolution -over represents jews in criticsim that jews are like dying moses, that outcome of revolution will be triumph of judaism, disproporiate in amount of times talks about jews i reference to how many jews actually in france. objections relate jews to finance -burke displays tendency to understand the dangers posed by the human dependence on symbolic economies as Jewish. sees society as a social contract , connnects all lower and higher natures

philosophers tended to explain the crisis of modernity by .. 1930s/1940s

criticizing the nature of modern thought, sense that rationality had overstepped its boundaries, that the claims of reason and of science had grown so great as to threaten humanity. -by now obvious that these conquests of symbolic thought could resonate with habits of thought about Jewishness and seem to threaten humanity with a new tyranny of Jewish letter and law

hankins theory/idea

critics racialism and states that Americans/Europeans collectively superior in intelligence and creativity than people of African descent, Hankins also saw no danger in politicized antisemitism and described Jews as a social group over a race. Put down blacks for failing to rebound as Jews did

1290 expulsion of the jews

defines Jews as serve, serving the court function to serve the monarch and Jews are emblem of uniting his legitimacy in terms of secular power and religious principles Jews as exception to the rule - proves the rule conducted/ordered by the ruler of the monarch- so proves the norms that his regime is trying to implement- Jews as ultimate other bc coming from within they are the exception to the rule that proves the rule. If someone wants to resist the rule turns first to the exception- to scapegoat Jews ==internal enemy


describe destruction of national pattern but author believes inadequate b does not connote destruction of biological structure or imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor, And, sometimes authors use denationalization as deprivation of citizenship

two phases of genocide

destruction of national pattern of oppressed group and imposition of the national pattern of the oppressor. Imposition may be made by oppressed population after removal of population

jews according to marx

develop "inappropriate relation to property" according to marx, said they develop that as sign of identity and as property as something that belongs to identity., internal hierarchy within society that develops culture of fear in his opinion -to abolish this way of thought pg. 436 free selves from relation that exists, Judaism integrated to world created by Christian and assumed slavery as necessary. Both Christian and Judaism as inherently evil and need to overcome both religions (doesn't see it as something in blood or anti-Semitic sense, more as all religions bad in general)

james baldwin

disciminated against in US mid 1900s, moved to paris, bisexual wrote a lot about race brutality, would never let white society off hook for injustices but did not believe in separation of races, thought we all needed to come together as humans

90% of movies in 1940s/`1950s

done for sole purpose of supporting American forces in Europe- purpose of exporting them to Europe for propaganda purposes to make democracy regime (especially gladiator movies)

centralization in middle ages

during middle ages politicians trying to better define borders - more homogeneous state, want to centralized power, define a single language as "the language " of the state- trying to create cultural homogeneity or unity, specific culture, bring together aristocratic lineages and define them as one- which is attached to the notion of blood

- sources of resistance to capitalist economic development US vs germany

economic development (resistance to modernity) weaker in US than Europe and stronger in Germany than anywhere else. blacks were associated in white and with primitive, backward, not modern, unprogressive race whereas Jews were more modern, which is why never had a problem in the US - this is a more convincing argument for why Jews were not persecuted or scapegoated in US than latter idea that US blacks were already the scapegoat so did not need one -Jews in Germany were symbols of unwanted change bc German resistance to modernity -German Jews seen as too modern

Outbreak of WWI-emphasis shift with population

emphasis on population quantity rather than quality bc concern about quality imbalance resulting from wars mass annihilation of our "genetically most valuable elements" - reflecting of paranoia. -gap bw scientific and demographic advocates of negative eugenics and those engaged in making of policy in an austere financial climate. mass unemployment--> question of allocation of resources

rome/christianity was there social movement of slaves?

encouraged slaves to advance socially on their own terms, see some highly educated prior slaves ie spartucus origins of Judaism/Christianity see slavery as immoral

what became response to the social question of sTDs, insane, victims, alcoholics /jewish questtion

eugenics and racial hygiene

jews linked to liberalism and blacks liked to radical republicans

fate of Jews linked to fate of liberalism (decline of liberalism made Jews more vulnerable to anti-Semitic) just as rights of blacks similarly dependent on radical republicans who passed reconstruction acts (republican failure to prevent south from being democratic solidly and decline of influence of radical element within national party exposed blacks to white supremacist terror and Jim crow segregation)

predestination origins/by who/how similar to jewish religion?

