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A force that causes the movement of fluid out of the capillary is A. blood pressure B. positive interstitial pressure C. blood colloid osmotic pressure D. critical closing pressure E. lymph pressure


A patient has been diagnosed with mild heart disease. Tests show that some of the coronary arteries are partially occluded. Which of the following is the best course of action to treat the disease? A. angioplasty B. coronary bypass surgery C. electrocardiogram D. tissue plasminogen activation E. antiogram


Arteriosclerosis results in decreased compliance, which in turn causes the pulse pressure to A. increase B. decrease C. increase, then decrease D. decrease, then increase E. remain the same


Different T-cell receptors can respond to different antigens because of different A. variable regions in the structure of the receptors B. epitopes in the receptor's structure C. selection processes D. complement binding sites in the receptors E. antigenic determinants


During hemorrhagic shock in which blood pressure is decreased, which of the regulatory mechanisms is most important is increasing cardiac output to help maintain blood pressure? A. increased sympathetic stimulation of the heart B. increase venous return C. increase in parasympathetic stimulation of the heart D. increase vagal stimulation of the heart E. increase in the amplitude of the heart sounds


Erythropoetin A. is a product of the kidney B. inhibits the production of erythrocytes C. is produced in response to increased BP D. is found both in the plasma and inside red blood cells E. is produced by the red bone marrow


Interferon production is stimulated by A. a viral infection B. the complement cascade C. antigen-presenting cells D. degranulation of basophils E. inflammation


Most carbon dioxide is transported in the blood A. in the form of bicarbonate ions B. bound to hemoglobin C. dissolved in the plasma D. by the leukocytes E. in the form of carbonic acid


Structurally, lymph vessels are most similar to A. veins B. arteries C. arterioles D. capillaries E. venules


The AV valve that is located on the same side of the heart as the origin of the aorta is the A. bicuspid or mitral valve B. tricuspid valve C. aortic semilunar valve D. pulmonary semilunar valve E. coronary sinus valve


The lymphatic system differs from the cardiovascular system in that A. the lymphatic system only carries fluid away from tissues B. the lymphatic vessels have their own "pump" to assist flow C. lymph capillaries do not contain any fluid D. lymph capillaries allow free movement of fluid in and out of the capillaries E. lymph circulated fluids and cardiovascular does not


The lymphatic system is involved in A. a lipid absorption from the digestive tract B. transporting lymph from the intestines to the liver C. maintenance of pH in the tissues D. production of erythrocytes E. protein metabolism


The majority of extracellular fluid osmotic pressure is caused by A. Na+. B. K+. C. Mg2+. D. Ca2+.


The period of time in which the myocardium is insensitive to further stimulation is called the A. absolute refractory period B. hyperpolarization period C. AV period D. SA period E. ectopic focus


The procedure whereby a small balloon is placed into a partially occluded coronary artery and then inflated to increase blood flow through the artery is called a(n) A. angioplasty B. coronary bypass C. urokinase injection D. tissue plasminogen activation E. angiogram


The spleen A. filters damaged red blood cells from the blood B. changes undifferentiated lymphocytes into competent lymphocytes C. is necessary for life. It can't be removed without causing death D. produces several different hormones with unknown function E. has additional digestive functions


The spontaneous opening of sodium channels marks the beginning of _____ of a myocardial cell A. depolarization B. repolarization C. hyperpolarization D. isopolarization E. afterpolarization


The thoracic duct drains lymph into the A. left subclavian vein B. right subclavian vein C. right internal jugular vein D. left brachiocephalic vein E. left subclavian artery


The thymus is where _____ mature and become functional immune cells A. pre-T cells B. pre-B cells C. macrophages D. nut cells E. C cells


When a person develops a sore throat, white blood cells are drawn to the area of infection by a process called A. chemotaxis B. diapedesis C. margination D. ameboid movement E. attraction


