AP 🌏 Ch. 38 A World Without Borders

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carrying capacity

A Large population changes the earth and its environment, raising an impor tant question: How many people can the earth support? The exact ___________ _______________ of the planet is, of course, a matter of debate, but by many measures the earth seems to strain already to support the current population.


A growing and related global problem that touches societies on every continent is the ________________ of persons. _______________ has appeared in many forms. In Russia and the Ukraine, for example, traffickers lure victims with the promise of well-paying jobs abroad. Once the victims arrive in the countries of their destination, they become captives of ruthless traffickers who force them into bonded labor, domestic servitude, or the com mercial sex industry through threats and physical brutality— including rape, torture and starvation, incarceration, and death.

Saddam Hussein

A multinational coalition force some three hundred thousand strong, largely made up of U.S. and British troops but also including those from approximately two dozen other nations, carried out an inva sion of Iraq designed to wage further war on terrorism by ousting the regime of ______________ ______________ and creating a dem ocratic state.

Trading blocs

Accepting free trade and open markets meant acknowledg ing global economic interdependence; no single economic-power could fully control global trade and commerce. These were known as _________ __________.

Fall of Berlin Wall

Along with decolonization, the __________ _____ __________ _________, and the endofthe cold war, many otherforces were at work to create a new, more open, world. One pronounced feature of this world was an increased level of economic interaction between countries and a tighter economic integration oftheworld.


Although Latin American critics often decry the spell cast by North American popular culture on Latin American audi ences, Evita-mania has indicated that the sharing or impos ing of cultural practices is a two-way phenomenon. A trend in Latin America is Music Television (________) Latino, perceived by many critics as another case of foreign cultural intrusion, whereby Latin video deejays speak "Spanglish" or "Chequenos" ("check us out"), mixing Span ish and English.

Music Television

Although Latin American critics often decry the spell cast by North American popular culture on Latin American audi ences, Evita-mania has indicated that the sharing or impos ing of cultural practices is a two-way phenomenon. A trend in Latin America is ____________ _____________ (MTV) Latino, perceived by many critics as another case of foreign cultural intrusion, whereby Latin video deejays speak "Spanglish" or "Chequenos" ("check us out"), mixing Span ish and English.


Although girls and women in industrial and communist nations are guaranteed basic if not fully equal legal rights and are educated in roughly the same numbers as boys and men, women in other areas of the world have long been denied access to ______________.


Although no one can with certainty account for the "missing" girls, some population experts speculate that a continued strong preference for male children causes parents to send baby girls away for adoption or to be raised secretly or, in some cases, to single them out for ______________.

Missing girls

Although no one can with certainty account for the _____________ _________, some population experts speculate that a continued strong preference for male children causes parents to send baby girls away for adoption or to be raised secretly or, in some cases, to single them out for infanticide.

Operation Iraqi Freedom

Another international action against terrorism came in March 2003, when President Bush coordinated what he termed "_____________ __________ _____________."


Another well-established economic partnership is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ____________. Established in 1967 by the foreign ministers of Thailand. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines, its prin cipal objectives were to accelerate economic development and promote political stability in southeast Asia. Originally conceived as a bulwark against the spread of communism in the region, the economic focus of ___________ became sharper after it signed cooperative agreements with Japan in 1977 and the European Community in 1980.


Anticipating that some momentous event was soon to occur at the wall, that the wall might come down that night, she also shivered in fear at the proximity of the __________________ ("people's police")—the same officers who since 1961 gunned down East Germans attempting to scale the wall and escape to freedom in West Berlin.


As all forms of European and American dress became taboo, women had to be completely veiled in ____________, and men had to eschew neckties and grow full, untrimmed beards.

Osama bin Laden

As mil lions around the world watched events unfold on television, the U.S. government launched an intensive investigation and identified the Islamic militant ____________ _____ __________ (1957-) as the mastermind behind the attacks. Officials also accused _____ _________ of directing previous attacks on U.S. interests in Africa and southwest Asia.

Club of Rome

Beginning in 1967 a group of international economists and scientists—dubbed the __________ ______ __________—attempted to specify the limits of both economic and population growth in relation to the capacity of the planet to support humanity.

Ronald Regan

Between 1989 and 1991, the Soviet system in Europe collapsed with indecent haste. This was partly encouraged by U.S. President ____________ _________ (in office 1981-1989), who re-invigorated cold war animosities, zeroing in on communism and the USSR, which he called "the evil empire."


