AP Biology Land Cards

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A recessive trait appears in 81% of the individuals in a population that is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. What percent of the population in the next generation is expected to be homozygous dominant? A. 1% B. 9% C. 18% D. 19% E. 81%

A. 1% Blue

Which of the following describes a single population? A. A group of bacteria all of the species Bacillus subtilis B. All insects occupying three hectares of farmland C. An exact count of 315 animals in a fenced plot of land D. All the birds counted in one day by census takers in the United States E. All the animals and plants on an isolated island

A. A group of bacteria all of the species Bacillus subtilis Orange

The products of the Krebs cycle include A. ATP, NADH, FADH2, CO2 B. ATP, NAD+, FAD, CO2 C. ATP, H2O, O2 D. ADP, CO2, H2O E. NADH, FAD+, CO2

A. ATP, NADH, FADH2, CO2 Yellow

All of the following statements about endosperm in angiosperms are correct EXCEPT: A. It forms entirely from maternal tissue. B. It has a triploid chromosome number. C. It forms from a portion of the embryo sac that contains the polar nuclei. D. It provides nutrients for the growing embryo. E. It originates from a cell that is fertilized by a sperm nucleus from a pollen grain.

A. It forms entirely from maternal tissue. Yellow

Duchenne's muscular dystrophy is inherited as a sex-linked recessive allele. From whom does a male with this disease inherit the defective allele? A. Only his mother B. Only his father C. The mother or the father, but not both D. Both the mother and the father E. It is impossible to determine with certainty using only the given information.

A. Only his mother Pink

"Primers" that initiate DNA replication consist of A. RNA nucleotides B. DNA nucleotides C. Okazaki fragments D. DNA polymerase E. nucleosomes

A. RNA nucleotides Red

Which of the following best describes the pattern of punctuated equilibrium in evolution? A. Speciation events occur relatively rapidly. B. Small changes that accumulate over long periods of time lead to the formation of a new species and the extinction of the old species. C. Small changes that accumulate over long periods of time lead to the divergence of one species into two or more species. D. Speciation occurs when random changes accumulate over long periods of time. E. Geographic isolation is the predominant mechanism of speciation.

A. Speciation events occur relatively rapidly. Pink

During the penetration stage of the lytic cycle, portions of the capsid combine with receptors on the bacterial plasma membrane. A. True B. False

A. True Yellow

All of the following are associated with an increase in the rate of breathing EXCEPT: A. an increase in HCO3- in the blood B. an increase in pH in the blood C. an increase in CO2 in the blood D. moving to a higher elevation E. an increase in muscular activity

A. an increase in HCO3- in the blood Orange

Both viruses and prokaryotes contain A. nucleic acids B. ribosomes C. a plasma membrane D. a protein coat E. a peptidoglycan wall

A. nucleic acids Orange

The main function of water in photophosphorylation is to A. provide electrons which are energized by light energy B. facilitate the movement of pigments into and out of the chloroplasts C. provide the necessary oxygen for the photosynthetic process D. supply the energy required for photosynthesis E. maintain the integrity of the chloroplast membranes

A. provide electrons which are energized by light energy Pink

When oxygen is unavailable, a yeast cell can obtain ATP A. through glycolysis B. by breaking down carbon dioxide C. through oxidative phosphorylation D. by substituting carbon dioxide for processes requiring oxygen E. by breaking down water to obtain small amounts of energy

A. through glycolysis Test Graded with an A+

Hemophilia is inherited as a sex-linked recessive trait. If a woman whose father has hemophilia marries a man without hemophilia, what is the probability that their child will be a boy with hemophilia. A. 0% B. 25% C. 50% D. 75% E. 100%

B. 25% Pink

If A represents a dominant allele and a represents the recessive allele, what are the genotypes of parents that produce 300 progeny with the dominant trait and 100 progeny with the recessive trait? A. AA X AA B. AA X Aa C. AA X aa D. Aa X aa E. Aa X Aa

B. AA X Aa Orange

Which of the following is MOST responsible for the movement of water up a tall tree? A. Adhesion B. Capillary action C. Guttation D. Osmosis E. Sunlight

B. Capillary action Orange

All of the following occur for the contraction of a motor muscle EXCEPT: A. The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases Ca2+ B. The actin cross-bridges attach to the myosin filaments. C. An action potential travels along the T-tubules. D. ATP is available. E. A neurotransmitter diffuses across the neuromusclar junction.