Where is the vasomotor center located? A. pons and medulla oblongata B. pons and midbrain C. cerebrum and medulla oblongata D. medulla oblongata


Which of the following functions is associated with vessels that carry blood directly from arterioles to veins without passing through capillaries? A. thermoregulation B. nutrient supply to tissues C. removal of metabolic waste products from tissues D. oxygen supply to tissues E. pH regulation


Which of the following is NOT a vasodilator substance produced in the extracellular fluid? A. ATP B. lactic acid C. ADP D. carbon dioxide


Which of the following is NOT an aging effect of the lymphatic system and immunity? A. fluid removal by the lymphatic capillaries is reduced B. fewer antibodies are produced C. onset of autoimmune diseases is unchanged D. T cell numbers remain constant but they are less functional


A person with type B blood A. has antigen A B. has anti-A antibodies C. will have a transfusion reaction if given type B blood D. has anti-B antibodies E. can receive type A blood


Calcium channel blockers are frequently used to A. increase the heart rate B. treat tachycardia or other arrhythmias C. speed up conduction of impulses through the AV node D. slow the closing of potassium ion channels E. treat bradycardia and low blood pressure


Distributing arteries A. contain a lot of elastic tissue B. contain a thick tunica media C. are strong, rigid vessels D. transport blood from arterioles to capillaries E. do not contain smooth muscle in their walls


Fred was admitted to the cardiac unit with chest pains. No arrhythmias and no large changes in the heart rate were observable. Blood samples taken over the next few days showed no increase in enzymes such as creatine phosphokinase. A possible treatment of the condition is A. beta adrenergic blocking agents B. nitroglycerin C. calcium channel blocking agents D. aspirin E. exercise


Functions of plasma proteins include A. body temperature regulation B. regulation of osmotic pressure C. transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide D. serving as a source of energy for metabolism


If a blood buffer is absent, what function of the blood would be compromised? A. maintenance of body temperature B. regulation of pH C. clot formation D. transport of ions E. protection against foreign substances


In immunodeficiency diseases, A. the immune system fails to distinguish between self-antigens and foreign antigens B. inadequate B and/or T cell formation may occur C. IgE mediates a localized reaction D. serum sickness results E. immune surveillance occurs


In response to circulatory shock, A. the body decreases ADH secretion B. the renin-angiotensin mechanism is activated C. atrial natriuretic factor is released D. the vasomotor center is inhibited E. the baroreceptors and chemoreceptors are inactivated


Small changes in _____________ will have a large impact on the heart's pumping effectiveness, while large changes in ___________ do not impact the effectiveness much. A. afterload; preload B. preload; afterload C. contractility; preload D. afterload; contractility E. contractility; afterload


The ability of white blood cells to leave the circulation and enter tissues is called A. chemotaxis B. diapedesis C. margination D. intrusion E. exocytosis


The lymphatic system plays a role in maintaining fluid balance within the body by A. adding lymph to GI tract secretions B. returning interstitial fluid to the plasma C. transporting lymph from tissues to the liver D. carrying excess fluid to the kidneys to be excreted E. actively absorbing fluid from the blood


Vasomotor tone can be increased by A. taking a nap B. emotional excitement C. soaking in a warm bathtub D. an increase in body temperature E. relaxing with a cup of tea


Veins that return blood directly to the heart include the A. brachiocephalic vein B. superior vena cava C. portal vein D. azygos vein E. pulmonary arteries


What structural feature of lymphatic vessels is responsible to forward movement of lymph? A. over-lapping endothelial cells B. vlaves C. no basement membrane D. thin walls


What vitamin is necessary to produce many clotting factors in the liver? A. vitamin C B. vitamin K C. vitamin D D. vitamin B3


When a pacemaker potential in the SA node reaches threshold A. the permeability to K+ ions increases B. many voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open C. voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close D. RMP has been restored E. permeability of the cell does not change