By showcasing the consumer goods of capital ist societies and spreading news of each new chapter in the fall of communism, ______________ in fact had helped spur the revolutions that ended the cold war. As Kristina Matschat testified, before the Berlin Wall fell she had seen West Berlin only on ______________.

Nongovernmental organization

Contemporary ef forts at global cooperation have antecedents in the past. A prototypical ____________________ ___________________ (NGO) is the Red Cross, an international humanitarian agency. Founded on the initiative of the Swiss philanthropist Jean Henri Du-nant (1828-1910), this agency was originally dedicated to alleviating the sufferings of wounded soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians in time of war.

Jean Henri Dunant

Contemporary ef forts at global cooperation have antecedents in the past. A prototypical nongovernmental organization (NGO) is the Red Cross, an international humanitarian agency. Founded on the initiative of the Swiss philanthropist _________ ___________ ___________ (1828-1910), this agency was originally dedicated to alleviating the sufferings of wounded soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians in time of war.

Red Cross

Contemporary ef forts at global cooperation have antecedents in the past. A prototypical nongovernmental organization (NGO) is the _________ __________, an international humanitarian agency. Founded on the initiative of the Swiss philanthropist Jean Henri Du-nant (1828-1910), this agency was originally dedicated to alleviating the sufferings of wounded soldiers, prisoners of war, and civilians in time of war.


Despite economic stagnation, an accelerated arms race with the United States that further strained the _________ econ omy, and obvious signs of discontent, the rulers of eastern and central Europe were too reluctant to confront the chal lenge and restructure their ailing systems.


Dominated by Pashtuns—the majority ethnic group of Afghanistan—the Taliban under its leading ___________ (male religious leader), Mohammed Omar, fought a series of holy wars against other ethnic and Muslim groups, such as Af ghanistan's Shia minority.

Mohammed Omar

Dominated by Pashtuns—the majority ethnic group of Afghanistan—the Taliban under its leading mullah (male religious leader), ______________ _________, fought a series of holy wars against other ethnic and Muslim groups, such as Af ghanistan's Shia minority.


During the last half of the twentieth century, these internal migrations led to rapid ________________ in much of the world.

Global corporation

During the past twenty-five years, ihe transformation of the corporate landscape has resulted in the birth of some fifty thousand ____________ ________________. In contrast to the multinational, the typical ___________ _______________ relies on a small headquarters staff while dispersing all other corporate functions across the globe in search of the lowest possible operating costs. __________ ________________ treat the world as a single market and act as if the nation-state no longer exists


Fear of Foreign things or People. Donald Trump!


For decades the issue of popula tion control was highly politicized. Political leaders in developing countries, for example, charged representatives of industrialized countries with racism when they raised concerns regarding __________________.

Afghan mujahideen

For nine years well-equipped Soviet forces fought a brutal, unsuccessful campaign against ___________ ________________. or Islamic warriors, who gradually gained control of most of the countryside.

Economic miracle

Globalization and the speeding up of worldwide economic-integration also benefited from economic developments in east and southeast Asia, where the economies of Japan. China, and the so-called Asian tigers underwent dramatic economic growth. This Asian "___________ ___________" was largely a result of economic globalization


Gorbachev then contemplated different kinds of reform, us ing the term ______________, or "restructuring," to describe his efforts to decentralize the economy. To make perestroika work, the Soviet leader linked it to glasnost, a term that referred to the opening of Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes.


Gorbachev then contemplated different kinds of reform, us ing the term perestroika, or "restructuring," to describe his efforts to decentralize the economy. To make perestroika work, the Soviet leader linked it to ___________, a term that referred to the opening of Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes.

Human rights

Governmental and nongovernmental organizations have focused much of their attention on the protection of ____________ ________, the notion that all persons are entitled to some basic rights, especially rights that protect an individual against state conduct prohibited by international law or custom.

Geneva Convention

In 1864 the representa tives of twelve nations signed the first ____________ _____________, which laid down the rules for the treatment of the wounded and the protection of medical personnel and hospitals.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In 1948, the National Assembly of the UN adopted the _____________ _____________ ______ ___________ __________, which contributed to the codi fication of international human rights laws. The declaration singled out specific human rights violations such as extra judicial or summary executions, arbitrary arrest and torture, and slavery or involuntary servitude as well as discrimina tion on racial, sexual, or religious grounds.

