AP Bio Unit 2 Test

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if you were an enzyme and needed to perform the energetically unfavorable conversion of x to y, you would couple it to

a second reaction associated with a large decrease in free energy

After getting off the ski lift, you choose a trail that requires you ski up a small incline before beginning the downward section of the trail. In the scenario, the hill is analogous to ___ energy


the endosymbiotic theory is supported by the finding of non-nuclear DNA in which of the following organelles?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

One type of biological pathway regulation is referred to as feedback inhibition. This means that as the cell produces

more product through a biochemical pathway, the build up of that product will inhibit the activity of that product's production

which of the following animals has the largest surface area to volume ratio AND is matched correctly with its metabolic rate?

mouse, high metabolic rate

which could easily be seen with a light microscope?


the following are all functions of a typical plasma membrane except for the

permanence in composition

Having similar ___ would allow tissues and organs to be transplated easily

major histocompatibility with proteins

at what pH is enzyme shape best maintained for pepsin?


In a single potassium pump cycle, ATP is used up with the result that

3 sodium ions leave and 2 potassium ions enter

under standard conditions, for every molecule converted to ADP, ATP can release

7.3 Kcal of energy

the subunites from which ATP is made are

ADP and phosphate

Coupling of endergonic and exergonic reactions within cells

All of the choices are correct

which cell represents a hypertonic solution?


during neuronal signaling, a change in membrane potential will cause sodium channels to open and let Na+ ions diffuse down their concentration gradient into the cell. Which of the following helps establish the concentration gradient into the cell. Which of the following helps establish the concentration gradient necessary for this process to occur?

NA/K Pump

Which of the labeled organelles or structures is not found in animal cells?


which structure represents the hydrophilic portion of a phospholipid?


on the outer surface of the plasma membrane there are marker molecules that identify the cell-type. Often these molecules are

carbohydrate chains

diapedesis is the movement of white blood cells through intact blood vessel walls into surrounding body tissue. It typically happens when an area of the body is injured or damaged, and an inflammation response is required. What role would you expect cell adhesion molecules to play in this process?

cell adhesion molecules help white blood cells adhere to the blood vessel so that they can migrate across the wall and infiltrate the underlying tissue

a plant poison, colchicine, blocks the assembly of microtubules. What cellular function would be would be disrupted when a cell is exposed to colchicine?

cell division

Which of the following cells is most likely to contain projections called cilia?

cells lining the oviducts in animals

converts CO2 and H2O to glucose


the accumulation of amino acids and sugars in animal cells occurs through

coupled transport

Which diagram shows the process whereby a cell would take in bacteria?

diagram a

which of the following statements is true regarding enzymatic reactions

endergonic reactions can be accelerated by coupling them to an exergonic reaction

cell-walled organisms cannot carry out


The Gibbs free energy equation, G=H-TS, interrelates

entropy and enthalpy

a new antibiotic has been developed that will use a noncompetitive inhibitor enzyme inhibition. This means that the antibiotic will bind to the

enzyme and alter the shape of the enzyme

the following graph displays which type of reaction?


how can freeze fracture be used to determine the orientation of a protein in a membrane?

freeze-fracture allows cells to be cleaved in between the lipid bilayer, splitting the plasma membrane into two layers

which of the following is a major function of the plasma membrane?

it enables recognition and communication between different cells and tissues

Which of the following is the best definition of diffusion?

it is the movement of molecules from an area of their higher concentration to an area of their lower concentration

in speculating upon the origin of early cells and the cell membrane, which of the following statements is plausible?

it would be nearly impossible to have a cell without a cell membrane

Which form of energy is correctly associated with an example?

kinetic energy movement of muscles

all plants contain chloroplasts with both chlorphyll a and b. By comparison, almost all prokaryotic organisms only contain chlorophyll a. One exception is prochloron, which contains chlorphyll a and b. According to the endosymbiotic theory, how did photosynthetic plants arise and how did the discovery of Prochloron in the 1970s lend to support this theory?

photosynthetic plants arose from a prokaryote that engulfed another free-living photosynthetic prokaryote that eventually developed into a chloroplast. Given that all plants contain chlorophyll b, it must have been present in the common ancestors of plants. Prior to the discovery of prochloron, no bacteria were known to contain chlorophyll b. however, the identification of prochloron, which contains chlorophyl a, suggests that the plant is the direct descendant of the common ancestor to all plant chloroplasts, and therefore provides conclusive evidence in support of endosymbiosis.

in plants, cell-cell junctions can only occur at gaps in the cell walls through the cytoplasmic connections that form across the plasma membranes of the touching cells. These junctions are called


the transport process illustrated in Process A removes cholesterol fro the blood. How is this different from other types of active transport?

process a uses specific carbohydrates to attach to the cholesterol while other types of endocytosis do not use the receptors

which of the following is a true statement about ribosomes

ribosomal subunits leave the nucleus after being formed by the nucleolous

A team of researchers is writing a grant for a microscope to use in their research on the external structures on the dorsal structure of a spider mite. The specific region on the mite's seems to be the habitat of an even smaller mite. These mites are extremely tiny and only one microscope with very high magnification to be purchased. Based on the information given,

scanning electron microscope

Which of the following organisms would be present in the liver for detoxification of drugs and alcohol?

smooth er

a new antibiotic has been developed that will use competitive inhibitor enzyme inhibition. This means that the antibiotic will compete for

substrate binding sites on the enzyme

a student has set has set up an experiment involving bags made of artificial plama membranes ("cells"). These membranes are permeable to monosaccharides and water, but not to starch. In the experiment, the student has filled an artificial cell with a solution containing 90% water, 5% glucose, and 5% starch. The bag is then placed in a beaker of pure water and left for an hour. Predict the outcome.

the bag will get larger, due to the entrance of water (some glucose exits, but more water enters).

facilitated diffusion is an important method for cells in obtaining necessary molecules and removing other ones. Requirements for facilitated diffusion include which of the following?

the carrier molecule must be specific to the molecule that is transported. The direction of movement is always with the concentration gradient, never against the gradient

if the digestive tract lining of an animal leaks, this means that the junctions between cells have broken down. Teams of researchers working at a pesticide company are trying to produce a new rodent poison that will cause junctions between intestines to leak, ultimately killing the rodent. The specific cellular targets of this poison are

tight junctions between the gut epithelial cells

plant cells placed in a hypotonic environment

will remain turgid, due to the elastic cell wall.

if you were a protein destined to reach the plasma membrane and you were making your way through the Golgi when suddenly Golgi trafficking was blocked at the trans face, what would happen to you?

you would be stuck in the golgi

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