Which of the following factors keeps the alveoli expanded? A. a pneumothorax B. negative pleural pressure C. alveolar pressure being equal to atmospheric pressure D. a reduction in surfactant E. negative intra-alveolar pressure


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of adaptive immunity? A. it has memory B. you are born with it C. it has specificity D. acquired throughout your lifetime


Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic system? A. defending from infection caused by microorganisms and other foreign substances B. aiding in erythropoiesis of red blood cells C. maintaining fluid balance by returning excess interstitial fluid to the blood D. absorbing and transporting lipids from the digestive tract


Which of the following is false? A. the HIV virus binds to the CD4 molecule of host cells B. there is currently only one cure for AIDS-AZT C. most manifestations of AIDS are explained by the loss of helper T cell functions D. once infected by the virus, a person will test positive for HIV antibodies E. in order for HIV to replicate, viral RNA is sued to make viral DNA, which is inserted into the host cell's DNA


Which of the following statements concerning the larynx is correct? A. the larynx contains four unpaired cartilages B. when the glottis closes, air is prevented from leaving the lungs C. unlike other portions of the larynx, the epiglottis consists of some bony tissue D. the inferior laryngeal cartilage is the thyroid cartilage E. the epiglottis is also called the "adam's apple"


____ determines which B-cell is cloned in an antibody-mediated response A. the antibody B. the antigen C. a macrophage D. complement E. a neutrophil


Aortic stenosis results from A. a hole in the interatrial septum B. a weakening of heart muscle C. a narrowed opening through the aortic valve D. low oxygen levels E. leakage from the AV valves


As blood travels from the arterial end to the venous end of tissue capillaries, the partial pressure of O2 _________ and the partial pressure of CO2 _________. A. increases; increases B. decreases; decreases C. decreases; increases D. increases; decreases


Bacteria and debris are actively removed from the lymph by _____ in the sinuses of lymph nodes. A. trabecular cells B. germinal cells C. macrophages D. lymphocytes E. plasma cells


Blood is a type of _____ tissue A. epithelial B. glandular C. connective D. areolar


Lacteals are A. a type of lymphocyte B. nonspecific defense C. lymphatic vessels in the lining of the small intestine D. the sinuses inside a lymph node E. germinal centers


Lecithin is an example of a(n) A. essential amino acid. B. nonessential amino acid. C. lipid. D. mineral.


Mature erythrocytes A. have a centrally located nucleus B. are actually just cellular fragments C. contain hemoglobin in their cytoplasm D. mature from cells called megakaryocytes E. do not contain protein


Mike has blood type A. He needs blood, however blood type A is not available. The next best choice would be blood type _______. A. AB B. B C. 0


Nonencapsulated lymphatic tissue called MALT includes all of the following except A. tonsils B. peyer patches C. lymph nodes D. diffuse lymphatic tissue


Primary lymphatic organs include the A. tonsils and spleen B. thymus and lymph nodes C. red bone marrow and thymus D. red bone marrow and lymph nodes


The only structures that filter lymph is/are the A. tonsils B. spleen C. lymph nodes D. thymus


The structure of a capillary wall differs from that of a vein or artery because A. the capillary wall has only two tunics B. capillaries have more smooth muscle C. capillary walls have only endothelium and a basement membrane D. capillaries can constrict or dilate E. capillaries are impermeable to all substances


Tonsils A. increase in size in adults B. are located in both the oral and abdominal cavities C. provide protection against bacteria entering the oral and nasal cavities D. contain red pulp and white pulp E. are not functional in children


Veins A. carry blood away from the heart B. carry blood under very high pressure C. may contain valves and are lined with endothelium D. are described as strong, rigid vessels that always carry oxygenated blood E. have thick, many layered walls


Which kind of vessel provides a bypass for a capillary bed? A. sinusoid B. portal vein C. thoroughfare channel D. vasa vasorum E. metarteriole