Velvet divorce

In 1993, disagreements over the time frame for shifting to a market economy led to a "__________ ___________," breaking Czechoslovakia into two new nations, the Czech Republic and Slovakia


In 1993, disagreements over the time frame for shifting to a market economy led to a "velvet divorce," breaking Czechoslovakia into two new nations, the Czech Republic and _____________

Czech Republic

In 1993, disagreements over the time frame for shifting to a market economy led to a "velvet divorce," breaking Czechoslovakia into two new nations, the _________ ___________ and Slovakia

Sirimavo Bandaranaike

In 1994 Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (1945-) became the first female president of Sri Lanka. Both her parents had previously served as prime ministers; her mother, ______________ ________________ (1916-2000), became the first elected woman prime minister in I960. As president, Kumaratunga appointed her mother to serve a third term as prime minister.

Sri Lanka

In 1994 Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga (1945-) became the first female president of ________ ____________. Both her parents had previously served as prime ministers; her mother, Sirimavo Bandara naike (1916-2000), became the first elected woman prime minister in I960. As president, Kumaratunga appointed her mother to serve a third term as prime minister.

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

In 1994 _______________ _________________ _________________ (1945-) became the first female president of Sri Lanka. Both her parents had previously served as prime ministers; her mother, Sirimavo Bandara naike (1916-2000), became the first elected woman prime minister in I960. As president, _________________ appointed her mother to serve a third term as prime minister.

European Community

In March 1957, representatives of six nations—France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg—took a significant step in this direction by signing the Treaty of Rome. This treaty established the European Economic Community—renamed the ____________ _____________ in 1967. At the heart of this new community of nations lay the dis mantling of tariffs and other barriers to free trade among member nations.

European Economic Community

In March 1957, representatives of six nations—France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg—took a significant step in this direction by signing the Treaty of Rome. This treaty established the ____________ ___________ _____________—renamed the European Community in 1967. At the heart of this new community of nations lay the dis mantling of tariffs and other barriers to free trade among member nations.

Treaty of Rome

In March 1957, representatives of six nations—France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg—took a significant step in this direction by signing the __________ _____ ___________. This treaty established the European Economic Community—renamed the European Community in 1967. At the heart of this new community of nations lay the dis mantling of tariffs and other barriers to free trade among member nations.

Aung San

In Myanmar (formerly Burma), Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-) has emerged as a leader, also deriving her political authority from her father, _________ _______, assassinated in 1947. Assuming the leadership of the democracy movement after her return from exile in 1988, Suu Kyi called for a nonvio lent revolution against Myanmar's "fascist gov ernment."

Aung San Suu Kyi

In Myanmar (formerly Burma), __________ _______ ________ ________ (1945-) has emerged as a leader, also deriving her political authority from her father, Aung San, assassinated in 1947. Assuming the leadership of the democracy movement after her return from exile in 1988, Suu Kyi called for a nonvio lent revolution against Myanmar's "fascist gov ernment."

Nicolae Ceausescu

In Romania, by con trast, the regime of dictator _____________ _____________ (1918-1989) refused to acknowledge the necessity of reform.


In _____________, by contrast, the regime of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu (1918-1989) refused to acknowledge the necessity of reform.


In ______________ (formerly Burma), Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-) has emerged as a leader, also deriving her political authority from her father, Aung San, assassinated in 1947. Assuming the leadership of the democracy movement after her return from exile in 1988, Suu Kyi called for a nonvio lent revolution against Her "fascist gov ernment."

Beyond the Limits

In a more recent and widely acclaimed work, ____________ ______ __________ (1999). the Club of Rome, while acknowledging that its earlier predictions had been too pessimistic, persisted in being equally pessimistic about the future.

AIDS crisis

In part this decline is the result of the _________ __________, which is taking a heavy demographic toll in societies where fertility rates are high.

Sinatra Doctrine

In public interviews he surprised his grim-faced hosts with the announcement that the Brezhnev Doctrine was no longer in force and that from then on each country would be re sponsible for its own destiny. As one observer put it, the "____________ ____________" ("I did it my way") replaced the Brezhnev Doctrine. The new Soviet orientation led in rapid succession to the collapse or overthrow of regimes in Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and East Germany.

Global Warming

In recent decades one environmental issue has taken center stage: climate change. In the context of environmental debates and policymaking, climate change usually refers to a human-induced climate change known as ____________ ___________.