father of Protestantism following him Calvin came w idea of predestination, according to this logic since god is all knowing, knows whether we are good people deep and therefore will be just. communal aspect assumption by Luther and Calvin that protestant ethics is to purify and good back to form of ethical Christianity before Christianity became corrupt. If good Christians work for favor Christian society rather than for benefit of group of corrupted priests. God has sense when born if born as a good or a bad Christian and in this respect part of what benefits good Christianity elect or not -similar to Jewish notion ancient times of being elected- as first monotheistic religion and why identify one god. Calvin goes back to this logic and tries to implement protestant idea of protestant people. If don't prove destiny will be punished by hell - must work hard to realize your destiny which was decided before you were even born

karl marx

father of modern communism and socialist- son of Jewish father, believed more than anything else of equal society. Deeply anti-religious, committed to secular society, get rid of materialism based on private property. Very critical about Judaism himself and says if go back in history see how they did not have other option than to become money lenders and suppressed. Argument that if modern Jew wants to overcome that history needs to assimilate into society, get rid of any Judaism ideas and throw out religion and become a secular citizen

fiante nationalism ideals

fiante says French rev only ended up w bloodshed too- identified letter of law the law w new spiritualism of German state. Nationalism for bloodshed and failure of the revolution. Form of radical nationalism would unite everyone and get rid of Jewish law and materialism that he identifies w both Jews and America. US as state of capitalistic economy - identified as Jewish materialism, anti-Semites call it "state of the Jews", conspiracy theories US trying to take over world w Jewish conspirators -identifies Core of nationalistic ideals that identifies the spiritual entity of the German state with the right blood. This is before entrance racial sciences, identifies beauty of German body and opposes contamination of German blood w Jews

us vs them during middle ages

focused on Christian identity vs Jewish minority - Christianity identified w state system at this point, formal religion of roman empire, defined Jewish minority. us=Christians.

popes reaction to crusades

formal church- pope etc. denounces this behavior on basis of witness doctrine and argues that Jews as Augustine taught us need to be eternal witness of defeat of Christianity so should not hurt the Jews, even when crusaders agreed with the church, peer pressure convinced them to undergo massacre anyways

davis vs frederickson in focus

frederickson- more poliitical/biological aspects davis- more social aspects ie social class, society in which slavery exists

hegel goal view on jews

goal to emancipate the individual from positive law so that necessary ordering of society became a product of love and freedom rather than subjection to an external law -property and contract imposed external constraints to freedom of the individual Says their mind is completely held fast to one side by legalism and contract. No freedom and virtually no humanity he claims


help ethnological discourse focused more than before of questions of whether human beings were of one blood or of five separately created species with greatly differing aptitudes and capacities American school of ethnology- three main races - whites blacks and American Indians- belonged to separately created and vastly unequal species

xenophobia is racism same thing as xenophobia

help the kind of group prejudice based on culture religion or sense of family/kinship xenophobia (reflexive feeling of hostility to stranger) racism not merely xenophobia and different than religious intolerance too - racism is not operative is members of the groups can voluntarily change their identities and change their prestige within the dominant group.

voltaire main points and resulting what is ideal?

his attempt to overcome distinctions bw different human beings/people is by talking about stock market as neutral relation bw human beings that does not have anything to do with ethnicity or religion- if look into candid through voice of slave how form of optimism - candide 1759 20 years later and showing through the slave how trade and stock market and can work in Europe but not outside of Europe or else tool for oppression instead of good =-why candid called candide or optimism- choosing whether to follow candid and spread of optimism that he sobers up from by the end or take after his mentor and trust optimism and ideals that don't really hold in reality =1734 stock market as ideal

hitler- which two ideologies did he fuse etc jewish question view on aryan race

hitler both fused and developed ideologies of anise and racism. Racial-hygienic measures only meaningful once the "Jewish question had been solving" all means therefore appropriate in necessary in fight against het Jew ... they were "spongers...parasites" aryans were most valuable race, if aryans race interbred with less valuable races would decline into extinction., health of Aryan race must be maintained and improved, only be meaningful if Jews both absolute enemy were isolated and eliminated either spatially or physically

karl marx vision

idea to exchange or militate against rather than aiding human and social life, imagines a society without private property, where money has not "become god", where property is for the sake of relation rather than exchange. Only such a simple society can realize "my true nature, my human nature, my communal nature"

paulician christianity

identify Judaism as people of the flesh aka materialism, vs people of the spirit (which goes hand in hand w Christian freedom).