B. The actin cross-bridges attach to the myosin filaments. Blue

In most flowering plants, photosynthesis occurs in leaves primarily in A. cells in the spongy mesophyll B. cells of the palisade mesophyll C. epidermal cells D. cells of the vascular tissue E. bundle sheath cells

B. cells of the palisade mesophyll Purple

Clown fish hide among the tentacles of sea anemones. Unlike their predators, clown fish are immune to the stinging tentacles. Thus, clown fish are protected within the sea anemones. The sea anemones are neither helped nor harmed by the presence of the clown fish. The relationship between the clown fish and the sea anemone is a example of A. competition B. commensalism C. mutualism D. parasitism E. predation

B. commensalism Blue

ATP is required for all of the following processes EXCEPT: A. active transport by transport proteins B. facilitated diffusion C. microtubule movement within flagella D. Na+/K+ pump activity E. protein synthesis

B. facilitated diffusion Yellow

DNA replication occurs during A. anaphase B. interphase C. metaphase D. prophase E. telophase

B. interphase Yellow

The frequency of individuals better able to survive in a new habitat increases in a population over time. The best explanation for this is A. mutation B. natural selection C. genetic drift D. gene flow E. the founder effect

B. natural selection Pink

The primary function of progesterone in the menstrual cycle is to A. stimulate development of the egg B. stimulate development of the endometrium C. stimulate development of the corpus leuteum D. stimulate development of the follicle E. trigger ovulation

B. stimulate development of the endometrium Orange

Two sympatric species of pine trees release their pollen during different months. This is an example of A. habitat isolation B. temporal isolation C. behavioral isolation D. mechanical isolation E. geographic isolation

B. temporal isolation Yellow

A bacteriophage is a A. bacterium that attacks viruses B. virus that attacks bacteria C. bacterium that attacks eukaryotic cells D. parasitic bacterium E. parasitic eukaryotic cell

B. virus that attacks bacteria Pencil

Which of the following is produced by the corpus luteum? A. Progesterone and estrogen B. Progesterone ad follicle stimulating hormone C. Follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone D. Estrogen and luteinizing hormone E. Progesterone and gonadotropin releasing hormone

C. Follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone Pink

Kangaroo rats live in desert habitats. Which of the following physiological or behavioral adaptations increases their survival in this hot and dry environment? A. Frequent drinking B. Frequent urination C. Nephrons with long loops of Henle D. Numerous sweat glands in their skin E. Diurnal activity

C. Nephrons with long loops of Henle Blue

When ATP is produced in mitochondria, all of the following occur EXCEPT: A. Water is formed from O2, electrons, and H+ B. NADH is converted to NAD+ and H+ C. Protons are pumped out of the mitochondria D. An electrochemical gradient is established across mitochondrial membranes. E. A pH gradient is established across mitochondrial membranes.

C. Protons are pumped out of the mitochondria Blue

Food storage in seeds occurs in the A. embryo B. coleoptile C. cotyledon D. germ E. plumule

C. cotyledon Yellow

Elongation of cells in shoot tops of plants is promoted by A. abscisic acid B. carotenes C. cytokinins D. ethylene E. indoleacetic acid

C. cytokinins Pink

Certain organs of locomotion, such as the arm of a human, the flipper of a whale, the foreleg of a horse, and the wing of a bat, are often cited as evidence of evolution. What type of evidence does this example indicate? A. comparative anatomy B. biochemical evidence C. homologous structures D. analagous structures E. geographic isolation

C. homologous structures Red

A young gosling follows its mother soon after birth. If a human raises the gosling from birth, the young gosling follows a human. If no animate object is nearby at birth, the gosling fails to follow its mother or a human if either are introduced several days after birth. This behavior can best be described as A. insight B. associative learning C. imprinting D. fixed action pattern E. trial-and-error learning

C. imprinting Purple

Which of the following carries the code that determines the sequence of monomers in a protein? A. rRNA B. tRNA C. mRNA D. The large ribosome subunit E. DNA polymerase

C. mRNA Blue

All of the following can be found in plasma membranes of eukaryotes EXCEPT: A. cellulose B. phospholipids C. oligosaccharides D. proteins E. cholesterol molecules