Climate Change

In recent decades one environmental issue has taken center stage: ____________ ____________. In the context of environmental debates and policymaking, ___________ ____________ usually refers to a human-induced ____________ ___________ known as global warming

Greenhouse gases

In the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto, at a conference dedicated to climate change, the delegates from 187 nations agreed in 1997 to cut ________________ ________ blamed for global warming


Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) and Benazir Bhuto (1953-2007) led India and __________ as effective politicians, having been raised by fathers who themselves were prominent in politics.


Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) and Benazir Bhuto (1953-2007) led ___________ and Pakistan as effective politicians, having been raised by fathers who themselves were prominent in politics.

Benazir Bhuto

Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) and _____________ _________ (1953-2007) led India and Pakistan as effective politicians, having been raised by fathers who themselves were prominent in politics.

External migration

Internal migration describes the flow of people from rural to urban areas within one society, whereas ____________ _____________ describes the movement of peopleacross long distances and international borders.


International companies were born out of the desire to extend business activities across borders in pursuit of specific activities such as importation, exportation, and the extraction of raw ma terials. International companies evolved into ___________________, which conducted their business in several countries but had to operate within the confines of specific laws and customs of a given society.

Erich Honecker

Its aging leader, __________ ______________ (1912-1994), openly objected to Gorbachev's ideas and clung to Stalinist policies. When he showed genuine bewilderment at the fact that East German citizens fled the country by the thousands through openings in the iron cur tain in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, his party removed him from power.


Just as western European countries had benefited from the Mar shall Plan, so __________ benefited from direct U.S. financial aid (S2 billion), investment, and the timely abandonment of war reparations


Just before midnight East German soldiers suddenly began not only opening gates in the Wall but also gently helping East Germans cross to the West, often for the first time in their lives. Her near disbelief at the swift downfall of Berlin's decades-old barricade registered in the word she heard shouted over and over again by those passing through the wall: _______________ ("craziness").


Life is bleak in the slums out-side Mumbai; in the shantytowns around Kinshasa or Nai robi; and in the ____________, barrios, and villas miserias of Lima, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires.


Life is bleak in the slums out-side Mumbai; in the shantytowns around Kinshasa or Nai robi; and in the barriadas, ___________, and villas miserias of Lima, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires.

Villas miserias

Life is bleak in the slums out-side Mumbai; in the shantytowns around Kinshasa or Nai robi; and in the barriadas, barrios, and ____________ ____________ of Lima, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires.

Free trade

Of more recent origin is the phrase __________ __________, meaning freedom from state-imposed limits and constraints on trade across borders. The issue of free trade engendered a debate about the extent to which free trade enhances the prosperity of a society.

Berlin Wall

On 9 November 1989, Kristina Matschat felt excitement and tension in the night air of Berlin. She had joined thousands of other East Germans at Checkpoint Charlie, one of the most famous crossing points in the ___________ _______.

Checkpoint Charlie

On 9 November 1989, Kristina Matschat felt excitement and tension in the night air of Berlin. She had joined thousands of other East Germans at _______________ ___________, one of the most famous crossing points in the Berlin Wall.


On 9 November 1989, Kristina Matschat felt excitement and tension in the night air of ___________. She had joined thousands of other East Germans at Checkpoint Charlie, one of the most famous crossing points in the Berlin Wall.

Kristina Matschat

On 9 November 1989, _____________ _____________ felt excitement and tension in the night air of Berlin. She had joined thousands of other East Germans at Checkpoint Charlie, one of the most famous crossing points in the Berlin Wall.


On the downside, _____________[ most often creates low-paying jobs, and most of the profits flow to the developed world, where the majority of tourism businesses are located.


One of the earliest and most successful economic alliances was the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (__________), a producer cartel established in I960 by the oil-producing states of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela, and later joined by Qatar, Libya, Indone sia, Abu Dhabi, Algeria. Nigeria, Ecuador, and Gabon. The mostly Arab and Muslim member states of ___________ sought to raise the price of oil through cooperation, but __________ dem onstrated during the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 that coopera tion had political as well as economic potential.


Osama bin Laden headed _____-____________ ("the base"), the core of a global terrorist network. He became a popular figure in the U.S.-backed effort to aid mujahideen (Islamic warriors) who fought Soviet forces in Afghanistan.


Osama bin Laden headed al-Qaeda ("the base"), the core of a global terrorist network. He became a popular figure in the U.S.-backed effort to aid mujahideen (Islamic warriors) who fought Soviet forces in ________________.


Poor economic conditions have been closely associated with forms of _____________ similar to slavery.


Poor economic conditions have been closely associated with forms of servitude similar to _____________.