innate characteristics beginning in middle ages w Jews

if Jew born during middle ages, even if try to get away from that identity- there is something in your blood that will overcome how you are innately (this is how racists think) i.e. Jews cannot ever be anything but Jews - innate characteristic is supposedly objective and universal pg. 5 -innate part of body and mind unity, history of institutions adopting this racism as their code or agenda and that is when racism becomes important, other is characterized in an essentialist way, emphasis on power, exclusion, expulsion of minority

law according to st paul

if you are a freeman a Christian, must resist the law, that he identifies w Judaism. French revs integrate this form of thinking into ideas, universal values and come to identify law as inherently bad/something that belongs to the past, identified w Jewish values

why christian idea to keep jews alive during middle ages

in attempt to criminalize Jewish minority on essentialist terms, Jews "inherently criminals" bc not Christian culture, idea that must keep them alive because they are the living proof for the victory of Christianity over the Jewish culture which was during (Augustine's rule time) - asks Christians to not hurt Jews

positive reinforcement

in master slave dialectics , takes away ability to form self-consciousness- dialectics is built on positive and negative- creating conflict be positive and negative is the only way to form consciousness. Positive reinforcement does not acknowledge right of the slave to resist/stand on own grounds. Tries to control the slave. Even if try to resist must do so in framework of master lots of totalitarian systems positive reinforcement occurs- i.e. in Nazi Germany "don't need critique" and "'need only optimism" serve purpose- so no doubt in the population. Critique points out flaws in system and people will just follow blindly if just positivity without really thinking about what's wrong with it, all control with no critique

Why did US not recognize/ratify genocide convention until

later 1988 Because racism in the south, segregation, etc. senators argued first genocide trial at UN convention if they adopted/ratified this convention and blocked passage because first trial would be against US due to lynching of blacks etc. ***************

weber three point contention in response to his readings on ie sombart

like Marx in beliefs but more modern. Classified as a liberal, helped to draft Weimar constitution of 1919. Understood threat of Judaism posed to liberal versions of modernity faith capable of reading the divine in the material. "Capitalist spirit" ??????help Weber had a number solution to his Jewish problem. 1. To delimit the impact of Judaism on Christianity through historical periodization .2. Insist on the falseness of any apparent similarities bc Judaism and Protestantism. That Jewish observance of law not same as protestant inner conviction. 3. Jewish economic activity was fundamentally different than protestant capitalism. that Jews had no ethical value to outcome of transactions w non-Jews -to conclude, asserted that not only were the Jews not real capitalists but there so isolated themselves that their activities contributed nothing to the economic and cultural transformation -weber argument here is opposed to Sombart- Christian rationalism and materialism was free from Jewish infection in his point.

secular enlightenment what did it change , what was age of democratic revolution

made color-coded racism based on science and set stage for 19th century biological determinism, but at same time established assumption of equality in this world which could call into question rationality of black slavery and Jewish ghettoization age of democratic revolution- doctrine that all men are created equal with rights derived from nature difficult to reconcile w forced servitude or ghettoization unless they were to be considered less than fully human.

how to marx and hegel refer to the evils of society

many thinkers like borne and Marx found it easy to theorize the evils of capitalism in terms of Jews and Judaism, just like non-Jews did rebellions against Jewish property, "Jewish "money "Jewish "state all meaningful- will produce the Judaism of society out of own parts/bodies

marx vs hegel

marx studied Hegel and identifies self as someone who realizes a lot of Hegel's ideas in reality but in contrast to Hegel who thinks synthesis of German state solution (fishte implementing), marx synthesis with the class structure, overcome materialism, fear of religion, that society divided bw rich and poor and that hierarchy is not required we just think it is, don't need all these contrasts that become conflict. Reorganize economy in an equal manner.