C. oligosaccharides Blue

During cellular respiration, ATP is generated by all of the following EXCEPT: A glycolysis B. oxidative phosphorylation C. the Calvin-Benson cycle D. biochemical pathways occurring in the cytoplasm E. biochemical pathways occurring in the mitochondria

C. the Calvin-Benson cycle Blue

A cell contains four pairs of homologous chromosomes represented by A1/A2 B1/B2 C1/C2 D1/D2. Which of the following represents the chromosome makeup of a gamete derived from this cell? A. A1A2B1B2 C1C2D1D2 B. B1B1C1D1 C. A1A2B1B2 D. A1B2C2D2 E. A1C1C2D1

D. A1B2C2D2 Orange

Turner Syndrome occurs in humans whose cells are missing the Y chromosome. All of the following are true about Turner Syndrome EXCEPT: A. A Turner syndrome zygote results when a sperm missing a Y chromosome fertilizes a normal egg. B. A Turner syndrome zygote results when a normal sperm bearing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg missing an X chromosome. C. During meiosis, nondisjunction occurs to produce one of the gametes used to form the Turner syndrome zygote. D. Barr bodies form in the nuclei of Turner syndrome individuals. E. The zygote has 45 chromosomes.

D. Barr bodies form in the nuclei of Turner syndrome individuals. Blue

Which of the following is an anabolic reaction? A. ATP + H2O --->ADP + P B. Cellular respiration C. Starch + n (H2O) --> n(C6H12O6) D. CO2 + H2O --> C6H12O6 + O2 E. Glycolysis

D. CO2 + H2O --> C6H12O6 + O2 Orange

Which of the following organisms would most likely be located at the bottom of the pyramid of biomass? A. Squid B. Crustaceans C. Seal D. Diatoms E. Sharks

D. Diatoms Blue

In an effort to clone a human protein, material from a human cell is introduced into bacteria. Which of the following human materials are needed for this procedure? A. The segment of DNA coding for the protein's mRNA transcript. B. The rRNA and tRNA used during translation of the protein. C. The protein's mRNA transcript found in the nucleus. D. The protein's mRNA found in the cytoplasm. E. The introns removed from the protein's unprocessed mRNA transcript

D. The protein's mRNA found in the cytoplasm. Orange

Which of the following represents the organisms contained within domain Eukaryota (eukarya)? A. archaea, bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia B. bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia C. fungi, plantae, animalia D. protista, fungi, plantae, animalia

D. protista, fungi, plantae, animalia Yellow

Over a period of 100 years, a clear mountain lake is transformed into a meadow. During the transition, various communities inhabit the area. Each community is replaced by a new community and after a period of time. The ecological process described in the above paragraph is an example of A. carrying capacity B. density-dependent limiting factors C. denisty-independent limiting factors D. succession E. biotic potential

D. succession Pink

All of the following are end products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis EXCEPT: A. NADPH B. ATP C. O2 D. H+ E. C6H12O6

E. C6H12O6 Orange

A transcription of the DNA sequence CCCGGAATT would produce which of the following sequences in mRNA? A. CCCGGAATT B. GGGCCTTAA C. AAATTCCGG D. UUUAACCAA E. GGGCCUUAA


Which of the following is a function of the Golgi complex? A. Protein synthesis B. Ribosome synthesis C. DNA replication D. Ca2+ storage in muscle cells E. Modifying and packaging of proteins and lipids into vesicles

E. Modifying and packaging of proteins and lipids into vesicles Pink

A severe storm forms a new rive that divides a population of mice. After 500 years, a drought causes the rive to dry up, allowing the two populations of mice to mix. Mating between mice from the two populations does not yield any offspring. This is an example of A. hybridization B. adaptive radiation C. balanced polymorphism D. sympatric speciation E. allopatric speciation

E. allopatric speciation Book

All of the following are effective in lowering body temperature in mammals EXCEPT: A. large ears B. sweating C. panting D. decreased muscular activity E. decreased blood flow to extremities

E. decreased blood flow to extremities Red

The lac operon A. is found in eukaryotic cells B. codes for the sequence of amino acids in lactase C. regulates the translation of mRNA D. regulates transcription by turning on or off the production of a repressor protein E. regulates DNA replication by turning on or off the production of an inducer protein