Al Gore

Premiering in2006, An Inconvenient Truth isa documentary film, directed by Davis Guggenheim, about the campaign waged by former United States vicepresident ______ __________ (1948-) to educate the publicabout the severityof the climate crisis and especially global warming

Davis Guggenheim

Premiering in2006, An Inconvenient Truth isa documentary film, directed by __________ _______________ , about the campaign waged by former United States vicepresident Al Gore (1948-) to educate the publicabout the severityof the climate crisis and especially global warming. Gore discusses the scientificopinion on climate change, as wellas the pres ent and future effects of global warming, and stresses that climate change "isreally not a political issue, so much as a moral one."

Inconvenient Truth

Premiering in2006, An ________________ _________ isa documentary film, directed by Davis Guggenheim, about the campaign waged by former United States vicepresident Al Gore (1948-) to educate the publicabout the severityof the climate crisis and especially global warming.

Barack Obama

President ____________ ___________ (1961-), elected in 2008, has shifted the war on terror away from Iraq and toward Afghanistan and bin Laden.

World Health Organizations

Quietly and without attracting attention from the news media, the specialized agencies of the UN have achieved numerous successes. For example, in 1980 the _________ ___________ ______________ proclaimed the worldwide eradication of smallpox as a result of its thirteen-year global program

End of the Cold War

Reagan's __________ ______ rhetoric and budgets challenged detente and the Soviet ability to match U.S. spending, but internal changes in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe worked most effectively to end communism and the __________ ______.

Guest Workers

Since I960 some 13 million "___________ ____________" from southern Europe, Turkey, and northern Africa have taken up permanent residence in western Europe, and more than 10 million permanent migrants—mostly from Mexico— have entered the United States.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Since the late 1980s, _________ _______ ________ __________ (1945-), the girl child of the assassinated Burmese independence leader Aung San, has remained a beacon of democratic hope for the nation now known as Myanmar

Global Economy

Supporting the new ____________ ______________ were technological developments in communications; semiconductors, fiber-optic cables, and satellites have virtually eliminated geographic distances, causing an ever-faster inte gration of the market economy.


The AIDS epidemic is a serious pub lic health threat throughout the world, but the disease has struck the developing world hardest, especially sub-Saharan __________.

Ground to air Stinger missiles

The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States supplied the decisive weapons in the war: _____________ _______ ________ ___________ ____________ , which could be used to shoot down heavily armored Soviethelicopters, and thousands of mules to haul supplies from Pakistan.

Birth Control pill

The U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of both race and sex, and the introduction of the __________ ___________ ________in the 1960s and legal protection of abortion in the 1970s provided a measure of sexual freedom.


The U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of both race and sex, and the introduction of the birth control pill in the 1960s and legal protection of ______________ in the 1970s provided a measure of sexual freedom.

Northern Alliance

The U.S. military and its international allies generally limited their operations to in telligence missions and massive air strikes, fighting the war on the ground through Afghan proxies, most notably the forces of the _______________ _____________.

US Civil Rights Act

The ________ __________ ___________ ________ of 1964 prohibited discrimination on the basis of both race and sex, and the introduction of the birth control pill in the 1960s and legal protection of abortion in the 1970s provided a measure of sexual freedom.

Kyoto protocol

The __________ _____________ went into force in 2005 and imposed targets for carbon emission reductions on developed countries until 2012. The protocol did not require developing countries—some of them major polluters, such as India and China—to reduce their emis sions.

Unequal distribution of resources and income

The ___________ _____________ ______ _____________ _______ _____________, and the resulting poverty, have materialized as key concerns of the contemporary world.


The ___________ emerged out of the disorder and devastation of the Afghan-Soviet war (1979-1988) and the later civil war. Promoting itself as a new force for unity and determined to create an Islamic state according to its own austere interpretation of Islam, the ____________ proclaimed its followers the liberators who brought peace to Afghanistan.

Gender equality

The ____________ ______________ that an Equal Rights Amendment would have secured never materialized, how ever, because the amendment failed to achieve ratification before the 1982 deadline.


The ____________ reinforces the contemporary fact that En glish has become the universal tongue of the twenty-first century. As a result of British colonialism, subjugated peo ples the world over had been compelled to learn English and become at least bilingual,speaking their own languages along with those of the colonizer.

Embargo on Oil

The cartel ordered an _____________ ______ ________ shipments to the United States, Israel's ally, and quadrupled the price of oil between 1973 and 1975.