hegel 1700s/1800s - idea of "geist"

means both spirit and intellect, major part of his philosophy- idea that if able to use your intellect will become a full person and connect mind and spirit. *ideal aim to create something that is absolute/united. Idealism- strive to reach state of perfection. Hegel's point that this process cannot just occur on its own, need to think about it in a structured way. -dialectic system

shoretel ???? in Latin

means capital? animal/slave are part of cattle have as owner and have full rights as owner over the working body itself- can do whatever you want to it. Legally you own parts of slave's body and you can take them apart if you wish. Have lynches done something illegal then? No. followed cultural logic they were taught

internal vs external enemy in middle ages vs early modern period

middle ages- Jews an internal enemy, Muslims as external enemy and Christianity sees self as if defeat them both will become a global power early modern- jews as internal enemy, blacks as external enemy

symbolism of transubstantiation /result of this

movement bw spiritual and literal -takes place in 12th/13th century- massacres of Jews all over Europe. Around 1500 basically eliminates Jewish presence in Europe -either escape to other places i.e. northern Africa or killed. 1388-1520 expulsion of Jews from over 90 kingdoms in Europe --jewish question born

marx- what is most important in getting rid of materialism

need to organize idea of relationships bw human beings as most important -assumes that indeed exchange and materialism at core of modern society but need to understand has negative effect for society- alienation. Society that creates alienation among human beings that cannot Crete equality because of materialism

US racism- did they have the jewish question? which immigrants did they have a problem with ?

no Jewish question in US bc few Jews and religious toleration. Americans tended to racialized others and consider sleeves simply human and "all men" by declaration of independence - but during 1840s arrival of Irish immigrants and w war w Mexico- finer distinctions- Irish were legally white and so were Spanish. Belief took hold that loved liberty and showed aptitude for self govt not so much bc universal human traits bc white ancestors invested democratic institutions. Supporters of democratic party preferred to think of newly emerging American race which would be hybrid of all euro immigrant nationalities. But likely to be white supremacist and not tolerate any non-euro colored races -before turn of century when advocates of restricting immigration began to like the idea of northern euro superiority, Americans tried to embrace democratic universalism while also having Anglo-Saxon identity that referred to as simply European or white.

Weber's student Sombart- how doe she identify US/society

not as protestant society but as judaic corruption --logic that Sombart and weber talk about- alienation- Faber says protestant ethics builds society around that alienation. Very critical about American culture. Sombart on the other hand says alienation product of modern industry and gaps bw classes is evil conspiracy bw Jewish capitalists and that shaped US and whole globe around idea of material success. His idea in treaty that everything evil that happens as Jewish conspiracy controlling these events. Nazi state adopts Sombart's sociology in form of political program

development of germany romanticism/nationalism .. what happened in 1872?

notion that Germans identified on basis of belonging to national culture and defined by biological criteria/blood. Not by coincidence - after 1872/1873 economic crisis and Jews immediately pay the price

plato on slavery

notion that his ancient Greek philosophy that slavery is rational (even though Plato did not assume slavery was nonhuman) -ancient Greek slave is sometimes compared to hybrid creatures- people depicted as half animal and half human- which is somewhat different to way discussed in Judaism and Christianity

Max weber 1905

on basis of Marxist theories but not Marxist ideology but his structural analysis of society so wrote this book- without advocating Marxist ideology, perception of habit of thought. Thesis points to protestant culture and religion and secularization of protestant theology -argues protestants of modern era living in protestant culture- internalize protestant values. Tries to understand culture completely obsessed with materialism to his core. Not focused on class conflict but on cultural and social aspects of this.

how did view point of africans change during age of discovery

once 15th/16th century and age of exploration, discovery of other worlds =age of Reconquista not impressed at all when discover/explore africa and start to view pagans as inferior some people "naturally inclined to be enslaved" Whereas others say sure they're bad by blood but can still be Christianized bc ability to suffer and rationalize etc.

shortly, racism exists when...