Which of the following cell types is incorrectly matched with its description? A. neutrophils-most numerous WBCs B. basophils-release histamine C. lymphocytes-become macrophages D. monocytes-larges of the WBCs E. eosinophils-attack worm parasites


Which of the following factors would cause an increase in heart rate? A. increased parasympathetic stimulation B. stimulation of baroreceptors in the aorta C. increased epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla D. increased production of atrial natriuretic factor E. vagal stimulation


Which of the following is NOT true of plasma? A. Plasma is about 91% water B. Plasma is a colloid C. Plasma volume can change drastically D. The color of plasma is yellow


Which of the following statements accurately describes the thymus gland? A. the thymus gland lacks a capsule B. the thymus gland contains many reticular fibers C. the thymus gland decreases in size after age 60 D. lymphocytes are found only in the medulla of the thymus gland E. the thymus increases in size with again


A serious condition in which a large amount of fluid accumulated in the pericardial cavity and puts pressure of the heart is A. endocarditis B. pericarditis C. a myocardial infarction D. cardiac tamponade


A small molecule that can cause an allergic reaction is a/an A. T cell B. B cell C. antibody D. hapten


Atherosclerosis is the A. hypertrophy of the tunica intima B. stretching of arterial walls C. inflammation of veins D. deposition of plaques in arterial walls


Cell-mediated immunity would be least effective against A. tumor cells B. virally infected cells C. intracellular bacteria D. extracellular antigens E. intracellular parasites


Describe the relationship between pulse pressure, aging and compliance A. with increasing age, compliance increases and pulse pressure B with increasing age, compliance decreases and pulse pressure decreases C. with increasing age, compliance decreases and pulse pressure is unaffected D. with increasing age, compliance decreases that pulse pressure increased


During puberty in males, testosterone is not responsible for A. an increased red blood cell count. B. promoting protein synthesis. C. an increased deposition of calcium in bone. D. hypotrophy of the larynx.


In the cardiac cycle A. the right atrium and the right ventricle contract simultaneously B. the left atrium contracts before the right atrium C. all four chambers of the heart contract at the same time D. all four chambers of the heart are in diastole at the same time


Increased amounts of renin promote aldosterone secretion in direct response to A. increased blood Na+ concentration. B. decreased blood Na+ concentration. C. increased blood pressure in the kidney's afferent arterioles. D. decreased blood pressure in the kidney's afferent arterioles.


Mucosal associated lymphatic tissues (MALT) are: A. aggregates of macrophages located in the intestines B. clusters of splenocytes located in the lamina propria of mucous membranes C. clumps of mucous lining the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract D. aggregates of lymphatic tissue scattered throughout the lamina propria of mucous membranes


Select the description below that describes pulmonary circulation A. system of blood vessels that carries blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the right atrium of the heart B. system of blood vessels that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body C. finely dissected blood vessels that allow for the exchange of nutrients in the tissues D. system of blood vessels that carries blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the left atrium of the heart


The HIV virus infects A. B cells B. cytotoxic T cells C. suppressor T cells D. helper T cells E. monocytes


The combination of hemoglobin and carbon dioxide is A. carboxyhemoglobin B. oxyhemoglobin C. deoxyhemoglobin D. carbaminohemoglobin


The exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue cells is the primary function of A. veins B. arteries C. arterioles D. capillaries E. venules


The great cardiac vein and the middle cardiac vein empty into a venous cavity called the A. pulmonary vein B. inferior vena cava C. superior vena cava D. coronary sinus E. coronary artery


The tricuspid valve is closed A. during active filling of the ventricles B. when the mitral valve is open C. while the atria are contracting D. during ejection E. during passive filling of the ventricles


What abnormal heart rhythm could be caused by an elevated body temperature, excessive sympathetic stimulation, or toxic conditions? A. bradycardia B. atrial fibrillation C. second-degree AV node block D. tachycardia