Greco Roman natural law doctrines

The concept of human rights originated with __________ ___________ ___________ ________ _____________ and subsequently evolved into specific efforts to protect the rights of humanity such as the abolition of slavery and the implementation of universal suffrage.

European Union

The development of a supranational or ganization dedicated to increasing European economic and political integration culminated in the Maastricht Treaty of 1993, which established the European Union. Twenty-seven European nations have submerged much of their national sovereignty in the ______________ _________, and since 1999 sixteen members have adopted a common currency.

Maastricht Treaty

The development of a supranational or ganization dedicated to increasing European economic and political integration culminated in the _____________ __________ of 1993, which established the European Union. Twenty-seven European nations have submerged much of their national sovereignty in the European Union, and since 1999 sixteen members have adopted a common currency.

Feminist movement

The discrimination that women faced in the workplace was a major stimulus for the ____________ ______________ in industrialized nations.

Velvet Revolution

The disintegration of communism continued elsewhere in eastern Europe. In Czechoslovakia a "___________ ____________" swept communists out of office and restored democracy by 1990. The term _________ _____________ derived from the fact that aside from the initial suppression of mass demonstrations, little violence was as sociated with the transfer of power in societies formerly ruled by an iron fist.


The disintegration of communism continued elsewhere in eastern Europe. In ____________________ a "velvet revolution" swept communists out of office and restored democracy by 1990.


The division between rich and poor has been a defining characteristic of all complex societies. Although relative ____________ levels within a given so ciety remain a major concern, it is the continuing division between rich and poor societies that has attracted the atten tion of the international community.

Four Little Tigers

The earliest and most successful imi tators of the Japanese model for economic development were Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Their remarkable and rapid growth rates earned them the sobriquet of the "________ __________ ___________," and by the 1980s these newly industrializing countries had become major economic powers.


The earliest and most successful imi tators of the Japanese model for economic development were Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and ___________. Their remarkable and rapid growth rates earned them the sobriquet of the "four little tigers," and by the 1980s these newly industrializing countries had become major economic powers.

South Korea

The earliest and most successful imi tators of the Japanese model for economic development were Hong Kong, Singapore, _________ _________, and Taiwan. Their remarkable and rapid growth rates earned them the sobriquet of the "four little tigers," and by the 1980s these newly industrializing countries had become major economic powers.


The earliest and most successful imi tators of the Japanese model for economic development were Hong Kong, ______________, South Korea, and Taiwan. Their remarkable and rapid growth rates earned them the sobriquet of the "four little tigers," and by the 1980s these newly industrializing countries had become major economic powers.

Hong Kong

The earliest and most successful imi tators of the Japanese model for economic development were __________ ___________, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Their remarkable and rapid growth rates earned them the sobriquet of the "four little tigers," and by the 1980s these newly industrializing countries had become major economic powers.


The end of commu nism came first in Poland, where _____________—a combined trade union and nationalist movement—put pressure on the crumbling rule of the Communist Party. The Polish government legalized the previously banned ____________ movement and agreed to multiparty elections in 1989 and 1990.


The end of commu nism came first in ____________, where Solidarity—a combined trade union and nationalist movement—put pressure on the crumbling rule of the Communist Party. Their government legalized the previously banned Solidarity movement and agreed to multiparty elections in 1989 and 1990.


The forces driving the world economy in this direction, often referred to as _________________, included advances in communication technology, an enormous expansion of international trade, and the emergence of newglobal enterprises as well as governments and international organizations that favored market-oriented economics.

Equal Rights Amendment

The gender equality that an ___________ ____________ ________________ would have secured never materialized, how ever, because the amendment failed to achieve ratification before the 1982 deadline.

Gateside meeting

The government placed her under house arrest from 1989 to 1995, during which time she created a new political institution, the "_____________ ______________," speaking to her followers from behind the gates of her home.

Dowry deaths

The issue that has most dramatically illustrated the perilous status of women in south Asia, though, is the prevalence of ___________ ____________. What makes the birth of girl children in India so burdensome is the custom of paying dowries (gifts of money or goods) to the husband and his family upon a woman's marriage, a re quirement that is difficult for many Indian families to meet.

Boris N Yeltsin

The largest and most prominent of the Soviet republics, the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, and its recently elected president, __________ _____ ___________ (1931-2007), led the drive for independence.