one ethnic group dominates excludes or seeks to eliminate another on basis of differences that it believes hereditary and unalterable

slave socially speaking

one of the social death, person without a status, who cannot win partial rights within a society even, does not deserve the right to have rights bc does not belong to human society -see people who treat their animals better than they treat their slaves i.e. hitler was vegetarian -slave as ultimate incrementation of the foreigner, no right to have any say/ absolute other


or more generally the view that the differences that made the races unequal were of great magnitude and unalterable had the support of leading French scientist and intellectuals -saint Simon wrote that revolutionaries had made a mistake when they applied the principle of equality to the negros- not same intelligence as European, etc. assertions that they copulated with apes in Africa and had brains and blood same color as their skin

king louis IX 1230

ordinance of melon- lords could seize their own Jews wherever they were found even if they were living in another lord's territory and any magnate who resisted could be punished as a rebel -since Jews associated w sovereign power- lots of resistance, i.e. attacking Jews conducting monarchy business, casting ruler himself as a Jew, referring to subjects as judaized

curse of ham according to frederickson

possible rationale for holding Africans regardless of religious status was myth of curse of ham or canna - emphasis shifted to ham, widely believed to be ancestor of all Africans who in myth was punished to be servants unto servants- idea that physical result of blackening of the skin -earlier/ before this, curse variously applied onto i.e. Asians sometimes, Indians, but only in mid-15th century w Portuguese exploration attention drawn to possibility that the curse explained slavery -bw 16th and 19th century slave traders referred to cuss as explanation of why their slaves were black or African. Curse rationalized holding black Christians in bondage. Believed curse entered the blood so baptism or conversion did not help -to extent, curse of ham operated on mythology rather than formal ideology - refute by learned authorities who noted that curse fell on Canaan specifically on not on Cush, who, was actual African. So, used rarer in slavery before 19th century. Pro Slavery polemicists in US first to elaborate this?

to achieve full development as what is called a social formation,

racism must become a political project that creates or reproduces structures of domination based on essentialist categories or face. -projects that brought racism to ideological fruition were organized efforts to reverse emancipation (liberating blacks vs elimination of special taxes and residential restrictions) of blacks and Jews -if define emancipation as process of elevating civil and political status of entire ethnic/racial group from legal inferiority- comparison bw the two can be made


represented a form of developmental dictatorship" for the creation of an industrial capitalist society. In general fascism was tool of particularly capitalist circle., also modern. indeed revolutionary

Jacksonian period

right to vote extended to all white males and denied to virtually all blacks including some who were property owners

who was first culture to be tolerant of different ethnicities

romans tolerant if accept theological principles of Christianity. state structure is the least tolerant of different ethnicities in a lot of ways (even though advocate democracy does not necessarily)

industrial revolution

second half of 19th century in germany human life impacted in every way. Populations of great capitals doubled. Industrialization and urbanization changed everything, where workers lived were ate, what wore, number children had -property and capital transformed, so was labor. Innovation of spread of paper money, stock-capitalized banking system. -with all these changes came a heightened attention to communication and exchange Lots of questions workers had, like what kind of rights an employer had over an employee, was wage labor a form of slavery, should prison punish bankruptcy? Was there a social contract? etc. -these questions articulated political divides of modernity.

king/monarchy relation to jews in history -2

see role of Jews through court that becomes one 1. theological obligation of king to defend Jews and keeping their safety as witnesses to victims of Christianity 2.king's right by god is to expel or kill all Jews whenever he chooses to, so responsible for their safety but on other hand has legitimacy religiously and politically to take advantage of them bc they are his property Identify Jews with power and legitimacy of the king -focusing on function of Jews for those interested in political power, symbol for king's authority- if you want to hurt the king you hurt his property/his Jews

french rev at first vs after napolean rises to power

seemed at first to go even further than US into democratic rights to previously oppressed racial groups. Early 1790s abolished slavery, first independent black republic. At same time Jews of France were emancipated from special taxes and restrictions/segregation/made citizens of the republic. -but napoleon's rise to power and his creation of an empire saw reestablishment of slavery in the remaining French colonies and the passage of new laws discriminating punishment