E. regulates DNA replication by turning on or off the production of an inducer protein Yellow

Natural selection is based on all of the following except A. variation exists within populations B. the fittest individuals leave the most offspring C. there is differential reproductive success within populations D. populations tend to produce more individuals than the environment can support E. use or disuse of organs during one generation causes modifications of these same organs in subsequent generations

E. use or disuse of organs during one generation causes modifications of these same organs in subsequent generations Yellow

Viruses a. can mutate. b. can extract energy from their environment. c. have a cell membrane. d. can reproduce on their own. e. are made of cells.

a. can mutate. Purple

Competitive inhibitors of enzymes work by a. fitting into the active site. b. fitting into a site other than the active site. c. altering the shape of the enzyme. d. changing the enzyme into an inactive form. e. increasing the activation energy of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction.

a. fitting into the active site. Red

Enzymes a. may be subject to feedback inhibition. b. change the value of delta-G for a reaction. c. always require cofactors. d. have no effect on the activation energy barrier of a reaction. e. are permanently changed by the reactions they facilitate.

a. may be subject to feedback inhibition. Red

Which physiological function would be least associated with proteins? a. Catalysis b. Energy reserve c. Structural support d. Defense e. Hormone binding

b. Energy reserve Purple

Which type of bonds or interactions between atoms is the strongest ? a. Hydrophobic interaction b. Ionic bonds c. Covalent bonds d. Van der Waals interactions e. Hydrogen Bonds

c. Covalent bonds Purple

A nucleotide consists of a pentose sugar, a phosphate group, and a(n) a. lipid. b. acid. c. nitrogen-containing base. d. amino acid. e. glycerol.

c. nitrogen-containing base. Red

A function of the nucleolus is to a. assemble proteins. b. regulate molecular entry into and exit from the nucleus. c. provide a space for ribosome activity. d. carry out transcription of DNA. e. replicate DNA during cell division.

c. provide a space for ribosome activity. Red

Genes are a. nucleotides that code for DNA. b. segments of proteins. c. sequences of DNA that code for proteins. d. static and do not change over time. e. each made up of billions of nucleotides.

c. sequences of DNA that code for proteins. Purple

What is the nucleotide sequence of the complementary strand of the DNA molecule 5'-AATGCGA-3'? a. 3'-CCGTTAT-5' b. 3'-AATGCGA-5' c. 3'-GGCATAG-5' d. 3'-TTACGCT-5' e. 5'- AGCGTAA-3'

d. 3'-TTACGCT-5' Red

Organisms have been able to survive in a wide variety of environments because they a. have a genome. b. contain organelles. c. carry out photosynthesis. d. adapt through evolution. e. are similar to model organisms.

d. adapt through evolution. Purple

A phylogenetic tree a. shows evolutionary relationships. b. relies for its construction on evidence from fossils, metabolic processes, and molecular analyses of genomes. c. helps us understand the history and relationships of living organisms. d. shows the order in which populations split and evolved into new species. e. All of the above

e. All of the above Purple

The abundance of O2 led to the evolution of a. anaerobic eukaryotes. b. aerobic eukaryotes. c. anaerobic prokaryotes. d. aerobic prokaryotes. e. Both b and d

e. Both b and d Purple

Prokaryotic cells generally are smaller than eukaryotic cells. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this difference? a. Prokaryotes have more diverse energy sources. b. Prokaryotes have a capsule that limits cell growth. c. The rigid cell wall of prokaryotes limits cell size. d. Prokaryotes lack the genetic material needed for protein synthesis. e. Eukaryotes have more compartmentalization, which allows them to be structurally and functionally more complex.

e. Eukaryotes have more compartmentalization, which allows them to be structurally and functionally more complex. Red

On a hot summer day, a fish in a shallow pond does not experience a spike in temperature and does not lose its habitat to evaporation. What properties of water are at work to provide these protections? a. High heat capacity and high surface tension b. Strong cohesive properties and high heat of vaporization c. Strong adhesive properties and high heat capacity d. Strong cohesive properties and high surface tension e. High heat capacity and high heat of vaporization

e. High heat capacity and high heat of vaporization Purple

Lysosomes are important to many eukaryotic animal cells because they contain a. photosynthetic pigments. b. starch molecules for energy storage. c. their own DNA molecules. d. cell waste materials. e. digestive enzymes.

e. digestive enzymes. Red

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