World Trade Organization

The main vehicle for the promotion of unrestricted global trade was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was signed by the representatives of 23 noncommunist nations in 1947. In 1994, the member na tions of GAIT signed an agreement to establish the _________ ___________ ________________ (WTO), which took over the activities of GATT in 1995.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

The main vehicle for the promotion of unrestricted global trade was the _____________ ________________ ______ ____________ ______ ____________ (GATT), which was signed by the representatives of 23 noncommunist nations in 1947. In 1994, the member na tions of GAIT signed an agreement to establish the World Trade Organization (WTO), which took over the activities of GATT in 1995.

European Union

The most famous and most strongly integrated regional bloc is the ______________ _________, which is characterized by a common market and free trade.


The most serious epidemic threat comes from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This fatal disorder of the immune system is caused by the human im munodeficiency virus (_______), which slowly attacks and de stroys the immune system, leaving the infected individual vulnerable to diseases that eventually cause death. AIDS is the last stage of ________ infection, during which time these diseases arise.


The most serious epidemic threat comes from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (________). This fatal disorder of the immune system is caused by the human im munodeficiency virus (HIV), which slowly attacks and de stroys the immune system, leaving the infected individual vulnerable to diseases that eventually cause death. _________ is the last stage of HIV infection, during which time these diseases arise.

Arab Israeli War

The mostly Arab and Muslim member states of OPEC sought to raise the price of oil through cooperation, but OPEC dem onstrated during the ________ ___________ _______of 1973 that coopera tion had political as well as economic potential.

Population increases

The past hundred years or so have been accompanied by vast ______________ _____________. As the result of advances in ag riculture, industry, science, medicine, and social organiza tion, the world experienced a fivefold population increase over a period of three hundred years: from 500 million people in 1650 to 2.5 billion in 1950.


The peculiar shape of this consumer culture resulted from two seemingly contradictory trends: a tendency toward homogenization of cultural products and heightened awareness of local tastes and values. Critics sometimes refer to the homogenizing aspect of global culture as the "Americanization" or "__________________" of the world. Those terms suggest that the consumer culture that developed in the United States during the mid-twentieth century has been exported throughout the world, princi pally through advertising.


The peculiar shape of this consumer culture resulted from two seemingly contradictory trends: a tendency toward homogenization of cultural products and heightened awareness of local tastes and values. Critics sometimes refer to the homogenizing aspect of global culture as the "_________________" or "McDonaldization" of the world. Those terms suggest that the consumer culture that developed in the United States during the mid-twentieth century has been exported throughout the world, princi pally through advertising.

Mikhail S Gorbachev

The policies es poused by a new Soviet leader, ___________ ____ ______________ (1931—), who came to power in 1985, represented an effort to address this economic deterioration, but they also unleashed a tidal wave of revolution that brought down communist govern ments.

League of Nations

The premier international govern mental organization is the United Nations, which superseded the ______________ ______ _____________ (1920-1946). This association of sov ereign nations attempts to find solutions to global problems and to deal with virtually any matter of concern to humanity.

United Nations

The premier international govern mental organization is the ____________ ___________, which superseded the League of Nations (1920-1946). This association of sov ereign nations attempts to find solutions to global problems and to deal with virtually any matter of concern to human ity.


The pressures on the Sovietsystem were exacerbated by an ill-considered and costly Soviet military intervention in 1979 to save a Marxist regime in _______________.


The song is from the musical__________ by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, which was first performed in London and subsequently became a hit on Broadway (1979). While Argentine performers sing a Euro-American song, their ___________ has become an icon in the United Stales and Europe, not only in the musical, but also in the 1996 film __________ starring Madonna.

Lech Walesa

The voters favored Solidarity candidates, and _________ ____________ (1943-), the movement's leader, became president of Poland. In Bulgaria popular unrest forced Todor Zhivkov (1911-1998), eastern Europe's longest-surviving communist dictator, to resign in November 1989-


Their re covery was matched by other emerging economies, often identified as BRICs because they include the fast-growing and developing economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and ___________. (South Korea and Mexico are usually classified as developed economies.) In the aftermath of the cold war, the governments composing the BRICs initiated political and economic reforms that embraced capitalism and allowed their countries to join the world economy.


Their re covery was matched by other emerging economies, often identified as BRICs because they include the fast-growing and developing economies of Brazil, Russia, _________, and China. (South Korea and Mexico are usually classified as developed economies.) In the aftermath of the cold war, the governments composing the BRICs initiated political and economic reforms that embraced capitalism and allowed their countries to join the world economy.