result of colonialism and seven years war on voltaires views, candid

seven years war mostly in america 1756 implies expansion cannot be done without high costs , 1760s expansion of colonialism expands mindset further, people more skeptical and ie in candide slave is voice of why cosmopolitan cannot be seen as only positve , doesn't have name so ultimate other, shows negative side of trade and inequality. narrators optimism is shattered . colonialism and then the dark side of it

holy week ritual called "killing the Jews

some parts of Europe- holy week ritual called "killing the Jews" - throw rocks on walls of Jewish quarter- point was toleration of Jewish quarter was political. Spiritual compromise and if redeemed either would be necessary =paradox of simultaneous punishment and protection -support elimination? Or protection? Both explored during middle ages

sons of noah- curse of canaan

sons of Noah- one of most persistent myths in Christian world about why slavery should be part of theological understanding of the world. Curse of sons of Noah is originated in genesis chapter 9 and very brief. Curse of Canaan- shall be servant of servants bc saw parent naked???- extreme punishment result. Severe crime Curse becomes one of key motifs for justification for enslavement especially of Africans -minority themselves accepted the myth as explanation for why they were slaves -during 18th/19th centuries curse is being used not only to justify slavery but also separating slaves in Europe from Africa- say they are not responsible for this curse and not descendants of the cursed so should not bear the weight of the curse unlike those cursed in Africa

what creates inequality after french rev

stock market/social trade there to create hierarchy/inequality. Ideal according to burke that inequality creates balance inside the society an if try to create total equality end up with bloodshed- good liberal, believes in system of representation i.e. parliament and monarchy but on one that relies on inequality instead of equality. believes social hierarchy must be there. Voltaire talked about stock market as core of equality bc only about merit as tradesman. But burke says when sell in buy make some people rich and other people poor which creates inequality

-Dred Scott decision? 14th ammendment? when did US antiblack racism peak

supreme court stated free blacks not citizens of US- racist foundation laid bare- but only lasted a decade as 1863 emancipation occurred after civil war 1868-equal citizens hip for all people born in US -but federal effort for civic and political equality for blacks failed bc go proved unwilling to commit sufficient resources to overcome violent resistance to black equality -anti-black racism peaked bw end of reconstruction and WWI -equality failed bc whites could not genuinely think of blacks as equals - black civil and political equality was much more difficult, racists stressed inherent childlike nature of African Americans., portrayed blacks as beasts lusting after white women

jewish question

symbolic power of Jews as negative sign for Christianity grows even stronger even though eliminated most of Jews from where reside-why does symbolic function of them become even more powerful when they're not there? Don't really see them so paradoxically speaking easier to portray them as demonic/as people with horns bc never encounter them -Jews in most cases not allowed to look secular- supposed to wear traditional clothes to signify who they were to everyone else -Jews forced to look like Jews-like non-christians


take present understanding and force that on past events i.e. if look back on holocaust- very often hear question of why victims did not escape Poland before holocaust occurred- but how would they know similar to Retroactive legislation- assume law just created- can prosecute people who committed those crimes before law created. But cannot and this would be anachronistic

french revolution*HELP / results of french rev

takes paulician ideas- takes christian ideas and refers to them as secular and democratic .secularizes contrast set Paul creates bw Christianity and Judaism "old religion that need to overcome", identifies this way of thinking as the heart of democracy

declaration of the rights of man 1789

talks about human being sin general manner but basis of Christian theological rhetoric. Identifies Judaism w mosaic coming after moss. Moses- first legislator in the west bc responsible for the ten commandments. Paulician thought identifies mosaic thought w captivity of Jews by the law which Jesus freed Christianity from. Christianity built on freedom and spirit AKA love Judaism in captivity by fundamentalist law and materialism


tendency of negrophilia (love for the negro) in parts of northern and western Europe late middle ages and common presumption dark pigmentation inspired instant revulsion on part of light-skinned Europe- but this is misleading as before middle 15th century, Europeans had little contact w these Africans. , one of first to convert to Christianity was black, and in late middle ages image of blacks became ascendant in western European mind around same time jess being demonized= negrophilia (rep of African as Christian saint or hero) -Christians wanted Ethiopian church to join them in struggle against Islam but when they refused to bow to authority of the pope and then when reached Ethiopia by sea and unimpressed, that was the end of that.