What do the left common carotid, brachiocephalic artery and left subclavian all have in common? A. the all are found in the abdominal cavity B. they all carry blood to the head C. they are coronary vessels D. they all branch from the aortic arch


What gas is also carried by a beta-globin that may help regulate BP? A. carbon dioxide B. carbon monoxide C. nitrogen D. nitric oxide


What is the function of thymosin? A. destroys damaged red blood cells B. destroys damaged white blood cells C. activated lymphocytes in lymph nodes D. maturation of T-cells


What type of gene expression occurs when a person has type AB blood? A. homozygous dominant B. homozygous recessive C. incomplete dominance D. codominance


Which of the following formed elements do not have chromosomes? A. erythrocytes B. reticulocytes C. erythroblasts D. erythrocytes and reticulocytes E. erythrocytes, reticulocytes, and erythroblasts


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of sickle-cell anemia? A. red blood cells take on the sickle shape when oxygen levels are low B. sickle-shaped red blood cells can become lodged in capillaries C. tissue damage from decreased blood supply D. sickle-shaped red blood cells are less likely to rupture


Which of the following is NOT a method of carbon dioxide transport in the blood? A. combined with hemoglobin B. dissolved in the plasma C. as a bicarbonate ions in the plasma D. held in the depression of a red blood cell


Which of the following is an agranulocyte? A. eosinophil B. basophil C. neutrophil D. monocyte E. erythrocyte


Which of the following might increase the risk for cardiovascular disease? A. stopping smoking B. exercise C. maintaining normal cholesterol levels D. chronic stress E. lots of fiber in the diet


Why is it important to use an antibiotic other than ampicillin in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia? A. because antibiotics, such as ampicillin destroy the cell walls of cardiac muscle cells B. because antibiotics, such as ampicillin cause the cells lining blood vessels to endocytose bacteria and deposit them in cardiac muscle tissue C. because antibiotics, such as ampicillin are not effective in the treatment of bacterial pneumonia D. because antibiotics, such as ampicillin destroy the cell walls of bacteria which cause a toxin to be released that will destroy cardiac muscle cells


As air moves down through the tracheobronchial tree, the FIRST segment that will contain alveoli will be A. terminal bronchioles B. alveolar duct C. alveolar sac D. bronchioles E. respiratory bronchioles


End-diastolic volume minus end-systolic volume is equal to A. cardiac output B. cardiac reserve C. pulse volume D. venous return E. stroke volume


Frequently, several different signals or molecules are needed in order to produce an immune response by a B cell or T cell. The second signal in this process is called A. opsonization B. copresentaion C. complement activation D. antigen processing E. costimulation


Interferon A. directly attacks viruses B. protects cells that have been invaded by viruses C. increases vascular permeability D. is not produced by most cells E. is a protein that interferes with virus production and infection


Lymph movement is assisted by A. contraction of skeletal muscle B. contraction of smooth muscle in lymph vessel C. pressure changes in the thorax during respiration D. compression of lymphatic vessels E. all of these choices are correct


Lymphatic tissue contains an interlaced network of reticular fibers that functions to A. produce lymphocytes B. produce capsules around lymph nodes C. attack microorganisms D. line the walls of lymphatic vessels E. trap microorganisms


The olfactory epithelium responsible for the sense of smell is located in the A. floor of the nasal cavity B. wall of the nasal septum C. lining of the nasopharynx D. cavity of the paranasal sinuses E. roof of the nasal cavity


The three unpaired arteries arising from the abdominal aorta are the _______. A. renal artery, hepatic artery, common iliac artery B. lumbar artery, celiac trunk, gonadal artery C. hepatic artery, lumbar artery, common iliac artery D. superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery, gonadal artery E. celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery


When these ligaments or folds come together, they prevent food from entering the lower respiratory tract. A. vocal folds B. vestibular folds C. cricothyroid ligaments D. epiglottic folds E. vocal folds and vestibular folds


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