Their re covery was matched by other emerging economies, often identified as BRICs because they include the fast-growing and developing economies of Brazil, ___________, India, and China. (South Korea and Mexico are usually classified as developed economies.) In the aftermath of the cold war, the governments composing the BRICs initiated political and economic reforms that embraced capitalism and allowed their countries to join the world economy.


Their re covery was matched by other emerging economies, often identified as BRICs because they include the fast-growing and developing economies of __________, Russia, India, and China. (South Korea and Mexico are usually classified as developed economies.) In the aftermath of the cold war, the governments composing the BRICs initiated political and economic reforms that embraced capitalism and allowed their countries to join the world economy.


There is general agreement, however, that in an economic context, ___________________ refers to the re duction and removal of barriers between national borders to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, services, and labor.


Thus far the epidemic has orphaned over 14 mil lion children in sub-Saharan Africa, and unless this pattern is reversed Africa will have 40 million AIDS ___________, most of whom will grow up with little or no social nurturing.


To its __________—nongovernmental organizations rang ing from labor unions to tribal-rights activists—the global economy is an untamed juggernaut that is neither inevitable nor desirable, a force that rewards the few and impoverishes the many.


Twenty-seven European nations have submerged much of their national sovereignty in the European Union, and since 1999 sixteen members have adopted a common currency. In the future, this tight economic integration is expected to lead to a Eu ropean Political Union. This is known as the ________ €

September 11, 2001

Two of the planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, causing the collapse of the two towers, the ancillary destruction of adjacent skyscrapers, and thou sands of deaths. Before the morning was over, another plane crashed into the Pentagon, the nerve center of the U.S. mili tary in Washington, D.C., and the fourth jet crashed into a field outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ___________________ ______ _________ (Date)

World Trade Center

Two of the planes crashed into the __________ _______ ____________ towers, causing the collapse of the two towers, the ancillary destruction of adjacent skyscrapers, and thou sands of deaths. Before the morning was over, another plane crashed into the Pentagon, the nerve center of the U.S. mili tary in Washington, D.C., and the fourth jet crashed into a field outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Warning to Humanity

Twodecades later, fifteen hundred scientists, including ninety-nine Nobel laureates and representatives from a dozen of the world's most prestigious academies, signed a document titled "___________ _____ ______________" (1992).

Fast Food Restaurants

While Pepsi and Coca-Cola fight battles over the few places on earth that their beverages have not yet dominated, _________ _________ __________________ such as Burger King, McDonald's, and Pizza Hut sell their standardized foods throughout the world.

East Germany

________ ___________ had long been a staunchly communist Soviet satellite.

Indira Gandhi

___________ ____________ (1917-1984) and Benazir Bhuto (1953-2007) led India and Pakistan as effective politicians, having been raised by fathers who themselves were prominent in politics.

Global corporations

___________ __________________ have increasingly replaced the more traditional international or multinational forms of corporate enterprises.


____________ , the movement of people from one place to an other, is as old as humanity and has shaped the formation and identity of societies throughout the world.

Global problems

____________ _____________ demanded global solutions, and together they compelled the governments of individual states to surrender some of their sovereignty to larger international organizations such as the United Nations. Issues concerning labor servitude, poverty, epidemic diseases, terrorism, and human rights demanded attention and action on a scale greater than the nation-state.

Internal migration

_____________ _____________ describes the flow of people from rural to urban areas within one society, whereas exter nal migration describes the movement of peopleacross long distances and international borders.

International companies

_______________ ____________ were born out of the desire to extend business activities across borders in pursuit of specific activities such as importation, exportation, and the extraction of raw materials . _____________ ______________ evolved into multinationals, which conducted their business in several countries but had to operate within the confines of specific laws and customs of a given society.


_______________'s reform efforts fo cused on the ailing economy. Antiquated industrial plants, obsolete technologies, and inefficient government controlof production resulted in shoddy and outmoded products.The diversion of crucial resources to the military made it im possible to produce enough consumer goods—regardless of their quality.


many minorities now contemplated seces sion from the Soviet Union. The Baltic peoples— _____________. Latvians, and Lithuanians—were first into the fray, declar ing their independence in August 1991-


many minorities now contemplated seces sion from the Soviet Union. The Baltic peoples—Estonians. Latvians, and __________________—were first into the fray, declar ing their independence in August 1991-


many minorities now contemplated seces sion from the Soviet Union. The Baltic peoples—Estonians. _____________, and Lithuanians—were first into the fray, declar ing their independence in August 1991-

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