-**root of white supremacist attitudes w enslavement

that euros ceasing to enslave other Europeans at time when African slaves became suddenly and readily available. Took a long time for anti-black racism to turn into a full ideology -slavery and trading in slaves well developed in west Africa before Portuguese arrived. Ownership of people labor as property recognized and. African rulers and slave merchants captured slaves for the Europeans. Economic activity in precolonial African depended heavily on it


those Jewish but forced to convert to Christianity but still held some Jewish practices- closer to modern racism- identified and discriminated against bc of belief held by some Christians that impurity of their blood made them incapable of true conversion. 14th century increased discrimination against Muslims and Jews which turned violent towards Jews at end of this century- Jews either convert, expelled from Spain, or killed -dominant view that after first generation conversos became believing Catholics, intermarriage w Christians but discrimination still- which was more racist than religious.

bachelor statements against princes/jews

those who read like Jews excluded themselves from human community, becoming beasts., having lost human right to participate in republic "and then man refuses to address them -bachelor associated political materialism as Jewish, and spirit's struggle for sovereignty against the Jews, doubts created about who really was or was not a Jew -Christian sovereignty and freedom required spirit to achieve the political subjection of flesh and letter. The reverse was materialism=Jewish. interest of jews in the flesh rather than in spirit

1893 lynch of henry smith

thousands of people came to witness him being tortured/brutally murdered after he was accused of raping/killing a young girl. burned his feet, eyes out, tounge, then set him on fire. screams of him pleasure for masses, people collected fingers and body parts after he was lynched and burned.

1798 Christoph Meiners categorized people of the world according to their

to their beauty or ugliness. dark=ugly. -complexions of various human races reflected their degree of "inner illumination" - 4 races yellow white red and black which were related to body parts- white to brain and black or genitals

hitler's racism/ideas

unceratin which racialist works hitler read hitler presupposes existence of higher and lesser races. Hitler then claims aryans alone were the "culture -creating race". Jewish race as embodiment of evil. Among humans and animals, urge towards racial purity. Interbreeding would result in deterioration of racial value, dwelt on need to prevent miscegenation while promoting racial selective breeding. Very devoted to ideas of racial-hygienists -promote victory of better and stronger. recommends: ensure only those who are healthy produce children, obstruct reproductive capacities of those with STDS, sick, intro of child allowances, public housing projects. Etc. -recovery he saws only possible if victory achieved over the struggle against Jews. Struggle necessary and willed by god -claims the Jew striving for proficiency in the peoples of the world. If the Jew should win, result not only downfall of the Germans but all peoples.

idea of christianity defining who is good and who is bad during age of discovery

universal language of Christianity is slowly attached to universal language of science (earth round, etc.)- able to explain people for the first-time w scientific findings- the human being is not the center of the universe. Different understandings then of if Christianity is inclusive or exclusive w good vs bad natives in new worlds

for majority of middle ages what was spain like vs after 1412

very tolerant and saw self as politically secular - occupied by Muslims and tolerant towards both Christians and Jews during and before this period. BUT starting in 1400s wave of massacres of pogroms against Jews conducted by bishops and supported by the monarchs. Growing pressure to legislate systematic discrimination of Jewish minority. 1412 anchored in series of laws against Jews and forced to convert aka called "conversos" (tried to keep some signs of their Jewish identity, hybrid of both religions which inquisition hates and so inquisition comes and tries to persecute conversos and execute those who admit (and torture them to get confession so everyone ends up confessing even if didn't- just trying to get rid of Jews/self-justification to political elite) to keeping some signs of Jewish identity- purify Christianity and related to their identity

king -henry

when found out Jews were so poor could no longer pay him taxes- said needs money no matter how gets it- sold the Jews = greedy -Jews as royal treasure transformed into shorthand for royal exactions perceived as exploitative-to administrate authority -first always kings to list crimes of Jews and stops to be taken against them, demanding expulsion- this is how Christian subjects got grants of aid to monarchy

Doctrine of predestination

your ability to be a just person and win "paradise" as reward already decided for you-if part of small group of chosen people who will be emitted into heaven -work hard, don't spend a lot of money. May be part of chosen few

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